Grade 5 DLL SCIENCE 5 Q3 Week 3

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(WEEK 4) Quarter III
Teaching Dates and Time

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

I. OBJECTIVES After investigating, learners will decide whether materials are safe and useful based on their properties. They will also infer that new materials may form
when there are changes in properties. Learners will develop healthful and hygienic practices related to the reproductive system after describing changes that
accompany puberty. They will compare different modes of reproduction among plant and animal groups and conduct an investigation on pollination. They will
also make decisions about the preservation of estuaries and intertidal zones. Learners will recognize that different materials react differently with heat, light,
and sound. They will relate these abilities of materials to their specific uses. Learners will describe the changes that earth materials undergo. They will learn
about the effects of typhoons and make emergency plans with their families in preparation for typhoons. They will also observe patterns in the natural events
by observing the appearance of the Moon

A. Content Standards The learners… The learners… The learners… The learners… CATCH-UP FRIDAY

demonstrate understanding of a demonstrate understanding of a simple DC demonstrate demonstrate

simple DC circuit and the circuit and the relationship between understanding of a simple understanding of a
relationship between electricity and electricity and magnetism in DC circuit and the simple DC circuit and
magnetism in electromagnets electromagnets relationship between the relationship
electricity and magnetism between electricity
in electromagnets and magnetism in

B. Performance Standards The learners… The learners… The learners… The learners…

propose an unusual tool or device propose an unusual tool or device using propose an unusual tool or propose an unusual
using electromagnet that is useful electromagnet that is useful for home, device using tool or device using
for home, school or community school or community electromagnet that is electromagnet that
useful for home, school or is useful for home,
community school or community

C. Learning Competencies/Objectives The learners… The learners… The learners… The learners…
Write the LC code for each
propose an unusual tool or device propose an unusual tool or device using propose an unusual tool or propose an unusual
using electromagnet that is useful electromagnet that is useful for home, device using tool or device using
for home, school or community school or community electromagnet that is electromagnet that
useful for home, school or is useful for home,
community school or community

Electricity and Magnetism Electricity and Magnetism Electricity and Magnetism Electricity and
Circuits Circuits Circuits Magnetism
Electromagnets Electromagnets Electromagnets Circuits
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages Breaking Through Science 5 ,C&E Breaking Through Science 5 ,C&E Breaking Through Science Breaking Through
Publishing, Inc.p.90-101 T.M. Publishing, Inc.p.90-101 T.M. 5 ,C&E Publishing, Science 5 ,C&E
Science for Daily Use 4, Revised Science for Daily Use 4, Revised Edition Inc.p.90-101 T.M. Publishing, Inc.p.90-
Edition 2011 p. 146-160 2011 p. 146-160 Science for Daily Use 4, 101 T.M.
Revised Edition 2011 p. Science for Daily Use
146-160 4, Revised Edition
2011 p. 146-160

4. Additional Materials from

Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Show the difference of an Area Show the difference of an Area from a Play a game of charade. Play a game of
presenting the new lesson from a Volume by showing a the Volume by showing a the Area of a bond Divide the class into 3 charade. Divide the
Area of a bond paper and a volume paper and a volume of a box by filling it groups class into 3 groups
of a box by filling it with small with small boxes. Pick a card, then act the Pick a card, then act
boxes. word in class. The group the word in class.
Show a thermometer and demonstrate that answers as many The group that
Show a thermometer and the its use. correct answer wins. answers as many
demonstrate the its use. (words: jump, cook, cut correct answer wins.
the grass, clean the (words: jump, cook,
car) cut the grass, clean
the car)

B. Establishing a purpose for the Use appropriate measuring tools Use appropriate measuring tools and Describe the motion of an Describe the motion
lesson and correct standard units correct standard units object by tracing and of an object by
measuring its change in tracing and
position (distance measuring its change
travelled) over a period of in position (distance
time travelled) over a
period of time

C. Presenting examples/instances of Show different objects such as a Show different objects such as a book, Activity 1 Change my Activity 1 Change my
the new lesson book, water, and a stone. Ask water, and a stone. Ask pupils how can position position
pupils how can the volume of these the volume of these materials be 1. Group pupils into 6 1. Group pupils into
materials be measured? measured? groups. 6 groups.
2. Each group will be given 2. Each group will be
Call a pupil and help her Call a pupil and help her demonstrate a pebble. given a pebble.
demonstrate how to measure the how to measure the volume of a regular 3. Think of ways on how to 3. Think of ways on
volume of a regular shaped solid by shaped solid by the formula V= l x w x h. change the position of the how to change the
the formula V= l x w x h. pebble using force. position of the
Call a pupil and help him demonstrate
Call a pupil and help him how to measure the volume of a liquid by 4. List your observation in pebble using force.
demonstrate how to measure the the use of a graduated cylinder. the table below. 4. List your
volume of a liquid by the use of a observation in the
graduated cylinder. Call another pupil and help her table below.
demonstrate how to measure the volume
Call another pupil and help her of an irregular shaped solid.
demonstrate how to measure the
volume of an irregular shaped Call another pupil to demonstrate how to
solid. measure the volume of gas.

Call another pupil to demonstrate Call a pupil to read the measure of the
how to measure the volume of gas. temperature in the thermometer. Divide
the pupils in groups with 5 members each.
Call a pupil to read the measure of
the temperature in the Each group will measure the volume of a
thermometer. Divide the pupils in regular shaped solid, a liquid, an irregular
groups with 5 members each. shaped solid

Each group will measure the Ask the pupils to record the volume in the
volume of a regular shaped solid, a table.
liquid, an irregular shaped solid
Ask the pupils to record the volume
in the table.

D. Discussing new concepts and -ACTIVITY- ACTIVITY- -activity- -activity-

practicing new skills #1

E. Discussing new concepts and ACTIVITY- ACTIVITY- ACTIVITY- ACTIVITY-

practicing new skills #2


(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)

G. Finding practical applications of ACTIVITY- ACTIVITY- ACTIVITY- ACTIVITY-

concepts and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and Volume is a measure of the amount Volume is a measure of the amount of An object is An object is
abstractions about the lesson of space that a substance or an space that a substance or an object takes in motion when it is in motion when it is
object takes up. The basic SI unit for up. The basic SI unit for volume is the cubic continuously changing its continuously
volume is the cubic meter (m3), but meter (m3), but smaller volumes may be position relative to a changing its position
smaller volumes may be measured measured in cm3, and liquids may be reference point and as relative to a
in cm3, and liquids may be measured in liters (L) or milliliters (mL). observed by a person or reference point and
measured in liters (L) or milliliters How the volume of matter is measured detection device. In other as observed by a
(mL). How the volume of matter is depends on its state. words, motion is a study of person or detection
measured depends on its state. relative position, speed, device. In other
 The volume of a liquid is and acceleration. words, motion is a
 The volume of a measured with a
liquid is measured measuring container, The whole world is in study of relative
with a measuring such as a measuring cup motion. People walking, position, speed, and
container, such as or graduated cylinder. birds flying, leaves falling, acceleration.
a measuring cup or  The volume of a gas wheels turning – all of The whole world is in
graduated depends on the volume these actions involve motion. People
cylinder. of its movement. Movement walking, birds flying,
 The volume of a container: gases expand occurs when an object leaves falling, wheels
gas depends on to fill whatever space is changes place. Force – the turning – all of these
the volume of its available to them. act of a push or a pull – is actions involve
container: gases ex  The volume of a regularly needed to make movement.
pand to fill shaped solid can be something move. In Movement occurs
whatever space is calculated from its people and animals, the when an object
available to them. dimensions. For example, force is exerted by changes place. Force
 The volume of a the volume of a muscles; in inanimate – the act of a push or
regularly shaped rectangular solid is the objects, the force is a pull – is needed to
solid can be product of its length, produced by some outside make something
calculated from its width, and height. source. move. In people and
dimensions. For  The volume of an animals, the force is
example, the irregularly shaped solid exerted by muscles;
volume of a can be measured by the in inanimate objects,
rectangular solid is displacement method. the force is produced
the product of its by some outside
 Temperature is a degree
length, width, and source.
of hotness or coldness
height. the can be measured
 The volume of an using a thermometer. It's
irregularly shaped also a measure of how
solid can be fast the atoms and
measured by the molecules of a substance
displacement are moving. Temperature
method. is measured in degrees on
 Temperature is a the Fahrenheit, Celsius,
degree of hotness and Kelvin scales.
or coldness the Discuss how convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
can be measured then Fahrenheit to Celsius.
using a
thermometer. It's Convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit
also a measure of To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, multiply
how fast the the degree by 1.8 and add 32.
atoms and Example: Convert 25oC
molecules of a to oF.
substance are F = 1.8 (25) + 32 = 45 +
moving. 32 = 77oF
Temperature is Convert from
measured in Fahrenheit to
degrees on the Celsius
Fahrenheit, Use the formula below to
Celsius, and Kelvin convert each Fahrenheit degree into
scales. Celsius.
Discuss how convert Celsius to C = (F - 32) * (5/9)
Fahrenheit then Fahrenheit to Example: Convert 77oF
Celsius. to oC.
C = (77 - 32) * (5/9) =
Convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit 45 * 5/9 = 225/9 =25oC
To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit,
multiply the degree by 1.8 and add
Convert 25oC to oF.
F = 1.8 (25) + 32
= 45 + 32 = 77oF
t from
to Celsius
Use the formula below
to convert each Fahrenheit
degree into Celsius.
C = (F - 32) * (5/9)
Example: Convert
77oF to oC.
C = (77 - 32) *
(5/9) = 45 * 5/9 = 225/9

I. Evaluating learning Find the Volume of each of the Find the Volume of each of the following Describe the position of Describe the position
objects if the teacher is of objects if the
following rectangles rectangles
the point of reference. teacher is the point
1. 2 cm x 5 cm x 1 1. 2 cm x 5 cm x 1 cm 1. When the chalk was of reference.
cm 2. 8m x 2m x 2m thrown. 6. When the chalk
2. 8m x 2m x 2m 3. 1mm x 1mm x 10mm 2. When the ball was was thrown.
3. 1mm x 1mm x 4. 4cm x 2cm x 3cm rolled. 7. When the ball was
3. When the door was rolled.
10mm 5. 5m x 3m x 6m closed. 8. When the door
4. 4cm x 2cm x 4. When the ribbon was was closed.
3cm placed on the teachers 9. When the ribbon
5. 5m x 3m x 6m hair. was placed on the
5. When the chair was teachers hair.
pulled. 10. When the chair
was pulled.

J. Additional activities for Describe your location Describe your

application or remediation Find the volume of one of the Find the volume of one of the object in after following the location after
object in your home. your home. direction. following the
As you enter your house, direction.
walk 2 steps. Describe As you enter your
your point of location house, walk 2 steps.
inside your house by Describe your point
drawing.. of location inside
your house by

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional

activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which

my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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