2FD S4hana2022 BPD en Us
2FD S4hana2022 BPD en Us
2FD S4hana2022 BPD en Us
Table of Contents
1 Purpose
2 Prerequisites
2.1 System Access
2.2 Roles
2.3 Master Data, Organizational Data, and Other Data
2.4 Business Conditions
3 Overview Table
4 Test Procedures
4.1 Review Incoming Sales Orders Report
4.2 Gross Margin Presumed/Actual
5 Appendix
5.1 Using Situation Template (Optional)
1 Purpose
This scope item provides a more comprehensive overview of all orders and their values for the period regardless of billing status this scope item. When a sales order is created, a revenue posting is
created in extension ledger 0E.
A report displays all incoming sales orders for a given fiscal period. The Presumed Gross Margin app displays prediction journal entries along with actuals and allows users to analyze the expected
results at period/quarter end.
This section summarizes all the prerequisites for conducting the test in terms of systems, users, master data, organizational data, other test data and business conditions.
System Details
System Accessible via SAP Fiori launchpad. Your system administrator provides you with the URL to access the various apps assigned to your role.
2.2 Roles
Assign the following business roles to your individual test users. Alternatively, if available, you can create business roles using the following spaces with pages and predefined apps for the SAP Fiori
launchpad and assign the business roles to your individual test users.
Note These roles or spaces are examples provided by SAP. You can use them as templates to create your own roles or spaces.
For more information about business roles, refer to Assigning business roles to a user in the Administration Guide to Implementation of SAP S/4HANA with SAP Best Practices .
Configuration Expert - Business Process Configuration SAP_BR_BPC_EXPERT Configuration Expert - Business Process Configuration SAP_BR_BPC_EXPERT
You can test the scope item with other SAP Best Practices default values that have the same characteristics. Check your SAP ECC system to find out which other material master data exists.
You can also use customized values for any material or organizational data for which you have created master data. For more information about creating master data, see the Master Data Procedures
Use your own master data to go through the test procedure. If you have installed an SAP Best Practices Baseline Package, you can use the following Baseline Package scenario data:
1EZ - Credit Memo Processing Perform all steps in the test script.
1F1 - Debit Memo Processing Perform all steps in the test script.
BKA - Free Goods Processing Perform all steps in the test script.
BDA - Free of Charge Delivery Perform all steps in the test script.
BKL - Invoice Correction Process with Credit Memo Perform all steps in the test script.
BDQ - Invoice Correction Process with Debit Memo Perform all steps in the test script.
BDH - Sales Order Entry with One-Time Customer Perform all steps in the test script.
BKX - Sales Order Processing - SEPA Direct Debit Handling Perform all steps in the test script.
BKZ - Sales Order Processing with Invoice List and Collective Billing Perform all steps in the test script.
BD3 - Sales Processing using Third-Party with Shipping Notification Perform all steps in the test script.
BDK - Sales Processing Using Third-Party Without Shipping Notification Perform all steps in the test script.
BDN - Sales of Non-Stock Item with Order-Specific Procurement Perform all steps in the test script.
BD9 - Sell from Stock Perform all steps in the test script.
1BM - Make-to-Order Production - Semifinished Goods Planning and Assembly Perform all steps in the test script.
1YT - Make-to-Order Production with Variant Configuration Perform all steps in the test script.
Note Accounting for Incoming Sales Orders (2FD) has to be activated to enable travel request simulation. If you want to see commitment reports, Overhead Cost Accounting (J54) has to be
Note The following item categories are covered for this scope: TAQ, TANN, TAN, LAN, L2W, L2N, GAN2, G2W, G2N, CBXN, CBTC, CBTA, CBNF, CBLN, CBEN, CBAO, CBAB, CB4,
CB3, CB2, CB10, CB1, TAD, CBTD, and CTAD. If any of this item category is missing, you can add it via SPROFinancial AccountingPredictive AccountingActivate Predictive Accounting
for Sales Order Item Categories.
The scope item Accounting for Incoming Sales Orders consists of several process steps provided in the following table.
Note If your system administrator has enabled spaces and pages on the SAP Fiori launchpad, the homepage will only contain the essential apps for performing the typical tasks of a business
You can find all other apps not included on the homepage using the search bar.
If you want to personalize the homepage and include the hidden apps, navigate to your user profile and choose App Finder.
Process Step, Report or Item Business Role Transaction/App Name Expected Results
Review Incoming Sales Orders Report Cost Accountant - Incoming Sales Orders - Predictive Account- All incoming sales orders for the selected period are displayed.
[page ] 7 Sales ing (F2964)
Gross Margin Presumed/Actual [page ] Cost Accountant - Gross Margin - Presumed/Actual (F3417) The application retrieves the financial data for the chose filters. Additional key figures can be displayed by
8 Sales selecting the Settings button.
This section describes test procedures for each process step that belongs to this scope item.
Test Administration
Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>
This step utilizes an analytical app that allows you to evaluate incoming sales orders. The app uses predictive postings from the journal entry database. It creates these predictive postings by using
data from sales orders and goods issue to simulate the respective invoices. Available view variants include Cost of Sales Split and Sales Deductions.
Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment
1 Log on Log onto the SAP Fiori Launchpad as a Cost Accountant - Sales. The SAP Fiori Launchpad displays.
2 Access the SAP Fiori Open Incoming Sales Orders - Predictive Accounting (F2964). The Incoming Sales Orders - Predictive Accounting
App (F2964) screen displays.
3 Input Criteria Make the following entries: The application displays the results of the search.
Test Administration
Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>
This report allows a user to compare the presumed margin of sales orders, which is calculated at the time of order entry, against actual margin for any given selection criteria such as by Customer
Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment
1. Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Cost Accountant - Sales. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.
2. Access the SAP Fiori Open Gross Margin - Presumed/Actual (F3417). The Gross Margin - Presumed/Actual (F3417) screen displays.
Note If the filter option is not available, select Adapt Filters and
use the search feature
4. Execute Press Enter. The application retrieves the financial data for the chosen filters. To display additional key
figures, choose the Settings button.
This template is used for situation handling that informs specific users when the percentage of successfully processed source documents included in predictive accounting falls below a defined
threshold. You want the sales accountants in your company to be informed automatically when the percentage of successfully simulated data in predictive accounting falls below a defined threshold.
The sales accountants can use the Monitor Predictive Accounting - Predictive Quality app to navigate to the individual errors, and can then inform other users to correct errors, for example, in con-
figuration settings. For information on the Situation Template for Predictive Accounting, see https://help.sap.com/viewer/bd39d476d1e34b48afed98759286efd6/LATEST/en-US/
0f2a694e8ed740a4947eb7c404c23ea5.html. In this example the user, Sales Accountant, will receive a notification (icon located in the upper right side the window) when the situation triggers the ex-
ecution of the Predictive Quality report when sales order prediction success percentage falls below 70%.
Note This requires the configuration expert role for business processes.
For additional information on situation handling, see the generic setup documentation for object-based Situation Type
Note Though you may be able to set up the alerts, there is no error test data provided and therefore notification may not be triggered during testing.
Ensure that Situation Handling (31N) scope item is installed before you execute this step.
Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment
2 Access the SAP Fiori Open Manage Situation Types (F4592) . The Manage Situation Types view displays.
3 Copy the Situation In the Search field, enter FIN_PRDTVACCTGSUCCESSRATE- A New Situation Type view displays.
Template WARNINGand choose Go.
Select the checkbox for the row FIN_PRDTVACCTGSUCCESSRATE-
WARNING, and theen choose Copy.
4 Maintain Admin Infor- Make the following entries and choose Create (accept all warning and enable The initial situation type for Predictive Accounting success rate with specific
mation messages): threshold of below 70% is created.
ID: <enter your template name>
Name: <enter your template description>
Send Notification: <selected>
Predictive Accounting Success Rate: <70
Batch Job Scheduling:
Time Zone: CET
Start Batch Job At: 05:00
Situation Monitoring:
Monitor Instances: <selected>
Setting up Responsibilities
Test Step # Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Comment
1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as Configuration Expert - Business Process Configu-
2 Access the SAP Fiori App Open Manage Teams and Responsibilities. The Manage Teams and Responsibilities view dis-
Select any Manage Teams and Responsibilities app, and remove any preset category fil- plays.
In Category, enter FIPRA and choose Go.
If no results exist, go the next step to create a new team.
3 Manage Teams and Responsibilites Choose Create. A New Situation Type view displays.
Make the following entries and choose Create (accept all warning and enable messages):
Name: <Team Name>
Note To find the sales accountant user ID, use the search function with:
1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as Configuration Expert - Business Process Configura-
2 Access the SAP Fiori Open Manage Situation Types (F4592) . The Manage Situation Types view displays.
3 Assign Responsibility Select Situation Types and using the filter function enter the situation type name you cre-
to the Template ated in the previous step and choose Go.
Select the situation type and choose the > sign on the right of the page.
In the Recipients section, under Responsibility by Teams, choose Add Team Category,
make the following entries and choose Save:
Filter by Member Function: <Monitor Predictive Accounting>
4 Manual Trigger of Open Manage Situation Types (F4592) app. Select Situation Types and using the If you log in a separate session as Sales Accountant, if Predictive Accounting
the Situation Type search function, enter the situation type name you created in the previous step and choose Success Rate is under 70%, you should see the notification under the notifica-
Go. tion icon.
Select your situation type, choose the > sign on the right of the page and choose Trigger
5 Deactivate the Situa- Go back to the Manage Situation Types (F4592) app. Select Situation Types and using After receiving a notification, you can disable the template to avoid perfor-
tion Type the search function, enter the situation type name you created in the previous step and mance issues on the test systems.
choose Go.
Select your situation Type and choose Disable.
Example Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names,
menu paths, and menu options.
Textual cross-references to other documents.
EXAMPLE Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and
key concepts of a programming language when they are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and IN-
Example Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, names of variables and parame-
ters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade and database tools.
Example Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documenta-
<Example> Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries to
make entries in the system.