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Name: Martin, Pierre Paulo DC. Yr.

& Section: BEED 3A

EN6WC – Ib – 2.2.2 Write 3- line 4- stanza poem.
Code Learning Competency

a. Identify the different elements of poem.

b. show the different feelings or emotions using a roleplay, and

c. Express one’s feelings and emotions through a poem.

Reference(s): Essential English 6; p. 10;
Materials: Tarpapel, Pictures, and Story.

(e.g. Gr6. – 50mins)
No. The teacher will AND/OR
mins The students will

Prayer, Greetings, checking of attendance, Lead the prayer.

and checking of absentees.
Check the attendance.
3 Routine Arrange the seats and seat

3 Hook/ Before we start a new lesson, can Define idiom on their own.
Warm up
you tell me our lesson last meeting
grade 6?
Idiomatic expression or idiom is a
phrase that typically presents a
figurative, non-literal meaning attached
to the phrase.
Again, can someone tell me what is an
Very good, will you give me an
example of an idiom?

Can someone tell me what is the

meaning of “Once in a blue moon” ?

I’m glad that you can still remember

our lesson last time that about
Idiomatic expression or idiom.

puddles- a small pool of liquid,

specially of rain water on the ground.
shallow- the adjectives shallow can read the definition for the
describe things that aren’t very deep. unlocking of difficulties.
splash- a sound made by something
Unlocking of striking or falling into liquid.
Difficulty ramp- a surface connecting a higher
and a lower level.
plenty- a large or sufficient amount or
quantity; more than enough.

Motivation What are the things that you usually do Teacher-show the pictures of
Question with your siblings? siblings and wheelchair.

3 What are the things that sister and Students- will observe the
Motive brother do together? picture, and they are going
Question to say something about the
10 Presentation of
read and answer the
following questions about the
Poems convey emotions, ideas and
experiences in a vivid and creative way
and usually poets used sound devices, Teacher- give the parts of a
imagery and figurative language. poem and the meaning of
Look at the structure of this poem:
Everyone read the highlighted words
Students- read the meaning
and identify the parts of the
poem and TERCET.

8 Discussion

Rhyme – occurs when two or more

words in a poem have similar sound.
Stanza – main building block of a
poem. It is arranged according to
Line – A single line of text from left to
A tercet is a unit of poetry that
contains 3 lines. In other words, 3-line
stanzas in poetry are called tercets.
Tercets are a flexible form of the stanza
as they have no set rhyme scheme or
What are the characters in the poem?

Guide/ What are the things that can help her

5 Comprehension brother to go and play outside? answer the following
Questions questions about the story.
What is the lesson that we can apply in
ourselves in the poem we read?

What does the poem mean again?

What does the Tercet poem mean?

What are the basic elements again, give

Concept me one? answer the questions.

2 Deepening/
What does rhyme mean?

What does stanza mean?

What does line mean?

Before we proceed, let’s have a group

activity. I will group you into 4 groups.
Each group will write a three-line,
single stanza poem using the assigned
guide questions on the activity cards.
5 Application Then try to put the stanzas together to
make a three-line four stanza poem. If
your group is done, choose 1
representative from your group to read
the one-stanza poem in front of the
class. I give you 5 minutes to finish
this activity.


Guide questions:
Group 1

 What makes up a family?

 How would you describe a family?

Group 2

 What does a mother do for the family?

 What does a father do in the family?

Group 3

 What does a brother do for the

 What does a sister do in the family?

Group 4

 What does the baby or the youngest

do for the family?
 How should each member of the
family treat each other?
Direction: Complete the poem below
by giving the last line of each stanza.

5 Evaluation

Direction. Choose a topic that interests

you the most. Then, write a three-line,
3 Assignment four-stanza poem. Write it on your
English notebook.

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