HR Quaters - Pad Footings

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Ultimate Load (N) 167 kN

Servise Load (Ns) 117 kN
Bearing pressure of soil (Sb) 100 kN/m2 Cb
Concrete density (Cden) 24 kN/m3 L
fcu 25 N/mm2
fy 460 N/mm2
Column width Ch (max) 0.225 m L
Column width Cb (min) 0.225 m

Cover at Base Cov 50 mm

AssDiaBar 10 mm

Dimensions of base

Preliminary check on effective depth

dmin 10(N)0.5 129 mm
Depth min =dmin+Cover+(3/2)*AssDiaBar 194
Selected Depth 200 mm

Pressure due to footing weight wb =depth*Cden 4.8 kN/m2

Required area of the base Ns/(sb-wb) 1.23 m2
L 1.11
Selected base L 1.2 m
Area of the selected base L 2
1.44 m2
Wb=wb*L2 6.91 kN
Actual ultimate Total load NuT=Ns+1.4Wb 176.68 kN

Ultimate pressure at Base PUT=NUT/L2 122.69 kN/m2

Design for bending

Critical bending moment at the face of a column (Mf) =PUT*L*{[(L-Cb)/2]^2}*(1/2) 17.50 kNm
dmin =depth-Cov-(3/2)AssDiaBar 135 mm
davg =dmin+(AssDiaBar/2) 140 mm

M/bd2 0.800 N/mm2

100As/bd 0.21
As 340 mm2

Select bar
Dia Num. of bars Area Spacing
10 6 471 218 OK

Maximum spacing min(3d,250) 250 mm - OK

Check for r/f banding Cl

lc 600 mm
(3/4)Cb+(9/4)d 473 mm
(3/4)Cb+(9/4)d<lc r/f needs to be branded

banded Distence from face of column=1.5d 202.5 mm

Inner zone =3d+Cb 630 mm
As req in inner zone 2As req/3 227 mm2
Asprov in inner zone 247 mm2 OK

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Select bar- Inner zone

Dia Num. of bars Area Spacing
20 16 5027 41 NOT BANDED

Check for vertical line shear

Shear at distance d from the support (V) =PUT*L*{(L-cb)/2-d} 51.90 kN
v =V/bd 0.32 N/mm2
As 471 mm2 dmin 135 mm
100As/bd = 0.291 vc 0.56 N/mm2

Vertical shear OK

Check for punching shear

At the face of column
Perimeter P1=(Cb+Ch)*2 0.90 m
vmax =N/P1d 1.37 N/mm2
0.8fcu0.5 = 4.00 N/mm2
Maximum shear OK

When critical perimeter at distance 1.5d from the support

perimeter P2=(Ch+Cb)*2+(1.5*8*d) 2.52 m
Area of outer perimeter Ao=L2-(cb+3d)(ch+3d) 1.04 m2
V =PUTAo 127.98 KN
v =V/P2d 0.376 N/mm2
vc>v punching shear ok

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Ultimate Load (N) 373 kN

Servise Load (Ns) 260 kN
Bearing pressure of soil (Sb) 100 kN/m2 Cb
Concrete density (Cden) 24 kN/m3 L
fcu 25 N/mm2
fy 460 N/mm2
Column width Ch (max) 0.225 m L
Column width Cb (min) 0.225 m

Cover at Base Cov 50 mm

AssDiaBar 10 mm

Dimensions of base

Preliminary check on effective depth

dmin 10(N)0.5 193 mm
Depth min =dmin+Cover+(3/2)*AssDiaBar 258
Selected Depth 250 mm

Pressure due to footing weight wb =depth*Cden 6 kN/m2

Required area of the base Ns/(sb-wb) 2.77 m2
L 1.66
Selected base L 1.7 m
Area of the selected base L 2
2.89 m2
Wb=wb*L2 17.34 kN
Actual ultimate Total load NuT=Ns+1.4Wb 397.28 kN

Ultimate pressure at Base PUT=NUT/L2 137.47 kN/m2

Design for bending

Critical bending moment at the face of a column (Mf) =PUT*L*{[(L-Cb)/2]^2}*(1/2) 63.55 kNm
dmin =depth-Cov-(3/2)AssDiaBar 185 mm
davg =dmin+(AssDiaBar/2) 190 mm

M/bd2 1.092 N/mm2

100As/bd 0.265
As 833 mm2

Select bar
Dia Num. of bars Area Spacing
12 11 1244 159 OK

Maximum spacing min(3d,250) 250 mm - OK

Check for r/f banding Cl

lc 850 mm
(3/4)Cb+(9/4)d 585 mm
(3/4)Cb+(9/4)d<lc r/f needs to be branded

banded Distence from face of column=1.5d 277.5 mm

Inner zone =3d+Cb 780 mm
As req in inner zone 2As req/3 556 mm2
Asprov in inner zone 571 mm2 OK

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Select bar- Inner zone

Dia Num. of bars Area Spacing
20 16 5027 51 NOT BANDED

Check for vertical line shear

Shear at distance d from the support (V) =PUT*L*{(L-cb)/2-d} 129.11 kN
v =V/bd 0.41 N/mm2
As 1244 mm2 dmin 185 mm
100As/bd = 0.396 vc 0.55 N/mm2

Vertical shear OK

Check for punching shear

At the face of column
Perimeter P1=(Cb+Ch)*2 0.90 m
vmax =N/P1d 2.24 N/mm2
0.8fcu0.5 = 4.00 N/mm2
Maximum shear OK

When critical perimeter at distance 1.5d from the support

perimeter P2=(Ch+Cb)*2+(1.5*8*d) 3.12 m
Area of outer perimeter Ao=L2-(cb+3d)(ch+3d) 2.28 m2
V =PUTAo 313.64 KN
v =V/P2d 0.543 N/mm2
vc>v punching shear ok

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Ultimate Load (N) 319 kN

Servise Load (Ns) 222 kN
Bearing pressure of soil (Sb) 100 kN/m2 Cb
Concrete density (Cden) 24 kN/m3 L
fcu 25 N/mm2
fy 460 N/mm2
Column width Ch (max) 0.225 m L
Column width Cb (min) 0.225 m

Cover at Base Cov 50 mm

AssDiaBar 10 mm

Dimensions of base

Preliminary check on effective depth

dmin 10(N)0.5 179 mm
Depth min =dmin+Cover+(3/2)*AssDiaBar 244
Selected Depth 250 mm

Pressure due to footing weight wb =depth*Cden 6 kN/m2

Required area of the base Ns/(sb-wb) 2.36 m2
L 1.54
Selected base L 1.7 m
Area of the selected base L 2
2.89 m2
Wb=wb*L2 17.34 kN
Actual ultimate Total load NuT=Ns+1.4Wb 343.28 kN

Ultimate pressure at Base PUT=NUT/L2 118.78 kN/m2

Design for bending

Critical bending moment at the face of a column (Mf) =PUT*L*{[(L-Cb)/2]^2}*(1/2) 54.91 kNm
dmin =depth-Cov-(3/2)AssDiaBar 185 mm
davg =dmin+(AssDiaBar/2) 190 mm

M/bd2 0.944 N/mm2

100As/bd 0.25
As 786 mm2

Select bar
Dia Num. of bars Area Spacing
12 11 1244 159 OK

Maximum spacing min(3d,250) 250 mm - OK

Check for r/f banding Cl

lc 850 mm
(3/4)Cb+(9/4)d 585 mm
(3/4)Cb+(9/4)d<lc r/f needs to be branded

banded Distence from face of column=1.5d 277.5 mm

Inner zone =3d+Cb 780 mm
As req in inner zone 2As req/3 524 mm2
Asprov in inner zone 571 mm2 OK

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Select bar- Inner zone

Dia Num. of bars Area Spacing
20 0 -770 NOT BANDED

Check for vertical line shear

Shear at distance d from the support (V) =PUT*L*{(L-cb)/2-d} 111.56 kN
v =V/bd 0.35 N/mm2
As 1244 mm2 dmin 185 mm
100As/bd = 0.396 vc 0.55 N/mm2

Vertical shear OK

Check for punching shear

At the face of column
Perimeter P1=(Cb+Ch)*2 0.90 m
vmax =N/P1d 1.92 N/mm2
0.8fcu0.5 = 4.00 N/mm2
Maximum shear OK

When critical perimeter at distance 1.5d from the support

perimeter P2=(Ch+Cb)*2+(1.5*8*d) 3.12 m
Area of outer perimeter Ao=L2-(cb+3d)(ch+3d) 2.28 m2
V =PUTAo 271.01 KN
v =V/P2d 0.470 N/mm2
vc>v punching shear ok

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Ultimate Load (N) 346 kN

Servise Load (Ns) 244 kN
Bearing pressure of soil (Sb) 100 kN/m2 Cb
Concrete density (Cden) 24 kN/m3 L
fcu 25 N/mm2
fy 460 N/mm2
Column width Ch (max) 0.225 m L
Column width Cb (min) 0.225 m

Cover at Base Cov 50 mm

AssDiaBar 10 mm

Dimensions of base

Preliminary check on effective depth

dmin 10(N)0.5 186 mm
Depth min =dmin+Cover+(3/2)*AssDiaBar 251
Selected Depth 250 mm

Pressure due to footing weight wb =depth*Cden 6 kN/m2

Required area of the base Ns/(sb-wb) 2.60 m2
L 1.61
Selected base L 1.7 m
Area of the selected base L 2
2.89 m2
Wb=wb*L2 17.34 kN
Actual ultimate Total load NuT=Ns+1.4Wb 370.28 kN

Ultimate pressure at Base PUT=NUT/L2 128.12 kN/m2

Design for bending

Critical bending moment at the face of a column (Mf) =PUT*L*{[(L-Cb)/2]^2}*(1/2) 59.23 kNm
dmin =depth-Cov-(3/2)AssDiaBar 185 mm
davg =dmin+(AssDiaBar/2) 190 mm

M/bd2 1.018 N/mm2

100As/bd 0.265
As 833 mm2

Select bar
Dia Num. of bars Area Spacing
12 11 1244 159 OK

Maximum spacing min(3d,250) 250 mm - OK

Check for r/f banding Cl

lc 850 mm
(3/4)Cb+(9/4)d 585 mm
(3/4)Cb+(9/4)d<lc r/f needs to be branded

banded Distence from face of column=1.5d 277.5 mm

Inner zone =3d+Cb 780 mm
As req in inner zone 2As req/3 556 mm2
Asprov in inner zone 571 mm2 OK

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Select bar- Inner zone

Dia Num. of bars Area Spacing
20 0 -770 NOT BANDED

Check for vertical line shear

Shear at distance d from the support (V) =PUT*L*{(L-cb)/2-d} 120.34 kN
v =V/bd 0.38 N/mm2
As 1244 mm2 dmin 185 mm
100As/bd = 0.396 vc 0.55 N/mm2

Vertical shear OK

Check for punching shear

At the face of column
Perimeter P1=(Cb+Ch)*2 0.90 m
vmax =N/P1d 2.08 N/mm2
0.8fcu0.5 = 4.00 N/mm2
Maximum shear OK

When critical perimeter at distance 1.5d from the support

perimeter P2=(Ch+Cb)*2+(1.5*8*d) 3.12 m
Area of outer perimeter Ao=L2-(cb+3d)(ch+3d) 2.28 m2
V =PUTAo 292.33 KN
v =V/P2d 0.506 N/mm2
vc>v punching shear ok

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Ultimate Load (N) 290 kN

Servise Load (Ns) 204 kN
Bearing pressure of soil (Sb) 100 kN/m2 Cb
Concrete density (Cden) 24 kN/m3 L
fcu 25 N/mm2
fy 460 N/mm2
Column width Ch (max) 0.225 m L
Column width Cb (min) 0.225 m

Cover at Base Cov 50 mm

AssDiaBar 10 mm

Dimensions of base

Preliminary check on effective depth

dmin 10(N)0.5 170 mm
Depth min =dmin+Cover+(3/2)*AssDiaBar 235
Selected Depth 225 mm

Pressure due to footing weight wb =depth*Cden 5.4 kN/m2

Required area of the base Ns/(sb-wb) 2.16 m2
L 1.47
Selected base L 1.5 m
Area of the selected base L 2
2.25 m2
Wb=wb*L2 12.15 kN
Actual ultimate Total load NuT=Ns+1.4Wb 307.01 kN

Ultimate pressure at Base PUT=NUT/L2 136.45 kN/m2

Design for bending

Critical bending moment at the face of a column (Mf) =PUT*L*{[(L-Cb)/2]^2}*(1/2) 41.59 kNm
dmin =depth-Cov-(3/2)AssDiaBar 160 mm
davg =dmin+(AssDiaBar/2) 165 mm

M/bd2 1.083 N/mm2

100As/bd 0.29
As 696 mm2

Select bar
Dia Num. of bars Area Spacing
12 9 1018 174 OK

Maximum spacing min(3d,250) 250 mm - OK

Check for r/f banding Cl

lc 750 mm
(3/4)Cb+(9/4)d 529 mm
(3/4)Cb+(9/4)d<lc r/f needs to be branded

banded Distence from face of column=1.5d 240 mm

Inner zone =3d+Cb 705 mm
As req in inner zone 2As req/3 464 mm2
Asprov in inner zone 478 mm2 OK

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Select bar- Inner zone

Dia Num. of bars Area Spacing
20 0 -695 NOT BANDED

Check for vertical line shear

Shear at distance d from the support (V) =PUT*L*{(L-cb)/2-d} 97.73 kN
v =V/bd 0.41 N/mm2
As 1018 mm2 dmin 160 mm
100As/bd = 0.424 vc 0.58 N/mm2

Vertical shear OK

Check for punching shear

At the face of column
Perimeter P1=(Cb+Ch)*2 0.90 m
vmax =N/P1d 2.01 N/mm2
0.8fcu0.5 = 4.00 N/mm2
Maximum shear OK

When critical perimeter at distance 1.5d from the support

perimeter P2=(Ch+Cb)*2+(1.5*8*d) 2.82 m
Area of outer perimeter Ao=L2-(cb+3d)(ch+3d) 1.75 m2
V =PUTAo 239.19 KN
v =V/P2d 0.530 N/mm2
vc>v punching shear ok

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Ultimate Load (N) 180 kN

Servise Load (Ns) 127 kN
Bearing pressure of soil (Sb) 100 kN/m2 Cb
Concrete density (Cden) 24 kN/m3 L
fcu 30 N/mm2
fy 460 N/mm2
Column width Ch (max) 0.225 m L
Column width Cb (min) 0.225 m

Cover at Base Cov 50 mm

AssDiaBar 10 mm

Dimensions of base

Preliminary check on effective depth

dmin 10(N)0.5 134 mm
Depth min =dmin+Cover+(3/2)*AssDiaBar 199
Selected Depth 200 mm

Pressure due to footing weight wb =depth*Cden 4.8 kN/m2

Required area of the base Ns/(sb-wb) 1.33 m2
L 1.16
Selected base L 1.2 m
Area of the selected base L 2
1.44 m2
Wb=wb*L2 6.91 kN
Actual ultimate Total load NuT=Ns+1.4Wb 189.68 kN

Ultimate pressure at Base PUT=NUT/L2 131.72 kN/m2

Design for bending

Critical bending moment at the face of a column (Mf) =PUT*L*{[(L-Cb)/2]^2}*(1/2) 18.78 kNm
dmin =depth-Cov-(3/2)AssDiaBar 135 mm
davg =dmin+(AssDiaBar/2) 140 mm

M/bd2 0.859 N/mm2

100As/bd 0.226
As 366 mm2

Select bar
Dia Num. of bars Area Spacing
10 6 471 218 OK

Maximum spacing min(3d,250) 250 mm - OK

Check for r/f banding Cl

lc 600 mm
(3/4)Cb+(9/4)d 473 mm
(3/4)Cb+(9/4)d<lc r/f needs to be branded

banded Distence from face of column=1.5d 202.5 mm

Inner zone =3d+Cb 630 mm
As req in inner zone 2As req/3 244 mm2
Asprov in inner zone 247 mm2 OK

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Select bar- Inner zone

Dia Num. of bars Area Spacing
20 16 5027 41 NOT BANDED

Check for vertical line shear

Shear at distance d from the support (V) =PUT*L*{(L-cb)/2-d} 55.72 kN
v =V/bd 0.34 N/mm2
As 471 mm2 dmin 135 mm
100As/bd = 0.291 vc 0.56 N/mm2

Vertical shear OK

Check for punching shear

At the face of column
Perimeter P1=(Cb+Ch)*2 0.90 m
vmax =N/P1d 1.48 N/mm2
0.8fcu0.5 = 4.38 N/mm2
Maximum shear OK

When critical perimeter at distance 1.5d from the support

perimeter P2=(Ch+Cb)*2+(1.5*8*d) 2.52 m
Area of outer perimeter Ao=L2-(cb+3d)(ch+3d) 1.04 m2
V =PUTAo 137.40 KN
v =V/P2d 0.404 N/mm2
vc>v punching shear ok

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Ultimate Load (N) 279 kN

Servise Load (Ns) 194 kN
Bearing pressure of soil (Sb) 100 kN/m2 Cb
Concrete density (Cden) 24 kN/m3 L
fcu 30 N/mm2
fy 460 N/mm2
Column width Ch (max) 0.225 m L
Column width Cb (min) 0.225 m

Cover at Base Cov 50 mm

AssDiaBar 10 mm

Dimensions of base

Preliminary check on effective depth

dmin 10(N)0.5 167 mm
Depth min =dmin+Cover+(3/2)*AssDiaBar 232
Selected Depth 225 mm

Pressure due to footing weight wb =depth*Cden 5.4 kN/m2

Required area of the base Ns/(sb-wb) 2.05 m2
L 1.43
Selected base L 1.5 m
Area of the selected base L 2
2.25 m2
Wb=wb*L2 12.15 kN
Actual ultimate Total load NuT=Ns+1.4Wb 296.01 kN

Ultimate pressure at Base PUT=NUT/L2 131.56 kN/m2

Design for bending

Critical bending moment at the face of a column (Mf) =PUT*L*{[(L-Cb)/2]^2}*(1/2) 40.10 kNm
dmin =depth-Cov-(3/2)AssDiaBar 160 mm
davg =dmin+(AssDiaBar/2) 165 mm

M/bd2 1.044 N/mm2

100As/bd 0.276
As 662 mm2

Select bar
Dia Num. of bars Area Spacing
10 12 942 126 OK

Maximum spacing min(3d,250) 250 mm - OK

Check for r/f banding Cl

lc 750 mm
(3/4)Cb+(9/4)d 529 mm
(3/4)Cb+(9/4)d<lc r/f needs to be branded

banded Distence from face of column=1.5d 240 mm

Inner zone =3d+Cb 705 mm
As req in inner zone 2As req/3 442 mm2
Asprov in inner zone 443 mm2 OK

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Select bar- Inner zone

Dia Num. of bars Area Spacing
20 16 5027 46 NOT BANDED

Check for vertical line shear

Shear at distance d from the support (V) =PUT*L*{(L-cb)/2-d} 94.23 kN
v =V/bd 0.39 N/mm2
As 942 mm2 dmin 160 mm
100As/bd = 0.393 vc 0.60 N/mm2

Vertical shear OK

Check for punching shear

At the face of column
Perimeter P1=(Cb+Ch)*2 0.90 m
vmax =N/P1d 1.94 N/mm2
0.8fcu0.5 = 4.38 N/mm2
Maximum shear OK

When critical perimeter at distance 1.5d from the support

perimeter P2=(Ch+Cb)*2+(1.5*8*d) 2.82 m
Area of outer perimeter Ao=L2-(cb+3d)(ch+3d) 1.75 m2
V =PUTAo 230.62 KN
v =V/P2d 0.511 N/mm2
vc>v punching shear ok

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