Solar Still For Saline Water Desalination For Low
Solar Still For Saline Water Desalination For Low
Solar Still For Saline Water Desalination For Low
Solar still for saline water desalination for low‑income coastal areas
Asiful Hoque1 · Ashif Hasan Abir1 · Kironmoy Paul Shourov1
Solar still is a simple device that utilizes the evaporation–condensation technique to convert impure saline water into the
distilled water by eliminating dissolved salts as well as other dissolved impurities and suspended solids. This study aims
to produce fresh drinking water from saline water with solar still in the context of Bangladesh. For this study, a pilot-scale
solar still with an effective surface area of 0.214 m2 is fabricated with mild steel sheet. At first, solar still productivity is
evaluated by varying basin water amount by 3 L, 3.5 L, 4 L and 4.5 L synthetic water. Experimental investigations show a
decrease in water production with an increase in basin water amount. The optimum basin water amount is found to be 3.5 L
at which distillate production is maximized. Then, the effect of salt concentration is assessed by synthetic solutions with
2000 ppm, 5000 ppm and 8000 ppm total dissolved solids (TDS). An inverse relation is found between salt concentration
and freshwater production. Lastly, real seawater is fed to the basin and an average freshwater production of 2.38 L/m2-day
is obtained with a removal efficiency of 99.87%, 99.83%, 99.78% and 99.81% for turbidity, chloride, TDS and electrical
conductivity respectively.
Introduction choice for the regions that receive abundant solar energy
throughout the year. A greater portion of coastal regions of
Water is the source of all forms of lives on earth which is Bangladesh is affected by the salinity of both groundwater
equally important to the human as well as entire wildlife. and surface water. Many coastal regions around the world,
It is estimated that about 3.6 billion people are faced with especially in the Middle East and North Africa, are now
water crisis at present and by 2050, the number may increase dependent on treated saline water (Buros 2000). According
to 4.8–5.7 billion (UN-Water 2018). In the coastal regions to the International Desalination Association (IDA), 18,426
of Bangladesh, about 15 million people are compelled to desalination plants around the world are in operation at pre-
drink saline water and 30 million people are deprived of sent. The desalination plants use conventional desalination
drinking water for lack of safe water sources (Hoque 2009). processes, namely reverse osmosis (RO), multi-stage flash
In this context, desalination of water using solar still is a (MSF), multi-effect distillation (MED), etc., which are both
viable option to provide drinking water in remote and arid energy- and cost-intensive, require huge initial investment,
regions of Bangladesh, especially for smaller communities skilled workforce, regular maintenance and expertise for
and domestic use. smooth operation. Moreover, these plants are not favorable
Solar still is a device that harvests solar energy to pro- for small-scale water supply for their large capital cost of
duce fresh drinking water from saline water by utilizing plant and coverage pipeline. In such cases, where the power
the evaporation–condensation technique. The process is supply is not available, water sources are saline and demand
entirely dependent on solar radiation and does not involve is less than 200 m3/day. Solar still desalination remains the
any supply of external energy, which makes it an attractive only process that can be utilized for freshwater production
(Tiwari et al. 2003).
However, the main drawbacks of solar stills involve the
* Asiful Hoque requirement of large installation areas, lower productivity
and higher land cost associated with the larger land require-
Civil Engineering Department, Chittagong University ment (Ayoub and Malaeb 2012). So, the studies mainly focus
of Engineering and Technology, Chittagong, Bangladesh
104 Page 2 of 8 Applied Water Science (2019) 9:104
on enhancing the water production from solar still to negate with the horizontal, which is nearly equal to the latitude of
the limitations as well as on keeping the unit cost of water the experimental site (22.5°), as suggested by Singh and
as low as possible. According to Abujazar et al. (2016), the Tiwari (2004), to minimize radiation loss due to reflection.
productivity of a solar still is influenced by ambient con- Moreover, this optimized angle ensures to receive solar
ditions (solar radiation, ambient temperature, wind veloc- radiations normal to the glass surface throughout the year
ity, etc.), operating conditions (brine water depth, saline (Srivastava and Agrawal 2013). A distillate collection trough
concentration, etc.) and design conditions (cover angle, is built integrally with the setup by bending of mild steel
insulation, etc.). The behavior of solar stills with different sheet with an inclination of 20 mm. Three steel nipples of
configurations and different working conditions has been 18.75 mm diameter are fitted in the rear wall and two side
widely studied over the past few decades. Since the distribu- walls to connect PVC hose pipes with the setup for feed-
tion of solar radiation around the world is non-uniform, the ing and discharging water. Inner walls of the solar still are
performance studies of solar still are required to be repli- painted black to protect the still from corrosive brine as well
cated under the climatic condition of Bangladesh. Accord- as to absorb more heat from solar radiation. Since heat plays
ing to the meteorological data obtained from Bangladesh the vital role in the distillation process of solar still, proper
Meteorological Department (BMD), Bangladesh receives an insulation is necessary to avert heat loss from the inside to
average 3.125 kW h/m2-day solar radiation during summer the environment in order to improve productivity. For the
(March–June) with sunshine hour of 4.4–7 h while an aver- insulation of glass cover, all-purpose silicone sealant is used
age 2.31 kW h/m2-day solar radiation during winter (Octo- along the cover edge to prevent vapor escape from the still.
ber–March) with 6–9 sunshine hours. Thus, the condition Silicone is flexible when applied and can be easily removed
of Bangladesh is in favor of the solar still application for when necessary for maintenance purpose. For the insula-
drinking water production. In addition, solar still is easy tion of the walls, 30-mm-thick cotton pad is attached on the
to construct with local labor force using low-cost readily outer side of the walls. Additionally, 15-mm-thick expanded
available materials and even illiterate people can operate polystyrene sheet is attached over the cotton pad for further
solar still due to its very simple operations, which make it insulation as well as to protect the cotton from degradation.
an excellent choice in the context of Bangladesh. Figure 1 represents a schematic diagram of the designed
This study aims to evaluate the effect of brine water depth solar still.
and the effect of salt concentration on the productivity of
a single slope passive solar still under the climatic condi-
tion of Chittagong, Bangladesh. It is an established fact that Working procedure
water production from solar still decreases with an increase
in brine water depth (Khalifa and Hamood 2009). The effect The experimental investigations are carried out at Chit-
of brine depth is studied to select an optimum water depth tagong University of Engineering and Technology, Chit-
for the fabricated solar still. With the optimized water depth, tagong, Bangladesh (22.46°N, 91.97°E). Both synthetic
the effect of basin water salt concentration on productiv- saline water and seawater are used for this study. The exper-
ity is also studied using synthetic saline water. Later, the iments involved in this study are the investigation of the
solar still is provided with real seawater to compare the
productivity obtained from synthetic water. Finally, water
parameters are tested to determine the removal efficiencies
of dissolved impurities as well as suspended particles and
to ensure the quality of distilled water upon comparing with
WHO guideline.
Experimental procedure
Setup specification
Applied Water Science (2019) 9:104 Page 3 of 8 104
effect of water amount, effect of salt concentration and solar For each water amount, experiments are performed for
still performance with seawater. 3 days with the synthetic saline solution prepared in the
The experiments are performed on clear sunny days and laboratory with an approximate TDS of 5000 ppm. Based
are triplicated to have a clear understanding of the experi- on the experimental results, an optimum water amount is to
mental findings. Before the commencement of the experi- be fixed for further studies.
ments, inside of the basin is washed by water flushing. The
experiments are conducted for 8 h of direct operation under Effect of salt concentration
solar radiation from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and then 16 h of indi-
rect operation from 5 p.m. to 9 a.m. of the following day. The concentration of salt in basin water also affects freshwa-
During 8 h of direct operation, ambient temperature, glass ter production from solar still. For this study, synthetic solu-
cover temperature, basin water temperature, relative humid- tions are prepared with total dissolved solids of 2000, 5000
ity and distillate production are recorded in each hour. Dur- and 8000 ppm by adding sodium chloride. Experiments are
ing 16 h of overnight operation, only accumulated distillate carried out with optimized water amount found in Experi-
is recorded before 9 a.m. of the following day. The ambient ment 1. The setup is operated for 3 days for each amount
temperature, basin water temperature and relative humid- of salt concentration. Water parameter tests, e.g., pH, total
ity are recorded with a digital thermometer, whereas glass dissolved solids (TDS), electrical conductivity and chloride,
cover temperature is recorded with a laser thermometer. are carried out both before and after the experiments to study
The distillate is measured using a measuring cylinder with the effectiveness in improving the water quality.
a resolution of 1 mL. The glass cover is oriented toward
south–east direction up to 12 p.m., and then orientation is Performance evaluation with seawater
changed toward south–west direction. The distillate is col-
lected in a PET bottle during each experiment. Seawater is collected and tested in the laboratory for
selected parameters to assess the productivity of solar still
Effect of basin water depth with real seawater. Experiments are carried out with seawa-
ter for 3 days with the optimized basin water amount from
Amount of basin water is the most important parameter Experiment 1. After the experiments, distillate samples are
that affects the solar still productivity. Since the operation tested again for the selected parameters to compare removal
of solar still is entirely dependent on solar radiation and efficiencies.
no external energy is supplied, the amount of basin water
plays a crucial role in the solar still productivity. The basin
water amount is recommended to be within 2 cm to 6 cm Results and discussion
(Al-Hinai et al. 2002). However, for this study, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8
and 2.1 cm brine water depths are considered initially which Effect of basin water depth
equal around 3 L, 3.5 L, 4 L and 4.5 L basin water for the
fabricated setup. In case the distillate production shows an The solar still productivity is evaluated with different basin
increasing trend, further experiments are to be conducted. water amount of 3.0 L, 3.5 L, 4.0 L and 4.5 L (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2 Variation of daily yield 3 Litre 3.5 Litre 4 Litre 4.5 Litre
with different basin water 450
amount 400
Cumulative Yield (mL)
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Overnight
Time (Hr)
104 Page 4 of 8 Applied Water Science (2019) 9:104
Highest water productions from solar still fed with 3 L, 3.5 L, Water mass temperature decreases for the same solar
4 L and 4.5 L are found to be 463 mL, 469 mL, 411 mL and radiation when the basin water amount is increased. As a
362 mL, respectively, whereas average water productions are result, shallow water depth gains temperature quickly from
389 mL, 416 mL, 371 mL and 338 mL, respectively. With the incoming solar radiation due to its lower heat capac-
the increase in basin water amount from 3.5 to 4.0 L, average ity, and evaporation is initiated quickly as compared to the
water production from solar still reduces by 10.82%. Aver- solar still with higher basin water depth. This phenomenon
age water production further reduces by 18.75% when basin also explains the decrease in solar still productivity with an
water amount is increased from 3.5 to 4.5 L. From this study, increase in basin water depth. The ‘time lag’ between solar
3.5 L, also analogous to 1.6 cm water depth, is selected as intensity and heat absorption by the basin water is pointed
the optimum basin water since the highest average yield of out by Dev et al. (2011) that explain the delay in the occur-
416 mL (1.94 L/m2-day) is obtained from this configuration. rence of the highest hourly yield at 2 p.m., while the highest
The experimental results from this study comply with basin water temperature is observed at 1 p.m.
findings reported by other researchers as shown in Table 1.
According to the studies, freshwater production is inversely Effect of salt concentration
proportional to the basin water amount, i.e., lower basin
water amount results in higher water production and vice The effect of salt concentration on the solar still produc-
versa (Khalifa and Hamood 2009). With the increase in tivity is studied with synthetic saline water consisting of
basin water amount, the heat capacity of water increases the approximate TDS value of 2000 ppm, 5000 ppm and
that delays the evaporation process. As a result, freshwater 8000 ppm with the optimized basin water amount of 3.5 L.
production is also reduced. But too less basin water may From the experimental investigations, the average yield of
develop dry spots in the basin that has a negative impact on solar still is found to be 508 mL, 488 mL and 471 mL for
the solar still productivity. The formation of dry spots may basin water TDS value of 2000, 5000 and 8000 ppm. With
also cause outgassing of basin material which is not desir- the increase in TDS from 2000 to 8000 ppm, water produc-
able (Kopperdal 2015). tion drops by 7.28%.
Basin water temperature is directly related to the amount The experimental results are also supported by the litera-
of water in the solar still basin that eventually affects solar ture. With the increase in salt concentration up to saturation
still productivity (Fig. 3a–d). When basin water amount point, water production decreases at a linear rate. Akash
is increased, basin water temperature is lower in the early et al. (2000) reported the adverse effect of basin water salt
hours but is higher in the afternoon in case of greater water concentration on solar still productivity. In an experimental
amount. Highest average basin water temperatures were study, Kalbasi and Esfahani (2010) increased basin water
recorded to be 64 (1 p.m.), 63 (1 p.m.), 60 (1 p.m.) and salinity from 0 to 3.5% and observed a 20% reduction in
61 °C (2 p.m.), while the highest hourly yield was recorded water production. When salinity increases in basin water,
to be 70 mL (at 3 p.m.), 67 mL (at 2 p.m.), 62 mL (at 3 p.m.) vapor pressure reduces at water surface that slows down
and 58 mL (3 p.m.) for 3 L, 3.5 L, 4 L and 4.5 L basin water, evaporation process (Al-Shammiri 2002). As a result, fresh-
respectively. water production decreases with an increase in salinity.
Applied Water Science (2019) 9:104 Page 5 of 8 104
(a) Basin Water Amount: 3.0 Litre From Fig. 4a, basin water temperature decreases with
Basin Water Temp. Yield an increase in basin water saline concentration. Gnanada-
70 100 son et al. (2015) opined that a fraction of solar radiation
Basin Water Temp. (°C)
65 90
60 80 absorbed by basin water is spent in heating the dissolved
Distillate (mL)
55 70 salt in water which might be the reason for lower basin water
50 60
45 50 temperature for higher salt concentration. Samuel et al.
40 40 (2016) echoed similar behavior in their experiments. They
35 30
30 20 identified salt as ‘latent heat storage material’ that has higher
25 10 heat capacity. These explanations satisfy lower basin water
20 0
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 temperature as well as lower freshwater production with an
Time (Hr) increase in salt concentration in basin water as shown in
Fig. 4a, b.
(b) Basin Water Amount: 3.5 Litre
Basin Water Temp. Yield
Performance evaluation with seawater
Basin Water Temp. (°C)
65 90
60 80 Seawater is provided in the solar still with initial turbidity of
Distillate (mL)
55 70
50 60 303 NTU, TDS value of 20,000 ppm and chloride concen-
45 50 tration of 8309 ppm. Through experimental work, highest
40 40
35 30 production is recorded to be 596 mL (2.79 L/m2-day), while
30 20 average production is 509 mL (2.38 L/m2-day). Samee et al.
25 10
20 0 (2007) did similar experiments on raw water and found aver-
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
age water production to be 3.15 L/m2-day.
Time (Hr)
Daily yield of seawater and synthetic water is com-
(c) Basin Water Amount: 4.0 Litre pared in Fig. 5a. Recalling the experimental results of the
effects of salt concentration, water production decreases
Basin Water Temp. Yield
70 100 with an increase in TDS. Since seawater has higher TDS
65 90 (20,000 ppm) as compared to synthetic water (5000 ppm),
Basin Water Temp. (°C)
55 70
distillate. But the opposite result is observed in this case.
45 50 According to the findings of Paaijmans et al. (2008), sus-
40 40 pended particles in water absorb and scatter sunlight. As
35 30
a result, water temperature increases with an increase in
30 20
25 10 water turbidity. Since synthetic water is prepared from tap
20 0 water, turbidity is negligible for synthetic water. On the other
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
hand, seawater has a turbidity of 303 NTU, which enables
Time (Hr)
higher basin water temperature (Fig. 5b). Higher basin water
temperature is associated with higher freshwater production
(d) Basin Water Amount: 4.5 Litre
from a solar still.
Basin Water Temp. Yield
70 100
65 90 Quality of produced water
Basin Water Temp. (°C)
60 80
Distillate (mL)
55 70
The main function of solar still is not to produce saline-free
50 60
45 50 water only, but to produce water that confirms other drink-
40 40 ing parameters as well. Solar still is supposed to eliminate
35 30 a wide range of dissolved solids and also suspended sol-
30 20
25 10 ids responsible for turbidity. When basin water is heated
20 0 by incoming solar radiation, water starts to evaporate from
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
water surface leaving all the dissolves as well as suspended
Time (Hr)
impurities behind. As a result, the distillate is expected to
be of superior quality close to boiled water.
Fig. 3 Effect on basin water temperature and yield for basin water
To assess the improvement in water quality after the
amount of a 3.0 L; b 3.5 L; c 4.0 L; d 4.5 L
experiments, both basin water samples and distillate sam-
ples have been tested. Five parameters are tested in this
104 Page 6 of 8 Applied Water Science (2019) 9:104
Fig. 4 Effect of basin water salt BWT (2000 ppm) BWT (5000 ppm) BWT (8000 ppm)
concentration on a Basin water 70
temperature and b yield (a)
9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00
Time (Hr)
Yield (mL)
9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00
Time (Hr)
Applied Water Science (2019) 9:104 Page 7 of 8 104
Yield (mL)
Sea-1 Sea-2 Sea-3 Avg Syn-1 Syn-2 Syn-3 Avg
Basin Water Temp. (°C)
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time (Hr)
Table 2 Water parameter test Parameter Unit Synthetic water Seawater WHO guideline
Before After %Removal Before After %Removal
• Freshwater production decreases by 7.28% when basin • The quality of produced water is confirmed by test
water salt concentration is increased from 2000 to results (pH, turbidity, electrical conductivity, chloride
8000 ppm. and TDS) and the results are found to be within stand-
• When supplied with seawater without any treatment, an ard limits. Test results show 99.83% chloride removal
average 2.38 L/m2-day yield is obtained from the solar and 99.78% TDS removal.
104 Page 8 of 8 Applied Water Science (2019) 9:104
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tial investment and higher maintenance cost. Kalbasi R, Esfahani MN (2010) Multi-effect passive desalina-
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Acknowledgements The authors wish to express their gratitude toward 10(10):1264–1271
the Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Department of Civil Engi- Khalifa AJN, Hamood AM (2009) On the verification of the effect
neering, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (Thesis of water depth on the performance of basin type solar stills. Sol
grant) for all the cooperations for the fulfillment of this study. Energy 83(8):1312–1321
Kopperdal HH (2015) Design, prototyping and field testing of solar
stills in remote areas in Afghanistan. Dissertation, Norwegian
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Crea- University of Life Sciences, Norway
tive Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativeco Morad MM, El-Maghawry HAM, Wasfy KI (2015) Improving the dou-, which permits unrestricted use, distribu- ble slope solar still performance by using flat-plate solar collector
tion, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate and cooling glass cover. Desalination 373:1–9
credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Paaijmans KP, Takken W, Githeko AK, Jacobs AFG (2008) The effect
Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. of water turbidity on the near-surface water temperature of larval
habitats of the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae. Int J Biom-
eteorol 52(8):747–753
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