Yeoh 2016
Yeoh 2016
Yeoh 2016
DOI 10.1007/s12630-016-0794-8
T. Y. Yeoh et al.
américaine, et de l’Agence européenne des médicaments. Deep brain stimulation—a primer for anesthesiologists
Au total, trente des 232 articles identifiés ont été jugés
pertinents à ce compte rendu. Indications
Constatations principales Les dispositifs de stimulation
cérébrale profonde proposent aujourd’hui une vaste The use of DBS was first reported in 1987 in patients with
gamme d’options, notamment des générateurs tremor-predominant Parkinson’s disease.4 This technology
d’impulsions capables d’utiliser deux canaux, des piles revolutionized the treatment of patients with a movement
rechargeables, et des modes de contrôle du courant. Avant disorder such as essential tremor, dystonia, and Parkinson’s
l’opération, l’anesthésiologiste devrait vérifier les disease. The advantages of DBS over ablative surgeries
indications thérapeutiques d’une SCP, identifier le type (e.g., thalamotomy and pallidotomy) include its
de dispositif implanté, et consulter un spécialiste de la SCP reversibility, adjustability, and safety profile. To date, the
pour connaı̂tre les précautions spécifiques et la prise en use of DBS has been approved by the United States Food
charge du système. La préoccupation périopératoire and Drug Administration for treatment of patients with
majeure est le potentiel d’interactions avec le dispositif Parkinson’s disease or essential tremor as well as patients
médical, ce qui pourrait provoquer une morbidité pour le under a humanitarian device exemption for dystonia or
patient. Les neurostimulateurs devraient être éteints obsessive compulsive disorder.5,6 Ongoing research
pendant l’opération afin de minimiser les interférences supports the potential benefit of DBS in a range of
électromagnétiques, et des précautions doivent être prises disorders, including epilepsy, chronic pain, major
lors de l’utilisation de matériel électrochirurgical. Après la depression, anorexia nervosa, and Alzheimer’s disease.5-7
chirurgie, le dispositif devrait être rallumé et vérifié par un
spécialiste de la SCP. Deep brain stimulation system
Conclusion L’anesthésiologiste joue un rôle important
pour garantir un environnement opératoire sécuritaire Current DBS systems consist of one or more cylindrical
pour les patients munis d’un dispositif de SCP implanté. electrodes (each housing multiple contacts) implanted at
Les questions pertinentes sont l’identification du type de pre-planned targets within the brain parenchyma, an
dispositif, la consultation d’un médecin formé en SCP, la implantable pulse generator (IPG) inserted most
mise hors tension du dispositif pendant l’opération, la mise commonly below the clavicle, and extension wires that
en œuvre de précautions lors du recours à du matériel connect the electrodes to the IPG. This system delivers
électrochirurgical, et la vérification postopératoire du stimulation to the electrodes (unilaterally or bilaterally) at a
dispositif. set amplitude, pulse width, and frequency. Patients with a
bilateral electrode insertion may have two implanted IPGs
or a single IPG with dual-channel capabilities, allowing
independent control of both electrodes from a single
generator. After insertion, the treating physician can
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an effective treatment program the system wirelessly with a handheld device.
option for patients with a movement disorder, and an The clinician and patient have separate programming
increasing number of patients with essential tremor or devices. Depending on the manufacturer, the patient’s
Parkinson’s disease are being treated with this technology.1 programmer allows the patient to perform basic functions,
Therefore, the anesthesiologist will increasingly encounter such as checking the lifespan of the neurostimulator and
patients with an implanted DBS system in the operating programmer battery, turning the neurostimulator on or off,
room and interventional radiology suites. Most and adjusting therapy settings within the limits set by the
anesthesiologists are familiar with the anesthetic physician. In addition to these functions, the physician’s
management of patients with a cardiac programmer enables the clinician to enter and check the
implantable electronic device, and there are established patient’s profile and system information, program
practice guidelines from various organizations.2,3 stimulation parameters, perform electrode impedance
Nevertheless, there is a paucity of information on the measurements, and set patient control limits. Older
anesthetic management of patients with an implanted neurostimulator models, such as Medtronic KinetraÒ
neurostimulator, and most data on patient management Model 7428 and SoletraÒ Model 7426 (Medtronic,
derive from isolated case reports and available Minneapolis, MN, USA), have magnetically controlled
manufacturer information sheets. The purpose of this switches that can be turned on or off with an external
review is to provide a brief overview on DBS systems magnet, but newer models from Medtronic Inc. and other
and present an up-to-date guide on the anesthetic manufacturers do not turn off with an external magnet.
management of patients with an implanted DBS device. Medtronic Inc. was previously the sole manufacturer of
Anesthesia in patients with deep brain stimulators
neurostimulators, but in recent years, two other companies, human studies published in English from 1974 to
St Jude Medical Inc and Boston Scientific Corporation, December 2015. Keywords used for this search include
have developed DBS systems that are approved for clinical ‘‘deep brain stimulation’’, ‘‘implantable neurostimulators’’,
use. ‘‘anesthesiology’’, ‘‘anesthesia’’, ‘‘neurosurgery’’, and
‘‘neurosurgical procedures’’. Thirty of the 232 articles
Advances in DBS system technology initially identified were considered as being relevant to this
review. Additional articles of relevance were identified
The DBS system can be voltage or current controlled. from references cited in the identified literature. The
Older DBS systems were voltage controlled, and it is literature search also included product information and
postulated that they delivered variable amounts of current available incident reports from Medtronic Inc., St Jude
due to electrochemical-induced changes in electrode Medical, Inc., Boston Scientific Corporation, Health
impedance at the brain-electrode interface.8 Newer Canada, the United States Food and Drug Administration,
current-controlled systems provide constant current and the European Medicines Agency. Table 2 summarizes
stimulation, which may be more clinically efficacious the available literature on patients with a DBS device
compared with the older voltage-controlled systems.9 In in situ who underwent various surgical and non-surgical
addition, DBS devices can be programmed to provide procedures.
unipolar or bipolar stimulation. In unipolar mode, the
active electrode is set as the cathode and the IPG case is set Anesthetic considerations
as the anode. In contrast, bipolar stimulation is produced
when at least one of the four electrodes in the DBS system The major considerations in the perioperative treatment of
functions as the cathode and at least another one of the four patients with an implanted DBS system include the medical
functions as the anode. Newer DBS systems also provide condition that warranted DBS insertion, potential for
the option to implant rechargeable IPGs, which prolongs electromagnetic interference with the DBS system (e.g.,
their lifespan and results in fewer surgical interventions for electrocautery use and magnetic resonance imaging
replacing the IPG.10,11 [MRI]), and postoperative evaluation of the patient and
device. Table 3 outlines the perioperative anesthetic
Differences between the DBS and cardiac management of patients with an implanted DBS device
implantable electronic devices (CIED) undergoing surgery.
T. Y. Yeoh et al.
Technical aspects
a) Mechanism of action a) Provide constant stimulation to target region a) Adjustable program parameters based on
electrical feedback from the leads
b) Frequency of stimulation b) Higher (above 100 Hz)63 b) Lower
c) Current consumption c) Higher (up to 25 mA) due to higher stimulation c) Lower (approximately 10 lA)10,12
frequency. More frequent battery changes
d) Turn off d) Can be turned off to conserve battery life d) Cannot be turned off
Effect of electromagnetic EMI may potentially affect function of neurostimulators EMI may potentially affect function of CIEDs
interference (EMI) and cause harm to the patient and cause harm to the patient
Electrocautery Precautions for use of electrocautery are discussed in Precautions for electrocautery similar to that for
Table 3 neurostimulators with the exception that
pacemakers cannot be turned off2
Pacemakers should be switched to asynchronous
pacing mode in pacemaker-dependent
patients, and special algorithms should be
turned off2
Antitachyarrhythmia function on
implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD)
should be suspended2
Magnetic resonance imaging Generally contraindicated
Safe under specified conditions. Discussed further in the
section on MRI
Effect of external magnet Can be used to turn off older neurostimulator models Response of pacemakers to magnet application is
with magnetically controlled switches variable depending on manufacturer,
programming, and remaining battery life.
Some pacemakers have no magnet response2
Newer neurostimulator models are controlled with Magnet application on ICDs often suspends the
remote programmers antitachyarrhythmia function. Some ICDs
have no magnet response and some are
permanently disabled by magnets2
Generally advisable to adjust pacemaker
programming and suspend
antitachyarrhythmia function of ICDs with a
Effect of device malfunction Not life threatening Life threatening. May require temporary pacing
(transcutaneous or transvenous) or external
conducting wires, leading to heat generation at the tip of the current. Physiotherapists, chiropractors, and sports injury
DBS electrodes and ensuing damage to brain tissue in therapists often use this technique for muscle relaxation
proximity of the electrodes.15,16 Even when the and treatment of joint conditions.17 Electrocautery refers to
neurostimulator is turned off, the metallic case, leads, and generation of heat within a metal wire electrode by passing
DBS unit remain conductive, allowing current to pass current through it; this current does not usually enter the
through. Table 4 summarizes these potential device patient’s body.17 Electrocautery is usually used for tissue
interactions and the appropriate management for each hemostasis or varying degrees of tissue destruction, such as
interaction. removal of benign skin lesions. Electrosurgery is
commonly used during surgery, and it encompasses a
Diathermy, electrocautery, and electrosurgery: The terms
range of modalities utilizing high frequency alternating
diathermy, electrocautery, and electrosurgery are often
current at the electrode tip to cut, coagulate, or desiccate
used interchangeably, but differences exist between these
tissue.17 In general, electrosurgical units have two different
terms. Specifically, diathermy refers to generation of heat
electrode configurations, unipolar and bipolar mode. In
within body tissue from a high frequency electromagnetic
unipolar mode, the current generated through the electrode
Anesthesia in patients with deep brain stimulators
Table 2 Case reports or case series on procedures performed in patients with implanted DBS devices
Author/Year Procedure Anesthesia Type of DBS Management strategies and issues
Weaver 199920 Basal cell carcinoma Local Medtronic Activa Battery-operated handheld cautery, unipolar and bipolar
excision (face)—3 cautery used. Recurrence of tremors when DBS turned
sessions in 1 patient off. No complications
Martinelli 200421 Squamous cell carcinoma Local Not mentioned Battery-operated handheld electrocautery device used. No
excision (ear) complications
Davies 200518 Skin lesion excision GA Medtronic Itrel II Low power, bipolar diathermy used. No complications
Nutt 200115 Diathermy treatment post Local Medtronic Itrel II Patient in persistent coma due to diencephalic and
dental extraction brainstem injuries
Ruggera 200316 Diathermy treatment post Local Not mentioned Patient suffered significant brain tissue damage and died
dental extraction
Parsloe 200527 Phacoemulsification for GA Not mentioned DBS off during procedure. No complications
cataract removal
Ozturk 200628 Phacoemulsification for Not Medtronic Activa DBS not turned off. No complications
cataract removal mentioned
Minville 200623 Shoulder surgery RA Medtronic Kinetra Brachial plexus block using peripheral nerve stimulator.
DBS not turned off. No complications
Gandhi 201424 Arthroscopic rotator cuff GA and RA Not mentioned Brachial plexus block using peripheral nerve stimulator.
repair DBS turned off after GA induction and turned on before
anesthesia reversal. Bipolar cautery used. No
Garg 201132 Emergency laparotomy GA Not mentioned No extra precautions with DBS. No complications. Type of
for obstructed cautery use not mentioned
paraumbilical hernia
Khetarpal 201419 Nephrectomy for renal GA Not mentioned DBS turned off after GA induction and turned on before
cell carcinoma anesthesia reversal. Bipolar cautery used. No
Singh 201647 Laparoscopic GA Not mentioned DBS turned off after GA induction and turned on during
cholecystectomy anesthesia reversal. Harmonic scalpel used
Moscarillo 200060 ECT—8 sessions in 1 GA Medtronic Activa DBS turned off during the sessions. No complications
Chou 200561 ECT—9 sessions in 1 GA Not mentioned DBS turned off during the sessions. No complications
Bailine 200862 ECT—7 sessions in 1 GA Not mentioned DBS turned off during the sessions. No complications
Tavernier 200040 Insertion of ICD Not Medtronic Itrel 3 During ICD testing, shock delivery induced total reset of
mentioned DBS
Obwegeser 200139 Insertion of ICD Not Medtronic Itrel II ICD programmed in bipolar sensing mode. No device
mentioned interactions noted
Rosenow 200331 Insertion of ICD GA Medtronic Soletra ICD programmed in bipolar sensing mode. No device
interactions noted
Ozben 200638 Insertion of cardiac Not Not mentioned DBS turned off during procedure. Pacemaker in bipolar
pacemaker mentioned sensing mode. No device interactions noted
Tronnier 199951 MRI (0.25 and 1.5 None Medtronic Itrel II IPG amplitude set to 0 V in some patients. DBS turned on/
Tesla)—33 patients in and III off in 16 patients. 21 patients had magnet activations of
50 examinations DBS
Spiegel 200356 MRI head None Medtronic Kinetra DBS electrodes not internalized. Patient developed
temporary unilateral dystonic and ballistic movements
immediately after MRI
Henderson 200557 MRI lumbar spine None Medtronic Soletra DBS status during MRI unknown. Patient developed
permanent right hemiparesis from subacute hemorrhage
adjacent to DBS electrode tip
DBS = Deep brain stimulation; ECT = Electroconvulsive therapy; GA = General anesthesia; ICD = Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; IPG =
Implantable pulse generator; MRI = Magnetic resonance imaging; RA = Regional anesthesia
T. Y. Yeoh et al.
Table 3 Outline of the anesthetic management of patients with an implanted DBS device undergoing surgery
1. Assess patient for indications for DBS insertion, optimize medical issues (e.g., ischemic heart disease, diabetes) and current medications
2. Obtain the following information related to the DBS device from patient, DBS information card, or DBS physician:25
a. DBS model, IPG location, last check and battery change by DBS physician
b. Current settings, programmability, and prior device complications
c. Severity of symptoms when device is turned off
d. Learn the use of the patient programmer, especially how to turn the device ON and OFF
3. Consult patient’s neurologist or DBS physician to discuss specific precautions and postoperative assessment of both the patient and the
4. Chest x-ray to identify the path of DBS device wires to avoid damage during surgeries close to the device and to identify the type and make of
the device.
5. Arrange with device representative/DBS physician for interrogation and adjustment of DBS settings25
1. Turn the DBS device off to minimize electromagnetic interference:10
a. Older DBS models (e.g., Medtronic KinetraÒ Model 7428, Medtronic SoletraÒ Model 7426) should be powered down (switch amplitude to 0
V) before turning off10
b. Turn DBS device off after induction of general anesthesia if recurrence of symptoms is severe
c. During regional anesthesia, increase sedation if symptoms are severe
d. For emergency surgery and when programmer is not available, proceed with precautions for electrocautery
e. Turn the DBS device on before reversal of anesthesia and emergence
2. Precautions with electrocautery:10
a. Use bipolar cautery mode with minimum power settings. Use short intermittent irregular bursts
b. If unipolar cautery mode is utilized, place the grounding pad such that the current path between the active electrode of the electrosurgical unit
and the pad doesn’t pass through the DBS system
1. Neurological examination to rule out adverse events related to device interaction
2. DBS device check by relevant device representative or DBS physician
DBS = deep brain stimulation; IPG = implantable pulse generator
enters into the patient’s body and the electrical circuit is reasonable surgical conditions. Proposed sedation regimes
completed when the current reaches the grounding pad. In include midazolam (0.5-1 mg iv), propofol infusion (25-75
contrast, the electrical current in bipolar mode is confined lgkg-1min-1 iv), and dexmedetomidine (0.2-0.7
to tissue between the two electrodes of the electrosurgical lgkg-1hr-1 iv), and these medications should be titrated
unit. Bipolar mode of electrosurgery has been shown to be to individual patient response. Two case reports have
safer for use in patients with implanted demonstrated the safety of using a peripheral nerve
neurostimulators.18-21 stimulator in patients with an implanted DBS device. In
There are two case reports of patients with an implanted both cases, a brachial plexus block was performed with
neurostimulator who suffered serious brain injuries due to guidance from a peripheral nerve stimulator, and the DBS
heat generation at the tip of the DBS electrodes after use of generator remained on during the procedure.23,24 Safety
diathermy for dental treatment.15,16 The manufacturer precautions required in such procedures include ensuring
subsequently issued a product advisory to caution against that the path of electrical stimulation does not pass through
the use of all forms of diathermy treatment in patients with the DBS system and that the puncture site is not in
a neurostimulator.10,22 proximity to the wires of the DBS device.23,25
Alternatively, the performance of regional blocks with
Regional anesthesia: In patients with a movement
ultrasound guidance obviates the potential interaction
disorder, inactivation of the DBS device could result in
between the peripheral nerve stimulator and the DBS
recurrence of symptoms that may be worse than the
patient’s baseline symptoms. This may be challenging for
both the patient and surgeon during procedures performed Ultrasonic equipment, radiation therapy, laser: Ultrasound
under regional anesthesia. Providing adequate sedation has been increasingly used as a therapeutic modality due to
may help diminish some of the symptoms and facilitate its capability of generating effects such as heat and
Anesthesia in patients with deep brain stimulators
Table 4 Device interactions with the DBS system and their management
Potential interaction(s) Precaution(s)
mechanical stress.26 This technology is commonly used administered, the amount of exposure should be limited, a
during phacoemulsification for cataract removal, lead shield should be used to protect the device, and the
extracorporeal lithotripsy for kidney stone removal, and device should be checked after every treatment.29,30
harmonic scalpel for surgical cutting and cauterization. Similarly, when laser therapy is used, the neurostimulator
Diagnostic ultrasound can be safely performed in patients should be turned off and the laser should be directed away
with an implanted neurostimulator, but the manufacturer from the device.29 As there is a limited amount of safety
recommends that the transducer should not be placed data on the use of the above medical devices in patients with
directly over the implanted device. The use of an implanted neurostimulator, the indications for their use
phacoemulsification for cataract removal has been shown should be carefully considered and the risks should be
to be safe in two case reports.27,28 Performance of discussed in detail with the patient. General precautionary
lithotripsy is not recommended by the manufacturer due measures include directing the equipment away from the
to potential damage to the neurostimulator circuitry from neurostimulator when in use, turning off the DBS device
high-output ultrasonic frequencies. Nevertheless, its use is during the procedure, and checking the device following the
not contraindicated, and if lithotripsy must be performed, procedure.
the beam should not be directed within 15 cm of the
External cardiac defibrillators: External cardiac
neurostimulator.29 Radiation therapy should not be
defibrillation and cardioversion may be lifesaving and
administered within the vicinity of the DBS device. When
T. Y. Yeoh et al.
should not be withheld from patients with an implanted DBS and their use should be avoided, if possible, to prevent
device. A single case report showed that external unintentional reprogramming or suspension of these
cardioversion with 300 J did not affect the functioning of devices. Instead, the respective device-specific telemetric
the DBS system.31 To minimize damage to the DBS system, programmer should be utilized for programming the
the manufacturer (Medtronic Inc.) recommends using the device.39 If an external magnet is required
lowest clinically appropriate output setting and positioning intraoperatively to inactivate the defibrillator function of
the paddles as far away as possible from the neurostimulator the ICD, precautions should be taken to avoid placing it in
and perpendicular to the DBS system.29 Once again, the close proximity to the DBS device. Lastly, detailed cardiac
neurostimulator should be checked after shock delivery. investigations, e.g., Holter monitoring, should be
performed whenever adjustments are made to the DBS
Effect of the DBS system on other medical device settings to ensure consistent functionality of the
devices Electrical signals from the DBS system have cardiac pacemaker device.
been shown to cause artifacts that affect the functioning of
diagnostic and therapeutic cardiac equipment. Perioperative risk of hardware-related infection The
incidence of hardware-related infection after DBS
Electrocardiogram (ECG): Electrocardiogram recording
implantation (primary insertion and/or IPG replacement)
can be affected by electrical signals generated from the DBS
varies from 0-15%.41-46 This wide variation is secondary to
system; however, this interference resolves when the
differences in the definition of hardware infection, the
neurostimulator is turned off.32-35 It is important to point out
follow-up period after implantation, and the calculation for
that, when the device is turned off, recurrence of symptoms
the incidence of infection based on the number of patients
may introduce movement-related artifacts that preclude
or procedures. Staphylococcus aureus is the commonest
optimal ECG recording.
microorganism found in cultures.42,43,46 Currently, there is
Cardiac pacemakers and ICDs: The insertion of cardiac a lack of established guidelines for the treatment of
pacemakers and/or ICDs in patients with neurostimulators, hardware-related infections after DBS insertion, but
and vice versa, is not contraindicated and has been treatment options include antibiotic therapy with or
performed successfully.31,36-40 Nevertheless, precautions without partial/complete removal of the device.43,44,46
should be taken because of potential interactions between There is also a paucity of available data to substantiate
these devices, including inappropriate sensing and response an increased risk of hardware infection for patients with an
by the cardiac pacemaker, inappropriate sensing of implanted DBS system undergoing unrelated surgery (i.e.,
tachyarrhythmia by the ICD resulting in discharges, and surgeries that do not involve implantation or replacement
inactivation of or adjustment to the neurostimulator of the IPG). Furthermore, there is a lack of evidence-based
settings.29,40 A thorough preoperative assessment by a guidelines regarding specific antibiotic therapy. As such,
multidisciplinary team (i.e., cardiologist, DBS specialist, clear recommendations cannot be made regarding specific
and anesthesiologist) is necessary to optimize the patient’s antibiotic therapy, and protocol likely varies from centre to
clinical status and to adjust settings of the underlying centre. In cases where the proposed surgery is distant from
medical devices as required. To minimize interactions the hardware, routine antibiotic prophylaxis for the
between the cardiac pacemaker and the DBS device, the proposed surgery is likely sufficient. In those cases where
cardiac pacemaker should be programmed to bipolar the proposed surgery involves re-opening spaces with
sensing mode to avoid oversensing and inappropriate implanted DBS hardware, our recommendation is to do this
response.36-38 Similarly, use of bipolar sensing electrodes in consultation with the DBS surgical team. Should a
for the ICD system also reduces oversensing. It is unlikely patient have a surgical site infection and/or develop sepsis,
that inappropriate ICD discharges would occur at DBS both the DBS surgical team and the infectious disease
outputs of up to 5 V.31,39,40 In addition, ICD discharges up physician should be consulted so that appropriate therapy
to 35 J do not seem to affect the functioning of the DBS can be initiated.46
device, although a case was reported whereby shock
delivery converted the generator output to the ‘‘off’’ state Postoperative considerations
with an amplitude of 0 V.40 Therefore, the functioning of
the neurostimulator should be checked after the ICD At the end of the procedure, the neurostimulator should be
delivers a shock. In order to reduce electromagnetic turned on to the original settings. If general anesthesia was
interference, it is also recommended not to insert the administered, we recommend that the device be turned on
IPGs of the two systems in close proximity.37 before reversal of anesthesia to avoid recurrence of
Magnets can interfere with the functioning and symptoms when the patient is awake.19,24,47 It has been
programming of both cardiac and neurostimulator IPGs, suggested that cortical arousal may occur with subthalamic
Anesthesia in patients with deep brain stimulators
nucleus (STN) stimulation due to possible involvement of according to the manufacturer. For example, the use of MRI
extrathalamic arousal systems in the human sleep-wake is currently contraindicated for Boston Scientific DBS
cycle.47-49 In a case report by Singh et al., a patient with systems22 but can be performed, if necessary, in patients
bilateral STN DBS insertion for Parkinson’s disease with Medtronic DBS systems under specified conditions.
underwent a laparoscopic cholecystectomy under general The complete MRI guideline for the Medtronic DBS system
anesthesia. During reversal of anesthesia, the patient did is available from
not arouse and entropy levels remained low despite an end- groups/mdtcom_sg/@emanuals/@era/@neuro/documents/
tidal desflurane concentration of 0.4 vol% (MAC 0.1). At documents/contrib_228155.pdf.A Pertinent points from
this time, the DBS system was reactivated, followed by a this guideline are outlined in the following text.10,59
sudden increase in entropy values and spontaneous eye Prior to MRI, the treating physician should identify the
opening.47 model of the implanted neurostimulator, the presence of an
implanted pocket adaptor, implant status of the lead
Non-surgical procedures (internalized or externalized), and the integrity of the
system (breaks within the system are potential sites for
Magnetic resonance imaging The use of MRI in patients production of excessive heat), as these factors determine if
with an implanted DBS device was previously an absolute the DBS system permits scanning the whole body or only
contraindication due to electromagnetic interactions that the head. In general, patients with a neurostimulator model
could potentially result in patient morbidity. The MRI using a magnetic switch or a DBS system with a pocket
system produces three types of electromagnetic fields: 1) adaptor or externalized leads are eligible for head scans
static magnetic field that is constantly present, 2) gradient only. Once MRI eligibility has been determined, the scan
magnetic field that is present only during a scan, and 3) must be performed under specific conditions. To date, only
radiofrequency (RF) field that is present only during a scan the 1.5 Tesla horizontal closed bore/64 MHz RF MRI
and produced by a variety of transmission RF coils. system has been shown to be safe for use in patients with
The safety concerns with MRI include excessive heating an implanted neurostimulator. The safety profile at specific
at the electrode tips of the DBS device due to compounding static magnetic fields should not be extrapolated to other
of the current produced by the gradient and RF magnetic systems, even at lower field strengths.55 Neurostimulators
fields within the DBS system, magnetic field interactions, should be turned off during imaging, which, in some
image artifacts and distortion, and functional disruption of patients, can lead to recurring symptoms that interfere with
the DBS system.50-54 The amount of heat generated within adequate image acquisition. In neurostimulator systems
the DBS system is dependent on several factors, including with a magnetic switch, the magnetic switch must be
electrical properties of the neurostimulator, field strength of turned off and the stimulation amplitude set to 0 V. Other
the MRI system, position of the DBS components relative safety precautions include limiting the active scan time,
to the RF energy source, type of RF coil used, point of proper patient positioning, and constant communication
imaging, and the specific absorption rate (SAR).55 The with the patient to identify early complications. After
SAR is a measure of the rate at which energy is absorbed imaging, the DBS specialist should check the
by the human body when exposed to an RF neurostimulator and turn on the device to its original
electromagnetic field, and this parameter is often used to settings.
identify limits for safe MRI. Transient and serious
morbidities have been described in two case reports.56,57 Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) The safety concerns of
In the first report, a patient with bilateral STN DBS performing ECT in patients with implanted
insertion experienced unilateral dystonic and ballistic leg neurostimulators include generation of heat at the DBS
movements that lasted several weeks after MRI of the electrodes from induction of RF current by the electrical
head.56 The second case involved a patient with bilateral charge, functional disruption of the DBS system, and
STN DBS insertion who became hemiplegic after MRI of displacement of electrodes from induced seizure
the lumbar spine. Subsequent imaging revealed subacute activity.60-62 Three case reports showing safe
hemorrhage adjacent to the tip of the DBS electrode.57 administration of ECT recommend the following
Some neurostimulators are likely MR compatible, as precautionary measures: turning the neurostimulator off,
suggested by studies showing the safe use of MRI under placement of the ECT electrodes as far away as possible
specified conditions in patients with an implanted DBS
system.50-55 With advances in DBS technology, some
centres now routinely insert DBS devices under A
The MRI guideline for the new St Jude Medical DBS system is not
intraoperative MR guidance.58 Specific guidelines on the available as the device is currently not commercially available in
use of MRI in patients with implanted DBS devices vary Canada.
T. Y. Yeoh et al.
from the DBS electrodes, and use of the lowest possible Funding None.
energy for seizure induction.50-54
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