Easter Bunny

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Why the Easter

Bunny Brings

Why the
Easter Bunny
Brings Eggs

Once upon a time, there

was a King who had a very
powerful magician at his
court. One day, the magi-
cian gave the King a hen
that laid beautiful eggs for
a present.
The king liked the eggs but G ALLERY 1.1

he was greedy and he told

his magician that he would
like the hen better, if she
could lay eggs of gold. So,
the Magician worked an-
other magic spell and sure
enough the hen started lay- King

ing eggs of gold.

The king was delighted. He be-
came very rich and the envy of G ALLERY 1.2

the other kings. He kept his

special hen in a golden cage
next to his thrown. He knew
that someday, someone would
try to steal his hen, so when-
ever visitors came, he would
have his magician come and
hide the special hen and sub- Substitute hen
stitute an ordinary hen in the

Sure enough, one day G ALLERY 1.3 Golden cage
someone ran off with the
hen in the golden cage.
The king was glad he had
had his magician switch
the hens. He sent word
for the magician to bring
back his hen.

But the next day, when the king G ALLERY 1.4 Rabbit
looked in his golden cage all he
found was a white rabbit.
“What’s this!” said the King.
“Little rabbit, how did you get
in here? The King opened the
cage and had his footman take
the rabbit back out to the
woods where he belonged.
Then he called for his

“Where is my magic
G ALLERY 1.5 Magician
hen?”, asked the King. I
told you to bring her
back. “I did bring her
back,” said the
magician. “I put her in
the cage”, I just didn’t
have time to change her
back into a hen.”

They never did find the
little white rabbit, but
from that day forward,
children found colorful
eggs hidden all over the
kingdom. And some say,
that every once in a while
someone found a golden


Question 3 of 4
Why did the king want golden eggs?

A. The king likes the golden color.

B. Gold is expensive.

C. Gold eggs are hard to find.

D. The magician created magic

golden eggs.

Check Answer

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