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Problem 2B.11
The cone-and-plate viscometer (see Fig. 2B.11). A cone-and-plate viscometer consists of a
flat plate and an inverted cone, whose apex just contacts the plate. The liquid whose viscosity is
to be measured is placed in the gap between the cone and plate. The cone is rotated at a known
angular velocity Ω, and the torque Tz required to turn the cone is measured. Find an expression
for the viscosity of the fluid in terms of Ω, Tz , and the angle ψ0 between the cone and the plate.
For commercial instruments ψ0 is about 1 degree.
(a) Assume that locally the velocity distribution in the gap can be very closely approximated
by that for flow between parallel plates, the upper one moving with a constant speed. Verify
that this leads to the approximate velocity distribution (in spherical coordinates)
vφ (π/2) − θ
=Ω (2B.11-1)
r ψ0
This approximation should be rather good, because ψ0 is so small.
(b) From the velocity distribution in Eq. 2B.11-1 and Appendix B.1, show that a reasonable
expression for the shear stress is
τθφ = µ(Ω/ψ0 ) (2B.11-2)
This result shows that the shear stress is uniform throughout the gap. It is this fact that
makes the cone-and-plate viscometer quite attractive. The instrument is widely used,
particularly in the polymer industry.
(c) Show that the torque required to turn the cone is given by
Tz = πµΩR3 /ψ0 (2B.11-3)
This is the standard formula for calculating the viscosity from measurements of the torque
and angular velocity for a cone-plate assembly with known R and ψ0 .
(d) For a cone-and-plate instrument with radius 10 cm and angle ψ0 equal to 0.5 degree, what
torque (in dyn · cm) is required to turn the cone at an angular velocity of 10 radians per
minute if the fluid viscosity is 100 cp?
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Part (a)
Because the linear velocity of the cone’s top varies with r (V = Ωr), we can treat each slice of the
circle with circumference 2πr and thickness ∆r as a linear element with length L = 2πr and
thickness ∆r moving at speed V . The problem essentially boils down to Couette flow, where a
fluid flows in a slit and one wall moves while the other remains stationary. This is illustrated in
part (c) of Fig. 2B.11. Thus, a rectangular shell will be considered to determine the velocity
distribution. We assume that the fluid flows in the x-direction and that its velocity varies in the
vx = vx (y)
Consequently, only φyx (the x-momentum in the positive y-direction) and φxx (the x-momentum
in the positive x-direction) contribute to the momentum balance. We also assume that the flow is
only due to the spinning top and is not a result of gravity or a pressure difference.
Figure 1: This is the shell over which the momentum balance is made for the flow in a slit.
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φyx = τyx +
y v
x = τyx
Since vx does not depend on x, the ρvx2 terms cancel and we get
| − φxx
φxx | dτyx
− x=L x=0 − =0
L dy
= 0.
From Newton’s law of viscosity, τyx = −µ(dvx /dy), so we have
d dvx
−µ = 0.
dy dy
Viscosity is assumed to be constant, so we can pull it and the minus sign in front of the
derivative. Divide both sides by −µ.
d2 vx
dy 2
Using the coordinate system in part (c) of Fig. 2B.11, the boundary conditions are as follows.
B.C. 1: vx = 0 when y = 0
B.C. 2: vx = V when y = b
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vx (y) = C1 y + C2
vx (0) = C1 (0) + C2 = 0
vx (b) = C1 (b) + C2 = V
Solving this system of equations, we get C1 = V /b and C2 = 0. Hence, we have for the velocity
vx (y) = y.
Now we can change back to rotational flow in spherical coordinates; that is, the fluid actually
flows in the φ direction and its velocity varies with r [vφ = vφ (r)]. We have V = Ωr,
b = r sin ψ0 ≈ rψ0 , and y ≈ r(π/2 − θ).
Ωr π
vφ = r −θ
0 2
vφ (π/2) − θ
=Ω .
r ψ0
Part (b)
The shear stress on a surface element of the cone by the fluid is given by τθφ (the θ-direction is
perpendicular to the surface element, and the shear is in the φ-direction). According to Appendix
B.1 on page 844,
sin θ ∂ vφ 1 ∂vθ
τθφ = −µ + .
r ∂θ sin θ r sin θ ∂φ
Since the velocity is in the φ-direction only, the second term in the square brackets is zero. Also,
θ is a constant on the cone’s surface (θ = θ0 ), so the formula for τθφ simplifies considerably.
sin θ0 ∂ vφ
τθφ = −µ
r ∂θ sin θ0
1 ∂vφ
= −µ
r ∂θ
2 −θ
µ ∂
=− Ωr
r ∂θ ψ0
µ 1
=− Ωr −
r ψ0
τθφ = µ .
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Part (c)
Since the shearing force is in the φ-direction, it is perpendicular to the radial direction. The
torque then is just the product of this force with the moment arm.
Tz = rF
To get the shearing force, we multiply (integrate) the shear stress by the area of the cone that the
fluid is in contact with. ˆ
Tz = r · τθφ |θ= π −ψ0 dA
| {z }
Since the fluid is at a lower value of θ than the cone’s surface at θ = π2 − ψ0 , no minus sign is
needed in front of τθφ . Looking at part (b) in Fig. 2B.11, we see that the area differential is
dA = r dr dφ.
ˆ 2π ˆ R
Tz = r · τθφ |θ= π −ψ0 r dr dφ
0 0 2
ˆ 2π ˆ R
= r2 µ dr dφ
0 0 ψ0
ˆ 2π ˆ R
Ω 2
=µ dφ r dr
ψ0 0 0
= µ (2π)
ψ0 3
2 R3
Tz = πµΩ .
3 ψ0
Part (d)
We have the following values for the variables. The conversion factor for Pa to dyn/cm2 is found
in Table F.3-2 on page 869.
R = 10 cm
π rad π
ψ0 = 0.5° × = rad
180° 360
rad 1min
1 rad
Ω = 10 × =
60 s 6 s
−3 dyn
10 PaH H· s 10 cm 2 dyn
µ = 100
× × =1 2
1 Pa
HH cm
Plugging the numbers into the formula for torque Tz , we get
2 R3
Tz = πµΩ
3 ψ0
H (10 cm)3
2 dyn 1 rad
= π 1 · s π H
3 cm2 6 s 360 rad
= 40, 000 · cm3 = 40, 000 dyn · cm.