0417 Information and Communication Technology: MARK SCHEME For The March 2016 Series
0417 Information and Communication Technology: MARK SCHEME For The March 2016 Series
0417 Information and Communication Technology: MARK SCHEME For The March 2016 Series
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.
Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the March 2016 series for most Cambridge IGCSE®
and Cambridge International A and AS Level components.
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The network software in the original computer determines that the destination computer is on a
different network...
...using IP addresses
Data is sent to the switch/hub and then passed to router
the router then passes it to the router of the other network
that router passes it to the switch/hub…
…to the destination computer
The computer sends the data to the bridge via the hub/switch…
...using MAC addresses
if the protocol/MAC address is same, bridge passes data to the other network
Bridge passes it to the switch/hub…
…to destination computer with correct MAC address [4]
Passport number
Date of birth
Place of birth
Issue date
Expiry date
Facial characteristics/photograph/fingerprint/retina scan
Biometric measurements (face)
Place of issue [3]
More secure than a traditional passport as biometric measurement data difficult to forge
Counterfeits can be more easily identified than non-RFID passports
More rapid flow at security check points/quicker than reading it manually [2]
1 mark for B1
1 mark for correct absolute referencing B$1 or $B$1
1 mark for *D4 or D4*
Minus 1 mark per incorrect or added operator [3]
Computer might be infected with spyware detecting key presses which slows down data transfer
speeds over the internet
Computer might be infected with viruses taking up memory and limiting bandwidth.
If the computer’s memory is close to full, data transfer speed over the internet can slow down
The search might be too general giving irrelevant information as well as relevant information
Search providers add targeted marketing adverts from companies to the search results/ your
search results are gathered to target further marketing/advertising [4]
.rtf is rich text (format) for a rich text file that is readable by most word processing software
(1 mark)
When you want to apply different formatting in the same page without disrupting the formatting of
the whole page.
When you want to use columns in a page, and have different amounts of columns on the same
When you want to use a heading across the whole page but the text below is in several columns.
When you don't want headers on pages with a title, but you do want them on other pages.
If you didn't have them, each page would have the same header.
To enable page orientation to change between 2 pages. [4]
Level 0 (0 marks)
Response with no valid content [8]
The introduction of chip and PIN coincided with wireless data communications technology
becoming inexpensive and widespread
Wireless PIN pads were introduced that could be brought to the customer and used without the
card ever being out of sight
However, this would have been possible, had the technology been available, with magnetic stripe
Chip and PIN and wireless together reduce the risk of cloning of cards by brief swiping.