Design of Photonic Crystal Fiber For 5G Communication Using COMSOL Multiphysics

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Proceeding Paper

Design of Photonic Crystal Fiber for 5G Communication Using

COMSOL Multiphysics †
Sandip Das * and Riya Sen

Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies, Udaipur 313022, India;

* Correspondence:
† Presented at the 4th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences, 27 October–10 November 2023;

Available online:

Abstract: Photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) have emerged as promising candidates for enabling high-
performance 5G communication systems, attributed to their low loss and wide bandwidth charac-
teristics. In this research, we leverage the capabilities of COMSOL Multiphysics v5.6 software to
meticulously design a novel photonic crystal fiber (PCF) design based on Topas, featuring a rectangu-
lar air gap core with integrated slots, surrounded by a cladding composed of circular and octagon air
holes. The circular air holes are arranged in square and octagon lattice structures, while the octagon
air holes form a rhombic lattice. The proposed structure exhibits a high birefringence of 0.05 and
low effective material loss (EML) of 0.059 cm−1 and 0.057 cm−1 at 2 THz for x and y polarization
mode, respectively. Moreover, the proposed waveguide also has a low confinement loss of 10−10
and 10−11 cm−1 for x and y polarization mode. Thus, the proposed PCF structure exhibits significant
potential for facilitating 5G requirements.

Keywords: photonic crystal fiber; 5G communication; terahertz; photonics; optical communication

1. Introduction
The 5G spectrum requires a mix of frequency bands to cater to various use cases.
Lower frequency bands (sub-6 GHz) offer wide area coverage and obstacle penetration,
while higher frequency bands (millimeter-wave bands like 28 GHz, 39 GHz, and 60 GHz)
provide vast spectrum and high data rates but with reduced coverage and susceptibility to
blockages. Exploring Terahertz (THz) frequencies, ranging from 0.1 to 10 THz, has become
Citation: Das, S.; Sen, R. Design of a groundbreaking avenue for enhancing communication capabilities in next-generation
Photonic Crystal Fiber for 5G wireless networks. Ultra-wideband transmission demands the inclusion of THz or sub-THz
Communication Using COMSOL bands, resulting in shorter wireless paths and improved fiber penetration. Both wireless
Multiphysics. Eng. Proc. 2023, 56, 153. and optical technologies play significant roles beyond the 5G communication era. Terahertz (THz) radiation’s extensive frequency range has non-ionizing properties and
ASEC2023-16309 low energy, making it suitable for penetrating non-polar and non-conductive materials [1].
Academic Editor: Nunzio Cennamo This characteristic enables diverse applications, including sensing, spectroscopy, medical
diagnostics, security screening, imaging, and communication systems [2,3]. Traditional
Published: 21 November 2023 THz systems have been large and relied on free-space propagation, leading to challenges
like water vapor absorption loss, material loss, and misalignment between transmitters
and receivers [4,5]. To address these issues, waveguides offer a critical solution for low-loss
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
and low-dispersion THz wave propagation.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Waveguides aim to efficiently transmit electromagnetic radiation with minimal loss
This article is an open access article across various wavelengths. Metallic waveguides suffer from THz radiation absorption
distributed under the terms and and bending losses [6,7]. Dielectric waveguides, like classic optical fibers, show promise
conditions of the Creative Commons for higher frequencies, categorized as solid-, porous-, or hollow-core fibers based on their
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// guiding mechanisms [8]. Solid-core fibers have higher absorption loss than hollow-core fibers [9], but the latter are limited to a narrow frequency band, unlike the broader THz
4.0/). spectrum.

Eng. Proc. 2023, 56, 153.

Eng. Proc. 2023, 56, 153 2 of 6

An alternative approach is the development of photonic crystal fibers (PCFs), wherein

a solid core is inserted with micro-structured air holes [10]. The utilization of air as a
non-absorbent medium in this fiber design results in several advantageous characteristics,
including reduced material loss, enhanced transmission efficiency, and lower bending
loss. Moreover, the fiber exhibits high birefringence and offers flexibility in modifying its
guiding properties by controlling geometrical parameters.
Researchers extensively studied the optical and chemical properties of various materi-
als for THz waveguides [11]. Commonly employed materials include polymethyl methacry-
late, high-density polyethylene plastic, Teflon, Topas, and Zeonex. Topas is preferred due
to its low material absorption loss, constant refractive index across a broad frequency
range (0.1–2 THz), humidity insensitivity, and versatility in biosensing and photosensitive
applications [12,13]. Its compatibility with Zeonex allows for step-index fiber fabrication,
making Topas highly promising for advancing THz communication technologies.
Several notable photonic crystal fibers (PC-PCFs) with exceptional guiding properties,
including low Effective Mode Loss (EML), low confinement loss, and high-power fraction
within porous air holes are studied by different researchers. For instance, a microstructured
polymer fiber utilizing a hexagonal array of porous air holes achieved an impressively low
EML of 0.018 cm−1 at 0.5 THz [14]. Similarly, Uthman et al. proposed another PC-PCF
with hexagonal lattice porous air holes, reducing bulk absorption loss of the background
material by about 60%. Moreover, Tsuruda et al. introduced a silicon photonic-crystal slab
waveguide with a remarkably low propagation loss of 0.04 dB/cm at 0.33 THz.
By exploring and optimizing these PCF waveguide technologies, the efficient and
low-loss transmission of THz waves becomes increasingly achievable, opening the door
to transformative applications in wireless communication and beyond the 5G era. The
paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, the design of the proposed PCF is discussed
elaborately. Section 3 presents the results, and finally, the paper is concluded in Section 4.

2. Design of Proposed PCF Structure

The cross-sectional view of the proposed PCF design is shown in Figure 1a. The
octagon-shaped air holes form the outer cladding of the rhombic-shaped lattice (lattice 3
and lattice 4), as shown in Figure 1b. The diameter of the inner circular air hole adjacent to
the core is d1 and the circular air hole in the exterior layer has a diameter d2 . The inner air
holes form a square lattice (lattice 2), and the outer air holes are arranged in an octagonal-
shaped lattice (lattice 1), as shown in Figure 1b. The core consists of 13 rectangular slots
of air holes, which form the shape of an octagon having a diameter dcore . The dimension
of the rectangular air holes has a length ‘L’ and width ‘W’, and each rectangular slot is
separated by a distance known as pitch ‘Λ’. Except for the three center slots with length ‘L’
and four slots at the end (on both sides) with length ‘L4 ′ , the length of each of the remaining
rectangular slots reduces on either side. The length of the rectangular slots decreasing
on either side is represented as L1 , L2 , and L3 . Four rectangular slots of length ‘L4 ′ and
width ‘W’ are placed in between two octagon-shaped air holes above and below the core,
as shown in Figure 1a. The dimensions are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Dimension of the proposed PCF air holes.

Shape Dimension
Inner air hole diameter, d1 90 µm
Outer air hole diameter, d2 76 µm
Core diameter, dcore 180 µm
pitch, Λ 5 µm
Width of rectangular core, W 10 µm
Length of rectangular slots, L1 , L2 , L3 , L4 140 µm, 120 µm, 100 µm, 60 µm
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Figure 1. 1.
Proposed structure
Proposed ofof
structure PCF.
PCF.(a)(a) (b)
the proposed
the PCF;
proposed (b)(b)
PCF; representation
lattice formed
Figure by circular air
by structure
Proposed holes
circular air
PCF. and octagon air holes.
octagon air holes.
(a) Cross-section view of the proposed PCF; (b) representation
of lattice formed by circular air holes and octagon air holes.
The cladding
The region method
finite element of the PCF is surrounded
(FEM)-based by a protective
COMSOL layer is
v5.6 software that uses
used tothe Per-
fectly Matched
the proposed Layer
For the boundary
entire condition.
simulation This
process layer not only
user-controlled ensures
The cladding region of the PCF is surrounded by a protective layer that uses the Per- issimulation
selected for
utmost but also
fectly Matched effectively
The (PML)
Layer eliminates
entire structure
boundarywas ambient reflections,
condition. improving
by 14,382
This layer results
not only ensures precision.
but background
220 vertex
accuracy elements.
also effectively material
In eliminatestopaz,
map with areflections,
the varying
ambient index
diameters ofof
improving 1.528
the that remains
air holes,
results the
minimum throughout
The structure’s asize
background setrange
wasmaterial isoftopaz,
at 0.09 0.1–2The
µm. THz.minimum
with element
a refractive index ofquality obtained
1.528 that remainsis
0.3914. The mesh representation of the structure
constant throughout a frequency range of 0.1–2 THz. is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Mesh representation of the proposed PCF structure.

Figure 2. Mesh
Figure2. Mesh representation
Eng. Proc. 2023, 56, x 4 of 7
Eng. Proc. 2023, 56, x 4

Table 1. Dimension of the

Table proposed of
1. Dimension PCFtheair holes. PCF air holes.
Eng. Proc. 2023, 56, 153 4 of 6
Shape Shape Dimension Dimension
Inner air hole diameter, 𝑑 diameter, 𝑑
Inner air hole 90 µm 90 µm
Outer air hole diameter,
Outer air 𝑑
hole diameter, 𝑑 76 µm 76 µm
The cladding region of the PCF is surrounded by a protective layer that uses the
Core diameter,Core 𝑑 diameter, 𝑑 180 µm 180 µm
Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) boundary condition. This layer not only ensures simulation
pitch, Λeliminates
accuracy but also effectively pitch, Λ
ambient 5 µmresults precision.
reflections, improving 5 µm
Width of rectangular
The structure’s backgroundWidth core, W
of rectangular
material is topaz, with core, W
a refractive index ofµm
10 1.528 that 10 µm
constant of rectangular
throughout aLength slots, L1, L2of
of rectangular
frequency range , L30.1–2
L4 THz. 140
L1, L2, L 3, Lµm,
4 120 µm,
µm,µm,60 µm100 µm,60 µ
120 µm,

3. Results and Discussions

3. Results and Discussions
The proposed PCF is numerically
The proposed analyzed
PCF isanalyzed utilizing
by utilizing
numerically the
analyzedthe finite
byfinite element
utilizing method.
the finite element met
Various PCF
characteristics, namely
namely birefringence,
birefringence, effective
effective refractive
refractive index,
index, effective
effective ma-
Various PCF characteristics, namely birefringence, effective refractive index, effective
terial lossloss (EML),
(EML), confinement
terial loss (EML),lossloss (CL),
confinement effective
effective areaand
loss (CL), andV-parameter,
effective and dispersion
and dispersion
area and V-parameter, and dispe
properties, are analyzed
properties, are properties, to
analyzed toarestudy
study the performance
the performance
analyzed of the PCF
to study theofperformancein the
the PCF in the THz
of the range.
in the Figure 3,
THz range. In Fi
the profiles for
3, the profiles formode
3, the field covering
field for
profiles coveringboth
mode both x-pol and
field x-pol y-pol
covering are
y-pol represented.
are represented.
x-pol and y-pol are represented.

(a) (a) (b) (b)

Figure 3. Figure mode
3. Fundamental
Fundamental 3. Fundamental
mode field mode field
field distributions
distributions of distributions
of the
the proposedof
proposed theat
PCF proposed
at 11 THz PCF
THz (a)
(a) at 1(b)
x-pol THz
(b) (a) x-pol (b) y-p

3.1. Effective
3.1. 3.1. Effective
Effective Refractive
Refractive IndexRefractive Index
The effective
The The effective
effective refractive index
index refractive
of the
of index of PCF
the proposed
proposed the proposed
in correlation
in correlation correlation
with the frequency
the with the frequ
is depicted in Figure 4 for both x-pol and y-pol. As the frequency increases, the fiber’s the fi
is depicted in is depicted
Figure 4 for in Figure
both x-pol 4 for
and both
y-pol. x-pol
As and
the y-pol. As
frequency the frequency
increases, the increases,
effective effective
effective refractive
refractive index
index refractive
also rises,
also index
rises, as also rises,
as shown
shown in as shown
in Figure
Figure 4a. in Figure
4a. Higher
Higher 4a. Highercause
frequencies frequencies
cause the
the caus
mode power tomode
extend power
into to
the extend
cladding into the
further region, further
mode power to extend into the cladding region, further increasing the effective refractive the increasing
effective the effective
refractive refra
index. At
index. At 22 THz,
the At 2 THz, fiber
the suggested
suggested the suggested
fiber fiber exhibits
exhibits effective
exhibits effective effective
refractive refractive
indices indices of approxim
of approximately
of approximately
1.1014 for 1.1014
x-polarization for x-polarization
and 1.1537 for and 1.1537
y-polarization. for y-polarization.
It is found
1.1014 for x-polarization and 1.1537 for y-polarization. It is found that the effective that It
the is found
effective that the effective re
index for tive index
y-polarization for
is y-polarization
higher when is
compared higher to when compared
tive index for y-polarization is higher when compared to x-polarization. The y-polariza- to
The x-polarization.
y-polarization The
is y-pola
chosen tion
as the primary is chosen as
mode since the primary mode since the confinement of light in the core is stron
tion is chosen as the primary modethe sinceconfinement
the confinementof lightof inlight
the core
in theis stronger.
core is stronger.

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 4. Graphical 4. Graphicalofrepresentation
representation of (a) effective
(a) effective refractive indexrefractive indexfor
vs. frequency vs.x-pol
frequency for x-pol and
and y-pol
Figure 4. Graphical
andrepresentation of (a)
(b) birefringence effective
versus refractive index vs. frequency for x-pol and y-pol
and (b)
and (b) birefringence
birefringence versus
versus frequency.
Eng. Proc. 2023, 56, 153 5 of7 6
Eng. Proc. 2023, 56, x 5 of

3.2. Birefringence
3.2. Birefringence
The difference between the refractive indices of two orthogonally polarized modes is
The birefringence,
termed difference between
and itthe refractive indices
is expressed of following
using the two orthogonally polarized modes is
termed birefringence, and it is expressed using the following equation.
𝐵B = 𝜂ηx −𝜂ηy (1)(1)
where𝐵B represents
where represents birefringence andηx𝜂 and
birefringenceand and ηy 𝜂represents the the
represents respective refractive
respective index
refractive in-of
x and y polarised modes. From Figure 4b, it is clearly seen that birefringence rises
dex of x and y polarised modes. From Figure 4b, it is clearly seen that birefringence rises with the
with in frequency
the increase up to 1.5up
in frequency THzto and startsand
1.5 THz to reduce orreduce
starts to flatten or
after 1.5 THz.
flatten afterThe
1.5 higher
The index gapindex
higher refractive between
gap the core and
between the cladding
the core can explain
and the cladding can the rise in
explain theeffective
rise in
effective index atindex
refractive high frequencies.
at high frequencies.
3.3. EffectiveMaterial
Terahertz waves propagating through the PCF mostly suffer from effective material
Terahertz waves propagating through the PCF mostly  suffer
 from effective material
loss (EML),simply
absorptionlossloss 𝛼αe f f . The
. TheEML
PCF canbebeexpressed

𝜀ε 0 𝜂ηmat|𝐸| 2𝛼 𝑑𝐴
R !
| E | dA
α mat
α𝛼e f f = mat R (2)(2)
𝜇µ0 𝑆 𝑑𝐴
all Sz dA

where𝜀ε 0 and
where and 𝜇 are the
µ0 are therelative
permittivityand andpermeability
permeabilityofofthe thevacuum,
vacuum,ηmat𝜂 is the
the refractive index of the material and 𝛼 denotes the absorption loss
refractive index of the material and αmat denotes the absorption loss of the bulk material. of the bulk ma-
terial. 𝑆 denotes
Sz denotes the z-component
the z-component of the of the Poynting
Poynting vector,vector,
whichwhich is in
is in the the direction
direction of the of the
magnetic wave wave transmission.
transmission. From From
FigureFigure 5 it isthat
5 it is seen seen
EML thekeeps
with the increase
increase of frequency.
of frequency. It is seenIt from
is seen from
the the that
figure figure
the for the x-polarization
x-polarization mode, mode,
EML is
more compared to the y-polarization
to the y-polarization mode mode
as the as the frequency
frequency increases.
increases. In bothInthe
both the
EML isEMLless is
forless for lower
lower frequencies
frequencies as the as the confinement
confinement of EM ofwaveEM is
more concen-in
the core.
trated in the core.


Confinementloss lossisisa acrucial
parameterininany anyPCF
mathematical repre-
illustrateshow howlight
structure thephotonic
withinthethe cladding.
The following equation shows the relationship between the velocity of
The following equation shows the relationship between the velocity of light in the wave-light in the waveg-
uide, frequency, and the imaginary part of the effective refractive
guide, frequency, and the imaginary part of the effective refractive index. index.
8.686× 2π f ×𝐼𝑚
α𝛼CL = 8.686 𝜂ηe f f
Im (3)(3)
From the above figure, it can be understood that as the frequency increases, the con-
From the above figure, it can be understood that as the frequency increases, the
finement loss reduces, indicating that the confinement of light in the core region is
confinement loss reduces, indicating that the confinement of light in the core region is
stronger. The
stronger. Theminimum
minimum confinement
confinement lossloss
obtained is 10is−1010
obtained cm −1 and 10−11 cm−1 for x-polar-
−10 cm−1 and 10−11 cm−1 for
ization and y-polarization modes.
x-polarization and y-polarization modes.
Eng. Proc. 2023, 56, 153 6 of 6

4. Conclusions
In conclusion, this research article introduces a novel design of a Topas-based photonic
crystal fiber (PCF) with a rectangular air gap core containing slots surrounded by cladding
comprised of circular and octagon air holes. The arrangement of circular air holes forms a
square and octagon lattice structure, while the octagon air holes create a rhombic lattice.
The primary objectives of this study were to achieve an ultra-low effective mode area (EML),
high birefringence, and very low confinement loss, all tailored to specific frequency ranges.
The proposed PCF structure shows great promise for 5G applications due to its unique
combination of properties and functionalities. In the future, more waveguide properties like
core power fraction, dispersion, spot size, and V-parameter can be studied in connection to
varying core diameters and porosity to gauge the performance in a much better way.

Author Contributions: S.D. was responsible for generating concepts, conducting simulations, and
preparing the initial draft of the paper. R.S. took on the role of optimizing the simulated design,
editing the paper, and preparing the final draft. Ultimately, S.D. and R.S. collaborated to finalize the
paper. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data are contained within the article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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