Notes of Body Movement

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Body movements

The act of moving from place to place is known as locomotion. It involves the movement of whole body, as
in walking, running, swimming, or flying.
Movement is the change in position of only a part of the body, as movement of stem towards light in plants.

The places where two or more bones meet are termed as

These are the following types of joints:
(i) Ball and socket joints (ii) Pivot joints
(iii) Hinge joints (iv) Gliding joints
(v) Fixed joints
i. Ball and socket joint: This joint allows movement in
all directions. The rounded end of one bone fits into the
hollow space of the other bone.
For example, the joint between upper arm and shoulder.
ii. Pivot joint: This type of joint allows movement in all
planes, i.e. up and down, side and other planes.
For example: head and neck Joint.
iii. Hinge joint: The joint which allows movement only in
one plane is called hinge joint.
For example: fingers, knee and elbow.
iv. Gliding joint: These joints allow only a limited amount of movement of sliding nature of cartilage.
For example: Joints of backbone, and wrist.
v. Fixed joints: Those joints which do not allow movement are
called fixed joints. Bones of the skull are interlocked with each
other by their serrated margins called Sutures.
For example: Fixed joints on the Human Skull

Skeleton: Framework of the body formed by bones and cartilages is

called the Skeleton.
Main parts of Skeletal system are Skull, Ribs, Vertebral column
(backbone or spine), and limbs (arms and legs).
Functions of skeletal system:
1. It protects delicate internal organs from injury.
2. Provides form and shape to the body.
3. Bones provide a surface to which muscles are attached.
4. Bones help in movement.
5. Bones are filled with a spongy mass called bone marrow where blood cells are formed.

Muscular System :
Muscular system consists of muscles that help in locomotion and movement. Muscles possess the property
of contraction and relaxation. It is the property of muscles which is responsible for the movement of bones
and joints. Muscles act in pairs. They can only pull not push. When one contracts, the other relaxes.

Q1. Why can our elbow not move backward?

Answer: Our elbow cannot move backward because the elbow has a hinge joint that allows movement in
only one direction i.e. forward direction.
Q2.What do you mean by streamlined? Name three animals that have streamlined body.
Answer: If the body tapers at both the ends then such a body shape is said to be streamlined. Examples:
Fish, Birds, Snake.

Q3.How is a bird’s body adapted for flying?

Answer: The following adaptations are seen in the body of birds.
(i) Bones are hollow.
(ii) Forelimbs are modified into wings.
(iii) The body is streamlined.

Q4. How does the fish move?

Answer: Fish swims by moving its body and tail in opposite direction to each other, they stretch their body
relaxing the tail in opposite direction this forms a curve, then quickly the body moves to the other side and
the tail in the opposite direction this creates the jerk and pushes the fish in forward direction. In sharks,
skeleton is made entirely of cartilage. Cartilaginous fishes are: sharks and ray fish.

Q5. How does the snail move?

Answer: The rounded structure on the back of the snail is called a shell. It is the outer skeleton
(exoskeleton) of the snail. When it starts moving, a thick structure and the head of the snail comes out of an
opening in the shell. The thick structure is called foot, which is made up of strong muscles. It helps the snail
in moving.

Q6. What do you understand by the following?

a) Tendons b) Ligaments c) Cartilage
Answer: a) Tendons: Muscles are attached to the bones with the help of a tissue called tendon which
functions by contracting and relaxing. They are comparatively less elastic.
b) Ligaments: The bones are held in position at the joints because these are connected together by tissues
called ligaments. They are elastic.
c) Cartilage: At the place of the joint, the ends of the two bones are covered with a soft tissue known as
cartilage. They are also present at ear pinna and tip of the nose.

Q7. Explain in detail the movement in cockroach and snakes.

Answer. Cockroaches have two pair of wings and three pair of legs. Their body is covered with a hard outer
skeleton (exoskeleton). Muscles in the legs help in walking, while the breast muscles attached to the wings
help them to fly.
Snakes have a long backbone which is connected to the muscles. They crawl on the ground by making loops.
The forward thrust of the loops against the ground helps them to move forward.

Q8. Mention the body parts protected by the following bones.

a) Skull, b) Pelvic girdle and c) Ribs d) Spine
Answer: Skull protects Brain, Pelvic Girdle protects intestine and reproductive parts and Ribs protect the
lungs, heart and partially, the liver. Spine or backbone protects the spinal cord.

Q9. Name the bone in the human body which is not connected to any other bone. Where is this bone
located in the body?
Answer: The only bone in the human body not connected to another is the hyoid. It is suspended by some
of the ligaments and muscles of the neck and in turn, supports the root of the tongue.

Q10. If an animal does not have a skeleton consisting of bone, can it move? Give examples to prove
your point.
Answer: Yes, it can move. For example, the
earthworm. The body of an earthworm is made up
of the ring-like segments. Bristles, attached to the
underside of these segments help the earthworm
get a grip on the ground. Muscles attached to
these bristles help to contact the body. A matured
earthworm has a ringed body.
The earthworm does not have a skeleton. Instead, it has liquid trapped in space inside the body. An
earthworm moves by lengthening and ‘shortening’ its body alternately by using the circular muscles and
longitudinal muscles, respectively. The muscular movements push their blood in the direction of the body

Q11. How do muscles work? Explain with the help of an example. (H.W.)

Answer: (Refer to the textbook and write the answer on your own. Draw or stick the diagram provided
below along with the answer)

Kindly draw the following diagrams from the textbook along with the diagrams in this document:
The Ribcage,
Shoulder bones
Movement in fish

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