Du Business Starter Application Form BTL Promo (5764)
Du Business Starter Application Form BTL Promo (5764)
Du Business Starter Application Form BTL Promo (5764)
Date of Proposal:
Sales Executive:
Account Manager:
Business Starter Promotion
We understand the needs and challenges of our business customers across the different industries within the UAE. As a business, you need
specialised solutions that help you save on cost as you grow in today’s competitive market, and ensure you are always connected and reachable.
Hence we are excited to introduce this offer for you.
Assuring you the highest quality of products and services at all times, forging a successful mutually beneficial business relationship.
You get
Special Offer
Landline to International minutes (Top 190 destinations) 150 minutes 300 minutes
Number of Years to be
.ae Domain Domain Registration fee Domain Hosting Suggested Domain name
registered (max. 5 years)
Do you want your company’s du telephone details to be added in the Public/du Directory Enquiry 199? Yes No
(if option not selected, it will not be listed by default).
Documents required:
• Signed & Stamped Proposal
• A copy of valid Trade license and Establishment card
• A copy of valid Emirates ID or Passport and Visa copy of the owner
In case of owner authorising a different person:
• Authorization letter/NOC/POA
• A copy of valid Emirates ID or Passport and Visa copy of the owner
• A copy of valid Emirates ID or Passport and Visa copy of the authorised person
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New Service amendment Service termination Service upgrade Relocation1
Company information
Company name: _Company account number:
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I agree by signing below that I have the authority to sign on behalf of the named customer; that I’ve ordered the services indicated in this form, that I accept the Terms
and Conditions as stipulated in the subsequent pages of this application form and that I adhere to the Generic Terms and Conditions of du (available on
www.du.ae/terms-and-conditions). I take full responsibility for the use of all du services provided to us.
Special Terms
If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the Generic Terms and Conditions of du that are available on (www.du.ae/terms-and-conditions), the terms of the Special
Terms shall take precedence to the extent of such conflict or inconsistency.
1. VAT
1.1 Each amount stated as payable by the Customer under this Agreement is exclusive of any sales, purchase, or turnover tax (including, without limitation, VAT) as may
be applicable in any relevant jurisdiction, if any, and the Customer shall be liable for and pay all other taxes of any nature whatsoever levied, assessed, charged or
collected for or in connection with the Services.
1.2 The Customer shall assist du with any information it requires to comply with its VAT obligations arising from this Agreement or the provision of Services.
1.3 Where du makes a taxable supply or deemed supply of goods or services to the Customer, the payment or other consideration for that supply shall be exclusive
of all VAT properly chargeable and the Customer shall pay the VAT in addition to the payment or other consideration for that supply on the earlier of: (a) when the
payment or other consideration is made; or (b) when the supply is made.
1.4 Where one Party (the Payer) is paying, repaying or reimbursing the costs, fees, charges or expenses of the Party (the Payee), other than where it gives rise to a
supply by the Payee, the Payer shall also reimburse the Payee for any part of such cost, fee, charge or expense (or proportion of it) which represents VAT, except
where the Payee is entitled to credit or repayment in respect of such VAT from a tax authority.
1.5 Where the consideration for any taxable supply of goods or services is subsequently adjusted (including on a termination), the Parties will make all appropriate
adjustments to the VAT, including the repayment of VAT, the further payment of VAT and the issue of any credit note or further VAT invoice valid for VAT purposes.
1.6 If the Parties are in dispute (with each other or with the relevant tax authority) or uncertain about the VAT obligations or implications of any supplies of goods or
services pursuant to this Agreement, or the relevant tax authority determines that the Parties’ treatment of VAT on such supplies is incorrect in any respect, the
Parties shall use all reasonable endeavors to cooperate and reach agreement with each other and with the tax authority keeping each other fully informed and shall
make all appropriate adjustments.
3. General
3.1 Name and Logo. du shall not, in any statement of an advertising or promotional nature, refer to this Agreement or its relationship with the World Health
Organization. In no case shall du use the name or emblem of the World Health Organization, or any abbreviation thereof, in relation to its business or otherwise.
4. Offer
4.1 The offer is valid for two weeks from the date of this proposal.
4.2 Minimum Term: After completing the Minimum Term of 12 months, customers can choose to renew their Business Starter package with a yearly contract, or continue
on a higher monthly plan without commitment by giving written notice about the preferred option 30 days prior to expiry of the Minimum Term.
4.3 Early Termination Charges: If the Customer cancels the Service prior to the end of the Minimum Term, the Customer must pay an early termination charge equal to:
One(1) time the monthly recurring charge + remaining value of the router. The remaining value of the router, if the contract is active, is calculated as the value of the
router divided by business starter contract commitment term multiplied by the number of remaining months in the contract minus one month.
Router value charged at AED 1500.
4.4 International minutes only apply to calls made to the top 190 destinations, which are listed on du.ae/grow.
4.5 Penalty Free Service: Please note that the services subscribed to via this application, can be cancelled within 7 days from the date of activation without any exit
charges (excluding third party services) in the below scenarios:
4.5.1 If the service is not working as described in the application form and is not in alignment with the T&Cs, or
4.5.2 If the customer had been misinformed before signing the contract.
4.5.3 Subject to device and router must be in original packaging in order to accept the cancellation.
4.5.4 Third party services will be charged such as Domain registration.
4.6 The e-Commerce Starter Kit offer must be redeemed within 3 months from the time of delivery.
5. Equipment
5.1 The equipment (together with all accessories) leased by the Customer from du must be returned to du on termination of the service. If the Customer fails to return
the leased equipment, or the equipment is damaged, the Customer will be charged the current list price for the equipment.
Designation: Stamp:
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