Anchor Capsule

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Technical Data Sheet

Anchorfix Spin-in Capsules

Section 1: General Information

Anchorfix Spin-in Capsules are used for anchoring in un-cracked concrete. Spin-in Capsules are chemical anchors
which allow for bonding between steel anchors and concrete with the use of a resin mortar. Spin-in Capsules are
commonly used together with threaded rods, nuts and washers.

 The anchor can be used in reinforced or non-reinforced concrete, form grades B15 to B55 DIN1045,
provided requirements for fire resistance of the anchor are met.
 The anchor can only be used in un-cracked concrete.
 The area around the chemical anchoring may not exceed 50ºC.
 The anchor can be used in conjunction with zinc galvanised threaded rod. In damp areas, industrial areas
and near the sea - the chemical anchor should be used with a stainless steel threaded rod.
 Beware of areas with chlorine which may lead to corrosion e.g. a swimming pool.

Storage and packing

Capsules should be stored in their original packaging, the correct way up, in cool conditions (+5°C to +25°C) out of
direct sunlight.

Production control
 Capsules are subject to strict production controls and checks.
 Routine laboratory testing is conducted to maintain high quality standards.
 Inspections include: resin viscosity checks, content product mix and capsule measurements.
 Pull-out tests are conducted in B25 concrete 30 minutes after hardening at ±20ºC.

For health and safety information, please refer to the relevant Material Safety Data Sheet.

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Section 2: Setting Instructions

Setting must be done according to the instructions and drawing in Appendix 4. Note the grade of concrete before
testing. The concrete grade should not be lower than B15 / B25 and not exceed B55.

1. Using a hammer drill, drill the hole to the correct diameter and depth.
2. Clean the hole thoroughly using an air pump or brush.
3. Check the resin in the capsule, it should flow like honey.
4. Set the hammer drill speed to between 250 and 750 RPM.
5. Use the hammer drill to spin the threaded rod into the hole, breaking the capsule and mixing the contents.
6. Stop drilling when the threaded rod has reached the embedment depth – drilling any deeper will cause the
chemical contents to leave the hole.
7. Correct setting of the capsule and rod will result in the mortar filling the hole, flush with the surface.
8. If no mortar comes out of the hole, take out the rod and reset using another capsule.

When performing overhead work, ensure content of capsule does not run out of the hole.

Section 3: Hardening

Hardening of the resin depends on the temperature in the drilled hole. Please keep to the following waiting times
between setting, tightening the fixture and loading the anchor.

Temperature in Drill Hole Curing Time

>20°C 10 Min
+ 10°C to + 20°C 20 Min
0°C to + 10°C 1 Hour
-5°Cto + 0°C 5 Hour

Section 4: Test

1. Test 3% of set threaded rod / rebar.

2. Test the fixture to 1.3 times the recommended working load – the fixture should not creep more than 2mm.
3. If an anchor fails, test 25% of the set anchors
4. If a second anchor fails, check all the anchors.
5. The contractor is responsible for organizing and checking anchors.
6. Test reports to be made available to authorities on demand and should be kept on site.
7. The responsible party must keep test records for at least 5 years.

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Section 5: Setting Instructions and Calculation of Anchor Distance

Anchoring should be calculated exactly and setting instructions as per Appendix 2 should be read. The fixture should
be metallic and be flush against the concrete.
For data on Drilling, diameters and depths - see Appendix 1 and 1B.
For data on Pull-out values in B15, B25 to B55 concrete - see Appendix 4.

1. Fixture must be metallic and fastened on to threaded rod.

2. The capsule and the rod should fill the drilled hole and the rod should pass through the fixture.
3. See Appendix 1 for drill hole diameters.
4. When hole diameters are different, make sure instructions are clear.

ar = Edge Distance
a = Anchor Spacing

Single Anchors
Min.Ar ------- 0,4 * ar
Min.A ------- 0,4 * a

If ar < a, values on anchor can be reduced by changing ar and a into Ka and Kar.
A - Reduced edge distance = Kar = Kar / ar < 1
B - Anchor loading = (Appendix 4) *Kar ----- kN M8 - M30 Kn
C - If the area for anchoring fixture is confined.

See (Appendix 4) (M8-M30) *Kar1 *Kar2* Kar3* Kar4 Kn

1 Tonne = 10Kn
1 KN = 0,1 Tonne
1 KN = 100 Kg

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Groups of anchors (two or more)

Anchor spacing must be 2a

Load per anchor must not exceed 60Kn

A -Spacing reduction of the individual anchors:

Ka = (1+Ka / a) * ½ < 1
B – Anchor loading: See Appendix 5 (M8-M30) *Ka KN
If :
Kar <Ka calculate Ka1 and Ka2
C -Anchor load: See Appendix 5 (M8-M30) *Ka 1* Ka 2
In case of insufficient edge distance, use lowest loading.

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Appendix 1: Hole Diameters and Depths for Anchoring in Concrete

Size Dia (d) mm Depth (t) mm

M8 10 85
M10 12 90
M12 14 110
M14 16 120
M16 18 125
M20 24 180
M22 26 190
M24 28 210
M27 32 265
M30 35 280

d = diameter
t = embedment depth

Appendix 1A: Threaded Rods, Nuts and Washers

Threaded Rod (mm) Nut (mm) Washer (mm)

Size D L Size D D d
M8 8 110 M8 13 16 1,6
M10 10 130 M10 16 20 2
M12 12 160 M12 18 24 2,5
M14 14 175 M14 21 28 2,5
M16 16 190 M16 24 30 3
M20 20 260 M20 30 37 3
M22 22 280 M22 32 40 3
M24 24 300 M24 36 44 4
M27 27 350 M27 41 50 4
M30 30 380 M30 46 56 4

L = length
D = diameter
d = thickness

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Appendix 1B: Spin-in Capsule Sizes

Size M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30
Diamete 9 11 13 15 17 22 22 24 27 30
Length 85 85 95 98 98 175 185 210 250 265

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Appendix 2: Edge Distance and Anchor Spacing

Single anchors:
ar = edge distance
a = anchor spacing

Anchor groups of two or more:

In anchor groups the distance must be 2 a

1 tonne = 10 kN- 1 kN= 0,1 tonne 1 kN= 100 KG

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Appendix 3: Measurements of Anchors, Threaded Rods and


All sizes in mm
Size Anchor Drill Hole Threaded Rod Fixture
Dia. Length Dia. Depth Dia. Length Thicknes Dia. Hole
M8 9 85 10 85 8 110 20 9
M10 11 85 12 90 10 130 30 12
M12 13 95 14 110 12 160 37 14
M14 15 98 16 120 14 175 45 16
M16 17 98 18 125 16 190 49 18
M20 22 175 24 180 20 260 71 22
M22 22 185 26 190 22 280 69 24
M24 24 210 28 210 24 300 67 26
M27 27 250 32 265 27 350 64 30
M30 30 265 35 280 30 380 52 33

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Appendix 4: Maximum Load per Anchor in Uncracked Concrete (BS

15, BS 25, BS 55)

SIZE M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30
Concrete Strength>BS 25 and<BS 55 kN 7 10 13 15 22 27 34 37 50 60
Concrete Strength>BS 15 kN 4 7 10 12 15 22 24 26 32 42
Zinc galvanised threaded rod mm 7,2 11,2 16,8 23,2 31,2 48,8 60,8 70,4 92,0 112,0

Stainless steel threaded rod A4 NB

mm- Critical
8,3 hole
12,8 size!
19,2 25,6 35,3 55,1 67,9 79,5 103,2 125,6

Spin-in Capsule Hole Diameter mm 10 12 14 16 18 24 26 28 32 35

Spin-in Capsule Depth mm 85 90 110 120 125 180 190 210 265 280
Minimum Member Thickness mm 110 120 140 150 160 220 240 265 320 350
Minimum Edge Distance mm 40 45 55 60 65 85 95 105 125 140
Minimum Anchor Distance mm 40 45
60 65 85 95 105 125 140
Diameter Fixture Hole mm 9 12 14 16 18 22 24 26 30 33
Diameter Fixture Thickness mm 20 30 37 45 49 71 69 67 64 52
Maximum Recommended Torque Nm 10 20 40 60 80 120 135 180 240 300

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Important Notes:

Use in Porous Substrates

This bonded anchor is not intended for use as a cosmetic or decorative product. When anchoring into porous or
reconstituted stone it is recommended that technical assistance is sought. Due to the nature of the product, migration
of the monomer in the resin may cause staining in certain materials. If you are still uncertain, it is advisable to test the
resin by applying it in a small, discrete area and testing before using the resin on the project.

Important Note
Whilst all reasonable care is taken in compiling technical data on the Company’s products, all recommendations or
suggestions regarding the use of such products are made without guarantee, since the conditions of use are beyond
the control of the Company. It is the customer’s responsibility to satisfy himself that each product is fit for the purpose
for which he intends to use it, that the actual conditions of use are suitable and that, in the light of our continual
research and development programme the information relating to each product has not been superseded.

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