Chapter 1 Chemistry

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Subject: hemistry | Chapter 1: Units and Measurements
Name of Students: Mark:
1. In which of the following arrangements the small steel ball using a screw gauge of least
given sequence is not strictly according to count 0.001 cm . The main scale reading is
the property indicated against it? 5 mm and zero of circular scale division
(a) HF < HCl < HBr < HI : increasing acidic coincides with 25 divisions above the
strength reference level. If screw gauge has a zero
(b) H2O < H2S < H2Se < H2Te : increasing pKa error of −0.004 cm, the correct diameter of
values the ball is
(c) J m−1 K −1(d) WmK ❑−1 (a) 0.521 cm(b) 0.525 cm
2. Identify the correct order of the size of the (c) 0.053 cm (d) 0.529 cm
following. 8. In an experiment, four quantities a , b , c and
(a) Ca 2+ ¿ K + ¿ Ar <Cl – < S 2 – d are measured with percentage error
(b) Ar< Ca2+¿ K +¿ Cl – < S 2 – 1 % , 2 % , 3 % and 4 % respectively. Quantity
(c) Ca 2+ ¿ Ar < K +¿ Cl – < S 2 – 3
a b
(d) Ca 2+ ¿ K + ¿ Ar < S 2 –< Cl – Pis calculated as follows P= . % error
3. The unit of permittivity of free space, ε 0, is in P is
(a) coulomb/newton-metre (a) 7 % (b) 4 %
(b) newton-metre❑2 /¿ coulomb ❑2 (c) 14 % (d) 10 %
(c) coulomb❑2 /¿ newton-metre 2 9. A student measures the distance traversed
(d) coulomb❑2 /¿ in free fall of a body, initially at rest, in a
4. A screw gauge has least count of 0.01 mm given time. He uses this data to estimate g,
and there are 50 divisions in its circular the acceleration due to gravity. If the
scale. The pitch of the screw gauge is maximum percentage errors in
(a) 0.01 mm(b) 0.25 mm measurement of the distance and the time
(c) 0.5 mm (d) 1.0 mm are e 1 and e 2 respectively, the percentage
5. In an experiment, the percentage of error error in the estimation of g is
occurred in the measurement of physical
(a) e 2−e 1(b) e 1+ 2 e2
quantities A , B ,C and D are 1 % , 2 % , 3 %
and 4 % respectively. Then the maximum (c) e 1+ e 2(d) e 1−2 e 2
percentage of error in the measurement X , 10. If the error in the measurement of radius of
2 1/ 2 a sphere is 2 %, then the error in the
where X = 1 /3 3
, will be determination of volume of the sphere will
C D be
(a) 10 % (b) (3 /13) % (a) 8 % (b) 2 %
(c) 16 % (d) −10 % (c) 4 %(d) 6 %
6. The main scale of a verniercallipers has n 11. The density of a cube is measured by
divisions/cm. n divisions of the vernier scale measuring its mass and length of its sides. If
coincide with (n−1) divisions of main scale. the maximum error in the measurement of
The least count of the verniercallipersis mass and lengths are 3 % and 2 %
1 1 respectively, the maximum error in the
(a) cm(b) cm measurement of density would be
(n+1)(n−1) n
(a) 12 %(b) 14 %
1 1
(c) 2 cm (d) cm (c) 7 % (d) 9 %
n n(n+1) 12. Taking into account of the significant
7. A student measured the diameter of a figures, what is the value of

Helpline Numbers: 9037163360 | 8589010005

9.99 m−0.0099 m ? 23. Planck's constant (h), speed of light in
(a) 9.9801 m(b) 9.98 m vacuum (c) and Newton's gravitational
(c) 9.980 m (d) 9.9 m constant (G) are three fundamental
15. Dimensions of stress are constants. Which of the following
(a) [ MLT −2 ](b) [ ML2 T −2 ] combinations of these has the dimension of
(c) [ ML0 T −2 ](d) [ ML−1 T −2 ] length?
16. The pair of quantities having same (a)
√ hG (b) √ hG
dimensions is c 3/ 2 c 5/ 2

√ √
(a) Impulse and Surface Tension hc (d) Gc
(b) Angular momentum and Work (c)
(c) Work and Torque
G h3/ 2
(d) Young's modulus and Energy 24. If dimensions of critical velocity v c of a
−1/ 2
17. The dimensions of ( μ0 ε 0 ) are liquid flowing through a tube are expressed
as [ η x ρ y r z ] where η , ρ and r are the
(a) [ L1/ 2 T −1 /2 ] (b) [ L−1 T ]
coefficient of viscosity of liquid, density of
(c) [ ¿−1 ](d) [ L1/ 2 T 1 /2 ] liquid and radius of the tube respectively,
1 2 then the values of x , y and z are given by
18. The dimension of ε 0 E , where ε 0 is
2 (a) −1 ,−1 ,−1 (b) 1 ,1 , 1
permittivity of free space and E is electric (c) 1 ,−1 ,−1 (d) −1 ,−1 , 1
field, is 25. If force (F), velocity (V ) and time (T ) are
(a) ML2 T −2(b) ML−1 T −2 taken as fundamental units, then the
(c) ML2 T −1(d) MLT ❑−1 dimensions of mass are
19. Dimensions of resistance in an electrical (a) [ FVT −1 ] (b) [ FVT −2 ]
circuit, in terms of dimension of mass M, of (c) [ FV −1 T −1 ] (d) [ FV −1 T ]
length L, of time T and of current I, would
(a) [ ML2 T −2 ](b) [ ML2 T −1 I −1 ]
(c) [ ML2 T −3 I −2 ] (d) [ ML2 T −3 I −1 ]
20. The ratio of the dimensions of Planck's
constant and that of moment of inertia is
the dimensions of
(a) time(b) frequency
(c) angular momentum (d) velocity
21. The dimensions of universal gravitational
constant are
(a) [ M −1 L3 T −2 ](b) [ ML2 T −1 ]
22. A physical quantity of the dimensions of
length that can be formed out of c ,G and
is [ c is velocity of light, G is the
4 π ε0
universal constant of gravitation and e is

[ ] [ ]
2 1/ 2 2 1/ 2
2e 1 e
(a) c G (b) 2
4 π ε0 c G 4 π ε0

[ ]
2 2 1/ 2
e 1 1 e
(c) ❑ G c (d) 2 G
4 π ε0 c 4 π ε0

Helpline Numbers: 9037163360 | 8589010005

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