Python Machine Learning Projects
Python Machine Learning Projects
Python Machine Learning Projects
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
International License.
ISBN 978-0-9997730-2-4
Python Machine Learning Projects
Written by Lisa Tagliaferri, Michelle Morales, Ellie Birbeck, and
Alvin Wan, with editing by Brian Hogan and Mark Drake
Python Machine Learning Projects
1. Foreword
2. Setting Up a Python Programming Environment
3. An Introduction to Machine Learning
4. How To Build a Machine Learning Classifier in Python with Scikit-
5. How To Build a Neural Network to Recognize Handwritten Digits with
6. Bias-Variance for Deep Reinforcement Learning: How To Build a Bot
for Atari with OpenAI Gym
If you are learning Python or are looking for reference material, you can
download our free Python eBook, How To Code in Python 3 which is
available via
For other programming languages and DevOps engineering articles,
our knowledge base of over 2,100 tutorials is available as a Creative-
Commons-licensed resource via
Setting Up a Python Programming Environment
Written by Lisa Tagliaferri
This tutorial will be based on working with a Linux or Unix-like (*nix)
system and use of a command line or terminal environment. Both macOS
and specifically the PowerShell program of Windows should be able to
achieve similar results.
python3 -V
You’ll receive output in the terminal window that will let you know
the version number. While this number may vary, the output will be
similar to this:
Python 3.7.2
Now that you have pip installed, you can download Python packages
with the following command:
Here, package_name can refer to any Python package or library, such
as Django for web development or NumPy for scientific computing. So if
you would like to install NumPy, you can do so with the command pip3
install numpy.
There are a few more packages and development tools to install to
ensure that we have a robust set-up for our programming environment:
Once Python is set up, and pip and other tools are installed, we can set
up a virtual environment for our development projects.
To install venv into an Ubuntu or Debian server or machine, you can
install it with the following:
mkdir environments
cd environments
Once you are in the directory where you would like the environments
t o live, you can create an environment. You should use the version of
Python that is installed on your machine as the first part of the command
(the output you received when typing python -V). If that version was
Python 3.6.3, you can type the following:
If, instead, your computer has Python 3.7.3 installed, use the
following command:
python -m venv my_env
Once you run the appropriate command, you can verify that the
environment is set up be continuing.
Essentially, pyvenv sets up a new directory that contains a few items
which we can view with the ls command:
ls my_env
Together, these files work to make sure that your projects are isolated
from the broader context of your local machine, so that system files and
project files don’t mix. This is good practice for version control and to
ensure that each of your projects has access to the particular packages
that it needs. Python Wheels, a built-package format for Python that can
speed up your software production by reducing the number of times you
need to compile, will be in the Ubuntu 18.04 share directory.
To use this environment, you need to activate it, which you can achieve
by typing the following command that calls the activate script:
source my_env/bin/activate
Your command prompt will now be prefixed with the name of your
environment, in this case it is called my_env. Depending on what version
o f Debian Linux you are running, your prefix may appear somewhat
differently, but the name of your environment in parentheses should be
the first thing you see on your line:
(my_env) sammy@sammy:~/environments$
Once the text file opens up in the terminal window we’ll type out our
print("Hello, World!")
Exit nano by typing the CTRL and X keys, and when prompted to save
the file press y.
Once you exit out of nano and return to your shell, let’s run the
Hello, World!
At this point you have a Python 3 programming environment set up on
your machine and you can now begin a coding project!
If you would like to learn more about Python, you can download our
free How To Code in Python 3 eBook via
An Introduction to Machine Learning
Written by Lisa Tagliaferri
In this tutorial, we’ll look into the common machine learning methods
o f supervised and unsupervised learning, and common algorithmic
approaches in machine learning, including the k-nearest neighbor
algorithm, decision tree learning, and deep learning. We’ll explore which
programming languages are most used in machine learning, providing
y o u with some of the positive and negative attributes of each.
Additionally, we’ll discuss biases that are perpetuated by machine
learning algorithms, and consider what can be kept in mind to prevent
these biases when building algorithms.
Supervised Learning
For example, with supervised learning, an algorithm may be fed data
with images of sharks labeled as fish and images of oceans labeled as
water. By being trained on this data, the supervised learning algorithm
should be able to later identify unlabeled shark images as fish and
unlabeled ocean images as water.
A common use case of supervised learning is to use historical data to
predict statistically likely future events. It may use historical stock
market information to anticipate upcoming fluctuations, or be employed
to filter out spam emails. In supervised learning, tagged photos of dogs
can be used as input data to classify untagged photos of dogs.
Unsupervised Learning
campaign related to pregnancy and baby products can be targeted to this
audience in order to increase their number of purchases.
Without being told a “correct” answer, unsupervised learning methods
can look at complex data that is more expansive and seemingly unrelated
in order to organize it in potentially meaningful ways. Unsupervised
learning is often used for anomaly detection including for fraudulent
credit card purchases, and recommender systems that recommend what
products to buy next. In unsupervised learning, untagged photos of dogs
can be used as input data for the algorithm to find likenesses and classify
dog photos together.
As a field, machine learning is closely related to computational statistics,
so having a background knowledge in statistics is useful for
understanding and leveraging machine learning algorithms.
For those who may not have studied statistics, it can be helpful to first
define correlation and regression, as they are commonly used techniques
for investigating the relationship among quantitative variables.
Correlation is a measure of association between two variables that are not
designated as either dependent or independent. Regression at a basic
level is used to examine the relationship between one dependent and one
independent variable. Because regression statistics can be used to
anticipate the dependent variable when the independent variable is
known, regression enables prediction capabilities.
Approaches to machine learning are continuously being developed.
For our purposes, we’ll go through a few of the popular approaches that
are being used in machine learning at the time of writing.
k-nearest neighbor
k-nearest neighbor initial data set
When a new object is added to the space — in this case a green heart —
we will want the machine learning algorithm to classify the heart to a
certain class.
k-nearest neighbor data set with new object to classify
k-nearest neighbor data set with classification complete
the value of a target based on input variables.
In the predictive model, the data’s attributes that are determined
through observation are represented by the branches, while the
conclusions about the data’s target value are represented in the leaves.
When “learning” a tree, the source data is divided into subsets based
on an attribute value test, which is repeated on each of the derived
subsets recursively. Once the subset at a node has the equivalent value as
its target value has, the recursion process will be complete.
Let’s look at an example of various conditions that can determine
whether or not someone should go fishing. This includes weather
conditions as well as barometric pressure conditions.
either a Yes or a No. The tree classifies a day’s conditions based on
whether or not it is suitable for going fishing.
A true classification tree data set would have a lot more features than
what is outlined above, but relationships should be straightforward to
determine. When working with decision tree learning, several
determinations need to be made, including what features to choose, what
conditions to use for splitting, and understanding when the decision tree
has reached a clear ending.
Deep Learning
Deep learning attempts to imitate how the human brain can process light
and sound stimuli into vision and hearing. A deep learning architecture
is inspired by biological neural networks and consists of multiple layers
in an artificial neural network made up of hardware and GPUs.
Deep learning uses a cascade of nonlinear processing unit layers in
order to extract or transform features (or representations) of the data. The
output of one layer serves as the input of the successive layer. In deep
learning, algorithms can be either supervised and serve to classify data,
or unsupervised and perform pattern analysis.
Among the machine learning algorithms that are currently being used
and developed, deep learning absorbs the most data and has been able to
beat humans in some cognitive tasks. Because of these attributes, deep
learning has become the approach with significant potential in the
artificial intelligence space
Computer vision and speech recognition have both realized significant
advances from deep learning approaches. IBM Watson is a well-known
example of a system that leverages deep learning.
Human Biases
Although data and computational analysis may make us think that we
are receiving objective information, this is not the case; being based on
data does not mean that machine learning outputs are neutral. Human
bias plays a role in how data is collected, organized, and ultimately in the
algorithms that determine how machine learning will interact with that
If, for example, people are providing images for “fish” as data to train
an algorithm, and these people overwhelmingly select images of
goldfish, a computer may not classify a shark as a fish. This would create
a bias against sharks as fish, and sharks would not be counted as fish.
When using historical photographs of scientists as training data, a
computer may not properly classify scientists who are also people of
color or women. In fact, recent peer-reviewed research has indicated that
AI and machine learning programs exhibit human-like biases that
include race and gender prejudices. See, for example “Semantics derived
automatically from language corpora contain human-like biases” and
“Men Also Like Shopping: Reducing Gender Bias Amplification using
Corpus-level Constraints” [PDF].
As machine learning is increasingly leveraged in business, uncaught
biases can perpetuate systemic issues that may prevent people from
qualifying for loans, from being shown ads for high-paying job
opportunities, or from receiving same-day delivery options.
Because human bias can negatively impact others, it is extremely
important to be aware of it, and to also work towards eliminating it as
much as possible. One way to work towards achieving this is by ensuring
that there are diverse people working on a project and that diverse
people are testing and reviewing it. Others have called for regulatory
third parties to monitor and audit algorithms, building alternative
systems that can detect biases, and ethics reviews as part of data science
project planning. Raising awareness about biases, being mindful of our
own unconscious biases, and structuring equity in our machine learning
projects and pipelines can work to combat bias in this field.
This tutorial reviewed some of the use cases of machine learning,
common methods and popular approaches used in the field, suitable
machine learning programming languages, and also covered some things
to keep in mind in terms of unconscious biases being replicated in
Because machine learning is a field that is continuously being
innovated, it is important to keep in mind that algorithms, methods, and
approaches will continue to change.
Currently, Python is one of the most popular programming languages
t o use with machine learning applications in professional fields. Other
languages you may wish to investigate include Java, R, and C++.
How To Build a Machine Learning Classifier in
Python with Scikit-learn
Written by Michelle Morales
Edited by Brian Hogan
To complete this tutorial, we’ll use Jupyter Notebooks, which are a useful
and interactive way to run machine learning experiments. With Jupyter
Notebooks, you can run short blocks of code and see the results quickly,
making it easy to test and debug your code.
To get up and running quickly, you can open up a web browser and
navigate to the Try Jupyter website: From there, click on
Try Jupyter with Python, and you will be taken to an interactive Jupyter
Notebook where you can start to write Python code.
If you would like to learn more about Jupyter Notebooks and how to
set up your own Python programming environment to use with Jupyter,
y o u can read our tutorial on How To Set Up Jupyter Notebook for
Python 3.
Step 1 — Importing Scikit-learn
Let’s begin by installing the Python module Scikit-learn, one of the best
and most documented machine learning libraries for Python.
To begin our coding project, let’s activate our Python 3 programming
environment. Make sure you’re in the directory where your environment
is located, and run the following command:
. my_env/bin/activate
(my_env) $ jupyter notebook
ML Tutorial
import sklearn
Scikit-learn comes installed with various datasets which we can load
into Python, and the dataset we want is included. Import and load the
ML Tutorial
# Load dataset
data = load_breast_cancer()
ML Tutorial
label_names = data['target_names']
labels = data['target']
feature_names = data['feature_names']
features = data['data']
ML Tutorial
Alt Jupyter Notebook with three Python cells, which prints the first instance in our dataset
As the image shows, our class names are malignant and benign, which
are then mapped to binary values of 0 and 1, where 0 represents
malignant tumors and 1 represents benign tumors. Therefore, our first
data instance is a malignant tumor whose mean radius is
Now that we have our data loaded, we can work with our data to
build our machine learning classifier.
ML Tutorial
ML Tutorial
gnb = GaussianNB()
model =, train_labels)
After we train the model, we can then use the trained model to make
predictions on our test set, which we do using the predict() function.
The predict() function returns an array of predictions for each data
instance in the test set. We can then print our predictions to get a sense of
what the model determined.
Use the predict() function with the test set and print the results:
ML Tutorial
# Make predictions
preds = gnb.predict(test)
Jupyter Notebook with Python cell that prints the predicted values of the Naive Bayes classifier
the tumor class (malignant vs. benign).
Now that we have our predictions, let’s evaluate how well our
classifier is performing.
ML Tutorial
# Evaluate accuracy
print(accuracy_score(test_labels, preds))
Alt Jupyter Notebook with Python cell that prints the accuracy of our NB classifier
These results suggest that our feature set of 30 attributes are good
indicators of tumor class.
You have successfully built your first machine learning classifier. Let’s
reorganize the code by placing all import statements at the top of the
Notebook or script. The final version of the code should look like this:
ML Tutorial
# Load dataset
data = load_breast_cancer()
label_names = data['target_names']
labels = data['target']
feature_names = data['feature_names']
features = data['data']
# Split our data
gnb = GaussianNB()
# Make predictions
preds = gnb.predict(test)
# Evaluate accuracy
print(accuracy_score(test_labels, preds))
Now you can continue to work with your code to see if you can make
your classifier perform even better. You could experiment with different
subsets of features or even try completely different algorithms. Check out
Scikit-learn’s website at for more machine learning
In this tutorial, you learned how to build a machine learning classifier in
Python. Now you can load data, organize data, train, predict, and
evaluate machine learning classifiers in Python using Scikit-learn. The
steps in this tutorial should help you facilitate the process of working
with your own data in Python.
How To Build a Neural Network to Recognize
Handwritten Digits with TensorFlow
Written by Ellie Birbeck
Edited by Brian Hogan
Neural networks are used as a method of deep learning, one of the many
subfields of artificial intelligence. They were first proposed around 70
years ago as an attempt at simulating the way the human brain works,
though in a much more simplified form. Individual ‘neurons’ are
connected in layers, with weights assigned to determine how the neuron
responds when signals are propagated through the network. Previously,
neural networks were limited in the number of neurons they were able to
simulate, and therefore the complexity of learning they could achieve.
But in recent years, due to advancements in hardware development, we
have been able to build very deep networks, and train them on enormous
datasets to achieve breakthroughs in machine intelligence.
These breakthroughs have allowed machines to match and exceed the
capabilities of humans at performing certain tasks. One such task is
object recognition. Though machines have historically been unable to
match human vision, recent advances in deep learning have made it
possible to build neural networks which can recognize objects, faces, text,
and even emotions.
In this tutorial, you will implement a small subsection of object
recognition—digit recognition. Using TensorFlow
(, an open-source Python library
developed by the Google Brain labs for deep learning research, you will
take hand-drawn images of the numbers 0-9 and build and train a neural
network to recognize and predict the correct label for the digit displayed.
While you won’t need prior experience in practical deep learning or
TensorFlow to follow along with this tutorial, we’ll assume some
familiarity with machine learning terms and concepts such as training
and testing, features and labels, optimization, and evaluation.
To complete this tutorial, you’ll need a local or remote Python 3
development environment that includes pip for installing Python
packages, and venv for creating virtual environments.
mkdir tensorflow-demo
cd tensorflow-demo
source tensorflow-demo/bin/activate
Next, install the libraries you’ll use in this tutorial. We’ll use specific
versions of these libraries by creating a requirements.txt file in the
project directory which specifies the requirement and the version we
need. Create the requirements.txt file:
Open the file in your text editor and add the following lines to specify
the Image, NumPy, and TensorFlow libraries and their versions:
Save the file and exit the editor. Then install these libraries with the
following command:
Examples of MNIST images
Let’s create a Python program to work with this dataset. We will use
one file for all of our work in this tutorial. Create a new file called
Now open this file in your text editor of choice and add this line of
code to the file to import the TensorFlow library:
import tensorflow as tf
Add the following lines of code to your file to import the MNIST
dataset and store the image data in the variable mnist:
mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST_data/", one_hot=True) # y
n_test = mnist.test.num_examples # 10,000
Now that we have our data imported, it’s time to think about the
neural network.
theoretically be able to represent any function that a deep neural network
can. But it is often more computationally efficient to use a smaller deep
neural network to achieve the same task that would require a shallow
network with exponentially more hidden units. Shallow neural networks
also often encounter overfitting, where the network essentially
memorizes the training data that it has seen, and is not able to generalize
the knowledge to new data. This is why deep neural networks are more
commonly used: the multiple layers between the raw input data and the
output label allow the network to learn features at various levels of
abstraction, making the network itself better able to generalize.
Other elements of the neural network that need to be defined here are
the hyperparameters. Unlike the parameters that will get updated during
training, these values are set initially and remain constant throughout the
process. In your file, set the following variables and values:
learning_rate = 1e-4
n_iterations = 1000
batch_size = 128
dropout = 0.5
The learning rate represents how much the parameters will adjust at
each step of the learning process. These adjustments are a key component
of training: after each pass through the network we tune the weights
slightly to try and reduce the loss. Larger learning rates can converge
faster, but also have the potential to overshoot the optimal values as they
are updated. The number of iterations refers to how many times we go
through the training step, and the batch size refers to how many training
examples we are using at each step. The dropout variable represents a
threshold at which we eliminate some units at random. We will be using
dropout in our final hidden layer to give each unit a 50% chance of
being eliminated at every training step. This helps prevent overfitting.
We have now defined the architecture of our neural network, and the
hyperparameters that impact the learning process. The next step is to
build the network as a TensorFlow graph.
keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
we will be using it for an undefined number of label outputs, with 10
possible classes. The keep_prob tensor is used to control the dropout
rate, and we initialize it as a placeholder rather than an immutable
variable because we want to use the same tensor both for training (when
dropout is set to 0.5) and testing (when dropout is set to 1.0).
The parameters that the network will update in the training process are
the weight and bias values, so for these we need to set an initial value
rather than an empty placeholder. These values are essentially where the
network does its learning, as they are used in the activation functions of
the neurons, representing the strength of the connections between units.
Since the values are optimized during training, we could set them to
zero for now. But the initial value actually has a significant impact on the
final accuracy of the model. We’ll use random values from a truncated
normal distribution for the weights. We want them to be close to zero, so
they can adjust in either a positive or negative direction, and slightly
different, so they generate different errors. This will ensure that the
model learns something useful. Add these lines:
weights = {
For the bias, we use a small constant value to ensure that the tensors
activate in the intial stages and therefore contribute to the propagation.
The weights and bias tensors are stored in dictionary objects for ease of
access. Add this code to your file to define the biases:
biases = {
Next, set up the layers of the network by defining the operations that
will manipulate the tensors. Add these lines to your file:
Each hidden layer will execute matrix multiplication on the previous
layer’s outputs and the current layer’s weights, and add the bias to these
values. At the last hidden layer, we will apply a dropout operation using
our keep_prob value of 0.5.
The final step in building the graph is to define the loss function that
we want to optimize. A popular choice of loss function in TensorFlow
programs is cross-entropy, also known as log-loss, which quantifies the
difference between two probability distributions (the predictions and the
labels). A perfect classification would result in a cross-entropy of 0, with
the loss completely minimized.
We also need to choose the optimization algorithm which will be used
to minimize the loss function. A process named gradient descent
optimization is a common method for finding the (local) minimum of a
function by taking iterative steps along the gradient in a negative
(descending) direction. There are several choices of gradient descent
optimization algorithms already implemented in TensorFlow, and in this
tutorial we will be using the Adam optimizer. This extends upon
gradient descent optimization by using momentum to speed up the
process through computing an exponentially weighted average of the
gradients and using that in the adjustments. Add the following code to
your file:
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(
labels=Y, logits=output_layer
train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4).minimize(cross_entropy)
We’ve now defined the network and built it out with TensorFlow. The
next step is to feed data through the graph to train it, and then test that it
has actually learnt something.
(predictions) and Y (labels), and we use the equal function to return this
as a list of Booleans. We can then cast this list to floats and calculate the
mean to get a total accuracy score.
We are now ready to initialize a session for running the graph. In this
session we will feed the network with our training examples, and once
trained, we feed the same graph with new test examples to determine the
accuracy of the model. Add the following lines of code to your file:
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
sess = tf.Session()
At each training step, the parameters are adjusted slightly to try and
reduce the loss for the next step. As the learning progresses, we should
see a reduction in loss, and eventually we can stop training and use the
network as a model for testing our new data.
Add this code to the file:
for i in range(n_iterations):, feed_dict={
if i % 100 == 0:
[cross_entropy, accuracy],
After 100 iterations of each training step in which we feed a mini-batch
of images through the network, we print out the loss and accuracy of that
batch. Note that we should not be expecting a decreasing loss and
increasing accuracy here, as the values are per batch, not for the entire
model. We use mini-batches of images rather than feeding them through
individually to speed up the training process and allow the network to
see a number of different examples before updating the parameters.
Once the training is complete, we can run the session on the test
images. This time we are using a keep_prob dropout rate o f 1.0 to
ensure all units are active in the testing process.
Add this code to the file:
It’s now time to run our program and see how accurately our neural
network can recognize these handwritten digits. Save the file
and execute the following command in the terminal to run the script:
Iteration 0 | Loss = 3.67079 | Accuracy = 0.140625
To try and improve the accuracy of our model, or to learn more about
the impact of tuning hyperparameters, we can test the effect of changing
the learning rate, the dropout threshold, the batch size, and the number
of iterations. We can also change the number of units in our hidden
layers, and change the amount of hidden layers themselves, to see how
different architectures increase or decrease the model accuracy.
To demonstrate that the network is actually recognizing the hand-
drawn images, let’s test it on a single image of our own.
If you are on a local machine and you would like to use your own
hand-drawn number, you can use a graphics editor to create your own
28x28 pixel image of a digit. Otherwise, you can use curl to download
the following sample test image to your server or computer:
Open the file in your editor and add the following lines of
code to the top of the file to import two libraries necessary for image
import numpy as np
Then at the end of the file, add the following line of code to load the
test image of the handwritten digit:
img = np.invert("test_img.png").convert('L')).ravel()
The open function of the Image library loads the test image as a 4D
array containing the three RGB color channels and the Alpha
transparency. This is not the same representation we used previously
when reading in the dataset with TensorFlow, so we’ll need to do some
extra work to match the format.
First, we use the convert function with the L parameter to reduce the
4D RGBA representation to one grayscale color channel. We store this as
a numpy array and invert it using np.invert, because the current
matrix represents black as 0 and white as 255, whereas we need the
opposite. Finally, we call ravel to flatten the array.
Now that the image data is structured correctly, we can run a session in
the same way as previously, but this time only feeding in the single
image for testing.
Add the following code to your file to test the image and print the
outputted label.
You can try testing the network with more complex images –– digits
that look like other digits, for example, or digits that have been drawn
poorly or incorrectly –– to see how well it fares.
In this tutorial you successfully trained a neural network to classify the
MNIST dataset with around 92% accuracy and tested it on an image of
your own. Current state-of-the-art research achieves around 99% on this
same problem, using more complex network architectures involving
convolutional layers. These use the 2D structure of the image to better
represent the contents, unlike our method which flattened all the pixels
into one vector of 784 units. You can read more about this topic on the
TensorFlow website, and see the research papers detailing the most
accurate results on the MNIST website.
Now that you know how to build and train a neural network, you can
try and use this implementation on your own data, or test it on other
popular datasets such as the Google StreetView House Numbers, or the
CIFAR-10 dataset for more general image recognition.
Bias-Variance for Deep Reinforcement Learning:
How To Build a Bot for Atari with OpenAI Gym
Written by Alvin Wan
Edited by Mark Drake
tutorial, you will gain an understanding of the fundamental concepts
that govern one’s choice of model complexity in machine learning.
To complete this tutorial, you will need:
Alternatively, if you are using a local machine, you can install Python 3
and set up a local programming environment by reading the appropriate
tutorial for your operating system via our Python Installation and Setup
mkdir ~/AtariBot
cd ~/AtariBot
Then create a new virtual environment for the project. You can name
this virtual environment anything you’d like; here, we will name it
source ataribot/bin/activate
Next, use pip to install the wheel package, the reference
implementation of the wheel packaging standard. A Python library, this
package serves as an extension for building wheels and includes a
command line tool for working with .whl files:
Install each of these packages with the following command. Note that
this command specifies which version of each package to install:
Following this, use pip once more to install Gym’s Atari
environments, which includes a variety of Atari video games, including
Space Invaders:
game state is the game’s appearance at a given time step, and is precisely
what you would see if you were playing the game.
Using your preferred text editor, create a Python file named Here, we’ll use nano:
Note: Throughout this guide, the bots’ names are aligned with the Step
number in which they appear, rather than the order in which they
appear. Hence, this bot is named bot\_2\ rather than
Start this script by adding the following highlighted lines. These lines
include a comment block that explains what this script will do and two
import statements that will import the packages this script will
ultimately need in order to function:
import gym
import random
. . .
import gym
import random
def main():
env = gym.make('SpaceInvaders-v0')
state: The new state of the game, after applying the provided
reward: The increase in score that the state incurs. By way of
example, this could be when a bullet has destroyed an alien, and the
score increases by 50 points. Then, reward = 50. In playing any
score-based game, the player’s goal is to maximize the score. This is
synonymous with maximizing the total reward.
done: Whether or not the episode has ended, which usually occurs
when a player has lost all lives.
info: Extraneous information that you’ll put aside for now.
You will use reward to count your total reward. You’ll also use done
to determine when the player dies, which will be when done returns
Add the following game loop, which instructs the game to loop until
the player dies:
. . .
def main():
env = gym.make('SpaceInvaders-v0')
episode_reward = 0
while True:
action = env.action_space.sample()
episode_reward += reward
if done:
. . .
def main():
. . .
if done:
if **name** == '**main**':
Save the file and exit the editor. If you’re using nano, do so by pressing
CTRL+X, Y, then ENTER. Then, run your script by typing:
Your program will output a number, akin to the following. Note that
each time you run the file you will get a different result:
Reward: 210.0
import gym
import random
def main():
env = gym.make('SpaceInvaders-v0')
episode_reward = 0
while True:
action = env.action_space.sample()
episode_reward += reward
if done:
if **name** == '**main**':
Save the file and close your editor, then run the script by typing the
following in your terminal:
Reward: 555.0
This is your very first bot, although it’s rather unintelligent since it
doesn’t account for the surrounding environment when it makes
decisions. For a more reliable estimate of your bot’s performance, you
could have the agent run for multiple episodes at a time, reporting
rewards averaged across multiple episodes. To configure this, first reopen
the file:
. . .
num_episodes = 10
. . .
. . .
rewards = []
. . .
Nest all code from env.reset() to the end of main() in a for loop,
iterating num_episodes times. Make sure to indent each line from
env.reset() to break by four spaces:
. . .
def main():
env = gym.make('SpaceInvaders-v0')
rewards = []
for _ in range(num_episodes):
episode_reward = 0
while True:
Right before break, currently the last line of the main game loop, add
the current episode’s reward to the list of all rewards:
. . .
if done:
. . .
. . .
def main():
. . .
Your file will now align with the following. Please note that the
following code block includes a few comments to clarify key parts of the
Bot 2 -- Make a random, baseline agent for the SpaceInvaders game.
import gym
import random
num_episodes = 10
def main():
rewards = []
for _ in range(num_episodes):
episode_reward = 0
while True:
action = env.action_space.sample()
episode_reward += reward
if done:
if __name__ == '__main__':
Save the file, exit the editor, and run the script:
. . .
policy: state -> action
state0 shoot 10
state0 right 3
state0 left 3
policy: state -> look at Q-table, pick action with greatest reward
However, most games have too many states to list in a table. In such
cases, the Q-learning agent learns a Q-function instead of a Q-table. We
use this Q-function similarly to how we used the Q-table previously.
Rewriting the table entries as functions gives us the following:
Q(state0, shoot) = 10
Q(state0, right) = 3
Q(state0, left) = 3
learning_rate * Q_target
These equations use the following definitions:
water. At this time, there’s an international frisbee shortage, so it’s
absolutely imperative that you navigate across the lake and retrieve the disc.
However, the ice is slippery, so you won’t always move in the direction you
The surface is described using a grid like the following:
The player starts at the top left, denoted by S, and works its way to the
goal at the bottom right, denoted by G. The available actions are right,
left, up, and down, and reaching the goal results in a score of 1. There are
a number of holes, denoted H, and falling into one immediately results in
a score of 0.
In this section, you will implement a simple Q-learning agent. Using
what you’ve learned previously, you will create an agent that trades off
between exploration and exploitation. In this context, exploration means
the agent acts randomly, and exploitation means it uses its Q-values to
choose what it believes to be the optimal action. You will also create a
table to hold the Q-values, updating it incrementally as the agent acts
and learns.
Make a copy of your script from Step 2:
Begin by updating the comment at the top of the file that describes the
script’s purpose. Because this is only a comment, this change isn’t
necessary for the script to function properly, but it can be helpful for
keeping track of what the script does:
. . .
Before you make functional modifications to the script, you will need
to import numpy for its linear algebra utilities. Right underneath import
gym, add the highlighted line:
import gym
import numpy as np
import random
. . .
Underneath random.seed(0), add a seed for numpy:
. . .
import random
. . .
Next, make the game states accessible. Update the env.reset() line
to say the following, which stores the initial state of the game in the
variable state:
. . .
for \_ in range(num_episodes):
state = env.reset()
. . .
. . .
while True:
action = env.action_space.sample()
state2, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
. . .
. . .
while True:
. . .
episode_reward += reward
state = state2
if done:
. . .
In the if done block, delete the print statement which prints the
reward for each episode. Instead, you’ll output the average reward over
many episodes. The if done block will then look like this:
. . .
if done:
. . .
After these modifications your game loop will match the following:
. . .
for _ in range(num_episodes):
state = env.reset()
episode_reward = 0
while True:
action = env.action_space.sample()
episode_reward += reward
state = state2
if done:
. . .
Next, add the ability for the agent to trade off between exploration and
exploitation. Right before your main game loop (which starts with
for...), create the Q-value table:
. . .
Q = np.zeros((env.observation_space.n, env.action_space.n))
for _ in range(num_episodes):
. . .
. . .
Q = np.zeros((env.observation_space.n, env.action_space.n))
. . .
Inside the while True: inner game loop, create noise. Noise, or
meaningless, random data, is sometimes introduced when training deep
neural networks because it can improve both the performance and the
accuracy of the model. Note that the higher the noise, the less the values
in Q[state, :] matter. As a result, the higher the noise, the more likely
that the agent acts independently of its knowledge of the game. In other
words, higher noise encourages the agent to explore random actions:
. . .
while True:
action = env.action_space.sample()
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
Q = np.zeros((env.observation_space.n, env.action_space.n))
state = env.reset()
episode_reward = 0
while True:
episode_reward += reward
state = state2
if done:
. . .
Next, you will update your Q-value table using the Bellman update
equation, an equation widely used in machine learning to find the
optimal policy within a given environment.
The Bellman equation incorporates two ideas that are highly relevant
to this project. First, taking a particular action from a particular state
many times will result in a good estimate for the Q-value associated with
that state and action. To this end, you will increase the number of
episodes this bot must play through in order to return a stronger Q-value
estimate. Second, rewards must propagate through time, so that the
original action is assigned a non-zero reward. This idea is clearest in
games with delayed rewards; for example, in Space Invaders, the player
is rewarded when the alien is blown up and not when the player shoots.
However, the player shooting is the true impetus for a reward. Likewise,
the Q-function must assign (state0, shoot) a positive reward.
First, update num_episodes to equal 4000:
. . .
num_episodes = 4000
. . .
Then, add the necessary hyperparameters to the top of the file in the
form of two more variables:
. . .
num_episodes = 4000
discount_factor = 0.8
learning_rate = 0.9
. . .
Compute the new target Q-value, right after the line containing
. . .
episode_reward += reward
. . .
On the line directly after Qtarget, update the Q-value table using a
weighted average of the old and new Q-values:
. . .
Q[state, action] = (
episode_reward += reward
. . .
Check that your main game loop now matches the following:
. . .
Q = np.zeros((env.observation_space.n, env.action_space.n))
state = env.reset()
episode_reward = 0
while True:
Q[state, action] = (
episode_reward += reward
state = state2
if done:
. . .
Our logic for training the agent is now complete. All that’s left is to add
reporting mechanisms.
Even though Python does not enforce strict type checking, add types to
your function declarations for cleanliness. At the top of the file, before the
first line reading import gym, import the List type:
. . .
import gym
. . .
. . .
learning_rate = 0.9
report_interval = 500
%.2f ' \
'(Episode %d)'
def main():
. . .
Before the main function, add a new function that will populate this
report string, using the list of all rewards:
. . .
%.2f ' \
'(Episode %d)'
def print_report(rewards: List, episode: int):
print(report % (
def main():
. . .
. . .
def main():
. . .
. . .
if done:
if episode % report_interval == 0:
print_report(rewards, episode)
. . .
At the end of the main() function, report both averages once more.
Do this by replacing the line that reads print('Average reward:
%.2f' % (sum(rewards) / len(rewards))) with the following
highlighted line:
. . .
def main():
print_report(rewards, -1)
. . .
Finally, you have completed your Q-learning agent. Check that your
script aligns with the following:
from typing import List
import gym
import numpy as np
import random
num_episodes = 4000
discount_factor = 0.8
learning_rate = 0.9
report_interval = 500
%.2f ' \
'(Episode %d)'
print(report % (
def main():
rewards = []
Q = np.zeros((env.observation_space.n, env.action_space.n))
state = env.reset()
episode_reward = 0
while True:
Q[state, action] = (
episode_reward += reward
state = state2
if done:
if episode % report_interval == 0:
print_report(rewards, episode)
print_report(rewards, -1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Save the file, exit your editor, and run the script:
(Episode 500)
(Episode 1000)
(Episode 1500)
(Episode 2000)
(Episode 2500)
(Episode 3000)
(Episode 3500)
(Episode 4000)
(Episode -1)
You now have your first non-trivial bot for games, but let’s put this
average reward of 0.78 into perspective. According to the Gym
FrozenLake page, “solving” the game means attaining a 100-episode
average of 0.78. Informally, “solving” means “plays the game very
well”. While not in record time, the Q-table agent is able to solve
FrozenLake in 4000 episodes.
However, the game may be more complex. Here, you used a table to
store all of the 144 possible states, but consider tic tac toe in which there
are 19,683 possible states. Likewise, consider Space Invaders where there
are too many possible states to count. A Q-table is not sustainable as
games grow increasingly complex. For this reason, you need some way to
approximate the Q-table. As you continue experimenting in the next step,
you will design a function that can accept states and actions as inputs
and output a Q-value.
Tensorflow’s abstractions and you’ll use a neural network to
approximate your Q-function. However, your neural network will be
extremely simple: your output Q(s) is a matrix W multiplied by your
input s. This is known as a neural network with one fully-connected
Q(s) = Ws
To reiterate, the goal is to reimplement all of the logic from the bots
we’ve already built using Tensorflow’s abstractions. This will make your
operations more efficient, as Tensorflow can then perform all
computation on the GPU.
Begin by duplicating your Q-table script from Step 3:
Then open the new file with nano or your preferred text editor:
. . .
Next, import the Tensorflow package by adding an import directive
right below import random. Additionally, add
tf.set_radon_seed(0) right below np.random.seed(0). This will
ensure that the results of this script will be repeatable across all sessions:
. . .
import random
import tensorflow as tf
. . .
. . .
num_episodes = 4000
discount_factor = 0.99
learning_rate = 0.15
report_interval = 500
report = '100-ep Average: %.2f . Best 100-ep Average: %.2f . Average:
%.2f ' \
'(Episode %d)'
. . .
. . .
%.2f ' \
'(Episode %d)'
. . .
Next, you will rewrite your algorithm logic using Tensorflow’s
abstractions. Before doing that, though, you’ll need to first create
placeholders for your data.
In your main function, directly beneath rewards=[], insert the
following highlighted content. Here, you define placeholders for your
observation at time t (as obs_t_ph) and time t+1 (as obs_tp1_ph), as
well as placeholders for your action, reward, and Q target:
. . .
def main():
rewards = []
# 1. Setup placeholders
Q = np.zeros((env.observation_space.n, env.action_space.n))
. . .
Directly beneath the line beginning with q_target_ph =, insert the
following highlighted lines. This code starts your computation by
computing Q(s, a) for all a to make q_current and Q(s’, a’) for all a’ to
make q_target:
. . .
q_current = tf.matmul(obs_t_ph, W)
q_target = tf.matmul(obs_tp1_ph, W)
Q = np.zeros((env.observation_space.n, env.action_space.n))
. . .
Again directly beneath the last line you added, insert the following
higlighted code. The first two lines are equivalent to the line added in
Step 3 that computes Qtarget, where Qtarget = reward +
discount_factor * np.max(Q[state2, :]). The next two lines
set up your loss, while the last line computes the action that maximizes
your Q-value:
. . .
q_current = tf.matmul(obs_t_ph, W)
q_target = tf.matmul(obs_tp1_ph, W)
pred_act_ph = tf.argmax(q_current, 1)
Q = np.zeros((env.observation_space.n, env.action_space.n))
. . .
After setting up your algorithm and the loss function, define your
. . .
pred_act_ph = tf.argmax(q_current, 1)
# 3. Setup optimization
trainer =
update_model = trainer.minimize(error)
Q = np.zeros((env.observation_space.n, env.action_space.n))
. . .
Next, set up the body of the game loop. To do this, pass data to the
Tensorflow placeholders and Tensorflow’s abstractions will handle the
computation on the GPU, returning the result of the algorithm.
Start by deleting the old Q-table and logic. Specifically, delete the lines
that define Q (right before the for loop), noise (in the while loop),
action, Qtarget, and Q[state, action]. Rename state to obs_t
and state2 to obs_tp1 to align with the Tensorflow placeholders you
set previously. When finished, your for loop will match the following:
. . .
# 3. Setup optimization
trainer =
update_model = trainer.minimize(error)
obs_t = env.reset()
episode_reward = 0
while True:
episode_reward += reward
obs_t = obs_tp1
if done:
Directly above the for loop, add the following two highlighted lines.
These lines initialize a Tensorflow session which in turn manages the
resources needed to run operations on the GPU. The second line
initializes all the variables in your computation graph; for example,
initializing weights to 0 before updating them. Additionally, you will
nest the for loop within the with statement, so indent the entire for
loop by four spaces:
. . .
trainer =
update_model = trainer.minimize(error)
obs_t = env.reset()
. . .
while True:
action = env.action_space.sample()
. . .
. . .
# 5. Train model
obs_tp1_ph: obs_tp1_oh
}), feed_dict={
obs_t_ph: obs_t_oh,
rew_ph: reward,
q_target_ph: q_target_val,
act_ph: action
episode_reward += reward
. . .
import gym
import numpy as np
import random
import tensorflow as tf
num_episodes = 4000
discount_factor = 0.99
learning_rate = 0.15
report_interval = 500
%.2f ' \
'(Episode %d)'
print(report % (
def main():
rewards = []
# 1. Setup placeholders
q_current = tf.matmul(obs_t_ph, W)
q_target = tf.matmul(obs_tp1_ph, W)
pred_act_ph = tf.argmax(q_current, 1)
# 3. Setup optimization
trainer =
update_model = trainer.minimize(error)
obs_t = env.reset()
episode_reward = 0
while True:
action = env.action_space.sample()
# 5. Train model
obs_tp1_ph: obs_tp1_oh
}), feed_dict={
obs_t_ph: obs_t_oh,
rew_ph: reward,
q_target_ph: q_target_val,
act_ph: action
episode_reward += reward
obs_t = obs_tp1
if done:
if episode % report_interval == 0:
print_report(rewards, episode)
print_report(rewards, -1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Save the file, exit your editor, and run the script:
(Episode 500)
(Episode 1000)
(Episode 1500)
(Episode 2000)
(Episode 2500)
(Episode 3000)
(Episode 3500)
(Episode 4000)
(Episode -1)
You’ve now trained your very first deep Q-learning agent. For a game
as simple as FrozenLake, your deep Q-learning agent required 4000
episodes to train. Imagine if the game were far more complex. How
many training samples would that require to train? As it turns out, the
agent could require millions of samples. The number of samples required
is referred to as sample complexity, a concept explored further in the next
Say we have two models, one simple and one extremely complex. For
both models to attain the same performance, bias-variance tells us that
the extremely complex model will need exponentially more samples to
train. Case in point: your neural network-based Q-learning agent
required 4000 episodes to solve FrozenLake. Adding a second layer to the
neural network agent quadruples the number of necessary training
episodes. With increasingly complex neural networks, this divide only
grows. To maintain the same error rate, increasing model complexity
increases the sample complexity exponentially. Likewise, decreasing
sa mple complexity decreases model complexity. Thus, we cannot
maximize model complexity and minimize sample complexity to our
heart’s desire.
We can, however, leverage our knowledge of this tradeoff. For a visual
interpretation of the mathematics behind the bias-variance
decomposition, see Understanding the Bias-Variance Tradeoff. At a high
level, the bias-variance decomposition is a breakdown of “true error”
into two components: bias and variance. We refer to “true error” as mean
squared error (MSE), which is the expected difference between our
predicted labels and the true labels. The following is a plot showing the
change of “true error” as model complexity increases:
Mean Squared Error curve
Open the new file:
Again, update the comment at the top of the file describing what this
script will do:
. . .
Before the block of imports near the top of your file, add two more
imports for type checking:
. . .
import gym
. . .
both the num_episodes and discount_factor hyperparameters to
larger values, the agent will be able to issue a stronger performance:
. . .
num_episodes = 5000
discount_factor = 0.85
learning_rate = 0.9
w_lr = 0.5
report_interval = 500
. . .
. . .
report_interval = 500
%.2f ' \
'(Episode %d)'
def print_report(rewards: List, episode: int):
. . .
. . .
"""Initialize model"""
Q = makeQ(W)
return W, Q
. . .
After the initialize block, add a train method that computes the
ridge regression closed-form solution, then weights the old model with
the new one. It returns both the model and the abstracted Q-function:
. . .
def initialize(shape: Tuple):
return W, Q
I = np.eye(X.shape[1])
Q = makeQ(W)
return W, Q
. . .
. . .
return W, Q
return np.identity(n)[i]
. . .
Following this, you will need to modify the training logic. In the
previous script you wrote, the Q-table was updated every iteration. This
script, however, will collect samples and labels every time step and train
a new model every 10 steps. Additionally, instead of holding a Q-table or
a neural network, it will use a least squares model to predict Q-values.
Go to the main function and replace the definition of the Q-table (Q =
np.zeros(...)) with the following:
. . .
def main():
rewards = []
W, Q = initialize((n_obs, n_actions))
. . .
Scroll down before the for loop. Directly below this, add the following
lines which reset the states and labels lists if there is too much
information stored:
. . .
def main():
. . .
Modify the line directly after this one, which defines state =
env.reset(), so that it becomes the following. This will one-hot
encode the state immediately, as all of its usages will require a one-hot
. . .
. . .
Before the first line in your while main game loop, amend the list of
. . .
episode_reward = 0
while True:
. . .
. . .
while True:
. . .
. . .
while True:
state2, reward, done, \_ = env.step(action)
. . .
. . .
label = Q(state)
episode_reward += reward
. . .
. . .
state = state2
if len(states) % 10 == 0:
W, Q = train(np.array(states), np.array(labels), W)
if done:
. . .
import gym
import numpy as np
import random
num_episodes = 5000
discount_factor = 0.85
learning_rate = 0.9
w_lr = 0.5
report_interval = 500
report = '100-ep Average: %.2f . Best 100-ep Average: %.2f . Average:
%.2f ' \
'(Episode %d)'
"""Initialize model"""
Q = makeQ(W)
return W, Q
I = np.eye(X.shape[1])
Q = makeQ(W)
return W, Q
def one_hot(i: int, n: int) -> np.array:
return np.identity(n)[i]
print(report % (
def main():
rewards = []
W, Q = initialize((n_obs, n_actions))
for episode in range(1, num_episodes + 1):
episode_reward = 0
while True:
label = Q(state)
learning_rate * Qtarget
episode_reward += reward
state = state2
if len(states) % 10 == 0:
W, Q = train(np.array(states), np.array(labels), W)
if done:
if episode % report_interval == 0:
print_report(rewards, episode)
print_report(rewards, -1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Then, save the file, exit the editor, and run the script:
(Episode 500)
(Episode 1000)
(Episode 1500)
(Episode 2000)
(Episode 2500)
(Episode 3000)
(Episode 3500)
(Episode 4000)
(Episode 4500)
(Episode 5000)
(Episode -1)
The first general-purpose agent able to continually adapt its behavior
without any human intervention was developed by the researchers at
DeepMind, who also trained their agent to play a variety of Atari games.
DeepMind’s original deep Q-learning (DQN) paper recognized two
important issues:
1. Correlated states: Take the state of our game at time 0, which we will
call s0. Say we update Q(s0), according to the rules we derived
previously. Now, take the state at time 1, which we call s1, and
update Q(s1) according to the same rules. Note that the game’s state
at time 0 is very similar to its state at time 1. In Space Invaders, for
example, the aliens may have moved by one pixel each. Said more
succinctly, s0 and s1 are very similar. Likewise, we also expect Q(s0)
and Q(s1) to be very similar, so updating one affects the other. This
leads to fluctuating Q values, as an update to Q(s0) may in fact
counter the update to Q(s1). More formally, s0 and s1 are correlated.
Since the Q-function is deterministic, Q(s1) is correlated with Q(s0).
2. Q-function instability: Recall that the Q function is both the model
we train and the source of our labels. Say that our labels are
randomly-selected values that truly represent a distribution, L.
Every time we update Q, we change L, meaning that our model is
trying to learn a moving target. This is an issue, as the models we
use assume a fixed distribution.
1. One could keep a list of states called a replay buffer. Each time step,
you add the game state that you observe to this replay buffer. You
also randomly sample a subset of states from this list, and train on
those states.
2. The team at DeepMind duplicated Q(s, a). One is called Q_current(s,
a), which is the Q-function you update. You need another Q-function
for successor states, Q_target(s’, a’), which you won’t update. Recall
Q_target(s’, a’) is used to generate your labels. By separating
Q_current from Q_target and fixing the latter, you fix the
distribution your labels are sampled from. Then, your deep learning
model can spend a short period learning this distribution. After a
period of time, you then re-duplicate Q_current for a new Q_target.
You won’t implement these yourself, but you will load pretrained
models that trained with these solutions. To do this, create a new
directory where you will store these models’ parameters:
mkdir models
wget -P
The states must be downsampled, or reduced in size, to 84 x 84.
The input consists of four states, stacked.
We will address these constraints in more detail later on. For now,
download the script by typing:
You will now run this pretrained Space Invaders agent to see how it
performs. Unlike the past few bots we’ve used, you will write this script
from scratch.
Create a new script file:
import cv2
import gym
import numpy as np
import random
import tensorflow as tf
def main():
if **name** == '**main**':
Directly after your imports, set random seeds to make your results
reproducible. Also, define a hyperparameter num_episodes which will
tell the script how many episodes to run the agent for:
. . .
import tensorflow as tf
num_episodes = 10
def main():
. . .
. . .
num_episodes = 10
def downsample(state):
def main():
. . .
Create the game environment at the start of your main function and
seed the environment so that the results are reproducible:
. . .
def main():
. . .
Directly after the environment seed, initialize an empty list to hold the
. . .
def main():
rewards = []
. . .
. . .
def main():
rewards = []
model = a3c_model(load='models/SpaceInvaders-v0.tfmodel')
. . .
Next, add some lines telling the script to iterate for num_episodes
times to compute average performance and initialize each episode’s
reward to 0. Additionally, add a line to reset the environment
(env.reset()), collecting the new initial state in the process,
downsample this initial state with downsample(), and start the game
loop using a while loop:
. . .
def main():
rewards = []
model = a3c*model(load='models/SpaceInvaders-v0.tfmodel')
for * in range(num_episodes):
episode_reward = 0
states = [downsample(env.reset())]
while True:
. . .
. . .
while True:
if len(states) < 4:
action = env.action_space.sample()
action = np.argmax(model([frames]))
. . .
Then take an action and update the relevant data. Add a downsampled
version of the observed state, and update the reward for this episode:
. . .
while True:
action = np.argmax(model([frames]))
episode_reward += reward
. . .
Next, add the following lines which check whether the episode is done
and, if it is, print the episode’s total reward and amend the list of all
results and break the while loop early:
. . .
while True:
episode_reward += reward
if done:
. . .
Outside of the while and for loops, print the average reward. Place
this at the end of your main function:
def main():
import cv2
import gym
import numpy as np
import random
import tensorflow as tf
num_episodes = 10
def downsample(state):
def main():
rewards = []
model = a3c_model(load='models/SpaceInvaders-v0.tfmodel')
for _ in range(num_episodes):
episode_reward = 0
states = [downsample(env.reset())]
while True:
if len(states) < 4:
action = env.action_space.sample()
action = np.argmax(model([frames]))
episode_reward += reward
if done:
if __name__ == '__main__':
Save the file and exit your editor. Then, run the script:
. . .
Reward: 1230
Reward: 4510
Reward: 1860
Reward: 2555
Reward: 515
Reward: 1830
Reward: 4100
Reward: 4350
Reward: 1705
Reward: 4905
Compare this to the result from the first script, where you ran a
random agent for Space Invaders. The average reward in that case was
only about 150, meaning this result is over twenty times better. However,
you only ran your code for three episodes, as it’s fairly slow, and the
average of three episodes is not a reliable metric. Running this over 10
episodes, the average is 2756; over 100 episodes, the average is around
2500. Only with these averages can you comfortably conclude that your
agent is indeed performing an order of magnitude better, and that you
now have an agent that plays Space Invaders reasonably well.
However, recall the issue that was raised in the previous section
regarding sample complexity. As it turns out, this Space Invaders agent
takes millions of samples to train. In fact, this agent required 24 hours on
four Titan X GPUs to train up to this current level; in other words, it took
a significant amount of compute to train it adequately. Can you train a
similarly high-performing agent with far fewer samples? The previous
steps should arm you with enough knowledge to begin exploring this
question. Using far simpler models and per bias-variance tradeoffs, it
may be possible.
In this tutorial, you built several bots for games and explored a
fundamental concept in machine learning called bias-variance. A natural
next question is: Can you build bots for more complex games, such as
StarCraft 2? As it turns out, this is a pending research question,
supplemented with open-source tools from collaborators across Google,
DeepMind, and Blizzard. If these are problems that interest you, see open
calls for research at OpenAI, for current problems.
The main takeaway from this tutorial is the bias-variance tradeoff. It is
up to the machine learning practitioner to consider the effects of model
complexity. Whereas it is possible to leverage highly complex models and
layer on excessive amounts of compute, samples, and time, reduced
model complexity could significantly reduce the resources required.