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International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 44

Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2021

https://www.ijresm.com | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792

Experimental Investigation of Partial

Replacement of Cement with Glass Powder
K. Chandru1*, A. Layar Richard2, U. Vishva3, V. Manikandan4, B. Vignesh Kumar5
Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India

Abstract: In present day scenario, concrete industry is the one Glass powder has a very fine powder and it contains more silica
of the largest consumer of natural resource. In the concrete content. Glass is an amorphous material with have high silica
industry, cement plays a vital role. Due to increased cement content making with pozzolanic when the particle size is less
production, cement manufacturing industries have become the
largest contributors of CO2 emission, which severely affects the than 75 microns. Concrete is being the one of the most
environment. Hence it is necessary to find an alternative and important and widely used material with high strength and
sustainable replacement for cement in concrete. Glass powder, sufficient workability. In the research various material can be
with cement-like properties can be used as a partial replacement used has a partial replacement of cement with glass powder, fly
for cement in concrete. Millions of tons of glass waste are being ash and metakaolin.
generated annually all over the world. Once glass becomes
unusable, it is disposed in landfills, which cannot be decomposed
by the environment. As obtained from Energy-dispersive X-ray 2. Materials and Methods
Spectroscopy (EDXS), glass is principally composed of silica which A. Materials
can be used as a partial replacement of cement. In this project,
M25 grade of concrete is used for testing the properties of glass- 1) Cement
powder incorporated concrete. The cement in concrete is partially Ordinary Portland cement of 53 grade was used throughout
replaced with glass powder in various proportions like 0%, 10%, the work.
20% & 30% and tested for its compressive, tensile and flexural 2) Coarse Aggregate
strength up to 7 days, 14 days, 28 days and compared with the Crushed granite metal is obtained from source was used as a
conventional concrete. A 20% replacement of cement with waste coarse aggregate that can be passed through 21mm and retained
glass powder was found to be convincing considering cost and
sustainability criteria.
in 16mm sieve was used.
3) Water
Keywords: Glass powder, EDXS, Compressive test, Tensile Portable water can be used for the mixing and curing
strength, Flexural strength. properties for the specimen.
4) Fine Aggregate
1. Introduction M-Sand can be used as a fine aggregate in the method.
The quantity of waste glass bottle has been increased over the 5) Glass Powder
year. As per 2006, the total global waste glass production can Glass powder of grade 920-D of 20 kg was obtained.
be estimate was 140Mt, in which China, and USA produced
Table 1
approximately 35Mt, respectively. The manufacture of the Chemical properties of cement
cement is the major greenhouse gas emissions as per now a day. COMPOSITION % CEMENT
Several industries have been used as a partial replacement of SILICA 20.2
cement such as GGBS, Fly ash, Metakaolin. These materials ALUMINA 4.7
which can be improve the durability, workability and also the CALCIUM OXIDE 61.9
economy. Glass is the very common product that can be found MAGNESIUM OXIDE 2.6
in the various forms such as glass bottle, jars, etc.…. because SODIUM OXIDE 0.19
glass bottle is the non – biodegradable material. Use of waste POTASSIUM OXIDE 0.82
FINENESS % PASSING (sieve size) 90 µm
glass powder as a partial replacement of cement has been UNIT WEIGHT Kg/m3 3150
attempted by many investigators. Glass is the most versatile SPECIFIC GRAVITY 3.15
substances in the earth surface. The construction company has
been used the waste and recycled glass bottle has a partial
replacement of cement and aggregates. Glass has been used as
an important inert material which can be recycled many times
without changing its chemical properties. In the concrete
industry to use glass powder as a partial replacement of cement.

*Corresponding author: kchandru084@gmail.com

K. Chandru et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 4, NO. 5, MAY 2021 45

Table 2 Table 3
Chemical properties of glass powder Compressive test on cube for 7 days
COMPOSITION % CEMENT MIX RATIO Compressive Strength in N/mm2 7 Days
SILICA 72.5 CC Various % of Glass powder
ALUMINA 0.4 0% 10% 20% 30%
IRON OXIDRE 0.2 M25 8.27 13.775 14.665 12.885
SODIUM OXIDE 13.7 Compressive test on cube for 14 days
POTASSIUM OXIDE 0.1 MIX RATIO Compressive Strength in N/mm2 14 Days
FINENESS % PASSING (sieve size) 75 µm CC Various % of Glass powder
UNIT WEIGHT Kg/m3 2579 0% 10% 20% 30%
SPECIFIC GRAVITY 2.58 M25 13.775 20 20.9 19.335
B. Objectives
Table 5
 To evaluate the utility of Glass powder as a partial Compressive test on cube for 28 days
replacement of cement. MIX RATIO Compressive Strength in N/mm2 14 Days
 To study and compare the performance of glass CC Various % of Glass powder
0% 10% 20% 30%
powder and the conventional concrete to understand M25 18.22 23.78 25.335 22.8
the effectiveness and strength of glass powder
C. Split tensile strength of concrete
3. Methodology From the table 6, 7, 8 shows that the strength can be gain at
1. Material collection the percentage of glass powder as a partial replacement of
2. Material Study cement at 7, 14 and 28 days. It can be seen that a reduction of
3. Curing of Specimen strength at the 20% replacement.
4. Casting of Specimen
Table 6
5. Testing of Specimen Split tensile test on Cylinder for 7 days
6. Result MIX RATIO Split Tensile Strength in N/mm2 14Days
7. Conclusion CC Various % of Glass powder
0% 10% 20% 30%
M25 1.78 1.765 1.84 1.62
4. Experimental Work
The waste glass powder can be collected from various places Table 7
like industries and construction areas. These glass powder can Split tensile test on Cylinder for 14 days
be used has a partial replacement of cement. It can be obtained MIX RATIO Split Tensile Strength in N/mm2 14Days
CC Various % of Glass powder
from various rates such as 10%, 20% and 30%. Different types 0% 10% 20% 30%
of laboratory test can be conducted to determine the fineness M25 2.45 2.12 2.7 1.695
test, specific gravity test, consistency test and also the initial
and final setting time of cement. By the way of these result the Table 8
mix design to be calculated and utilizing the glass powder as a Split tensile test on Cylinder for 28 days
MIX RATIO Split Tensile Strength in N/mm2 28Days
partial replacement of replacement of cement. Now with the
CC Various % of Glass powder
mixing of glass powder 18 cubes, 18 cylinders, 18 prism of 2 0% 10% 20% 30%
specimens for each combination. It can be casted for the room M25 3.06 2.54 3.11 2.26
temperature. At the end of the curing period, each of the
D. Flexural strength of concrete
specimens can be tested for compressive test, flexural strength
and tensile strength and the average can be recorded. From the table 9, 10, 11 shows that the strength can be gain
at the percentage of glass powder as a partial replacement of
5. Testing Result cement at 7, 14 and 28 days. It can be seen that a reduction of
strength at the 20% replacement.
A. Percentage of Glass Powder
1ST RATIO -10% replacement of cement Table 9
2ND RATIO -20% replacement of cement Flexural test on beam for 7 days
MIX RATIO Flexural Strength in N/mm2 7 Days
3RD RATIO -30%replacement of cement CC Various % of Glass powder
0% 10% 20% 30%
B. Compressive Strength of Concrete
M25 5.4 4.25 4.5 3.15
From the table 3, 4, 5 shows that the strength can be gain at
the percentage of glass powder as a partial replacement of Table 10
cement at 7, 14 and 28 days. Flexural test on beam for 14 days
MIX RATIO Flexural Strength in N/mm2 14 Days
CC Various % of Glass powder
0% 10% 20% 30%
M25 6.4 4.75 5.5 4
K. Chandru et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 4, NO. 5, MAY 2021 46

Table 11
Flexural test on beam for 28 days
MIX RATIO Flexural Strength in N/mm2 28 Days
CC Various % of Glass powder
0% 10% 20% 30%
M25 6.8 5.25 7.25 4.25

6. Conclusion
By using the glass powder as a partial replacement of cement
in concrete will reduce the greenhouse effect produced in the
cement manufacturing industries. By using the glass powder, it
will increase the Compressive Strength, Flexural Strength, Split
Tensile strength of concrete. The strength can be increased at
20%. When compared to the conventional concrete glass
powder can increase the strength of concrete.

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