Revise Lesson Plan - Dagatan.

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Lesson Plan in English

L.C.: Read aloud from familiar prose and poetry with fluency, appropriate rhythm,
pacing and intonation.

I – Objectives At the end of the lesson, student will be able to:

1. Identify what a poem and poetry is all about and

distinguish the different elements of poetry.

2. Differentiate between Poem and Poetry.

3. Adapt poem/poetry from popular writings.

II – Subject Matter

A. Topic Poem and Poetry - Elements of Poetry

B.Teaching Handouts, Visual Aids, Laptop, and Projector.


C. Reference(s)

III – Procedure

A.Classroom 1. The teacher will go over daily routine activities:

A. Prepare student
B. Prayer
C. Greetings
D. Checking of attendance
E. Recall/Short Review of past lesson

B. Activity TASK 1. LETS PLAY!

Instruction: The teacher will be conducting a

message relay game. Wherein the class will be divided into 4
groups . The first student in every line will be the first one to read
the message and relay the message to the next person and
so on and so forth, just be sure no shortcuts in relaying the
message. The last student will write the message on the board.

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Message Relay Game

Assigned passage:

1st group “Homes can be trailers.Homes can be


2nd group “Homes are the place where you hang

your coat.”

3rd group “Homes are apartment and mansions

and tents”

4th group “Homes can be wooden or stone or



After conducting and playing Message Relay, the teacher will be

able to ask some particular questions.

1. Class, did you enjoy the game?

2. What can you say about the passage?
3. Based on the passage, what do you think is our topic today?
4. What is your understanding about poem and poetry?


 Poetry can be defined as 'literature in a metrical form' or 'a

composition forming rhythmic lines'.

 a poem is something that follows a particular flow of

rhythm and meter.

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 Compared to prose, where there is no such restriction, and the
content of the piece flows according to story, a poem may or
may not have a story, but definitely has a structured method of


 Rhythm: This is the music made by the statements of the

poem, which includes the syllables in the lines. The best
method of understanding this is to read the poem aloud, and
understand the stressed and unstressed syllables.

 Meter: This is the basic structural make-up of the poem. Do

the syllables match with each other? Every line in the poem
must adhere to this structure. A poem is made up of blocks of
lines, which convey a single strand of thought. Within those
blocks, a structure of syllables which follow the rhythm has to
be included. This is the meter or the metrical form of poetry.

 Stanza: Stanza in poetry is defined as a smaller unit or group

of lines or a paragraph in a poem. A particular stanza has a
specific meter, rhyme scheme, etc. Based on the number of
lines, stanzas are named as couplet (2 lines), Tercet (3 lines),
Quatrain (4 lines), Cinquain (5 lines), Sestet (6 lines), Septet
(7 lines), Octave (8 lines).

 Rhyme: A poem may or may not have a rhyme. When you

write poetry that has rhyme, it means that the last words or
sounds of the lines match with each other in some form.
Rhyme is basically similar sounding words like 'cat' and 'hat',
'close' and 'shows', 'house' and 'mouse', etc. Free verse
poetry, though, does not follow this system.

 Rhyme Scheme: As a continuation of rhyme, the rhyme

scheme is also one of the basic elements of poetry. In simple
words, it is defined as the pattern of rhyme. Either the last
words of the first and second lines rhyme with each other, or
the first and the third, second and the fourth and so on. It is
denoted by alphabets like aabb (1st line rhyming with 2nd, 3rd
with 4th); abab (1st with 3rd, 2nd with 4th); abba (1st with 4th,
2nd with 3rd), etc.

 Theme: This is what the poem is all about. The theme of the
poem is the central idea that the poet wants to convey. It can
be a story, or a thought, or a description of something or
someone; anything that the poem is about.

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 Symbolism: Often poems will convey ideas and thoughts
using symbols. A symbol can stand for many things at one
time and leads the reader Out of a systematic and structured
method of looking at things. Often a symbol used in the poem
will be used to create such an effect.

 Imagery: Imagery is also one of the important elements of a

poem. This device is used by the poet for readers to create an
image in their imagination. Imagery appeals to all the five
senses. For e.g., when the poet describes, the flower is bright
red', an image of a red flower is immediately created in the
reader's mind.

E.Application TASK 3. ARRANGE ME!

Instruction: Rearrange the jumbled letter-word to form the correct

word using its meaning. Each word is an element of poetry.


The last words of the line match with

MEHRY each other In some form.

used to express the deep hidden

MOLYSBIMS meaning behind the words.
the syllables match with each other.

the music made by the statements

MHYTRN of the form.

a method of comparison using the

MIELIS words "like" or "as".

METHE what is poem all about.

a method of comparison using the

TRAMEHOP words "like" or "as".

several words in the sentence may

TRAILTEALONI begin with the same alphabet on
syllable sound.

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1. With the use of a Venn Diagram list at least five (5) similarities
and differences between poem and poetry.




IV.Assessment TASK 4.

Instruction: This will be done individually to test if the proficiency

of the students fluency in pronouncing poem and poetry have
been met. The teacher will ask the students to come in front and
let the student read aloud their chosen or favorite English
poetry/poem. They will be given 3 minutes to prepare. The teacher
will rate the student according to the rubric below.


Clear and Audible Voice 10%

Gestures and Facial

Expressions 20%
Content 20%
Structure and Organization 20%
Accurate Pronunciation,
appropriate rhythm, pacing 30%
and intonation

TOTAL: 100%

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V. Assignment  Search and print either a poetry or a poem that you like most
and write a reflection in a separate sheet on why you like that
particular poetry/poem.

Prepared by:

Charlyn C. Dagatan

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