LCC Formative Exams Briefing Sheet October 2023
LCC Formative Exams Briefing Sheet October 2023
LCC Formative Exams Briefing Sheet October 2023
Formative Assessment
Briefing Sheet
Oct-Nov 2023
This is the LFC Briefing Sheet and must be read in conjunction with the Inspera Non-
Proctored Assessment User Guide (the Inspera User Guide) which can be found on the
Hub Inspera Digital Assessments Page.
These assessments are non-proctored, and they are open book assessments.
The Assessments
These assessments are online assessments. Instructions on how to login and access the
Inspera assessments are set out in the Inspera User Guide. This can be found on the
Welcome Page in the Getting Started section and at the link above. Only submit those
relevant to your studies this term.
Please note, it is compulsory for you to complete the self-reflection task in each written
assessment for you to get a mark. If you do not complete the self-reflection task you will get
written feedback from a tutor, but you will not find out the mark you would have been
The dates refer to submission windows from the opening time/date to the closing: you can
submit or complete the test at any time within this period. Once you start the assessment in
Inspera, you must then complete it within the time allowed.
Marking guidance / exemplars for each written assessment will be available once the
relevant assessment window closes on the module page on the HUB. It is advised you look
at this guidance as soon as possible after the relevant assessment window closes.
Results and feedback should be available around three weeks after the submission date for
those requiring to be marked by tutors. The marking is anonymous and spread through the
module teams as per the summative process. These teams also have marking and
moderation meetings. Not all assessments appear on the study planner as many of the MCQ
Tests can be done in your own time.
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Academic Malpractice
All students are strongly advised to consult the University Policy on Academic
Malpractice. This is available on the Hub here:
Home > Help & Support > Student Services > University Regulations and Policies/
Guidance/ Documentation > Manual of Policies and Procedures.
The link to the Manual of Policies and Procedures is here.
It is extremely important that you comply with this Policy as any infringement may lead to
an Academic Misconduct investigation. Academic Misconduct is a serious academic
offence and may have repercussions, from scoring zero in your assessment, to affecting
your future career.
You should note that you are required to complete this assessment independently
and without any collaboration with any other person.
Please note in particular the following definitions from the University Operations and
Procedures Part E 5.3A & B in relation to academic misconduct.
Collusion: is the act of aiding, or being aided by, one or more others in the preparation of an
assessment for submission where the assessment brief or invigilation instructions do not
expressly permit collaboration.
Plagiarism is the act of presenting the work of another as one’s own. It includes doing any of
the following without proper acknowledgment:
(i) copying the work of another; including BPP study materials;
(ii) copying from text books;
(iii) downloading and incorporating material from the internet within one’s work;
(iv) paraphrasing or imitating the work of another.
Please note that you are not required to include formal referencing in your answers.
However, if you include a quote, whether from a judgment, textbook or elsewhere, you
should briefly indicate the source at the end of the quote.
By submitting the assessment, you are stating that your attempt at the assessment is your
own work, and that no other person has assisted in its completion. You are on notice of the
penalties which will follow for any candidate breaching the Unfair Practices Code referred to
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Format of Assessments
To ensure you are confident with the format of the assessments, students should study the
following resources on the Hub:
1. The relevant Module Page Module Information Tile, in particular the Module Outline
and Exam Guidance document.
Timetable for Assessments
The timetable for assessments can be found in Appendix 1 of this Briefing Sheet.
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Instructions to Candidates
You must read the Inspera User Guide for details as to how to access the assessments
(see above).
Please note that two working days before each assessment, you will be able to check
that you have been set up for the assessment and that the correct time has been
For full guidance in relation to troubleshooting steps to take before and during the
assessments please read all of paragraph 4 of the Inspera User Guide.
For what do if you cannot resolve an IT problem, become ill during an assessment or
experience any other event that means you have to abandon your assessment please
read paragraph 3.12 of the Inspera User Guide. The email for the Team is Please use this email address before contacting your tutor or raising
a student query.
Students with learning support agreements may be entitled to extra time for the assessments.
This should be checked with your learning support officer.
Extensions are not available for these assessments.
Module Materials
Materials for the assessments should be the current materials available on the Hub for each
Remember that other sources may be out of date or unsuitable to be used to answer BPP
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Appendix 1 – All submission times referred to are UK time: the
assessment window closes at midnight (11.59pm)
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Tort Law Assessment
Long-form Question
Opens: 08 December 2023
Both MCT assessments close at midnight on the day before the
summative MCT assessment
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Criminal Law Assessment
Oral Coursework
Opens: 08 December 2023
Both MCT assessments close at midnight on the day before the
summative MCT assessment
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Land and Trusts Law Assessment
Combined Assessment
Date: 30 October 2023
Advance materials released: 16 October 2023
Assessment window opens: 20 October 2023
Opens: 11 December 2023
Both MCT assessments close at midnight on the day before the
summative MCT assessment
Opens: 11 December 2023
Both MCT assessments close at midnight on the day before the
summative MCT assessment
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