Engl Schemes 1-4 All
Engl Schemes 1-4 All
Engl Schemes 1-4 All
TERM 1: 2022
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
- The usefulness of the English Language as a medium of National and international communication.
- The values of effective language command and use for personal and National development.
- develop reading abilities and skills that:-
- are useful for everyday life such as reading instructions, newspapers, reports;
- motivate pupils to develop a lifelong reading habit for enjoyment and knowledge;
- become effective users of English in a place of work;
- write different kinds of letters, notes and reports
Among other things, the NATIONAL English Syllabus also aims to:
1. Enhance the pupils’ skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing so as to enable them to meaningfully and
creatively take part in the social, political and economic spheres of their country.
2. Equip pupils with linguistic to help them advance themselves in the acquisition of vocational skills as well as make them
linguistically relevant in society.
3. Empower pupils with creative writing prowess.
4. Expose pupils to diverse values of their society as well as those of other societies.
5. Develop reading abilities to enhance a thorough understanding of various texts for purposes of responding to
comprehension passages.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
placed on the word. In ICT Tools In speech: ‘I am so pleased that you could
writing so carries no come.’
emphasis and the so in In writing: He was very pleased that she
so very is redundant. could come.
The bus was full. It could not take any more
The bus was so full that it could not take
any more passengers.
Construct five similar sentences using the
given adjectives.
2.Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Sentence too plus Construct simple NATIONAL Word roots
construction adjectives plus sentences using too. Syllabus p Item Anti = against
to Word Web Online Antibiotics, anticlockwise, etc
Dictionary. Spelling: Therefore, Tragedy,
Unnecessary, Valuable, Wooden,
Absolutely, Access, Adjust, Affect,
Sentence construction
Too + adjective + to (Expresses an
The bus was full. It could not take any more
The bus was too full to take any more
Construct five similar sentences using the
given adjectives.
Lesson 3 Sentence Using very Construct simple NATIONAL Spelling: Excellence, Exercise, Forecast,
construction Using much sentences using very. Syllabus p Item Guarantee, Government, Grammar,
Construct simple Word Web Online Grievous, Handkerchief, Humorous,
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
9. Damage
10. Dangerous
Construct two simple sentences using
Construct three simple sentences using
sometimes. For example:
Sometimes I walk and sometimes I go by
4.Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Time phrases Using the last Construct simple NATIONAL Word roots
Complex time, the first sentences using the Syllabus Auto = self
sentence time, the next last time, the first Teacher’s Resource Automobile, autograph, automatic, etc
construction time, when, and time, the next time, Book Spelling
so on. when, and so on. ICT Tools 1. Decided
2. Decision
3. Decorate
4. Defence
5. Delicious
6. Demolished
7. Demonstrate
8. Depot
9. Depression
10. Deprived
Construct five complex sentences using the
last time, the first time, the next time,
when, and so on. For example:
The last time I arrived there, there was
nobody home. I arrived in time for
I got there on time at exactly seven in the
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Lesson 3 Reasons and Using because Construct sentences NATIONAL Spelling
purpose and in order for using because, in Syllabus 1. Deserts
Complex or in order to order to and in order 4005/1 2. Dessert
sentence for Pg 4-5 3. Designed
construction Teacher’s notes 4. Detective
Internet Sources 5. Digest
6. Disappear
7. Discover
8. Drawer
9. Drought
10. Dye
-Teacher’s exposition
-Group discussion
- Construct five complex sentences using
because, in order to and in order for. For
example: I got there late because the bus
broke down.
He spoke up in order for everyone to hear
Lesson 4 Contrast and Using bigger, Construct simple NATIONAL Spelling
comparison smaller, and so sentences using bigger Syllabus 1. Senseless
Comparatives on. Teacher’s Resource 2. Rich
Book 3. Drovers
ICT Tools 4. Swamps
5. Bog down
6. Foraging
7. Highly-coloured tales
8. Grazing
9. Set up
10. Offend
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
4. Hammock
5. Haphazard
6. Haste
7. Haul
8. Health
9. Heir
10. Herd
Sit on; listen to, on the way, in my opinion,
in the shade, on the radio,
Make sentences using these prepositions.
Lesson 4 Phrasal verbs Using down, Make sentences using English Today Spelling:
up, after, on, the prepositions down, Students’ Book EC 1. Above and beyond
and so on up, after, on, and so Machingaidze pg 115 2. Abstract
on 3. Abundantly
4. Accommodation
5. Accompaniment
6. Accord
7. Account for
8. Accustomed to
9. Acknowledgment
10. Acquaint oneself
Phrasal verbs are verbs which change their
meaning in some way by adding particles.
For example: down, up, after, on, and so
Make sentences using: knock down, operate
on, pick up, look after, put out, return (no
back), discuss (no about), cope (no up),
and dress (normally no up), come across
meet, fill in, turn down, speak up, speak
out, down, up, after, on, and so on
Speak out, keep on, hold up, take off, take
away, catch up with, cope with, and turn
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
to be quiet.
‘Sh-h-h!’ The teacher told us to be quiet.
Lesson 4 Verbs Compound Use the future perfect, NATIONAL 1. Jettison
verbs and future continuous and Syllabus 2. Journey
constructions other compound tenses Pg 3. Kidnapped
in various sentences. New Step Ahead 4. Kiosk
English Book 5. Knowledge
6. Language
7. League
8. Library
9. Lightning
10. Litany
By this time next month I will have
finished building my house. (We, you, he,
she, it, they)
I will have done my work by the time you
arrive home.
I will be boarding the train at seven in the
I would like to have met her.
I am pleased to have been able to help
Make similar sentences of your own.
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual Define given words National Syllabus Spelling
Vocabulary meanings of contextually 4005/1Pg 4
words Teacher’s Resource 1. Literacy
Book 2. Lullaby
3. Lunar
4. Lyrebird
5. Majestic
6. Malt
7. Martial
8. Matted
9. Mayor
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
10. Measured
Class discussion on the techniques on giving
word meaning.
Construct five simple sentences using the
learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 Complex The use of the Construct sentences NATIONAL Spelling
sentences subjunctive using the subjunctive Syllabus 1. Medicine
were in (if) ‘were’. Pg 2. Medieval
clauses English Today 3. Minerals
Students’ Book EC 4. Molecule
Machingaidze pg 4 5. Molten
6. Moult
7. Mucous
8. Muscle
9. Muscular
10. Museum
Use the subjunctive ‘were’ in formal
conversation only. Use if to say that
something will happen only after something
else happens or becomes true.
Use the subjunctive ‘were’ in the ‘if’ clause
to show that the meaning is conditional.
Construct five complex sentences such as:
If I were a queen, I would remove all
beggars from the streets.
If I were/was taller, I could be a policeman.
If I were you, I would think twice before
bringing up the issue again.
8.Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Register and Character Precisely and correctly NATIONAL Word roots
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
2. Oblige
3. Observe
4. Occur
5. Ogre
6. Omit
7. Opportunity
8. Optical
9. Option
10. Organize
The way you begin your sentences makes
your writing good or boring to the reader.
Beginning your sentences in a variety of
ways adds high interest value to your
writing as it breaks monotony.
Searching round for evidence, they found
two footprints.
With her husband living, she ran the farm
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual Define given words National Syllabus Spelling
Vocabulary meanings of contextually 4005/1Pg 4 1. Origami
words Teacher’s Resource 2. Oxygen
Book 3. Parallel
4. Pedestal
5. Personalities
6. Pincer
7. Plait
8. Pleasure
9. Prankster
10. Pray
Class discussion on the techniques on giving
word meaning.
Construct five simple sentences using the
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 Essay writing Health issues Write a speech on what NATIONAL Spelling
(Guided) such as HIV people should do to Syllabus
compositions. and AIDS and control the spread of 4005/1 1. Precious
other chronic AIDS. Pg v 2. Predators
diseases Step Ahead 3. Present
Book 4. Prey
5. Principal
6. Principle
7. Professor
8. Pumpkin
9. Punctual
10. Pure
Health issues such as HIV and AIDS and
other chronic diseases
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
4. Ajar
5. on alert
6. Alight
7. Alive and kicking
8. All of a sudden
9. Alluding to
10. Altogether
11. Always
Unfortunately, the news is bad.
Reluctantly, I carried out her orders.
To be frank, I wish I had never cone.
What is more, he did not tell me he was
Lesson 4 Preposition and Complex Construct sentences NATIONAL Spelling
gerund sentences using using Syllabus
constructions prepositions and Pg 1. Remorse
verbs with an – Focus on English 2. Replenish
ing such as: Book 3. Replenish
respecting, Pg 4. Require
going, and so 5. Responsible
on. 6. Rhyme
7. Ridiculous
8. Rogue
9. Saxophone
10. Scavenger
Running in the sun makes Jane feel dizzy.
Reading many books gives you knowledge.
‘Running in the sun’ and ‘Reading many
books’ stand for nouns or subjects and help
you break away from the simple sentence
They are also called verbal nouns.
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
TERM 2: 2022
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
- The usefulness of the English Language as a medium of National and international communication.
- The values of effective language command and use for personal and National development.
- develop reading abilities and skills that:-
- are useful for everyday life such as reading instructions, newspapers, reports;
- motivate pupils to develop a lifelong reading habit for enjoyment and knowledge;
- become effective users of English in a place of work;
- write different kinds of letters, notes and reports
Among other things, the NATIONAL English Syllabus also aims to:
Enhance the pupils’ skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing so as to enable them to meaningfully and creatively take
part in the social, political and economic spheres of their country.
Equip pupils with linguistic to help them advance themselves in the acquisition of vocational skills as well as make them
linguistically relevant in society.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Expose pupils to diverse values of their society as well as those of other societies.
Develop reading abilities to enhance a thorough understanding of various texts for purposes of responding to comprehension
1. Tension
2. Tentacles
3. Terrance
4. Terrible
5. Terribly
6. Territory
7. Thermonuclear
8. Travelled
9. Treasure
10. Uncomfortable
That is the man I sold my cow to.
That is the bus I boarded to Mutare
last week.
Two sentences can be joined with a
contact clause, but no relative
pronoun, which, whose, and so on.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
For example:
What I do at home is my own
What I do outside school is my
own business.
What annoys me is that he denies
Lesson 5 The infinitive of Using the Use the infinitive of NATIONAL Syllabus Spelling
result infinitive of result ‘to’ Teacher’s notes p. 28
result ‘to’ Step Ahead 1. Able
2. Aboard
3. Above
4. Actor
5. Adventure
6. Although
7. Always
8. Another
9. Anybody
10. Anyone
Join sentences using the infinitive
of result.
For example:
I returned home after school. I
found the house in total disaster.
I returned home after school to find
the house in total disaster.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Impersonal Impersonal ‘it’ Construct sentences NATIONAL Syllabus Word roots
clauses + ‘that’ clauses using impersonal Teacher’s notes p. 28 Dis = not
clauses Step Ahead Discourage, disembark, etc
1. Beaks
2. Behind
3. Being
4. Belly
5. Below
6. Birthday
7. Bleed
8. Blind
9. Bodies
10. Bought
Construct five sentences using
impersonal clauses. For example:
It is strange that she should want
to leave so suddenly.
It is important that we finish before
it rains.
Lesson 3 Sentence Construction Construct sentences NATIONAL Syllabus Spelling:
construction with ‘such’ using ‘such’ Teacher’s notes p. 28
1. Attracted
2. Constantly
3. Frequent
4. In progress
5. Conscious
6. Fading
7. Domesticated
8. Guarantee
9. Enjoy comfort
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
6. Witchery
7. Women
8. Wonderful
9. Wrapped
10. Wrinkle
Class discussion on the techniques
on giving word meaning.
Construct five simple sentences
using the learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 Sentence Using ‘so as to’, Construct sentences NATIONAL Syllabus Spelling
construction ‘so that’ using ‘So as to’, ‘so Teacher’s notes p. 29 1. Written
that’ 2. Yacht
3. Yearn
4. Yield
5. Youngster
6. Youthful
7. Zany
8. Zenith
9. Zodiac
10. Zoology
Construct five sentences using so as
to and so that.
For example: She climbed the tree
so as to have a better view.
She climbed the tree so that she
would have a better view.
3.Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Sentence ‘Except’ Construct sentences NATIONAL Syllabus Word roots
construction using ‘Except’ Teacher’s notes p. 30 E = out of
Emit, emigration, etc
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
1. Accelerating
2. Accidentally
3. Accommodation
4. Accumulate
5. Acquainted
6. Acquire
7. Adrenaline
8. Aisle
9. Annihilate
10. Annoyance
Construct five sentences using
except and except that.
For example:
It was a wonderful idea, except that
there was not enough money.
Everyone was cheerful except
Lesson 3 Sentence Using whether Construct sentences NATIONAL Syllabus Spelling:
construction or not using whether or not. Teacher’s notes p. 30
1. Nomadic
2. Diminished
3. Gradually
4. Predators
5. Initially in the beginning
6. Annually
7. Detect
8. Flee
9. Acute
10. Instances
11. Camouflage
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
7. Carcasses
8. Changeable
9. Climatic
10. Colloquial
Class discussion on the techniques
on giving word meaning.
Construct five simple sentences
using the learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 Essay writing Environmental Describe the results of NATIONAL Syllabus Spelling
issues unusual weather 4005/1
conditions in Pg v and 2 1. Colossal
Zimbabwe. 2. Column
3. Competence
4. Complementary
5. Complimentary
6. Conscience
7. Conscious
8. Consequently
9. Correspond
10. Courageous
Environmental Issues
Describe the results of unusual
weather conditions in your
community (Zimbabwe).
The effects of water shortage.
Communities should contribute to
protecting the environment. How
far do you agree?
Drought followed by famine is
almost always a problem somehow
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
1. Cylinder
2. Debris
3. Decomposed
4. Deficient
5. Definitely
6. Delicious
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
7. Dependence
8. Desiccate
9. Desperate
10. Desperation
Construct five sentences using ‘So’
+ ‘do’ to replace a verb group.
For example:
John drives a lorry. Thomas drives a
John drives a lorry. So does
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Lesson 4 Questions Negative Construct five sentences NATIONAL Syllabus Spelling
questions using negative Teacher’s notes p. 31
questions 1. Dominant
2. Draught
3. Dungeon
4. Effervescent
5. Efficient
6. Embarrassed
7. Environment
8. Esteem
9. Euphoric
10. Exaggerate
Construct five sentences using
negative questions.
For example:
Don’t you know where the bursar
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual Define given words NATIONAL Syllabus Spelling
Vocabulary meanings of contextually 4005/1 Pg 4 1. Exhilarating
words Teacher’s Resource 2. Explanatory
Book 3. Facilities
4. Fascinating
5. Fluorescent
6. Fuchsia
7. Gauge
8. Ghoul
9. Grandeur
10. Guaranteed
Class discussion on the techniques
on giving word meaning.
Construct five simple sentences
using the learnt vocabulary.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Lesson 6 Sentence Using neither Construct five sentences NATIONAL Syllabus Spelling
construction nor: using neither nor. Teacher’s notes p. 31
1. Guillotine
2. Gynecology
3. Hemoglobin
4. Hallucinate
5. Humanitarian
6. Imaginable
7. Incandescent
8. Incompetent
9. Inconsequential
10. Inconsolable
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
8. Irrelevant
9. Irresponsible
10. Judicial
Construct five sentences using
words such as: We rarely/seldom
visit our aunt.
Scarcely any were left.
I can hardly/barely/ scarcely hear
Only on times of severe drought
does the river dry up.
Few people succeed without hard
Little rain means a small harvest.
Lesson 3 Sentence Negative Construct five sentences NATIONAL Syllabus Spelling:
construction constructions using negative Teacher’s notes p. 32 1. Will - desire
constructions 2. Forced - compelled
3. Offer - present
4. Fresh - new
5. in time - in the future (one day)
6. Popular appeal - it pleases many
7. Inhabited place - a place where
there are people living
8. All but impossible - it was so
difficult that it was almost
impossible to ...
9. Invasion - attack by other people,
animals etc
10. Apparitions - sight of ghosts etc
Construct five sentences using such
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
6. Miniature
7. Minions
8. Mischievous
9. Misconstrue
10. Misogyny
Class discussion on the techniques
on giving word meaning.
Construct five simple sentences
using the learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 Essay writing Financial State the importance of NATIONAL Syllabus Spelling
literacy developing a country Pg v
through agriculture or 1. Naivety
manufacturing 2. Narcissist
industries. 3. Necessary
4. Nonchalant
5. Noticeable
6. Notoriety
7. Nuisance
8. Obedient
9. Obnoxious
10. Obscure
Financial literacy
Which is more important to develop
in your country, agriculture or
manufacturing industries?
The importance of technical and
vocational subjects.
The importance of (piggery, pottery,
swimming, soccer, and so on).
Money is the key to happiness. Do
you agree?
‘Advertisements are boring, useless,
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
1. Redemption
2. Reign
3. Rein
4. Reminiscent
5. Responsibility
6. Resurrect
7. Resuscitate
8. Rhythm
9. Ricochet
10. Rigorous
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
9. Unnecessary
10. Vertebrates
A clause is part of a sentence.
Subordinate clauses do the work of
Grammar Analyse the a noun, adjective or adverb.
components of the Explore and Write 2, Examples:
given sentence by John Jennings, pg Noun clauses: John said that he was
38 late for school.
Adjective clauses: I do not know the
boys who are coming to the party.
Adverb clauses: We can begin the
work when everyone is ready.
An adverb clause can be introduced
by the following words: when,
while, where, because, in order
that, though
They lost their way because the
snow had covered their pathway.
Write out separately the clauses in
this sentence.
Say what kind the subordinate is
and what its function is.
Write out separately the subject and
predicate of the principal clause.
Say what part of speech each of the
words in bold is.
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual Define given words NATIONAL Syllabus Spelling:
Vocabulary meanings of contextually 4005/1 Pg 4 1. Vicious
words Teacher’s Resource 2. Voila
Book 3. Vulnerable
4. Waive
5. Wilful or willful
6. Wondrous
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
7. Wraith
8. Wrought
9. Wrath
10. Zephyr
Class discussion on the techniques
on giving word meaning.
Construct five simple sentences
using the learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 Essay writing Digital literacy Describe the advantages NATIONAL Syllabus Spelling
and disadvantages of 4005/1
using cell phones. Pg v 1. Cake
2. Carries
3. Catch
4. Chain
5. Chalk
6. Change
7. Chase
8. Chest
9. Child
10. City
Digital literacy
Has life been improved by the
widespread use of cell phones?
Explain how new scientific
knowledge or a new process has
helped one of the following in
recent years: farmers;
manufacturers; doctors; engineers;
road congestion; astronomy; and
navigation; physics, and chemistry.
(Explore and Write 2, by John
Jennings, Westgate Educational
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Publishing Limited,
Walintown1976) Pg 81
Computers. (Explore and Write 2,
by John Jennings, Westgate
Educational Publishing Limited,
Walintown1976) Pg 81
The use of cell phones has
destroyed the reading habit.
What would you consider to be
attributes of a good community
Success depends on academic
qualifications. Do you agree?
8.Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Technicalities Punctuation Use the capital letter, NATIONAL Syllabus Word roots
marks comma and the question 4005/1 In, Im, ir, il = not
mark where Pg 5 Insufficient, improper, irregular,
appropriate. Explore and Write 2, illegal, etc
by John Jennings, pg Spelling:
6 1. tending
2. pocketed
3. deserted
4. unwary
5. retrieve
6. fragments
7. extended
8. penetrating
9. appallingly
10. wound
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
11. dense
Put a full stop at the end of a
sentence (.)
Put a comma whenever there is a
list of items, a pause, after a
quotation mark and after direct
speech (,). Put a question mark after
a question (?).
Lesson 3 Words at work Longer word Form longer words. Explore and Write 2, Spelling: class, claw, clean, climb,
formation by John Jennings, pg click, close, colour, contains, cough,
6 could,
Select words from line 1 and join
them with words from line 2 to
form longer words.
1. Wall, work, card, fire, toy,
foot, super, rail.
2. Ball, shop, market, book,
way, board, paper, brigade.
Wallpaper, workshop, cardboard,
fire brigade, toy book, football,
supermarket, railway.
Lesson 4 Compound Joining Make sentences longer Explore and Write 2, Spelling: couple, cracked, crime,
sentences sentences by joining them by John Jennings, pg crowd, calm, carriage, category,
6 celebration, Certain, character
Step Ahead New Join the following sentences:
Secondary English James came home. He ate his
Learner’s Book Form dinner.
1, Chinodya S, pg 7 I saw the girl. She has blonde hair.
The book is on the shelf. I had it.
I was at school. The visitors came.
The boy sat down. His mother
entered the room.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
through it.
9.Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Grammar Sentence Analyse the Explore and Write 2, Word roots
construction components of the by John Jennings, pg Mal = bad
given sentence 9 Malfunction, malnutrition, etc
An adverb clause can be introduced
by the following words: when,
while, where, because, in order
that, though
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual Define given words NATIONAL Syllabus Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of contextually 4005/1 on giving word meaning.
words Pg 4 Construct five simple sentences
Teacher’s Resource using the learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 Grammar Sentence Analyse the Explore and Write 2, When he arrived, he came to see
construction components of the by John Jennings, pg me.
given sentence 12 Write out separately the clauses in
this sentence.
Say what kind the subordinate is
and what its function is.
Write out separately the subject and
predicate of the principal clause.
Say what part of speech each of the
words in bold is.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
The aims of the syllabus are to promote in pupils an awareness of:
- the usefulness of the English Language as a medium of National and international communication.
- the values of effective language command and use for personal and National development.
- develop reading abilities and skills that:-
- are useful for everyday life such as reading instructions, newspapers, reports;
- motivate pupils to develop a lifelong reading habit for enjoyment and knowledge;
- become effective users of English in a place of work;
- write different kinds of letters, notes and reports
Among other things, the NATIONAL English Syllabus also aims to:
Enhance the pupils’ skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing so as to enable them to meaningfully and creatively take part in the
social, political and economic spheres of their country.
Equip pupils with linguistic to help them advance themselves in the acquisition of vocational skills as well as make them linguistically
relevant in society.
Expose pupils to diverse values of their society as well as those of other societies.
Develop reading abilities to enhance a thorough understanding of various texts for purposes of responding to comprehension passages.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
issues though natural and 4005/1 Explain how gossip, though natural
often harmless, can Pg v and often harmless, can be a source
be a source of of irritation and even danger.
irritation and even The advantages and disadvantages
danger. of leaving school.
Write about customs of hospitality
in your community.
‘It’s better to be fat and jolly than
thin and miserable.’ What are your
views on this statement?
Write a letter to an embassy
requesting information for a
geography project. (Give some
details about the project)
World peace.
Is population control necessary?
2.Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils
should be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Sentence Contracted forms Write sentences Explore and Write 2,
Word roots
construction using contracted by John Jennings, pg
Mono = one
forms. 12 Monogamous, monotheistic, etc
Step Ahead New Write sentences using the following
Secondary English
words: we’re, were, its, it’s, we’ll,
Learner’s Book Form
well, o’clock, James’, your, you’re,
1, Chinodya S, pg 26
I’ll, ill, theirs, there’s, book’s,
women’s, school’s, student’s,
town’s, man’s
Lesson 3 Comparisons Adjectives Fill in the missing Explore and Write 2, Fill in the missing words in the
words in the given by John Jennings, pg given comparisons of the following
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
comparisons 12 adjectives:
Good, great, bad, little, plentiful,
big, small, fine, late, much
Lesson 4 Grammar Sentence Analyse the Explore and Write 2, She could not do her homework,
construction components of the by John Jennings, pg because he was watching
given sentence 15 television.
Write out separately the clauses in
this sentence.
Say what kind the subordinate is
and what its function is.
Write out separately the subject and
predicate of the principal clause.
Say what part of speech each of the
words in bold is.
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual Define given words NATIONAL Syllabus Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of words contextually 4005/1 on giving word meaning.
Pg 4 Construct five simple sentences
Teacher’s Resource using the learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 Language Correcting errors in Correct errors in Explore and Write 2, Correct errors in the following
given sentences given sentences by John Jennings, sentences:
pg15 I do not know who done it.
There is six chairs in the dining
Jack is the biggest of the two boys.
3.Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils
should be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Punctuation Capital letters and Punctuate and insert NATIONAL Syllabus Word roots
other marks capital letters in the 4005/1 Multi = many
given sentences: Pg 5 Multimedia, multimillion, etc
Punctuate and insert capital letters
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
over a precipice!’
Dangers on the road.
Imagine you were involved in a car
accident. Describe how you were
Safety on our roads.
10.Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.fM Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils
should be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Words at work Noun formation Form nouns from the Explore and Write 2, Word roots
given verbs words. by John Jennings, pg Sub = under
28 Submarine, subdivision, etc
Form nouns from the words inform,
imply, imitate, divide, conclude,
multiply, destroy, and educate.
Lesson 3 Sentence Tenses Write out sentences Explore and Write 2, Write out sentences using the past
construction using the past tense by John Jennings, pg tense of the verbs in the following
of the given verbs. 28 list: imply, imitate, divide,
conclude, multiply, destroy, and
educate. For example: ‘I informed
the police about the accident.’
Lesson 4 Sentence Nouns Write out sentences Explore and Write 2, Write out sentences using the nouns
construction using the nouns of by John Jennings, pg of the verbs in the following list:
the given verbs. 28 imply, imitate, divide, conclude,
multiply, destroy, and educate. For
example: ‘One can get the
information about the library
services by contacting the librarian.’
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual Define given words NATIONAL Syllabus Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of words contextually 4005/1 Pg 4 on giving word meaning.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
TERM 1: 2022
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
The aims of the syllabus are to promote in pupils an awareness of:
- the usefulness of the English Language as a medium of National and interNational communication.
- the values of effective language command and use for personal and National development.
- develop reading abilities and skills that:-
- are useful for everyday life such as reading instructions, newspapers, reports;
- motivate pupils to develop a lifelong reading habit for enjoyment and knowledge;
- become effective users of English in a place of work;
- write different kinds of letters, notes and reports
Among other things, the NATIONAL English Syllabus also aims to:
Enhance the pupils’ skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing so as to enable them to meaningfully and creatively take part in the
social, political and economic spheres of their country.
Equip pupils with linguistic to help them advance themselves in the acquisition of vocational skills as well as make them linguistically
relevant in society.
Expose pupils to diverse values of their society as well as those of other societies.
Develop reading abilities to enhance a thorough understanding of various texts for purposes of responding to comprehension passages.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Lesson 6 Comprehension Give contextual Define given words NATIONAL Syllabus Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of words contextually 4005/1 on giving word meaning.
Pg 4 Construct five simple sentences
Teacher’s Resource using the learnt vocabulary.
4.Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils
should be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Language Correcting errors in Correct errors in Explore and Write 2, Word roots
given sentences given sentences by John Jennings, pg Un = not
38 Unnecessary, unexpected, etc
Correct errors in the following
I was there as they are arriving.
It is me who is the oldest in the
The bigger of the three boys live in
the country.
Lesson 3 Punctuation Capital letters and Punctuate sentences NATIONAL Syllabus Punctuate and insert capital letters
other marks using the capital 4005/1 in the following sentences:
letter where Pg 5 Give it to me immediately he said in
appropriate. a commanding tone youre always
Explore and Write 2, keeping other peoples belongings
by John Jennings, pg
Lesson 4 Grammar Sentence Analyse the Explore and Write 2, An adverb clause can be introduced
construction components of the by John Jennings, pg by the following words: when,
given sentence 38 while, where, because, in order
that, though
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual Define given words NATIONAL Syllabus Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of words contextually 4005/1 on giving word meaning.
Pg 4 Construct five simple sentences
Teacher’s Resource using the learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 Verbs Tenses Put in the correct form of the verb
in the following sentences:
The army (fight) bravely during the
first battle.
I (speak) to him yesterday.
Were the prisoners (catch)?
He (sing) in the choir before he
(join) the army.
The woman (pay) the shop assistant
when she (buy) the groceries.
He (accompany) her on the journey.
They were very (worry) before their
7.Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils
should be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Language Correcting errors in Correct errors in Explore and Write 2, Correct errors in the following
given sentences given sentences by John Jennings, pg sentences:
44 None of them were able to do their
Each of them made their own
contribution to the project.
Whenever he does anything, he
doesn’t do it good.
Lesson 3 Punctuation Capital letters and Punctuate sentences NATIONAL Syllabus Punctuate and insert capital letters
other marks using the capital 4005/1 Pg 5 in the following sentences:
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Lesson 3 Grammar Sentence Analyse the Explore and Write 2, An adverb clause can be introduced
construction components of the by John Jennings, pg by the following words: when,
given sentence 47 while, where, because, in order
that, though
I saw the man who captured the
Write out separately the clauses in
this sentence.
Say what kind the subordinate is
and what its function is.
Write out separately the subject and
predicate of the principal clause.
Say what part of speech each of the
words in bold is.
Lesson 4 Punctuation Capital letters and Punctuate sentences NATIONAL Syllabus Punctuate and insert capital letters
other marks using the capital 4005/1 in the following sentences:
letter where Pg 5 Weren’t you here yesterday I asked
appropriate. Explore and Write 2, he gave me no reply but the
by John Jennings, pg suspicious look in his eyes was
47 sufficient reply for me
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual Define given words NATIONAL Syllabus Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of words contextually 4005/1 Pg 4 on giving word meaning.
Teacher’s Resource Construct five simple sentences
Book using the learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 Language Correcting errors in Correct errors in Explore and Write 2, Correct errors in the following
given sentences given sentences by John Jennings, pg sentences:
47 None of the boys are fit enough for
the match.
Did you recieve that my letter
She was as weak that the wind
could blow her away.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
a scooter.
He said that he will be in the club-
house yesterday.
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual Define given words NATIONAL Syllabus Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of words contextually 4005/1 Pg 4 on giving word meaning.
Teacher’s Resource Construct five simple sentences
Book using the learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 Essay writing Environmental Discuss how NATIONAL Syllabus Environmental Issues
Issues communities should 4005/1 Describe the results of unusual
contribute to Pg v and 2 weather conditions in your
protecting the community (Zimbabwe).
environment. The effects of water shortage.
Communities should contribute to
protecting the environment. How
far do you agree?
Drought followed by famine is
almost always a problem somehow
in the world. What are your views
on this subject?
Describe a place of great natural
beauty, or a place of great local or
national importance.
Discuss the importance of wildlife
in your country.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
TERM 2: 2022
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
The aims of the syllabus are to promote in pupils an awareness of:
- The usefulness of the English Language as a medium of National and international communication.
- The values of effective language command and use for personal and National development.
- develop reading abilities and skills that:-
- are useful for everyday life such as reading instructions, newspapers, reports;
- motivate pupils to develop a lifelong reading habit for enjoyment and knowledge;
- become effective users of English in a place of work;
- write different kinds of letters, notes and reports
Among other things, the NATIONAL English Syllabus also aims to:
Enhance the pupils’ skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing so as to enable them to meaningfully and creatively take part in the
social, political and economic spheres of their country.
Equip pupils with linguistic to help them advance themselves in the acquisition of vocational skills as well as make them linguistically
relevant in society.
Expose pupils to diverse values of their society as well as those of other societies.
Develop reading abilities to enhance a thorough understanding of various texts for purposes of responding to comprehension passages.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
vocational subjects.
The importance of (piggery, pottery,
swimming, soccer, and so on).
Money is the key to happiness. Do
you agree?
‘Advertisements are boring, useless,
and often misleading.’ How far do
you agree with this opinion?
Cheap things are ‘expensive’.
Is it more important to enjoy your
job than to earn a great deal of
2.Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Word game Words at play Fill in the missing Explore and Write 2, Given the following clues fill in the
letters. by John Jennings, pg missing letters:
54 A place for young children
Where a doctor works SURxxxx
Used instead of cash CHExxx
Very big in size ENOxxxxx
Lesson 3 Sentence Completing Write out the given Explore and Write 2, Write out the following sentences,
construction sentences sentences, inserting by John Jennings, pg inserting the correct form of the
the correct form of the 54 word in brackets.
word in brackets. I like (been, being) a student at this
I have (been, being) attending
school for almost two years.
It has (been, being) raining for the
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
past month.
What do you like most about (been,
being) a teenager?
They have always (been, being)
very friendly to me.
It (been, being) a nice day we went
to the seaside.
Lesson 4 Language Correcting errors Correct errors in Explore and Write 2, Correct errors in the following
in given sentences given sentences by John Jennings, pg sentences:
57 There are twenty five in my class.
Singing as a career is much
different than acting.
Neither the boy or the girl called
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual - define given words Teacher’s Resource -Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of contextually Book on giving word meaning.
words NATIONAL Syllabus -construct five simple sentences
4005/1 using the learnt vocabulary.
Pg 4
ICT Tools
Lesson 6 Punctuation Capital letters and Punctuate sentences NATIONAL Syllabus Punctuate and insert capital letters
other marks using the capital letter 4005/1 in the following sentences:
where appropriate. Pg 5 There is no future for young people
without some basic education the
Explore and Write 2, minister said he concluded his
by John Jennings, pg speech by saying that he would like
57 to see a young persons education
continue until he was about
eighteen years of age
3.Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Grammar Sentence Analyse the Explore and Write 2, An adverb clause can be introduced
construction components of the by John Jennings, pg by the following words: when,
given sentence 57 while, where, because, in order
that, though
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
before now.
He and me are planning a school
We have no school yesterday.
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual - define given words Teacher’s Resource -Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of contextually Book on giving word meaning.
words NATIONAL Syllabus -construct five simple sentences
4005/1 Pg 4 ICT using the learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 Punctuation Capital letters and Punctuate sentences NATIONAL Syllabus Punctuate and insert capital letters
other marks using the capital letter 4005/1 in the following sentences:
where appropriate. Pg 5 You appear to be a much travelled
man I said where do you intend to
Explore and Write 2, go next year its surprising to learn
by John Jennings, pg how well travelled some of ones
60 friends are.
5.Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Technicalities Using the Look up in your Explore and Write 2, In a dictionary the following
dictionary dictionary five words by John Jennings, pg abbreviations are used for words
from any passage of 60 derived from the original or
their choice and write headword: adjective – adj; adverb –
down any words adv; verb – v.
derived from them Look up in your dictionary five
which are in your words from any passage of your
dictionary. choice and write down any words
derived from them which are in
your dictionary.
Lesson 3 Words at work Use the given list of Explore and Write 2, Using the following list of words
words writes ten by John Jennings, pg write ten sentences describing
sentences describing 61 interesting experiences which you
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
wish to buy?
Whose books are these? They do
not belong to me.
Lesson 3 Test Pronouns Fill in the gaps with he, she, or it.
Jane is my sister. She is older than
His brother is ill. He is in bed.
Mrs. Zwane lives here. She is my
I saw a horse. It was black.
That is the man. He shot at me.
Lesson 4 The pronoun one One can also be used as a pronoun.
It is used when people in general
are being referred to and when the
writing is too formal for ‘you’ to be
used. For instance, a mother would
say to her family:
‘You must remember to say your
prayers before you go to bed.’
However, a pastor, giving a sermon,
will say to the audience:
‘One must remember to say one’s
prayers before one goes to bed.’
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual - define given words Teacher’s Resource -Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of contextually Book on giving word meaning.
words NATIONAL Syllabus -construct five simple sentences
4005/1 using the learnt vocabulary.
Pg 4
ICT Tools
Lesson 6 Essay writing Cross cultural Discuss what should NATIONAL Syllabus Cross cultural issues
issues be done to improve 4005/1 Explain how gossip, though natural
the living conditions Pg v and often harmless, can be a source
in their area. of irritation and even danger.
The advantages and disadvantages
of leaving school.
Write about customs of hospitality
in your community.
‘It’s better to be fat and jolly than
thin and miserable.’ What are your
views on this statement?
Write a letter to an embassy
requesting information for a
geography project. (Give some
details about the project)
World peace.
Is population control necessary?
8.Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Self of selves I cut (me) with a sharp blade.
She looked at (her) in the mirror.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Lesson 1&2 Prepositions Prepositions and The noun that follows a preposition
nouns that follow is regarded an object. The object of
them a preposition cannot be the subject
of a verb. If we use a personal
pronoun after a preposition we must
remember to use the form which
shows that it is an object.
By him/by he
For her/for she
With me/with I
Among us/among we
Lesson 3 A frequent mistake is found in the
following sentence:
Between you and I…
‘You’ and ‘I’ are both objects of
between; they must be in the object
form. The correct phrase is:
Between you and me…
The pronoun I never comes after a
For example: with her and me; to
him and me
The same rule applies to who.
The form used as an object must
follow a preposition.
For example: of whom, to whom
and by whom
Lesson 4 prepositions Some meanings of Some meanings of most common
most common prepositions:
prepositions: In refers to a position inside of
something (not necessarily to do
with place: in can also refer to time
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
or manner).
They are in the tent.
I will join you in an hour.
You are in a good mood.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
TERM 3: 2022
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
The aims of the syllabus are to promote in pupils an awareness of:
- The usefulness of the English Language as a medium of National and international communication.
- The values of effective language command and use for personal and National development.
- develop reading abilities and skills that:-
- are useful for everyday life such as reading instructions, newspapers, reports;
- motivate pupils to develop a lifelong reading habit for enjoyment and knowledge;
- become effective users of English in a place of work;
- write different kinds of letters, notes and reports
Among other things, the NATIONAL English Syllabus also aims to:
Enhance the pupils’ skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing so as to enable them to meaningfully and creatively take part in the
social, political and economic spheres of their country.
Equip pupils with linguistic to help them advance themselves in the acquisition of vocational skills as well as make them linguistically
relevant in society.
Expose pupils to diverse values of their society as well as those of other societies.
Develop reading abilities to enhance a thorough understanding of various texts for purposes of responding to comprehension passages.
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
(him) will share the money between
you and (I). he, me
An invitation was sent to (they)
them and (we). Us
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual - define given words Teacher’s Resource -Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of contextually Book on giving word meaning.
words National Syllabus -construct five simple sentences
4005/1 Pg 4 ICT using the learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 Fill in the gaps with the appropriate
The door of the house was ripped
off/ from its hinges.
If you come to/with me, I will see
that you are back at/by two o’clock.
Come at once and get into the car!
She is a person of considerable
courage in the face of danger.
When you come for your injection,
the doctor will give it to you on the
left arm.
3.Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Relative whom and whose Whom is used to refer only to
pronouns: people, and stands in place of the
subject of the sentences, after a
preposition, after another pronoun,
or after a noun.
This is the boy whom I told you
about. (before another pronoun)
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Lesson 6 Types of essays Gender To acquaint pupils National Syllabus Gender
Free with the types of Page iv In what ways can schools promote
Compositions. essays they are Teacher’s notes. equal opportunities for boys and
expected to have Step Ahead girls?
mastered by the end Book ‘Women should be restricted to
of the two-year work connected with the home and
course, on gender.
children. They should not engage in
politics, commerce or industry.’
How far do you agree with this
Discuss ways in which women
contribute to society.
‘Boys are lazier than girls.’ Do you
Do you consider that the lives of
women in your country could be
4.Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Language Correcting errors Correct errors in Explore and Write 2, Correct errors in the following
in given sentences given sentences by John Jennings, pg sentences:
66 It was the most frightening seen he
ever seen.
Each of the students are very
I have being eating beans.
Lesson 3 Grammar Sentence Analyse the Explore and Write 2, An adverb clause can be introduced
construction components of the by John Jennings, pg by the following words: when,
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
using auxiliary verb by John Jennings, pg assist, for example, auxiliary nurse.
76 An auxiliary verb helps to make
meaning of the main verb clearer.
Example: ‘I do whatever I like
doing’; but with the auxiliary verb
may put in, the meaning changes; ‘I
may do whatever I like doing:
a) I shall go with you.
b) I have eaten my breakfast.
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual - define given words Teacher’s Resource -Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of contextually Book on giving word meaning.
words NATIONAL Syllabus -construct five simple sentences
4005/1 using the learnt vocabulary.
Pg 4
ICT Tools
Lesson 6 Essay writing Health issues Write a speech on NATIONAL Syllabus Health issues such as HIV and
(Guided) such as HIV and what people should 4005/1 AIDS and other chronic diseases
compositions. AIDS and other do to control the Pg v
chronic diseases spread of AIDS. Step Ahead The importance of HIV testing.
Book What, in your opinion, should
people do to control the spread of
The challenges being faced by
people living with disabilities in my
community (in the world).
How should the youth fight against
The spread of HIV and AIDS can
be prevented. Do you agree?
A doctor who seriously neglected
his patients.
Describe an occasion when you
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Pg 4
ICT Tools
Lesson 6 Grammar Sentence Analyse the Explore and Write 2, An adverb clause can be introduced
construction components of the by John Jennings, pg by the following words: when,
given sentence 79 while, where, because, in order
that, though
As soon as the others arrive, I will
go home.
Write out separately the clauses in
this sentence.
Say what kind the subordinate is
and what its function is.
Write out separately the subject and
predicate of the principal clause.
Say what part of speech each of the
words in bold is.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
TERM 1: 2022
The aims of the syllabus are to promote in pupils an awareness of:
- The usefulness of the English Language as a medium of National and international communication.
- The values of effective language command and use for personal and National development.
- develop reading abilities and skills that:-
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
- are useful for everyday life such as reading instructions, newspapers, reports;
- motivate pupils to develop a lifelong reading habit for enjoyment and knowledge;
- become effective users of English in a place of work;
- write different kinds of letters, notes and reports
Among other things, the NATIONAL English Syllabus also aims to:
Enhance the pupils’ skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing so as to enable them to meaningfully and creatively take part in the
social, political and economic spheres of their country.
Equip pupils with linguistic to help them advance themselves in the acquisition of vocational skills as well as make them linguistically
relevant in society.
Expose pupils to diverse values of their society as well as those of other societies.
Develop reading abilities to enhance a thorough understanding of various texts for purposes of responding to comprehension passages.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Lesson 3 Language Correcting errors Correct errors in Explore and Write 2, Correct errors in the following
in given sentences given sentences by John Jennings, pg sentences:
79 There essays are very poorly wrote.
There exercises are will done.
Theres no rest for the wicked.
Lesson 4 Technicalities Homophones Explore and Write 2, Words which are pronounced alike
by John Jennings, pg may be spelled differently, for
79 example: plane, plain; threw,
through; so, sew.
Write out ten words which are
pronounced alike but spelled
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual - define given words Teacher’s Resource -Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of contextually Book on giving word meaning.
words NATIONAL Syllabus -construct five simple sentences
4005/1 Pg 4 ICT using the learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 Essay writing Heritage Studies Argue whether school NATIONAL Syllabus Heritage Studies
subjects and activities Pg v Should all school subjects and
are supposed to be activities be compulsory or should
compulsory or not. you have a choice?
‘Schools are not strict enough’.
What do you think?
The importance of our national
2.Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Words at work Homophones Fill in the blank Explore and Write 2, Fill in the blank spaces in the
spaces in the given by John Jennings, pg following sentences by selecting
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Lesson 3 Sentence Homophones Write sentences of Explore and Write 2, Write sixteen sentences of your own
construction their own using the by John Jennings, pg using the words which you have
words which they 80 inserted in the blank spaces in the
have inserted in the previous lesson.
blank spaces in the
previous lesson.
Lesson 4 Language Correcting errors Correct errors in Explore and Write 2, Correct errors in the following
in given sentences given sentences by John Jennings, pg sentences:
82 Mary said that it was not her who
was responsible for what happened.
They had no sooner gone out when
it began to rain.
I am going to the shop for to get a
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual - define given words Teacher’s Resource -Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of contextually Book on giving word meaning.
words NATIONAL Syllabus -construct five simple sentences
4005/1 Pg 4 ICT using the learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 Grammar Sentence Analyse the Explore and Write 2, An adverb clause can be introduced
construction components of the by John Jennings, pg by the following words: when,
given sentence 82 while, where, because, in order
that, though
She said that the animal was
brutally killed by the dogs.
Write out separately the clauses in
this sentence.
Say what kind the subordinate is
and what its function is.
Write out separately the subject and
predicate of the principal clause.
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Write a story about a boy who
suffered from cancer as a result of
cigarette smoking.
‘Young become bored during their
free time’. What do you think?
Too many young people are ill-
mannered’. What do you think?
The dangers of smoking.
The problems of alcohol abuse.
What were you afraid of when you
were a small child?
What dangers should young people
guard against when they leave
It is said that young people should
always respect and obey those older
than themselves. What are your
feelings about this?
Describe an occasion when you said
or did something that you later
regretted very much.
The most popular student in my
Write about ways in which students
can conserve the community while
at school.
‘Between the ages of 16 and 21 all
young people should be required to
give one year of service to the
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Lesson 6 Essay writing Environmental Describe the results of NATIONAL Syllabus Environmental Issues
issues unusual weather 4005/1 Describe the results of unusual
conditions in Pg v and 2 weather conditions in your
Zimbabwe. community (Zimbabwe).
The effects of water shortage.
Communities should contribute to
protecting the environment. How
far do you agree?
Drought followed by famine is
almost always a problem somehow
in the world. What are your views
on this subject?
Describe a place of great natural
beauty, or a place of great local or
national importance.
Discuss the importance of wildlife
in your country.
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Lesson 1&2 Reading Pronunciation Find the words that Eileen Sanders Repeat the words ink, ank, unk, ing,
are pronounced as Book 4, pg 4 ang, ung. Find more difficult words
ink, ank, unk, ing, like:
ang, ung. Think, trinket, ankle, plank,
sprinkle, trunk, swung, bangle,
hung, sprang, jungle, single.
Lesson 3 Grammar Kinds of Use adjectives in Basic English Adjectives
Adjectives sentences of their Grammar for English Adjectives describe nouns and
own. Language Learners pronouns. They give you more
Book 2, Howard information about people, places,
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
The child did not do nothing
I have stayed in Gweru all my life.
Please borrow me two dollars. This
bus is for Zupco.
There are many schools in town
than in the rural areas.
An aeroplane is very fast than a
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual - define given words Teacher’s Resource -Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of contextually Book on giving word meaning.
words NATIONAL Syllabus -construct five simple sentences
4005/1 Pg 4 ICT using the learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 Sentence Improving your Add variety to Step Ahead New Jessie carefully peeled the onions.
construction sentences sentence construction Secondary English Subject + adverb + verb + object
through the use of Learner’s Book Form We can change this sentence like
adverbs 1, Chinodya S, pg 27 this:
Carefully, Jessie peeled the onions.
Adverb + subject + verb + object
The contents of the beaker suddenly
began to form.
Subject + adverb + verb
We can change this sentence like
Suddenly, the contents of the beaker
began to form.
Adverb + subject + verb
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Lesson 6 Adjectives The Order of Use adjectives to Sometimes several adjectives are
Adjectives describe nouns and used to describe a single noun or
pronoun. When you use two or
For example: a more adjectives, the usual order is:
small (size) green size, quality, colour, origin,
(colour) plastic substance (SQCOS).
(substance) box; a
stylish (quality)
red (colour) Here are more examples: a large
Italian (origin) car Indian temple; a tall white stone
building; a colourful cotton shirt; a
long Chinese silk robe; delicious
Spanish food; an old graceful
Japanese lady; crunchy
Australian apples; a short
handsome English man
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
TERM 2: 2022
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
The aims of the syllabus are to promote in pupils an awareness of:
- The usefulness of the English Language as a medium of National and international communication.
- The values of effective language command and use for personal and National development.
- develop reading abilities and skills that:-
- are useful for everyday life such as reading instructions, newspapers, reports;
- motivate pupils to develop a lifelong reading habit for enjoyment and knowledge;
- become effective users of English in a place of work;
- write different kinds of letters, notes and reports
Among other things, the NATIONAL English Syllabus also aims to:
Enhance the pupils’ skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing so as to enable them to meaningfully and creatively take part in the
social, political and economic spheres of their country.
Equip pupils with linguistic to help them advance themselves in the acquisition of vocational skills as well as make them linguistically
relevant in society.
Expose pupils to diverse values of their society as well as those of other societies.
Develop reading abilities to enhance a thorough understanding of various texts for purposes of responding to comprehension passages.
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Lesson 4 Verbs Transitive verbs Verbs are transitive when they can
have objects to complete their
If the questions who Or what asked
after the verb receives a direct
answer, then that sentence contains
an object.
For example: The ball hit the fence.
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual - define given words Teacher’s Resource Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of contextually Book on giving word meaning.
words NATIONAL Syllabus Construct five simple sentences
4005/1 Pg 4 ICT using the learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 Essay writing Digital literacy Describe the NATIONAL Syllabus Digital literacy
advantages and 4005/1 Has life been improved by the
disadvantages of Pg v widespread use of cell phones?
using cell phones. Explain how new scientific
knowledge or a new process has
helped one of the following in
recent years: farmers;
manufacturers; doctors; engineers;
road congestion; astronomy; and
navigation; physics, and chemistry.
(Explore and Write 2, by John
Jennings, Westgate Educational
Publishing Limited,
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Walintown1976) Pg 81
Computers. (Explore and Write 2,
by John Jennings, Westgate
Educational Publishing Limited,
Walintown1976) Pg 81
The use of cell phones has
destroyed the reading habit.
What would you consider to be
attributes of a good community
Success depends on academic
qualifications. Do you agree?
2.Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Active and passive Verbs can have voice. In the active
voice voice, the action is done by the
subject of the sentence.
In the passive voice, the action is
done to the subject.
For example: Paul eats the apple.
Subject + verb + object
The apple is eaten by Paul.
Subject + verb + indirect object
Construct five sentences in the
passive voice.
Lesson 3 Mood When we speak about the mood of a
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She has earned great praise for her
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual - define given words Teacher’s Resource Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of contextually Book on giving word meaning.
words NATIONAL Syllabus Construct five simple sentences
4005/1 Pg 4 ICT using the learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 Say whether the verbs in these
sentences are used transitively or
She reads hundreds of books every
Yesterday he told me that his car
was stolen.
The bridal couple walked up the
The wagon was cut out of wood.
The artist mixed his paints on a
3. Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Understanding Characteristics of Characteristics of verbs
parts of speech verbs A verb describes an action or a state
of being.
It describes when the action has
taken place, by means of tenses
(past, present, future and so on).
Verbs indicate person and number
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Non-finite verbs
Non-finite verbs have no subject or
tense. They are not limited by time
or person.
Lesson 4 Adverbs An adverb tells us about a verb. It
tells us about how, when, where,
how often, and why something
Adverbs are formed in the
following ways:
By adding - ly to adjectives:
Careful – carefully, certain –
certainly, wise – wisely
When a word ends in – e, the – e is
kept and – ly is added:
Sore - sorely
When a word ends in – y, the – y
changes to – i:
Gay – gaily
When a word ends in –y which is
preceded by a consonant, the –y is
dropped and it is replaced by –ily:
Heavy – heavily, funny – funnily
When adjective ends –ible or –
able, the final – e is dropped and –y
is added:
Miserable – miserably, possible –
When adjective ends in a vowel
plus - l, - ly is added:
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Wonderful – Wonderfully
By adding –s:
Upward – upwards, southward –
By adding –wise to the end of the
Like – likewise, other – otherwise
By changing the word completely
Good – well
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual - define given words Teacher’s Resource Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of contextually Book on giving word meaning.
words NATIONAL Syllabus Construct five simple sentences
4005/1 Pg 4 ICT using the learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 Essay writing Collaboration Enumerate what is NATIONAL Syllabus Collaboration
being done to help 4005/1 What is being done to help poor
poor people in their Pg v people in your community?
community. What should be done to improve the
living conditions in your area?
Write a magazine article suggesting
ways in which you think your
school could help starving children
in the poor nations.
You have accidentally broken the
window of a neighbour’s house.
Write a letter of apology explaining
the circumstances which led to the
breaking of the window.
Write about your neighbours and
the way they behave.
‘A fool who has got himself into
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I seldom go to town.
We never leave late.
She hardly greeted me.
I sincerely hope so.
You surely do not mean that!
Father generally catches the eight
o’clock train.
We nearly died of fright.
They definitely said no.
They always visit us in winter.
Fane often comes here.
He really swims well.
I scarcely knew her.
He still remembers me.
She probably misunderstood me.
Lesson 4 Adverbs Adverbs of place Adverbs of place and manner
and manner come after the verb:
I looked everywhere for him.
The soldiers fought bravely.
We stayed there for a time.
The moon was shining brightly.
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual - define given words Teacher’s Resource Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of contextually Book on giving word meaning.
words NATIONAL Syllabus Construct five simple sentences
4005/1 Pg 4 ICT using the learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 Adverbs of time come at the end or
the beginning of the sentence.
Suddenly we heard the boom of
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
in your community.
‘It’s better to be fat and jolly than
thin and miserable.’ What are your
views on this statement?
Write a letter to an embassy
requesting information for a
geography project. (Give some
details about the project)
World peace.
Is population control necessary?
6. Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Comparison of Comparison of adjectives
adjectives Adjectives can describe nouns by
degrees (certain amounts). There
are three degrees of comparison:
positive (relating to one)
The tall thin girl.
Comparative (relating to two
only) add –er, but when the positive
ends in –e only –r is added:
The taller, thinner girl.
But when the positive ends in –e
only –r is added, brave – braver.
When the positive ends in –y,
preceded by a consonant, the –y
changes to -i before –er of –est is
added: tiny – tinier, tiniest, happy,
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
happier, happier.
Superlative (relating to more than
two) add –est
The tallest, thinnest girl.
When the adjective has more than
two syllables, more is added for the
comparative and most for the
superlative: beautiful, more
beautiful, most beautiful
Lesson 3 Irregular Irregular adjectives
adjectives Some adjectives have irregular
degree of comparison. Memorise
the following: bad, worse, worst
Good, better, best
Late, later, latest
Little, less, least
Many, more, most
Near, nearer, nearest
Old, older, oldest
Old, elder, eldest
Far, farther, farthest
Far, further, furthest
Lesson 4 Word formation Adjectives Add -able, -al, -ous, Using the given suffixes, form
-en, -full, -like, -ish, adjectives from the following
-ic, -ve, -y, -some, - words:
ly, -aneous, Accident Attract Autumn Bible
Child Courage Favour Honour
Danger Enthusiasm Father Fool
Habit Humour
Instant Joy Life Magnet Mercy
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
The sick child is not any (bad) than
he was yesterday.
Anne is the (intelligent) of the two
With (much) application and (little)
indolence, you should do better at
Lesson 4 Pronouns Personal pronouns I, we, you, he, she, it, Words that are used in the place of
they nouns to save repetition are called
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
John told Allan that he did not
It is not clear to which of the two
boys the he refers.
It would be better to say:
John told Allan that Allan did not
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
of the pronoun.
For example:
He is shorter than I (am),
Mary is quicker than he (is).
Note: be careful not to confuse
masculine and feminine pronouns.
He always refers to a male, and she
always refers to a female.
Lesson 3 test Fill in the gaps with who, whose,
that or which
Whom did you discuss this with?
Who prevented you from phoning
Whom did mother complain about?
Who did you meet at church?
I have two varieties. Which do you
wish to buy?
Whose books are these? They do
not belong to me.
Lesson 4 Fill in the gaps with he, she, or it.
Jane is my sister. She is older than
His brother is ill. He is in bed.
Mrs. Zwane lives here. She is my
I saw a horse. It was black.
That is the man. He shot at me.
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual - define given words Teacher’s Resource Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of contextually Book on giving word meaning.
words NATIONAL Syllabus Construct five simple sentences
4005/1 Pg 4 ICT using the learnt vocabulary.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Lesson 6 Entertainment The advantages Enumerate the NATIONAL Syllabus The Man-Eater.
and disadvantages advantages and 4005/1 Conquest of Everest.
of being an only disadvantages of Pg v Lonely Youth.
child. being an only child. Smoking.
The Undernourished.
Lionel and Peter.
The Escape.
Fools’ Day.
10. Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 I cut (me) with a sharp blade.
She looked at (her) in the mirror.
The bird killed (it) when it flew
against the window. itself
We enjoyed (us) on the farm.
They found (them) in the wrong
train. Themselves
Lesson 3 Peter and (I/me) will stay home.
Anne and (she/her) are sisters.
We as well as (they/them) are
coming home.
Neither I nor (he/him) was invited.
I can assure you it was not (I/me)
who answered.
It is she/her who will have to do the
Lesson 4 They said it was we/us who had
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
TERM 3: 2022
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
The aims of the syllabus are to promote in pupils an awareness of:
- The usefulness of the English Language as a medium of National and international communication.
- The values of effective language command and use for personal and National development.
- develop reading abilities and skills that:-
- are useful for everyday life such as reading instructions, newspapers, reports;
- motivate pupils to develop a lifelong reading habit for enjoyment and knowledge;
- become effective users of English in a place of work;
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Equip pupils with linguistic to help them advance themselves in the acquisition of vocational skills as well as make them linguistically
relevant in society.
Expose pupils to diverse values of their society as well as those of other societies.
Develop reading abilities to enhance a thorough understanding of various texts for purposes of responding to comprehension passages.
By him not by he
For her not for she
With me not with I
Among us not among we
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
He had a good try at it.
Lesson 4 With refers to close relationship.
He always argues with strangers.
She is living with her parents.
He spoke with a sorrowful voice.
I will never part with my books.
She is popular with her friends.
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual - define given words Teacher’s Resource Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of contextually Book on giving word meaning.
words NATIONAL Syllabus Construct five simple sentences
4005/1 Pg 4 ICT using the learnt vocabulary.
Lesson 6 By refers to nearness or to being in
the cause of.
He is travelling by train.
They followed the path by
I was helped by him.
He won the race by ten metres.
I will get it done by half past two.
3. Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 From refers to direction out of
These eggs are from the farm.
The show will be open from today.
The patient is now free from
The first gift was from his father.
They suffer from bad eyesight.
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
TERM 1: 2022
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
The aims of the syllabus are to promote in pupils an awareness of:
- The usefulness of the English Language as a medium of National and international communication.
- The values of effective language command and use for personal and National development.
- develop reading abilities and skills that:-
- are useful for everyday life such as reading instructions, newspapers, reports;
- motivate pupils to develop a lifelong reading habit for enjoyment and knowledge;
- become effective users of English in a place of work;
- write different kinds of letters, notes and reports
Among other things, the NATIONAL English Syllabus also aims to:
Enhance the pupils’ skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing so as to enable them to meaningfully and creatively take part in the
social, political and economic spheres of their country.
Equip pupils with linguistic to help them advance themselves in the acquisition of vocational skills as well as make them linguistically
relevant in society.
Expose pupils to diverse values of their society as well as those of other societies.
Develop reading abilities to enhance a thorough understanding of various texts for purposes of responding to comprehension passages.
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
listened to patiently.
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual - define given words Teacher’s Resource Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of contextually Book on giving word meaning.
words NATIONAL Syllabus Construct five simple sentences
4005/1 Pg 4 ICT using the learnt vocabulary.
November 2014
Lesson 6 Choose suitable conjunctions from
the list to form the links between the
sentences below: when, before,
after, while, since, as, until,
where, because, for, that in order
that, last, so that, if, unless,
provided that, though, although,
even if, as if, as though, than.
Before the wind began to blow, a
great calm reigned over the town.
He would not repair the motor car
unless the money was paid in
Since you have come early, I will
let you leave early.
She gave him the money as he
could not pay for his own ticket.
The boys played the fool because
they were clowns.
3. Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Complete the following sentences
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Lesson 5 Comprehension Give contextual - define given words Teacher’s Resource Class discussion on the techniques
Vocabulary meanings of contextually Book on giving word meaning.
words NATIONAL Syllabus Construct five simple sentences
4005/1 Pg 4 ICT using the learnt vocabulary.
November 2015
Lesson 6 Essay writing Financial literacy State the importance NATIONAL Syllabus Financial literacy
of developing a Pg v Which is more important to develop
country through in your country, agriculture or
agriculture or manufacturing industries?
manufacturing The importance of technical and
industries. vocational subjects.
The importance of (piggery, pottery,
swimming, soccer, and so on).
Money is the key to happiness. Do
you agree?
‘Advertisements are boring, useless,
and often misleading.’ How far do
you agree with this opinion?
Cheap things are ‘expensive’.
Is it more important to enjoy your
job than to earn a great deal of
4. Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Punctuation The comma (,)
The wrong placing or the omission
of a comma can cause more
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Sit still!
Don’t scream!
Interjections are words or phrases
which are sometimes added to a
sentence to express an emotion.
They are sometimes sentences in
themselves. Very often the words
themselves are meaningless. They
are sometimes written with an
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exclamation mark.
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Phrases form part of a sentence and
cannot stand alone.
Lesson 3 Summary on phrases and clauses
The most important thing to
remember about phrases and
clauses is that they must be as
close to the word they describe as
Look at these sentences:
1. I saw the boy standing on
the chair whose name was
2. Walking down the road the
sun was setting.
In sentence 1, it seems as if the
chair’s name was Conrad. The
adjectival clause is nearest to the
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belonged to my uncle.
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review questions 1 and 2 types of questions set Book comprehension passages vary.
of Paper 2 on comprehension NATIONAL Syllabus There are straightforward questions
passages 4005/1 Pg 4 ICT requiring a full sentence as answer.
Tools They are simple recall questions.
November 2019
This is a level one type of
questions: what, give, why, how.
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
November 2019
Lesson 6 Essay writing Cross cultural Explain how gossip, NATIONAL Syllabus Cross cultural issues
issues though natural and 4005/1 Explain how gossip, though natural
often harmless, can be Pg v and often harmless, can be a source
a source of irritation of irritation and even danger.
and even danger. The advantages and disadvantages
of leaving school.
Write about customs of hospitality
in your community.
‘It’s better to be fat and jolly than
thin and miserable.’ What are your
views on this statement?
Write a letter to an embassy
requesting information for a
geography project. (Give some
details about the project)
World peace.
Is population control necessary?
10. Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Comprehension Understanding the Answer ZIMSEC PAST Answer Comprehension Question 1.
Question 1 passage Comprehension EXAM PAPER 2 Write answers only.
Question 1. Write November 2020
answers only.
Lesson 3 Comprehension Vocabulary Answer ZIMSEC PAST Answer Comprehension Question 2.
Question 2 Comprehension EXAM PAPER 2 Write answers only.
Question 2. Write November 2020
answers only.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Lesson 4 Comprehension Summary writing Write the summary, ZIMSEC PAST Write the summary, focusing on
Question 3 focusing on EXAM PAPER 2 answering to the given key words.
answering to the November 2020
given key words.
Lesson 5 Comprehension Language Answer ZIMSEC PAST Answer Comprehension Question 4,
Question 4 structures Comprehension EXAM PAPER 2 following all the given instructions.
Question 4, following November 2020
all the given
Lesson 6 Essay writing Guided writing: ZIMSEC PAST Write the correct and expected
Report writing EXAM PAPER 1 structural aspects of the type of
essay. Amplify all the given pegs.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
TERM 2: 2022
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
The aims of the syllabus are to promote in pupils an awareness of:
- The usefulness of the English Language as a medium of National and international communication.
- The values of effective language command and use for personal and National development.
- develop reading abilities and skills that:-
- are useful for everyday life such as reading instructions, newspapers, reports;
- motivate pupils to develop a lifelong reading habit for enjoyment and knowledge;
- become effective users of English in a place of work;
- write different kinds of letters, notes and reports
Among other things, the NATIONAL English Syllabus also aims to:
Enhance the pupils’ skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing so as to enable them to meaningfully and creatively take part in the
social, political and economic spheres of their country.
Equip pupils with linguistic to help them advance themselves in the acquisition of vocational skills as well as make them linguistically
relevant in society.
Expose pupils to diverse values of their society as well as those of other societies.
Develop reading abilities to enhance a thorough understanding of various texts for purposes of responding to comprehension passages.
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Here - there
Today - that day
Tomorrow - the next day, the
following day
Yesterday - the previous day, the
day before
Last - night the previous night
Tonight that night
Ago - before
Last week - the previous week
Next week - the following week
Thus - so
Lesson 6 Essay writing Guided writing: ZIMSEC PAST Write the correct and expected
Report writing EXAM PAPER 1 structural aspects of the type of
essay. Amplify all the given pegs.
3. Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Comprehension Understanding the Answer ZIMSEC PAST Answer Comprehension Question 1.
Question 1 passage Comprehension EXAM PAPER 2 Write answers only.
Question 1. Write November 2002
answers only.
Lesson 3 Comprehension Vocabulary Answer ZIMSEC PAST Answer Comprehension Question 2.
Question 2 Comprehension EXAM PAPER 2 Write answers only.
Question 2. Write November 2002
answers only.
Lesson 4 Comprehension Summary writing Write the summary, ZIMSEC PAST Write the summary, focusing on
Question 3 focusing on EXAM PAPER 2 answering to the given key words.
answering to the November 2002
given key words.
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Question 4, following
all the given
Lesson 6 Essay writing Guided writing: ZIMSEC PAST Write the correct and expected
Report writing EXAM PAPER 1 structural aspects of the type of
essay. Amplify all the given pegs.
8. Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Comprehension Understanding the Answer ZIMSEC PAST Answer Comprehension Question 1.
Question 1 passage Comprehension EXAM PAPER 2 Write answers only.
Question 1. Write November 2006
answers only.
Lesson 3 Comprehension Vocabulary Answer ZIMSEC PAST Answer Comprehension Question 2.
Question 2 Comprehension EXAM PAPER 2 Write answers only.
Question 2. Write November 2006
answers only.
Lesson 4 Comprehension Summary writing Write the summary, ZIMSEC PAST Write the summary, focusing on
Question 3 focusing on EXAM PAPER 2 answering to the given key words.
answering to the November 2006
given key words.
Lesson 5 Comprehension Language Answer ZIMSEC PAST Answer Comprehension Question 4,
Question 4 structures Comprehension EXAM PAPER 2 following all the given instructions.
Question 4, following
all the given
Lesson 6 Essay writing Guided writing: ZIMSEC PAST Write the correct and expected
Report writing EXAM PAPER 1 structural aspects of the type of
essay. Amplify all the given pegs.
9. Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
answers only.
Lesson 4 Comprehension Summary writing Write the summary, ZIMSEC PAST Write the summary, focusing on
Question 3 focusing on EXAM PAPER 2 answering to the given key words.
answering to the
given key words.
Lesson 5 Comprehension Language Answer ZIMSEC PAST Answer Comprehension Question 4,
Question 4 structures Comprehension EXAM PAPER 2 following all the given instructions.
Question 4, following
all the given
Lesson 6 Essay writing Guided writing: ZIMSEC PAST Write the correct and expected
Report writing EXAM PAPER 1 structural aspects of the type of
essay. Amplify all the given pegs.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
TERM 3: 2022
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
The aims of the syllabus are to promote in pupils an awareness of:
- The usefulness of the English Language as a medium of National and international communication.
- The values of effective language command and use for personal and National development.
- develop reading abilities and skills that:-
- are useful for everyday life such as reading instructions, newspapers, reports;
- motivate pupils to develop a lifelong reading habit for enjoyment and knowledge;
- become effective users of English in a place of work;
- write different kinds of letters, notes and reports
Among other things, the NATIONAL English Syllabus also aims to:
Enhance the pupils’ skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing so as to enable them to meaningfully and creatively take part in the
social, political and economic spheres of their country.
Equip pupils with linguistic to help them advance themselves in the acquisition of vocational skills as well as make them linguistically
relevant in society.
Expose pupils to diverse values of their society as well as those of other societies.
Develop reading abilities to enhance a thorough understanding of various texts for purposes of responding to comprehension passages.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
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Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Question 4 structures Comprehension EXAM PAPER 2 following all the given instructions.
Question 4, following
all the given
Lesson 6 Essay writing Guided writing: ZIMSEC PAST Write the correct and expected
Report writing EXAM PAPER 1 structural aspects of the type of
essay. Amplify all the given pegs.
4. Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
By the end of the
lesson, pupils should
be able to:
Lesson 1&2 Comprehension Understanding the Answer ZIMSEC PAST Answer Comprehension Question 1.
Question 1 passage Comprehension EXAM PAPER 2 Write answers only.
Question 1. Write November 2011
answers only.
Lesson 3 Comprehension Vocabulary Answer ZIMSEC PAST Answer Comprehension Question 2.
Question 2 Comprehension EXAM PAPER 2 Write answers only.
Question 2. Write November 2011
answers only.
Lesson 4 Comprehension Summary writing Write the summary, ZIMSEC PAST Write the summary, focusing on
Question 3 focusing on EXAM PAPER 2 answering to the given key words.
answering to the November 2011
given key words.
Lesson 5 Comprehension Language Answer ZIMSEC PAST Answer Comprehension Question 4,
Question 4 structures Comprehension EXAM PAPER 2 following all the given instructions.
Question 4, following
all the given
Lesson 6 Essay writing Guided writing: ZIMSEC PAST Write the correct and expected
Report writing EXAM PAPER 1 structural aspects of the type of
essay. Amplify all the given pegs.
5. Wk/Ending TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES S.O.M Teacher and pupil Activities
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Adjective Endings
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
These adjectives describe nouns or pronouns that are full of something or have a lot of something:
- a beautiful face; a painful injury; a careful student; a cheerful baby; a joyful smile; a helpful teacher; a powerful machine;
a wonderful time; playful children; a skillful player; a useful book; colourful clothes
- a famous writer; a courageous soldier; a mountainous area; an adventurous explorer; a dangerous job; a poisonous snake;
a humorous film; a generous gift; mischievous children; marvelous results
- a messy room; a noisy car; dirty hands; a sleepy dog; a cloudy sky; thirsty children; a muddy path; a sunny day; stormy
weather; an easy test; a lazy worker; juicy fruit
These adjectives describe a person or thing that does not have something:
- a cloudless sky; a meaningless word; a sleeveless dress; a fearless fighter; a careless driver; homeless people; a joyless song;
seedless grapes; a useless tool; harmless animals
- a National flag; personal possessions; musical instruments; a traditional costume; electrical goods; magical powers; a
coastal town; medical equipment
Here are some adjectives that end in -ic, -ish, -ible, -able, -ive and –ly:
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
- a fantastic singer; a terrible mess; an imaginative story; an energetic dog; a sensible answer; expensive jewelery; basic
grammar; horrible smells talkative children; enthusiastic shouting; visible footprints; a creative artist; a selfish act; a likeable
child; friendly teachers; foolish behaviour comfortable clothes; a lovely dress; stylish clothes; valuable advice; a lively cat;
childish talk; suitable colours; an elderly man
- loving parents; an interesting book; a caring nurse; a disappointing result; a flashing light; an outstanding swimmer; a smiling
face; an exciting ride; a boring story; chattering monkeys; a gleaming car; shocking news
Words like smiling, caring and flashing are present participles of verbs.
They are formed by adding -ing to the verbs. Many present participles can also be used as adjectives.
- a closed door; satisfied customers; boiled eggs; worried passengers; wasted time; escaped prisoners; a painted wall; excited students;
reduced prices; invited guests
Words like closed, wasted and escaped are past participles of verbs.
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Some nouns can be used like adjectives. For example, if you have a chair that is made of plastic, you can use the noun plastic as an
adjective and say that the chair is a plastic chair.
If you have a watch that is made of gold, you can say it is a gold watch.
But the nouns wood and wool can’t be used like this.
There’s another way to make adjectives from nouns. Suppose you want to say that something is like a certain material, although not
made of it.
To make these adjectives, add -en to some nouns and -y to other nouns.
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Words like closed, wasted and escaped are past participles of verbs. Many past participles can also be used as adjectives.
Exercise 3
The following sentences contain adjectives made by adding endings to nouns. Write the noun that each adjective comes from on the
line after each sentence. The first one has been done for you.
Remember that some nouns must be changed slightly before the ending is added.
Exercise 4
Fill in the blank spaces with adjectives made from the verbs in parentheses. Remember that both present participles and past
participles can be used as adjectives.
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Choose the adjective that suits the sentence best. The first one has been done for you.
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young Younger
small Smaller
soft Softer
tall Taller
poor Poorer
rich Richer
old Older
low lower
Fast Faster
When you compare three or more people or things, use the superlative form of an adjective. The superlative form is usually made by
adding est to the adjective.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Fast Fastest
low Lowest
slow Slowest
old Oldest
young Youngest
rich Richest
Poor Poorest
tall Tallest
small Smallest
soft Softest
Hard Hardest
The word ‘the’ is often used before the superlative form. For example: A bee is a small insect. A ladybird is smaller, but an ant is the
If the adjective ends in e, add r to form the comparative and st to form the superlative.
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Suppose the adjective is a short word that ends in a consonant and has a single vowel in the middle. Just double the consonant and add
er to make the comparative and est to make the superlative.
Suppose the adjective has two syllables and ends in y. Just change the y to i and add er to make the comparative and add est to make
the superlative.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Use more and most to compare most other two-syllable adjectives. You will also use more and most with all adjectives that have
more than two syllables.
A few adjectives don’t form their comparative and superlative forms in any of the usual ways. The comparative and superlative forms
of these adjectives are different words, called irregular forms.
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For example: My painting is good, Melanie’s painting is better, but Andrew’s painting is the best.
Adjective Phrases
Phrases can be used like single adjectives to describe nouns and pronouns. Phrases that are used in this way are called adjective
Most adjective phrases come after the word they describe. Look at these examples. The adjective phrases are in bold and the nouns
they describe are in colour.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
- a long-legged bird
- an eight-year-old child
- a well-dressed lady
- a ten-cent coin
- a fun-loving teenager
- a twenty-story building
- user-friendly equipment
- a large-sized shirt
Exercise 5
Read the following passage. Write the correct comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in parentheses in the blank
spaces. The first one has been done for you.
Paul likes playing football. He’s a very good player, but his friend Sally is a (good) better player. She’s the (good) best player in the
whole school. She is (fast) faster and (strong) stronger than all the boys, even the boys who are (old) older and (big) bigger than her.
That’s why Paul likes her. Paul thinks all games are exciting, but football is the (exciting) most exciting game and it’s (noisy) noisier
than all the other games he plays with his friends. When the grass is wet, everyone gets dirty when they play football. But Sally gets
(dirty) dirtier and (wet) wetter than everyone else.es:
Exercise 6
Complete the following sentences. Write an adjective phrase that includes the preposition in parentheses. The first one has been done
for you.
Chademuwiri Aprose 0773316240 Called To Teach Freedom Through Education
Exercise 7
Complete the following sentences. Write an adjective phrase, using the adjective in parentheses and another adjective linked with and
or but. The first one has been done for you.