Cyber Security Pyq Solution 2022
Cyber Security Pyq Solution 2022
Cyber Security Pyq Solution 2022
Mathematical hash of the Public key of the signer, along with their
Content document encrypted with identity information and a digital
the signer's private key signature from a trusted third party (CA)
Similar to a handwritten
Similar to an ID card that verifies your
Analogy signature on a paper
Disrupted Operations:
Compliance Issues:
4.(a) What is credit card fraud? Mention the tips to prevent credit card frauds.
Ans:- Credit card fraud is the illegal use of someone else's credit card
information to make unauthorized purchases or transactions. It's a type of
identity theft because it involves stealing personal data to commit financial
Criminals can obtain your credit card details in a number of ways, including:
• Physical Theft: Stealing your wallet or purse containing your credit card.
• Skimming: Using a device to steal the magnetic strip information from
your card.
• Data Breaches: Criminals can steal your card information through
hacking incidents targeting businesses that store your data.
• Phishing Scams: Deceptive emails or messages tricking you into
revealing your credit card details.
• Physical Security: Keep your card in a secure location and avoid carrying
it around unless necessary. Don't let your card out of your sight during
• Shrewd Sharing: Never share your PIN or credit card details over email,
phone (unless you initiated the call), or text message. Legitimate
institutions won't ask for this information through such channels.
• Scrutinize Statements: Regularly review your credit card statements for
any unfamiliar or suspicious charges.
Be Wary of Scams:
• Phishing Awareness: Phishing emails and messages often try to trick you
into revealing your credit card information. Be cautious of emails or
messages urging immediate action or appearing to be from a trusted
source but with suspicious links or attachments.
• Skimming Devices: Be mindful of skimming devices attached to ATMs or
card readers. If something appears unusual, opt for a different ATM or
inform the relevant authorities.
• Enable Fraud Alerts: Sign up for fraud alerts from your credit card
issuer. These can notify you of suspicious activity on your account in
• Regular Credit Report Checks: Regularly check your credit report
for any unauthorized accounts opened in your name. This can be an
early sign of identity theft that may involve your credit card
• Prompt Reporting: If you suspect fraud, immediately report it to
your credit card issuer and file a police report if necessary.
4.(b) Give an overview of National Cyber security policy.
Ans:- The National Cybersecurity Policy is a strategic framework developed by
governments to address cybersecurity challenges within their respective
countries. National Cyber security such policies typically aim to protect critical
information infrastructure, enhance cybersecurity capabilities, foster
collaboration among stakeholders, and promote a safe and secure cyberspace
for citizens, businesses, and governments.
The National Cyber Security Policy (NCSP) was created by India's Department
of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) in 2013. Here's a summary
of its key points:
It's important to note that the NCSP is a framework, not a rigid rulebook. It's an
ongoing effort that needs to adapt to evolving cyber threats.
5.(a) Explain about Trojan Horses and Backdoors in details with examples.
Ans:- Both Trojan horses and backdoors are malicious software (malware) used
by attackers to gain unauthorized access to a computer system. However, they
differ in their initial methods and ultimate goals.
Trojan Horses:
A Virus is a malicious
A Worm is a form of malware executable code attached to
that replicates itself and can another executable file which
spread to different computers via can be harmless or can modify
Definition Network. or delete data.
7.(a) What are DDoS attacks? Explain how to protect from DDoS attacks.
Ans:- A Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack overwhelms a website or
online service with a flood of junk traffic, making it inaccessible to legitimate
users. Imagine a website being a highway and the DDoS attack as a massive
traffic jam caused by thousands of unexpected vehicles.
In DAC, the owner can determine In MAC, the system only determines
the access and privileges and can the access and the resources will be
restrict the resources based on the restricted based on the clearance of
identity of the users. the subjects.
DAC has high flexibility with no MAC is not flexible as it contains lots
rules and regulations. of strict rules and regulations.
Ans:- SQL injection (SQLi) is a critical web security vulnerability that allows
attackers to inject malicious SQL code into a website's database queries.
Imagine a user input form on a website that asks for your login credentials. If
the website is vulnerable to SQL injection, an attacker can craft a special input
that exploits a weakness and tricks the database into executing unintended