⮚ Locomotion is the movement of the whole organism from one place to another. This is
one of the major characteristic differences between animals and plants.
⮚ Locomotion differs from movement in that movement refers to the displacement of a
part of an organism. Movement is therefore a characteristic of all living things.
⮚ Locomotory muscles
⮚ Rigid skeleton
NB. The locomotory muscles are usually in pairs and are antagonistic (opposite) in function i.e.
when one relaxes, another one contracts.
The skeleton is the frame work of the body that provides support and movement in animals.
A skeleton provides a system of rigid levers to which muscles are attached to enable effective
Types of skeleton
They include;
i) Hydro-static skeleton
ii) Exo-skeleton
iii) Endo-skeleton
⮚ It consists of a hard cuticle of chitin which lies outside the muscles which make part of it.
⮚ This is found in vertebrates where the skeletal elements are bones and cartilage which
are internal i.e. covered by muscles which move parts of it e.g. in man.
The Mammalian Skeleton
⮚ In adults, the skeleton consists of bones and cartilage (which is found in movable joints).
The skeleton of the embryo consists of almost entirely the cartilage.
⮚ Both bone and cartilage contain a high proportion of dead material of the ground
substance which has been secreted by the living cells of the tissue.
⮚ The ground substance of the bone is hard and contains calcium salts and fibers of a
protein called chondrin while the ground substance of the cartilage is composed of
fibers called collagen.
Parts of the Skeleton
The mammalian skeleton is classified into two parts;
i) Appendicular skeleton
ii) Axial skeleton
The joints are classified according to the degree of movement they allow. These are;
i) Immovable joints
This is where no movement is possible e.g. between the skull bones
ii) Partly movable joints
These allow little movement (sight) e.g. the vertebra.
iii) Movable joints
These allow considerable movement between bones; the actual amount of movement being
dependent upon the precise nature of the movements.
Gliding Partly movable Between adjacent vertebra and bones of the wrist and
⮚ At the movable joints, bones are not connected directly as they would grit and crack
during movement. They instead leave a space between them called the synovial cavity
which contains a lubricating fluid called synovial fluid.
⮚ The surface of the bones are covered with a layer of cartilage which itself is a lubricant
and acts as a shock absorber.
⮚ The joint is strengthened by ligaments which connect the bones together and
attachment of muscles to bones is by tendons.
Structure of the elbow joint
a) State the common distinguishing characteristics of mammals
b) Explain the functions of the skeleton in a mammal
a) Draw a labeled diagram of a typical mammalian vertebra
b) Discuss how this this generalized structure is modified in different regions of the
vertebral column
3. Describe the mechanism which brings about the bending and straightening movements
of the arm in man (use diagrams to illustrate)
a) Define a joint
b) Name the various joints in the mammalian body
c) Use a diagram to make a description of
i) a ball and socket joint
ii) Hinge joint
⮚ The medium for locomotion in birds is air, and mostly move by flying (flight)
During the down stroke, the pectoralis major muscles contract & pull the wing downwards and
backwards and the bird gains both the lift and the forward movement;
During the upstroke, the pectoralis minor muscles contact & it raise the wing.
Gliding flight
During gliding, the wings are just outspread;
The bird uses the pressure of the rising air to maintain its position in air or lose height by
skating (gliding) through the air at an angle to the ground.
They are of 4 types; quill, covert, down and filoplume feathers
Locomotion in insects of two types;
i) Movement by the legs
ii) Flight by wings
⮚ Insect legs are jointed. Their joints are called peg and socket. They work in the same way
like the hinge joint because it provides movement in one plane.
⮚ Inside the leg at the joints are a set of muscles i.e. the flexor (depressor) muscles and
the extensor (elevator) muscles.
⮚ These muscles work antagonistically to cause movement and are coordinated by the
nervous system.
⮚ When the flexor muscles contract, the leg bends while the extensor muscles are relaxed;
and when the extensor muscles contract, the leg straightens pushing the insect forward
Diagram showing muscle attachment in an insect’s limb
⮚ If an insect is observed moving, it can be seen that it moves three legs at a time i.e. the
fore and hind legs on one side and the middle leg on the other side of the body while
the other three remain in the ground for support.
Adaptations of insects’ legs to walking
⮚ They possess hollow jointed legs with a pair of antagonistic muscles which bend and
straighten the leg.
⮚ Their legs possess claws at the end which help them to drag themselves along rough
⮚ They have granular pads (arolia) also at the end of the legs which helps them to move
on wet and smooth surfaces and sometimes upside down on ceilings of houses.
⮚ Some insects like locusts have longer hind legs which help them to leap over great
Movement by wings
⮚ This is brought about by the action of flight muscles attached to the exoskeleton and
They are classified according to their attachment as;
a) Direct flight muscles if attached on the wing base
b) Indirect flight muscles if attached to the exo-skeleton
Direct flight muscles
Diagram showing attachment of direct flight muscles
⮚ When the depressor muscles contract and the elevator muscles relax, it pulls on the
wing base causing the wings to move downwards, hence the down stroke.
⮚ When the elevator muscles contract ad depressor muscles relax, the wings move
upwards, hence, the upstroke.
NB. Direct flight muscles are found in large insects like butterflies, dragon flies and
Down stroke
⮚ Both the depressor and elevator muscles pull on the wings rapidly due to the
adjustment of the walls of the thorax by change of its shape.
⮚ The contraction of the elevator muscles pulls on the walls of the thorax downwards
causing the wings to move upwards (upstroke).
⮚ When the depressor muscles contract, they pull in the horizontal direction, compressing
the thorax thus lowering the wings (down stroke).
⮚ They have fins which provide movement (propulsion) and stability in water
⮚ Some fish have a swim bladder which helps them to stay floating in water or sink i.e. for
⮚ They have a lateral line which is a system of sense organs for detecting stimuli like
sound in water
⮚ They have a flexible vertebral column with antagonistic muscles arranged on both sides
which provide movement.
Action of muscles
⮚ Muscles in fish are called myotomes.
⮚ They are antagonistic (meaning one of the pairs contract and the other relaxes), and
each pair is supplied by a nerve.
⮚ In bony fish, forward motion is brought about by side to side movement of the tail. This
movement is produced by the contraction of the muscles arranged on both sides of the
vertebral column.
⮚ These act antagonistically such that when those on one side contracts, the tail bends
that way and vice versa.
Action of fins
⮚ The paired fins (the pectoral and the pelvic fins) are used for balancing, backward and
forward movements and also act as brakes.
⮚ They are not used during very fast movements, however, and are used to control
instabilities in movement i.e. pitching movement.
⮚ The unpaired fins (dorsal, ventral and anal fins) are used in preventing rolling and
yawing instabilities during locomotion.