Unit-3, Activity Planning and Risk Management
Unit-3, Activity Planning and Risk Management
Unit-3, Activity Planning and Risk Management
Planning includes all the activities required to select a systems analysis team,
assign members of the team to appropriate projects, estimate the time required
to complete each task, and schedule the project so that tasks are completed in a
timely fashion.
Project Schedules
A project plan is developed to the level of showing dates when each activity
should start and finish, when and how much of each resource will be required.
Once a plan has been refined to this level, it is known as a project schedule.
● A stage of a larger project, the project plan must be developed to the level
of showing dates when each activity should start and finish and when and
how much of each resource will be required.
● It is an activity that distributes estimated effort across the effort to specific
software engineering tasks.
● Once the plan has been refined to this level of detail we call it a project
● It is the culmination of a Project Planning activity that is a primary
component of Software Project Management
● An activity is typically one stage of a project management plan.
● Each activity consists of one or more actions that, upon completion, will
lead to the next project stage.
● Taken together as a series, the activities will result in the final deliverable.
● Each activity has a defined start and end, as well as a deadline or time
period within which it must be completed.
Activity based approach: It consists of creating a list of all the activities that the
project is supposed to involve in its life cycle.
It involves dividing a complex and big scale project into simpler, manageable,
independent and smaller tasks which can be completed in approximately few
weeks by a single development team working on the project.
The root of the project tree is labelled by the project name itself. Each node
(activity) is recursively decomposed and divided into smaller sub-activities, until
at the leaf level, the activities require approximately two weeks to develop and
can be given to a single development team. It follows top-down approach.
Hybrid approach:
In this approach, an alternative work breakdown structure is constructed based
on: 1. A simple list of final deliverables.
2. For each deliverable, a set of activities required to produce that product.
Scheduled activities mean specifying when they should take place. The
scheduling has had to take account of availability of staff and the way in which
the activities have been allocated to them.
A Gantt chart is a bar chart that provides a visual view of project tasks
scheduled over time. A Gantt chart is used for project planning: it’s a useful way
of showing what work is scheduled to be done on specific days. It helps project
managers and team members view the start dates, end dates and milestones of
a project schedule in one simple stacked bar chart.
To create a Gantt chart, use the vertical axis to list the tasks that need to be
completed, and the horizontal axis to depict a timeline. As you input tasks, their
start dates, their end dates and their dependencies, bars on the stacked bar
chart will populate, which represent task durations.
These project scheduling techniques model the project’s activities and their
relationships as a network.
Early Start (ES) is plotted on the 1st left corner box at the top. Likewise Early
Finish (EF) is plotted on top right corner box.
Late Finish (LF) is on the right corner box at the bottom and Late Start (LS) is
plotted on the left bottom corner box.
Example: Activity name “B” is in the 2nd box duration represented by 10 is on the
5th box at the middle.
Early Start (ES) represents the earliest start of an activity considering the
dependency preceding task. If an activity is having more than one dependency
predecessor, then ES will be the highest Early Finish (EF) of the dependency
In order to calculate Early Finish, we use forward pass. Means moving from Early
Start towards right to come up with Early Finish of the project.
In order to calculate Late Start (LS), we apply backward Pass moving from Late
Finish and deducting from activity duration.
LS = LF – Duration
Float Calculation
The whole idea of network diagram and finding the project duration is to identify
the critical path and total float. Float represents how much each individual activity
can be delayed without delaying successor activities or project completion date.
Total Float = LS – ES or LF – EF
Total Float shows the difference between the Earliest Start (ES) and Latest Start
(LS) of an activity before the completion date is delayed.
Free Float represents the amount of time that an activity can be delayed before
any successor’s activity will be delayed. A zero free float represents the activity is
in critical path and there is no space to delay the activity without delaying the
entire project.
SLACK: The difference between the earliest date and latest date for an event is
known as the slack of that event. It is a measure of how late an event may be
without affecting the end of the project. Any event with a slack of zero is a critical
ACTIVITY FLOAT: whereas event possess float, activity possess float. It is the
difference between the earliest start date of an activity and its latest start or the
difference between its earliest finish and latest finish.
Free float: the time by which an activity can be delayed without delaying any
subsequent activity. It is calculated as the difference between the earliest
completion date of the activity and earliest start date of succeeding activity.
Interfering Float: the difference between total float and free float. The
interfering float tells us by how much the activity may be delayed without delaying
the project end date.
The critical path method is a technique that allows you to identify tasks that are
necessary for project completion.
The critical path in project management is the longest sequence of activities that
must be finished on time to complete the entire project.
Any delays in critical tasks will delay the rest of the project.
CPM revolves around discovering the most important tasks in the project
timeline, identifying task dependencies, and calculating task durations.
CPM was developed in the late 1950s as a method to resolve the issue of
CPM has become popular for planning projects and prioritizing tasks.
It helps to break down complex projects into individual tasks and gain a better
Other scheduled paths might have slack time to avoid delaying the entire project,
unlike the critical path.
The CPM provides a graphical view of the project, predicts the time required for
the project, and shows which activities are critical to maintaining the schedule.
Steps carried out in CPM
1. Activity Specification
2. Activity Sequence Establishment
3. Network Diagram
4. Estimates for each activity
5. Identification of the critical path
6. Critical path diagram to show project measures
All of the primary elements or events of a project have been finally identified by
the PERT.
In this technique, a PERT Chart is made which represent a schedule for all the
specified tasks in the project.
The reporting levels of the tasks or events in the PERT Charts is somewhat same
as defined in the work breakdown structure (WBS).
Characteristics of PERT
● It serves as a base for obtaining the important facts for implementing the
● It forms the basis for all the planning activities.
● PERT helps management in deciding the best possible resource utilization
● PERT take advantage by using time network analysis technique.
● PERT presents the structure for reporting information.
● It helps the management in identifying the essential elements for the
completion of the project within time.
Advantages of PERT
Disadvantages of PERT: