Part 7 Flow Flow in A Boundary Layer
Part 7 Flow Flow in A Boundary Layer
Part 7 Flow Flow in A Boundary Layer
Part 7
In this part, the flow in a boundary layer is discussed. Hence, the chapter 12.3 will
be shortly addressed. For example, the theory that is discussed here can be used to
model flow around an airfoil. From which the drag and lift coefficient can be deter-
In this part, the behaviour of the flow close to the wall is examined. As an example,
the boundary layer flow is considered. This is the flow over a semi-infinite flat plate.
It is an example of a two-dimensional flow. The x-coordinate is used as the coordinate
in streamwise direction and y for the coordinate perpendicular to the plate. Further-
more, it is assumed that the approaching flow is parallel to the flat plate. When this
approaching flow is uniform, it will develop a boundary layer, as the flow needs to
satisfy the no-slip boundary condition. This boundary layer will grow in streamwise
direction and will grow indefinitely, in contrast with flow in a pipe or in between two
plates. In Fig. 1, a boundary layer over a flat plate is visualized. As the problem is
different, the Reynolds number as stated before is futile. This is due to the fact that
there is no well defined length scale. Hence, the following definition for the Reynolds
ρv∞ x
Rex = , (1)
where v∞ is the velocity of the approaching flow. The only possible length scale for
this case is the distance from the leading edge of the plate. This implies that the
Reynolds number depends on the streamwise position, x.
For small values of the Reynolds number, Rex < 2 · 105 , the flow is laminar. At some
value of Rex > 2 · 105 transition to turbulence occurs and after that the flow is turbu-
For more information about the boundary layers, see the following weblecture:
Web lecture: Boundary layers
Boundary equations
Heat and Flow 4PB00
Figure 1: Boundary layer on a flat plate, where the thickness is exaggerated for clarity.
boundary equations as
∂v x ∂v x ∂v∞ ∂2 v x
vx + vy = v∞ +ν 2 (2)
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y
where the pressure gradient is in the first term on the right hand side, dP ∂v∞
dx = − ρv∞ ∂x .
Note that the ν in the latter term is the kinematic viscosity, which can be written as
ν = ρ . Furthermore, the continuity equation can be written as
∂v x ∂vy
+ =0 (3)
∂x ∂y
Blasius solution
The derivation of the Blasius solution perhaps seems far-fetched and is difficult to
comprehend. However, the results shown in item 1 to 4 are proven to be quite power-
The name is already mentioned, but there is one special case where the solution to the
boundary layer equations can be calculated almost analytically. This is the case of a
Heat and Flow 4PB00
steady( ∂t∂ = 0), parallel flow without a pressure gradient, such that dx = −ρv∞ ∂v∂x∞ = 0.
Now, Eq. 2 can be simplified to
∂v x ∂v x ∂2 v x
vx + vy =ν 2 . (4)
∂x ∂y ∂y
Together with the boundary conditions, which are that v x = vy = 0 on y = 0 and v x =
v∞ on y = ∞. To solve this, two steps need to be taken. The first step is that the non-
linear terms and the viscous term should have the same order of magnitude in the
boundary layer. If this would not be the case, it would not be possible to satisfy all
the boundary conditions. If these terms indeed have the same order of magnitude the
following equation can be obtained
δ −1
= O( Rex 2 ) (5)
This shows that the boundary layer is thin when Rex 2 is large. It also shows that
the boundary layer grows as x 2 . The second step is that similarity of the solution
is assumed. Here, it is assumed that the velocity profile is only dependent on δ(x) .
Hence, a new coordinate is introduced as
v 12
η ( x, y) = y. (6)
Furthermore, the continuity equation allows the use of so-called stream function,
which is discussed in Chapter 10 of the book. This can be denoted as
v x = ∂Ψ
∂y (7)
vy = − ∂Ψ∂x
Subsequently, because the dimensions of the stream function is the same as that of the
kinematic viscosity, ν, the stream function can be denoted as
And from that the velocity in the x- and y-direction can be derived as
v x = v∞ f 0 (η ) (11)
Heat and Flow 4PB00
1 v∞ ν 1
vy = ( ) 2 (η f 0 (η ) − f (η )) (12)
2 x
Now, these velocities are substituted in Eq. 4. This gives the following ordinary
differential equation (ODE) for f as
1 00
f f + f 000 = 0 (13)
with boundary conditions f = f 0 = 0 and f 0 = 1 at η → ∞ This equation cannot be
solved analytically, but it can be done numerically. The results of this are shown in
Table 12.1 of the hand-out of chapter 12. This Blasius solution enables to calculate
several important quantities for flow over a flat plate:
1. The boundary layer thickness is defined as the thickness of the region where
the solution differs from the velocity far away from the plate. Since the velocity
profile reaches the free-stream velocity asymptotically, usually δ0.99 is used as
boundary layer thickness, which represents the value of y where v x = 0.99v∞ .
δ0.99 can be given by
δ0.99 −1
= 5Rex 2 (14)
− 12
δ∗ = 1.72Rex (16)
3. A way to calculate the drag force coefficient. For this, the viscous force per unit
area on the plate, shear stress, is required. This is given by
∂v x
τ0 = µ | y =0 (17)
Heat and Flow 4PB00
τ0 − 12
Cf x = 1
= 0.0664Rex (19)
2 ρv∞
where the subscript x indicates that this is the local quantity at streamwise co-
ordinate x. If one want to know the total amount of viscous force over the plate,
one should integrate the shear stress over the entire area of the plate
FD = τ0 dA (20)
C f L = 1.328Re L 2 (22)
where Re L is the Reynolds number based on the length of the plate, Re L = ν .
4. Finally, the last quantity that is considered is the momentum thickness θ. This
can be denoted by
Z h
vx vx
θ= (1 − )dy (23)
0 v ∞ v ∞
where h is a height above the plate such that h > δ0.99 . Since the integrand in
this last integral equals approximately zero if y > h, it can be written as
Z ∞
vx vx
θ= (1 − )dy (24)
0 v∞ v∞
Using the Blasius solution for the velocity in x-direction a final result is obtained
that looks as follows:
θ −1
= 0.664Rex 2 . (25)
For an example about the use of the Blasius solution, see the following weblecture:
Weblecture: Blasius solution
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In this chapter, a relation between the relevant quantities in the boundary layer flow
will be derived. This enables the calculation of the boundary layer growth if the
velocity profile is known in good approximation.
For the entire derivation, see the hand-out of Chapter 12.5. The results of this are
given here. First of all, the velocity profile looks as:
vx 3 y 1 y
= ( ) − ( )3 . (26)
v∞ 2 δ 2 δ
which is an approximation of the Blasius solution. With this velocity profile, it is also
possible to derive the shear stress as
dv x 3 µv∞
τ0 = µ | y =0 = (27)
dx 2 δ
Z ∞
vx vx vx vx 39
Z δ
θ= (1 − )dy = (1 − )dy = δ. (28)
0 v∞ v∞ 0 v∞ v∞ 280
δ −1
= 4.64Rex 2 , (29)
θ −1
= 0.646Rex 2 (30)
C f x = 0.646Rex 2 . (31)
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