Xi 2023
Xi 2023
Xi 2023
Broadband All-Optical THz Modulator Based on Bi2Te3/Si
Heterostructure Driven by UV-Visible Light
Yayan Xi, Yixuan Zhou * , Xueqin Cao, Jing Wang, Zhen Lei, Chunhui Lu, Dan Wu, Mingjian Shi,
Yuanyuan Huang and Xinlong Xu *
Shaanxi Joint Laboratory of Graphene, State Key Laboratory of Photon-Technology in Western China Energy,
International Collaborative Center on Photoelectric Technology and Nano Functional Materials,
Institute of Photonics & Photon-Technology, School of Physics, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069, China
* Correspondence: yxzhou@nwu.edu.cn (Y.Z.); xlxuphy@nwu.edu.cn (X.X.)
Abstract: All-optical terahertz (THz) modulators have received tremendous attention due to their
significant role in developing future sixth-generation technology and all-optical networks. Herein, the
THz modulation performance of the Bi2 Te3 /Si heterostructure is investigated via THz time-domain
spectroscopy under the control of continuous wave lasers at 532 nm and 405 nm. Broadband-sensitive
modulation is observed at 532 nm and 405 nm within the experimental frequency range from 0.8 to
2.4 THz. The modulation depth reaches 80% under the 532 nm laser illumination with a maximum
power of 250 mW and 96% under 405 nm illumination with a high power of 550 mW. The mechanism
of the largely enhanced modulation depth is attributed to the construction of a type-II Bi2 Te3 /Si
heterostructure, which could promote photogenerated electron and hole separation and increase
carrier density dramatically. This work proves that a high photon energy laser can also achieve
high-efficiency modulation based on the Bi2 Te3 /Si heterostructure, and the UV-Visible control laser
may be more suitable for designing advanced all-optical THz modulators with micro-level sizes.
Keywords: THz modulator; Bi2 Te3 /Si heterostructure; modulation depth; photogenerated carrier
tremendous interest in designing novel optical THz modulators due to their unique optical
and electrical properties, such as high carrier mobility, tunable carrier concentration, and
various bandgaps [16,17]. However, the atomical thickness of 2D material limits the
optical–matter interaction strength [16], hindering their modulation performance as the
core material alone. One solution is to bond them with THz metasurfaces, which can
improve the modulation depth greatly at resonance frequencies [18,19]. However, this
method is generally locked in several narrow frequency regions. The other widely spread
method is constructing heterostructure with classical photoresponsive semiconductor
materials such as Si [20] and Ge [21], which has been proven to be effective in improving
the modulation performance dramatically. From the start of the graphene/Si all-optical THz
modulator being verified in 2012 [9], the majority of 2D material-based heterostructures,
such as WS2 /Si [22,23], MoTe2 /Si [24], PtSe2 /Si [25], and MoS2 /Si [26], have been reported
in the past seven years. The modulation depth is increased from 70% to 99.9% under
the continuous wave (CW) laser illumination at several frequently used wavelengths
of ~800 nm, ~1064 nm, and ~450 nm. However, the role of these different illumination
wavelengths in the modulation performance has mostly been ignored. Note that the
wavelength-dependent penetration depth of the control light has a significant change in
the Si layer, which determines the device size. Understanding of the control wavelength-
determined modulation mechanism and the advantages of short wavelength control light
is essential for the development of micro-based compact all-optical THz modulators.
Bi2 Te3 is a V–VI compound topological material with unique electrical and optical
properties, including high carrier mobility, tunable bandgap, high conductivity, and single
Dirac cone [27–29]. Recently, it has received enormous attention in photoelectric appli-
cations such as ultrafast laser photonics, optical communications, infrared sensors, and
biomedical imaging [30–32]. In the THz region, 2D Bi2 Te3 has proven to be a promising
candidate for broadband photodetection [33], chiral THz emitter [34], and high-speed
spintronic devices [35]. More importantly, exploring all-optical THz modulators based
on Bi2 Te3 is significant for expanding the THz application of this material, but relevant
research has not been reported.
Herein, an all-optical controlled THz modulator based on Bi2 Te3 /Si heterostructure is
investigated under 532 nm and 405 nm CW laser illumination. The Bi2 Te3 film is prepared
via the physical vapor deposition (PVD) method. The heterostructure achieves an adequate
broadband modulation to the THz wave ranging from 0.8 THz to 2.4 THz. With the
same laser power of 250 mW, the modulation depth of Bi2 Te3 /Si reaches almost the same
values of ~80% and ~76% under 532 nm and 405 nm excitation, respectively. When further
increasing the power to 550 mW at 405 nm, the modulation depth can reach as high as ~96%.
The largely enhanced modulation performance is ascribed to the improved photogenerated
electron and hole separation as well as the carrier lifetime and density driven by the type-II
band alignment of the Bi2 Te3 /Si heterostructure. This work demonstrates the excellent THz
modulation performance of the Bi2 Te3 /Si heterostructure controlled via UV-Visible light,
which paves a promising route for designing novel all-optical micro-functional devices.
Figure 1. (a) Schematic of the PVD growth process of Bi2Te3 films on different substrates. (b) Raman
Figure 1. (a)
spectrum Schematic
of the Bi2Te3 filmof the PVDagrowth
under 532 nmprocess of Bi2 Te3 films
laser excitation. on different
The inset substrates.of(b)
is the schematic Raman
spectrum of the Bi
modes. (c) XRD of the Te film under a 532 nm laser excitation. The inset is the schematic of
2 3Bi2Te3 film. (d) SEM image of the Bi2Te3 film. The inset is the optical image. (e) vibration
Tauc (c) ((αhν)
plots XRD of 1/2 the Bi2 Te
versus 3 film.
hν) give (d)
the SEM
gap ofofBithe
2Te3Bi2 Tered
.The 3 film.
andinset is do
black the optical
ed line image.
sent the absorption
(e) Tauc 1/2
plots ((αhν)edgeversus
and tangent line,
hν) give therespectively.
band gap of Bi2 Te3 .The red line and black dotted line
represent the absorption edge and tangent line, respectively.
Raman spectroscopy (SmartRaman confocal-micro-Raman module, Institute of
Raman spectroscopy
Semiconductors, (SmartRaman
Chinese Academy confocal-micro-Raman
of Science) module, Institute
of a Bi2Te3 film measured under a of 532Semi-
CW Chinese is
laser excitation Academy
presentedof in
a Bi 2 Te3peaks
The film measured
located atunder
118.5 acm532 nm CW
−1 and 134
laser excitation istopresented in Figure −1 and 2134 cm−1
cm −1 correspond the infrared active 1b.
modeThe peaks
A1u and located
the Ramanat 118.5 cmmode
active A1g, respec-
correspond to the infrared active mode A and the Raman active
tively [29]. The X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD, Bruker, D8 Advance) of 1g
1u mode A , respec-
the Bi2Te3
film is shown in Figure 1c. There are four diffraction peaks representing differentBicrys-
tively [29]. The X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD, Bruker, D8 Advance) of the 2 Te3
film is shown in Figure 1c. There are four diffraction peaks representing different
talline directions, which are indexed to hexagonal Bi2Te3 [38]. The scan electron micro- crystalline
directions, which are indexed to hexagonal Bi2 Te3 [38]. The scan electron microscope (SEM)
image (Thermo Scientific, Apreo S., Waltham, MA, USA) of the Bi2 Te3 film is presented
in Figure 1d, and the inset shows the optical image (~1 × 1 cm2 ). These morphological
characterization results on different scales prove that the film is uniform on a large scale.
As shown in Figure 1e, the band gap of Bi2 Te3 film is determined in the Tauc plot derived
from the UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy.
scope (SEM) image (Thermo Scientific, Apreo S., Waltham, MA, USA) of the Bi2Te3 film is
presented in Figure 1d, and the inset shows the optical image (~1 × 1 cm2). These mor-
phological characterization results on different scales prove that the film is uniform on a
Micromachines 2023, 14, 1237 large scale. As shown in Figure 1e, the band gap of Bi2Te3 film is determined in the 4Tauc of 13
plot derived from the UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy.
The THz modulation performances of the samples are investigated via THz
The THzspectroscopy, which is illustrated
modulation performances of the in Figure are
samples 2a [39]. The THzvia
investigated wave
THzis time-
erated by exciting the ZnTe crystal with an 800 nm femtosecond laser.
domain spectroscopy, which is illustrated in Figure 2a [39]. The THz wave is generated by The THz wave is
collected via a pair of off-axis parabolic mirrors, focused together with
exciting the ZnTe crystal with an 800 nm femtosecond laser. The THz wave is collected via the probe laser on
a pairdetection
of off-axiscrystal
parabolic ZnTe andfocused
mirrors, detected via the
together with electro-optical
the probe laser on sampling [40].
the detection
crystal ZnTe andSi (HR-Si)via
detected is the
utilized to block the
electro-optical femtosecond
sampling laser from theSicollinear
[40]. High-resistance (HR-Si)
THz wave.to
is utilized The 405 the
block nm femtosecond
(or 532 nm) CW laser
laser from is then introduced
the collinear THzwith a normal
wave. The 405incidence
nm (or
angle to modulate the THz transmission properties of the
532 nm) CW laser is then introduced with a normal incidence angle to modulate samples. Note that the spot
diameter of CW light is about 4 mm, while the spot diameter of THz
transmission properties of the samples. Note that the spot diameter of CW light is about wave is approxi-
mately 3 mm.the
4 mm, while Thespot
diameterisof performed
THz wave with the protection of
is approximately dry nitrogen.
3 mm. Figure 2b
The experiment is
illustrates the
performed withtransmi ed THz of
the protection wave
dry modulation
nitrogen. Figureof a Bi
2b2Te 3/Si heterostructure
illustrates driven
the transmitted THzby
a CWmodulation
wave laser whichofisa geometrically expanded in
Bi2 Te3 /Si heterostructure the beam
driven by a CWdiameter to cover
laser which all the THz
is geometrically
wave spots.
expanded in the beam diameter to cover all the THz wave spots.
Figure 4. Frequency-domain THz amplitude spectra of Bi2Te3/Si under (a) 532 nm and (b) 405 nm
Figure 4. Frequency-domain THz amplitude spectra of Bi2 Te3 /Si under (a) 532 nm and (b) 405 nm
CW laser excitation with different pump power. Modulation depth of Bi2Te3/Si under (c) 532 nm
CW laser excitation with different pump power. Modulation depth of Bi2 Te3 /Si under (c) 532 nm
and (d) 405 nm CW laser excitation with different pump power. Illumination power-dependent
and (d) 405 depth
modulation nm CW laser
of Bi excitation with different pump power. Illumination power-dependent
2Te3/Si at 1.4 THz under (e) 532 nm and (f) 405 nm CW laser excitation.
modulation depth of Bi2 Te3 /Si at 1.4 THz under (e) 532 nm and (f) 405 nm CW laser excitation.
The modulation depth (M) that represents the ability to modulate the THz intensity
The modulation depth (M) that represents the ability to modulate the THz intensity of
A Aon
Aoff − A
thethe device
device cancan be calculated
be calculated quantitatively as Mas=M
quantitatively off onoff × 100%.
A Here, A
100% . off andAAoffonand
Here, are
the THz peak-valley values without and with the CW laser illumination. Aoff Under the 532 nm
A on are
and 405the
nm THz peak-valley
CW laser values
illumination without
with and
different with the
powers, theCW laser illumination.
modulation depth of Bi2Under
Te3 /Si
the 532frequency
in the nm and domain
405 nmisCW laser illumination
presented in Figure 4c andwith4d, different powers,
respectively. Thethe modulation
exhibitsof aBibroadband
2Te3/Si in the frequencyfeature
modulation domain inisallpresented in Figure
the conditions 4c and 4d,above.
as mentioned respectively.
The heterostructure
the 1.4 THz position asexhibits a broadband
an example, modulation
the modulation feature532
depth under innmall excitation
the conditions
gradually from above.
25% Taking
to 80%the 1.4 THz
when position
increasing theas an example,
illumination the modulation
power from 50 to 250 depth
mW,un- as
Micromachines 2023, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 13
der 532 nm excitation increases gradually from 25% to 80% when increasing the illumi-
Micromachines 2023, 14, 1237
nation power from 50 to 250 mW, as shown in Figure 4e. The modulation depth increases 7 of 13
with the enhancement of illumination power in the experimental measurement range. In
comparison, under 405 nm excitation, the modulation depth of Bi2Te3/Si rises from 7% to
94% with the enhancement of illumination power from 50 to 550 mW (Figure 4f). Note
that in Figure
in the 4e. The
relatively lowmodulation
illumination depth increases
power regionwith themW)
(<250 enhancement
with theofsameillumination
power in the experimental measurement range. In comparison, under 405
number, the modulation depth of Bi2Te3/Si under 532 nm (250 mW) excitation is 76%, nm excitation, the
modulation depth of Bi 2 Te3 /Si rises from 7% to 94% with the enhancement
which is superior to the modulation depth of ~49% under 405 nm (190 mW) excitation. of illumination
power from 50 to 550 mW (Figure 4f). Note that in the relatively low illumination power
However, the modulation depth grows faster in the low illumination power region for
region (<250 mW) with the same photon number, the modulation depth of Bi Te3 /Si under
the 405 nm excitation condition and becomes more significant in the higher2illumination
532 nm (250 mW) excitation is 76%, which is superior to the modulation depth of ~49%
power region up to 550 mW. As a result, both the 405 nm and the 532 nm CW lasers for
under 405 nm (190 mW) excitation. However, the modulation depth grows faster in the low
Bi2Te3/Si show excellent broadband modulation performance in the THz region. Within
illumination power region for the 405 nm excitation condition and becomes more significant
our experimental conditions, a 405 nm ultraviolet laser at high power shows be er THz
in the higher illumination power region up to 550 mW. As a result, both the 405 nm and the
amplitude modulation ability than 532 nm visible light.
532 nm CW lasers for Bi2 Te3 /Si show excellent broadband modulation performance in the
To elucidate the modulation mechanism, the modulation response properties of the
THz region. Within our experimental conditions, a 405 nm ultraviolet laser at high power
Bi2Te3/Si heterostructure are assessed through the examination of its illumination-on/off
shows better THz amplitude modulation ability than 532 nm visible light.
behavior. Figure 5a shows the time response of the transmi ed THz amplitude controlled
To elucidate the modulation mechanism, the modulation response properties of the
via the 532heterostructure
Bi2 Te3 /Si nm CW laser with a powerthrough
are assessed of 250 mW. This result suggests
the examination a clear THz am-
of its illumination-on/off
behavior. modulation from 0the
Figure 5a shows to time
74% response
under illumination-off to -on
of the transmitted THzconditions. The pho-
amplitude controlled
toresponsivity (R) is generally described in units of THz absorption per wa
via the 532 nm CW laser with a power of 250 mW. This result suggests a clear THz amplitude of incident
modulation A Aon
laser power from 0 toHence,
[41,42]. 74% underthe Rillumination-off
is defined by the to -on conditions.
analytical The photoresponsivity
equation R off ,
(R) is generally described in units of THz absorption per watt of incident laser powerP[41,42].
Hence,Ptheis the
R isillumination
defined by the power.
analytical equation R = Aoff −
The photoresponsivity P
of the Bi2Te3P/Si
, where is heterostructure
the illumination
calculated to be ~1.76 W . Similarly,
The photoresponsivity −1 of the Bi2 Tethe time
3 /Si series of illumination-off
heterostructure is calculated toand W−1 .
be ~1.76
tion-on for the
Similarly, THztimeamplitude
series ofofillumination-off
Bi2Te3/Si is presented in Figure 5b under
and illumination-on for THz405 nm CW laser
amplitude of
illumination with the in
Bi2 Te3 /Si is presented same power.
Figure Note 405
5b under thatnmtheCWTHzlasersignal is almost
illumination completely
with the same
power. Note
shielded underthatthethe THz signal iscondition,
illumination-on almost completely shielded under the
and the photoresponsivity illumination-
is calculated to
W−1, which andisthe photoresponsivity
~1.4 times larger thanisthat calculated to be
of the 532 nm2.4 CWW−laser
1 , which is ~1.4 times
excitation condi-
tion. than
This that of the
indicates that532
thenmTHz CW laser excitation
modulation condition.
performance This indicates
is superior for the that the THz
405 nm CW
laser performance
illumination condition.is superior for the 405 nm CW laser illumination condition.
Figure 5. Time series of illumination-off and illumination-on about the THz transmission ampli-
Figure 5. Time series of illumination-off and illumination-on about the THz transmission amplitude
tude under (a) 532 nm and (b) 405 nm CW laser excitation with 250 mW.
under (a) 532 nm and (b) 405 nm CW laser excitation with 250 mW.
Next, the modulation mechanism of the Bi2 Te3 /Si heterostructure under CW laser illu-
mination is discussed. The THz amplitude transmission T (ω ) of the Bi2 Te3 /Si heterostruc-
ture is related to its THz photoconductivity σ (ω ) according to Tinkham’s equation [43]:
(1 + n s ) 1
σ(ω ) = −1 (1)
Z0 d T (ω )
where ns is the refractive index of Si, and Z0 and d are vacuum impedance and photocon-
ductive layer thickness, respectively. In the THz region, complex photoconductivity of
semiconductor materials generally follows the Drude model [44]:
σ(ω ) =
e (2)
1 + iωτ
where ω p , ε 0 , τ, and ω are plasma frequency, vacuum permittivity, lifetime of photo-
generated carriers, and THz frequency, respectively. Further, the plasma frequency is
related to the carrier density n as ω p 2 = ne2 /m∗ ε 0 , where e and m* are electron charge
and effective electron mass, respectively. Therefore, the THz transmission is related to
the photoconductivity and the carrier density, which is largely affected by the material’s
optoelectronic properties and the illumination laser conditions. In a simplified intrinsic
absorption model, the relationship between the average photogenerated charge carriers
in the photoconductive layer and the carrier lifetime can be estimated with the following
formula [25,45]:
n= (3)
where A is the absorptivity (excludes the reflection and transmission losses), α is the
responsivity that represents the photocarrier-generation efficiency, hν is the photon energy,
and d is the layer thickness. Note that the photogenerated charge carriers are not uniformly
distributed in real semiconductors, but this model can still reflect the influence of the key
factors. For example, according to Equations (2) and (3), the carrier density is proportional
to the photoconductivity, and to the illumination power. According to Equation (1), the
carrier density is inversely proportional to the THz amplitude transmission with an offset,
which is proportional to the opposite amont of modulation depth. Therefore, as shown in
Figure 4e,f, the THz modulation depth is enhanced by increasing the laser power.
To elucidate the charge transformation mechanism of the Bi2 Te3 /Si heterostructure
under CW laser excitation, the carrier separation process at the interface is discussed in
the following part. The energy band alignment of the Bi2 Te3 /Si heterostructure before
and after contact are shown in Figure 6a and 6b, respectively. Here, Evac is the vacuum
level, and Φ1 , χ1 , Ec1 , Ev1 , EF1 , and Eg1 are work function and electron affinity, conduction
band bottom, valence band maximum, Fermi level, and band gap of Bi2 Te3 , respectively.
Similarly, Φ2 , χ2 , Ec2 , Ev2 , EF2 , and Eg2 are the corresponding parameters of Si. ∆Ec and
∆Ev are defined to be the difference between the two conduction bands and valence bands,
respectively. In this experiment, the Bi2 Te3 film prepared via the PVD method is the same
as the material reported in our previous work for photoelectrochemical applications, so
the band alignment parameters can be found in the UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy, X-
ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy results [36].
Ec1 , Ev1 , EF1 , and Eg1 are about 5.02 eV, 5.89 eV, 5.86 eV, and 0.87 eV, respectively. The
Si substrate is slightly n-doped and we estimate the band alignment with parameters
according to Meng’s report [46], in which Ec2 , Ev2 , EF2 , and Eg2 are around 4.29 eV, 5.41 eV,
4.69 eV, and 1.12 eV, respectively. Therefore, ∆Ec and ∆Ev are calculated to be ~0.73 eV and
~0.48 eV, respectively. After the contact between Bi2 Te3 and Si, the Fermi levels reach the
same value for an equilibrium state and a type-II heterostructure is formed as illustrated
in Figure 6b. When the CW laser illuminates the sample, an interband transition occurs
in both Bi2 Te3 and Si. Under the built-in electric field, photogenerated electrons transfer
from Bi2 Te3 to Si while holes are in the opposite direction, as shown in Figure 6c. The
strate is slightly n-doped and we estimate the band alignment with parameters according
to Meng’s report [46], in which Ec2, Ev2, EF2, and Eg2 are around 4.29 eV, 5.41 eV, 4.69 eV,
and 1.12 eV, respectively. Therefore, ΔEc and ΔEv are calculated to be ~0.73 eV and ~0.48
eV, respectively. After the contact between Bi2Te3 and Si, the Fermi levels reach the same
value for an equilibrium state and a type-II heterostructure is formed as illustrated in
Micromachines 2023, 14, 1237 Figure 6b. When the CW laser illuminates the sample, an interband transition occurs 9 ofin
both Bi2Te3 and Si. Under the built-in electric field, photogenerated electrons transfer
from Bi2Te3 to Si while holes are in the opposite direction, as shown in Figure 6c. The
separation of of electrons
electrons and
and holes
holes can
can be
be largely
largely enhanced
enhanced by by the
the band
band alignment
alignment of of the
type-II heterostructure. The separation of electrons and holes significantly reduces the
heterostructure. The separation of electrons and holes significantly reduces the
recombination of of photocarriers,
enhancementofofthe thecarrier
carrier lifetime
lifetime as as well
well as
thethe carrier
carrier density,
density, soTHz
so the the modulation
THz modulation
depth depth is largely
is largely improvedimproved by the
by the more more
sensitive photoconductivity.
Figure 6. (a)(a) Energy
Energy band
band structure of Bi22Te
Te33 and
and Si
Si before
before contact. (b)
(b) Band
Band alignment
alignment of
of the
Bi Te /Si heterostructure after contact. (c) Band alignment of the Bi Te /Si heterostructure
Bi2 Te3 /Si heterostructure after contact. (c) Band alignment the Bi2 Te3 /Si heterostructure under
2 3 2 3 under
laser illumination.
In this
In this work,
work, the the photon
photon energies
energies of the the 405
405 nm and and 532
532 nm
nm lasers
lasers are
are larger than the
band gap energies of both Bi2Te33 and
band and Si.
Si. Therefore,
Therefore, the the THz
THz transmission
transmission properties
properties ofof
single Bi
single Bi Te
2 2Te or Si can be explained via the model mentioned
3 3 or Si can be explained via the model mentioned above. above. For the Bi Te /sapphire
2 3 For the
Bi Bi2 Te3 is
2Te3/sapphire the only
sample, Bi2photoconductive layer because the
Te3 is the only photoconductive absorptivity
layer because the of the sapphire
substrate is zero. However, the absorptivity
of the sapphire substrate is zero. However, the absorptivity of Bi Te
2 3 is also
of Bi2Te3 is also limited bythin
limited by the very the
film thickness
very and the lifetime
thin film thickness and theoflifetime
photogenerated carriers iscarriers
of photogenerated short due to electron–hole
is short due to elec-
tron–hole As a result,
recombination. Asthe photocarrier
a result, density indensity
the photocarrier Bi2 Te3 inis very
Bi2Te3low and low
is very thusand
modulation is almost negligible, as shown in Figure 3b,d. For bare
thus the modulation is almost negligible, as shown in Figure 3b,d. For bare Si, the ab- Si, the absorptivity under
both 405 nm
sorptivity and 532
under bothnm 405excitation
nm and is532 high nm (only the reflection
excitation is highloss(onlyshould
the be considered)
reflection loss
because the film thickness is far longer than the penetration
should be considered) because the film thickness is far longer than the penetration depth, which can be regarded
as the can
which thickness of the photoconductive
be regarded as the thickness oflayer. Hence, the modulation
the photoconductive of barethe
layer. Hence, Si modu-
can be
observed in many optically controlled THz modulation works
lation of bare Si can be observed in many optically controlled THz modulation works [22,39,47,48]. However, the
modulation depth
[22,39,47,48]. However,of bare
is low because depth the ofrecombination of photocarriers
bare Si is low because limits the
the recombination
lifetime and carrier density. Therefore, the effective separation of electrons
of photocarriers limits the lifetime and carrier density. Therefore, the effective separation and holes, which
can be realized via reasonable heterostructure construction, becomes an important way of
of electrons and holes, which can be realized via reasonable heterostructure construction,
designing high-performance THz modulators.
becomes an important way of designing high-performance THz modulators.
Lastly, the modulation performances of 532 nm and 405 nm CW lasers are compared
Lastly, the modulation performances of 532 nm and 405 nm CW lasers are compared
and discussed. Because both of the two wavelengths can induce interband transition in
and discussed. Because both of the two wavelengths can induce interband transition in
the Bi Te /Si heterostructure, the main difference could originate from the factors given in
the Bi22Te33/Si heterostructure, the main difference could originate from the factors given in
Equations (1–3). Under 532 nm and 405 nm CW laser excitation, the penetration depths of
Equations (1–3). Under 532 nm and 405 nm CW laser excitation, the penetration depths of
Si are ~1 and ~0.1 µm, respectively [49,50]. With the increase in illumination power, the
Si are ~1 and ~0.1 µm, respectively [49,50]. With the increase in illumination power, the
photoconductivity and carrier concentration exhibit a growth trend in both the wavelength
photoconductivity and carrier concentration exhibit a growth trend in both the wave-
cases. As shown in Figure 7a,b, when the power is enhanced from 0 mW to 250 mW, the
length cases. As shown in Figure 7a,b, when the power is enhanced from 0 mW to 250
conductivity changes from 3.69 × 103 S/m to 3.25 × 104 S/m, and the carrier density varies
mW, the conductivity − changes from 143.69 ×−10 3 S/m to 3.25 × 104 S/m, and the carrier den-
from 7.18 × 10 cm to 6.34 × 10 cm 3 under 532 nm excitation. In contrast to the
13 3
sity variesstatement,
previous from 7.18when × 10 exposed
13 cm to 6.34
to 250× 10
14 −3 under 532 nm excitation. In contrast to
illumination power under 405 nm excitation,
the previous statement,and
photoconductivity when exposed
carrier densityto 250 mW illumination
can reach 6.13 × 105 S/m power andunder
1.19 ×405 1016nmcmex-
citation, the photoconductivity and carrier density can reach 6.13
(Figure 7c and d), respectively. This enhancement is mainly induced by the narrow penetra- × 10 5 S/m and 1.19 × 1016
tion depth at 405 nm, but the modulation performance under 405 nm and 532 nm excitation
has no significant difference because the d factor is eliminated in Equation (1). When the
illumination power further increases to 550 mW, the conductivity and carrier density of
the photoconductive layer can reach 5.84 × 106 S/m and 1.14 × 1017 cm−3 , respectively.
Note that the laser power dependence of the carrier density measured in the experiment is
not linear as predicted in Equation (3), especially in the high-power region. This could be
attributed the enhancement of the carrier lifetime induced by the heterostructure, which
is ignored in the calculation. These results may provide a meaningful reference from the
excitation has no significant difference because the d factor is eliminated in Equation (1).
When the illumination power further increases to 550 mW, the conductivity and carrier
density of the photoconductive layer can reach 5.84 × 106 S/m and 1.14 × 1017 cm−3, re-
spectively. Note that the laser power dependence of the carrier density measured in the
Micromachines 2023, 14, 1237
experiment is not linear as predicted in Equation (3), especially in the high-power region.
10 of 13
This could be a ributed the enhancement of the carrier lifetime induced by the hetero-
structure, which is ignored in the calculation. These results may provide a meaningful
reference from the perspective of microdevice design. According to previous reports
perspective of microdevice design. According to previous reports [49,50], the penetration
[49,50], the penetration depth values of Si for several typical laser wavelengths of 405 nm,
depth values of Si for several typical laser wavelengths of 405 nm, 532 nm, 800 nm, and
532 nm, 800 nm, and 1064 nm are ~0.1 µm, ~1 µm, ~10 µm, and ~900 µm, respectively.
1064 nm are ~0.1 µm, ~1 µm, ~10 µm, and ~900 µm, respectively. This shows that the
This shows that the penetration depth changes dramatically with the excitation wave-
penetration depth changes dramatically with the excitation wavelength. Therefore, the
length. Therefore, the laser with higher photon energy may make sufficient utilization of
laser with higher photon energy may make sufficient utilization of the carrier separation
the carrier separation capacity at the finite heterostructure region. In addition, the mod-
capacity at the finite heterostructure region. In addition, the modulation devices could be
ulation devices could be fabricated smaller and more compactly when controlled via
fabricated smaller and more compactly when controlled via short-wavelength lasers. For
short-wavelength lasers. For example, Si films with submicron thicknesses could be
example, Si films with submicron thicknesses could be sufficient for the THz modulator
sufficient for the THz modulator design under 405 nm excitation, which can also achieve
design under 405 nm excitation, which can also achieve a modulation depth close to 100%
aasmodulation depth close to 100% as verified in this work.
verified in this work.
3. Conclusions
An all-optical THz modulator based on Bi2 Te3 /Si heterostructure is investigated in this
work. The 2D Bi2 Te3 is prepared via the PVD method on sapphire and Si substrates directly,
and these samples are measured via THz time-domain spectroscopy. Under the control
of CW lasers at 532 nm and 405 nm, broadband modulation performance is observed
in the 0.8–2.4 THz region. The modulation depth can reach ~80% under 532 nm CW
laser illumination with a power of 250 mW, and ~96% under 405 nm illumination with a
higher power of 550 mW. The significantly enhanced modulation capacity of the Bi2 Te3 /Si
compared to that of Bi2 Te3 is attributed to the highly improved photocarrier separation
at the type-II heterostructure interface, and the modulation mechanism is discussed with
the help of the Drude model and a simplified light absorption model. This work provides
Micromachines 2023, 14, 1237 11 of 13
a useful reference for the design of compact all-optical THz modulators with no loss of
Author Contributions: Funding acquisition, Y.Z., Y.H. and X.X.; Investigation, Y.X.; Methodology,
C.L., D.W. and M.S.; Visualization, Y.Z.; Writing—original draft, Y.X., Y.Z. and X.C.; Writing—review
& editing, Y.X., Y.Z., X.C., J.W., Z.L., C.L. and X.X. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11974279,
12074311, 12004310, 12261141662), and Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province (2019JM-236),
Natural Science Foundation of Education Department of Shaanxi Province (Grants No. 21JK0917).
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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