Eot 8D
Eot 8D
Eot 8D
Use black ink or ball-point pen.
Answer all questions in Sections A and B and one question in Section C.
Answer the questions in the spaces provided
The total mark for this paper is 100.
The marks for each question are shown in brackets
Read each question carefully before you start to answer it.
Keep an eye on the time.
Check your answers if you have time at the end.
You are reminded of the importance of clear English and careful
Read the following passage an answer the
Teenager behavior
You know a child is growing older when he stops asking where he came from.
And he starts refusing to tell you where he is going.
Young children are a pain in the head, older children are a pain in the heart
Teenagers say that there is nothing to do. Then they stay out all night doing it.
These sayings about teenagers are supposed to be funny. But they are often
true! Being a teenager can be exciting. But the teenage years can also be
difficult. David Dobbs wrote about teenage behavior in
National Geographical Magazine; one morning in May, my 17- year-old son called
me, he told me that he had just spent a few hours with the state police. He said,
he had been driving a li7le fast. What, I asked was, a li7le fast? He had been
driving down the road at over 180 kilometers an hour. I said: “that’s more than a
little fast!”
Many other parents have similar stories to tell about their own teenagers.
Teenagers often take risks, try new things and spend me with friends. But this
behavior is more than fun. Some experts believe that this is how teenagers learn
to become a successful adult.
During these teenage years, there are some behaviors that are very common. For
example, teenagers often stay out late at night. Their emotions and ideas change
quickly. And they often disagree with their parents.
In the past, scientists have asked why teenagers have these problems. But David
Dobbs explains that scientists have found a new way to at teenage behavior. They
found that teenagers are doing exact thing. They are ageing ready to move from
the safety of home into the outside world. A teenager must learn to be
Scientists have found three main behaviors that help teenagers achieve
independent. First, teenagers often take risks. RISKS can lead to danger. But
learning to take some risks can be good for teenagers. Through human history,
many people who took risks gained something good. Experts say that teenagers
feel very strongly that they have something to gain. And they are likely to risks in
front of other teenagers. In this way they gain acceptance from other teenagers.
Abigail Baird, a psychologist who
Studies teenagers, says that a teenager who takes more risks and seeks new
experience does be7er as an adult.
The second way teenagers learn independence is by seeking out new experiences.
These new experiences may be activities like playing sports, or they could be
unhealthy activities like smoking experiences. Some experiences involve risk-
taking which may be dangerous. David Dobbs writes: seeking new experience can
lead to dangerous behavior. But it can also produce positive behavior-like urge to
meet more people, for example, this can create a wider circle of friends. This o+en
makes us healthier, happier, safer and more successful: like taking risks,
experience usually leads a teenager to become a more successful adult. Adults
must face many new experiences. Teenagers who have had new experiences-both
good and bad – are more prepared for adult life. It is experience that pushes the
There is a third and last behavior that helps the teenager gain independence
and become adults. Teenagers like to be around people of their age. David
Dobbs explains this also: teens want to be past
People in their age group for a powerful reason. They want to invest in the future
instead of the past. We enter a world made by our parents. But we will live most of
our lives in a world run by people of our own age. Knowing and understanding,
building relationships with them is very important for success; they are preparing
to be social adults in their communities.
So, there are good reason for teenagers to take risks, try new things and spend
me with friends. Knowing this does not make teenage years easier. Teenagers will
still make mistakes. But hopefully their teenage behavior will help them become
1. What is the passage about?
2. Identify three ways teenagers behave.
3. According to the passage when does a child grow up?
4. In reference to the first seven lines, what does the writer say about “a
young child and an old child?”
5. In which book did doctor David Dobbs, write about the teenage behavior?
6. How many kilometers was the child driving?
7. In reference to lines 19-30, which kind of risks do teenagers under take?
8. What happens to the emotions and ideas as while children under go their
teenage years?
9. What do scientists say is the cause of behavioral changes among the
10. Identify the three main behaviors that help teenagers to achieve their
11. In your own words, explain your opinion about the change of behavior
among the teenagers if it good or bad in reference to the passage
12. Express a lessons you learn from the passage.
13. How do teenage changes help children to become successful?
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow
The coconut is unusual food for many reasons. It is technically a seed, produced by
the coconut palm tree, and as such is one of the largest edible seeds produced by
any plant. Its unusual contents also make it unique in the seed world- the interior
consists of both “meat” and “water.” The meat is the white pith with which we are
all familiar, as it is used extensively for cooking and flavorings, the coco nut water
is a white liquid that is very sweet and thurst-quenching. Portuguese explorers
gave the nut its name in the
15th century, referring it to as coco, meaning “ghost” in their language. The
three dimples and the hairy texture reminded them of a ghost’s face, and the
tree has retained that name ever since.
The coconut has many varied uses. It used to make margarine, as well as various
cooking oils, and these cooking oils are used by fast-food restaurants around the
world to make such diet staples as French fries. These coconut fluid is a favorite
drink in hot climates, providing a cool and refreshing beverage right off the tree.
This water is also used by manufacturers of various sports drinks because of its
isotonic electrolyte properties. Even the shell itself has many uses, including ca7le
food and fertilizer.
Yet the coconut is also useful in many ways that have nothing to do with food,
coconut oil is used for cosmetics, medicines, and can even be used in place of
diesel fuel. Dried coconut shells are used in many countries as a tool, such as a
buffer for shinning wood floors. The shells are also used for shirt bu7ons, and are
commonly found on Hawaiian clothing. They are used for musical instruments
and bird houses!
And all these are only some of the uses found for the coconut palm tree, which
produces the nut, also produces countless items. It’s no wonder that the
coconut palm has been called “The tree of life.”
1. The underlined word pith, as used in the passage,
mostly means.
a. Helmet
b. Hairy material
c. Black.
d. Meaty substance
2. The coconut earned the nick name
“ghost” because
a. Of its pale color.
b. it resembles its face.
c. It is round
d. of its smell.
3. what is the main focus of this passage?
a. The history of coconut trees.
b. Coconut trees have
many uses.
c. How cooking oil is
d. Portuguese discovaries
4. The passage implies that.
a. Coconut palms are
b. Coconut oil is the best way
to cook .
c. Portuguese explorers loved
d. Coconut palms are good
shade trees.
5. Which of the following is NOT a use for the coconut palm?
a. helium
c. ballons
d. diesel
passage means.
a. fastener
b. plans
c. paper work
d. foods
of life” because
man kind
3. Write the Masculine form of the following:
1o marks
3. She will not go to London. She is wise. (Use---even though--)
4. She is sick. She won’t go to school. (use---use sine---)
5. Mother promises to love her children. they are both
stubborn and wise (use…. whether…or…)
6. You will be welcome, each me you come. (use: no ma7er…….)
7. I passed with a good grade. I qualify for a be7er job. (Use…. therefore…)
8. Bathy is beautiful. Her mother is beautiful. (Join using ….as……as…)
9. Fatima promises to visit her grandmother during holidays. Aisha
promises to visit her grandmother during holidays. (Join using
10. We reached the airport. The first flight took off. (use: As soon as…….)
. (10 marks )
4. Circle the antecedent in each pair of sentences.
(5 marks)
2. The captain ordered the ship's carpenters to assemble the shallop, a large rowboat.
3. Walter, the playboy and writer, is very attached to his mother, Mrs. Hammon.
4. Paul Newman the famous American actor directed five motion pictures.
(1o marks)
Choose one ques on
6. Describe your school (2o
marks) OR
7. Write a story to your friend, telling him or her about the party you
a7ended? ( 20 marks)
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