Compact First 3rd Edition Teacher Book - Copy-22

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Answers phrases and compare them with questions rather than

1 initiative 2 renovated 3 sustainable 4 in collaboration just focusing on individual words.

(with) 5 asset 6 flattered 7 lose sight of 8 adamant
9 tangible Play the recording and encourage students to discuss
their answers with a partner before listening for a
6 Hold a class discussion to answer the questions. second time. Check answers as a class. If possible, elicit
Encourage students to give reasons for their ideas and explanations for the answers chosen.
Suggested answers
FURTHER PRACTICE B technical: equipment, camera, power, etc.; prevented:
stopped, ended, allow, let, etc.
If time allows, students could research some of the C travelling: bus, drive, train, etc.; longer: delay, late,
negative aspects of voluntourism and then hold a debate schedule, etc.
to discuss the pros and cons of this type of volunteering. D difficult: hard, so many, so long, etc.; permission: permit,
pass, allow, forbid, etc.
E dangerous: risk, safe, etc.; certain: particular, other,
Listening different, etc.
F too crowded: full, packed, empty, people, etc. good: bad,
clear, quality, etc.
STARTER G wrong: right, mistake, only, etc.; time of year: season,
Ask students to tell the class about the most impressive month, summer, etc.
places they have visited or seen on TV. Encourage them to H temperature: heat, hot, cold, freezing, etc.; unexpectedly:
think about natural landscapes or scenery. Note any new surprise, normal, etc.; extreme: high, low, excessive, etc.
Exam task answers
vocabulary on the board. 1 D 2 B 3 G 4 E 5 C not needed: A, F, H
1 Focus attention on the photos and ask if anyone
recognises the places shown. Read the instructions and FURTHER PRACTICE
match the names to the photos as a class. Students work Put students into small groups and ask them to research
in pairs to discuss the other questions before reporting one of the places in the photos or one of the other places
their ideas back to the class. mentioned in the initial class discussion or in answer to
question 4 in Exercise 1. They could then give a short
Answers presentation about it to the class. Encourage them to use
1 Victoria Falls 2 Manarola 3 The Uxmal Pyramid 4 Harbin
5 The Wave rock formation
the useful vocabulary on the board and to use dictionaries
to look up other words, if necessary.
Part 3
Recording script
2 03 Check whether students are familiar with the You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about their
visits to famous locations to take photos. For questions 1–5, choose
format of Listening Part 3. If necessary, ask questions to
from the list A–H the difficulty each speaker had getting the photos they
elicit details. For example, How many recordings do you wanted. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you
hear? (5), How many people are speaking in each recording? do not need to use.
(1), What do they have in common? (They are all talking Speaker One
about the same topic.), How many questions are there? I was walking through the desert to photograph The Wave, an
(the same question for all speakers with eight answer amazingly beautiful rock formation in Arizona USA. After having
options to choose from), How many times do you hear the so many online applications to visit it turned down, at last I had my
pass. Fortunately, I’d been given a date well before the extreme
recording? (twice). heat of summer, although soft sand and the real risk of getting lost
somewhere with no mobile phone coverage meant there were still
Go over the Quick steps with the class, using the exam
dangers. But I arrived without incident or delay; with just 20 visitors
task to illustrate each point. Referring back to the idea a day allowed there it was hardly crowded and the rock formations
of key words in the answer options, read answer option were breathtaking. I spent hours taking photos, including a great
A with the class. Point out that identifying key words one of The Wave when the sun hit it without any shadows.
helps them understand what to focus on when listening, Speaker Two
and thinking about synonyms and antonyms of these In January we reached the Chinese city of Harbin, famous for its
may help them predict the words used in the recording. spectacular snow sculptures and a colourful city made entirely of
ice. Obtaining visas had been straightforward, and the eight-hour
Students work through the task in pairs before checking train journey from Beijing seemed brief in comparison to what it
ideas as a class. would’ve taken in earlier times. A temperature of minus 25 degrees
came as no surprise, but its effect on my camera did. The battery
Go over the Exam tips box and point out that it quickly lost power and it automatically shut down, ending my
is important for students to listen for detailed day’s photography session. All the buses and eating places were
understanding rather than just individual words, which busy, but it’s such a huge area it was usually possible to get clear
pictures, unlike – I’m told – at Chinese New Year, when everywhere
may be used as distraction in some recordings. It’s
is crowded.
important to check carefully for the meaning of whole


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