ME314 FuelCells 1
ME314 FuelCells 1
ME314 FuelCells 1
Fuel Cells
Fuel Cells
• Fuel cell - an electrochemical energy conversion
device. It converts the chemical energy of the fuel
(e.g. hydrogen) directly into electrical energy. Fuel
and oxidizing agent (oxygen) are continuously and
separately supplied to the two electrodes of the cell,
at which they undergo reaction
• Efficiency of electricity generation using heat engine
limited by Carnot cycle efficiency (35-45%). Fuel cell
production is not subject to this limitations (60%
practical and 83% theoretical maximum).
• Main Issues: Slow reaction rates leading to low
currents and power; source of input fuel.
The Hydrogen-
Oxygen Fuel Cell
Principles of Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cell
1. Two platinum electrodes are immersed in a
well-conducting electrolyte (KOH or H2SO4)
2. One electrode (-ve) is supplied with
hydrogen while the other electrode is
supplied with oxygen (+ve).
3. An electrical potential difference of 0.9 – 1.2
volts can be measured between the two
Negative Electrode
2Had 2H+ + 2e-
Positive Electrode
½O2 + 2H+ + 2e- H2O
For every molecule of H2 consumed, two
electrons pass from the negative to the
positive electrode, where they react with
adsorbed O2. Water is produced by this
Principles of Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cell
Overall Reaction
H2 + ½ O2 H2O
Electrical Efficiency
electricit y produced
electrical efficiency
HHV of fuel used
237.2 kJ / mol
electrical efficiency x100% 83%
285.8 kJ / mol
154 kJ / mol
practical electrical efficiency x100% 54%
285.8 kJ / mol
Free Energy
In the combustion of hydrogen and oxygen, heat is released. In the
electrochemical reaction between H2 and O2 in a fuel cell, electricity and heat are
produced. Heat produced by combustion is not the same as electricity produced in
a fuel cell. The difference is related to the Gibbs free energy.
The HHV for the combustion of H2 is 285.8 kJ/mol, but the Gibbs free energy for
the reaction, and therefore the maximum electricity produced by the fuel cell is
only 237.2 kJ/mol. The difference, 48.6 kJ/mol appears as heat produced in the
fuel cell.
Basic Types of Fuel Cells
• Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEM)
• High Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane
Fuel Cell (HT-PEM)
• Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFC)
• Alkaline Electrolyte Fuel cells (AEFC)
• Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cells (PAFC)
• Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) (High Temperature)
• Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells (MCFC) (HT)
• Regenerative Fuel Cell (RFC)
Other Types of Fuel Cells
• Alkaline Fuel Cell (AFC)
• Zinc Air Fuel Cell (ZAFC)
• Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cell (PCFC)
• Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC)
• Others: biological fuel cells; metal/air cells;
redox flow cells.
Data for Different Types of FC
F.C. Type Mobile ion Temp.(oC) Applications
AFC OH- 50-200 Space vehicles:
(Apollo, shuttle)
PEMFC H+ 30-100 Lower power CHP
Portable electronic
DMFC H+ 20-90 systems
200kW CHP systems
PAFC H+ ~220
Medium to large
MCFC CO32- ~650 scale CHP
All sizes of CHP up
SOFC O2- 100-1000 to MW
Chemistry of Fuel Cells: Acid Electrolyte
• Anode side:
2H2 => 4H+ + 4e-
• Cathode side:
O2 + 4H+ + 4e- => 2H2O
• Net reaction:
2H2 + O2 => 2H2O
• Reverse of electrolysis
Alkaline Electrolyte Fuel Cells
• At the anode
2H2 + 4OH- 4H2O + 4e-
• At the cathode
O2 + 4e- + 2H2O 4OH-
• OH- ions must be able to pass through the electrolyte
and there must be electrical circuit for the electrons
to go from the anode to the cathode
• Twice as much hydrogen is needed as oxygen
Main Issue: Sources of Hydrogen
• Petroleum products (gasoline, naptha, etc.)
• Coal and coal gases (lignite, bituminous coal)
• Natural gas
• Propane
• Methanol
• Electrolysis of water
• Biomass Producer/Synthesis Gas from Pyrolysis
and Gasification (CO and H2)
Methanol Fuel Cell
1. Weight = 30 lbs 4. Type: PEM Fuel Cell Stack
2. Output = 3 kW 5. Valves and blowers controlled by microprocessor
3. Cost = $20,500 6. Fuel: Connect to source of hydrogen
Other Data
a. V= 72-114V
b. H2 = 39 Ln/min
c. H2 = 0.02 kg/hr
d. Purity = 4.5 std
e. O2 from Air
f. H2 P = 0.5 bar
g. T = Max 63oC
h. 120 cells
i. 61 cm2 area
j. Ambient P
k. Ambient T
Cost to Run 1kW Hydrogen Fuel Cell
• Given: Compressed hydrogen cylinder with a capacity
of 200 liters with purity of 99.99999%. The cost of this
hydrogen cylinder is $100 + $14/month rental + $20
delivery cost ($134). A 1 kW fuel cell system has H2
consumption rate of 15 liters/hr.
• Required: Cost per kWhr
• Solution
a. Hrs of Use = 200 L/15 L/hr = 13.3 hrs
b. Thus, $ $134
$10.10 / k Wh
k Whr 1k Wx13.3hrs
c. We are still tenfold away from being economical.
d. If H2 is produced from biomass the costs are lower.
Diagram of
SOFC and
Advantages and Disadvantages
• Advantages
– More efficient than combustion engines
– Small systems can be as efficient as large ones
– Simplicity – very few moving parts leading to high
reliability and long lasting systems
– Low emissions – by-product is pure water
– Silence – very quiet even with fuel processing unit
• Disadvantages
– Cost
– CO2 is co-produced with H2 as well and may contribute to
increased concentration in atmosphere
Balance of Plant
• Core of FC: electrodes, electrolyte and bipolar
• Other component parts:
– Pumps or blowers, compressors, intercoolers
– Power conditioning, DC/AC inverter
– Electric motors, fuel storage, fuel processing
systems, de-sulphurisation systems
– Control valves, pressure regulators, controller
– Cooling systems, heat exchangers, pre-heaters
Existing and Emerging Markets
• Aerospace applications
• Auxiliary power units for light-duty vehicles,
trucks, ships and airplanes
• Portable applications and light traction
• Stationary applications
• Fuel cells for buildings
• Transportation applications
– Trains and internal combustion engines
The Helios UAV
The solar array produced electricity to supply the
electric motor and electrolyzer during daytime. The
electrolyzer produces hydrogen and oxygen that are
stored on tanks on board. During night time, the fuel
cell is fed with H2 and O2 and delivers the electric
power for the electric motor of the propulsion
The Spider Lion vehicle weighs 2.5 kg (5.6 lbs) and in November 2005, it
conducted a flight of 3 hrs and 19 minutes, consuming 15 g of H 2. the 100 W
fuel cell system was designed by NRL and come components developed by
The UAV was used to simulate tests to acquire data on performance and
efficiency. The long-term goal is the development of an efficient fuel-cell
propulsion system for long-endurance (8-24hrs) mini-UAV applications,
something which cannot be achieved with current battery technology.
PEMFC Commercial Module by Ballard
(NexaTM 1.2kW)
The electrolyte of these fuel cells is
a polymeric membrane with
perfluorinated sulphonic groups that
must be kept wet during operation to
render the proton exchange. The
catalysts used is platinum supported
over carbon or bi-functional metallic
electro-catalysts based on platinum
or other metals such as ruthenium.