Vol2 HistoryOfTheNTChurch

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VOL. II - 1600 A. D. - PRESENT


 In first seventeen centuries of church history already studied, we have learned and studied
many contrasts between the True Church and the False Church, including:


1 Source of Final Authority is the Syrian- Source of Final Authority is North African
type Greek text from Antioch, Syria. Greek text from Alexandria, Egypt.
2 Will not include the Apocrypha as part of Will include the Apocrypha as part of the
the inspired Old Testament Canon. inspired Old Testament Canon. - Prov. 30:6
3 Regeneration (salvation) is a free gift of Baptismal regeneration by sprinkling babies,
God's grace by the new birth based upon i.e. works salvation.
faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ.
4 Assurance of salvation (Eternal Security). No assurance of salvation.
5 The Holy Bible is the measure by which Church (RCC) hierarchy, men's traditions,
everything is to be judged. historic positions, councils, philosophy, is the
measure by which everything is judged.
6 Will not baptize anyone in water until Will sprinkle babies and require water
after openly professing to have been born baptism as a means of salvation and use the
again by faith in Jesus Christ. term "sprinkling" to mean "baptism."
7 The mission is worldwide soul winning The mission is political activity through the
and discipleship of believers and is carried various papal organizations with a goal of
out by evangelists, pastors, and Bible worldwide domination.
8 Prays only to the one true God in the Prays to dead saints, or to Mary, or in the
name of Jesus Christ, through the power name of Mary.
of the Holy Spirit.
9 Never has or ever will enjoy worldly favor Openly represents and manifests a false
and has no desire for worldly favor. "Christianity" worldwide in all history books,
political gatherings, press conferences, and
ecumenical meetings.
10 Has never been known by one single Has retained and been known by a single
name throughout church history. name throughout church history: Catholic.
11 Always connected with revivals, soul Never connected directly with even one
willing, street preaching, moral standards, major revival of Biblical preaching or
Bible knowledge, and evangelistic Biblical learning since its inception.
missionary endeavors.
12 Is the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ Unregenerate Catholics comprise the Bride
and the True Church of Jesus Christ. of Satan and constitute the greatest political
force in the world for the destruction of
Biblical Christianity. - Rev. 17
13 Comprised of all believers who the Bible Unregenerate popes and all the RCC
calls "saints" (Phil. 4:21-22), "kings and hierarchy are the greatest force for
priests" (Rev. 1:6), and "joint-heirs with communism, totalitarianism, and fascism in
Christ" (Rom. 8:17); to be raptured out the world.
when Christ returns. - 1 Thess. 4:13-18
VOL. II - 1600 A. D. - PRESENT

1 - FLASHBACK - Rev. 2:21-23


 LESSON: Those who refuse to learn the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them.
 Church history and the Bible show that Satan has a religious body, its own false "Christ(s)"
(Matt. 24:24; Mark 13:22) with its own false bride, just as Jesus Christ has the true church as
His own Bride and Body. (Eph. 5:24-29)
 The measure for judging between the true and false church is found in Matthew 7:16 - "Ye
shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?"
 The RCC associates itself with certain things that are considered good, (e.g. helping the poor,
orphanages, hospitals, United Way, etc.), but all of them combined don’t come close to
offsetting the millions of bloody murders inflicted at their hands throughout church history.
 The RCC fronts itself by holding to the "fundamentals of the faith" (Virgin Birth, Deity of
Christ, Bodily Resurrection, etc.), so it can pose as the one and only true church and absorb
thousands of people (saved and lost) who want to appear "religious" but are completely
ignorant of what the scriptures say about false religious systems and false doctrine.
 In reality, the RCC is an international system of unregenerate politicians whose totalitarian
designs are aimed at overthrowing every institution and government on earth by any means,
including fraud, murder, torture, exile, imprisonment, extortion, and armed warfare.
 To accomplish these ends today, the RCC professes nothing but ecumenical unity, along with
false peace, love, and humility until enough control has been gained to lay hold of Protestant
TAX MONEY to obtain power. Only then are they able to gain control over every public
official who is Catholic to use him to advance the private interests of the church.
 Today, the RCC promotes humanism (which is really Vatican communism) which is
disguised as advancing "the people," the same term the Holy Ghost uses in Rev. 3:14-19 to
identify the Laodicean church (Laodicea means "the people's rights", or "civil rights").
 Once a Catholic gets a foothold in any organization, government, school, or any other public
office, he is obligated, by virtue of his upbringing and religious connections, to bring in the
political hierarchy of the RCC.
 Once all the major leaders in any country are Catholic, they will enforce "unity" with a police
state and politicians, while slandering and harassing resistors, imprisoning opponents, and
torturing and murdering its enemies.
 The greatest religious hypocrite on earth is the pope (any pope) and the greatest lying
religious organization on the face of the earth is the RCC. The single and uncompromising
goal of the RCC is world domination, by any and all means.
 A FEW EXAMPLES: 1) Charles I of England would hire foreign troops to kill his own
people, 2) Mary, Queen of Scots attempted (but was executed for it) to hire the bloodiest
killer Spain ever produced (the Duke of Alva) to come to England and murder her English
subjects just as he did to the Mennonites and Calvinists in the Netherlands, 3) Genghis Khan
was granting religious toleration for true Christians while the popes were burning them at the
stake, 4) Archbishop of Cologne rode into battle against Christians with the Duke of Alva,
5) Pope Sixtus V volunteered to send a papal army into France to help Spaniards kill Bible
believers, 6) the Abbot of Citeaux commanded a Crusaders army at Beziers to kill 3000 Bible
believers, 7) the armed troops who murdered Christians in France (1200-1230) were headed
up by Catholic "preaching" friars.
VOL. II - 1600 A. D. - PRESENT


 Modern day Catholic writers count on their readers' ignorance of church history to defraud
them of true church history. Never will a Catholic writer print the historical facts that every
pope, bishop, archbishop, priest, and cardinal, since 800 A. D. had to believe (under penalty
of being killed as a heretic). These beliefs included:
1. Every human being on earth should be a Roman Catholic.
2. The kingdom of heaven was to be brought on earth by sprinkling babies into the Roman
Catholic System.
3. Anyone opposing the RCC process was to be whipped, beheaded, imprisoned, exiled, or
in many cases, hung or burned at the stake.
4. All political states owed allegiance to one church, the RCC.
5. Since 1564 at the Council of Trent, this same RCC hierarchy taught, under penalty of
anathema (damnation in Hell), that every nation, land and government in the world was
the possession of the RCC, so any means for obtaining control over that land or
government was lawful means, even if it included lying, false oaths, breaking treaties,
inciting revolutions, or stealing tax money for religious purposes, seizure of goods,
property, removal of populaces, arrest and imprisonment, forced labor, torture, murder, or
anything else they may deem necessary to accomplish the RCC's goals.
 Only people who don't study true church history are unaware of these Catholic "religious
 For obvious reasons, true church history will never be taught as a course in the public school
curriculums in America. Rather, students are led to believe that the contemporary political or
religious situation in every country has no religious roots from the past and no present
religious connections.
 In reality, the controlling factor in Western political history has been the RCC, and our
"free press" would not dare print anything concerning the true history of the RCC.
 What is the truth? The RCC throughout history has murdered millions of Bible believing
Christians worldwide (some estimates run as high as 50,000,000), and the only reason
Catholic rulers in America have not been able to kill Christians yet is because they have not
yet obtained enough political power and authority to do it. When they obtain the power and
authority to kill Christians, they will be obligated to do it.


 There is a justifiable fear when considering the Vatican's involvement in world affairs, at all
 Those who naively think the Jesuits are not in America to engineer the overthrow of the
US Constitution are blind and refuse to face the facts. (This has largely already been done.)
 Those who think the RCC is the "one true church that Jesus Christ founded" defy the word of
God and blaspheme the truth of God.
 Bible believers throughout history have never wanted (and should never want) to exile,
imprison, torture, or murder anybody for his own religious convictions or for his writings,
speeches, regardless of how wrong, blasphemous, or unscriptural they were (are).
 It was Martin Luther who said, "I do not want to struggle for the Gospel by violence and
 Only true religious bigots (the RCC) will exile, imprison, torture, or murder the people they
disagree with.
VOL. II - 1600 A. D. - PRESENT

2 - THE KRAUTS COME THROUGH - Rom. 16:17-18


 What begins in Antioch, Syria, (from the time of the completion of the NT to the times of the
reformers), there was a NW movement that bypasses Rome to the west and takes root in
Northern Ireland and Iona; the same movement then bypasses Rome to the east and goes
through the Balkans (Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and Rumania) and takes root in SE Germany,
Northern Italy, and Northern Austria and eventually arrives on the Atlantic seaboard of North
America (via England) and erupts into a series of movements called "The Great Awakening"
 The Holy Spirit moves from East to West, but always bypasses Rome.


 John Wesley and George Whitefield (neither of who were Lutherans and both of who were
opposed by the Anglican Church in England) were Englishmen who believed and used a
King James 1611 Authorized Version. Consequently, there could be absolutely no "apostolic
succession" between any Catholic in Europe (or the RCC) and these two English revivalists
who were used mightily by God during The Great Awakening.
 The connection Wesley and Whitefield had with the reformation was through the Pietists.
 No one in France, Spain, or Italy was associated with the revivals that swept England under
Wesley (1740-1790), or in North America under Whitefield, Tennant, and Frelinghuysen
during The Great Awakening.
 The German Reformation of Martin Luther (1500-1560) is no doubt connected to the
Evangelistic Awakenings of Great Britain (1740-1780) and the USA (1720-1750).
 The Great Awakening had nothing to do with "higher criticism" or "recognized scholars" or
"accredited institutions" or "Greek and Hebrew Bible professors" or "qualified authorities"
whose "orthodoxy" was "unquestionable."


 The Pietists, and from them come the Moravians, (then the Mennonites, Amish, Dunkers, and
the Stundists, etc.) were used mightily by God in the movement of the pure line of scriptures,
and thus the spread of Biblical Christianity.
 The leaders of the Pietist movement were Spener (1635-1705), Francke (1663-1727), and the
leaders of the Moravians were Count Zinzendorf (1700-1760) and Spangenberg (1704-1792).
 While not intending to separate from the Lutheran church, they had to learn the hard way that
an apostate church (or school) can never be reformed by anyone and that a Christian who
wants to stay in fellowship with the Lord must "come out from among them and be ye
separate" (2 Cor. 6:17).
 Francke established the first Christian University in Halle, Germany, which turned out 6000
Pietists, and later on the Moravians trained another 3000 missionaries at the same school.
 Francke founded an orphanage in Halle as well, and while teaching at Halle, he trained over
2000 orphans (by 1727) to be Bible believing missionaries and evangelists. Francke also
established a Bible Institute, with the help of Canstein (1667-1719) which continued into the
20th century, publishing and circulating the scriptures in tract form.
 The first known Protestant mission was established in 1705, came out of Halle University
and was called the Danish-Halle Mission.
 Zinzendorf , trained at Halle University, allowed the Moravians to build a village on his
estate, which was named Hernhut ("The Lord's Watch"), which gave birth to the Moravian
VOL. II - 1600 A. D. - PRESENT

church around 1727, although the Moravian church went all the way back to about 1467 to a
group which called themselves the "Unitas Fratrum" of Bohemia.
 John Wesley was introduced to Biblical Christianity (not Anglican baby sprinkling) by Peter
Boehler and Spangenberg, two German Moravians who followed the line of Bible believing
Lutherans, as they departed from the established Lutheran church, after the death of
Melanchthon. Wesley also encountered the German Count Zinzendorf and was converted
under the ministry of the Moravian Pietists who emphasized the Biblical grace doctrines with
were earlier taught by Luther.
 After Luther, culture and apostasy followed the Lutheran Church (1600-1700). By 1700, the
Lutheran church in Germany had once again assumed a formalistic and sacramental character
and became very much like its adulteress mother, the RCC. Very few pastors and evangelists
ever survived the rationalism of German "higher criticism" (1800-1900).
 Always remember, false science, as well as the traditions and philosophies of unsaved men
(Col. 2:8; 1 Tim. 6:20) are the two greatest enemies of Biblical Christianity to be found
anywhere in the realm of education.
 The beliefs of the Pietists were simple:
1. They believed the Bible (AV 1611) was the pure word of God and that there was no other
authority when it comes to faith, belief, or conduct.
2. They believed Christians should bring the lost to faith in Jesus Christ (be soul winners).
3. They believed in missionary endeavors long before William Carey began his missionary
work in India and decades before the British Foreign Missionary Society (set up in 1804).
4. They believed a man is saved by grace through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ,
apart from sacraments, ordinances, baby sprinkling, water baptism, or other good works.
5. They believed that conversion of a person could only be done after he was old enough to
know what he was doing, (i.e. after he reached his age of accountability to God).
6. They believed Jesus Christ is coming back to set up His Millennia reign and no kingdom
will come until He returns.
7. They rejected prayers to Joseph or Mary, the Roman mass, purgatory, prayers for the
dead, state churches, and an "ordained priesthood", etc.


 Baron Justinian Von Weltz (1621-1688) was the first to point out the missionary obligations
of the church and called for the organization of a missionary society.
 Von Weltz failed in his attempts to arouse the dead orthodox Lutherans of his day, so he
volunteered himself for the mission field and died on the field in Dutch Guinana in 1688.
 Cultured theologians, of course, called Von Weltz a fanatic, a heretic, a hypocrite, and a
blasphemer (some things never change).
VOL. II - 1600 A. D. - PRESENT

3 - WESTWARD HO! - Acts 1:8


 Wesley was an Arminian and Whitefield was a moderate Calvinist. They both believed and
preached only One Book and were mightily empowered by the Holy Spirit of God.
 Both were sold out to preaching the gospel, to the point of bloody throats and other extreme
physical suffering; both were street and field preachers.
 Both were stoned, attacked with whips and clubs and both men caused riots where they
preached; both men preached "…repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus
Christ." - Acts 20:21
 Both came to America about 1738-1739. They entered into a land where "nobody was yet in
control", i.e. there was no ecclesiastical hierarchy to contend with and nobody had yet
succeeded in setting up a State-Church. The populace was (religiously) in disunity, discord,
conflict while being segregated and racially divided. The Lord used this situation
marvelously to spread the Gospel in America to many people who had fled Europe for
religious freedom. (NOTE: Anglicanism had been established by law in the Southern
colonies (1706-1717), but the mixed religious character of their population assured the effect
of the "Anglican Church-State" to be nominal.)
 While there was a certain amount of "religious intolerance" brought about by those who were
raised by the Unholy Mother Whore (RCC), the ground was broken and fertile into which the
seeds of Wesley's and Whitefield's preaching fell.
 Whitefield was stoned till bloody all over and nearly unconscious when he preached the
gospel to a mob in Dublin in 1757. Wesley preached more than 20,000 sermons to crowds of
up to 18,000 people but was burned in effigy at Cork.
 It is said that no evangelist ever surpassed Whitefield in power to draw together and master
great mixed assemblies. Once when Whitefield came into Boston, the local "qualified
authority" who believed in the "plenary verbal inspiration of the original African authorities"
told him, "I am sorry to see you here, Mr. Whitefield," to which Whitefield replied, "So is the
devil" and commenced to preach. He preached to 15,000 people on Boston Common and
had as many as 10,000 people profess faith in Christ in a single meeting.
 Whitefield preached in Philadelphia until the dancing schools, theaters, and concert rooms
were closed as being "inconsistent with the Gospel."
 Whitefield died as he had lived: preaching full blast. While sick and dying, and after having
preached to a multitude outside of his bedchamber, his last words were: "Lord Jesus, I am
weary in Thy work, but not of Thy work. If I have not yet finished my course, let me go and
speak for Thee once more in the fields, seal the truth, and come home to die."
 Wesley gave the initial impetus to the Sunday School movement after Robert Raikes (1783),
a Methodist, had opened a Sunday School class several years before the organized movement
came under Wesley.
 Wesley was a great preacher; his parish was truly "the world." He is known for being God's
prime instrument in turning the English nation from a bloody revolution similar to the terrible
catastrophe that befell Catholic France in 1789-1790. What is rarely mentioned is that God
used him to do this by street preaching from an Authorized Version 1611 Bible that was now
about 120 years "out of date" and undoubtedly "needed to be modernized" by the "scholars."
 Wesley's and Whitefield's audiences were composed of thousands of unsaved sinners who
believed the King James Bible was the pure word of God. Contrast that with church people
today who don't believe it. The reason they don't believe it is they were taught not to believe
VOL. II - 1600 A. D. - PRESENT

it by Bible preachers and teachers who were taught not to believe it by the faculty of
Christian colleges and universities.
 Wesley's last words were: "The best of all, God is with us! I'll praise! I'll praise! Farewell!!"
 Undoubtedly Wesley's and Whitefield's ministries were directly connected to the movement
of the Holy Spirit westward which historians call The Great Awakening (1720-1750).


 Gilbert Tennent, a Presbyterian who was trained by his father William Tennent (1673-1760),
was also strongly influenced by Whitefield's preaching and by the Moravians. He was an old
fashioned "hell fire and damnation" preacher whose preaching "must either convict or enrage
 Jonathan Edwards (1745-1802) is the most famous name usually associated with The Great
Awakening largely because one of his sermons ("Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God")
has been reproduced in books on American History for more than 100 years. Many of the
publishers are ATHEISTS and they publish the sermon to show modern American youth
how "unreasonable and irrational" Bible believing Americans were back then and what
educators believe about "negative Christianity" at its worst, believing nobody in their right
mind would think the same way today.
 At the culmination of The Great Awakening, Jonathan Edwards was condemned by an
ecclesiastical council composed of five-point Calvinists and was thrust out of his parish to
die of smallpox at the age of 47.


 Although there have been several editions (not versions) of the KJB issued after 1611, the
words of the King James Bible have remained intact since it was issued in 1611.
 All updated editions of the KJB are all still based on the Textus Receptus and the original
Authorized Version of 1611, but the spelling of certain words has been updated and errors
that occurred in the editing and printing processes have been corrected.
 This is in contrast with every modern version on the market today which has readings from
the Alexandrian, Egypt line of corrupt Catholic manuscripts; all of which have verses that
say the opposite of a KJB, attack the Deity of Christ, attack the Virgin Birth, attack the Blood
Atonement, plus omit entire verses from the AV 1611. (See "KJV Deviations" handout)

 John Clarke (not Roger Williams), founded the First Baptist Church in America in 1639, in
Newport, Rhode Island. John Clarke was baptized in a church in London (pastor was Rev.
Stillwell) that was set up by the Dutch Mennonites from Holland (not by English Baptists).
This is significant because the Dutch Mennonites came from the Waldenses. This means that
not even the English Baptists came from John Smith, as most historians would have you to
believe, they came from German Baptists. Earlier they were called Donatists and Novatians
and later Anabaptists in Germany and Mennonites in Holland. The Moravians had already
been identified with the Waldenses and in 1315 the followers of Walter Lollard (a German
Waldensian). This is the line that produced John Clarke who set up the first Baptist church in
 Strangely, it was a papist, Charles I who gave the royal charter for the setting up of
Providence, RI as a cornerstone for religious liberty. He had to find a way to smuggle
Catholics into the USA without being persecuted. He pleaded for "tolerance" and "religious
VOL. II - 1600 A. D. - PRESENT

liberty" and "freedom of worship" long enough to get his totalitarian "foot in the door."
Rome never changes.
 Puritan Imperialism in America was in some ways similar to Vatican (Catholic) Imperialism.
Baptists were immediately singled out for persecution mainly over their belief that you
cannot regenerate any baby by sprinkling him under any formula.
 The Baptists spread out far and wide in America during this period of church history.
 Baptists divided into "Particular" (5-point Calvinists) and "General" (1-point Calvinists).
Baptists then split into two groups: "Separates" and "Regulars." The Separates went along
with the Holy Spirit during the Great Awakening and the Regulars stayed where they were.


 Following any broad sweep of the Holy Spirit that brings in soul winning, mass evangelism,
and revival, there follows teaching and education (e.g. the Ivy League Schools).
 History shows that when you go one inch past education, the inevitable results are: Culture
(the "Machine"), which always breeds Apostasy (the "Monument").
 Immediately after the AV 1611 hit the market, English Deists of the "educated class" in the
homeland where it was produced started the takeover by providing a "cultural reaction" to the
preaching and teaching of the AV 1611.
 When the final authority was attacked, abandoned, and nullified by the "scholars" (through
higher criticism, critical studies, accredited scholarship, scientific studies, etc.) it left man as
his own final authority…(devil: mission accomplished).
 The Holy Spirit left behind spiritual desolation and spiritual darkness in Germany and
England when they abandoned the AV 1611 (KJB). The same thing has happened in
America since the publishing of the ASV of 1901 and hundreds of corrupt bibles since then.
 While "Deism" was being propagated by the "educated class," the Holy Spirit was busy using
Bible believing street preachers to shake two continents. The same principle applies today
during "the gleanings," but on a smaller scale.
VOL. II - 1600 A. D. - PRESENT

4 - CONCEIVED IN LIBERTY - Psalm 22:28; 33:12


 Contrary to the beliefs of most of American Christians today, the Constitution IS NOT about
America being founded to be a "Christian Nation." (If it had been, America would have been
no different than any other nation, i.e. a Church-State system with no religious liberty.)
 Neither the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, nor the Bill of Rights recognizes
the Bible as the word of God and none of the three exalt or even acknowledge Jesus Christ or
give Him credit for anything (nor should they  remember we believe in religious liberty).
 America was founded on the principles of religious freedom (not freedom from religion) and
certainly many of our laws were originally based on Biblical laws and precepts and the polity
of a New Testament local church, e.g. voting (Acts 6:2-3), voluntary giving (Acts 5:4),
prayer and thanksgiving (Acts 4:24), seeking the will of God (Acts 1:24), voluntary sharing
(Acts 4:32), no distinction between "laity" and "clergy" (Acts 4:32; Gal. 3:26).
 The First Amendment was enacted to protect individual religious freedoms and liberties, i.e.
Congress has no right to pass laws respecting the establishment of religion and no one could
prohibit the free exercise thereof. As a result, Congress could not pass laws that would:
1. Recognize the RCC (or its teachings) as a Christian religion.
2. Force anyone to be baptized or sprinkled by any church.
3. Force people to attend mass or recognize the pope as a spiritual leader.
4. Kill or imprison people for identifying the pope as the Antichrist.
5. Force anybody to support Catholic schools with their tax money.
6. Stop Christians from witnessing to Catholics.
7. Prohibit a preacher from preaching anything within his own religious convictions.
 State and federal regulations since FDR (1933) have hindered every form of Biblical
Christianity. The 1964 Civil Rights Act (and similar laws since then) have been passed
which gives government unlicensed and unbridled control over every local congregation in
America, e.g. tax exempt status, child labor laws, minimum wage laws, corporal punishment,
child neglect, child abuse, disturbing the peace, zoning, confiscation of property, tract
distribution, children's homes, attacks on personal property rights (federal land grabs), etc.
 The Bill of Rights are based on a Biblical religious philosophy. It was the Baptists of
Virginia who forced the Bill of Rights to be added to the Constitution in 1791. The Bill of
Rights defined the rights, freedoms, and liberties enjoyed by the American people until:
1. The end of the Civil War in 1865 when the states lost their right to independent existence.
2. In 1933, the federal government curtailed the liberties of businesses within the states.
(Federal taxation (IRS) bondage, Interstate Commerce Laws, SS, workplace rules, etc.)
3. After FDR took America off the "gold standard" (in exchange for liquor, i.e. the repeal of
Prohibition), the federal government enacted a communistic bill (the Civil Rights Act of
1964), which in many ways did away with the Bill of Rights altogether.
NOTE: The NEWS MEDIA (from 1860 to the present) was the deciding factor in all these
events and will remain so in all political, social, and moral issues worldwide. (A wise man
once said, "Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you read (of course with
one exception: the King James Bible)."

 Abraham Lincoln is acknowledged in history books as being a great statesman, a great
president, "Honest Abe", a good man, etc., (which he undoubtedly was in many ways), but he
was the person mainly responsible for initiating the federal government takeover and the loss
VOL. II - 1600 A. D. - PRESENT

of freedoms, liberties, and rights of states and individuals in America. No state since
Abraham Lincoln (1865) has been free, nor has it been independent.
 Abraham Lincoln (through the media) "sold" the Civil War to the public as a racial issue and
often used of the word "UNITY" (a RCC concept from way back). This began the process of
consolidating power and authority with the federal government and the stripping of the
American people's liberties and freedoms originally guaranteed under of the Constitution and
the Bill of Rights.
 Abraham Lincoln, known today in history books as the "great emancipator," had some very
unmistakable views concerning black people in general. His views are clearly seen from the
statements below which were made by Lincoln himself in the famous Lincoln-Douglas
debates in Charleston, Jonesboro, Springfield, and Peoria, Illinois on October 15, 1854,
June 25, 1857, September 15, 1858, and September 18, 1858:
1. "Senator Douglas remarked in substance that he has always considered the government
was made for the white people and not for the Negroes, which in point of fact, I THINK
2. "I tell him frankly that I am NOT IN FAVOR of Negro citizenship. (Applause) I hold
myself under constitutional obligation to allow the people in all States, without
interference, direct or indirect, to do exactly as they please, and I deny that I have any
inclination to interfere with them. Even where there is no constitutional obligation, I will
say that I'm NOT, NOR EVER HAVE BEEN, in favor of bringing about, in any way,
the social and political equality of the white and black races (Applause); that I'm NOT,
NOR EVER HAVE BEEN, in favor of making voters and jurors of Negroes, nor qualify
them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people."
3. "I will say, in addition to this, that there is a fundamental difference in the white and
black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of
social or political equality, and as such, as any other man, I am in favor of having the
SUPERIOR POSITION assigned to the WHITE RACE. I'll add to this that, to my
knowledge, I know not any man or woman in favor of perfect equality, social or political,
between Negroes and white men. I give a most solemn pledge that I will, to the very last,
stand by the law of this State which forbids the marriage of white people with Negroes,
(Applause) It is better, therefore, for us both to be SEPARATED."
4. "You and we are different races. The physical difference is a great advantage to both. In
a word, we suffer on each side. If this is omitted, it affords a reason, at least, why we
should be SEPARATED."


 The Declaration of Independence as stated by the Continental Congress of July 2, 1776 was
simply and exactly the same as the Southern states rights declaration in 1861: that the
colonies should be "free and independent states." The southern states in 1861 did nothing
but claim the original rights given to the thirteen colonies in 1776 but they didn't have
enough military power to retain them, i.e. the US Constitution had failed (and has never
 Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and John Kennedy all used racial and social
issues as levers to pry away each plank of the US Constitution (e.g. compulsory income tax,
compulsory draft, forced race mixing, loss of the gold standard, Civil Rights Act, etc.).
 Now hundreds of federal agencies (the founding fathers never envisioned) are in place which
falsely promise to: "be the saviors of mankind, save the planet, ensure equality and human
rights, bring peace on earth, usher in a great new world," and on it goes. This is done, of
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course, with a humanistic ("me first") mindset and with corruption on every front as America
sinks further and further into the abyss of its own spiritual, moral, and financial bankruptcy.
 The complete federal takeover gets closer each day and will play right into God's hand as the
one-world religion, under a one-world government will soon take center stage under the rule
of the Antichrist and the horrible tribulation period will engulf this earth. (Thank the Lord
for salvation and for the Rapture prior to the beginning of the Tribulation period.)
 It was Patrick Henry in 1776 who said, "Give me liberty of give me death." His descendents
between 1800-1900 said, "Give me liberty." Their children from 1900 to the present time
simply say, "Give me." (Laodicea = Civil Rights)
 The founding fathers realized that state churches were unscriptural and against true religious
liberty. But where liberty is taken for granted, and God is not part of the equation, jungle
warfare will inevitably follow.
 The Constitution allowed America to become the first country in the history of the world to
grant religious freedom to ANTI-CATHOLICS! Through the years, however, Congress has
passed laws to confiscate (steal) tax money from Americans to fund all types of Roman
Catholic (and other ungodly) endeavors, but the "founding fathers" original intention in
setting up the Bill of Rights was clearly honorable.
 Big government neither insures individual freedom nor does it fix real problems, government
takes away freedoms and creates new problems, while breeding corruption. Everything the
government takes over it destroys and it bankrupts our nation in the process.
 When any government says it is there to "liberate" you, the first thing that happens is you
lose your liberties. Big government IS NEVER THE SOLUTION to anything!
 Reliance on government is now at such a high level that most people feel the government
exists to provide their every need, e.g. employment, transportation, healthcare, food, child
care, education, retirement, protection, etc. Especially when anything bad happens, most
people consider themselves "victims" and resort to the government as being the solution.


 Genuine liberty has its source only in God. The Declaration of Independence states that
liberty is an endowment from the Creator. This idea of Samuel Adams and John Locke, who
were the primary framers of this document, originated with John Wycliffe, who got it from
the Bible (Wycliffe also taught that the pope was the Antichrist). - 2 Cor. 3:17; Gal. 5:1,
13-15; John 8:32


 Its premise was to bring glory to God and advance the Christian faith.
 This group was undoubtedly in favor of Bible precepts, including such convictions that if an
able person didn't work, he was not to eat. - 2 Thes. 3:10 (This is a God-given and
fundamental right that all people possess.)
 They believed that all civil authority is derived from God (not the government).
 They believed elected representatives should frame a body of laws for a local community.
 They believed election was not to be based on popularity, rather that votes should be cast
according to the law and the will of God.
 All liberties were granted to people so they could seek God's direction and guidance, and
make choices according to God's will, (not according to the "will of the people" or based on
your pocketbook.)
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 America’s democratic, constitutional republic which is built on capitalism and free enterprise
was established on sound Biblical principles and Baptist Church polity, which produced
local self-government and an autonomous church (not big government). Its tenets were
voluntary association (not forced busing or forced integration), voluntary assembly, and
majority voting. A republic's leaders were to be chosen according to their ability to serve
and make right judgments, not on their popularity or how much tax money they could
confiscate for the "special interests" of their constituency.
 From Montesquieu's The Spirit of Laws, came the concept of the "separation of powers"
which is essential or else the people eventually lose representative government and
ultimately lose all liberties. NOTE: America’s three branches of government (Executive,
Legislative, and Judicial) were founded on the King James Bible. - Isaiah 33:22
 America as a republic was gradually transformed into a democracy (1860-1900), then into a
federal democracy (1900-1933), then into a federal soviet (1933-1980) (a "soviet" is a
pyramidal government structure, i.e. a ruling class over everybody else), and is now in the
process of becoming a bankrupt Catholic communist satellite. The road to hell is paved with
good intentions. (People NEED the Lord!)
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 This period represents the "open door" where the church "kept the word" in its purity and
encircled the globe with Biblical truth instead of Catholic corruption. The reformation texts
of Martin Luther and the King James translators were translated into over 800 languages
before 1900 (the use of any of the corrupt Alexandrian manuscripts of the RCC was never
once considered).
 All translations put out by the American and British Bible Societies were from the Textus
Receptus of the King James Bible UNTIL 1904, at which time they adopted the Roman
Catholic Alexandrian, Egypt (African) text of Origen and Constantine. This marked the
OFFICIAL END of the Philadelphia Church period. - Genesis 3:1 - "Yea, hath God said…?"
 The "scholars" felt sure that societal advances in technology, music, economics, etc. were
sure evidences that God was "tramping out the vintage where the grapes of wrath were
stored" and "his truth is marching on," (perversions of Isaiah 63, Rev. 14:20, and
Rev. 19:15). The deluded "scholars," i.e. the "educated class" and "positive thinkers"
actually thought that some kind of a "kingdom" was coming. Darwin showed them how it
was going to happen through organic evolution and they went after Darwin's theories like
hungry pigs go to slop.
 While this "progress of man" was going on among the "scholars," God's Holy Spirit was
moving in a marvelous way to assure the spread the true Gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide
and salvation of a large number of souls.
 The 18th and 19th centuries have the greatest number of Bible believing witnesses the world
has ever seen. They crossed all lands and seas while casting themselves into martyr's graves
to get the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached to every creature. - Mark 16:15. They believed,
taught, memorized, and preached only one Book, the A. V. 1611 King James Bible.
 By 1800, several missionary societies were formed, e.g. Baptist Missionary Society, London
Missionary Society, Church Missionary Society, Glascow Missionary Society, and Scottish
Missionary Society.
 Literally hundreds of devoted and faithful men worldwide carried out the Lord's commission
by setting up local, independent, Bible believing churches.
 With this great wave of aggressive Biblical evangelism, church planting, and missions work
came the inevitable education. America's primary, elementary, and high schools originally
came from the work of these Bible preaching pastors, teachers, and evangelists. Education
and the Bible were so closely associated in America between 1600-1860 that a man was not
considered to be educated unless he knew the Bible.
 In 1864 Pope Pius IX and the RCC issued a "Syllabus of Errors" which included 1) the
condemning of every American who believed in separation of church and state and 2) an
attack on everyone on earth who believed he could choose his own religious beliefs by acts
of free will. While the rank and file Catholic may be unaware of this document, it has never
been abrogated, nullified, amended, revised, or rescinded by any pope since it was issued.
 Horace Mann (1796-1859), with apostates from Massachusetts, initiated such things as
accreditation, standards, enriched curriculum, etc. for the purpose of commercializing
education into a business of producing educated animals who now believe all things are
relative; enabling them to justify ANY set of principles, irrespective of any moral guide.
 Later on whole school systems were turned over to the government to encourage children to
believe in anti-Biblical concepts such as: evolution, tolerance of Rome, and no absolute
authority revealed from God. The public school system had become a federal soviet setup.
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 In anything they write, Catholic historians count on the ignorance of their readers to reach
pro-Catholic conclusions. RCC writers are always careful to avoid: 1) any true history of the
RCC or 2) Bible references to support their writings.
 A "bigot" to a Catholic is someone who has historical facts and scriptures to back up their
opinions and writings.
 All RCC historians follow one pattern, which is based on "omissions." A statement is made
and then left undocumented, pro or con, to implant doubt in the mind of the reader and then
count on his ignorance to bring him to a conclusion that is "pro-papal."


 After having lost much of their influence, people, and territories during the Philadelphia
church period, the RCC sought any means to regain its losses. Many of the tactics are the
same as those used earlier by the RCC.
 The RCC sought to overthrow any non-Catholic national governments and regain control of
them by replacing their leaders with Roman Catholics. One tactic they used was to keep
any two major nations "at each other's throat" as long as neither would submit to papal
domination. They could no longer threaten them with excommunication or interdiction, so
Catholics simply formed armies to kill their Protestant enemies.
 Another tactic was for the RCC to NOT recognize any treaty or oath as being valid if the
RCC hierarchy did not dictate the terms. (The RCC triggered the Thirty Years War
(1618-1648) through breaking a treaty, which resulted in the killing of 1/3 of the population
(six million people) of Germany. Pope Innocent X (1644-1655) then declared that all
anti-Catholic clauses in all treaties between all nations are invalid.)
 The Pope, as the "Vicar of Christ," declared himself to have "authority over all men" and
could give away anybody's country or any continent (including the populace) to anyone he
pleased. Pope Pius IX and Leo XIII (1878-1903) declared that the RCC had the power and
authority to enforce her own laws so as to control the art, music, and education of all
statesmen and rulers, plus the power to guide their thoughts, words and actions. Further, that
no government (the USA included) has any right to sentence any monk, nun, priest, or
bishop for any crime.
 Specific tactics of the RCC included lying, forging false papers, breaking treaties, stealing
property, killing people, hate, planning assassinations, practicing fraud and deception, etc.
 The RCC held to their canonical law that separation of church and state is a heresy, (i.e. no
Roman Catholic can honestly support the Bill of Rights).
 The greatest RCC political victories between 1550-1890 were in Latin and South America,
and these parts of the world today remain in much of the same spiritual darkness.
 When the "freedom of the press" was announced in New York in 1735; Pope Gregory XVI
and Pope Pius IX promptly denounced it as "heresy."
 The final thrust, which was eventually successful, was to stop "the English Menace" by
which the RCC meant the King James Bible, and get reinstated the corrupt Alexandrian
scriptures, in Europe (1885-RV) and in America (1901-ASV).
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7 & 8 - THE MAIN ASSAULT - 2 Cor. 10:3-4; 1 Tim. 6:12


 In the midst of the assault of God's soldiers who were "fighting the good fight" (2 Tim. 4),
Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto (which is based on Darwin's theory of evolution) came
out in 1848. This Communist Manifesto was a typical reaction by a typical Bible-rejecting
fool in the "educated class." Its willing accomplices were the journalists of the main stream
media and students (pseudo scholarship).
 The Manifesto 1) ushered in dozens of "evolutionary events," better known as wars (which
included two world wars) and 2) "blew the trumpet" announcing that the Laodicean church is
about to set up its lukewarm operations. - Rev. 3:14-19
 Some of the devil's "outstanding" men of this era were Darwin, Huxley, Marx, Einstein,
Russell, Dewey, Hegel, etc. who were actually nothing but poor, self-righteous sinners
reacting to a wave of Bible preaching that disturbed them to the point of mental imbalance.


 The AV 1611 King James Bible (The "English Menace" according to the RCC) led the way
and the many men who believed and preached it saw thousands of souls saved worldwide.
 Many men including C. H. Spurgeon, A. J. Gordon, Sam Jones, Billy Sunday, D. L. Moody,
J. W. Chapman, David Livingstone, C. T. Studd, Charles G. Finney, W. Philpot, R. A.Torrey,
John Paton, David Brainerd, T. D. Talmage, William Booth, C. I. Scofield, Henry Morrison,
Bob Shuler, Jonathan Goforth, Uncle Bud Robinson, Rodney "Gypsy" Smith, W. B. Riley,
and scores of others preached the gospel (only from a KJB).
 D. L. Moody met Ira Sankey in 1870 and began to make the first real major use of solo
singing in revival campaigns.
 Much missionary and evangelistic work was also accomplished in the various rescue
missions during this period. Of course the civil rights movement and government entitlement
programs have long since destroyed the evangelistic ministries of the rescue missions.
 William Ayer made a prophecy that the generation of the 1950's saw fulfilled. He said,
"New York is essentially a Pagan city…the moral and religious needs of the people are
pathetic. We must either Americanize and Christianize New York or New York will soon
Europeanize and paganize us." Of course this prophesy also applies similarly anywhere in
the world.

 Today, the favorite term of apostate fundamentalists is "historic fundamentalist positions"
which in general have no relationship to Biblical truth. It is used as a cover-up in lieu of
believing and preaching the Book as it stands.
 In the last half of the nineteenth century, two other things also crept in: 1) open armed
reception of "higher criticism" (i.e. destructive guesswork) by apostates and 2) compulsory
education laws. This deadly combination led to a federal school system controlled by the
NEA where the Bible was kicked out on the grounds of "separation of church and state" and
state moneys were confiscated by the RCC to further their own educational systems. This
has led to the virtual destruction (and accompanying atrocities) of the public school system.
 God has made it clear that He will confuse and destroy the minds of anybody who messes
with His Book, the AV 1611 King James Bible.
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 In Rev. 2-3, Philadelphia is clearly the best church and Laodicea is clearly the worst church.
 The transition started near the end of the 19th century and continues on to the present day.
 The great falling away was predicted: 1 Tim. 4; 2 Tim. 3; Jude; Gen. 49; Deut. 32; 2 Thes. 2.
 The greatest apostasy in the history of the church followed right after the greatest worldwide
evangelistic and missionary movements of the 16 th-19th centuries.


 The Bible takes a negative stance toward mankind (man is sinful, without hope and without
God, dead in trespasses and sins, on his way to hell, etc.) while modern worldly philosophies,
which are based on Marx and Darwin, take a positive stance (man was born right, does not
need to be born again, and is progressively getting better and better).
 Humanistic views of man, brought about by cultural elites, (and propagated by the media and
government), are always aimed at bringing in an "ideal society" (kingdom builders) by the
efforts of mankind and WITHOUT the return of Jesus Christ.
 All social, religious, and political leaders of today, (in order to get a following and get
elected), have to advocate Marx's and Darwin's positive stance based on some earthly hope
for mankind, i.e. to get popular support, you must lie about the future. This is always in line
with our world system, which is currently under the control of the ultimate positive thinker
himself, the devil. - Gen 3:1-5; Luke 4:6
 Most will cling to the hope of a positive message, even to the point of damning their souls,
i.e. people want to be fooled. They believe (in error) that everything will turn out all right in
the end because they are deceived by the devil into thinking they are "basically good."
 The unregenerate mass of "do-gooders" (in any country in the world) want to be told they are
good enough to save themselves by self-righteousness / self-effort. - Rom 10:3-4; Eph. 2:8-9
 The present National Council of Christian Churches promote a worldly view of man (i.e. they
hold to the basic tenets of Karl Marx) by believing and teaching that:
1. All men will be saved and none will go to hell.
2. Self-effort, political legislation, and revolution can bring in a utopia on earth.
3. Government entitlement programs and new laws will solve poverty and all social ills.
4. It is good for the Federal government to control and enforce non-segregated housing.
5. It is right for the government to confiscate weapons and implement gun control laws, hire
sex perverts to teach in public schools, abolish private property, and produce a classless
society under a one-world government with a one-world police force.
6. Legitimate methods include demonstrations, revolutions, confusion, chaos, federal
control, anarchy, and producing perverted Bibles.


 The substitution of mass media for the daily reading and study of the Bible, with the devil
controlling all media. 99% of all media is pro-Catholic, while there are innumerable media
outlets that are against: the Bible, Bible believing Christianity, free speech, local church, law
enforcement, capital punishment, ownership of guns, patriotism, moral standards, etc, (i.e.
the mass media is oriented toward communism). As a result, since the start of the 20th
century, America has been raised by and large on Marxist fantasy instead of Biblical reality.
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 During this time, student and journalist movements promoting liberalism and communism
have started in colleges, gotten support by the media, and have aimed at overthrowing
capitalistic and democratic institutions.
 Communism, reduced to its most simplistic element is: "steal what you want."
 Once Bible believers abandoned the "Christian" educational institutions that had been taken
over by modern religious scholars who do not believe the Bible, the "spiritual leaders" from
these colleges, universities, and seminaries have swept the world with their promotion of
corrupt Bibles and their modernistic positive philosophies. NOTE: True New Testament
local churches are never found entangled in the social or political issues of their day, other
than in preaching against specific sins and praying that God would overthrow the workings
and designs of those opposed to the truth. - 1 Cor. 5-6; 2 Tim. 2:4
 Rome has infiltrated "Christian" schools with faculty members intent on getting the world
back to a "Dark Age Bible" based on the Alexandrian, Egypt texts. Rome uses unsaved
"bible" scholars and philosophers to destroy the faith of believers in their King James Bible.
NOTE: Once you abandon the KJB, there is only one place left to go…a modern perverted
Bible. All roads lead to Rome!
 America is naïve to think it will escape the religious and moral apostasy, it is growing by
leaps and bounds every day. Apostasy has trailed immediately on the heels of the true NT
church, wherever it has gone, all over the world, since its inception.


 This term is not used because of the worldwide missionary efforts, but because men like
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) and his willing accomplices were making the most of the fact
that the RCC had lost its hold on suppressing individual initiative.
 Kant ended up promoting a philosophical system where provable facts ("real knowledge")
fell into a bracket of "science" (Col. 2:8; 1 Tim. 6:20) while unprovable beliefs ("not real
knowledge") fell into a bracket called "religion" (Gal. 1:8-15). Thus, only the physical
phenomena observed in a college laboratory became the body of absolute truths while
Heaven, Hell, the Virgin Birth, Bodily Resurrection, the New Birth, the Second Advent of
Christ, etc. (which cannot be proven in a college laboratory) became "not real knowledge,"
i.e. religion.
 A student of history cannot appreciate the magnitude of this mass delusion till he observes
that Adolf Hitler, as late as 1933, referred to the Nazi Movement as "positive Christianity."
Since Hitler had a concordat with the "head of the recognized Christian church" (i.e. the
pope), before he began the slaughter, he astutely labeled his government the "Thousand Year
Reich" after the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ (Rev. 20:1-6).

MARXISM AND DARWINISM - Gen. 1:1; Mark 10:6; John 5:46-47; Col. 1:16
 Darwin and Marx were communistic "birds of the same feather," and both were "positive and
progressive thinkers." According to the Bible, they were Bible-rejecting idiots and dunces.
 This explains why all communists are not scientific. Proof: Darwin's the theory of evolution
blatantly contradicts the first two (scientific) laws of thrermodynamics, namely:
1. Mechanical energy is equal to heat energy (it remains constant and cannot be created or
destroyed). This law does away with Darwin's theory of origins.
2. Heat, of itself, cannot pass from one body to another at a higher temperature (i.e.
everything is degenerating and is destined to burn out). This law does away with
Darwin's theory of evolution of species.
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 According to Marx and Darwin, men are nothing but animals, therefore killing off the
undesirable masses of people is the major part of their belief system. Church history proves
that any evil "religious" zealot will kill to propagate his religion.
 Darwin adopted a false theory that man started at the bottom and is working himself up. This
is the opposite of what God says in His Book, i.e. man started at the top and fell to the
bottom (through sin) and that without the intervention of his Maker, he could not even see
that he was at the bottom; and further, without a miracle (Calvary's Cross) from his Maker,
Jesus Christ, he could not get saved and back on top.
 Darwin's system produced sex education at all levels in the schools, the use of drugs and
alcohol, armament races, the abolition of anything Christian in society, perverted Bibles,
abolition of moral standards, destruction of the family, hopelessness, depression, suicide,
government control, etc.
 Marx knew that if the English speaking people ever accepted Darwin's theory of evolution as
scientific, they would accept his economic theories as scientific, i.e. the graduated income tax
system, compulsory education, abolition of inheritances and private property, gun
confiscation, classless societies, the welfare state, and integration of the races.
 The Marxism of Lenin and Stalin produced the modern Politburo (which controls the party)
consisting of nineteen men who control 17 million party members and 650 million people,
i.e. communism is nothing but a military dictatorship controlled by a religious hierarchy.
 Marx believed that unfair distribution of money is the root of all evil and that a "just and
equal" economic system where all "share" their goods will solve all of man's problems.
 Marx's system produces concentration camps larger than any that Hitler built, enforced slave
labor, removal of populaces, assassinations, terrorism, loss of incentive to work, a welfare
state, disintegration of the family, etc.
 All evolutionists believe the Bible is full of contradictions and unscientific errors and that by
"survival of the fittest" man can alter his environment and thereby alter his nature.
 The whole perverted scheme is about nothing more than getting the necessary power and
authority to gain absolute control of all men.
 This movement could be called a socialistic-Catholic-Roman-Communist-animal movement,
of course "for the betterment and progression of mankind" and "for the sake of Jesus," etc.
 These and similar ideas promoted the movement to replace the AV 1611 KJB with modern
perverted Catholic versions, thereby opening a way for the English "Protestants" to return to
the Vatican State at Rome. Remember: All roads lead to Rome!
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10 - THE GREAT APOSTASY - 2 Tim. 4:3-4


 The religions of Evolution, Marxism, and Humanism espouse "human rights" but really are
about nothing but "human bondage."
 If "human progress" can only be achieved by revolution and overthrowing the establishment,
then why are no revolutions allowed in communist countries? According to Marxism, South
America would be the most advanced civilization in the world since it has averaged one
revolution every ten years for nearly 200 years.
 Why are revolutions necessary in the first place if "progress is inevitable" according to
Darwin and Marx? Didn't evolution supposedly produce man without the help of man?


 Evolution, communism, and humanism are man-based religions that must be accepted on the
basis of blind faith; there is no scientific proof for any of the three. For example, there is no
proof for the blatant lie that the universe is self-existing and was never created; and since this
is a lie, then all that follows this line of thinking are also lies, i.e. atheism, evolution,
humanism, progress, situational ethics, no fixed moral laws, etc.
 False religions all replace the King James Bible with the Alexandrian text of the RCC.
 False religions are also founded on the premise of "social well-being."
 "Social well-being" ends up meaning jails, genocide, concentration camps, etc. for anyone
who disagrees with the definition of "social well-being" which gets defined by those in
power. Torture becomes "behavior modification" (starving, beatings, electrical shocks,
brainwashing, etc.) for the purpose of "human rights," "equal rights," and the "social
 In these false religions, man himself becomes "the standard" and "the measure of all things"
rather than the Book that God wrote.
 The Bible expressly states that man will not bring in a perfect society (2 Tim. 3; Jer. 23;
Matt. 23; 1 Tim. 4; Rev. 13) apart from Divine intervention of its Creator and the return of
the Lord Jesus Christ (Psalm 2; Matt. 5; Joel 2; Isaiah 66)
 At the Second Advent, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Rev. 17:14;
19:16) will return as the most vicious anti-Communist, anti-Catholic, non-humanitarian ruler
and anti-social and narrow-minded dictator who ever lived on this earth! - Rev. 22:20


 This committee was the most important gathering of "Christian scholars" that ever assembled
on this earth since Origen, Plato, Pantaneus, Clement, and Philo sat down to rid the world of
absolute authority. It represented the accumulated might of Bible-rejecting Christianity and
apostate scholarship. It was the Alexandrian Cult back in business.
 This committee lays the groundwork to replace the AV 1611 King James Bible, producing
the Revised Version (both OT and NT in 1885) which was later published in America as the
American Standard Version in 1901, both using corrupt Alexandrian texts of the RCC.
 The RV committee was solidly pro-Roman Catholic (e. g. Westcott & Hort,) and was one of
the fruits of the Oxford Movement (1830-1850) which ultimately led to opening up of
English ministerial schools and church facilities to the Roman Catholic hierarchy.
 The manuscripts that Westcott and Hort chose with which to destroy the Reformation text of
the King James Bible were two grossly corrupt "Septuagint (LXX) manuscripts" (containing
both Testaments in Greek) which were written more than 200 years after the New Testament
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was completed. Both contained Apocryphal books interspersed throughout the cannon and
became falsely known as the "verbal plenary inspired originals" by Nestle, Aland, Metzger,
and Nida, and which were sold to the Bible Societies of the Laodicean church in the 20 th and
21st centuries. Bible corruption has gone on throughout all of church history. - 2 Cor. 2:17
 Westcott and Hort were sypathetic to Mariolatry (worship of Mary), Darwinism (evolution),
and rabid sacramentalists. They believed in water baptismal regeneration.
 Westcott and Hort espoused many false theories: 1) longer and shorter readings, 2) Lucian
Recension, 3) intrinsic probability, 4) family texts, 5) Western readings, etc.
 John Maurice (1805-1872) taught that form of socialism that later was called the "Fabian
Society" which espoused a gradual overthrow of a government. It was John Maurice and
Pusey (1800-1882) who did the required work in the Anglican church, while Darwin and
Marx had been preparing the secular colleges and universities to reject the true Bible, which
helped bring about societal acceptance of the false bibles.


 Over the past century, new corrupted modern bibles have entered the religious world like a
fast-spreading cancer, all of which have only one Bible in their cross hairs, the AV 1611
King James Bible. A new perverted bible version now appears on the market, on average,
about once every six months. - 1 Tim. 6:10
 The new corrupt Alexandrian "standard Greek text," which became the accepted text of the
20th and 21st century Bible societies, was the joint product of Fabian Socialists, two apostate
Episcopalians (Westcott and Hort), two Bible-rejecting Catholics (Origen and Augustine),
the Jesuit priesthood (Rheims, France), Charles Darwin (the evolutionist monkey man), Karl
Marx (the frustrated, loafing, humanist), and an "infallible" pope of the RCC. When
humanism became the worldwide religion in the last half of the 20 th century, the pope
regained his "position" once again as the final authority. Mission accomplished.
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11 - THE OLD GUARD - Joshua 14:7-11


 The eternal and fixed cycle of church history, Evangelism (Man), Education (Movement),
Culture (Machine), and Apostasy (Monument) continued and the New England states quickly
became the stronghold of Roman Catholicism and Unitarianism.
 Bible-rejecters James Freeman (1759-1835) (the first Unitarian pastor in New England); and
Hosea Ballou (1771-1852) taught false doctrine including such heresies as: 1) hell is not
eternal, 2) that everyone gets saved sooner or later, and 3) that Jesus is not God manifest in
the flesh. - 1 Tim. 3:16
 D. L. Moody, who was used mightily by the Lord in the New England states, was from
Illinois. Next came Billy Sunday from Iowa. The westward movement continued with the
Lord choosing J. Frank Norris, a Southern Baptist pastor from Ft. Worth, Texas as God's
emphasis was to go back to the local NT church.
 While the devil is mustering his forces to destroy Bible believing Christianity in America, as
he had in Europe, he is confronted by the "old guard," which included men such as:
 John Stratton (1874-1929)
 T. T. Shields (1873-1955), ministered in Canada and fought the heresies of the RCC and
the intrusion of Catholics into politics to obtain tax money for their own religious ends.
 W. B. Riley (1861-1947), schooled at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in
Louisville, blamed Darwin and German Rationalism (culture) for the apostasy taking
place in the Baptist Conventions.
 Mordecai Ham (1877-1961), his most famous convert was Billy Graham along with
Grady Wilson and T. W. Wilson in 1934 at a meeting in Charlotte, NC.
 M. R. DeHaan (1891-1965)
 Charles Fuller (1887-1968), started radio broadcasting of the gospel
 Bob Jones, Sr. (1883-1968), a Methodist who founded Bob Jones University
 J. Frank Norris (1877-1952), known as the "Texas Tornado," his ministry resembled
Billy Sunday. He exposed what he called the "top ten devils" in Fort Worth, TX and
started his own seminary called the Bible Baptist Seminary.


 This famous reference Bible, although containing some incorrect notes, is a very good
reference Bible and is still used by many Bible believers today. However, it had three strikes
against it from its original publishing in 1909-1917:
1. It had the King James Bible text. To appease the apostates, the New Scofield Board of
Editors (in the late 1960's) replaced it with an eclectic text that contained readings from
the corrupt ASV of 1901.
2. Its original notes are solidly anti-Roman Catholic, e.g. that Rome is the seat of apostasy
and corruption. However, the New Scofield Board of Editors inserted the word
"sacrament" into the notes on Acts 18 (p. 1174) to show the Catholics that they too
believed that water baptism was a Roman Catholic sacrament or "means of grace."
3. Its notes on pages 85, 181, 182, and 1342 tell all too plainly that the men who are busily
engaged in "bringing in the kingdom" with apostate ecclesiastical systems (and without
the necessity of the return of the Lord Jesus Christ at His Second Advent) are headed for
the wrath of God.
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John 9:4

THE PERIOD OF 1901-1960

 During this period, Christians of nearly every stripe abandon the KJB as their final authority
in favor of scholarship, human reasoning, and perverted Catholic bibles.
 The "progression", accompanied by the "superiority" of RV and ASV (above the KJB), can
be characterized as follows:
1. In the 1890's, liberals were debating whether or not there were two Isaiahs.
2. In the 1920's, modernists were debating whether or not there was a personal God.
3. Between 1920 and 1940, evangelism and missions causes suffered serious setbacks
because of the scandals in the lives of the "spiritual" leaders, extravagances among the
charismatic preachers, liberalism in the churches, and a general drift away from God
brought about by the new belief that the KJB was not really the true word of God.
4. In the 1940's, fundamentalists were debating the Second Coming of Christ and the
5. By 1970, they were all saying that there wasn't one Book on this planet that was the final
authority for anything.


 The age of educated idiots who think they are smart enough to correct the AV 1611 had
arrived in full force and it continues to the present time.
 When any educational institution embarks one step beyond teaching the AV 1611 as the
standard by which everything (including scholarship) is judged, the next step is always
culture followed by total apostasy. The "progression" always follows these steps:
1. Like-minded churches get together and decide to set up a training center for young men
to become ministers or missionaries.
2. Local churches that have a common doctrinal basis and support the school, then form a
group, association, fellowship, convention, etc.
3. Summer camps are set up to boost enrollment into the school.
4. Teachers, professors, or even pastors (who desire to demonstrate their "superior"
knowledge, power, and authority over the Bible) come in and become recognized as the
leaders of the body of Christ, (Bible words: "idolatry" or "tradition of men"- Col. 2:8).
5. Their method is to "go to the original Greek" and correct the AV 1611 KJB.
6. The end result is that final authority is TRANSFERRED from the Bible within the local
New Testament church to a SCHOOL.
7. The schools, in turn, produce Bible-rejecting apostates who feel equipped to challenge
and correct any Bible believer, in or out of the pulpit.


 Bob Shuler, William Ward Ayer, Charles Fuller, Hyman Appleman, John R. Rice, Harry
Ironsides, Oliver Green, Billy Graham, Dr. DeHaan, R. G. Lee, Beauchamp Vick, John
Rawlings, Walter Maier, Jesse Hendley, E. J. Daniels, Joe Henry Hankins, Monroe Parker,
B. R. Lakin, Lee Roberson, Robert Bevington, Mark Cambron, Myron Cedarhold, Richard
Clearwaters, Russell Conwell, Geroge Crittenden, Bruce Cummons, Gerald Fleming, Vance
Havner, Hershel Hobbs, Ford Porter, Ed Nelson, Otis Fuller, Harold Smith, and many others.
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 Clarence Larkin (1850-1929), a Baptist pastor, was the man who taught every prophetic
teacher in America everything they knew about the basics of prophecy and rightly dividing
the words of truth.
 Jerry Falwell, Jack Hyles, John R. Rice, Billy Graham, and others attempted to reestablish
city wide campaigns and only Billy Graham was really able to "succeed," albeit only with
ecumenical help from modernists and neoevangelicals. God had pronounced the days of true
revival (as seen in the Philadelphia church) as finished.


 The news media and modern Christian scholarship had successfully brainwashed the
American Christian and completely destroyed his confidence in the KJB.
 As usual, the RCC had successfully brought in apostasy by adapting itself to conform to the
world system in place at the time.
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 According to the scriptures (2 Tim. 3, 4; Revelation 13, 17; Daniel 7, 9, 11; Zeph. 3; and
Matt. 24) there isn't any doubt about the future of the Gentile nations which are all governed
by Darwinism, Marxism, and Humanism.
 The final government on earth (before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ) will be a religious
dictatorship with a Roman Antichrist (2 Thess. 2) controlling the world's masses through a
one-world government. Jews will be sacrificed (Rev. 6, 20) in literal, bloody sacrifices and
the false kingdom of the Antichrist will be a kingdom of DEATH and HELL (Is. 28:15-17).
 As far as the populations of the earth are concerned (those without Jesus Christ as their
Saviour), their future is nothing but negative. Therefore, the best way to identify liars in this
age is by their positive approach and positive thinking about the future of mankind in general.


 To bring about the Antichrist's world system, mankind must be reduced to a single class of
passive "yes-men," (of course under the heading "equal rights for all people"). Only then
can the Son of Perdition (2 Thess. 2) be manifest in the flesh and take over the U. N.
 This means that in secular history, there will be the virtual elimination of the "middle class"
so there can be one gigantic mass of 7-8 billion people being governed by a few "elites" who
are under the authority of the Antichrist who is "Satan incarnate." The ruling class is further
described in Dan. 2 and Rev. 17. The new world system is being prepared right now through:
1. Equalization of men and women. This involves removing all gender differences between
men and woman, e.g. role reversals in the home and throughout society, reversed
masculinity and femininity, promotion of sexual perversion, including sodomy, etc.
2. Equalization and forced integration of the races.
3. Equalization of the old and the young.
4. (Most important) Equalization (ecuminicism) of religion by: 1) smooth marketing to sell
people modern corrupt Catholic versions of the Bible, 2) teaching that any criticism of
the RCC is bigotry, 3) cover up to insure that no true history of the RCC is ever taught.


 It was Austrian Catholics (who had signed concordats with Catholic popes) that set up both
world wars of the 20th century who carried out the totalitarian designs of the RCC hierarchy.
 The Roman Catholic ruling family in Austria in 1914 (the Hapsburgs) had been on the throne
for over 600 years. Their dream was the restoration of the old Roman Empire to the "Holy
Roman Emperor" to be crowned by the pope.
 The motivation for WW-I went way back to 1054 A. D. when the popes lost Russia and the
Balkans along with Greece.
 The first step to WW-I was in 1890 when Kaiser Wilhelm (Protestant from Germany) failed
to keep up Bismark's system of alliance with Anti-RCC countries (Greek Orthodox and
Serbian Orthodox). Wilhelm is painted by historians as a vicious egotist, a selfish bigot, and
an implacable enemy of the RCC. Wilhelm yielded to RCC pressure and dropped his
alliances with Russia, who was Greek Orthodox, and this led to an "Entente Cordiale"
between France and Russia, with England joining it for the purpose of stopping the Germans
from building a railroad from Berlin to Baghdad (1902-1913) to compete with British trade
in the Far East, which would pass through Greek Orthodox countries. If Germany could be
drawn into war with Austria against France and Russia, the entire continent would be blown
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apart with only the pope surviving; naturally he would be "neutral" and he would also have a
chance to get back all the land he had lost earlier in the Balkans in 1054 A. D.
 The opening guns of WW-I, which were fired in Belgium, were the canons of a German
general named Von Moltke who patterned his entire military philosophy after the RCC. Von
Moltke's invasion of Belgium was carried out by three Roman Catholics: Bethmann,
Berchtold, and Forgach, who had been engaged in restoring the papal domains in Eastern
Europe to the "Holy Roman Empire." - Rev. 18:24
 The Catholics in France were in the vast majority, so about 1894 they attempted to set up a
papal church state by attacking a Jewish officer.
 Rome's ambitions were to control the Greek Orthodox churches in Russia and the Balkans.
 Mussolini and Hitler (both of which were Roman Catholics and had Catholic concordats with
the pope and had the full support of the entire RCC hierarchy), also invaded the Balkans not
30 years after the close of WW-I (which started WW-II).
 Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), the providentially chosen successor to the Hapsburgs, was born in
Braunau and raised in Linz, Austria (not Germany). He was a devout Catholic all his life. In
1929, 1924, and 1932 he honored Catholic concordats in Bavaria, Prussia, and Baden,
thereby eliminating all Bible groups from equal privileges and civil rights and thereby
installed Catholicism in the public schools as the only religion approved of by the state to be
taught to German children. Hitler's Catholic ambassador (Von Papen) spoke calmly of the
Third Reich as "a Christian Revolution."
 The terms of the Nazi concordat (which was Catholic from start to finish) signed by Pacelli
in 1933 (he was later Pope Pius XII) stated that the Nazi Party was to pay tax money to the
RCC to subsidize Catholic bishops and that there were to be no Protestant chaplains in the
Wermacht or the SS.
 WW-II was started by the same RCC outfit, which attempted to finish what was left
unaccomplished in WW-I. Capitalists or communists started neither WW-I nor WW-II.


 In 1964 Fidel Castro correctly stated that it was not the Soviets in Latin America that the
USA should worry about, rather they should worry about the Catholic Priests who are the
true revolutionaries.
 Pope Paul VI issued his famous Communist Manifesto titled "Progressio Popularum" in
1968, it (supposedly) committed the RCC to a "Anti-Imperialist" struggle. To the contrary, it
really meant the RCC had committed themselves as a revolutionary force intent on
overthrowing any regime backed by the USA and eventually attack the USA. The document,
of course, omitted the fact that Roman Catholic Imperialism has always been the dominating
force for worldwide imperialism in every century since Constantine the Great.
 Imperialists are "kingdom builders" and are always thieves and bloody killers.


 The results of Roman Catholic imperialism were an international calamity of such huge
proportions that no nation on earth to this day has fully recovered from it. Many lights went
out all over the world, never to be turned back on again.
 Thrones that were toppled included:
1. The Greek Orthodox Romanoffs in Russia
2. The Catholic Hapsburgs in Austria
3. The Protestant Hollezollerns in Germany
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 Historical truth about the RCC and its political and religious exploits had to be replaced by
socialism, humanism, and communist propaganda.
 In less than 20 years after WW-I, the pope was again in full charge of the destiny of the lives
of every man, woman, and child in Europe and Russia, and "the holy father" then produced
WW-II, which would take 40 million lives and have a casualty list of over 54 million.
 Prophetically, the restoration of the Roman Empire with a Catholic pope as the substitute
"Caesar" for its head (Antichrist), seated on the throne of David at Jerusalem (2 Thess. 2),
will eventually happen, and will fulfill Bible prophesy when it does so.
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14 - HELLISH MOTHER WHORE - Rev. 2:21-23


 Hitler was a Roman Catholic all his life. His work "Mein Kampf" (My Struggle) has never
been on the Catholic list of forbidden books, nor will it ever be.
 His anti-Judaism came from studying the famous "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," a
Catholic work written by a Roman Catholic lawyer named Maurice Joly.
 Hitler was never excommunicated from the RCC either before or after his death.


 The ridiculous attempts by the American media after the war to try and prove that the RCC
befriended the Jews is nothing but a tragic lie.
 The Catholic newspaper (L'Observatore) printed nothing that was anti-German, anti-Hitler,
pro-Jewish, or pro-Protestant throughout the entire period of WW-II.
 The fact is that the pope was not only indifferent to the genocide of the Jewish race but that
he also was highly elated at the prospect of the genocide of all the Serbians in Yugoslavia.
 The papal nuncio in Berlin (Monsignor Cesare Orsenigo) was jubilant about the
establishment of Hitler as dictator.
 RCC Goal: Establish a European Church-State by any means where all Europe would be
forced to embrace the Roman Catholic Religion. (Forced conversion under the threat of
death was the official Vatican Policy.)
 Hitler came to power as dictator only through manipulations by the pope when he gave
orders to Franz Von Papen (Catholic Vice-Premier) to dissolve the Roman Catholic "Center
Party" (who contained the "balance of power") at the crucial time in the German elections
when Hitler could have been stopped. (The pope had just done the exact same thing in June
1923 in Italy to get Mussolini in as dictator.)
 Cardinal Pacelli (who set up the papal concordat with Hitler) became Pope Pius XII during
the time when Germany invaded Poland, France, Norway, Russia, and the Balkans. This
scoundrel also promptly opened up diplomatic relations with Japan while they were invading
the Philippine Islands and killing over 10,000 of the pope's church members there.
 The RCC hierarchy supported and promoted the SS, praised Hitler, and promised him the
full cooperation of the entire RCC.
 All Catholic bishops had to take an oath of fealty (allegiance) to the Third Reich since this
was Article No. 16 in the Vatican Concordat with the pope. Any Catholic clerics or laity that
refused to follow these papal instructions from the Vatican were sent to concentration camps
by their Catholic colleagues. (Later, they were to be recognized as "pro-Jewish martyrs" by
the press after the war.)
 According to Pope Pius XII, he declared publicly that all the trouble in Europe was due to the
abandonment of the teachings that come from his own "chair," i.e. that disobedience to the
pope was considered a greater crime than mass murder.
 When Hitler went into Austria in 1937, the men he used were Seyss Inquart and Cardinal
Innitzer, who were both Roman Catholics.
 It was the pope who had Catholic forces secure south Germany while Germany invaded
Poland and France.
 When Hitler met with the RCC hierarchy in Germany, Hitler told them that he was just doing
to the Jews what the RCC had done to them for 1500 years. (A true statement although no
media would print a word of it!)
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 Publicly, the RCC "remained neutral" as they had throughout the slaughter of WW-I, but the
RCC would never denounce the atrocities and mass killing of Jews.
 Any public show (then or now) of piety by the RCC which would lead one to believe the
RCC did not support the genocide of the Jews is hypocrisy and a blatant lie when compared
to the facts of history.
 Presently, besides leading the attack to destroy the US Constitution, Roman Catholicism is
deeply involved (worldwide) in organizing Communist third-world countries into a pact, with
each Communist country signing a concordat with the pope to the effect that only one church
on earth is legitimate: Hellish Mother Whore (RCC) - Rev. 17-18 (In all likelihood, an
unholy "marriage" between the RCC and the Moslims will be the impetus for the one-world
Church-State setup under the Antichrist.)
 Vatican imperialism has nothing to do with true church history. There is not one element,
aim, purpose, goal, plan, or execution of a plan made by the RCC that has one single Biblical
or true Christian motive behind it!
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15 - LAND MINES AND BOOBY TRAPS - 2 Peter 3:16

 With the onslaught of corrupt modern bibles came the start of many false denominations, all
of which called themselves "Christian."
 Forsaking the KJB for the Roman Catholic texts of Alexandria, Egypt caused many churches
to become infiltrated with the false teachings and traditions of the RCC. None of these false
"Christian" denominations began or have ever since been connected with the true New
Testament local church of the KJB.
 This "new Christianity" was largely propagated by effeminate, Bible-illiterate, amateur
psychologists, (many of which used the new medium of television) which exalted man
(humanism), the ecumenical charismatic movement, positive messages, theatrics, etc. These
"feel good preachers" were always careful to avoid any reference to the depravity and total
unrighteousness of mankind and would not dare tell anybody that man's best works and
motives would land him in the Lake of Fire for all eternity if he did not trust in the blood
atonement of Jesus Christ.


 The Mormons held that Jesus Christ was not begotten of the Holy Ghost and Adam was the
saviour, not Jesus Christ; the Holy Ghost had a physical body just like any man; the Gospel is
preached to people who die; you can be baptized in order to save a man who is already dead;
Christ will return to Independence, MO for his Millennial reign; i.e. they are a conglomerate
of self-righteous sinners headed for the Lake of Fire.
 The JW's held that Jesus Christ is a created, a lesser god (little "g"); that Jesus will never
come back to this earth as a human being; they believe there is no literal hell; that hell is a
dirt grave where you are buried, that Christ came back in 1880 or was it 1914, or sometime
else, salvation by works, annihilation, etc.
 Christian Scientists held that heaven and hell did not exist, nor did sin, death, or judgment;
they believe that Jesus did not pay any debt or ransom for anyone at Calvary (that you have
to ransom yourself); that "Christ" was here long before Jesus showed up. Mary Baker Eddy
requested a telephone in her grave so she could phone back after her burial, since she
wouldn't really be dead.
 Seventh Day Adventists held to working your way to heaven by observing the Jewish signs
given to Israel; that the devil will reign on earth for 1000 years and Satan will bear away your
sins; that Christ had a sinful nature; that "all is well, there is no hell"; hell is a dirt grave
where you are buried; the Lake of Fire is a place where body and soul are not destroyed, but
are annihilated. They (and the JW's) refuse to accept the Bible definition for the word
"destroy" - Jer. 12:17; Ezek. 28:16; Ecc. 5:6; 1 Chron. 21:12; Hosea 4:6; 1 Cor. 6:13; they
believe the Mark of the Beast is going to church on Sunday.
 Theosophists held to Christ being a part of the spiritual hierarchy that guided the evolution of
humanity; they held to reincarnation and salvation by good works.
 The Campbellites taught the Lord's Supper should be taken every Sunday, that water baptism
was the means of regenerating sinners, that good works were necessary for salvation, that
nobody could know for certain whether his saved until after he is dead, and that their church
was the "only true church" which Jesus Christ founded. (Sounds like the RCC all over again.)
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 The main source of the apostasy has always been the faculty members of so-called Christian
schools who taught (and still teach) their ministerial students that there was no final authority
anywhere on this earth but that all Biblical truth was relative to the opinions of Christian
educators and scholars.
 They taught (and still teach) that the Greek text of the Roman Catholic Jesuit Rheims Bible
of 1582 (as found in the ASV of 1901 and the NASV of 1959) is more accurate than and
superior to the AV 1611 of the Protestant Reformation.
 This destroyed the faith in the Bible of these young men as they taught them about the folly
of believing that any Bible is infallible, perfect, and without error.
 Most of these seminaries and Bible colleges substituted separation in place of final authority.
The thinking is that if you dress right, talk right, impress people with our scholarship, then
you are godly men deserving the respect of all.


 Use of multiple Bible versions and constant references to "the original Greek" to change and
"correct" the KJB. All attacks are aimed only at the KJB and no other bible.
 An inability to preach or teach negative truths.
 Implementation of and artificial culture and artificial refinement based on the "Power of
Positive Thinking" (by Norman Vincent Peale), "How to Win Friends and Influence People"
(by Dale Carnegie), and other phony piety.
 The iron grip of television on the minds of Christians.
 The evolving to a theatrical church whose job is to: entertain the flesh instead of enlighten
through the scriptures and the Holy Spirit, perform for men's applause instead of serve with a
humble spirit, take instead of give, excite instead of rebuke, please instead of correct, raise
money instead of grow spiritually, satisfy self instead of win souls, and gain members
instead of produce Bible believers.

 Abraham Lincoln (1861) eliminated Article 10 of the Bill of Rights by stating that UNITY
("the Union") was more important than the whole Constitution, as it preceded it historically.
 Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933) had Prohibition repealed, which produced a nation of
drunks, and then took GOLD by force from the people and replaced it with "Silver
Certificates" worth about ½ the gold.
 Michael (Martin) Luther King, Jr. (1963) eliminated Article 1 of the Bill of Rights by
passage of the "Civil Rights Act" of 1964. Present laws and "guidelines" allow for the arrest
and imprisonment of anyone not adopting the news media's approach to integration.
 Jack Kennedy (1962) passed emergency measures (Executive Orders 10995-161005) giving
himself the right to confiscate houses, lands, and utilities, including the ability to seize
control of all communications, transportation, and natural resources.
 Federal Reserve Board (1960) took all the Silver Certificates away from the people and
replaced them with paper Federal Reserve "NOTES." The next step will be to confiscate all
paper and coin money and replace it with a digital code number (666), which will be
controlled by electronic computers from ROME.
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 By 1980, anybody left who held to true Bible believing Christianity while basing his or her
beliefs solely on the final authority of the King James Bible, was now categorized as being
part of a "cult."
 In every age of history God has retained a remnant of true Bible believers that bear the same
marks of Christ that are found in the New Testament. The Bible believing remnant is marked
1. Being "rude in speech, yet not in knowledge." (2 Cor. 11:6)
2. Being "contemptible" in the eyes of the religious elite. (2 Cor. 10:10)
3. Street preachers that upset the "devout" and "pious." Christians (Acts 17:17)
4. An absolute faith in the words of God as received (1 Thess. 2:13) and preserved by God
in the KJB. (Ps. 12:6-6; Matt. 24:35)
5. An absolute belief in the whole Bible. (Acts 24:14)
6. Being harassed and imprisoned by religious authorities. (Acts 23)
7. Being opposed by "educated scholars and intelligentsia." (1 Cor. 1-3; Acts 24)
8. A continual expectation of the return of Christ. (1 Cor. 15; 1 Thess. 4:13-18)
9. Being mocked, criticized, called names, and ridiculed for their "old fashioned stance."
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16 - THE NIGHT FIGHTERS - 1 Tim. 4:1-2


 While some Christians in the 20th century began to look up (Luke 21:28), the world was
intent on looking to Satan (John 5:43).
 Darwin was wrong, Marx was wrong, Einstein was wrong, Plato was wrong, Freud was
wrong, the NCCC, WCC, and the RCC were wrong, the UN was wrong, the League of
Nations was wrong, communism, socialism, totalitarianism, and fascism were wrong, the
kingdom builders were wrong, the media was wrong, and the false bibles were wrong!
 Bible believers now had the most powerful forces against them since the time of the Caesars,
for they were opposed at every move they made by their own church members, whose
thinking process was controlled by television and the news media.


 Since the Civil War era, the news media had failed to inform a single Christian on earth that:
1. The WCC was a communist organization and it supported terrorism in the name of Jesus
2. The RCC in every country (except America) was communistic and was supporting
revolutionaries worldwide for the purpose of obliterating anti-Catholic Christianity.
3. Forced integration had not been successful in a single major city where it had been tried.
4. Communist Russia was operating more than ten times as many concentration camps
(200+ called "Labor Camps" or "Penal Camps") as Hitler had in operation in his lifetime
and that Stalin had killed over 30 million of his own people.
5. No "anti-nuke" demonstrations were possible anywhere in East Germany, Russia, the
Balkans, or China, so those countries could produce all the nuclear weapons they wanted
without anyone checking anything.
6. The press word "GAY" was the artificial designation for a genuine sex pervert.
7. "Women's Lib" was a movement to destroy women's rights and reduce them to cogs in a
social machine.
8. Every Bible printed in English (except for the KJB) since 1884 was a grossly corrupt
Roman Catholic Bible after the fashion of the Jesuit Rheims of 1582.
9. Martin Luther King, Jr. (born "Michael") was the greatest communist conspirator
America had produced since FDR.
10. Sex education is schools had not reduced STD's (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) or
premarital pregnancies in one school where it was tried; rather the new media
recommended abortions to take care of unwanted pregnancies.
11. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was designed to give the federal government (through IRS
"guidelines") control over every PRIVATE SCHOOL and PRIVATE CLUB in America,
and eventually will control local churches.

 During this period the Baptists were multiplying by tens of thousands and had passed the
30,000,000 mark by 1980 and had built several seminaries, universities, and Bible colleges.
 The Baptists multiplied to the point where three of them were put into the White House
(Truman, Carter, and Clinton).
 During this period of monstrous growth, the greatest tragedy was having faculty members in
the Christian institutions of higher learning lead young men and women down the primrose
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path of apostate corruption by teaching them that no Book exists anywhere on the face of the
earth which is God's final authority, i.e. no translation can be inspired and without error.
 However, the Christian institutions of higher learning became Machines of Apostasy. Of
course these organizations were led by Greek and Hebrew scholars and Department Heads
who had to prove that they were "more educated" than anybody else. This made them
"indispensable" to the rank and file Christian and allowed them to "build their own empire"
and make "a god" out of education and scholarship. (Self-preservation is the first law of life.)
 Through the ministerial training (control) of young men and women, these Machines of
Apostasy had successfully snatched the position of "final authority" away from the KJB.
They did it by boasting of their "militant stand for the plenary, verbally inspired original
autographs," which none of them have ever seen, since they do not exist!
 The Northern and Southern Baptist Conventions both took on the RCC position by making
unity and power the determining factors in any group decisions, while abandoning the KJB.
 There were individual pastors who "stuck by their guns" and continued to believe, preach,
and teach the KJB, including men such as Noel Smith, J. Frank Norris, John Rawlings,
Beauchamp Vick, Louis Entzminger, Harold Henninger, Hugh Pyle, Glenn Schunk, etc.


 The results of the Apostate Machines of the Baptists are numerous, and include:
1. The defection of millions of Baptists to the Charismatic Movement, JW's, Mormons, etc.
primarily due to pastors and teachers who know little or nothing about the KJB and
nothing about church history.
2. The sponsorship and promotion of grossly corrupt translations of the Bible (RSV, NEB,
NKJB, NIV, HCSB, etc.).
3. A tidal wave of worldliness that swept clean the Youth Departments of nearly every
separated, soul winning young person.
4. The investment of millions in stocks, bonds, and government corporations.
5. The sponsorship of race mixing and the communist activities of the World Council of
Churches (WCC) in Africa.
6. The associations and conventions, which make up the "Baptist establishment," were led
back into fellowship of the Hellish Mother Whore (RCC).
7. Satan's addition of man's good works to the Plan of Salvation, where reformation was
(and today is) preached rather than regeneration. It shows up in the preaching of a false
gospel which makes it necessary to repent of your sins (defined as turning from your
sins) as a prerequisite for salvation and the Calvinistic heresy of "lordship salvation."
VOL. II - 1600 A. D. - PRESENT



 In Christian education institutions, the teaching of young people that spirituality is to be
judged based on keeping rules and regulations (rather than teaching the KJB is the final
authority for all matters of faith and practice) was a grave and costly error. (NOTE: This is
not to say that rules and regulations are totally unnecessary, but that they should not be the
primary measure of spirituality.)


 In most congregations, applause for the "performances by the professionals" replaced the
humility of "old fashioned amening."
 Carnal, fleshly, and worldly methods (drama, fund raisers, surveys, entertainment,
amusement trips, parties, etc.) were thrust into the church, without limitation.
 Ungodly (and canned) music was brought in to appeal to the flesh and attract a crowd.
 Parents who no longer ruled their houses well sent their children off to "children's church,"
since they could not be kept quiet to listen to the man of God preach the Bible.
 Church services were transformed to insure nobody was offended.
 Nobody was allowed to "rock the boat," which became like a "fundamental of the faith."
 The "don't rock the boat" approach transitioned the church into being a passive body rather
than a militant aggressive body.
 Church services evolved into positive, feel good, commercialized extravaganzas.
 Correctors of the KJB (primarily using references to "the original Greek and Hebrew") took
center stage in the churches in an attempt to show off their "superior knowledge" and to
establish themselves as the "indispensable final authority."
 Bible scholars CANNOT be for critical Greek and Hebrew scholarship without being against
the KJB; they are lying when they say they believe both so they can keep up their
enrollment, income, and FOOL YOU! (NOTE: An honest study of Hebrew and Greek
should never be confused with "Hebrew and Greek scholarship.")
 The end result is an entire generation of "spiritual babes in Christ" who knew virtually
nothing about the Bible.
 Humanism (the socially accepted news media term for "Atheism") was now in full bloom,
whereby Laodicean fundamentalists promoted themselves (and their friends) to the Christian
public as the final authority in place of the KJB.


 Faculty in Christian educational institutions became the final authority in place of the KJB.
 Anybody who dared believe the KJB was the final authority was classified as a "heretic"
who belonged to a "cult." - Acts 24:14
 Starting in the 1980's, young people who had believed the KJB was the infallible, inerrant,
and perfect word of God all their lives were threatened with dismissal (or were dismissed)
from many Christian colleges and universities.
 Higher education had taken over and was to be worshipped as "a god."
 The method used by the faculty members of Christian educational institutions to seize control
of local churches was by slandering the pastors who still believed and preached the KJB.
 At the same time, regardless of what the Christian educational institutions were saying or
thought, hundreds of preachers kept right on faithfully believing and preaching the KJB.

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