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MODULE 1: Language of Research


Week 1
The Language Of Research


Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of your answer. Write the
letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It is a form of academic writing that shows a systematic way of investigating.
A. assessment B. evaluation C. interrogation D. research
2. It is the use of plausible or scientifically acceptable general principles or
body of principles offered to explain phenomena.
A. assumption B. hypothesis C. theory D. variable
3. It is a specific statement describing the expected relationship between the
independent and dependent variables.
A. assumption B. hypothesis C. theory D. variable
4. It is a statement accepted as true with little supporting evidence.
A. assumption B. hypothesis C. theory D. variable
5. It is a variable that requires other factors to cause or influence change.
A. dependent B. independent C. invalid D. valid
6. It is a variable that refers to the influential or the predictor factor.
A. dependent B. independent C. invalid D. valid
7. It generally involves speaking and acting with the intention of affecting
or changing specific policies or ideas.
A. advertisement B. advocacy C. campaign D. research
8. It is an organized course of action to achieve a goal.
A. advertisement B. advocacy C. campaign D. research
9. It is a type of advocacy that uses media as the primary means to promote specific cause.
A. budget B. federal C. mass D. media
10. It is a type of advocacy that affects an organized and orchestrated large group.
A. budget B. federal C. mass D. media
11. It is a type of advocacy that is all about the transparency in how all levels of the
government spend their budget, usually to ensure that voters can see how money
is divided between certain groups of people in need.
A. budget B. federal C. mass D. media
12. It is a type of advocacy that targets the state legislators to push for certain changes.
A. budget B. federal C. mass D. media
13. It is a type of advocacy that refers to professionals in the field who work more
methodically and academically in presenting their ideas to policy makers.
A. bureaucratic B. express an issue C. health D. self advocacy
14. It is a type of advocacy which refers to motions taken by individuals to support
their own rights in the workplace , school, etc.
A. bureaucratic B. express an issue C. health D. self advocacy
15. It is a type of advocacy that supports the rights of patients and improves
the community of people who care about patients
A. bureaucratic B. express an issue C. health D. self advocacy

Lesson Understanding the Language of
1 Research

What I Need To Know

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
● get information that observes the language of research, advocacy, and
campaign ;
● accomplish a social problem chart considering the qualities of the
research language; and
● exhibit the importance of appropriate language to be utilized in research

What’s In
Directions: Study the posters below and answer these questions:
1. What message does the posters convey?
2. Is the message relevant to you? Why or why not?
3. What do you think should be done to address the issue presented?
4. How important is research study?

Image 1 Image 2

What’s New
Directions: Read the news article carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, October 1)— The overlaying of sand with
crushed dolomite boulders along a portion of Manila Bay will not help solve the
environmental problems and issues hounding the area, according to the University of
the Philippines’ Marine Science Institute.

In a statement on Wednesday, the UP MSI warned that the use of the
controversial dolomite sand— a project in line with the bay’s rehabilitation program —
may pose possible health risks and threats to the marine environment.
The institute explained that dolomite sand grains are expected to erode, given
the conditions in coastal parts of Metro Manila during storm seasons. It said that even
with a presence of a breakwater, or an artificial structure built for protection from
waves, elevated seas and huge waves brought by weather disturbances can still
penetrate the baywalk.
―Sea levels that rise in our tropical seas yield the highest rates in the world,
about three to four times more than the global average of 3.3 mm/yr,‖ the UP MSI
―Beach nourishment projects are not one-shot deals, especially for continuously
eroding shorelines... Hence, continuously replacing the sand will be expensive and will
not contribute to improving water quality in the Bay,‖ the institute added, noting that
erosion threat and poor water quality are the two major problems Manila Bay is
currently facing.
Aside from the environmental impact, the UP MSI said that the finer particles of
dolomite can be ―problematic‖— with prolonged dust inhalation seen to cause chronic
health effects to the public. These risks include discomfort in the chest, shortness of
breath, and coughing.
The Health Department earlier said that the dolomite dumped along the stretch
in Roxas Boulevard cannot cause adverse health effects, since the product is not small
enough to be inhaled.
A recently-published report by the Environment Department also showed that
the dolomite sand in Manila Bay is not classified as hazardous, as tests done on its
samples did not exceed the limits set in the agency’s Revised Procedures and
Standards for the Management of Hazardous Wastes.
(2020, CNN Philippines)
Answer the questions briefly:
1. What is a dolomite?
2. What environmental problem is referred to in the news article?
3. What health hazards brought about by the use of dolomite as mentioned in
this article?
4. Should the government consider a research –based environmental projects?
5. How crucial is it to conduct a research before doing any plan of action?

Research is a systematic way of investigating. Oftentimes, it is noted to be a
difficult or challeging academic writing for students like you. The same is true with
those professionals who are also making their own research works. Nothing really
comes easy when you are writing a research. However, acquainting yourself with the
language of research will make you understand how research works.
Firstly, its nature is to investigate or discover something relevant. Basically, it
starts with asking a question. For example, What are the impacts of Learning Delivery

Modalities adapted by the school to Junior High School Grade 10 students’
Secondly, it gathers data or necessary information for the study through
conducting a survey, a case study, an interview, or a documentary.
Thirdly, it presents the data and information gathered using graphic organizers.
Fourthly, it analyzes the data and information gathered. Then, it assesses or
validates the results.
Lastly, it concludes and provides recommendations for those who would
continue or pursue a similar topic.


TONE  Inquiring or investigative STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM

(Manner of A research asks a question This research study
presenting) and seeks to find the investigates the impacts of New
answer. Normal Learning Distance
 Descriptive Modalities on Grade 10 Students’
It describes, explains and English Performance at Quiot
elaborates the problem. National High School S.Y. 2020-
 Concise 2021 to propose an improved
It explains things in a clear design of learning contingency
and direct to the point plan.
manner. This research study
further determines the following:
1.What is the respondents’
English Performance?
1.1 Print Modular Distance
1.2 Digital Modular Distance
1.3 Online Distance Modality

2. What is the impact of Learning

Distance Modalities on students’
performance as perceived by the
2.1 Print Modular Distance
2.2 Digital Modular Distance
2.3 Online Distance Modality

3. What suggestions or
recommendations will be
taken into consideration in

improving a designed learning
contingency plan?

WRITING  Academic Writing (Introduction Excerpt)

MECHANICS Research is a kind of Change is permanent and
(Basic academic writing. It uses inevitable. There is really a need
guidepost in the formal or standard to embrace this change. Most
writing a language. importantly, this is more vital
research)  Objective Writing when this change brings
It is based on data and improvement or progress. The
facts. recent pandemic that struck
It makes the researcher as everyone teaches a lesson on how
an observer in the way that to be resilient and adaptive to the
it uses the third person demands of the times, specifically
point of view. difficult times, like the time of
It is common to use the pandemic.
third person pronouns Most government around
such as, he, she, they, the world opted to have the
someone, one, somebody suspension or closure of the
etc. schools for the safety of the
 Persuasive Writing children brought by the
Researh is a kind of emergence and threat of the
persuasive writing and can Corona Virus Disease of 2019.
be in a form of This pandemic has brought a
argumentative essay or huge adjustment on how the
expository essay. schools should continually
deliver learning/instrucion
without the traditional face to
face interaction.


 Operationalized
(Terminologies 1. NEW NORMAL
used in the
Research basically uses
- This refers to the conduct of
research field) operational definitions.
classes using different learning
` Defintions are derived from
modalities like print, digital, and
how words are used in the
online classes.
field of study usually
different from ones
suggested by the
- is learning modality where
learners and facilitaros are
geographically far from each

 THEORY  Theory Differentiated Instructions
Research makes use of primarily by Dr. Howard Gardner
acceptable general for the discovery of multiple
principle to explain intelligences
 VARIABLE  New Normal Distance
 Variable Learning Modalities-
Variables show relationship Independent Variable
with other variables. There
are two types of variables  Grade 10 Junior High
Dependent Variable School Students’ English
-requires other factors to
Performance- Dependent
cause or influence change.
Independent Variable
-is the influential or the
predictor factor. New Normal Distance Learning
Modalities: Impacts to Grade 10
Junior High School Students’
English Performance

The New Normal Distance

 HYPOTHESES Learning Modalities have a
 Hypotheses significant impact to Grade 10
Hypotheses are educated Junior High School Students’
guesses about the English Performance.
relationship between

 ASSUMPTIONS Online Distance Learning

 Assumptions Modality is a better Learning
These educated guesses Delivery Mode compared to Print
that must be proven by Modular Distance Learning.
the research. An
assumption is a
statement accepted as
true with little supporting

What I Have Learned

Directions: Choose from among the word pool which best summarize your
understanding of the lesson. Explain briefly:__________________________

accuracy appropriateness credibility clarity honesty

What’s More

Activity 1 Social Issues Chart: Fill in the chart with the necessary information.


Ex. Manila Bay I find it alarming The polluted
Rehabilation that we should do Manila Bay was According to the
our share in caused by news Manila
taking care of my undisciplined
Bay is identified
shores. tourists throwing
their trash as a pollution
anywhere. hostspot.




Lesson Understanding Advocacies and

2 Campaigns

What I Need To Know

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
● differentiate an advocacy from a campaign;
● create a research-based campaign through an advocacy poster; and
● raise civic awareness and social responsibility through advocacies

What’s In
Directions: Study the illustration and answer these questions :

Image 3

1. What social issue is presented in the illustration?

2. What rights of a child have been violated?
3. What is your assumption on this problem?
4. What are your supporting statements to this assumption?
5. Is this happening to you or to anyone in your community?
Have you watched any TV program showing this kind of issue?

What’s New
Directions: Read the excerpt, Values Promoted by TV by Harry J. Skornia. Do the
activities that follow.
Values Promoted by T.V.
by Harry J. Skornia

On television, the mediocre and the great appear side by side. Singing
commercials are heard more than great music. Pressed by television, the other media
adopt this same approach. Starving children and cigarette models face each other in
color. The coexistence of the cheap, the vulgar, the violent, and the sacred, gives the
impression of almost complete valuelessness. The danger in this is the listener or
viewer himself who grows indifferent. As broadcasting does not discriminate between
options, the listener/ viewer also becomes indiscriminating.

If television can be said to have any values at all, it is those of the salesmen, big
businessmen, manufacturers, and showmen who control it --- mostly materialistic
values. And like those who control it, television shuns everything which does not fit in
with these values.

Televisions extols the spender. He is portrayed by the stars. He buys

everything. He knows that it is a duty to free enterprise to spend, rather than to save.
Unlike the networks, which use the same films year after year, he is told to throw
away the old and buy the new. Whether he needs a product or not, if he is not to be a
saboteur of our economic system, he must buy. This value is used as a lever in

various ways, affecting even the respect of son for mother or vice versa. If children do
not spend on mother on Mother’s Day, they obviously do not love her. Affection or
loyalty, like success, is measured in dollars.

The saboteur of our economy is the tightwad father who wants to use the old
car another year, or who objects to rapidity with which items are made obsolete. Since
it is believed that fathers most often exercise a restraining hand on spending,
television programs ridicule such fathers as much as possible and hero-worship the
woman, who spends more readily.

Based on the selection, match the words in column A with their synonymns in
column B.

Column A Column B

1. mediocre A. destroyer

2. extol B. gentle

3. vulgar C. laugh at

4. saboteur D. lousy

5. ridicule E. offensive

F. to praise

Answer the questions briefly:

1. What values have been promoted on TV as mentioned in the essay
2. How are these values shown on TV? Cite examples
mentioned in the essay?
3. What does the writer strongly believe about what TV can do?
4. Does the writer support these values promoted on TV? Explain.
5. Can TV be used to promote one’s advocacy? How?

Advocacy – is the act or process of supporting a cause or proposal. It comes from

what you think or believe is worthy for your support.

Advocacy generally involves speaking and acting with the intention of affecting or
changing specific policies or ideas. This may occur in any settings: governmental,
health, social, and legal among others.This change can be promoted thoughout
various social and government levels or applied --businesses and schools for example.

Some of the many types of advocacy to enact change include:

 Express an Issue- usually regarding a specific political campaign, letting the

public know that they should vote a certain way
 Budget Advocacy- all about transparency in how all levels of the government
spend their budget, usually to ensure that voters can see how money is divided
between certain groups of people in need
 Federal Advocacy- targeting the state legislators to push for certan change

 Bureaucratic or Professional Advocacy- Professionals in the field who work
more methodically and academically in presenting their ideas to policy makers
 Mass Advocacy-organized and orchestrated through large groups(i.e. polls,
 Media Advocacy-using media as the primary means to promotes a specific
 Health Advocacy- supporting the rights of patients and improving the
community of people who care about patients
 Self-advocacy- motions taken by individuals to support their own rights in
the workplace , school, etc.

Campaign- an organized course of action to achieve a goal. It can also be likened to

promoting or endorsing a certain belief or advocacy.

Advocacy and campaign are never the same; however, they are closely related to each
other. Advocacy can be compared to a goal and campaign is the manner you are
going to achieve the goal. Their language may share a few commonalities:

 Both are persuasive in nature.

 They are based on facts to establish credibility.
 They use appealing or emotive words.
 They foster change or improvement.
 Both formal and informal language may be applied (depending on the
audience or the subject).

What I Have Learned

Directions: Complete the sentences below.
 An advocacy is _____________________________________________________
 A campaign is ______________________________________________________
 An example of an advocacy is _______________________________________
 An example of a campaign is ________________________________________

What’s More
Directions: Read the passages below and provide what is asked for in the blanks.

1. Nelson Mandela – is one of the most recognizable human rights symbols of

the twentieth century. He is a man whose dedication to the liberties of his people
inspires human rights advocates throughout the world. He worked very hard to
abolish the apartheid policy in South Africa. He was the first black South
African President from 1994-1999.

Advocacy : __________________________________________________________________

Type of Advocacy: __________________________________________________________

Campaign: __________________________________________________________________

2. Anne Curtis – an advocate of UNICEF. She launched the ―Heroes for Children
Run‖ in 2015 to help fund UNICEF’s 1,000 days of Life Campaign that
benefits children and promotes health and nutrition during their 1,000 days on

Advocacy : __________________________________________________________________

Type of Advocacy: __________________________________________________________

Campaign: __________________________________________________________________

3. Angel Locsin – supports Philippine Red Cross and Gabriela. She is active in
providing relief goods in any relief operation every time there is a calamity like
typhoon, earthquake or flood, and other means of extending help to her fellows.
She supports the Gabriela for she believes that all women deserve a chance at
equality and freedom. Recently, her name is often mentioned on social media
and other media for being enthuasiastic in helping the needy affected by COVID

Advocacy : __________________________________________________________________

Type of Advocacy: __________________________________________________________

Campaign: __________________________________________________________________


What I Can Do


You were the president of a youth organization in your barangay. As a youth

organization president, you would feel that in this time of pandemic there would be a
need to rekindle the spirit and hope of your fellow youth in the advocacy you have
started. You were also limited to do outdoor activities as an organization because of
the prevailing restrictions of going outside the house. You would want to revitalize the
advocacy through a campaign. Using your knowledge on the languge of research,
advocacies, and campaigns, make an advocacy campaign of your organization (a
balance of text and images, graphics, and or illustrations which can enhance the
content or message). It should be flexible that can be used both for print or electronic
(by using information platforms you are familiar with). Your advocacy campaign shall
be scored based on the given rubric below:
CONTENT - Relates to topic, detailed, and accurate 25 points

RESEARCH - Information from reputable sources 15 points

MEDIA - Backgrounds, illustrations, photographs, 10 points

diagrams, and/or animation


Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of your answer. Write the
letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. It is a type of advocacy that supports the rights of patients and improving

the community of people who care about patients.
A. bureaucratic B. express an issue C. health D. self advocacy
2. It its a type of advocacy refers to motions taken by individuals to support
their own rights in the workplace , school, etc.
A. bureaucratic B. express an issue C. health D. self advocacy
3. A type of advocacy that refers to professionals in the field who work more
methodically and academically in presenting their ideas to policy makers.
A. beareucratic B. express an issue C. health D. self advocacy
4. It is a type of advocacy that targets the state legislators to push for certan changes.
A. budget B. federal C. mass D. media
5. It is a type of advocacy that is all about the transparency in how all levels of the
government spend their budget, usually to ensure that voters can see how money is
divided between certain groups of people in need.
A. budget B. federal C. mass D. media
6. It is a type of advocacy that affects an organized and orchestrated large groups.
A. budget B. federal C. mass D. media
7. It is a type of advocacy that uses media as the primary means to promotes a specific
A. budget B. federal C. mass D. media
8. It is an academic writing that show a systematic way of investigating.
A. assessment B. evaluation C. interrogation D. research
9. It is the use of plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body
of principles offered to explain phenomena.
A. assumption B. hypothesis C. theory D. variable
10. It is a specific statement describing the expected relationship between the
independent and dependent variables.
A. assumption B. hypothesis C. theory D. variable
11. It is a type of advocacy that is all about the transparency in how all levels of the
government spend their budget, usually to ensure that voters can see how money
is divided between certain groups of people in need.
A. budget B. federal C. mass D. media
12. It is a statement accepted as true with little supporting evidence.
A. assumption B. hypothesis C. theory D. variable
13. A variable that requires other factors to cause or influence change.
A. dependent B. independent C. invalid D. valid
14. A variable that is considered to be the influential or the predictor factor.

A. dependent B. independent C. invalid D. valid
15. It generally involves speaking and acting with the intention of affecting
or changing specifi policies or ideas.
A. advertisement B. advocacy C. campaign D. research
Text Book
Liza R. Almonte et.al, Celebrating Diversity through World Literature
(Philippines: Rex Bookstore Inc., 2015).




Image 1: retrieved October 29,2020
https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/490610953158104510/ Save the Earth

Image 2: retrieved October 29, 2020

https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/1759287333306375/ Got More?

Image 3: November 3, 2020

Child labor


English – Grade 10
Quarter 2- Module 1: The Language of Research, Advocacies and Campaigns

Contextualizer: MARIANNE CHRISTY M. NOBE ,Teacher II, Don Vicente Rama

Memorial NHS

Evaluators: ROQUESA B. SABEJON PSDS, North District 7

ELEANOR D. GALLARDO, Assistant Principal, Quiot NHS

Editors: SHERYL D. COMEROS - Teacher III, Cebu City National
Science High School
MARY JANE J. GAMBA - MT 1, Ramon Duterte MNHS


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