Kharif Proceedings 2022 23

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For official Use Only






(ZONE – 3, 8, 9 and 10)

Date: 11th to 14th April, 2023


For official Use Only






(ZONE – 3, 8, 9 and 10)

Date: 11th to 14th April, 2023


Year of Publication : 2023

Pages : 214

Compiled and Edited by : Dr. B. D. Biradar

Director of Research, UAS, Dharwad

Dr. I. K. Kalappanavar
Associate Director of Research, UAS, Dharwad
Dr. K. N. Pawar
Chief Scientific Officer

Dr. S. G. Parameshwarappa
Deputy Director of Research

Dr. K. V. Basavakumar
Chief Scientific Officer

Dr. U. V. Mammigatti
Chief Scientific Officer

Typed by : Mr. Raghavendra Karur

Assistant (Highlly Skilled)

Smt. Kavya B Hosamath

Assistant (Skilled)

Publisher : Directorate of Research,

The Annual workshop of the Zonal Research and
Extension Advisory Council and Zonal Research and
Extension Formulation Committee (ZREAC & ZREFC) for
Northern Dry Zone, Northern Transition Zone, Hilly Zone
and Coastal Zone (Zone 3, 8, 9 & 10) for the year 2022-23
was held from 11th to 14th April, 2023 at Farmer’s
Knowledge Centre, UAS, Dharwad. The Scientists from
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad and officers
from the Department of Agriculture participated in the

An in depth discussion took place on the research

results generated during the previous year and also on the
technical programme to be implemented during Kharif
2023-24. Further, based on the results of research carried
out for more than two/three years, 22 new farm trials were
formulated and proposed for conducting in farmers field by
Agricultural Extension Education Units, Krishi Vignana
Kendra and state Department of Agriculture. Totally two new
Varieties were released. A total of 14 Technologies were
accepted for Modification to Package of Practice. A total of
122 new technical programmes were formulated and
accepted for the year 2023-24.

All the scientists of the University and Extension

Officers of the Departments are requested to implement the
approved technical programme as finalized in the Present

Director of Research
UAS, Dharwad


April 11-12 &13th , 2023
(9.00 to 9.30 am) Registration
(9.30 to 10.30 am) : Inaugural Session
Director of Research, UAS, Dharwad : Welcome, Action taken report and Overview
Address by : Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, UAS, Dharwad
Associate Director of Research, Zone : Weather and crop conditions of Zone 3, 8,9 & 10
Associate Director of Extension, Zone : Presentation of Field Problems and researchable
8&3 issues
Technical Session I Presentation of Research Results of concluded experiments& New farm
trial proposals
(10.30 am to 1.30 pm) Chairman : Dean (For.), CoF, Sirsi
Co-Chairman : Dean (Agri.), AC, Vijayapur
Rapporteurs :r. Dr. G. M. Hiremath, Dr. Vinuta Mukthamath
Presenters Seed Science & Technology, Crop Physiology,
(University Agril. Engineering, Horticulture & Animal Science,
HoD’s) Silviculture & Agro forestry, Forest Biology,
Natural Resource Management, Forest Products and
Technical Session II Presentation of Research Results of concluded experiments & New farm
trial proposals
(2.30 pm to 5.30 pm) Chairman : Dean (Agri.), AC, Dharwad
Co-Chairman : Dean (CCSc), UAS, Dharwad
Rapporteurs :r. Dr. K. P. Gundannavar & Dr. Basavaraj Jamakhandi
Presenters Genetics & Plant Breeding, Agronomy, Soil
(University Science, Environmental Science, Biotechnology,
HoD’s) Biochemistry, Agril. Entomology & Sericulture,
Plant Pathology and Agril. Microbiology
Technical Session III Presentation of Research Results of concluded experiments
(9.30 am to 1.30 pm) Chairman : Chief Librarian, UAS, Dharwad
Co-Chairman Dean (CCSc.), Dharwad
Rapporteurs Dr. Rohini Sugandhi & Dr. Anilkumar G. K.,
Presenters Agril. Economics, Agril. Business Management,
(University Agril. Extension, Agril. Statistics, Food Science &
HoD’s) Nutrition, Family Resource Management, Human
Development, Textile & Apparel Design, Home
Science Extension and Food Technology
Technical Session IV Presentation of Results of Farm Trials, Extension activities, FLD’s
and ORP’s
(2.30 pm to 5.30pm) Chairman : Director of Extension, UAS, Dharwad
Co-Chairman : JDA, Dharwad
Rapporteurs : Dr. M. S. Biradar & Dr. Geeta Goudar
Presenters JDA & DDH of Dharwad, Haveri, Belagavi,
Gadag, Vijayapura, Bagalkot and Uttar
Kannada districts, ADE,Dharwad and
Vijayapura, concerned scientists FLD and
Technical Session V Variety Release, modification to package of practices
(9.30 am to 1.30 pm) Chairman : Dean (PGS), UAS, Dharwad
Co-Chairman : Special Officer Seeds, UAS, Dharwad
Rapporteurs : Dr. J. R. Diwan & Dr. Gurupad Ballol
Presenters Concerned Scientists

Technical Session VI Finalization of Technical Programme for the year 2021-22

(2.30 pm to 6.00 pm) Chairman : Director of Research, UAS, Dharwad
Co-Chairman Dean(Student Welfare), UAS, Dharwad
Rapporteurs : Dr. Uday Reddy & Dr. R. Channakeshava
Presenters University HoDs of all Departments
14.04.2023 (Technical
Session VI Continued)
(11.00 am to 5.00 pm)
Technical Session VII Plenary Session (Presentation of Proceedings of Technical Sessions)
(6.00 pm to 7.00 pm) Chairman : Director of Education, UAS, Dharwad
Co-Chairman Director of Research,
UAS, Dharwad
Rapporteurs : Dr. Sunita Johri & Dr. Vanishree
Presenters Chairperson/Co-Chairperson of respective
7.00 to 7.15pm Vote of thanks : Associate Director of Research(HQ), UAS,

Sl. No. Topics Page No.

1. Inaugural Session 1-3
2. Technical Session –I
Presentation of Research Results of concluded experiments &
New farm trial proposals.
Genetics & Plant Breeding, Agronomy, Soil Science, 4-6
Environmental Science, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Agril.
Entomology & Sericulture, Plant Pathology and Agril.
3. Technical Session – II
Presentation of Research Results of concluded experiments &
New farm trial proposals.
Seed Science & Technology, Crop Physiology, Agril. 7-27
Engineering, Horticulture & Animal Science, Silviculture &
Agro forestry, Forest Biology, NRM and Forest Products and
4. Technical Session – III
Presentation of Research Results of concluded experiments.
Agril. Economics, Agril. Business Management, Agril.
Extension, Agril. Statistics, Food Science & Nutrition, Family 28-29
Resource Management, Human Development, Textile &
Apparel Design, Home Science Extension and Food
5. Technical Session – IV
Presentation of Results of Farm Trials, Extension activities,
FLD’s and ORP’s.
JDA & DDH of Dharwad, Haveri, Belagavi, Gadag,Vijayapur,
Bagalkot and Uttar Kannada districts, ADE,Dharwad and
Vijayapur, concerned scientist’s FLD’s and ORP’s
6. Technical Session – V
Variety Release, modification to package of practices. 32-39
Concerned Scientist
7. Technical Session – VI
Finalization of Technical Programme for the year 2021-22. 40-55
University HoDs of all Departments
8. Technical Session – VII
Plenary Session (Presentation of Proceedings of Technical 56-59
9. Technical Programmes 60-207
Chairman : Dr. P. L. Patil, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, UAS, Dharwad
Rapporteurs : Dr. S. G. Parameshwarappa, Dy. Director of Research, UAS, Dharwad
Dr. K. V. Basavakumar, Chief Scientific Officer(Fish), UAS, Dharwad

 With the permission of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, UAS, Dharwad the Director of Research
Dr. B. D. Biradar initiated the proceedings and welcomed all the officers, scientists and line
department official for the Kharif ZREAC & ZREFC meeting of the year 2022-23.
 Dr. B. D. Biradar, Director of Research presented the seasonal condition, cropped area
under UAS Jurisdiction during Kharif 2022-23 and compared average yield of different
crops with Karnataka, India and world average and highlighted about the country with
highest productivity in different crops. He also highlighted the technologies developed,
seed production activities and fund mobilization from different sources during 2022-23.
The Director of Research also presented the major thrust areas of research especially use of
drones in agriculture, development of climate resilient varieties / technologies, speed
breeding, gene editing and with special emphasis of research on nano fertilizers. He also
emphasized some random issues regarding FYM/vermi compost application in all Farms
/Schemes experiements & testing trials. Finally he stressed upon in TRE activities & each
Scientists should have minimum of one course, one contact Farmer, one Adhoc project &
one income generating activity.
 Dr. A. S. Vastrad, Director of Extension briefed the house about krishimela activities,
Scientist visit to RSKs, certificate course on INM, DAESI training programme, skill
training for rural youth, SAMETI (North) activities, Natural Farming training and krishi
community radio station activities conducted during Kharif 2022-23.

Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Dr. P. L. Patil address the gathering of Kharif ZREAC & ZREFC
workshop and highlighted the following points to be implement during 2023-24.

 Enhance the productivity of all crops at least on par with national average yield through
adoption of new varieties / technologies developed in zone-3 and 8.
 Emphasized to mobilize funds from different sources by writing adhoc projects to
different funding agencies.
 Thrust areas of research must be addressed in the form of new technical programme
(Action: all HoDs)

 Use the laser leveler from ARS, Belawatagi, to level the fields and to provide good
drainage facility in all the Farms (Action : Head / FS of all ARS/Seed Farms)
 Cropping plan and seed production meeting must be fixed in consultation with the
Hon’ble Vice Chancellor (Action : DR/SOS)
 At least 50% area of each farm covered with recommended quantity of FYM/vermi
compost other organics every year. (Action All Heads/FS)
 No selling of crop residue /burning of excess fodder, if at all excess that can be used by
nearby research station. (Action : All Heads of Research Stations / Seed Farms)
 Timely sowing of crops as per the package henceforth and no post facto sanction for Farm
operations (Action : All Heads / FS of Farm)
 Mandated seed production of allotted varieties on different crops must be implemented
(Action : All Farm Superintendent of Seed Farms)
 Implementation of MLT’s is mandatory in each research / seed Farm & prime importance
like weed free & leveled land should be allotted (Action : Heads/FS of Farms)
 Research project on climate change by formulating integrated approaches may be written
& submitted. (Action : Director of Research)
 Multi disciplinary group must be constituted for developing multi disciplinary project
proposal for submission to different funding agency (Action : All AICRP Heads)
 Identification good farming practices and validation of the same in the research farm be
given importance (Action : Extension Scientist)
 Glory should be brought back as Dharwad model of seed production by increasing seed
production activities (Action: SoS)
 Commercialization of Technology /development of value added product should be given
special emphasis (Action: Director of Research)
 Incentives award for the scientist for commercialization of the technologies and proposal
should be moved during research council meeting in this regard (Action : Director of
Weather & Crop condition:
ADR (HQ) Dr. I. S. Kalappanavar (Zone 8, 9, 10) and ADR Vijayapur Dr. Shekharappa
(Zone-3) presented weather data of research stations coming under zone 8,9,10 & zone 3. Both
advocated all the Farm Superintendents to give more importance for generating higher farm

Field problems and researchable issues
 Associate Director Extension (zone 8, 9, 10) Dharwad Dr. S. A. Gaddanakeri and ADE
(zone - 3) Dr. R. B. Belli presented researchable issues and field problems observed during
Kharif 2022-23.
 Ajwan cultivation area in zone-3 is increasing where varieties from Rajsthan are being
cultivated for which new technical programme should be constituted by collecting varieties
(Lam-1, Ajmir-1 & 2) and data on many aspects must be generated for this crop. (Action :
Heads of KVK, Indi, Vijayapur, Bagalkot)
 Anthracnose incidence is rampant in chilli right from foliage stage to green pod stage and
urgent intervention is needed for this (Action : HoD, Plant Pathology)
 Hon’ble Vice Chancellor suggested to take up GI tags for Kumta onion, Savanur betelvine
and Kagzi lime (Action : Director of Extension, UAS, Dharwad)

At the end Assoc. Director of Research (HQ) Dr. I. K. Kalappanavar thanked Hon’ble
Vice Chancellor for his valuable suggestions and guidance. He also expressed heart felt gratitude
to all the speakers.

Presentation of Research Results of Concluded Experiments & New Farm Trials

Chairman : Dr. Vasudev R, Dean (For), COF, Sirsi

Co-Chairman : Dr. I.M. Sarawad, Dean (Agri), AC, Vijayapur
Rapporteurs : Dr. G. M. Hiremath Dr. Vinutha Muktamath

At the outset, Dr. B. D. Biradar, Director of Research, UAS, Dharwad welcomed the Chair, Co-
Chair and the scientists for the session. The University HODs of different departments presented
the concluded experiments and new farm trial proposals and the details are as follows.

 Dr.Ravindranath Hunje, University HOD, Seed Science & Technology reported that there
were no concluded projects in the present year.
 Dr. C. M. Navalgatii, University HOD, Crop Physiology presented concluded result of one
Research project.
1. Impact of osmo-protectants for enhancing productivity in Bt. Cotton under rainfed
condition, PI- Dr. K.N. Pawar
The three years results was presented and proposed the technology for farm trial. The house
suggested keeping the existing technology in Toto as check for better comparison. Hon’ble
Vice-Chancellor Dr. P.L. Patil said that it was already suggested in the previous workshop to
carry out the research as AICRP mandate work and not to bring this for ZREAC as the same
technology exists in POP. He also suggested Director of research, Chair and Co-chair to
check the proceedings of previous year technical programme before considering it for POP.
Director of Research asked the concerned scientist to bring all the three years data with
existing technology as check to Rabi ZREAC.
 Dr.Shirhatti, University HOD, Agril. Engineering said that there were no concluded projects
for the present year.
 Dr. S.G. Angadi, University HOD, Dept. of Horticulture presented the concluded results of
four projects.
1. Standardisation of cut seed tuber production technology in Potato, PI- Sunita Johari.
The results were accepted and the house suggested to continue it s AICRP programme since
the technology presented in the present research is already in the University’s package.
2. Validation of QUEFTS (Quantitative evaluation of the fertility of tropical crops) model
in Potato, PI- Dr. Shashidhar

The technology was proposed for farm trial and accepted by the house. The house
suggested taking two trials instead of one in different locations. Hon’ble Vice-chancellor
suggested taking up the trials in AEEC, Sankeshwar and AEEC, Belvatagi in addition to KVK
Mattigatti and KVK Dharwad.
3. Effect of micro-nutrients on onion seed crop, PI- Dr. S.M. Hiremath
The concluded results were presented and proposed for farm trial. The house suggested to
present the treatment in terms of active compound and not interms of commercial formulation
and was accepted for farm trial. Also, Hon’ble Vice-chancellor and Director of research
suggested to extend the same project from seed production to bulb production.
4. Weed management studies in onion seed crop, PI-Dr. S.M. Hiremath
The house was of the opinion that Oxyflurofen is already recommended in the present POP
and the same holds good for seed production also. Hence no need to add for POP. However,
seed emergence tests can be conducted and the results can be submitted for further
confirmation. Hence the farm trial has been deferred due to lack of data on effect of
application of Oxyflurofen on seed emergence.
 Dr. Bhagirathi Pugashetti, University HOD, Dept. of Animal Science presented concluded
results of three projects.
1. Dietary supplementation of azolla, lucern & moringa leaves as a source of carotenoid to
poultry diet for enhancing egg quality, PI-Dr. Jayashree Pattar
The results were presented and proposed for POP. Dr. C.R. Patil said that azolla enhances
decomposition if it is used as additives as it is rich in nitrogen. Also there is chance of E.Coli
entering into food chain as it is grown in dung or other media. So, there is a need to conduct
microbial studies and the house endorsed the same. Hon’ble Vice-chancellor, Director of
research and Chairman suggested to take up trials in KVK Vijayapura, KVK Bagalkot and
KVK Hanumanmatti and conduct microbial studies as suggested.
2. Livelihood enhancement of rural women through low-cost hatchery unit, PI- Dr.
Sangeeta Jadhav-Concluded results were presented for the information of the house.
3. Evaluation of combined azolla and chaya leaf meal (CLM) as ingredients in goat feed: Its
effect on performance of Osmanabadi goats. PI – Dr. Santosh Shinde
The house suggested to continue this trial for one more year and also study the nutrient profile
of the azolla and chaya leaf meal so that it can be proposed for POP.
 Dr.Raju Chavan, University HOD, Silviculture and Agroforestry presented concluded result
of one project.
1. Sapota-Timber species based Agro-forestry system- The Chair and house suggested to
work out cost-benefit ratio for different time periods of 15 years and 20 years as forest species

require long duration to harvest and assess their profitability. Hence, it was asked to work out
the economics Sapota based cropping systems for different time scenarios and bring it in the
 Dr.Suryanarayan V, University HOD, Silviculture and Agroforestry presented concluded
results of two SRP projects.
1.Documentation,characterisation and in vivo management of diseases of Veteria Indica –
PI, Dr. SuryanarayanV – The house suggested to further carry out characterisation process
using standard procedures.
The PI requested Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor and Director of Research that there are many
technologies from the scientists of forestry discipline but they do not find space in package of
practice as official document. So, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor suggested to bring a separate
package of practice for forestry and also the house suggested to add the same technologies in
Agro- forestry section of university POP. Dr, Vasudev, Dean (For) and the chairperson of the
session said that they will come out with a proposal by next kharif. The house also suggested
to publish these technologies in the form of leaflets as via media under the aegis of University
of Agricultural Sciences while disseminating the technology.
 Dept. of Natural Resource Management-No Concluded projects
 Dept. of Forest Product Utilisation- No concluded Projects
Finally, Dr, Vasudev, Dean (For) and the chairperson of the session summed up the
sessions deliberations and said that the two horticultural proposals were approved for farm trials
in this session. The session was concluded with vote of thanks by Dr. B.D. Biradar, Director of
Research, UAS, Dharwad.


Chairman : Dr. H. B. Babalad, Dean (Agri) AC, Dharwad

Co-chairman : Dr. V. S. Patil Dean Community Science, Dharwad.
Rapporteurs : Dr. K. P. Gundannavar and Dr. Basavaraj Jamakhandi

Presentation of Results of Farm Trials of Kharif 2022-23

Session started with welcome note by the Chairman and requested the Heads of
Departments to present the research results of concluded experiments and proposals of new farm
trial which were approved in the respective department annual technical meetings.

1. Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding: Dr. Sridevi, University, HOD, presented
concluded experiments and farm trial proposals

Farm trial 01:

NBS-316 tobacco was proposed by Dr. B Arunkumar for zone -8 which has low nicotine
content, good quality leaves with thin midrib and leaves are parrot green colour which was
preferred by farmers and traders. The NBS-316 variety has higher mean leaf yield compared to
the recently released check NBD 209. The variety is accepted for farm trial.

Farm trial 02:

DNS-10 Niger variety was proposed by Dr Laxmi C. Patil and Dr. Vanishree, for the zone -3
which got better yielding potential compared DNS-4 check variety. The variety is accepted for
farm trial. Further it has been discussed regarding coding of varieties/entries before conducting
trials for reaction against pest and diseases. House suggested that, all the seeds of multi location
trials (MLT) including susceptible/resistant checks needs to be submitted to the Director of
Research in order to allot MLT trials across the zones of UAS Dharwad. The entomologists and
pathologists will have to conduct separate experiments and screening right from advance varietal
screening trials.

Farm trial 03:

SRS-02 (IET 26351) rice variety was proposed by Dr. P. Surendra, for zone- 8. The farm trial
was proposed during Kharif 2021-22 ZREAC Since the proper data on disease and pest
incidence was missing, the house suggested to bring the proposal for next Kharif ZREAC
workshop along with relevant information. Hence, the proposal was re-presented along with
disease and pest reaction during present ZREAC (2022-23) meeting. The variety was accepted
for the farm trial.

Farm trial 04:

SRS-04 (IET 26398) rice variety was proposed by Dr. P. Surendra, for zone- 8. This is a bio-
fortified variety with higher protein content. Further, variety has got good yielding potential
compared to check varieties. The variety is accepted for farm trial.

Farm trial 05:

SRS-03 (IET 26380) rice variety was proposed by Dr. P. Surendra, for zone- 9. This is also a
bio-fortified variety with more than 9% higher protein content. Further, variety has got good
yielding potential compared to check varieties. The variety is accepted for farm trial.

Farm trial 06:
SRS-05 (IET 27128) rice variety was proposed by Dr. P. Surendra, for zone- 9. This is a medium
slender variety of rice. Further, variety has got good yielding potential compared to check
varieties. The variety is accepted for farm trial.

Further house suggested to record data pertaining to disease and pest by following standard
procedure for all the above farm trials.

2. Department of Entomology:

Dr. P.S. Hugar, Registrar and University Head, Department of Entomology, UAS, Dharwad
presented seven farm trial proposals.

Farm trial 01:

Management of pod borer complex in pigeonpea was proposed by Dr. S. S. Karabhantanal, for
zone-3. For management of pod borers different insecticides were evaluated for their efficacy in
ten treatments including control against pod borer complex. Among different treatments,
Chlorantraniliprole 9.30% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.60% ZC @ 0.40 ml /lit was found efficient
by recording less pod borer incidence and higher yield. The farm trial was accepted with the
following treatments

T1 : Chlorantraniliprole 9.30% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.60% ZC @ 0.40 ml /lit

T2 : Chlorfenpyr 24%SC @ 1 ml/l (Check)

House also suggested including the trade name of test chemicals

Farm trial 02:

Defoliator pest management in ground nut during kharif was proposed by Dr. Rohini Sugandi,
for zone-8. For management of defoliators different insecticides were evaluated for their efficacy
in seven treatments including control against defoliators. Among different treatments,
Flubendiamide 20 WG @ 0.5 g/l and Thiamethoxam 12.6 + Lambda cyhalothrin 9.50 ZC @
0.3ml/l were found equally effective against defoliators by recording less incidence of
defoliators and higher yield. The farm trial was accepted with the following treatments

T1 : Flubendiamide 20 WG @ 0.5 g/l

T2 : Thiamethoxam 12.6 + Lambda cyhalothrin 9.50 ZC @ 0.3ml/l
T3: Emamectin benzoate 5 SG @ 0.2 g/l (Check)

Farm trial 03:

Management of defoliators and pod borers in black gram was proposed by Dr. Channakeshava,
for zone-8. For management of defoliators and pod borers, different insecticides were evaluated
for their efficacy in seven treatments including control against defoliators and pod borers.
Among different treatments, Broflanilide 300 SC @ 0.08 ml/lt of water was found effective
against defoliators and pod borers by recording less incidence of defoliators and pod borers with
higher yield. The farm trial was accepted with the following treatments.

T1 : Broflanilide 300 SC @ 0.08 ml/lt of water

T2 : Quinalphos 25 EC @ 2 ml/lt of water (Check)

Farm trial 04:

Management of defoliators and pod borers in greengram was proposed by Dr. Subhas Kandakur
for zone-8. For management of defoliators and pod borers, different insecticides were evaluated
for their efficacy in seven treatments including control against defoliators and pod borers.
Among different treatments, Broflanilide 300 SC @ 0.08 ml/lt of water was found effective
against defoliators and pod borers by recording less incidence of defoliators and pod borers with
higher yield. The farm trial was accepted with the following treatments.

T1 : Broflanilide 300 SC @ 0.08 ml/lt of water

T2 : Quinalphos 25 EC @ 2 ml/lt of water (Check)

Farm trial 05:

Management of defoliators in soybean was proposed by Dr. Channakeshav, for zone-8. For
management of defoliators, different insecticides were evaluated for their efficacy in 11
treatments including control against defoliators. Among different treatments, Chlorantraniliprole
9.3% + Lambda cyhalothrin 4.6% ZC @ 0.4 ml/l of water was found effective against
defoliators by recording less incidence of defoliators with higher yield. The farm trial was
accepted with the following treatments.

T1 : Chlorantraniliprole 9.3% + Lambda cyhalothrin 4.6% ZC @ 0.4 ml/l of water

T2 : Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC @ 0.2 ml/l of water (Check)

Farm trial 06:

Management of Fall armyworm in Kharif sorhum was proposed by Dr. Shaila H. M. for zone-8.
For management of FAW, different insecticides, bio-agents as well as plant products were
evaluated for their efficacy in seven treatments including control against FAW. Among different
treatments, Metarhizium rileyi @ 2 g/lt was found effective against FAW by recording less
incidence of FAW with higher yield. Further, the same proposal was proposed by Dr. Rafee for
Zone -3. The farm trial was accepted with the following treatments for zone-3 and zone-8.

T1 : Metarhizium rileyi @ 2 g/lt

T2 : Neem Based Insecticide @ 3 ml/lt

Farm trial 07:

Management of pink bollworm in Bt cotton was proposed by Dr. Poornima Matti. for zone-8.
For management of pink bollworm, different insecticides were evaluated for their efficacy in 16
treatments including control against pink bollworm. Among different treatments, Profenofos
40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC @ 2 ml/l of water was found effective against pink bollworm by
recording less boll damage with higher yield. The farm trial was accepted with the following

T1 : Profenofos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC @ 2 ml/l

T2 : Spinetoram 11.70 SC @ 1 ml/lt

Further, Dr. P.S. Hugar, Registrar and University Head, Department of Entomology,
UAS, Dharwad presented the insecticides which are banned for their usage in different crops as
per Central Insecticide Board and Registration Committee (CIBRC), Faridabad and he proposed
to remove the below mentioned insecticides in respective crops from Package of Practices (POP)
– 2021 of UAS, Dharwad.

Sl. Page No. in
Crop Banned Insecticides in POP of UAS Dharwad
No. POP (2021)
1 Rice 28-32 Phorate 10 G, Monocrotophos 36 SL, Dicofol 18.5 EC,
Quinalphos 4G
2 Sorghum 47-50 Chlorpyriphos 20 EC (Seed treatment), Phorate 10 G, Carbaryl
4G, Lindane 1G, Quinalphos 1.5 D, Dicofol 18.5 EC,
Malathion 5 D, Carbaryl 10 D, Monocrotophos 36 SL (Poison
bait), Malathion 50 EC, Pharmothion 25 EC
3 Maize 57-58 Monocrotophos 36 SL (Poison bait), Carbaryl 50 WSP
4 Wheat 75-76 Aluminium phosphide
5 Finger millet 88 Methyl parathion 50 EC, Carbaryl 50 WP
6 Rajagiri 100 Carbaryl 50 WP
7 Redgram 105-107 Methomyl 40 SP, DDVP 76 EC
8 Bengalgram 118 Methyl parathion 50 EC, Carbaryl 50 WP, Methomyl 40 SP
9 Green gram 126 Methyl parathion 50 EC , Monocrotophos 36 SL ,
Carbaryl 50 WP
10 Black gram 130 Methyl parathion 50 EC, Monocrotophos 36 SL
11 Cowpea 134 Methyl parathion 50 EC, Monocrotophos 36 SL
12 Groundnut 143-144 Monocrotophos 36 SL, Monocrotophos 36 SL (Poison bait)
13 Soybean 161-162, Monocrotophos 36 SL, Oxydemeton methyl 25 EC,
164 Triazophos 40 EC
14 Safflower 170 Monocrotophos 36 SL, Quinalphos 1.5 D
15 Sunflower 177-178 Oxydemeton methyl 25 EC, Methyl parathion 2 D, Malathion
16 Castor 186-187 Methyl parathion 2 D, Monocrotophos 36 SL,
Methyl parathion 50 EC
17 Sesame 197 Methyl parathion 50 EC, Monocrotophos 36 SL
18 Cotton 214-221 Carbaryl 50 WP, Oxydemeton methyl 25 EC,
Triazophos 40 EC, Dicofol 18.5 EC, DDVP 76 EC,
Oxydemeton methyl 25 EC
19 Tobacco 244 Chlorpyriphos 20 EC, Methomyl 40 SP, Monocrotophos 36
SL, Carbaryl 50 WSP, Oxydemeton methyl 25 EC
20 Chilli 255-257 Phosphomidon 85 WSC, Menazon 70 DP, Methyl parathion 50
260-263 EC, Dicofol 18.5 EC, Thiodicarb 75 WSG, Carbaryl 50 WSP,
DDVP 76 EC, Tridemorph 50 EC
21 Onion 267 Phosphomidon 85 WSC, Oxydemeton methyl 25 EC
22 Chemical 307 Oxydemeton methyl, Stradon (OMPA), Diazinon,
combination Phosphomidon, Carbaryl, Dicofol, Monocrotophos, Tridemfan
23 Common name 309-310 Aluminium Phosphide 56% tablet, B.P.M.C. 50 EC,
and trade name Carbofenthion, Carbaryl 50 WP, Dichlorovos 100 EC,
of insecticides Diazinon 60 EC, Pharmothion 25 EC, Lindane 2.8 EC,
Malathion 5D, Menazon 70 DP, Methyl Parathion 50 EC,
Monocrotophos 36 SL, Oxydemeton Methyl 25 EC, Penthoate
50 EC, Phosphomedon 85 WP, Phorate 10G, Trichlorofon,
Dicofol 18.5 EC,
The house accepted to remove the above mentioned banned insecticides from POP –
2021 of UAS, Dharwad.

3. Department of Plant Pathology:
Dr. P.V. Patil, University Head of the Dept. of Plant Pathology, Dharwad presented one farm
trial proposals.

Farm trial 01:

Management of twister disease of onion was proposed by Dr. Shripad Kulkarni. for zone-3 and
8. For management of twister disease, different fungicides, bio-agents and micro-nutrients were
evaluated for their efficacy in seven treatments including control against twister disease. Among
different treatments, seed treatment with vitavax power @ 2 gm/kg seeds + Soil application of
Neem cake 100 kg/ac + Sulphur 4 kg/ac + Trichoderma harzianum 2 kg/ac + Pseudomonas
fluorescens 2 kg/ac + Micronutrient soil application + Zinc 4 kg/ac (along with vermicompost)
and Boron (20% solubore, 0.10% spray) + seedling dipping in Pseudomonas solution (10g/L) +
spray 13:0:45 @ 3g/L @ 45 days after transplanting + Spray Hexaconazole @1ml/L + Spinosad
@ 0.25 ml/L at 30 and 60 days after transplanting was found effective in reducing the incidence
of twister disease in onion. The farm trial was accepted with the following treatments.
T1 : seed treatment with vitavax power @ 2 gm/kg seeds + Soil application of Neem cake 100
kg/ac + Sulphur 4 kg/ac + Trichoderma harzianum 2 kg/ac + Pseudomonas fluorescens 2 kg/ac
+ Micronutrient soil application + Zinc 4 kg/ac (along with vermicompost) and Boron (20%
solubore, 0.10% spray) + seedling dipping in Pseudomonas solution (10g/L) + spray 13:0:45 @
3g/L @ 45 days after transplanting + Spray Hexaconazole @1ml/L + Spinosad @ 0.25 ml/L at
30 and 60 days after transplanting.

T2 : seed treatment with vitavax power @ 2 gm/kg seeds + Spray Hexaconazole @1ml/L +
Spinosad @ 0.25 ml/L at 30 and 60 days after transplanting

T3 : Farmers Practice.

4. Department of Agronomy:
Dr. S.S. Angadi, University Head of the Dept. of Agronomy, Dharwad presented seven farm trial

Farm Trial 01:

Soil moisture conservation through crop residues mulching to increase productivity in pearl
millet under rainfed condition was proposed by Dr. Sadana Babar. The different treatments
including polymers and crop residues mulch were evaluated for their efficacy for conservation of
soil moisture in pearl millet. Among different treatments, use of crop residues mulch @ 5t/ha
performed well by recording higher yield and B:C ratio. The farm trial was accepted with the
following treatments.

T1 : Crop residue mulch @ 5.0 t/ha at 15 DAS

T2 : Control

The house suggested to conduct the survey on preservation of bajra crop residue for the next
season which was practiced by the farmers.

Farm Trial 02:

Response of pearl millet to soil and foliar application of zinc fertilizer was proposed by Dr. S. B.
Patil. The different treatments including RDF, zinc sulphate and nano-Zn were evaluated with
soil as well as foliar application in pearl millet. Among different treatments, soil application of
15 kg ZnSO4 and foliar sprays of nano-Zn @ 4 ml l -1 along with RDF recorded higher seed yield
and economic returns than other treatment combinations. The farm trial was accepted with the
following treatments.

T1 : RDF + ZnSO4 @ 15 kg ha-1

T2 : RDF + nano-Zinc sprays @ 4 ml l -1
T3: RDF alone.

Farm Trial 03:

Integrated Weed Management in Soybean was proposed by Dr. S. S. Nooli, The different
treatments including sole and combi-products of weedicides were evaluated for their efficacy
against weeds in soybean. Among different treatments, Sulfentrazone 28% + Clomazone 30%
WP (Ready mix) @ 1250 gram /ha as Pre emergence (PE) followed by one inter cultivation after
35 days after sowing (DAS) and Sulfentrazone 12% + Metolachlor 37.5 % EC (Ready mix) @
2500 ml/ha as Pre emergence (PE) followed by one inter cultivation after 35 days after sowing
(DAS) were found equally effective against weed intensity. The farm trial was accepted with the
following treatments.

T1 : Sulfentrazone 28% + Clomazone 30% WP (Ready mix) @ 1250 gram /ha as Pre emergence
(PE) followed by one inter cultivation after 35 days after sowing (DAS).

T2 : Sulfentrazone 12% + Metolachlor 37.5 % EC (Ready mix) @ 2500 ml/ha as Pre emergence
(PE) followed by one inter cultivation after 35 days after sowing (DAS).

T3: Pendimethaline 30 % EC @ 3300 ml /ha as PE (RPP) followed by one inter cultivation after
35 DAS.
Farm Trial 04:
Weed management in Soybean through early post emergence herbicides was proposed by Dr. S.
S. Nooli, The different treatments including early post emergence herbicides were evaluated for
their efficacy against weeds in soybean. Among different treatments, Fluazifop-p-butyl 11.1%
w/w + Fomesafen 11.1% w/w SL (250 g a.i./ha) /1000ml /ha was found effective by recording
less weed intensity. The farm trial was accepted with the following treatments.

T1 : Fluazifop-p-butyl 11.1% w/w + Fomesafen 11.1% w/w SL (250 g a.i./ha) /1000ml /ha.

T2 : RPP{Chlorimuron Ethyl 25%WP @ { (9 g a.i./ha)/ 36 gram/ha}.

Farm Trial 05:

Cropping diversity in groundnut through intercropping with leafy coriander for higher profits
was proposed by Dr. B. S. Yenagi. The different treatments including intercropping of groundnut
with coriander for both vegetable and spice purpose along with in-situ moisture conservation
techniques. Among different treatments, intercropping of Groundnut with Coriander (2 : 1 row
proportion) was resulted higher returns. The farm trial was accepted with the following

T1 : Groundnut + Coriander (2 : 1 row proportion)

T2 : Sole groundnut

Farm Trial 06:
Foliar nutrition for increasing the productivity of cowpea was proposed continued farm trial by
Dr. Ganajaxi Math. The farm trial was accepted with the following treatments.

T1 : RPP+ 2% Pulse booster at flowering stage

T2 : RPP+ 1% Pulse magic at flowering and pod development stages
Farm Trial 07:
Groundnut and maize intercropping was proposed continued farm trial by Dr. B. S. Yenagi. The
farm trial was accepted with the following treatments.

T1 : Maize + Groundnut (1 : 5 row proportion)

T2 : Sole Groundnut


Dr. Guru Yadahalli, presented the results of natural farming on greengram - rabi sorghum
cropping systems from zone-3 in order to propose for farm trials.
Director of Research, has objected not to present all the years pooled results and he suggested
to bring data of the trials which have been conducted minimum of four years in the same location
and pooled data of recent two years excluding initial two years to be presented for approval of
the farm trials as initial two years data were considered for normalization of soil.
Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, opined that validation has been done as per the mandate and UAS,
Dharwad has already submitted report to the Government of Karnataka (GoK) for the crops
accepted for natural farming. Hence, it is necessary to present the data for only those crops
which have been included in the report. Further, he suggested that, PI’s of different zones need to
present pooled data of recent two years in rabi meeting on the crops/cropping systems suggested
under natural farming for inclusion in the organic farming package.
Dr. B.M. Chittapur, has opined that, it is better to consider data for over a period of time to
analyse the trend and performance of crops/cropping system under natural farming and
especially soil analysis data need to be compared with initial values.
Dr. H.B. Babalad, Chairman of the session opined that, the all trials conducted will be
concluded. In future the experiments on natural farming to develop the best practices of natural
farming for higher productivity need to be conducted. The trials need to be laid out in the
existing location earmarked for natural farming as the land has been converted to natural
farming. He also highlighted that the results of different crops/cropping system under natural
forming are encouraging. So, it is necessary to promote different crops/cropping system under
natural forming to include in PoP of organic farming and is the need of the hour as the
government is promoting it on large scale.
Finally house suggested that, concerned PI’s of natural farming needs to present latest
two years pooled data during ensuing rabi meeting.

5. Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry: No concluded experiments.

6. Department of Agricultural Microbiology:

Dr. P. Jones Nirmalnath, University Head of the Dept. of Agricultural Microbiology, Dharwad
presented one farm trial proposal.

Farm Trial 01:
Response of maize to new generation bio-fertilizers. was proposed by Dr. C. R. Patil. The
different treatments including NPK microbial consortium and other biofertilizers were evaluated
for their influence on growth and yield parameters on maize. Among different treatments, Seed
treatment with NPK microbial consortium was performed well by resulting in higher returns.
The farm trial was accepted with the following treatments.

T1 : Seed treatment with NPK microbial consortium

T2 : Seed treatment with Azospirallum+PSB@ 4 ml per kg.

7. Department of Environmental Science: No concluded experiments.

8. Department of Biotechnology: No concluded experiments.

9. Department of Agro-Meteorology: No concluded experiments.

Finally, session concluded and ended by the vote of thanks by the Chairman.

Genetics and Plant Breeding
New Farm Trial Proposals for the Year : 2023 Season: Kharif/Rabi
No. Expected Contact Scientists
Sl. Crop/ Details of Methodology & Districts Contd.
Objective of Date of /Collaborators
No. Subject treatments Observations /locations /New
trails Completion (Phone No.)
21 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Testing Tobacco T-1 =NBD 316 Leaf Yield (Kg/Ha) JDA,Belagavi-4 11 New 2024 B. Arunkumar
entry NBD 316 KVK, Mattikoppa-2 8277208199 /
/ GPB for higher leaf T-2 =NBD 209 Diseases & Insect AEEC, Sankeshwar-4 9448874097
yield Pests if any LSD (Scientist)-1

2 High seed yield T1: DNS-10 Zone: 3 JDA, Bagalkote : 04 21 New November 1) Dr. Laxmi C.
Genetics (test variety) JDA, Vijayapur :04 2023 Patil, Assistant
and Plant Sowing date: JDA, Gadag: 04 Professor (GPB)
Breeding T2: DNS-4 June-July KVK, Bagalkote : 04 AICRP on Sesame
(check variety) KVK, Vijayapur : 02 and Niger,
Observations: KVK, Indi: 02 MARS, UAS,
Days to maturity LSD (Scientist): 01 Dharwad
Seed yield (kg/ha) 9448328315
2) Dr. Vanishree
Professor (GPB)
AICRP on Sesame
and Niger,
3 To evaluate Rice T1: SRS 02 Grain Yield AEEC Belavatigi-02 8 New Dec-2023 Dr P Surendra
etics & genotype (SRS- T2: MGD 101 KVK Dharwad-02 9242281402
Plant 02) JDA Dharwad-02
Breeding KVK H.matti-02
4 To evaluate Rice T1: SRS 03 Grain Yield KVK Sirsi-04 8 New Dec-2023 Dr P Surendra

etics & genotype (SRS- T2: Shobini JDA Karwar-02 9242281402
Plant 03) KVK H.matti-02
Breeding LSD AICRP(VC) Sirsi
5 AEEC Belavatigi-02 Dr P Surendra
To evaluate Rice KVK Dharwad-02 9242281402
etics & T1: SRS 04
genotype (SRS- Grain Yield JDA Dharwad-02 8 New Dec-2023
Plant T2: Shobini
04) KVK H.matti-02
6 KVK Sirsi-04 Dr P Surendra
To evaluate Rice
etics & T1: SRS 05 JDA Karwar-02 9242281402
genotype (SRS- Grain Yield 8 New Dec-2023
Plant T2: SBPT 5204 KVK H.matti-02
Breeding LSD AICRP(VC) Sirsi

Department of Entomology
Methodology No. Contact Scientist/
Sl. Cont. date of
Crop/ Subject Objectives Details of treatments and Districts/ Location of Collaborators with
No. / New completio
observations trials Phone No.
1 Pigeon pea Management of T1: Chlorantraniliprole
No, of Sprays : 1 KVK, Vijayapur -2 14 New 2023-24 Dr. S. S.
pod borer 6.30% + Lambda 02 2. AEEC, Vijayapur -2 Karabhantanal
complex in Cyhalothrin 4.60% ZC
Time of 3. KVK Indi-2 Principal Scientist
Pigeonpea @ 0.40 ml /lit application: 50 4. KVK, Bagalkote-2 (Entomlogy)
% flowering 5. KVK, Gadag -2 AICRP on Sorghum
T2: Chlorfenpyr At 10-15 days 6. JDA, Vijayapur-2 RARS, Vijayapur
24%SC @ 1 ml/l ( Std. intervals 7. Contact Scientist-2 Ph: 9481982960
Check) Obsevations: (LSD)
1) Per cent Pod
2) Yield (q/ha)
2 Groundnut/ Defoliator pests T1: Flubendiamide 20 1) Per cent KVK, Dharwad-2 13 New 2024 Dr. Rohini Sugandi
Entomology management in WG @ 0.5 g/l defoliation KVK, H.matti-1 Scientist (Entomology)
grooudnut during AC, H.matti-1 AICRP on Groundnut,
Kharif T2: Thiamethoxam 2) Pod Yield KVK, Sirsi-1 MARS, UAS, Dharwad
12.6 + Lambda (q/ha) AEEC, Mudhol-1 Mob: 9480167866
cyhalothrin 9.50 ZC @ ARS, Devihosur-1
0.3ml/l AEEC, Belavatagi-1
JDA, Dharwad-1
T3: Emamectin JDA, Haveri-1
benzoate 5 SG @ 0.2 JDA, Belagavi-1
g/l (Std Check) JDA, Gadag-1
Contact Scientist -1
3 Black gram/ Management of T1: Broflanilide 300 1) Per cent KVK, Dharwad -2 15 New 2024 Dr. R.
Entomology defoliators and SC @ 0.08 ml/lt defoliation KVK, H.matti-2 Channakeshava
pod borers in 2) Per cent KVK, Mattikoppa-1 Scientist (Entomology)
Black gram T2: Quinalphos 25 EC pod damage KVK, Sirsi-2 AICRP on Soybean,

@ 2 ml/l (check) 3) Seed Yield JDA, Dharwad-2 MARS, UAS, Dharwad
(q/ha) JDA, Belagavi-2 Mob: 9900934831
JDA, Haveri-2
ARS, Bailhongal-1
Contact Scientist-1
4 Green gram/ Management of T1: Broflanilide 300 1) Per cent KVK, Dharwad -2 18 New 2024 Dr. Subhash
Entomology defoliators and SC @ 0.08 ml/lt defoliation KVK, H.matti-2 Kandakoor
pod borers in 2) Per cent KVK, Mattikoppa-1 Farm Superintendent
Green gram T2: Quinalphos 25 EC pod damage KVK, Hulkoti-1 ARS, Bailhongal
@ 2 ml/l (check) 3) Seed Yield KVK, Sirsi -2 Mob: 7795585661
(q/ha) JDA, Dharwad -2
JDA, Belagavi-2
JDA, Haveri-2
JDA, Gadag-2
ARS, Hombal -1
Contact Scientist -1
5 Soybean/ Management of T1: Chlorantraniliprole 1) Per cent KVK, Dharwad -2 17 New 2024 Dr. R.
Entomology defoliators and 9.3% + Lambda defoliation KVK, H.matti-2 Channakeshava
pod borers in cyhalothrin 4.6% ZC @ 2) Per cent KVK, Mattikoppa-2 Scientist (Entomology)
Soybean 0.4 ml/l of water pod damage KVK, Tukanatti-2 AICRP on Soybean,
3) Seed Yield KVK, Sirsi -2 MARS, UAS, Dharwad
T2: Chlorantraniliprole (q/ha) AEEC, Gadag -1 Mob: 9900934831
18.5% SC @ 0.2 ml/l JDA, Dharwad -1
of water (check) JDA, Belagavi -1
JDA, Haveri-1
ARS, Bailhongal -1
ARS, Devihosur -1
Contact Scientist -1
6 Sorghum/ Management of T1: Metarhizium rileyi 1. Per cent plant 1. KVK, Dharwad -02 14 New Novembe Dr Shaila H.M.

Agril. fall army worm @ 2gm/lt damage 2. KVK, r 2023 Scientist (Ag.
Entomology, in kharif Hanumanamatti -02 Entomology)
AICRP on sorghum through T2: Neem Based 2.Grain yield 3. KVK, Belagavi - 02 AICRP on Sorghum,
Sorghum, fungal pathogen Insecticide 1500ppm 4. AEEC, Belagavi -02 MARS, UAS, Dhrawad
MARS, UAS, @ 3 ml/lt 5. AEEC, Gadag - 02
Dhrawad 6. AC, Hanumanamatti 9448589096
(Two Foliar sprays at -1 Dr. Dr. S.V. Hugar
15 days interval) 7. ARS, Sankeshwar - 1 7337781467
LSD Dr. C.M. Rafee
8. ARS, Hombal - 1 9060919915
9. MARS, Dharwad - 1
7 Cotton/ Management of T1: Profenofos 40% + 1) No. of GOB KVK, Dharwad-2 16 New 2024 Dr. Poornima Matti
Entomology pink bollworm in Cypermethrin 4% EC per plant KVK H.matti -2 Scientist (Entomology)
Bt cotton @ 2 ml/l 2) No. of BOB AEEC, Sankeshwar-2 AICRP on Cotton,
per plant AEEC, Belavatagi-2 ARS Dharwad.
T2: Spinetoram 11.70 3) Seed cotton AEEC, Mudhol-2 Mob: 9480410923
SC @ 1 ml/l yield (q/ha) JDA, Dharwad-2
JDA, Belagavi -2
RARS, Vijaypura-1
Contact Scientist-1

Department of Plant Pathology

Sl. Crop/ Objectives Details of treatments Methodology and Districts/ No. Cont. Expected Contact
No. Subject observations Location of / date of Scientist/
No. trials New completion Collaborators
withPhone No.
1 Onion Management T1 : seed treatment -Seed treatment AEEC 12 New December Dr Shripad
of twister with vitavax power @ with vitavax power2 Belavatigi- 2023 Kulkarni
disease of 2 gm/kg seeds + Soil g/kg 02 Directorate of
onion application of Neem - Soil application of KVK Extension
cake 100 kg/ac + neemcake 100 kg/ac DWD-02
Sulphur 4 kg/ac + sulphur 4 kg+zinc 4 KVK Dr. Sudha
Trichoderma kg+trichoderma 2 Vijayapur- KVK bagalkote
harzianum 2 kg/ac + kg+Pseudomonas 2 02 Mr. Hotkar
Pseudomonas kg KVK KVK Vijaypur
fluorescens 2 kg/ac + - seedling dipping in Hulkoti-02 Dr S M
Micronutrient soil Pseudomonas JDA Hiremath
application + Zinc 4 solution Belagavi- Onion and
kg/ac (along with -Spraying of boron 02 garlic scheme
vermicompost) and 0.1 %+13.0.45 3 LSD by
Boron (20% solubore, g/liter Scientist -
0.10% spray) + -Spraying 02
seedling dipping in hexaconazole 1
Pseudomonas ml+Spinosad 0.25
solution (10g/L) + ml/lat 30 & 60 days
spray 13:0:45 @ 3g/L
@ 45 days after
transplanting + Spray
@1ml/L + Spinosad
@ 0.25 ml/L at 30
and 60 days after
T2 : seed treatment
with vitavax power @
2 gm/kg seeds +
Spray Hexaconazole
@1ml/L + Spinosad
@ 0.25 ml/L at 30
and 60 days after
T3 : Farmers Practice.

Department of Agronomy
No. Expecte
Cont Contact scientist/s /
Sl. Details of Methodology & Districts/ of d date of
Crop/ subject Objective d./Ne Collaborators (Phone
No. treatments observations locations trial completi
w No.)
s on
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Agronomy Pearl To restore T1: Crop Observations Locations: 10 New October, Dr. SADHANA R.
millet soil residue 1. Grain yield 2023 BABAR
Soil moisture moisture mulch @ 5 (kg/ha) LSD by KVK, Scientist (Agronomy)
conservation under t/ha at 15 2. Dry fodder yield
Vijayapur - 2 AICRP on Pearl millet,
through crop rainfed DAS (kg/ha) LSD by KVK, Regional Agricultural
residues for condition to 3. Soil moisture Bagalkote - 2 Research Station,
increasing improve T2: Control content at tillering
LSD by KVK, Vijayapur -586101
productivity in crop growth and flowering Indi - 2 M no. 9611164689
pearl millet LSD by AICRP Email id:
under rainfed DLA Scientist
condition under OPR - 2
LSD by Scientist
2 Response of To assess T1 :RDF + Conduct farm trials KVK Vijayapur-2 12 New 2023-24 Dr. S. B. PATIL
Pearl millet to the response ZnSO4 @ 15 in rainfed conditions. KVK Indi-2 Agronomist
soil and foliar of nano and kg ha-1 KVK Bagalkote-2 AICRP for Dryland
application of non-nano RDF: 50:25:0 NPK KVK Hulkoti-2 Agriculture
zinc nutrients zinc T2 :RDF + ha-1 JDA Vijayapur-1 Regional Agricultural
application nano-Zinc JDA Bagalkote-1 Research Station,
on the sprays @ 4 Two foliar sprays at LSD by Scientist Vijayapura
growth, ml L-1 20-25 and 40-45 -2
yield and DAS. Phone : 9481825151
economics T3 :RDF Observations to be Email:
of pearl alone recorded:
millet. 1.Seed yield
3 Soybean To evaluate Time of application: KVK, Tukanatti-1 Dr S S Nooli
Crop production new T1: Pre emergence 10 New 2024 Agronomist(Sugarcane)

generation Sulfentrazone KVK, Mattikoppa ARS Sankeshwar
Integrated Weed ready mix 28% + Observations to be -1 9448752119
Management in herbicides Clomazone recorded
Soybean as pre 30% WP Total weed count JDA, Belagavi -1
emergence (Ready mix) (no. m-2) at 30 days
against @ 1250 gram after herbicide AEEC, Mudhol -1
weeds in /ha as Pre application
Soybean emergence Soybean yield (kg KVK Bagalkote-1
(PE) ha-1)
followed by JDA, Bagalkote -
one inter Note: Spray solution 1
cultivation – 750 liters ha-1 KVK, H.matti-1
after 35 days AEEC,
after sowing Sankeshwar-1
T2 : KVK DWD-1
12% + LSD by Scientist-
Metolachlor 1
37.5 % EC
(Ready mix)
@ 3125
ml/ha as Pre
followed by
one inter
after 35 days
after sowing
T3 :

ne 30 % EC
@ 3300 ml
/ha as PE
followed by
one inter
after 35 DAS

4 Soybean To evaluate T1 - Time of application KVK, Tukanatti-1 Dr S S Nooli

Crop production ready mix Fluazifop-p- for 10 New 2024 Agronomist(Sugarcane)
herbicide as butyl 11.1% T1: At 2-4 leaf stage KVK, Mattikoppa ARS Sankeshwar
Weed early post w/w + of weeds -1 9448752119
management in emergence Fomesafen T2: Within 15 days
Soybean against 11.1% w/w after sowing JDA, Belagavi -1
through early weeds in SL (250 g
post emergence Soybean a.i./ha) AEEC, Mudhol -1
herbicides /1000ml /ha
T2 - Observations to be KVK Bagalkote-1
RPP{Chlorim recorded
uron Ethyl JDA, Bagalkote -
25%WP @ { 1.Total weed count 1
(9 g a.i./ha)/ (no. m-2) at 30 days KVK, H.matti-1
36 gram/ha} after herbicide AEEC,
application Sankeshwar-1
2.Soybean yield
(kg ha-1) KVK DWD-1

Note: Spray solution LSD by Scientist-

– 500 liters ha-1 1
5 Groundnut and To achieve T1: T1: Groundnut + KVK Dharwad-1 9 New Kharif Dr. B. S. Yenagi
leafy coriander higher Groundnut + Coriander (2 : 1 row JDA Dharwad-1 2023 Agronomist
intercropping profits per Coriander (2 proportion) KVK Haveri-1 AICRP on Groundnut

unit area : 1 row JDA Haveri-1 MARS, UAS, Dharwad
through proportion) Common row JDA Belgaum-1 Mobile : 9480724851
intensificati T2: Sole spacing of 30 cm AEEC Belgaum-1 e-mail :
on on small Groundnut AEEC Gadag-1
farm Observations : KVK Gadag-1
holding in Groundnut Dry Pod LSD by Scientist-
peri-urban Yield 1
areas. Coriander leaf yield
6 Groundnut and To achieve T1: Maize + T1: Maize + KVK Dharwad-1 9 contd. Kharif Dr. B. S. Yenagi
maize cropping Groundnut (1 Groundnut JDA Dharwad-1 2023 Agronomist
intercropping diversity in : 5 row (1 : 5 row KVK Haveri-1 AICRP on Groundnut
maize proportion) proportion) JDA Haveri-1 MARS, UAS, Dharwad
ecosystem T2: Sole JDA Belgaum-1 Mobile : 9480724851
through Maize Spacing: Maize to AEEC Belgaum-1 e-mail :
groundnut Maize 180 cm row AEEC Gadag-1
intercroppin and in between two KVK Gadag-1
g. rows of maize (180 LSD by Scientist-
cm apart )five rows 1
of groundnut to be
sown at 30 cm inter
row spacing and 10
cm intra row
spacing. Intra row
spacing for maize is
180 cm.
T2: Sole Groundnut
Observations :
Groundnut Dry Pod
Yield, Maize Grain
7 Cowpea/Agrono To enhance T1: RPP+2% 2% pulse JDA Dharwad : 2 14 Contd Nov Dr. Ganajaxi Math
my the Pulse booster booster (20g in 1 AEEC Gadag : . 2023 9481014138
productivity at flowering litre of water) 2

of cowpea stage should be JDA Gadag : 2
T2: RPP+1% sprayed at KVK Dharwad :2
Pulse magic flowering (45- KVK Vijayapura
at flowering 50DAS) :2
and pod 1% pulse magic KVK Indi :
development (10g in 1 litre of 2
stage water) should be JDA :Belgaum:2
sprayed at LSD by the
flowering (45-50 concerned
DAS) and pod Scientist : 2
initiation (60-65
DAS) stages

Department of Agricultural Microbiology

Sl. Crop/ Objectives Details of Methodology Districts/ No. Cont. Expected Contact
No. Subject treatments and Location No. of / date of Scientist/
observations trials New completion Collaborators
withPhone No.
1 Maize/Agril. To evaluate T1:Seed treatment -Seed AEEC 10 New November Dr C R Patil
Microbiology, NPK with NPK microbial treatment Belavatigi-02 2023
IOF microbial consortium - Yield of cobs KVK DWD-02 Prof&Head
consortium T2:Seed treatment and grain JDA Dwd-02
with - yield of KVK H.matti-02 IOF
Azospirallum+PSB@ stover JDA Belagavi-
4 ml per kg 02
LSD by Scientist 9448013373
Dr. S R


Dr Shekarappa



Proceedings of presentation of research results of concluded experiments &

new farm trial proposals
Chairman : Dr. P.S. Hugar, Registrar, UAS Dharwad
Co-Chairman: Dr(Smt.). Sarojini Karakannavar, Dean (Student Welfare), UAS
Dharwad & Dr. B.D. Biradar, Director of Research, UAS Dharwad
Rapporteurs : Dr. Rohini Sugandhi and Dr. Anil Kumar G.K.

Chairman welcomed all the delegates & scientists working in different zones of
Dharwad jurisdiction to the session –III. During the session following points were discussed &
decisions were taken.
1. Agril. Economics: No concluded experiments. And there are two ongoing (SRP
mode) experiments.
2. Agri Business Management: UHoD presented one concluded Adhoc project.
Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, UAS, Dharwad suggested that policy recommendation from
the social science subjects should be specified for all the projects. Later they should be
submitted to the state government for policy implications.

Dean (Agri.) suggested that the results/outcomes from the projects should be submitted to
the respective banks and the state government.

DOE suggested to create awareness programs for troubleshooting and solutions to the
commonly faced problems by the farmers should be carried out in the project.

HoD, Agri Statistics suggested to identify the factors responsible for not adopting the

3. Agricultural Extension: No concluded experiments.

The chairman of the session asked the UHoD to furnish the information about the impact
of UAS technologies on farmers as it was decided in the earlier meetings. Mean time, the
UHoD, expressed that more than 13 to 14 post graduate studies were carried out on
these topics and the same will be presented in the succeeding session.

4. Agril. Statistics: No concluded experiments.

5. Food Science and Nutrition and
6. 6. Food Technology:
Concluded projects: 05
The following technologies were considered for commercialization:
Total = 17

8 cookies made from brown top millet 1 barn yard millet payasam mix
& khodo millet
6 buck wheat products 1 brown top millet based resistant starch
rich health mix
1 foxtail millet soup mix

Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, UASD suggested that the concerned faculty should discuss with
DR, UASD about seed money and decide about the commercialization of the products. He
also suggested to prepare the products and sell it to the outsiders under University label.
However, food engineering dept should supply the value added food to the university
hostels after taking the indent from the respective wardens.

DR, UASD asked to submit the buckwheat proposal under “seed money” grants.
Prepare detailed production technology booklet and concurrently generate two years data in
order to publish the same in the package of practices. And explore the possibilities of public
private partnership mode for popularizing the products.

The Chairman of the session suggested to link with RKVY-RAFTAR for commercialization
of their different products. And also suggested to supply the products for all the University
functions on indent basis in order to popularize.

7. Family Resource Management: One concluded project (Adhoc).

DR asked the information about the production area of cassava in Karnataka state and also
about the detailed list of people/beneficiaries who are willing to acquire this technology
should be provided to consider for inclusion in package of practices. Later, DR, UASD
asked to ensure the availability of raw material, which is pre-requisite for
commercialization. DE suggested that this technology could be considered for patent.
8. Human Resource Development: No concluded projects.
9. Textile and Apparel Design: One concluded project (Adhoc).
DR, UASD suggested that, if the testing product/technologies is in farm trial, it should be
given to KVK scientists intern they will carry out with the help of beneficiary.
10. Home science Extension: One concluded project.
11. Women in Agriculture: One concluded project.

Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, UASD suggested to make the presentation soon after the
compilation of all the experiments.

Chairman of the session extended vote of thanks and congratulated all the scientists for
their active participation.

Chairman : Dr. R. Basavarajappa, University Librarian, UAS, Dharwad
Co-Chairman : Dr. I. S. Kalappanavar,ADR (HQ), UAS, Dharwad
Gracious Presence : Dr. Prabhakar Shetty, Ex. Director of Research, UAS Bangalore
& Consultant, Natural farming project, KSDA Bangalore.
Rapporteurs : Dr. M. S. Biradar, Sr. Scientist and Head ICAR- KVK Dharwad
Dr. Geeta Goudar, Asso. Professor (Agri. Micro.),UAS, Dharwad

The scientists from Zone -8 (Horticulture), Zone-6 and Zone-9 of Karnataka have presented the
results of the trials in this session

Zone -8 (Horticulture)
Dr. Anand B. Mastiholi presented the results of Zone-8 (Horticulture) from four
locations viz.,Dharwad, Haveri, Hidkal Dam and Kanabargi, consists of 12 experiments on
Dolichos bean, Cluster bean, Tomato, Chilli, Black gram, Seed Coriander, Sapota, Gauva,
Mango, Custard apple, Cabbage and Cashew.
In general, higher yield was obtained in farmers practice followed by package of
practices in all the experiments.With respect to biological properties, higher general and
beneficial microbial population and enzymatic activity was observed in organic farming
practices followed by natural farming and in Desi cow compared to exotic breeds. Higher pest
and diseases incidences were observed in natural farming followed by package of practices.
Improvement in organic carbon content of soil was higher in organic and natural farming
practices. Reduced bulk density, infiltration of soil was higher in Natural and organic farming.
Looking into observations, natural farming practice is not feasible to take up in dolichus bean,
tomato, chilli, black gram, seed coriander and cabbage. However, fruit firmness, acidity, shelf
life and overall acceptability was good in tomato grown in OF and NF compared to POP and
farmer’s practices. Interestingly, higher yields were recorded in Hebbal Avare, Guava and
Custard apple in NF compared to other practices.

 It was advised to analyse pathogenic microbial population separately among total
microbial population based on microscopic observations.
 He has taken up pesticide residue analysis for all the crop products. Chemical level was
found to be below the admissible limit. But, the chemicals which were not used in the
experiments were observed in the report. So he was asked to find out reason for that.
 Dr. Prabhakar shetti suggested to going for certification of the products.
 It was suggested to consider last two years data for the results as the initial year data may
not give appropriate results.
 Further studies in NF in combination with OF may be carried out.

Mr. Nagaraj, Research Associate (Entomology) presented the results of Zone-6 on behalf
of Dr. Laxmiipathy ORP leader, Natural farming project, Zone 6, UAS, Bangalore.
He presented results of the experiments conducted on four crops i.e green gram, cowpea,
direct seeded rice and finger millet. As per his presentation, higher yield was observed in RPP
followed by farmers practices. Microbial population and enzymatic activity were higher in NF
followed by OF and RPP. Microbial population in cow dung of Malnada gidda was more when
compared to the others.

 Advised to take up experiments in major crops grown in their zones as the many of the
experiments were conducted on minor crops.
 Advised to follow the uniform treatments as it is followed in other zones
 They were suggested to go for pesticide residue analysis.
 Advised to consider the population of fungi for the total P-solubilizing microbial

Dr. Shivannad Hongal presented the results of Zone-9 consists of five experiments in
banana, ginger, French bean, black pepper and areca nut.
Overall, soil organic carbon was found to be higher in RPP, which was on par with OF.
The secondary nutrients were found to be higher in OF followed by RPP. There was no
significant difference for the micronutrients content among the treatments. The soil microbial
population and enzymatic activity was found to be higher in NF and OF which were on par with
each other. When compared to initial values, there was increase in microbial population and
enzymatic activity in NF followed by OF over the years and lowest was in CF. There was no
significant difference among the treatments across the location up to the year 2021. However,
RPP recorded maximum yield among the treatments in the year 2022.

 It was suggested to continue the experiments for at least 3-4 more years to come for valid
conclusion as the cropping system is with the perennial crops.
 Experiments on the intercropping and multi-storeyed cropping have to be taken into
 Apart from the regular practices of Natural farming, additional practices like
intercropping, tree based cropping system, multi-storeyed cropping can be followed so
that the yield loss in natural farming can be compensated.

Session ended with vote of thanks from the Chairman

(Dr. R. Basavarajappa), Dr. I. S. Kalappanavar,

University Librarian, UAS, Dharwad Associate director of Research (HQ),
Chairman: UAS, Dharwad


Chairman : Dr. N.K. Biradar patil

Co-Chairman: Dr. Ravi Hunji
Rappporteur : Dr. J.R. Diwan and Dr. Gurupada Balol

At the outset the Chairman of the session welcomed all the presenters and participants
for the session.
Inclusion in POP/Modification to POP 2022-23
Variety release: 2
Technology: 14
Technology Commercialization: 17
New Variety /Hybrid release proposals

Sl. Proposed by Variety/Hybrid Remarks

1 Dr. Jayant S. Bhat Pusa Baby Corn Hybrid-1: Accepted for adoption
Pr. Scientist PBCH-1 (AH 7043)
2 Mrs. Savita Gamangatti (Jr. BRBH-16620 Pearlmillet Accepted and
Breeder) Dr Vijendra S Hybrid suggested to name as
Sangam Head, VRDC, BRBH -1
3 Dr. Angadi, Rose varieties adoption Not accepted and
suggested to get
permission letter from
developer, present
during Rabi meet

Modification to package of practices

Sl. Proposed by Title of the technology Remarks
1 Dr. T.T. Bandiwaddar Response of kharif sorghum to Accepted and
soil application of Sulphur along suggested to give good
with Recommended dose of quality photographs
2 Dr. Ganajaxi Math Foliar nutrition for increasing
Suggested to get the
the productivity of pigeonpea
license and start
production in sufficient
quantity and suggested
to think in the line of
patenting the
3 Dr. G. Somanagouda Foliar application of Thio-urea Accepted
in Soybean
4 Dr. G. Somanagouda Response of maize to split Accepted

presented on hehalf of application of potassium
Dr. S.R. Salakinkop
Professor (Agronomy)
Head, AICRP on Maize
UAS, Dharwad
5 Dr. C. P Chandrashekar Presented recommendations to Accepted and
OFR suggested o include
increase in yield along
with increase in gross
returns and net returns.
Chairman suggested to
revise the yield column
in POP based on
experimental evidences
as it is there based on
earlier experimentation
6 Dr. Somanagouda B. Patil Response of pigeonpea to land Accepted

Soil Science:
Sl. Proposed by Title of the technology Remarks
1 Dr. Savita B, KVK , ICAR- Effect of Sulphur Application on Accepted
KVK Indi Productivity and Quality in Onion
(Allium cepa L.)
Sl. Proposed by Title of the technology Remarks
1 Dr. Shaila H.M. Scientist Management of shoot fly in Accepted
(Entomology), AICRP on sorghum through seed treatment
Sorghum, UAS, Dharwad
2 Dr. R. Channakeshava Management of stem fly in Accepted
Scientist (Entomology) AICRP soybean
on Soybean, UAS, Dharwad
Dr. R. Channakeshava Management of pod borer Accepted
3 Scientist (Entomology) AICRP complex in Green gram
on Soybean, UAS, Dharwad
4 Dr. R. Channakeshava Management of pod borer Accepted
Scientist (Entomology) AICRP complex in Black gram
on Soybean, UAS, Dharwad

 Suggested to provide the information on both trade name and chemical name along with
verbatim to include it in Index chapter.

Plant Pathology:
Sl. Proposed by Title of the technology Remarks
1 Dr. K. B. Yadahalli Management of Peduncle Accepted and it has to be
Professor (Plant Pathology) blight and Anthracnose of submitted to Horticulture
College of Agriculture, Tuberose University through
Vijayapur- Directorate of Research to

include in POP.
Chairman also suggested
for sending proposals
through Directorate of
Research if such
technologies are pending
2 Dr.Ravikumar, M.R Management of blast of Accepted
Professor of Plant Pathology paddy by Azoxystrobin
College of Agriculture 16.7% + Tricyclozol
Hanumanamatti- 581115 33.3%SC

Agri Engineering:
Sl. Proposed by Title of the technology Remarks
1 Er. Umarfarooque Momin To Increase Productivity of pigeonpea Accepted
Scientist (Soil & Water using supplemental irrigation during
Conservation Engineering) critical stages along with organic
AICRP for Dryland mulch.
Agriculture Regional
Agricultural Research

Suggested to submit the corrected verbatim and format both in hard and soft copy at the earliest.
Food Science and Processing:
Totally 17 different technologies have been presented for commercialization. House suggested
for correction of both English and Kannada verbatim and to be submitted to Directorate of
Research through Dean Community Science for consideration for publication.

I. Varietal Release Proposals:

1. Pusa Baby Corn Hybrid-1: PBCH-1 (AH 7043)

Variety /Hybrid Pusa Baby Corn Hybrid-1: PBCH-1 (AH 7043)

Released By CVRC for Maize zones 1 , 3 and 4 (Peninsular Zone -PZ)
SO 3482(E) 20.10.2020, (AH 7043)
Released and
Notified for Northern Hills Zone (Zone1), North Eastern Plains Zone (Zone 3) & Zone 4:
(Area of PZ: Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu
Pedigree PDM 260-1 X PDM 4441
Check variety
HM 4 (baby corn hybrid -national check)
Significant Light cream baby corns, Abt 10-11 cm length and 1.7-2 cm girth, Early, Stem
features borer tolerant, Prolific (upto 3 baby corns/plant), straight ovule/rows
proposed For Zone 3 and 8 of Karnataka

Developers Scientists from IARI:

Jayant S Bhat, IARI, RRC, Dharwad
IARI, New Delhi

Firoz Hossain, Raveendra N. Gadag, Ganapati Mukri, Vignesh Muthusamy,
Mallikarjun M.G., Rajkumar U. Zunjare, Shailendra K. Jha, T. Nepolean,
Chandu Singh, Robi Gogoi
Technical staff of IARI:
B.G. Bhavi, Devidas M. Maraskolhe, Rajesh Kumar, Digvendar Pal and
Manish Kapasia
Collaborators From UAS Dharwad:
R.M. Kachapur, S.C. Talekar, S.R. Salakinakop, S.I. Harlapur, U.K. Hulihalli
From KVKs:
G.B. Vishwanath, KVK, Mattikoppa,
Maruti Malwade, KVK, Tukkanatti,
SA Biradar and Akkamma Agasimani, KVK, Dharwad,
Mouneshwari Kammar, KVK, Bagalkot,
From IGFRI, SRRS, Dharwad
Vinod Kumar Dhone

2. Pearlmillet Hybrid BRBH- 1 ( 16620)

The BRBH-1 (16620) is a medium maturity pearl millet hybrid (80-85 days). High
yielding hybrid with yield potential of 28-30 quintals /ha. Attractive, compact, good girth candle
like head/panicle shape. Seed is bold and attractive gray color grain. Rich in Zinc (43 ppm) and
Iron (65 ppm)

Developers : Dr. V.S.Sangam, Mrs. Savita Gamangatti, Dr. B.K.Athoni and

Dr. B.N.Motagi
Collaborating Scientists : Dr. S.S. Karbhantnal , Dr. Sadhana Babar, Dr. Basamma Kumbar,
Dr. Ashok Sajjan , Dr. Uma Kulkarni , Dr. Kumari Basamma ,
Dr. Arun Satareddy, Dr. Yogeesh L.N. and Dr. M.S.Dhanaleppagol

Modification to Package of Practices (PoP)

1. ªÀÄÄAUÁgÀÄ eÉÆüÀzÀ°è ²¥sÁgÀ¸ÀÄì ªÀiÁrzÀ UÉƧâgÀzÀ eÉÆvÉUÉ UÀAzsÀPÀ (30 Q.UÁæA. ¥Àæw ºÉÃ.) ªÀÄtÂÚ£À°è


ªÀ®AiÀÄ: 8
¸ÁgÀd£ÀPÀ 40 ¸ÁgÀd£ÀPÀ 40
gÀAdPÀ 30 gÀAdPÀ 30
¥ÉÆmÁåµï 10 ¥ÉÆmÁåµï 10
¸ÀvÀÄ«£À ¸À¯ÉàÃmï 6 ¸ÀvÀÄ«£À ¸À¯ÉàÃmï 6
UÀAzsÀPÀ (¨ÉAmÉÆãÉÊmï 12

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¸ÀºÀ «eÁÕ¤UÀ¼ÀÄ : qÁ: J¸ï. JªÀiï. ªÁgÀzÀ, qÁ: JªÀiï. J£ï ªÀÄ®ªÁr, qÁ: J¸ï. J.
©gÁzÁgÀ, qÁ: ¥Àæ¸À£ÀßPÀĪÀiÁgÀ ©. ºÉZï, qÁ: C±ÉÆÃPÀ ¦, qÁ: gÁdPÀĪÀiÁgÀ
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ºÀƪÁqÀĪÁUÀ ºÁUÀÆ 15 ¢£ÀUÀ¼À £ÀAvÀgÀ ¹A¥Àr¸À¨ÉÃPÀÄ CxÀªÁ ±É 2 gÀ ¥À¯ïì §Æ¸ÀØgÀ£ÀÄß (20 UÁæA
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¨É¼É: ¸ÉÆÃAiÀiÁCªÀgÉ ¥ÀÄl ¸ÀASÉå: 166
¨É¼ÉAiÀÄÄ 20-25 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 50-55 ¢ªÀ¸ÀUÀ½zÁÝUÀ, 0.5 UÁæA xÉÊAiÉÆÃAiÀÄÆjAiÀiÁ UÉƧâgÀªÀ£ÀÄß ¥Àæw
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¸ÀºÀ ¸ÀA±ÉÆÃzsÀPÀgÀÄ : qÁ. J¸ï. J£ï. eÁzsÀªÀ, qÁ. J¸ï. J. ©gÁzÁgÀ, qÁ. ¥Àæ¸À£Àß PÀĪÀiÁgÀ ©.
JZï., qÁ. C±ÉÆÃPÀ, ¦., qÁ. ²ªÀªÀÄÆwð, r., qÁ. J¸ï.JA. ªÁgÀzÀ,
qÁ. Dgï. ZÀ£ÀßPÉñÀªÀ, qÁ. f. PÉ. £ÁAiÀÄÄØ, qÁ. ±Á°¤ ºÀĬĮUÉÆüÀ, qÁ.
J¸ï. Dgï. ¸À®Q£ÀPÉÆ¥Àà qÁ. ºÀ¶ðAiÀiÁ¨Á£ÀÄ, dAn PÀȶ ¤zÉÃð±ÀPÀgÀÄ,

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¥ÀÄl ¸ÀASÉå : 55
CgÀªÀvÀÄÛ ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ. CAvÀgÀzÀ ¸Á®ÄUÀ¼À°è ©Ãd¢AzÀ ©ÃdPÉÌ 20 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ. CAvÀgÀzÀ°è 5 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ. QÌAvÀ
ªÀiÁrzÀ 20, 35, 50 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 65 ¢£ÀUÀ¼À £ÀAvÀgÀ (4 J¯É, 8 J¯É, vÀÄgÁ¬Ä §zÀĪÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ PÁ¼ÀÄ

ªÀiÁrzÀ 35 ¢£ÀUÀ¼À°è (8 J¯ÉUÀ¼ÀÄ) ºÁPÀĪÀ ¸ÁgÀd£ÀPÀ ªÉÄîÄUÉƧâgÀzÀ eÉÆvÉUÉ «Ä±Àæt ªÀiÁr
ºÁPÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. gÀ¸ÀUÉƧâgÀªÀ£ÀÄß ¸À¹¬ÄAzÀ 7.5-10 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ. zÀÆgÀzÀ°è ¸Á®ÄUÀ¼À ¥ÀPÀÌzÀ°è ºÁPÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ.

Principal Investigator: Dr.S.R.Salakinkoppa

Collaborator : Dr. S I Harlapur, Dr. R M Kachapur, Dr. S C Talekar, Dr.G
Somanagouda, Dr. Prasanna Kumar B.H, Dr.S.A.Biradar, Dr. S N
Jadava, Dr.S.M.Warad

5. vÉÆUÀjAiÀÄ°è CUÀ®ªÁzÀ ¨ÉÆÃzÀÄ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ºÀj ¸Á®Ä ¥ÀzÀÞw ¥ÀjuÁªÀÄ

 ¸ÀÄzsÁjvÀ¨ÉøÁAiÀÄ PÀæªÀÄUÀ¼ÀÄ, 2021
 CzsÁåAiÀÄ: vÉÆUÀj
 ¥ÀÄl ¸ÀASÉå: 110
 ©vÀÛ£É ¥ÁågÀzÀ°è ¸ÉÃj¸À¨ÉÃPÁVzÀÄÝ

¥ÀæzsÁ£À ¸ÀA±ÉÆÃzsÀPÀgÀÄ: ¸ÉÆêÀÄ£ÀUËqÀ ©. ¥Ánî ªÀÄvÀÄÛ gÁeÉÃAzÀæ J. £ÀAzÀUÁ«
¸ÀºÀ ¸ÀA±ÉÆÃzsÀPÀgÀÄ: JªÀiï.J¸ï. ²gÀºÀnÖ, ©.JZï. PÀĪÀiÁgÀ, AiÀÄÄ.JªÀiï. ªÉÆ«Ä£À, JªÀiï.J. UÀzÀÝ£ÀPÉÃj,
ºÉZï.J¸ï. ¥Ánî

Soil Science:
1. G¼ÁîUÀrØ (FgÀĽî) ¨É¼ÉAiÀÄ°è UÀAzsÀPÀzÀ §¼ÀPÉ
G¼ÁîUÀrØ (FgÀĽî) CzsÁåAiÀÄzÀ°è
¥ÀÄl ¸ÀASÉå 265
¸ÁgÀd£ÀPÀ, gÀAdPÀ, ¥ÉÆÃmÁåµï DzÀ £ÀAvÀgÀ
(¨ÉAmÉÆãÉmï UÀAzsÀPÀ 27 Q.UÁæA)
ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¥ÀÄl ¸ÀASÉå 266
3£Éà ¥ÁågÁzÀ £Án «zsÁ£ÀzÀ 3£Éà ¸Á°£À°è ±ÉÃ. 50 gÀ ¸ÁgÀd£ÀPÀ, ¥ÀÆwð ¥ÀæªÀiÁtzÀ gÀAdPÀ,

Technology Contributor
Dr. Savita B., Scientist (Soil Science), ICAR-KVK, Indi
Dr. R. B. Negalur, Mrs. Heena M.S.
Dr. Syeda Samina Anjum,

Technology Collaborators
Dr.Santosh Shinde, Dr. Ravi Y, Dr. Sadhana R. Babar,
Dr. Punitha, B. C., Dr. R.B. Belli, Dr. C.M. Rafi,
Dr. S. L. Patil, Dr. A.H. Biradar, Dr. Sudha S,
Dr. Airadevi Angadi, Dr. Subha S,
Mr. Shivalingappa Hotakar,
Dr. N.H. Bhandi, Dr. Hemavati Hiregouda

1. Management of shoot fly in sorghum through seed treatment
¨É¼É : eÉÆüÀ ¥ÀÄl ¸ÀASÉå –47
¥Àæw Q.UÁæA ©ÃdPÉÌ 10 «Ä.°Ã. xÉÊAiÀiÁ«ÄxÁPÁìªÀiï 30% J¥sï.J¸ï. CxÀªÁ 5 «Ä.°Ã. PÉÆèÃgï¥ÉÊj¥sÁ¸ï
20 E¹ AiÀÄ£ÀÄß 20 «Ä.°Ã. ¤Ãj£ÉÆA¢UÉ «Ä±Àæt ªÀiÁr ©ÃeÉÆÃ¥ÀZÁgÀ ªÀiÁr £ÉgÀ½£À°è MtV¹

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¸ÀºÀ «eÁÕ¤UÀ¼ÀÄ : qÁ. J¸ï J£ï. eÁzsÀªÀ, qÁ. PÀ¯ÁªÀw PÀA§½, qÁ. ¥Àæ¸À£Àß ¦.JªÀiï.,
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Finalization of Technical Programme for the year 2023-24
Chairman : Dr. B.D. Biradar, Director of Research, UAS, Dharwad
Co-Chairman : Dr. M.V. Manjunath, Estate officer, UAS, Dharwad
Rapporteurs : Dr. Uday Reddy & Dr. R. Channakeshava
Presenters : University HoDs of all Departments
The list of new and continued technical programmes of different Departments of UAS,
for the year 2023-24
Sl. New
Department Continued Total
No. Accepted Rejected
1 Entomology and Sericulture 05 01 90 95
2 Seed Science and Technology 05 - 09 14
3 Genetics and Plant Breeding 07 - 675 682
4 Agricultural Statistics 02 - 02 04
5 Agronomy 12 02 72 84
6 Food Science and Nutrition 08 - 03 11
7 Family Resource Management 03 - 00 03
8 Human Development and Family Studies 05 - 01 06
9 Textiles and Apparel Designing 00 - 05 05
10 Extension and Communication Management 01 - 00 01
11 Women in Agriculture 39 - 22 61
12 Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry 00 04 13 13
13 Plant Pathology 04 - 56 60
14 Agricultural Engineering 07 - 12 19
15 Horticulture 01 - 41 42
16 Agricultural Microbiology 08 01 19 27
17 Agricultural Biotechnology 00 - 16 16
18 Silviculture and Agro forestry 01 - 17 18
19 Forest Biology 00 - 05 05
20 Natural Resource Management 00 - 05 05
21 Forest products and Utilization 00 - 03 03
22 Environmental Science 00 - 03 03
23 Biochemistry Absent
24 Agricultural Meteorology 04 - 12 16
25 Agricultural Economics Absent
26 Agricultural Extension Education 03 01 - 03
27 Crop Physiology 00 - 10 10
28 Agricultural Business Management 03 - - 03
29 Animal Science 04 - 15 19
Total 122 09 1106 1228

New technical programmes from different departments for the year 2023-24 with details are presented as below.
Sl. Accepted /
Title PI Co-PI Remarks
No Rejected
Entomology and Sericulture
01 To develop long lasting cheaper mating Dr. S.S. Udikeri Dr. Ravikumar Accepted Suggested to continue with the same
disruption formulation for Pink bollworm Hosamani Module as earlier studies done for
management pink bollworm management
02 Detection of sucking pest of cotton Dr. S.S. Udikeri - Rejected Identify the AI experts/ scientists
through AI: Machine learning from BVB college or from IIT and to
be included as Co-PI. Further it was
suggested to propose for external
funding agency.
03 Management of seed weevil (Apion Dr. R.Channakeshava Dr. C.M. Rafee Accepted To include spray schedule and
amplum) in Green gram at different Dr. Subhas Kandakoor Biopesticides combinations in the
locations treatments (Dashaparna kashaya
spray as new treatment). The said
trial can also be conducted at
Bagalkot (Zone-3) and
Hanumanamatti (Zone-8) locations.
04 Management of seed weevil (Apion Dr. R.Channakeshava Dr. C.M. Rafee Accepted To include spray schedule and
amplum) in Black gram at different Dr. Subhas Kandakoor Biopesticides combinations in the
locations treatments (Dashaparna kashaya
spray as new treatment). The said
trial can also be conducted at
Hombal (Zone 3).
05 Management of sucking insect pests and Dr. C. M. Rafee Dr. R. Channakeshava Accepted Spray schedule needs to be specified
viral disease in Green gram with seed Dr. Subhas Kandakoor at early stage of the crop.
treatment & foliar sprays during kharif Dr. Gurupad Balol
season Dr. S.S.
Dr. S. M. Vastrad
06 Evaluation of bio-efficacy of Emamectin Dr. A.H. Biradar - Accepted -
benzoate 1.25% + Lambda-cyhalothrin
1.5% + Bifenthrin 4.5 % EC insecticide on


Seed Science and Technology

01 Effect of varied levels of modified Dr. V.K. Deshpande Dr Ravi Hunje Accepted Specific trait observations (Seed
atmosphere gases (CO2 and O2) in Dr Rehan Malik germination, vigour and enzymatic
determining seed longevity of soybean activity) need to be recorded.
Antioxidants used need to be
specified in the study
02 Effect of Superabsorbent Hydrogel Seed Dr. S. B. Patil Dr. R.V. Hunje Accepted -
Treatment on stand Establishment, Seed Dr. V.K. Deshpande
Yield And Quality of Soybean
03 Root mapping investigation in foxtail Dr. B. A. Badiger Dr. J.S. Hilli Accepted Suggested to use Rhizosphere
millet seeds Dr. S.S. consortium and PSB in the study
Dr. Kiran B.O.
04 Study on pre-sowing seed treatments on Dr. Krishna A - Accepted Treatment combinations have to be
germination improvement in Bili Devadari changed based on the soaking period.
(Dysoxylum species)
05 Study to enhancement the seed Dr. Krishna A - Accepted -
germination through pre-sowing
treatments in Poison fruit (Strychnos nux-
Genetics and Plant Breeding
01 Development of high yielding and low Dr. J.R. Diwan Dr. Hemalatha Accepted Suggested to include RNR 15048,
Glycemic Index genotypes in Rice Dr. Surendra red and brown genotypes viz.,
Dr. N. G. Hanamaratti Lavanya and Chakhao Amubi and
varieties released from KSNUAHS
Shivamogga. Initiate the
Hybridization programme using Low
GI varieties
02 Introgression of yield enhancing QTLs Dr. J. R. Diwan Dr. Surendra Accepted Suggested to include the important
from wild rice Oryza nivara Dr. N.G. Hanamaratti traits/QTLs present in Oryza nivara.

03 Development of determinate, early Dr. Anisa M. Nimbal Dr. S.K. Deshapande Accepted Suggested to use extra early types in
maturing and high yielding cowpea the Hybridization programme.
04 Breeding for foliar disease resistance in Dr. Sumangala Bhat Dr. Suma Mogali Accepted -
Mungbean through induced mutagenesis Dr. Gurupad Balol
05 Development of determinate, early Dr. Sumangala Bhat Dr. O. Sridevi Accepted Suggested to compare the flowering
maturing and high yielding genotypes in data of released varieties from UAS
rice bean through mutation breeding Bangalore and with that of UAS
06 Development of rust resistant genotypes Dr. Shobha U. Dr. G. K. Naidu Accepted Suggested to intimate the backcross
in Soybean through hybridization and Immadi Dr. Shalini Huilgol breeding using the elite rust resistant
induced mutation line EC 242104 and screen them for
pod blight incidence
07 Development of high protein content Dr. Bangaremma - Accepted -
coupled with high yield in Moth bean Wadeyar
suitable for North Karnataka
Agricultural Statistics

01 Decision Support System for Dr. K.V. Ashalatha Dr. V. B. Kuligod Accepted Suggested to conduct experiments on
Recommendation of Nutrients from Soil Dr. Vasantha Kumari J Dharwad data set
Health Card Data and Designing a Mobile
02 Socio-economic Impact of Technology Dr. K.V. Ashalatha Dr. M. P. Potdar Accepted Experimentation need to be validated
Adoption and Development of Farmers first at Karnataka location and
Friendly Mobile Apps suggested to submit a proposal for
Agri. start up programme.

01 Response of rice genotypes to different Dr. B.H. Prasanna Dr. S.S. Angadi Rejected The proposed rice varieties Lavanya
nutrient levels on growth, yield and quality Kumara Dr. Ravi, Y. and Chakhao Amubi were not
parameters released by UAS, Dharwad and
hence suggested the scientist to
modify and evaluate for normal
spacing with RDF along with other


02 Performance of rice genotype RNR-15048 Dr. B.H. Prasanna Dr. Shivamurthy Accepted Suggested to conduct experiment
to fertilizer levels and Nano-urea on Kumara Dr. S.S. Angadi using ‘Mugad Siri’ variety
growth, yield and quality Dr. Ravi, Y.
03 Revalidation of fertilizer recommendation Dr. S.R. Salakinkop Dr. Shivamurthy Accepted The varietal name GH-150125 to be
to maize under rainfed ecosystem specified as ‘Dharma’
04 Impact of transient water logging stress on Dr. S.R. Salakinkop Dr. Shivamurthy Accepted The trial need to be conducted in all
performance of maize (Pot culture for three seasons. Soil texture to be
simulation of water stagnation) maintained during experimentation.
05 Identification of profitable kharif legume - Dr. S.R. Salakinkop Dr. G. Somanagouda Accepted -
rabi maize sequence cropping systems Dr. Basavaraj S Yenagi
06 Response of sweet corn genotypes to Dr. Dinesh Kumar Dr. S.R. Salakinkop Accepted -
different levels of Nano-urea S.P. Dr. D.N. Kambrekar
Dr. B.H. Prasanna Dr. Sudha S.
07 Integrated management of Itch grass weed Dr. Priya, P Dr. S.R. Salakinkop Accepted -
(Rottboellia cochinchinensis) in maize Dr. U.K. Shanwad
(Zea mays L.)
08 Response of fodder maize genotypes to Dr. S.A. Biradar Dr. S.R. Salakinkop Rejected None of the varieties (J-1006 / TS
different nitrogen levels in Northern Dr. B.H. Prasanna FM-15-5, J-1007) has been adapted
transitional Zone of Karnataka Kumara to the Zones of UAS Dharwad
09 Effect of land configurations and foliar Dr. Ganajaxi Math - Accepted Suggested to remove the word ‘water
sprays to mitigate water logging stress logging stress’ from the title and
under excess rainfall condition in modify.
10 Effect of land configurations and foliar Dr. Ganajaxi Math - Accepted Suggested to remove the word ‘water
sprays to mitigate water logging stress logging stress’ from the title and
under excess rainfall condition in Urdbean modify.
11 Influence of nano-DAP on growth and Dr. G. S. Yadahalli Dr. S. B. Patil, Accepted Cost benefit ratio of application of
yield of Pigeonpea Dr. Vidyavathi G.Y DAP and nano-DAP need to be
Dr. S. H. Biradar calculated.
12 Response of soybean cultivars to land Dr. S. S. Nooli Dr. Somanagouda G. Accepted Suggested to use University released
configuration under changing rainfall variety DSb 23 instead of KDS 726.


13 Response of Chilli to different levels of Dr. Shivamurthy, D Dr. H.M. Santosh, Accepted Observations need to be recorded on
Nano-urea Dr. Dinesh Kumar Dr. Guruprasad G.S., entomological parameters and Murda
S.P Dr. D.N. Kambrekar complex.
Dr. Sudha S. Treatment combinations need to be
modified where 50 % N is used
14 Commercialization of by-products of Dr. Priya, P. - Accepted -
biofuel unit as value added products in
Secondary Agriculture
Food Science and Nutrition & Food Processing Technology

01 Screening of paddy genotypes for low Dr. Hemalatha, S. Mrs. Kavitha C. Accepted Suggested to list out the number
glycemic index Dr. Jayteerth Divan of genotypes used in the study
Er. Mansurkhan Tadkod and to add the low glycemic
index genotypes released by
KSNUAHS, Shivamogga
02 Optimization of Instant Buckwheat Upma Uma N. Kulkarni Dr.Hemalatha S. Accepted -
Mix Dr. Suma Biradar

03 Empowering women SHG’s on millet Dr. Kashibai Khydagi Dr. M.Y.Teggi Accepted -
and fruit value addition for Enhancing
04 Development of millet based sandwich Mrs. Chaitanya Itagi Dr. Archana L Accepted -
spread Mrs. Kavitha C

05 Up scaling and quality evaluation of value Dr. Hemalatha S. Dr. Nagappa Accepted -
added foxtail millet products Govanakoppa
Dr. Archana G Lamdande,
06 Development of Finger Millet Soup mix Dr. Archana G. Dr. Hemalatha S Accepted -
Lamdande Dr. Ashwini M.
07 Storage studies of Vegetable Beverages Dr. Archana G. Dr. Hemalatha S Accepted -
Lamdande Dr. Ashwini M

08 Promotion of sustainable nutrition through Dr. Ravi Dr. Jagadeesh Accepted -
value addition of underutilized fruits and
vegetables for rural women in Uttar
Kannada District, Karnataka state
Family Resource Management

01 Establishment of Community Resilience Dr. Renuka Salunke Dr. S S Dolli Accepted -

Resource Centre (CRRC) in Dharwad and Dr. Bhagirati
Belagavi Districts of Karnataka State Mrs.Chaitanya Itagi

02 Strengthening of Rural Livelihood System Dr. Renuka Salunke Dr. S S Dolli Accepted -
through on farm and off farm interventions Dr. Vinodkumar
Mrs.Chaitanya Itagi
03 “Processing and Value Addition of Under Dr. Veena S. Jadhav Dr. Ramachandra Naik Accepted -
Exploited Flowers and Tubers for
Entrepreneurship Development and
Economic Empowerment of SC/ST
Human Development and Family Studies

01 Awareness and utilization of old age Dr. Prema Patil - Accepted Suggested to add the senior
welfare schemes by senior citizen citizen group in the study
02 Impact of animated films on cognitive Dr. Mouneshwari R - Accepted -
development of preschool children Kammar
03 Intervention of happy, healthy and active Dr. Vinutha - Accepted -
ageing for rural elderly Muktamath
04 Polycystic ovary syndrome in young Dr. Vinutha - Accepted Suggested to concentrate on
women of Dharwad and Vijayanagar Muktamath other districts in the programme
districts: Knowledge, associated disorders by leaving Dharwad.
and interventions Study area and sample size
needs to be specified.
05 Delayed Parent hood: An exploratory Dr. Shwetha Biradar - Accepted -
study on family functioning

Extension and Communication Management

01 Promotion of UASD Technologies among Dr. D. A. Nithya Dr. Rajeshwari N Accepted -

Chickpea farmers through WhatsApp Shree Dr. Geeta Tamgale
Groups Dr. Ganajakshi Math

Women in Agriculture

01 Nutri Smart Village Programme Dr. Sannapapamma Dr. Geeta Channal Accepted -
Exp: 1 Modification and evaluation of developed PRO-mix to K. J Dr. Vinutha Muktamath
address/overcome anaemia among farm women and school children. Dr. Rajeshwari Desai
Exp: 2 Implementing nutri sensitive agriculture through nutri garden Dr. Ravi Y
and nutri farming
Exp: 3 Promoting nutritional awareness and education through ICT.
02 Shree Anna Gram Programme – A New Vista for Nutritional Security Dr. Sannapapamma Dr. Geeta Channal Accepted -
and Women Empowerment (6 experiments) K. J Dr. Vinutha Muktamath
Dr. Rajeshwari Desai
Dr. Ravi Y
03 Project 1: Development of repository of database to Analyze the Dr. Geeta Channal Dr. Sannapapamma K. J Accepted -
Dynamics and Role of Women in forestry Dr. Vinutha Muktamath
Expt 1. Physical participation of women and their magnitude of Dr. Rajeshwari Desai
involvement in forestry and major allied activity of the zone. Dr. Ravi Y
Expt 2. Documentation of socio economic profile of farm women
involved in forestry
Expt 3. Participation of women in supervision of forestry activities
and major allied activity of the zone
Expt 4. Participation of women in decision making related to forestry
and major allied activity of the zone.
Expt 5. Attitude of farm women towards forestry sector.
Project II: Development of repository of database to Analyze the
Dynamics and Role of Women in fisheries
Expt 1. Physical participation of women and their magnitude of
involvement in fisheries.
Expt 2. Documentation of socio economic profile of farm women

involved in fishery.
Expt 3. Participation of women in supervision of fisheries of the zone
Expt 4. Participation of women in decision making related to
Expt 5. Attitude of farm women towards fishery
04 Standardization of Techniques For Livelihood Analysis and Women Dr. Sannapapamma Dr. Geeta Channal Accepted -
Empowerment in different Agro-Ecological Zones K.J Dr. Vinutha Muktamath
Expt. 1: Standardization of methodology for enhancement of Dr. Rajeshwari Desai
livelihood of farm women Dr. Ravi Y
Expt. 2: To work out the indices for all the capitals
Expt. 3: identify appropriate interventions through livelihood
05 Community-based technological interventions for food, nutrition, Dr. Ravi Y. Dr. Sannapapamma K. J Accepted -
livelihood securities & entrepreneurship development for farm Dr. Geeta Channal
women Dr. Vinutha Muktamath
Expt-1: Determination of the nutritional status and dietary intake of Dr. Rajeshwari Desai
farm women
Expt-2: Elicitation and identification of the existing information on
small scale demand driven entrepreneurial activities among farm
Expt-3: Promotion and up scaling of small scale processing and
value addition entrepreneurship among farm women
Expt-4: Impart capacity building programmes using innovative
extension methods for entrepreneurship development of FWIGs
Expt-5: Establishment of the market network for developed products
by developing standardized entrepreneurship modules
06 Vulnerability Framework for climate change and Drudgery Reduction Dr. Rajeshwari Dr. Sannapapamma K. J Accepted -
for Women in Agriculture Desai Dr. Geeta Channal
Objective 1: Assessment of vulnerability indices for Climate change Dr. Vinutha Muktamath
and occupational drudgery of farm women in various agro-climatic Dr. Ravi Y
regions to identify gender gaps.
Expt.1. Assessment of vulnerability of the farm families in terms of
livelihood, health, psycho-socio-emotional, education and economic

Expt.2. Collection of Anthropometric and strength data of farm
Expt.3. Study on gender participation and identification of drudgery
prone women exclusive activity in agri/horti production system
Expt.4. An ergonomic study and drudgery analysis of existing
method of drudgery prone women exclusive activity in agri/horti
production system
Objective 2: To study two farm tools developed and validated by
AICRP and identify the gaps for drudgery reduction
Expt.1. Study the physiological workload of farm women while
performing transplanting activity in existing and improved methods
Expt.2. Assessment of drudgery experienced by the farm women
while performing transplanting activity in existing method and
improved method
Expt.3. Evaluation of the physiological workload of farm women
while performing harvest/post harvest activity in existing and
improved method
Expt.4. Assessment of drudgery experienced by the farm women
while performing harvest/post harvest activity in existing method and
improved method
07 Assessment, refinement and popularization of gender friendly Dr. Vinutha Dr. Sannapapamma K. J Accepted -
technologies and skill enhancement of farm women Muktamath Dr. Geeta Channal
Expt-1: Refinement/testing and optimizing the gender based Dr. Rajeshwari Desai
technologies emphasizing clean and green initiatives. Dr. Ravi Y
Expt-2: Refining/testing and optimizing the gender based
technologies emphasizing agri and allied sectors.
Expt-3: Refining/testing and optimizing the gender based
technologies emphasizing secondary agriculture
Expt-4: Refining/testing and optimizing the gender based modules to
enhance family income to support family systems.
Plant Pathology

01 Management of grain molds in sorghum Dr. Syeda Samina - Accepted Suggested to use the susceptible
Anjum check in the study and to modify

the treatments.
Spray schedule needs to be fixed
from milky stage onwards of the
02 Effect of liquid formulations of Pseudomonas Dr. S.A. Ashtaputre - Accepted Suggested to use the market
fluorescens on foliar diseases of groundnut under samples for the Bacillus subtilis.
organic cultivation (Early, late leaf spots and rust) Treatment combinations and
concentration for spray of
Biopesticides need to rechecked
and fixed based on the CFU
03 Effect of liquid formulations of Pseudomonas Dr. S.A. Ashtaputre - Accepted Treatment combinations and
fluorescens on foliar diseases of Soybean under concentration for spray of
organic cultivation (Rust, pod blight and leaf spot) Biopesticides need to rechecked
and fixed based on the CFU
04 Estimation of avoidable losses for soybean Dr. Shalini N. - Accepted Suggested to use the released
diseases (Rust and Pod blight) Huilgol variety for the study.
Agricultural Engineering

01 Comprehensive study of Agrivoltaics farming Dr. Ramesh Beerge Dr. M. B. Patil Accepted Suggested to conduct economic
system for sustainable food and energy production Dr. Vivek S. analysis and pay back amount
Devaranavadagi for the electricity generated and
Proposal need to be submitted
for the University for funding.
02 Feasibility of study of UAV in agriculture Dr. M. S. Shirahatti - Accepted -

03 Hydrological assessment of watersheds under Dr. M.V. Dr C. B. Meti Accepted -

REWARD Manjunatha Dr M.V. Manjunath
Component 1a: Er U.M. Momin
Sujala- III Model Watersheds (2 Nos.) – Dr PS Kanannavar
Upgrading and monitoring (Gadag, 1No.) and Dr M.S. Shirahatti
maintenance (Vijayapura, 1 No.)
Component 1b:

1. New Model Watersheds (3 Nos.).
2. The selection would be based on prioritization
considering diversity in geomorphologic, climatic
and socio-economic development factors. One
each in Athani, Kundagol and Ranebennur taluk.
Component 2 : Selection Bench mark sites in
saturation watershed area
Component 3: Monitoring of the ground water
status in identified observational wells
Component 4: Identifying the package of suitable
soil and water conservation measures as a part of
preparation of DPR

01 Effect of micronutrients in onion Dr. S. M. Hiremath Dr. B. S. Yenagi Accepted -

(Rainfed-Drill sown & transplanted) Dr. Rajakumar G.R.
Agricultural Microbiology

01 DBT- BUILDER - University of Agricultural Dr. P. U. Krishnaraj Dr. O. Sridevi Accepted -

Sciences (UAS), Dharwad Interdisciplinary Life Dr. Prashanthi S. K.
Science Programme for Advanced Research and Dr. D. N.
Education Kambrekar
Plant Microbe Interaction Group: Dr. Shamarao
02 Development of millet based functional yoghurt Dr. Ashwini, M Dr. Archana Accepted Commercially available yoghurt
Lamdande need to be included as treatment
Dr. Anil Kumar V for sensory evaluation.
Suggested to conduct the
experiment on individual millet
for the comparative analysis.
03 Development of bio composite membranes from Dr. Ashwini, M Dr. Ashok M. Accepted Suggested to submit a proposal
fruit and vegetable wastes for packaging Sajjan for University funding.
application Dr. N.R.

Dr. Archana
04 Evaluation of Rhizobial isolates for nodulation Dr. Geeta D. Goudar Dr. P. Jones Accepted -
and growth of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Nirmalnath
Walp.) Dr. Ganajaxi Math
05 Utilization of agricultural residue for lipase Dr. Shubha, S. Dr. Santhosh, G. P. Accepted Suggested to conduct a
enzyme production experiment for commercial
application of lipase enzyme for
industrial usage
06 Development of biopolymer membranes for Dr. Santhosh, G. P. Dr. Shubha, S. Accepted Suggested to conduct a
pervaporation of bioethanol experiment for commercial
application of lipase enzyme for
industrial usage
07 Production of bacterial cellulose from agricultural Dr. Santhosh, G. P. Dr. Shubha, S. Accepted Suggested to conduct a
residues for use as packaging material experiment for commercial
application of lipase enzyme for
industrial usage
08 Interactive effect of UASDAMF consortium and Dr. Noor Nawaz Dr. Ravikumar Rejected Suggested to bring the proposal
fungal biocontrol agents on Fusarium wilt A.S. M.R. for Rabi ZREAC 2023 meet.
incidence in chilli Treatment combination should
include Bio-pesticides.
Silviculture and Agro forestry

01 Collection and evaluation of Limonia acidissima Dr. H. Y. Patil Dr. S. T. Hundekar Accepted Suggested to collect the
(Wood Apple) clonal propagules under Mr. S. M. information/characteristic
Transitional Zone of Karnataka Ghatanatti features of Mother plants of
different germplsam collections
at source location.
Agricultural Meteorology

01 Impact of Agromet Advisory Services of DAMU Dr. Shantveerayya Dr. Guruprasad G.S Accepted Suggested to make modifications
on the farmers of Haveri district in the PI and Co PI as the
proposed scientist is working on
temporary basis.

Social science scientist need to
be included in the study for
development of questioners
which can precisely assess the
impact of advisory services on
02 Adoption level and Performance of AAS among Dr. Shantveerayya Mr. Sanjeevkumar Accepted Suggested to make modifications
the farmers in select block of a chosen district Yaledhalli in the PI and Co PI as the
Mr. C.B. Kabadagi, proposed scientist is working on
Ms. Lavanya P. temporary basis.
Mr. Basavaraj

03 Performance evaluation of maize-chickpea Dr. R. H. Patil Dr. S. R. Salakinkop Accepted -

cropping sequence under current and projected
climates across NIK using DSSAT model
04 Impact of Climate Change on the inter annual Dr. K. G. Sumesh Mr. C B. Kabadagi Accepted Suggested to send a proposal for
variations of CO2 and Methane gas concentrations external funding agency.
over India
Agricultural Extension Education

01 Empowerment of Farmers to Sustain their Dr G. N. Maraddi - Rejected Subjected to funding from the
livelihood systems & DFI through Technological funding agency.

02 Impact of UASD released technologies of Bengal Dr G. N. Maraddi Dr. G. M. Hiremath Accepted Suggested to include the released
gram on Farmers Economy Dr. S. L. Patil technologies and Technologies
Dr. K P in POP for the study.
03 Impact Analysis of DAESI on Input Dealers Dr. S. L. Patil Dr. G. N. Maraddi Accepted -

04 Development and Demonstration of AI enabled Dr.S.S.Dolli Dr.J.S.Hosamath Accepted -

Weather and Market information based Decision Dr.G.M.Hegde

Support System (FARWM- DS) for sustainable Dr.Prbhu S.T.
farm productivity & profitability and evolve Dr.V.S.Kulkarni
profitable cropping pattern Dr.Somesh
Agricultural Business Management

01 A Study on Performance of Krishi Sinchiayee Dr. A. D. Naik - Accepted Suggested to increase the sample
Yojana in Dharwad District size and restrict the study to
Dharwad district.
02 Effect of Farmer Producer Organisations on Millet Dr. G. M. Hiremath Dr. A.D. Naik Accepted Suggested to include the FPO
Farmers’ Economy in North Karnataka Dr. N. M. Kerur not promoted by IIMR in Haveri
Dr. G. N. Maraddi district for the impact study.
03 Impact of Soybean Technologies Developed by Dr. G. M. Hiremath Dr. Balachandra K. Accepted Suggested to include the released
UAS,Dharwad on Farmers Economy Naik technologies and Technologies
Dr. Somanagouda G in POP for the study.
Animal Science

01 Development of protocol for preparation of silage Dr.Anikumar G K Dr. Ashwini M. Accepted -

using maize stover (Maize strawlage) Dr. Bhageerathi
Dr. Nagappa
02 Integrated technological interventions to enhance Dr. Ranganath, G. J - Accepted -
livelihood and economic status of SC families of
Uttara Kannada
03 Rural women dairy farmers empowerment through Dr. Ranganath, G. J - Accepted Suggested to add the secondary
up-gradation of skills in modern and improved agriculture component in the
dairy farming practices study
Social science scientist need to
be included for development of
04 Evaluating different treatment regimen for Dr. Santosh Shinde Dr. Sangeeta Jadhav Accepted -
management of Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) in Dr. Anil Kumar
cattles G.K
05 Enriched egg and meat based co-operative Dr. Ranganath, G. J - Accepted -
backyard poultry farming to enhance livelihood
and economic security

Dr. Shripad Kulkarni, Professor and Nodal officer, Directorate of Extension, UAS, Dharwad presented 30 new On-Farm Trial
(OFTs) which will be implemented during kharif 2023. Suggestion was given for inclusion of UAS Dharwad released technologies for
the comparative study and analysis. Chairman of the session also suggested, if any of the varieties/technologies needs to be adapted
which found superior in OFTs, it has to route through concern scientist for conduct of MLTs/ LSD for a particular zones of UAS
Finally, Co-Chairman of the session briefed the highlights of the new technical programme proposed and accepted. The
Chairman of the session thanked all the Departmental Heads for their presentation.

(Dr. B.D. Biradar)



Plenary Session (Presentation of proceedings of technical sessions I toVI)

Chairman : Dr. V.R Kiresur, Director of Education, UAS, Dharwad

Co-Chairman : Dr. B.D. Biradar, Director of Research, UAS, Dharwad
Rapporteurs : Dr. SunitaJohri and Dr. Vanishree

Dr. GurudatHegde welcomed Dr. V.R KiresurDirector of Education, UAS, Dharwad and Dr.
B.D. BiradarDirector of Research, UAS, Dharwadto chair and co-chair the session respectively. Dr.
Kiresurasked chairman’sof all technical sessions to present the highlights of their respective
sessions in brief.

The rapporteur of the technical session I, Dr. G.M. Hiremath summarized about the concluded
research results proposed for Farm Trial of nine departments.

Sl. Department Concluded No. of Farm Trials

No. experiments accepted
1 Seed Science & Technology - -
2 Agril. Engineering - -
3 Crop physiology 1 Suggested to bring for
next rabi ZREAC meeting
4 Horticulture 4 2
5 Animal science 3 3
6 Silviculture and Agro-Forestry 1 Suggested to bring for
next rabi ZREAC meeting
7 Forest biology 2
8 Natural Resource Management - -
9 Forest Product and Utilization - -

 Dr. V. S. Patil, co-chairman of Technical Session –II presented the brief report onresults of
concluded experiments and number of farm trials acceptedof respective session.

Sl. Department Concluded No. of Farm Trials

No. experiments accepted
1 Genetics and plant breeding 6 6
2 Entomology 7 7
3 Plant pathology 1 1
4 Agronomy 7 7
5 Soil Science and Agricultural - -
6 Microbiology 1 1
7 Environmental Science - -
8 Biotechnology - -
9 Agro-Meteorology - -

 The chairman Dr. P.S. Hugar briefed the proceedings of technical session –III as follows.
Sl. Department Concluded experiments No. of technologies
No. accepted
1 AgriculturalEconomics - -
2 Agri Business Management one concluded Adhoc 1
3 Agricultural Extension - -
4 AgriculturalStatistics - -
5 Food Science and Nutrition and 05 17 technologies
Food Technology considered for
6 Family Resource Management one concluded Adhoc 1
7 Human Resource Development - -
8 Textile and Apparel Design one concluded Adhoc 1
9 Home science Extension - -
10 Women in Agriculture 1 1

 Dr. A. S Vastrad, chairman of technical session-IV summarized regarding results of farm trials,
extension activities, FLD’s and OFT’s.
Sl. Zone /location No. of Farm Remarks
No. Trials/FLD’s/OFT’s
conducted,Kharif 2022
1 Zone 8, 9 & 10 13 Farm trials Three Farm trials vitiated due to
ADE (HQ) heavy rains
UAS, Dharwad
2 Zone-3 08 Farm trials Successfully conducted
ADE Vijayapur
3 JDA, Dharwad 09 Farm trials Three Farm trials vitiated due to
heavy rains
4 JDA, Gadag 01 Farm trials Successfully conducted
5 JDA, Bagalkote 02 Farm trials One Farm trial vitiated due to
heavy rains
6 JDA, Belagavi 10 Farm trials Two Farm trials vitiated due to
heavy rains
7 IDA, Haveri - Not presented
8 JDA, Uttarkannnada - Farm trial not allotted
9 AICRP on MULLaRP 02 FLD’s Successfully conducted
10 AICRP on Pearl 01 FLD Successfully conducted
millet, Vijayapur
11 AICRP ON IFS OFR 03 OFRs Successfully conducted
Project Zone (9

 Dr. N.K. BiradarPatil, chairman of technical session-V briefed regarding variety release
proposals and modification to PoP’s.

New Variety /Hybrid release proposals:

Sl. Proposed by Variety/Hybrid Remarks
1 Dr. Jayant S. Bhat Pusa Baby Corn Hybrid-1: Accepted for adoption
Pr. Scientist PBCH-1 (AH 7043)
ICAR-IARI’s,RRC, Dharwad
2 Mrs. Savita Gamangatti (Jr. BRBH-16620 Pearlmillet Accepted
Breeder) Dr Vijendra S Sangam Hybrid
Head, VRDC, KSSC,Dharwad
3 Dr. Angadi Two rose varieties Not accepted and
Professor suggested to get
Department of Horticulture permission letter from
UAS,Dharwad developer, present
during Rabi meet

Modification to package of practices:
Sl. Department No. of modification to Remarks
No. PoP’s proposed
1 Agronomy 06 All accepted
2 Soil science 01 Accepted
3 Entomology 04 All accepted
4 Plant pathology 02 All accepted
5 Agril. Engineering 01 All accepted
6 Food Science and 17 17 technologies accepted for
Processing commercialization

 The Chairman of the technical session-IVDr. Manjunathgave brief abstract of the new and
continued technical programmes. Totally there are 1106continued technical programmes and
122 new technical programmes

 Dr.V.R Kiresur Director of Education, UAS, Dharwadthanked Honorable Vice Chancellor and
PPMC for encouraging and supporting the staffs of the university for getting the ADHOC
projects. Also mentioned regarding the inclusion of teaching components from next ZREAC
meetings. He also suggested that, similar to academic regulations, the research and extension
regulations/guidelines may be made in concerned respective councils to clear any confusions
related to research/extension.

 Dr. B. D Biradar, Director of Research, UAS, Dharwadsuggested that research in Agricultural

extension and Agricultural education is lacking which should be taken care.

 Finally, Dr. I. K. Kalappanavar, ADR(HQ) UAS, Dharwad proposed vote of thanks.


Year Year
Sl. TRE Contd Project
Place Est Dept Scheme Scientist Co-PI Experiment title Crop Season of of
No. A or New type
start close
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 Dhar Seed GPB AICRP- Anisa M. R Kumar C.J. Breeder seed production & Groundnut, K 2019 LT C AICRP
wad unit Seed Nimbal monitoring sesame, Niger, & R/S
(Crops) safflower,
2 Dhar Seed GPB AICRP- Anisa M. R Mallik Rehan Foundation seed production & Groundnut, K 2019 LT C AICRP
wad unit Seed Nimbal monitoring sesame, Niger, & R/S
(Crops) safflower,
3 Dhar Seed GPB AICRP- Anisa M. R Mahantesh Certified /TL seed production & Groundnut, K 2019 LT C AICRP
wad unit Seed Nimbal Mudenoor monitoring sesame, Niger, & R/S
(Crops) safflower,
4 Dhar Seed GPB AICRP- Anisa M. R -. Nucleus Seed production (Stage Groundnut, K 2019 LT C AICRP
wad unit Seed Nimbal 1 to Stage2) Wheat & R/S
5 Dhar Seed GPB AICRP- Anisa M. R MallikRehan Breeder seed production & Paddy, Maize, K 2022 LT C AICRP
wad unit Seed Nimbal monitoring Little millet, & R/S
(Crops) Prosomillet,
Foxtail millet,
Barnyard millet,
Finger millet,
Sorghum, Wheat
6 Dhar Seed GPB AICRP- Anisa M. R MallikRehan Foundation seed production & Paddy, Maize, K 2022 LT C AICRP
wad unit Seed Nimbal monitoring Little millet, &
(Crops) Prosomillet, R/S
Foxtail millet,
Barnyard millet,
Finger millet,
Sorghum, Wheat
7 Dhar Seed GPB AICRP- Anisa M. R Mahantesh Certified /TL seed production & Paddy, Maize, K 2022 LT C AICRP
wad unit Seed Nimbal Mudenoor monitoring Little millet, &
(Crops) Prosomillet, R/S
Foxtail millet,
Barnyard millet,
Finger millet,
Sorghum, Wheat

8 Dhar Seed GPB AICRP- Anisa M. R Vijaykumar A. G., Centralized nucleus seed Groundnut, K 2022 LT C AICRP
wad unit Seed Nimbal Kumar C.J. production Soybean, &
(Crops) Greengram, R/S
Niger, Sesame,
Maize, Wheat,
Dhar Seed GPB AICRP- Anisa M. R Vijaykumar A. G. Generation of breeding Horsegram Late 2019 LT C UAS
wad unit Seed Nimbal material-mutation kharif
9 (Crops) breeding/evaluation of
10 Dhar Seed GPB AICRP- Anisa M. R - Maize Private Hybrid testing Maize K 2023 - - UAS
wad unit Seed Nimbal Trial
11 AC, GPB - Bangarem T C. D. Soregaon Development of early maturing Cotton R 2017 LT C UAS
Vijay ma and productive lines from newly
pur Wadeyar generated diverse RILs
population of G. herbaceum L
AC, Bangarem
Preliminary yield trial of G.
12 Vijay GPB - ma T C. D. Soregaon Cotton R 2021 LT C UAS
herbaceum cotton
pur Wadeyar

AC, Bangarem
Development of early maturing
13 Vijay GPB - ma T B. N. Motagi Horse gram R 2019 LT C UAS
horse gram lines
pur Wadeyar

Genetic improvement through

AC, Bangarem hybridization and induced
14 Vijay GPB - ma T C. D. Soregaon mutation in horse gram Horse gram R 2022 LT New UAS
pur Wadeyar (Macrotyloma uniflorum Lam.

Development of high protein

AC, Bangarem B. N. Motagi
content and high yield in
15 Vijay GPB - ma T Prema G. U. Moth bean K 2023 LT New UAS
Mothbean suitable for
pur Wadeyar
AC, Bangarem
16 Vijay GPB - ma T - Testing sunflower hybrids Sunflower R 2022 2023 New Testing
pur Wadeyar

AC, Dr.Bangaremma S.
AC,Vi Dr.Chandr Evaluation and Maintainance of
Vija Wadeyar and
17 jayapu GPB GPB akant.D.S T Pigeonpea germplasm (Mini Pigeonpea K 2016 LT C UASD
yapu Dr.Ashvathama
ra oregaon core and others)
ra V.H.
Dr. B.N. Motagi,
AC,Vi Dr.Chandr Dr. Uday. G, Evaluation of stabilized TS 3R
18 jayapu GPB GPB akant.D.S T Dr.B.K. Athoni derived pigeonpea mutants for Pigeonpea K 2016 LT C
yapu RAFT
ra oregaon and Dr.Ashvathama yield and Nutritional Quality.
ra AR
. V.H
Dr. Uday. G, Dr. Evaluation of stabilized
AC,Vi Dr.Chandr B.N. Motagi, pigeonpea recombinants from
19 jayapu GPB GPB akant.D.S T Dr.B.K. Athoni TS 3R X ICPL 20338 (early) Pigeonpea K 2016 LT C
yapu RAFT
ra oregaon and Dr.Ashvathama for earliness, yield and
ra AR
V.H. Nutritional Quality.
Dr.Bangaremma S.
AC,Vi Dr.Chandr Wadeyar, Dr.B.K. Evaluation of Promising
20 jayapu GPB GPB akant.D.S T Athoni and pigeonpea genotypes under Pigeonpea K 2023 - New
yapu RAFT
ra oregaon Dr.Ashvathama station trial
ra AR
Dr. Prakash
Gangashetty, Dr.
AC, Screening /Evaluation of TS 3R
AC,Vi Dr.Chandr Vastrad S. M. UASD/
Vija X ICPV 21333 F2 segregants
21 jayapu GPB GPB akant.D.S T Dr.Bangaremma S. Pigeonpea K 2023 - New ICRIS
yapu for earliness,yield, wilt and
ra oregaon Wadeyar and AT
ra SMD.
Dr. Prakash
Gangashetty, Dr.
AC, Screening /Evaluation of TS 3R
AC,Vi Dr.Chandr Vastrad S. M. UASD/
Vija X ICPV 21888 F2 segregants
22 jayapu GPB GPB akant.D.S T Dr.Bangaremma S. Pigeonpea K 2023 - New ICRIS
yapu for earliness,yield, wilt and
ra oregaon Wadeyar and AT
ra SMD.
Dr. Prakash
AC, Gangashetty
AC,Vi Dr.Chandr ICRIS
Vija (Scientist Evaluation of MLT on Extra
23 jayapu GPB GPB akant.D.S T Pigeonpea K 2023 - New AT
yapu Pigeonpea Early Pigeonpea genotypes
ra oregaon MLT
ra Breeding

Dr. Prakash
AC, Gangashetty
AC,Vi Dr.Chandr ICRIS
Vija (Scientist Evaluation of MLT on Mid
24 jayapu GPB GPB akant.D.S T Pigeonpea K 2023 - New AT
yapu Pigeonpea Early Pigeonpea genotypes
ra oregaon MLT
ra Breeding
Dr. Prakash
AC, Gangashetty
AC,Vi Dr.Chandr ICRIS
Vija (Scientist Evaluation of MLT on Midium
25 jayapu GPB GPB akant.D.S T Pigeonpea K 2023 - New AT
yapu Pigeonpea duration Pigeonpea genotypes
ra oregaon MLT
ra Breeding
Dr. Prakash
AC, Gangashetty
AC,Vi Dr.Chandr Evaluation of MLT on ICRIS
Vija (Scientist
26 jayapu GPB GPB akant.D.S T Experimental Hybrid Trial in Pigeonpea K 2023 - New AT
yapu Pigeonpea
ra oregaon Pigeonpea MLT
ra Breeding
Dr. Prakash
AC, Gangashetty
AC,Vi Dr.Chandr Performance assesment of ICPV UASD/
Vija (Scientist
27 jayapu GPB GPB akant.D.S T 21333 in the farmers field of Pigeonpea K/R 2023 - New ICRIS
yapu Pigeonpea
ra oregaon northern dry zone ( as minikit) AT
ra Breeding
Dr. Prakash
AC, Gangashetty
AC,Vi Dr.Chandr Performance assesment of ICPV UASD/
Vija (Scientist
28 jayapu GPB GPB akant.D.S T 21888 in the farmers field of Pigeonpea K/R 2023 - New ICRIS
yapu Pigeonpea
ra oregaon northern dry zone ( as minikit) AT
ra Breeding
AC,Vi Dr.Chandr T UASD
29 jayapu GPB GPB akant.D.S - Pigeonpea Testing Trial Pigeonpea K 2023 2023 New Testing
ra oregaon trial
AC,Vi Dr.Chandr UASD
30 jayapu GPB GPB akant.D.S T - Sunflower Hybrid Testing Trial Sunflower K 2023 2023 New Testing
ra oregaon trial

AC,Vi Dr.Chandr UASD
31 jayapu GPB GPB akant.D.S T - Chickpea Testing Trial Chickpea R 2023 2023 New Testing
ra oregaon trial
AC,Vi Dr.Chandr
32 jayapu GPB GPB akant.D.S T - MLT of wheat Wheat R 2023 2023 New
yapu MLT
ra oregaon
AC,Vi Dr.Chandr
33 jayapu GPB GPB akant.D.S T - MLT of wheat Wheat R 2023 2023 New
yapu MLT
ra oregaon

Muga AICRP on Advanced Varietal Trial (AVT)- Long

34 ARS GPB J R Diwan R Gurupada Balol Rice K 2019 C AICRP
d Rice 1 Aerobic term

Muga AICRP on Advanced Varietal Trial (AVT)- Long

35 ARS GPB J R Diwan R Gurupada Balol Rice K 2019 C AICRP
d Rice 1 Irrigated Medium term
Muga AICRP on Advanced Varietal Trial (AVT)- Long
36 ARS GPB J R Diwan R Gurupada Balol Rice K 2019 C AICRP
d Rice 2 Irrigated Medium term

Muga AICRP on Advanced Varietal Trial (AVT)- Long

37 ARS GPB J R Diwan R Gurupada Balol Rice K 2019 C AICRP
d Rice 1 Irrigated Mid Early term

Muga AICRP on Advanced Varietal Trial (AVT)- Long

38 ARS GPB J R Diwan R Gurupada Balol Rice K 2019 C AICRP
d Rice 2 Irrigated Mid Early term
Muga AICRP on Advanced Varietal Trial (AVT)- Long
39 ARS GPB J R Diwan R Gurupada Balol Rice K 2019 C AICRP
d Rice 1 Medium Slender term
Muga AICRP on Advanced Varietal Trial (AVT)- Long
40 ARS GPB J R Diwan R Gurupada Balol Rice K 2019 C AICRP
d Rice 2 Medium Slender term
Muga AICRP on Initial Varietal Trial (IVT)- Long
41 ARS GPB J R Diwan R Gurupada Balol Rice K 2019 C AICRP
d Rice Aromatic Short Grain term
Muga AICRP on Advanced Varietal Trial (AVT)- Long
42 ARS GPB J R Diwan R Gurupada Balol Rice K 2019 C AICRP
d Rice 1 and 2 Late term
Muga AICRP on Initial Hybrid Rice Trial (IHRT) Long
43 ARS GPB J R Diwan R Gurupada Balol Rice K 2019 C AICRP
d Rice Mid Early term

Muga AICRP on Initial Hybrid Rice Trial (IHRT) Long
44 ARS GPB J R Diwan R Gurupada Balol Rice K 2019 C AICRP
d Rice Medium term

Surendra P
Muga AICRP on Long
45 ARS GPB J R Diwan R Gurupada Balol, Multilocation Trial (MLT)-21K Rice K 2019 C UAS
d Rice term

Surendra P
Muga AICRP on Multilocation Trial (MLT) - Long
46 ARS GPB J R Diwan R Gurupada Rice K 2019 C UAS
d Rice BABD term

Surendra P
Muga AICRP on Long
47 ARS GPB J R Diwan R Gurupada Balol, Multilocation Trial (MLT) -SRS Rice K 2019 C UAS
d Rice term

Muga AICRP on Long

48 ARS GPB J R Diwan R Gurupada Balol Station trial 01 Rice K 2019 C UAS
d Rice term

Muga AICRP on Long

49 ARS GPB J R Diwan R Gurupada Balol Station trial 02 Rice K 2019 C UAS
d Rice term

Muga AICRP on Nucleus Seed production of Long

50 ARS GPB J R Diwan R Surendra Rice K 2019 C UAS
d Rice released varieties term
Evaluation of germplasm lines
Muga AICRP on Long
51 ARS GPB J R Diwan R Gurupada Balol including land races for per se Rice K 2019 C UAS
d Rice term
Muga AICRIP on Demonstration of popular rice Long
52 ARS GPB J R Diwan R Surendra Rice K 2019 C UAS
d Rice varieties term
UASD J R Diwan R Surendra
Muga Crossing programme involving Long N
53 ARS Rice R 2023 UAS
d BPT5204 and wild rice term

Muga Shortt
54 ARS GPB UASD J R Diwan R Suma Mogali MLT on Rice fallow Blackgram Blackgram R 2022 C UAS
d erm
Muga Shortt
55 ARS GPB UASD J R Diwan R Suma Mogali MLT on Rice fallow Greengram Greengram R 2022 C UAS
d erm

Muga Shortt
56 ARS GPB UASD J R Diwan R Satish R G Sunhemp production Sunhemp R 2022 C UAS
d erm

Muga Maize production for fodder Shortt
57 ARS GPB UASD J R Diwan R S C Talekar Maize R 2022 C UAS
d purpose erm

Muga Horsegram production for Shortt

58 ARS GPB UASD J R Diwan R Horsegram R 2022 C UAS
d fodder purpose erm

Dr. Dr. Prabhu S. T
Hanu Genetic purification of Byadgi 2027- Contd
59 COA GPB -- KaveraBir T Dr. M R Chilli K 2022 UAS
mana Chilli 28 .
adar Ravikumar
MARS, Laxmi C Vanishree
Sesa Long
60 UAS, GPB Patil M.G.Palakshappa K 2006 Contd UASD
me term
Dharwad Kavita B. Patil

MARS, Laxmi C Vanishree

Sesa Long
61 UAS, GPB Patil M.G.Palakshappa K 2012 Contd UASD
me term
Dharwad Kavita B. Patil

MARS, Laxmi C Vanishree

Sesa Long
62 UAS, GPB Patil M.G.Palakshappa K 2006 Contd UASD
me term
Dharwad Kavita B. Patil
MARS, Laxmi C Vanishree
Sesa Station Trial of Sesame hybrids Long
63 UAS, GPB Patil M.G.Palakshappa K 2012 Contd UASD
me -1 (SHT-1) term
Dharwad Kavita B. Patil
MARS, Laxmi C Vanishree
Sesa Evaluation of bold seeded Long
64 UAS, GPB Patil M.G.Palakshappa K 2023 New UASD
me entries of BARC term
Dharwad Kavita B. Patil
MARS, Laxmi C Vanishree
Sesa Station crossing programme: Long
65 UAS, GPB Patil M.G.Palakshappa K 2023 New UASD
me Sesame term
Dharwad Kavita B. Patil
Development of high yielding,
Laxmi C Vanishree foliar disease resistant sesame
UAS, Sesa Long
66 GPB Patil M.G.Palakshappa variety through induced K 2020 UASD
Dhar me term Contd
Kavita B. Patil mutation M6 generation:
Evaluation of mutants

MARS, Laxmi C Vanishree
Sesa Advanced Varietal Trial on Long
67 UAS, GPB Patil M.G.Palakshappa K 2006 Contd AICRP
me Sesame term
Dharwad Kavita B. Patil
Seed unit
Laxmi C Vanishree
/ MARS Sesa Maintenance breeding of Long
68 GPB Patil M.G.Palakshappa K 2006 Contd UASD
UAS, me released varieties of Niger term
Kavita B. Patil
Evaluation of selected advance
MARS Laxmi C Vanishree
Sesa breeding lines for yield and Long
69 UAS, GPB Patil M.G.Palakshappa K 2006 Contd UASD
me yield attributes (M. Sc. Student term
Dharwad Kavita B. Patil
research continuation)
MARS, Laxmi C Vanishree
Nige Station Varietal Trial -1 on Long
70 UAS, GPB Patil M.G.Palakshappa K 2006 Contd UASD
r Niger term
Dharwad Kavita B. Patil

MARS, Laxmi C Vanishree

Nige Long
71 UAS, GPB Patil M.G.Palakshappa K 2021 Contd AICRP
r term
Dharwad Kavita B. Patil
MARS, Laxmi C Vanishree
Nige Long
72 UAS, GPB Patil M.G.Palakshappa K 2021 Contd UASD
r term
Dharwad Kavita B. Patil
Development of high yielding,
MARS, Laxmi C Vanishree foliar disease resistant sesame Contd
Sesa Long
73 UAS, GPB Patil M.G.Palakshappa variety through induced K 2020 UASD
me term
Dharwad Kavita B. Patil mutation M7generation:
Evaluation of mutants
MARS, Laxmi C Vanishree National Crossing Programme:
Sesa Long
74 UAS, GPB Patil M.G.Palakshappa sesame S 2012 contd AICRP
me term
Dharwad Kavita B. Patil
MARS, Laxmi C Vanishree
Sesa Station varietal Trial-II on Long
75 UAS, GPB Patil M.G.Palakshappa S 2022 Contd UASD
me Sesame term
Dharwad Kavita B. Patil

MARS, Laxmi C Vanishree Evaluation of advance

Sesa Long
76 UAS, GPB Patil M.G.Palakshappa generation breeding material of S 2006 contd UASD
me term
Dharwad Kavita B. Patil Sesame

MARS, Laxmi C Vanishree
Sesa Evaluation of bold seeded Long
77 UAS, GPB Patil M.G.Palakshappa S 2023 New UASD
me entries of BARC term
Dharwad Kavita B. Patil
Evaluation of selected advance
MARS Laxmi C Vanishree
Sesa breeding lines for yield and Long
78 UAS, GPB Patil M.G.Palakshappa S 2006 Contd UASD
me yield attributes (M. Sc. Student term
Dharwad Kavita B. Patil
research continuation)

Vijaya RAR Dr. M. D. Long Contd

79 GPB Chickpea R - MLVT Sesame Sesame K 2018-19 UAS
pur S Patil term .

Vijaya RAR Dr. M. D. Long Contd

80 GPB Chickpea R - MLVT Niger Niger K 2018-19 UAS
pur S Patil term .

Vijaya RAR Dr. M. D. Dr. Chickpea Off Season Long Contd UAS/
81 GPB Chickpea R Chickpea K 2018-19
pur S Patil BasammaKumbar Advancement at Vijayapur term . AICRP

Chickpea Off Season

Vijaya RAR Dr. M. D. Dr. Long Contd
82 GPB Chickpea R Advancement at IIPR, RRC Chickpea K 2018-19 AICRP
pur S Patil RevanappaBiradar term .
Dr. Vijayapkumar
Identification of high yielding
Vijaya RAR Dr. M. D. A. G., Dr. B. K. Long Contd
83 GPB Chickpea R and disease resistant genotypes Horsegram K 2021-22 UAS
pur S Patil Kumbar, Dr. S. S. term .
in horsegram

Vijaya RAR Dr. M. D. Horsegram Maintenance Long Contd

84 GPB Chickpea R - Horsegram K 2021-22 UAS
pur S Patil Breeding (NSP) term .

Vijaya RAR Dr. M. D. Mothbean Maintenance Long Contd

85 GPB Chickpea R - Mothbean Kharif 2021-22 UAS
pur S Patil Breeding (NSP) term .

Vijaya RAR Dr. M. D. Contd

86 GPB Chickpea R - Sunflower Hybrids Testing Trial Sunflower Kharif 2019-20 - UAS
pur S Patil .

Development of early maturing

Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Dr.BasammaKumb Long Contd
87 GPB R chickpea genotypes resistant to Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil ar Term .
wilt & dry root rot

Dr.BasammaKumb Development and evaluation of
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. ar Long Contd
88 GPB R advanced generation breeding Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil Term .
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. ar Evaluation of chickpea Long Contd
89 GPB R Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil germplasm Term .

Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Long Contd

90 GPB R - Varietal demonstrations Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil Term .

Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Dr.BasammaKumb Long Contd

91 GPB R ICAR FLDs Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil ar Term .

Production of Nucleus Seeds

Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Long Contd
92 GPB R - Production and Maintenance Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil Term .

Developing chickpea genotypes

Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Long Contd
93 GPB R - suitable for mechanical Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil Term .

Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Dr.BasammaKumb Initial Varietal Trial (IVT) Desi Long Contd
94 GPB R ar Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 AICRP
pur S Chickpea Patil Irrigated Timely Sown Term .

Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Dr.BasammaKumb Initial Varietal Trial (IVT) Long Contd
95 GPB R ar Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 AICRP
pur S Chickpea Patil Rainfed Term .
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Dr.BasammaKumb Advanced Varietal Trial-1 Long Contd
96 GPB R Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 AICRP
pur S Chickpea Patil ar (AVT-1) Rainfed Term .
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Dr.BasammaKumb Advanced Varietal Trial-2 Long Contd
97 GPB R ar Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 AICRP
pur S Chickpea Patil (AVT-2) Rainfed Term .
Dr.BasammaKumb Initial Varietal Trial (IVT)
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. ar Long Contd
98 GPB R Kabuli + Extra-large Seeded Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 AICRP
pur S Chickpea Patil Term .
Kabuli (K+ELSK)

Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Dr.BasammaKumb Advanced Varietal Trial-1 Long Contd
99 GPB R ar Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 AICRP
pur S Chickpea Patil (AVT-1) Kabuli Term .

Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Advanced Varietal Trial-2 Long Contd
100 GPB R ar Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 AICRP
pur S Chickpea Patil (AVT-2) Kabuli Term .
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. ar Initial Varietal Trial (IVT) Long Contd
101 GPB R Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 AICRP
pur S Chickpea Patil Mechanical Harvesting (MH) Term .

Dr.BasammaKumb Advanced Varietal Trial-1

Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. ar Long Contd
102 GPB R (AVT-1) Mechanical Harvesting Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 AICRP
pur S Chickpea Patil Term .
Dr.BasammaKumb Advanced Varietal Trial (AVT)
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. ar Long Contd
103 GPB R Drought tolerance introgression Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 AICRP
pur S Chickpea Patil Term .
Lines (DTIL)
Dr.BasammaKumb Advanced Varietal Trial (AVT)
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. ar Long Contd
104 GPB R Wilt Resistance Introgressed Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 AICRP
pur S Chickpea Patil Term .
Lines (WRIL)
Dr.BasammaKumb UAS-
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. ar ICVT Desi Extra Early suitable Long Contd
105 GPB R Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 ICRIS
pur S Chickpea Patil for late sown conditions Term .
Dr.BasammaKumb UAS-
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Long Contd
106 GPB R ar ICVT Kabuli Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 ICRIS
pur S Chickpea Patil Term .
Dr.BasammaKumb UAS-
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Long Contd
107 GPB R ar ICVT Desi MH Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 ICRIS
pur S Chickpea Patil Term .
Dr.BasammaKumb UAS-
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Long Contd
108 GPB R ar ICVT Extra Large Kabuli Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 ICRIS
pur S Chickpea Patil Term .
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Long Contd
109 GPB R ar Station Trial-Desi Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil Term .
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Dr.BasammaKumb Long Contd
110 GPB R ar Station Trial-MH Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil Term .
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Dr.BasammaKumb Long Contd
111 GPB R ar Station Trial-Kabuli/ K+ELSK Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil Term .

Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Maintenance Breeding cum Long Contd
112 GPB R - Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil Multiplication of Donors Term .

113 Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Evaluation of F5 populations Long Contd

GPB R - Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil and advancement Term .
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Evaluation of F4 populations Long Contd
114 GPB R - Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil and advancement Term .
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Evaluation of F3 families and Long Contd
115 GPB R - Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil advancement Term .

Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Evaluation of F2 populations Long Contd

116 GPB R - Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil and selection Term .

Advancement of newly
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Long Contd AICRP
117 GPB R - developed F1s under national Chickpea Rabi 2018-19
pur S Chickpea Patil Term . /UAS
and station crossing programme
Development of new F1s
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. (crosses)- National Crossing Long Contd AICRP
118 GPB R - Chickpea Rabi 2018-19
pur S Chickpea Patil Programme and Station Term . /UAS
Crossing Programme

Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Evaluation and advamcement of Long Contd

119 GPB R - Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 AICRP
pur S Chickpea Patil shuttle breeding material Term .

Studies on genetics of seed size

Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Long Contd
120 GPB R Dr. B. S. Patil and development of mapping Chickpea Rabi 2018-19 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil Term .
population in chickpea

Identification of high protein

Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Dr. K. S. Khyadagi, Long Contd
121 GPB R genotypes and marker trait Fieldpea Rabi 2018-19 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil Dr. I. S. Katageri Term .
association studies in field pea

Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Association mapping studies for Long Contd
122 GPB R Dr. I. S. Katageri Fieldpea Rabi 2018-19 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil productivity traits in field pea Term .

Dr. AG Development of chickpea

Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Vijayakumar, Dr. genotypes with early maturity Long Contd
123 GPB R Chickpea Rabi 2019-20 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil Srinivasan and suitability to mechanical Term .
Samineni harvesting

Dr. AG
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Vijayakumar, Dr. Improving nutritional quality in Long Contd
124 GPB R Chickpea Rabi 2019-20 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil Srinivasan chickpea Term .
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. ar Long Contd
125 GPB R PYT Desi Chickpea Chickpea Rabi 2019-20 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil Term .

Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Dr.BasammaKumb Long Contd

126 GPB R ar PYT MH Chickpea Chickpea Rabi 2019-20 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil Term .
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Dr.BasammaKumb Long Contd
127 GPB R ar Specialiy Chickpea Trial Chickpea Rabi 2019-20 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil Term .
Dr. AG
Vijayakumar, Dr. Breeding for climate resilient
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. Long Contd
128 GPB R CD Soregaon, high yielding chickpea varieties Chickpea Rabi 2020-21 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil Term .
Dr.VHAshvathama, for Northern Karnataka
Dr. RB Jolli,
Dr. AG
Vijayakumar, Dr.
Identification of Fusarium wilt
Vijaya RAR AICRP on Dr. M. D. VH Nayak Long Contd
129 GPB R tolerant high yielding chickpea Chickpea Rabi 2020-21 UAS
pur S Chickpea Patil Dr.BasammaKumb Term .
ar, Dr. Mallikarjun
Vijaya RAR Dr. M. D. Contd
130 GPB Chickpea R - Chickpea Testing Trial Chickpea Rabi 2021-22 - Sponso
pur S Patil .

Vijaya RAR Dr. M. D. Horsegram Maintenance Long Contd

131 GPB Chickpea R - Horsegram K/R 2021-22 UAS
pur S Patil Breeding (NSP) term .

Vijaya RAR Dr. M. D. Mothbean Maintenance Long Contd

132 GPB Chickpea R - Mothbean K/R 2021-22 UAS
pur S Patil Breeding (NSP) term .

Vijaya RAR Dr. M. D. Dr. Suma Biradar, MLT Bread Wheat Rainfed Long
133 GPB Chickpea R Wheat Rabi 2022-23 New UAS
pur S Patil Dr. Uday Reddy (RF) term

Vijaya RAR Dr. M. D. Dr. Suma Biradar, MLT Durum Wheat Rainfed Long
134 GPB Chickpea R Wheat Rabi 2022-23 New UAS
pur S Patil Dr. Uday Reddy (RF) term

M S L Rao, Rohini
MA B. N.
135 DWD GPB AICRP R S., B. S. Yenagi, D Initial Varietal Trial-I(SB) Gnut Kharif 2023 2024 N ICAR
RS Motagi
T Kallesh

M S L Rao, Rohini
MA B. N.
136 DWD GPB AICRP R S., B. S. Yenagi, D Initial Varietal Trial-II(SB) Gnut Kharif 2022 2023 C ICAR
RS Motagi
T Kallesh
M S L Rao, Rohini
MA B. N.
137 DWD GPB AICRP R S., B. S. Yenagi, D Initial Varietal Trial-I(VG) Gnut Kharif 2023 2024 N ICAR
RS Motagi
T Kallesh

M S L Rao, Rohini
MA B. N.
138 DWD GPB AICRP R S., B. S. Yenagi, D Initial Varietal Trial- II(VG) Gnut Kharif 2022 2023 C ICAR
RS Motagi
T Kallesh

M S L Rao, Rohini
MA B. N.
139 DWD GPB AICRP R S., B. S. Yenagi, D Large Seeded Varietal Trial-I Gnut Kharif 2023 2024 N ICAR
RS Motagi
T Kallesh
M S L Rao, Rohini
MA B. N. Advanced Varietal Trial
140 DWD GPB AICRP R S., B. S. Yenagi, D Gnut Kharif 2023 2024 N ICAR
RS Motagi (SB/VG/LS)
T Kallesh
DWD MA GPB AICRP B. N. R M S L Rao, Rohini Early Maturity PY Trial Gnut Kharif 2023 2024 N ICAR
141 RS Motagi S., B. S. Yenagi, D (EMPYT)
T Kallesh

DWD MA GPB AICRP B. N. R P Janila, Manish ICRISAT-Short Duration Trial Gnut Kharif 2021 2022 C ICRIS
RS Motagi Pandey, M S L AT
Rao, B. S. Yenagi,
D T Kallesh
DWD MA GPB AICRP B. N. R P Janila, Manish ICRISAT HO & FDR Trial Gnut Kharif 2022 2023 N ICRIS
RS Motagi Pandey, M S L (Stage-1) AT
Rao, Yenagi, D T
DWD MA GPB AICRP B. N. R P Janila, Manish ICRISAT HO & FDR Trial Gnut Kharif 2021 2022 C ICRIS
144 RS Motagi Pandey, M S L (Stage-2) AT
Rao, Yenagi, D T


DWD, MA GPB AICRP B. N. R Dr Ramesh Bhat, Multi Location Trial (SB) Gnut Kharif 2023 2024 N UAS
BGK, RS Motagi Dr.Arun Kumar,
NPN, Dr. Kambrekar, Dr
BLH , R B Jolli, Dr NK
ANN, Nayidu , Dr S
VJP, Kandakur S. Dr
HMT Kavera Biradar, M
S L Rao, Rohini S.,
B. S. Yenagi, D T
DWD, MA GPB AICRP B. N. R Dr Ramesh Bhat, Multi Location Trial (VG/LS) Gnut Kharif 2023 20234 N UAS
SNK, RS Motagi Dr. S.B. Patil, Dr.
BLH, Kambrekar, Dr S
Gadag Kandakur, Dr R B
146 , Jolli, Dr C M
BGK, Rafee, M S L Rao,
VJP Rohini S., B. S.
Yenagi, D T
DWD MA GPB AICRP B. N. R Drs Ramesh Bhat, Large scale Yeild Trial I Gnut Kharif 2023 2024 N UAS
147 RS Motagi D T Kallesh

DWD MA GPB AICRP B. N. R Dr D T Kallesh Large scale Yeild Trial II Gnut Kharif 2021 2023 C UAS
148 RS Motagi

DWD MA GPB AICRP B. N. R Dr D T Kallesh Large scale Yeild Trial III Gnut Kharif 2021 2023 C UAS
RS Motagi
DWD MA GPB AICRP B. N. R Drs Ramesh Bhat, Preliminary Yeild Trial I (SB) Gnut Kharif 2023 2024 N UAS
151 RS Motagi D T Kallesh

DWD MA GPB AICRP B. N. R Drs Ramesh Bhat, Preliminary Yeild Trial II (HO) Gnut Kharif 2023 2024 N UAS
152 RS Motagi D T Kallesh

DWD MA GPB AICRP B. N. R Drs Ramesh Bhat, Preliminary Yeild Trial III Gnut Kharif 2023 2024 C UAS
153 RS Motagi D T Kallesh (VG/LS)

DWD MA GPB AICRP B. N. R Dr D T Kallesh Preliminary Yeild Trial IV Gnut Kharif 2021 2023 C UAS
154 RS Motagi

DWD MA GPB AICRP B. N. R Dr D T Kallesh Preliminary Yeild Trial V Gnut Kharif 2021 2023 C UAS
155 RS Motagi

DWD MA GPB AICRP B. N. R Dr D T Kallesh Preliminary Yeild Trial VI Gnut Kharif 2021 2023 C UAS
156 RS Motagi

DWD MA GPB AICRP B. N. R Dr D T Kallesh Preliminary Yeild Trial VII Gnut Kharif 2021 2023 C UAS
157 RS Motagi

MA B. N.
158 DWD GPB AICRP R Dr D T Kallesh Preliminary Yeild Trial VIII Gnut Kharif 2021 2023 C UAS
RS Motagi

Evaluation of segregating
MA B. N.
159 DWD GPB AICRP R Dr D T Kallesh populations for resistance and Gnut Kharif 2021 2022 C UAS
RS Motagi
productivity traits

MA B. N. Generation of new breeding

160 DWD GPB AICRP R Dr D T Kallesh Gnut Kharif 2022 2023 N UAS
RS Motagi material throug Hybridization

M S L Rao, B. S.
MA B. N. Nucleus Seed Production of
161 DWD GPB AICRP R Yenagi, Rohini S., Gnut Kharif 2022 2023 N UAS
RS Motagi released groundnut varieties
D T Kallesh

Evaluation and multiplication

MA B. N.
162 DWD GPB AICRP R Dr D T Kallesh of groundnut germplasm and Gnut Kharif 2021 2023 C AICRP
RS Motagi
interspecific derivatives
Drs. Ramesh Bhat,
P Janila, DrManish Breeding for high oleate, late UAS/I
MA B. N.
163 DWD GPB AICRP R Pandey, M S L leaf spot and rust resistance in Gnut Kharif 2022 2024 C CRISA
RS Motagi
Rao, B. S. Yenagi, groundnut T
D T Kallesh

Drs. Ramesh Bhat,
Anand UAS/I
MA B. N. Genetic variability studies for
164 DWD GPB AICRP R Badigannavar M S Gnut Kharif 2022 2024 C CRISA
RS Motagi herbicide tolerance in groundnut
L Rao, B. S. T
Yenagi, DT Kallesh
Drs Ramesh Bhat,
V K Deshpande, P Evaluation of groundnut UAS/B
MA B.N. Janila, Manish advanced breeding lines for in ARC/I
165 DWD GPB AICRPG R Groundnut Kharif 2022 2024 N
RS Motagi Pandey, Anand situ germination and CRISA
Badigannavar, M S productivity traits T
L Rao, D T Kallesh

MA B. N. Private Maize/Sunflower
166 DWD GPB AICRP R Dr D T Kallesh Maize Kharif 2022 2023 N UAS
RS Motagi Testing Trial

M S L Rao, Rohini
MA B. N.
167 DWD GPB AICRP R S., B. S. Yenagi, D Initial Varietal Trial-I(SB) Gnut S 2023 2024 N AICRP
RS Motagi
T Kallesh

M S L Rao, Rohini
MA B. N.
168 DWD GPB AICRP R S., B. S. Yenagi, D Initial Varietal Trial-II(SB) Gnut S 2022 2023 C AICRP
RS Motagi
T Kallesh

M S L Rao, Rohini
MA B. N.
169 DWD GPB AICRP R S., B. S. Yenagi, D Advanced Varietal Trial (SB) Gnut S 2023 2024 N AICRP
RS Motagi
T Kallesh
Drs. Ramesh Bhat,
Dr.Arunkumar , Dr
MA B. N. Dr.Jagginavar , Dr
170 S'laga GPB AICRP R Multi Location Trial (SB) Gnut S 2023 2024 C UAS
RS Motagi MJ Manju, Dr P
Surendra, M S L
Rao, Rohini S., B.
S. Yenagi, D T
Drs Jagginavar, M
RAR Evaluation of groundnut
DWD B. N. S L Rao, B. S. AICRP
171 S/A GPB AICRP R gnotypes for salinity in costal Gnut S 2021 2023 C
KMT, Motagi Yenagi, D T /UAS
RS Karnataka
Kallesh ,

Drs M S L Rao,
RAR Evaluation of groundnut
DWD B. N. Astaputre, Ramesh UAS/A
172 S/A GPB AICRP R gnotypes for dry root rot and Gnut S 2023 2024 N
KMT, Motagi Bhat, SN Hotkar, ICRP
RS soil borne diseases
D T Kallesh ,
RAR Spurthi Nayak, Evaluation of groundnut
173 S/A GPB AICRP R Ramesh Bhat, D T mapping population for heat Gnut S 2021 2023 C UAS
KMT, Motagi
RS Kallesh tolerance
P Janila, Manish
174 DWD GPB AICRP R Gnut S 2022 2024 C
RS Motagi Rao, B. S. Yenagi, advanced lines AT
D T Kallesh
Drs. Ramesh Bhat,
M S L Rao, B. S.
175 GPB AICRP R Yenagi, D T Groundnut drought Trial Gnut S 2022 2024 C
D S Motagi AT
Kallesh, B O Kiran,

176 GPB AICRP R D T Kallesh Hybridization (new crosses) Gnut S 2023 2024 N UAS
D S Motagi

177 GPB AICRP R D T Kallesh Evaluation of F1's and parents Gnut S 2020 2024 C UAS
D S Motagi

M S L Rao, B. S.
DW MAR B. N. Nucleus Seed Production of
178 GPB AICRP R Yenagi, Rohini S., Gnut S 2020 2024 C UAS
D S Motagi Rabi/Summer varieties
D T Kallesh
voluntary Nagappa Proso millet station trial
179 GPB centre Govanako R (Indentification of high yielding Proso millet Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
MARS, ppa variety in proso)
voluntary Nagappa Little millet station trial
180 GPB centre Govanako R (Indentification of high yielding Little millet Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
MARS, ppa variety in little millet)

voluntary Nagappa Barnyard millet station trial
DW MAR Barnyard
181 GPB centre Govanako R (Indentification of high yielding Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
D S millet
MARS, ppa variety in Barnyard )
voluntary Nagappa Finger millet station trial
182 GPB centre Govanako R (Indentification of high yielding Finger millet Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
MARS, ppa variety in millet in finger )
voluntary Nagappa Brown top millet station trial
DW MAR Brown top
183 GPB centre Govanako R (Indentification of high yielding Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
D S millet
MARS, ppa genotypes in Brown top millet)
voluntary Nagappa Kodo millet station trial
184 GPB centre Govanako R (Indentification of high yielding Kodo millet Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
MARS, ppa variety in Kodo millet Kharif)
voluntary Nagappa Foxtail millet station trial
185 GPB centre Govanako R (Indentification of high yielding Proso millet Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
MARS, ppa variety in Foxtail millet)
voluntary Nagappa
186 GPB centre Govanako R proso millet Multilocatitrial Proso millet Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
MARS, ppa
voluntary Nagappa
DW MAR Finger millet Multilocation trial
187 GPB centre Govanako R Finger millet Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
D S in
MARS, ppa
voluntary Nagappa
DW MAR Barnyard milletMultilocation Barnyard
188 GPB centre Govanako R Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
D S trial millet
MARS, ppa

voluntary Nagappa
DW MAR Multilocation trial in Little
189 GPB centre Govanako R Little millet Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
D S millet
MARS, ppa
voluntary Nagappa
DW MAR Multilocation trial in Brown top
190 GPB centre Govanako R Brown millet Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
D S millet
MARS, ppa
voluntary Nagappa
DW MAR Multilocation trial in Foxtail
191 GPB centre Govanako R millet Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
D S millet
MARS, ppa
voluntary Nagappa
DW MAR Multilocation trial in Kodo
192 GPB centre Govanako R Kodo millet Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
D S millet
MARS, ppa
voluntary Nagappa Evaluation of germ plasm lines
DW MAR Proso mllet
193 GPB centre Govanako R of proso millet from IIMR, Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
D S millet
MARS, ppa Hyderabad
voluntary Nagappa Evaluation of germ plasm lines
DW MAR Barnyard
194 GPB centre Govanako R of Barnyard millt millet from Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
D S millet
MARS, ppa IIMR, Hyderabad
voluntary Nagappa Evaluation of germ plasm lines
195 GPB centre Govanako R of Kodomillet from IIMR, Kodo millet Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
MARS, ppa Hyderabad
voluntary Nagappa Evaluation of germ plasm lines
196 GPB centre Govanako R of Little millet from IIMR, Little millet Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
MARS, ppa Hyderabad

voluntary Nagappa Evaluation of germ plasm lines
DW MAR Brown top
197 GPB centre Govanako R of Brown top from IIMR, Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
D S millet
MARS, ppa Hyderabad
voluntary Nagappa Evaluation of germ plasm lines
198 GPB centre Govanako R of Foxtail top from IIMR, Foxtail millet Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
MARS, ppa Hyderabad
voluntary Nagappa Evaluation of germ plasm lines
199 GPB centre Govanako R of Finger top Finger millet Kharif 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
MARS, ppa fromIIMR,Hyderabad
voluntary Nagappa Indentification of high yielding
DW MAR Rabi/
200 GPB centre Govanako R _ variety in Finger millet in Finger millet 2022 2023 Cont. UASD
D S Summer
MARS, ppa Rabi/Summer
voluntary Nagappa Indentification of high yielding
DW MAR Rabi/
201 GPB centre Govanako R _ variety in Foxtail millet in Foxtail millet 2022 2023 Cont. UASD
D S Summer
MARS, ppa Rabi/Summer
voluntary Nagappa Indentification of high yielding
DW MAR Rabi/
202 GPB centre Govanako R _ variety in Proso millet in Proso millet 2022 2023 Cont. UASD
D S Summer
MARS, ppa Rabi/Summer
voluntary Nagappa Indentification of high yielding
DW MAR Rabi/
203 GPB centre Govanako R _ variety in Little millet in LIttle millet 2022 2023 Cont. UASD
D S Summer
MARS, ppa Rabi/Summer
voluntary Nagappa Indentification of high yielding
DW MAR Barn yard Rabi/
204 GPB centre Govanako R _ variety in Barn yard millet Rabi 2022 2023 Cont UASD
D S millet Summer
MARS, ppa /Summer

voluntary Nagappa Indentification of high yielding
DW MAR Rabi/
205 GPB centre Govanako R _ variety in Kodo millet Rabi Kodo millet 2022 2023 Cont UASD
D S Summer
MARS, ppa /Summer
voluntary Nagappa Indentification of high yielding
DW MAR Browntop Rabi/
206 GPB centre Govanako R _ variety in Browntop millet Rabi 2022 2023 Cont UASD
D S millet Summer
MARS, ppa /Summer
voluntary Nagappa
DW MAR Multification of Finger millet Rabi/
207 GPB centre Govanako R _ Finger millet 2022 2023 cont UASD
D S station trial genotypes Summer
MARS, ppa
voluntary Nagappa
DW MAR Multification of Foxtail millet Foxtail Rabi/
208 GPB centre Govanako R _ 2022 2023 cont UASD
D S station trial genotypes millet Summer
MARS, ppa
voluntary Nagappa
DW MAR Multification of Proso millet Proso millet Rabi/
209 GPB centre Govanako R _ 2022 2023 cont UASD
D S station trial genotypes millet Summer
MARS, ppa
voluntary Nagappa Indentification of high yielding
DW MAR Rabi/
210 GPB centre Govanako R variety in millet in Kharif Proso millet 2023 2024Cont. UASD
D S Summer
MARS, ppa (station trial)
voluntary Nagappa Indentification of high yielding
DW MAR Rabi/
211 GPB centre Govanako R variety in millet in Kharif Proso millet 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
D S Summer
MARS, ppa (station trial)
voluntary Nagappa Indentification of high yielding
DW MAR Rabi/
212 GPB centre Govanako R variety in millet in Kharif Proso millet 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
D S Summer
MARS, ppa (station trial)

voluntary Nagappa Indentification of high yielding
DW MAR Rabi/
213 GPB centre Govanako R variety in millet in Kharif Proso millet 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
D S Summer
MARS, ppa (station trial)
voluntary Nagappa
DW MAR Development of new F1s in Rabi/
214 GPB centre Govanako R Foxtail millet 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
D S Foxtail millet Summer
MARS, ppa
voluntary Nagappa
DW MAR Development of new F1s in Rabi/
215 GPB centre Govanako R Little millet 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
D S Little millet Summer
MARS, ppa
voluntary Nagappa
DW MAR Development of new F1s in Rabi/
216 GPB centre Govanako R Proso millet 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
D S Proso millet Summer
MARS, ppa
voluntary Nagappa
DW MAR Development of new F1s in Barnyard Rabi/
217 GPB centre Govanako R 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
D S Barnyard millet millet Summer
MARS, ppa
voluntary Nagappa
DW MAR Development of new F1s in Brown top Rabi/
218 GPB centre Govanako R 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
D S Brown top millet millet Summer
MARS, ppa
voluntary Nagappa
DW MAR Development of new F1s in Rabi/
219 GPB centre Govanako R Foxtail millet 2023 2024 Cont. UASD
D S Finger millet Summer
MARS, ppa

MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Cont

220 GPB R Harshiya Banu Initial varietal trial Soybean K 1998 - AICRP
DW S Soybean hna Naidu d.

DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Mega environmental evaluation
221 GPB R Harshiya Banu Soybean K 2023 2024 New AICRP
D S Soybean hna Naidu of advanced breeding lines

DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Cont

222 GPB R Harshiya Banu Preliminary yield trial (ST-I) Soybean K 1998 - UAS
D S Soybean hna Naidu d.

DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Cont

223 GPB R Harshiya Banu Advanced yield trial (ST-II) Soybean K 1998 - UAS
D S Soybean hna Naidu d.

DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Evaluation of narrow leaflet Cont

224 GPB R Harshiya Banu Soybean K 1998 - UAS
D S Soybean hna Naidu genotypes (ST-III) d.

DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Evaluation of vegetable Cont

225 GPB R Harshiya Banu Soybean K 1998 - UAS
D S Soybean hna Naidu genotypes(ST-IV) d.

G. Somanagouda
Evaluation of promising rust
MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Shalini Huilgol Cont AICRP/
226 GPB R resistant genotypes (ST-V) Soybean K 2008 -
S Soybean hna Naidu J.S. Patwardhan d. UAS
DW (Dharwad & Ugarkhurd)
Harshiya Banu
G. Somanagouda
DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Shalini Huilgol Zone 8 (4 locations) Cont
227 GPB R Soybean K 1998 - UAS
D S Soybean hna Naidu R. Channakeshava Multilocation trial at Dharwad d.
Harshiya Banu
DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Mr.Subash Cont
228 GPB R Multilocation trial at Bailhongal Soybean K 1998 - UAS
D S Soybean hna Naidu Kundkur d.

MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Mr.S.B.Patil Multilocation trial at Cont

229 DW GPB R Soybean K 1998 - UAS
S Soybean hna Naidu Mr. S.S.Nooli Sankeshwar d.
DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Dr.Mattiwade Cont
230 GPB R Multilocation trial at Nippani Soybean K 1998 - UAS
D S Soybean hna Naidu Dr.Arunkumar d.

DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Zone 3 Cont

231 GPB R Dr. Shashidhar Soybean K 1998 - UAS
D S Soybean hna Naidu Multilocation trial at Arabhavi d.

DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Cont

232 GPB R Dr. A H Biradar Multilocation trial at Mudhol Soybean K 1998 - UAS
D S Soybean hna Naidu d.

DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Mr. J.S. Cont
233 GPB R Multilocation trial at Ugarkhurd Soybean K 1998 - UAS
D S Soybean hna Naidu Patwardhan d.

DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Zone 1 - Multilocation trial at Cont

234 GPB R Dr. Siddaramappa Soybean K 1998 - UAS
D S Soybean hna Naidu Bidar d.

DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Evaluation of early generation Cont AICRP/

235 GPB R Harshiya Banu Soybean K 1998 -
D S Soybean hna Naidu breeding material d. UAS

Shalini Huilgol Evaluation of advanced

DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Cont AICRP/
236 GPB R R. Channakeshava breeding lines for YMV & rust Soybean K 2015 -
D S Soybean hna Naidu d. UAS
Harshiya Banu resistance
DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Collection, evaluation and Cont AICRP/
237 GPB R Harshiya Banu Soybean K 1998 -
D S Soybean hna Naidu maintenance of germplasm lines d. UAS

DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Cont

238 GPB R Harshiya Banu Maintenance breeding Soybean K 1998 - UAS
D S Soybean hna Naidu d.

DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Testing Trial on soybean

239 GPB R Soybean K 2022 New UAS
D S Soybean hna Naidu varieties

DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris

240 GPB R Testing Tiral on Maize hybrids Soybean K 2022 New UAS
D S Soybean hna Naidu

Breeding of YMV resistant
DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Shalini Huilgol AICRP/
241 GPB R soybean varieties suitable for Soybean S 2022 - New
D S Soybean hna Naidu R. Channakeshava UAS
summer season
Harshiya Banu
Shalini Huilgol Development of new breeding
DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Cont AICRP/
242 GPB R R. Channakeshava material for rust and YMV Soybean S 2015 -
D S Soybean hna Naidu d. UAS
Harshiya Banu resistance

DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Evaluation of early generation Cont AICRP/

243 GPB Harshiya Banu Soybean S 1998 -
D S Soybean hna Naidu breeding material d. UAS

DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Evaluation of advanced Cont AICRP/
244 GPB R Harshiya Banu Soybean S 1998 -
D S Soybean hna Naidu breeding lines d. UAS

DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Evaluation of YMV resistant AICRP/

245 GPB R Harshiya Banu Soybean S 2022 - New
D S Soybean hna Naidu lines for summer UAS

Evaluation of soybean
DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Cont
246 GPB R genotypes for photoperiod Soybean K/R/S 2022 - UAS
D S Soybean hna Naidu d
G. Somanagouda
DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Shalini Huilgol Zone 8 (3 locations) Cont
247 GPB R Soybean S 2022 - UAS
D S Soybean hna Naidu R. Channakeshava Multilocation trial at Dharwad d
Harshiya Banu

DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Cont

248 GPB R Dr.Subash Kundkur Multilocation trial at Bailhongal Soybean S 2022 - UAS
D S Soybean hna Naidu d.

DW MAR AICRP on Gopalkris Cont

249 GPB R Dr. S.S.Nooli Multilocation trial at Hukkeri Soybean S 2022 - UAS
D S Soybean hna Naidu d.

Dr. Prabhavathi Confirmation of trait specific

Anni AICRP on Dr. N. K. Cont
250 GPB Rao and Dr. germplasm at AICRP Safflower R
geri Safflower Nayidu d…
Sangshetty (safflower) centres

Dr. Prabhavathi Multilocation evaluation of

Anni AICRP on Dr. N. K. Cont
251 GPB Rao and fresh germplasm for seed and Safflower R
geri Safflower Nayidu d…
Dr. Sangshetty oil yield

Dr. Prabhavathi
Anni AICRP on Dr. N. K. Cont
252 GPB Rao and Dr. Making of fresh crosses (F1s) Safflower R
geri Safflower Nayidu d…

Dr. Prabhavathi Testing of F1s of the crosses

Anni AICRP on Dr. N. K. Cont
253 GPB Rao and Dr. and advancement to F2 Safflower R
geri Safflower Nayidu d….
Sangshetty generation

Dr. Prabhavathi Evaluation of F2 populations of

Anni AICRP on Dr. N. K. Cont
254 GPB Rao and the crosses and selection of Safflower R
geri Safflower Nayidu d….
Dr.Sangshetty promising progenies

Evaluation of F3
Dr. Prabhavathi
Anni AICRP on Dr. N. K. populations/families/progenies Cont
255 GPB Rao and Dr. Safflower R
geri Safflower Nayidu of the crosses and selection of d….
promising families/progenies
Evaluation of F4
Dr. Prabhavathi
Anni AICRP on Dr. N. K. populations/families/progenies Cont
256 GPB Rao and Dr. Safflower R
geri Safflower Nayidu of the crosses and selection of d….
promising families/progenies
Dr. Prabhavathi Evaluation of F5 progenies of
Anni AICRP on Dr. N. K. Cont
257 GPB Rao and Dr. the crosses and selection of Safflower R
geri Safflower Nayidu d….
Sangshetty promising lines

Dr. Sangshetty and Evaluation of F6 progenies of

Anni AICRP on Dr. N. K. Cont
258 GPB Dr. Prabhavathi the crosses and selection of Safflower R
geri Safflower Nayidu d….
Rao promising lines

Anni AICRP on Dr. N. K. Initial Varietal Trial (Total Cont

259 GPB Safflower R
geri Safflower Nayidu entries: 19 + 4 Checks) d…

Dr. Sangshetty and

Anni AICRP on Dr. N. K. Advanced Varietal Trial (Total Cont
260 GPB Dr. Prabhavathi Safflower R
geri Safflower Nayidu entries: 14 + 4 Checks) d….

Dr. Prabhavathi
Anni AICRP on Dr. N. K. Cont
261 GPB Rao and Evaluations of PYT trials Safflower R
geri Safflower Nayidu d…

Dr. Sangshetty and

Anni AICRP on Dr. N. K. Cont
262 GPB Dr. Prabhavathi MLT safflower station trials Safflower R
geri Safflower Nayidu d….
Dr. Sangshetty and
Anni AICRP on Dr. N. K. Cont
263 GPB Dr. Prabhavathi MLT Chickpea Safflower R
geri Safflower Nayidu d….
RP Sangshett LT
Anni Dr. N. K. Cont
264 GPB on y and Dr. So Safflower R
geri Nayidu d….
Saffl Prabhavat rgh
ower hi Rao um

RP Sangshett
Anni Dr. N. K. LT Cont
265 GPB on y and Dr. Safflower R
geri Nayidu wh d….
Saffl Prabhavat
ower hi Rao
RP Sangshett LT
Anni Dr. N. K. Cont
266 GPB on y and Dr. Se Safflower K
geri Nayidu d….
Saffl Prabhavat sa
ower hi Rao me
RP Sangshett
Anni Dr. N. K. LT Cont
267 GPB on y and Dr. Safflower K
geri Nayidu Ni d….
Saffl Prabhavat
ower hi Rao
RP Sangshett
Anni Dr. N. K. Gr Cont
268 GPB on y and Dr. Safflower K
geri Nayidu ou d….
Saffl Prabhavat
ower hi Rao
RP Sangshett
Anni Dr. N. K. LT Cont
269 GPB on y and Dr. Safflower K
geri Nayidu Ch d….
Saffl Prabhavat
ower hi Rao
RP Sangshett
Anni Dr. N. K. Pe Cont
270 GPB on y and Dr. Safflower K
geri Nayidu arl d….
Saffl Prabhavat
ower hi Rao
AIC Dr. yield
RP Sangshett relate
Anni Dr. N. K. Cont
271 GPB on y and Dr. d Safflower R
geri Nayidu d…
Saffl Prabhavat traits
ower hi Rao evalu

RP Sangshett
Anni Dr. N. K. evalu Cont
272 GPB on y and Dr. Safflower R
geri Nayidu ation d…
Saffl Prabhavat
ower hi Rao
AIC Dr. d
RP Sangshett traits
Anni Dr. N. K. Cont
273 GPB on y and Dr. evalu Safflower R
geri Nayidu d…
Saffl Prabhavat ation
ower hi Rao in
Dr. of
Prabhavat safflo
Anni Dr. N. K. hi Rao and wer
274 GPB on Safflower R New
geri Nayidu Dr. mini-
Sangshett core
y colle

Dr. wer
Prabhavat RIL
Anni Dr. N. K. hi Rao and popul
275 GPB on Safflower R New
geri Nayidu Dr. ation
Sangshett for
y agro-

Dhar Rajesh S. Station trial and multiplication Long Cont

276 ARS GPB ACCR R -- Cotton K 2012 UAS
wad Patil of G. hirsutum genotypes Term d

Dhar Rajesh S. Station trial and multiplication Long Cont

277 ARS GPB ACCR R -- Cotton K 2006 UAS
wad Patil of G. arboreum genotypes term d

G hirsutum Compact Station

trials (and characterisation of
Dhar Rajesh S. Long Cont
278 ARS GPB ACCR R ---- compact plant type). Genetic Cotton K 2014 UAS
wad Patil term d
studies in Ideotype breeding and

Dhar Rajesh S. Station trial (IET) Bt G. Long Cont

279 ARS GPB ACCR R -- Cotton K 2022 UAS
wad Patil hirsutum genotypes term d

Dhar Rajesh S. Station trial (AVT) Bt G. Long Cont

280 ARS GPB ACCR R -- Cotton K 2022 UAS
wad Patil hirsutum genotypes term d

Evaluation of derived HH and
Dhar Rajesh S. HB, F8-9 lines for high yield Long Cont
281 ARS GPB ACCR R Cotton K 2006 UAS
wad Patil and good fibre properties term d
(NNDC+ FLT+ other crosses)
Multiplication of advanced
Dhar Rajesh S. generation compact G hirsutum Long Cont
283 ARS GPB ACCR R Cotton K 2007 UAS
wad Patil lines (NNDC and other term d
Study on jassid resistance in G
Dhar Rajesh S. hirsutum lines - involving Long Cont
284 ARS GPB ACCR R Poornima Matti Cotton K 2008 UAS
wad Patil exotic germplasm, E=14 (SPT term d
Screening for Jassid reaction
Dhar Rajesh S. and Station trial of stabilised Long Cont
285 ARS GPB ACCR R Poornima Matti Cotton K 2008 UAS
wad Patil genotypes, including molecular term d
Development of G hirsutum
lines for productivity traits –
Dhar Rajesh S. Long Cont
286 ARS GPB ACCR R advanced generations (F,7,8 and Cotton K 2012 UAS
wad Patil term d
onwards) and their
Development and multiplication
Dhar Rajesh S. of G barbadense lines for Long Cont
287 ARS GPB ACCR R Cotton K 2012 UAS
wad Patil productivity traits – advanced term d
generations (F 9 and onwards)
Studies on grey mildew resistant
Dhar Rajesh S. Ashtaputre, Long Cont
288 ARS GPB ACCR R lines in G arboreum and Cotton K 2008 UAS
wad Patil Kulkarni V.R. term d
generation of material for MAS
Crossing block of HH and HB
Dhar Rajesh S. Long Cont
289 ARS GPB ACCR R -- hybrids, including Bt. hybrids Cotton K 2007 UAS
wad Patil term d
(Cry 1Ac and BG-II)

Germplasm maintenance - G
Dhar Rajesh S. Long Cont
290 ARS GPB ACCR R -- hirsutum lines (654 + KSSC Cotton K 2014 UAS
wad Patil term d

Dhar Rajesh S. Germplasm maintenance - Long Cont

291 ARS GPB ACCR R -- Cotton K 2014 UAS
wad Patil Barbadense lines (53) term d

Colour cotton improvement for
yield and fibre quality - Medium
Dhar Rajesh S. Long Cont UAS
292 ARS GPB ACCR R -- brown, Dark brown, Cream and Cotton K 2014
wad Patil term d
Green (F9) including Molecular
Colour cotton Hirsutum and
Dhar Rajesh S. Arboreum germplasm lines Long Cont
293 ARS GPB ACCR R -- Cotton K 2014 UAS
wad Patil maintenance and Multiplication term d
of promising genotypes
F5 studies in Cry1Ac Bt. G
Dhar Rajesh S. hirsutum hybrids (5L x 3T set) Long Cont
294 ARS GPB ACCR R - Cotton K 2019 UAS
wad Patil – Back-cross and isolation of term d
F5 studies in Cry1Ac Bt. G
Dhar Rajesh S. Long Cont
295 ARS GPB ACCR R - hirsutum hybrids (9L x 6T set) Cotton K 2019 UAS
wad Patil term d
– and isolation of varieties
Multiplication of Desi genotype
Dhar Rajesh S. DDHC-11, G herbaceum and Long Cont
296 ARS GPB ACCR R -- Cotton K 2014 UAS
wad Patil studies on adaptability changes term d
in desi types
Development of Bt. Varieties
and hybrids following
Dhar Rajesh S. conversion of elite G hirsutum Long Cont
297 ARS GPB ACCR R - Cotton K 2016 UAS
wad Patil and G barbadense lines in to Bt. term d
Using MON 531 gene supplied
by CICR Nagpur
Multiplication of newly
converted and stabilised
Dhar Rajesh S. Long Cont
298 ARS GPB ACCR R -- (BC2F4 and F6-7) Bt. Varieties Cotton K 2016 UAS
wad Patil term d
of elite G hirsutum of MON
531 gene

Dhar Rajesh S. Testing trial of Maize Private Cont

299 ARS GPB ACCR R -- Maize K 2019 2020 UAS
wad Patil Hybrids d

Dhar Rajesh S. Testing trial of Cotton Private

300 ARS GPB ACCR R -- Cotton K 2022 2023 New UAS
wad Patil Hybrids

Nucleus and Breeder seed
Dhar Rajesh S. production + demonstration of Long Cont
301 ARS GPB ACCR R -- Cotton K 2019 UAS
wad Patil released varieties and hybrids of term d
RILs- Superior RILs
Dhar Rajesh S. Long Cont
302 ARS GPB ACCR R - maintenance (HxH and HxB Cotton K 2018 UAS
wad Patil term d
Genetic studies on Earliness in
G. hirsutum including molecular
Dhar Rajesh S. Long Cont
303 ARS GPB ACCR R -- studies in selected crosses, as Cotton K 2020 UAS
wad Patil term d
part of breeding for Climate
Development of new BG II Bt.
Dhar Rajesh S. (2-gene) hirsutum genotypes Long Cont
304 ARS GPB ACCR -- Cotton K 2021 UAS
wad Patil using mixed-pollination and 3- term d
way crosses
Evaluation & Identification of
DW MAR AICRP,Ma R.M.Kach Long Cont
305 GPB R S.C.Talekar high yielding full season Maize kharif 1957 AICRP
R S ize apur Term d.
maturity hybrids-NIVT. Set 1
Evaluation & Identification of
DW MAR AICRP,Ma R.M.Kach Long Cont
306 GPB R S.C.Talekar high yielding full season Maize kharif 1957 AICRP
R S ize apur Term d.
maturity hybrids-NIVT. Set 2

Evaluation & Identification of

DW MAR AICRP,Ma R.M.Kach Long Cont
307 GPB R S.C.Talekar high yielding full season Maize kharif 1957 AICRP
R S ize apur Term d.
maturity hybrids-AVT-I

Evaluation & Identification of

DW MAR AICRP,Ma R.M.Kach Long Cont
308 GPB R S.C.Talekar high yielding full season Maize kharif 1957 AICRP
R S ize apur Term d.
maturity hybrids-AVT-II

DW MAR AICRP,Ma R.M.Kach Identification of high yielding Long Cont

309 GPB R S.C.Talekar Maize kharif 1957 AICRP
R S ize apur Quality Protein Maize hybrids Term d.

DW MAR AICRP,Ma R.M.Kach Identification of high yielding Long Cont

310 GPB R S.C.Talekar Maize kharif 1957 AICRP
R S ize apur Baby Corn hybrids Term d.

Evaluation of new
DW MAR AICRP,Ma R.M.Kach Long Cont
311 GPB R S.C.Talekar experimental hybrids /Test Maize kharif 2009 UAS
R S ize apur Term d.
crosses in Station trials

Second year evalation of

DW MAR AICRP,Ma R.M.Kach Long Cont
312 GPB R S.C.Talekar promising hybrids in Stationt Maize kharif 2009 UAS
R S ize apur Term d.
Multi Location trial/Evaluation
DW MAR AICRP,Ma R.M.Kach & Identification high yielding Long Cont
313 GPB R S.C.Talekar Maize kharif 2015 UAS
R S ize apur single cross hybrids across Term d.
locations (Zone-3 & 8)
Evaluation of Maize hybrids
DW MAR AICRP,Ma R.M.Kach Long Cont
314 GPB R S.C.Talekar Sponsored by Corporate Maize kharif 2015 UAS
R S ize apur Term d.
DW MAR AICRP,Ma R.M.Kach GOK trial on evaluation of Long Cont
315 GPB R S.C.Talekar Maize kharif 2015 UAS
R S ize apur maize hybrids Term d.

DW MAR AICRP, R.M.Kach Generation advancement for Long Cont

316 GPB R S.C.Talekar Maize Kharif 2010 UAS
R S Maize apur segregating material Term d.

Germplasm maitnance, seed

DW MAR AICRP, R.M.Kach Long Cont
317 GPB R S.C.Talekar increase of notified inbreds and Maize Kharif 2010 UAS
R S Maize apur Term d.
promising inbred lines
Evaluation and identification of
DW MAR AICRP,Ma R.M.Kach B.S.Vivek , single cross hybrids for full Long Cont
318 GPB R Maize Kharif 2015 CIMMY
R S ize apur S.C.Talekar season maturity for multiple term d.
stress tolerance

DW MAR AICRP, R.M.Kach Demonstration of maize hybrids Long Cont

319 GPB R S.C.Talekar Maize Kharif 2015 UAS
R S Maize apur and technology Term d.

Evaluation & Identification of

DW MAR AICRP,Ma R.M.Kach high yielding full season Long Cont
320 GPB R S.C.Talekar Maize Rabi 1957 AICRP
R S ize apur maturity hybrids for rabi Term d.
Evaluation & Identification of
DW MAR AICRP,Ma R.M.Kach high yielding full season Long Cont
321 GPB R S.C.Talekar Maize Rabi 1957 AICRP
R S ize apur maturity hybrids-AVT- I for Term d.

Evaluation & Identification of
DW MAR AICRP,Ma R.M.Kach high yielding full season Long Cont
322 GPB R S.C.Talekar Maize Rabi 1957 AICRP
R S ize apur maturity hybrids-AVT- II for Term d.
Identification of high yielding
DW MAR AICRP,Ma R.M.Kach Long Cont
323 GPB R S.C.Talekar Quality Protein Maize hybrids Maize Rabi 1957 AICRP
R S ize apur Term d.
for rabi

DW MAR AICRP,Ma R.M.Kach Identification of high yielding Long Cont

324 GPB R S.C.Talekar Maize Rabi 1957 AICRP
R S ize apur Pop corn hybrids for rabi Term d.

DW MAR AICRP,Ma R.M.Kach Identification of high yielding Long Cont

325 GPB R S.C.Talekar Maize Rabi 1957 AICRP
R S ize apur Baby corn hybrids for rabi Term d.

Hybridization Programme to
generate new crosses, re-
DW MAR AICRP, R.M.Kach generation of old cross Long Cont
326 GPB R S.C.Talekar Maize Rabi 2010 UAS
R S Maize apur combinations for station trials Term d.
and ICAR breeding trial
Maintance breeding of parental
DW MAR AICRP, R.M.Kach lines of released maize hybrids, Long Cont
327 GPB R S.C.Talekar Maize Rabi 2011 UAS
R S Maize apur germplasm material and term d.
promising lines
Evaluation of single cross
DW MAR AICRP,Ma R.M.Kach Long Cont
328 GPB R S.C.Talekar hybrids in Station trials for Maize kharif 2009 UAS
R S ize apur Term d.
second season / confirmation

Generation advancement of
DW MAR AICRP,Ma R.M.Kach Long Cont
329 GPB R S.C.Talekar segregating material , selection Maize kharif 2009 UAS
R S ize apur Term d.
of progenies
Dhar Dean GPB Wheat Dr. S.A. T Evaluation of Buck Wheat Buck wheat Kharif 2015 C RKVY
330 wad (Agri) Desai germplasm lines for agronomic

Dhar Dean GPB Wheat Dr. S.A. T Evaluation of advanced buck Buck wheat Kharif 2015 C RKVY
331 wad (Agri) Desai wheat genotypes
Dhar Dean GPB Wheat Dr. S.A. T Evaluation of Maize Hybrids Maize Kharif 2014 C UAS
332 wad (Agri) Desai sponsored by Pvt. Ltd

Dhar Dean GPB Wheat Dr. S.A. T Initial Varietal Trial in Buck wheat Kharif 2015 C AICRN
333 wad (Agri) Desai Buckwheat
Dhar Dean GPB Wheat Dr. S.A. T Advanced Varietal trial in Buck wheat Kharif 2015 C AICRN
334 wad (Agri) Desai Buckwheat
Dhar Dean GPB Wheat Dr. S.A. T Advanced Varietal trial in Grain Grain Kharif 2021 C AICRN
335 wad (Agri) Desai Amaranth Amaranth
Dhar Dean GPB Wheat Dr. S.A. T Initial Varietal Trial in Grain Grain Kharif 2021 C AICRN
wad (Agri) Desai Amaranth Amaranth
Dhar Dean GPB Wheat Dr. S.A. T Germplasm Evaluation in Grain Grain Kharif 2021 C AICRN
337 wad (Agri) Desai Amaranth for First year Amaranth
Dhar Dean GPB Wheat Dr. S.A. T Germaplasm evaluation in Grain Grain Kharif 2021 C AICRN
338 wad (Agri) Desai Amaranth for Second year Amaranth

Dhar Dean GPB Wheat Dr. S.A. T Initial Varietal Trial in Buck Buck wheat Rabi 2015 C RKVY
339 wad (Agri) Desai wheat
Dhar Dean GPB Wheat Dr. S.A. T Evaluation of different wheat Wheat Rabi 2009 C UAS
340 wad (Agri) Desai species for NUE Expt 2

Dhar Dean GPB Wheat Dr. S.A. T Evaluation of Segregating Wheat Rabi 2009 C UAS
wad (Agri) Desai generations of F3 progenies
341 under of three different crosses
under 50% of nitrogen and
control condition
Project4 : Breeding for durable leaf rust and spot blotch resistance in wheat
Dhar Dean GPB Wheat Dr. S.A. T Screening of Bread wheat Wheat Rabi 2009 C UAS
wad (Agri) Desai germplasm for slow leaf rust
resistance for newly identified
Lr genes
Dhar Dean GPB Wheat Dr. S.A. T Phenotypic and genotypic Wheat Rabi 2009 C UAS
wad (Agri) Desai characterization of tetraploid
wheat for spot blotch disease
Project 1. Development/ Identification of Early & midlate maturing sugarcane varieties
344 eshw ARS GPB AICRP (S) R -- IVT - E+ML Sugarcane Annual 2023-24 2027 New AICRP
Sanjay B.

Patil Cont
345 eshw ARS GPB AICRP (S) R - AVT - E+ML PC-I Sugarcane Annual 2023-24 2027 AICRP
Sanjay B. d

Patil Cont
346 eshw ARS GPB AICRP (S) R - AVT - E+ML PC-II Sugarcane Annual 2023-24 2027 AICRP
Sanjay B. d

Patil Cont
347 eshw ARS GPB AICRP (S) R - AVT - E +ML Ratoon Sugarcane Annual 2023-24 2027 AICRP
Sanjay B. d
Project 2. Development of sugarcane varieties for jaggery/ sugar
Patil Evaluation of Progenies - CI Cont
348 eshw ARS GPB AICRP (S) R -- Sugarcane Annual 2020-21 2028 AICRP
Sanjay B. generation (SNK 20 series) d

Patil Evaluation of Progenies - CII Cont
349 eshw ARS GPB AICRP (S) R -- Sugarcane Annual 2019-20 2028 AICRP
Sanjay B. generation (SNK 19 series) d

Patil Evaluation of Progenies - CIII Cont
350 eshw ARS GPB AICRP (S) R -- Sugarcane Annual 2018-19 2028 AICRP
Sanjay B. generation (SNK 18 series) d

Patil Ratoon clonal trial (SNK Cont
351 eshw ARS GPB AICRP (S) R -- Sugarcane Annual 2016-17 2028 AICRP
Sanjay B. 08,09,10,11,12,13 &16 series) d

Sank Evaluation cum multiplication

Patil Cont
352 eshw ARS GPB AICRP (S) R -- of promising clones - CV Sugarcane Annual 2015-16 2028 AICRP
Sanjay B. d
ar generation (SNK 15 series)
Project 3. Development of sugarcane varieties for Photo thermo insensitivity (Non flowering) & Productivity
Sank Patil
353 ARS GPB AICRP (S) R - 178 parental clones Sugarcane Annual 2021-22 2025 New AICRP
eshw Sanjay B.
Sank Sexual generation GN I-
354 eshw ARS GPB AICRP (S) R -- SNK/Mugad fluff SNK 21 Sugarcane Annual 2018-19 -- New AICRP
Sanjay B.
ar Series

Patil Sexual generation GN I-CBE
355 eshw ARS GPB AICRP (S) R -- Sugarcane Annual 2018-19 -- New AICRP
Sanjay B. fluff -SNK -21series

Patil Sexual generation GN I-SNK
356 eshw ARS GPB AICRP (S) R -- Sugarcane Annual 2018-19 -- New AICRP
Sanjay B. fluff -SNK -21 series

Sank Sexual generation GN I-

357 eshw ARS GPB AICRP (S) R -- SNK/Mugad fluff SNK 22 Sugarcane Annual 2018-19 -- New AICRP
Sanjay B.
ar Series
Patil Sexual generation GN I-CBE
358 eshw ARS GPB AICRP (S) R -- Sugarcane Annual 2018-19 -- New AICRP
Sanjay B. fluff -SNK -22 series

Patil Sexual generation GN I-SNK
359 eshw ARS GPB AICRP (S) R -- Sugarcane Annual 2018-19 -- New AICRP
Sanjay B. fluff -SNK -22 series

Patil New varietal demo (11)
360 eshw ARS GPB AICRP (S) R -- Sugarcane Annual 2021-22 2025 New AICRP
Sanjay B. (integrated and organic)
Patil Germplasm maintenance (92+5) Cont
361 eshw ARS GPB AICRP (S) R -- Sugarcane Annual 2021-22 2025 AICRP
Sanjay B. RT d

Project 4. Identification of Non flowering widely adoptable varieties for sugar/jaggery productivity
Adoptive/MLVT trials on Elite
Patil SNK clones. At Soundalga,
362 eshw ARS GPB AICRP (S) R -- Sugarcane Annual 2021-22 2024 New OJTP
Sanjay B. Ugar, Hosur, Arabhavi &
aum LSD on Non flowering SNK
and varieties under Pre released.
Patil Cont
363 Baga ARS GPB AICRP (S) R -- (SNK, HKR, Soundalga, Sugarcane Annual 2021-22 2024 AICRP
Sanjay B. d
lkot NANDI, UGAR, Arabhavi &
Distr Mudhol)
Project 5. Identification of promising varieties in Ground nut, Soybean (MLVTs on other crops)

Patil Cont
364 eshw ARS GPB UAS R S.S.Nooli MLVT Ground Nut Kharif 2023 2023 UAS
Sanjay B. d

Patil Cont
365 eshw ARS GPB UAS R S.S.Nooli MLVT Soybean Kharif 2023 2023 UAS
Sanjay B. d

Patil Cont
366 eshw ARS GPB UAS R S.V.Hugar MLVT Mutard Rabi 2023 2023 UAS
Sanjay B. d
Patil Cont
367 eshw ARS GPB UAS R S.V.Hugar MLVT Tomato Kharif 2023 2023 UAS
Sanjay B. d

Patil Cont
368 eshw ARS GPB UAS R S.V.Hugar MLVT Maize Summer 2023 2023 UAS
Sanjay B. d

Patil Cont
369 eshw ARS GPB UAS R S.S.Nooli MLVT Cowpea Kharif 2023 2023 UAS
Sanjay B. d
Project 6. Identification of promising maize hybrids (sponsored maize hybrid testing trial)
Patil Cont
370 eshw ARS GPB UAS R -- Testing trial Maize Kharif 2023 2023 UAS
Sanjay B. d
Dhar Immadi Hybridisation of DSb 23 x EC
371 AC GPB AC T Soybean Kharif 2023 New
wad 242104

Dhar Immadi Hybridisation of DSb 34 x EC
372 AC GPB AC T Soybean Kharif 2023 New
wad 242104

Dhar Immadi Development of M1 generation
373 AC GPB AC T Soybean Kharif 2023 New
wad of DSb 23

Dhar Immadi Development of M1 generation
374 AC GPB AC T Soybean Kharif 2023 New
wad of DSb 34

Dhar Immadi Evaluation of M3 generation of Kharif/Sum Cont
375 AC GPB AC T Soybean 2021
wad JS 335 mer d

Dhar Immadi Evaluation of M3 generation of Kharif/Sum Cont
376 AC GPB AC T Soybean 2021
wad DSb 21 mer d

Dhar Immadi Evaluation of advanced Cont
378 AC GPB AC T Soybean Kharif 2017
wad breeding lines d

Dhar Immadi Evaluation of three way cross Cont
379 AC GPB AC T Soybean Kharif 2017
wad progenies d

Dhar Immadi Parental polymorphism of Cont
380 AC GPB AC T Soybean Kharif 2022
wad parental lines for rust resistance d

Shobha Parental polymorphism of

Dhar Immadi Cont
381 AC GPB AC T parental lines for null trypsin Soybean Kharif 2022
wad d
inhibitor gene
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Adv Wheat Rabi 1971 C AICR
Sum G. d P
a S. Dr Vari
Bira Gurudatt Tria
dar Hegde l
Dr Kumar
382 ely
Lamani Sow
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Initi Wheat Rabi 1971 C AICR
383 Sum G. Vari P
a S. Dr etal

Bira Gurudatt l
dar Hegde VT-
Dr Kumar 2)
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Init Wheat Rabi 2021 C AICR
Sum G. P
a S. Dr ieta
Bira Gurudatt l
384 dar Hegde Tri
Dr Kumar
Lamani VT
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Spe Wheat Rabi 2021 C AICR
Sum G. P
a S. Dr PT
385 Bira Gurudatt
dar Hegde
Dr Kumar
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Stat Wheat Rabi 2021 C AICR
Sum G. P
a S. Dr al 2
386 Bira Gurudatt
dar Hegde
Dr Kumar
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Initi Wheat Rabi 2021 C AICR
Sum G. Vari P
a S. Dr etal
387 Bira Gurudatt l of
dar Hegde Dic
Dr Kumar um
Lamani Wh
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Multilo Wheat Rabi 1996 C UAS
Sum G. l Trials
a S. Dr Kumar (BW)-
388 Bira Lamani Zone-
dar Dr 8:
Gurudatt ad,
Hegde Nippan

GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Multilo Wheat Rabi 1996 C UAS
Sum G. l Trials
a S. Dr Kumar (DIC)-
Bira Lamani Zone-
dar Dr 8:
389 Gurudatt Dharw
Hegde Nippan
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Large Wheat Rabi 1986 C UAS
Sum G. Yield
a S. Dr Kumar Trials
Bira Lamani DW
dar Dr and
390 Gurudatt Dic-
Hegde LYT
Zone 3
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Small Wheat Rabi 1990 C UAS
Sum G.
a S. Dr Kumar Trials
Bira Lamani (SYT-
dar Dr BW,
391 Hegde Dic-

GPB Wheat Dr. R Chara Wheat Rabi 2020 UAS
a S. of
Bira Assoc
dar iation
392 under
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Evalu Wheat Rabi 2010 C UAS
Sum G.
a S. Dr Kumar Bread
Bira Lamani wheat
dar Dr germp
393 lasm
Hegde Irrigat
GPB Bread Dr. R Dr. Uday Segre Wheat Rabi 2016 C AICR
Wheat Sum G. P/
a S. Dr Nurse CIMM
394 Bira Gurudatt ry YT
dar Hegde (SSN)
Dr Kumar
GPB Bread Dr. R Dr. Uday Qulait Wheat Rabi 2011 C AICR
Wheat Sum G. P/
a S. Dr onent CIMM
Bira Gurudatt and YT
dar Hegde wheat
395 Dr Kumar
Lamani on

GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Handl Wheat Rabi 2001 C UAS
ing of
Sum G.
a S. Dr Kumar cum
Bira Lamani wheat
dar Dr Breed
396 ing
Hegde ial
F1 to
Breeding for high yielding bread wheat genotypes with heat tolernace for late sown irrigated conditions
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday A Wheat Rabi 1971 C AICR
Sum G. V P
a S. Dr T-
397 Bira Gurudatt LS
dar Hegde
Dr Kumar
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Initia Wheat Rabi 1971 C AICR
Sum G. l P
a S. Dr Varie
Bira Gurudatt tal
398 Trial
dar Hegde (NIV
Dr Kumar T-
Lamani 3B)
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Multil Wheat Rabi 1972 C AICR
Sum G. P
a S. Dr Trial
Bira Gurudatt (BW-
dar Hegde LS)
Dr Kumar
399 Lamani Dhar
Ugar ,

GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday LYT Wheat Rabi 1972 C UAS
Sum G.
a S. Dr Zone-
Bira Gurudatt 8:
400 Dhar
dar Hegde
Dr Kumar
Lamani 3:
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday SYT Wheat Rabi 1972 C UAS
Sum G.
a S. Dr LS)
Bira Gurudatt Zone-
401 dar Hegde 8:
Dr Kumar
Lamani Zone-
Development of high yielding, disease resistant and drought tolerant bread wheat and durum varieties for rainfed and restricated irrigation timely sown conditions
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Multil Wheat Rabi 1986 C UAS
Sum G.
a S. Dr Kumar Trials
Bira Lamani (DW-
dar Dr RF)
402 Hegde Dhar
wad ,
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Comb Wheat Rabi 1986 C UAS
Sum G.
a S. Dr Kumar Scale
Bira Lamani Yield
dar Dr Trials
403 Gurudatt BW
Hegde W-


GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Small Wheat Rabi 1990 C UAS
Sum G.
a S. Dr Kumar Trials
404 Bira Lamani (SYT-
dar Dr BW &
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Evalu Wheat Rabi 2010 C UAS
Sum G.
a S. Dr Kumar Duru
Bira Lamani m
dar Dr wheat
405 Gurudatt germp
Hegde under
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Multil Wheat Rabi 2010 C UAS
Sum G.
a S. Dr Kumar Trials
Bira Lamani (BW-
dar Dr RI)
406 Hegde Dhar
ni ,
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Large Wheat Rabi 2010 C UAS
Sum G.
a S. Dr Kumar Trials
407 Bira Lamani (BW
dar Dr &

Hegde Zone-

GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Small Wheat Rabi 2010 C UAS
Sum G.
a S. Dr Kumar Trials
Bira Lamani (BW
dar Dr &
408 DW-
Hegde Zone-
Evaluation of exotic accessions for yield and agronomic performance
GPB Bread Dr. R Dr. Uday Elite Wheat Rabi 1995 C AICR
Wheat Sum G. Sprin P/
a S. Dr g CIMM
409 Bira Gurudatt whea YT
t yeid
dar Hegde trial
Dr Kumar
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Semi Wheat Rabi 1995 C AICR
Sum G. P/
a S. Dr Scree CIMM
410 Bira Gurudatt ning YT
dar Hegde Nurse
Dr Kumar
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday G. Wheat Wheat Rabi 1995 C AICR
Sum Dr Gurudatt P/
411 a S. Hegde rtium CIMM
Bira Dr Kumar yield YT
dar Lamani trial
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Intern Wheat Rabi 1995 C AICR
Sum G. P/
a S. Dr Duru CIMM
Bira Gurudatt m YT
412 wheat
dar Hegde
Dr Kumar
Lamani Nurse

GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Handl Wheat Rabi 2001 C UAS
ing of
Sum G.
a S. Dr Kumar wheat
Bira Lamani Breed
413 dar Dr ing
Hegde from
F1 to
GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Handl Wheat Rabi 2001 C UAS
ing of
Sum G.
a S. Dr Kumar m
Bira Lamani wheat
dar Dr Breed
414 ing
Hegde ial
F1 to
GPB Wheat Dr. K Dr Kumar Evalu Wheat Rabi 2020 C UAS,
Sum Lamani Dharw
a S. test ad
415 Bira entrie
dar s from

Project 5: Breeding for salt tolerance in wheat

GPB Wheat Dr. R Dr. Uday Evalu Wheat Rabi 2019 C AICR
Sum G. P
a S. Dr Kumar Bread
Bira Lamani Wheat
dar Dr genot
416 ypes
Hegde salt
Project6: DUS Test centre (Durum Wheat):To Characterize the durum wheat lines

Dr. Dr. S.A. DUS Wheat Rabi 2017 C PPV&

417 GPB Wheat Sum R Desai Dr. charac FRA,
Uday G terizat New
a S. ion of

Bira privat Delhi
es of
.Dr. S.A. DUS Wheat Rabi 2017 C PPV&
Dr. Desai Dr. charac
Sum terizat
Uday G ion of New
418 GPB Wheat a S. R Farme Delhi
Bira r's
dar varieti
Biofortification in selected crops for nutritional security
Dr. Kumar Evalu
Dr. S.A. dicocc
Dr. Desai, um
Sum Dr. G.M. exotic ICAR,
419 GPB Wheat a S. R Hegde and Dr germp Wheat Rabi 2019 C New
Bira lasm Delhi
Uday G.R. from
dar ICAR
Dr. Kumar Comb
Dr. S.A. trial
Desai, from
420 GPB Wheat a S. R both Wheat Rabi 2014 C New
Dr. G.M.
Bira Dhar Delhi
Hegde & Dr
dar wad
Uday G.R. and
Project 8: Screening of promising advanced breeding lines for foliar diseases of wheat

GPB Wheat Dr. K Dr. Uday Scree Wheat Kharif 2003 C AICR
Sum G. P
a S. Dr spot
Bira Gurudatt blotch
421 dar Hegde and
Dr Kumar
Lamani melde
w of

GPB Wheat Dr. K Dr Kumar Evalu Maize Kharif 2003 C UAS,
Sum Lamani Dharw
422 a S. Hybri ad
Bira ds
DWR, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma C. R Dr Subhas Kandukur, Multilocation trial in blackgram Urdbean Kharif 2019- 2024- Cont UASD
BLH, S MULLaRP Mogali Dr Arun Kumar ,Dr 20 25 d
423 Nippani
Mattiwade and Dr
Hukkeri Nooli
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma C. R Dr Gurupada Balol, Multilocation trial in greengram Mungbean Kharif 2019- 2024- Cont AICRP
424 DWR S MULLaRP Mogali Dr Iramma V. Goudar 20 25 d
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma C. R Dr Iramma V. Goudar Screening of Genotypes for dual Mungbean Kharif 2019- 2024- Cont AICRP
425 DWR S MULLaRP Mogali season 20 25 d
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma C. R Dr Iramma V. Goudar Evaluation of Germplasm Mungbean Kharif 2019- 2024- Cont AICRP
DWR S MULLaRP Mogali 20 25 d
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma C. R Dr Iramma V. Goudar Generation of Breeding material Mungbean Kharif 2019- 2024- Cont AICRP
427 DWR S MULLaRP Mogali 20 25 d
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma C. R Dr Gurupada Balol, Breeding for Bruchid tolerance Mungbean Kharif 2019- 2024- Cont AICRP
DWR S MULLaRP Mogali Dr Iramma V. Goudar 20 25 d
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma C. R Dr Gurupada Balol, Nucleus seed production in Mungbean Kharif 2019- 2024- Cont AICRP
429 DWR S MULLaRP Mogali Dr Iramma V. Goudar greengram 20 25 d
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma C. R Dr Gurupada Balol, Nucleus seed production in Urdbean Kharif 2019- 2024- Cont UASD
430 DWR S MULLaRP Mogali Dr Iramma V. Goudar blackgram 20 25 d
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma C. R Dr Gurupada Balol, NBPGR Registration Mungbean Kharif 2019- 2024- Cont AICRP
431 DWR S MULLaRP Mogali Dr Iramma V. Goudar 20 25 d
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma C. R Dr Gurupada Balol, NBPGR Registration Urdbean Kharif 2019- 2024- Cont AICRP
432 DWR S MULLaRP Mogali Dr Iramma V. Goudar 20 25 d

MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma C. R Dr Gurupada Balol, Initial Varietal Trial Urdbean Urdbean Kharif 2019- 2024- Cont UASD
433 DWR S MULLaRP Mogali Dr Iramma V. Goudar 20 25 d
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma C. R Dr Gurupada Balol, Initial Varietal Trial Mungbean Mungbean Kharif 2019- 2024- Cont UASD
DWR S MULLaRP Mogali Dr Iramma V. Goudar 20 25 d
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma C. R Dr Gurupada Balol, Advanced Varietal Trial -1 Mungbean Kharif 2019- 2024- Cont UASD
435 DWR S MULLaRP Mogali Dr Iramma V. Goudar Mungbean SZ 20 25 d
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma C. R Dr Gurupada Balol, National crossing programme Mungbean Kharif 2019- 2024- Cont UASD
436 DWR S MULLaRP Mogali Dr Iramma V. Goudar GG 20 25 d
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma C. R Dr Gurupada Balol, National crossing programme Urdbean Kharif 2019- 2024- Cont UASD
437 DWR S MULLaRP Mogali Dr Iramma V. Goudar BG 20 25 d
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma R Dr Gurupada Balol, Initial Varietal Trial (Co- Mungbean Rabi 2019- 2024- Cont UASD
438 DWR S MULLaRP C. Dr Iramma V. ordinated trial) 20 25 d
Mogali Goudar
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma R Dr Gurupada Balol, Advanced Varietal Trial (Co- Mungbean Rabi 2019- 2024- Cont AICRP
439 DWR S MULLaRP C. Dr Iramma V. ordinated trial) 20 25 d
Mogali Goudar
DWR, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma R Dr Gurupada Balol, Initial Varietal Trial (Co- Urdbean Rabi 2019- 2024- Cont UASD
440 S MULLaRP C. Dr Iramma V. ordinated trial) 20 25 d
Mogali Goudar
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma R Dr Gurupada Balol, Advanced Varietal Trial (Co- Linseed Rabi 2019- 2024- Cont AICRP
441 DWR S MULLaRP C. Dr Iramma V. ordinated trial) 20 25 d
Mogali Goudar
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma R Dr Gurupada Balol, Initial Varietal Trial (Co- Linseed Rabi 2019- 2024- Cont AICRP
442 DWR S MULLaRP C. Dr Iramma V. ordinated trial) 20 25 d
Mogali Goudar
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma C. R Dr Gurupada Balol, Evaluation of advance breeding Mungbean Summer 2019- 2024- Cont AICRP
443 DWR S MULLaRP Mogali Dr Iramma V. lines for MYMV resistance 20 25 d
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma R Dr Gurupada Balol, Initial Varietal Trial (Co- Mungbean Summer 2019- 2024- Cont AICRP
444 DWR S MULLaRP C. Dr Iramma V. ordinated trial)-Irrigated 20 25 d
Mogali Goudar
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma R Dr Gurupada Balol, Advance Varietal Trial (Co- Mungbean Summer 2019- 2024- Cont AICRP
445 DWR S MULLaRP C. Dr Iramma V. ordinated trial)-Irrigated 20 25 d
Mogali Goudar
MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma R Dr Gurupada Balol, Evaluation of advance breeding Urdbean Summer 2019- 2024- Cont AICRP
446 DWR S MULLaRP C. lines suited for rabi/summer 20 25 d
Mogali cultivation

MARS, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma R Dr Gurupada Balol, Screening of advanced breeding Urdbean Summer 2019- 2024- Cont AICRP
447 DWR S MULLaRP C. lines for dry root rot resistance 20 25 d
Malagi, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma R Dr. D. Satish, Dr. Multilocation Trial Mungbean R/S 2020- 2024- Cont AICRP
448 Akkialur, S MULLaRP C. Jayterth Diwan and 21 25 d
Mugad Mogali Dr. Manjunath
Malagi, MAR GPB AICRP Dr Suma R Dr. D. Satish, Dr. Multilocation Trial Urdbean R/S 2020- 2024- Cont AICRP
Akkialur, S MULLaRP C. Jayterth Diwan and 21 25 d
449 Mugad,
Mogali Dr. Manjunath
Evaluation & Identification of
450 GPB R R.M.Kachapur superior hybrids under medium Maize Kharif 1957 C AICRP
wad S MAIZE KAR term
maturity- NIVT (Set-I)

Evaluation & Identification of

451 GPB R R.M.Kachapur superior hybrids under medium Maize Kharif 1957 C AICRP
wad S MAIZE KAR term
maturity- NIVT(Set-II)

Evaluation & Identification of

452 GPB R R.M.Kachapur superior hybrids under medium Maize Kharif 1957 C AICRP
wad S MAIZE KAR term

Evaluation & Identification of

453 GPB R R.M.Kachapur superior hybrids under medium Maize Kharif 1957 C AICRP
wad S MAIZE KAR term
GPB AICRP R Evaluation & Identification of Maize Kharif 1957 C
454 R.M.Kachapur superior sweet corn hybrids- AICRP
wad S KAR term
Collection of Maize
Dhar MAR AICRP S.C.TALE germplasm,evaluation & Long
456 GPB R R.M.Kachapur Maize Kharif 2017 C UAS
wad S MAIZE KAR utilization in breeding term

Dhar MAR AICRP S.C.TALE Development of new high Long

457 GPB R R.M.Kachapur Maize Kharif 2017 C UAS
wad S MAIZE KAR kernel row number inbred lines term

Dhar MAR AICRP S.C.TALE Expoitation of heterosis through Long

458 GPB R R.M.Kachapur Maize Kharif 2018 C UAS
wad S MAIZE KAR kernel row number in maize term

Identification and development
Dhar MAR AICRP, S.C.Talek Long
459 GPB R R.M.Kachapur of single cross maize hybrids for Maize Kharif 2018 C UAS
wad S Maize ar term
rainfed ecosystem
Isolation of inbreds for
development of full season
Dhar MAR AICRP S.C.TALE single cross maize hybrids for Long
460 GPB R R.M.Kachapur Maize Kharif 2018 C UAS
wad S MAIZE KAR rainfed ecosystem from double term
cross hybrid population- S5
Isolation of inbred lines of
sweet corn from double cross
Dhar MAR AICRP S.C.TALE R.M.Kachapur G.K. Long
461 GPB R hybrid population for Maize Kharif 2018 C UAS
wad S MAIZE KAR Naidu term
development of single cross
maize hybrids - S5 generation
Development of new base
populations to derive the new
Dhar MAR AICRP, S.C.Talek Long
462 GPB R R.M.Kachapur inbred lines in normal maize for Maize Kharif 2019 C UAS
wad S Maize ar term
rainfed ecosystem and sweet
Isolation of inbreds for
development of full season
Dhar MAR AICRP, S.C.Talek single cross maize hybrids for Long
463 GPB R R.M.Kachapur Maize Kharif 2019 C UAS
wad S Maize ar rainfed ecosystem from three term
way cross hybrid population- S1
Evaluation of Maize hybrids
Dhar MAR AICRP, S.C.Talek
464 GPB R R.M.Kachapur Sponsored by Corporate Maize Kharif 2022 2022 C UAS
wad S Maize ar

Evaluation of Maize hybrids

Dhar MAR AICRP, S.C.Talek
465 GPB R R.M.Kachapur Sponsored by Department of Maize Kharif 2022 2022 C UAS
wad S Maize ar
Agriculture, Govt. Of Karnataka

Dhar MAR AICRP S.C.TALE Evaluation of medium maturity Long

466 GPB R R.M.Kachapur Maize Rabi 1957 C AICRP
wad S MAIZE KAR hybrids-NIVT term

Dhar MAR AICRP S.C.TALE Evaluation of Medium maturity Long

467 GPB R R.M.Kachapur Maize Rabi 1957 C AICRP
wad S MAIZE KAR hybrids-AVT-I term

Dhar MAR AICRP S.C.TALE Evaluation of Medium maturity Long
468 GPB R R.M.Kachapur Maize Rabi 1957 C AICRP
wad S MAIZE KAR hybrids-AVT-II term

GPB AICRP R Evaluation & Identification of

Dhar MAR S.C.TALE Long
469 MAIZE R.M.Kachapur superior sweet corn hybrids- Maize Rabi 1957 C AICRP
wad S KAR term
Advancement and seed UAS
Dhar MAR AICRP S.C.TALE multiplication Long
470 GPB R R.M.Kachapur Maize Rabi 2010 C
wad S MAIZE KAR 1. Multiplication of the parental term
seeds of released hybrids
Evaluation of inbred lines for UAS
Dhar MAR AICRP S.C.TALE per se performance under Long
471 GPB R R.M.Kachapur Maize Rabi 2018 C
wad S MAIZE KAR moisture stress and well watered term
condition condition
Isolation of inbreds for
development of full season
Dhar MAR AICRP S.C.TALE R.M.Kachapur G.K. single cross maize hybrids for Long
472 GPB R Maize Rabi 2019 C UAS
wad S MAIZE KAR Naidu rainfed ecosystem from double term
cross hybrid population- S6
Isolation of inbred lines of
sweet corn from double cross
Dhar MAR AICRP S.C.TALE R.M.Kachapur G.K. Long
473 GPB R hybrid population for Maize Rabi 2019 C UAS
wad S MAIZE KAR Naidu term
development of single cross
maize hybrids - S6 generation
Isolation of inbreds for
development of full season
Dhar MAR AICRP, S.C.Talek single cross maize hybrids for Long
474 GPB R R.M.Kachapur Maize Rabi 2019 C UAS
wad S Maize ar rainfed ecosystem from three term
way cross hybrid population- S2
Evaluation of Maize hybrids
Dhar MAR AICRP, S.C.Talek
475 GPB R R.M.Kachapur Sponsored by Corporate Maize Rabi 2022 2022 C UAS
wad S Maize ar

Dr Suma S Biradar
Dhar MAR Bread Dr. Uday. NIVT-4 (Durum wheat Trial)
476 GPB R Dr Gurudutt Hegde Wheat Rabi 1996 C AICRP
wad S Wheat G. Zone 3 and 8
Dr Kumar Lamani

Dr Suma S Biradar NIVT-5b (Bread/Durum wheat
Dhar MAR Bread Dr. Uday.
477 GPB R Dr Gurudutt Hegde Trial) Restricted Irrigation Zone Wheat Rabi 1996 C AICRP
wad S Wheat G.
Dr Kumar Lamani 3 and 8

Dr Suma S Biradar AVT RI (Bread/Durum wheat

Dhar MAR Bread Dr. Uday.
478 GPB R Dr Gurudutt Hegde Trial) Restricted Irrigation Zone Wheat Rabi 1996 C AICRP
wad S Wheat G.
Dr Kumar Lamani 3 and 8

Dr Suma S Biradar AICRP/

Dhar MAR Bread Dr. Uday. Collabarative Wheat Yield
479 GPB R Dr Gurudutt Hegde Wheat Rabi 2018 C CIMMY
wad S Wheat G. Trial.
Dr Kumar Lamani T
Dr Suma S Biradar AICRP/
Dhar MAR Dr. Uday. Heat tolerance Wheat Yield
480 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde Wheat Rabi 2000 C CIMMY
wad S G. Trial.
Dr Kumar Lamani T

Dr Suma S Biradar AICRP/

Dhar MAR Dr. Uday. Stress Adapted Trait Yield
481 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde Wheat Rabi 2011 C CIMMY
wad S G. Nurseries-HEAT
Dr Kumar Lamani T

Dr Suma S Biradar AICRP/

Dhar MAR Dr. Uday.
482 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde Semi Aerid Wheat Yield Trial Wheat Rabi 1993 C CIMMY
wad S G.
Dr Kumar Lamani T
Dr Suma S Biradar AICRP/
Dhar MAR Dr. Uday. International Durum Yield
483 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde Wheat Rabi 1996 C CIMMY
wad S G. Nurseries
Dr Kumar Lamani T

Dr Suma S Biradar AICRP/

Dhar MAR Dr. Uday. National Genetic stock Screeing
484 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde Wheat Rabi 2009 C CIMMY
wad S G. Nursery
Dr Kumar Lamani T

Dr Suma S Biradar
Dhar MAR Dr. Uday. ICARDA , Durum screening IIWBR-
485 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde Wheat Rabi 2019 C
wad S G. Nursery (Restricted Irrigation) ICAR
Dr Kumar Lamani
Dr Suma S Biradar Multilocational Trials Bread
Dhar MAR Dr. Uday.
486 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde wheat Rainfed condition (Zone- Wheat Rabi 1996 C AICRP
wad S G.
Dr Kumar Lamani 3 and 8)

Dr Suma S Biradar Multilocational Trials Durum

Dhar MAR Dr. Uday.
487 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde wheat Restricted Irrigation Wheat Rabi 1996 C AICRP
wad S G.
Dr Kumar Lamani condition (Zone-3 and 8 )

Dr Suma S Biradar Multilocational Trials Durum
Dhar MAR Dr. Uday.
488 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde wheat Irrigated condition (Zone- Wheat Rabi 1996 C AICRP
wad S G.
Dr Kumar Lamani 3 and 8)

Dr Suma S Biradar Multilocational Trials Durum

Dhar MAR Dr. Uday.
489 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde wheat Irrigated condition, Late Wheat Rabi 1996 C AICRP
wad S G.
Dr Kumar Lamani sown (Zone-3 and 8 )

Dr Suma S Biradar Large scale yield Trial Bread

Dhar MAR Dr. Uday.
490 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde wheat Rainfed & RI condition Wheat Rabi 2005 C AICRP
wad S G.
Dr Kumar Lamani (Zone-3 and 8)
Large scale yield Trial Durum
Dr Suma S Biradar
Dhar MAR Dr. Uday. wheat RF & Restricted
491 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde Wheat Rabi 2005 C AICRP
wad S G. Irrigation condition (Zone-3
Dr Kumar Lamani
and 8 )
Dr Suma S Biradar Large scale yield Trial Bread &
Dhar MAR Dr. Uday.
492 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde Durum wheat Irrigated Wheat Rabi 2005 C AICRP
wad S G.
Dr Kumar Lamani condition (Zone-3 and 8)

Dr Suma S Biradar Large scale yield Trial Durum

Dhar MAR Dr. Uday.
493 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde wheat Irrigated condition, Late Wheat Rabi 2005 C AICRP
wad S G.
Dr Kumar Lamani sown (Zone-3 and 8 )

Dr Suma S Biradar Large scale yield Trial Durum

Dhar MAR Dr. Uday.
494 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde wheat Irrigated condition, Late Wheat Rabi 2005 C AICRP
wad S G.
Dr Kumar Lamani sown (Zone-3 and 8 )

Dr Suma S Biradar Small scale yield Trial Bread

Dhar MAR Dr. Uday.
495 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde wheat Rainfed condition (Zone- Wheat Rabi 2005 C AICRP
wad S G.
Dr Kumar Lamani 3 and 8)

Dr Suma S Biradar Small scale yield Trial Durum

Dhar MAR Dr. Uday.
496 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde wheat Restricted Irrigation Wheat Rabi 2005 C AICRP
wad S G.
Dr Kumar Lamani condition (Zone-3 and 8 )

Dr Suma S Biradar Small scale yield Trial Durum

Dhar MAR Dr. Uday.
497 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde wheat Irrigated condition (Zone- Wheat Rabi 2005 C AICRP
wad S G.
Dr Kumar Lamani 3 and 8)

Dr Suma S Biradar Small scale yield Trial Durum

Dhar MAR Dr. Uday.
498 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde wheat Irrigated condition, Late Wheat Rabi 2005 C AICRP
wad S G.
Dr Kumar Lamani sown (Zone-3 and 8 )

Dr Suma S Biradar Influence of climatic variables
Dhar MAR Dr. Uday.
499 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde and their influence on quality Wheat Rabi 2018 C UAS
wad S G.
Dr Kumar Lamani improvement.

Dr Suma S Biradar Evaluvation of Dicoccum

Dhar MAR Dr. Uday.
500 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde germplsam line for the terminal Wheat Rabi 2020 C UAS
wad S G.
Dr Kumar Lamani drought stress.
Characterization and
Dr Suma S Biradar
Dhar MAR Dr. Uday. Identification of resistance
501 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde Wheat Kharif/Rabi 2021 C UAS
wad S G. source in wheat germplsam line
Dr Kumar Lamani
for FHB disease
Handling segreedating Material
Dr Suma S Biradar
Dhar MAR Dr. Uday. F1, F2 and F3 (Terminal
502 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde Wheat Kharif/Rabi 2020 C UAS
wad S G. Drought tolerance in
Dr Kumar Lamani
Bread/Durum/Dicoccum wheat
Dr Suma S Biradar CIMMM
Dhar MAR Dr. Uday. Accelerated genetic gain in
503 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde Wheat Rabi 2021 C YT/IIW
wad S G. wheat improvement
Dr Kumar Lamani BR
Dr Suma S Biradar Testing of wheat
Dhar MAR Dr. Uday.
504 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde varities/hybrids through seed Wheat Rabi 2022 C UAS
wad S G.
Dr Kumar Lamani company’s funded programme

Dr Suma S Biradar Testing of Maize

Dhar MAR Dr. Uday.
505 GPB Wheat R Dr Gurudutt Hegde varities/hybrids through seed Maize Kharif 2018 C UAS
wad S G.
Dr Kumar Lamani company’s funded programme
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP- Vanishree R Laxmi C. Patil
Germplasm Evaluation trial on Long Cont
506 wad S Sesame & M.G.Palakshappa Sesame Kharif 2006 AICRP
Sesame (AICRP) term d
Niger Kavita B. Patil
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP- Vanishree R Laxmi C. Patil
Long Cont
507 wad S Sesame & M.G.Palakshappa Initial Varietal Trial on Sesame Sesame Kharif 2006 AICRP
Niger Kavita B. Patil term d

Dhar MAR GPB AICRP- Vanishree R Laxmi C. Patil National Crossing Programme Sesame Kharif 2013 Long Cont AICRP
508 wad S Sesame & M.G.Palakshappa term d
Niger Kavita B. Patil

Dhar MAR GPB AICRP- Vanishree R Laxmi C. Patil

Station Varietal Trial -II on Long Cont
509 wad S Sesame & M.G.Palakshappa Sesame Kharif 2006 UASD
Niger Kavita B. Patil Sesame term d.

Dhar MAR GPB AICRP- Vanishree R Laxmi C. Patil
Evaluation of Sesame Long Cont
510 wad S Sesame & M.G.Palakshappa Sesame Kharif 2006 UASD
Niger Kavita B. Patil germplasm lines (station) term d

Dhar MAR GPB AICRP- Vanishree R Laxmi C. Patil Evaluation of early generation
Long Cont
511 wad S Sesame & M.G.Palakshappa breeding material of Sesame Sesame Kharif 2006 UASD
Niger Kavita B. Patil term d
Dhar Seed GPB AICRP- Vanishree R Laxmi C. Patil
wad unit/ Sesame & M.G.Palakshappa Maintenance breeding of Long Cont
512 Sesame Kharif 2006 UASD
MAR Niger Kavita B. Patil released varieties of Sesame term d
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP- Vanishree R Laxmi C. Patil Evaluation of advanced
513 wad S Sesame & M.G.Palakshappa breeding lines for earliness in Sesame Kharif 2023 New UASD
Niger Kavita B. Patil term
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP- Vanishree R Laxmi C. Patil
Station crossing programme on Long Cont
514 wad S Sesame & M.G.Palakshappa Sesame Summer - UASD
Niger Kavita B. Patil Sesame term d

Dhar MAR GPB AICRP- Vanishree R Laxmi C. Patil

Station Varietal Trial -II on Long Cont
515 wad S Sesame & M.G.Palakshappa Sesame Summer 2022 UASD
Niger Kavita B. Patil Sesame term d

Dhar MAR GPB AICRP- Vanishree R Laxmi C. Patil Evaluation of early generation
Long Cont
516 wad S Sesame & M.G.Palakshappa breeding material of Sesame Sesame Summer 2006 UASD
Niger Kavita B. Patil term d
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP- Vanishree R Laxmi C. Patil
Long Cont
517 wad S Sesame & M.G.Palakshappa Initial Varietal Trial on Niger Niger Kharif 2006 AICRP
Niger Kavita B. Patil term d

Dhar MAR GPB AICRP- Vanishree R Laxmi C. Patil

Genetic Resource Management Long Cont
518 wad S Sesame & M.G.Palakshappa Niger Kharif 2020 AICRP
Niger Kavita B. Patil Trial term d

Dhar MAR GPB AICRP- Vanishree R Laxmi C. Patil

Station Varietal Trial -II on Long Cont
519 wad S Sesame & M.G.Palakshappa Niger Kharif 2006 UASD
Niger Kavita B. Patil Niger term d.

Dhar MAR GPB AICRP- Vanishree R Laxmi C. Patil

Multilocation Varietal Trial on Long Cont
520 wad S Sesame & M.G.Palakshappa Niger Kharif 2006 UASD
Niger Kavita B. Patil Niger term d

Dhar MAR GPB AICRP- Vanishree R -
Private Maize hybrids testing Testing
521 wad S Sesame & Maize Kharif 2023 - -
Niger trial trial

Dhar AC, GPB UAS Sumangal T Breeding for powdery mildew Mungbean K 2020 Conti UAS
522 wad Dhar a Bhat resistance in mungbean nued

Induction of mutation using

Dhar Sumangal Dr. Suma Mogali, Ethymathane sulphonate in
523 Dhar GPB UAS T Mungbean K 2023 New UAS
wad a Bhat Dr. Gurupad Balol mungbean and collection of M2
Dhar GPB GPB UAS Dr. Suma Mogali Induction of mutation using γ -
524 wad T Dr. Gurupad Balol rays in mungbean and collection Mungbean K 2023 New UAS
a Bhat of M2 seeds

Dhar GPB GPB UAS Dr. O. Sridevi Induction of mutation using

wad Sumangal Ethymathane sulphonate in
525 Rice bean K 2023 New UAS
a Bhat T ricebean and collection of M2
Dhar GPB GPB UAS Dr. O. Sridevi Induction of mutation using
526 wad using γ -rays in ricebean and Rice bean K 2023 New UAS
a Bhat T collection of M2 seeds
Dhar GPB GPB UAS Dr. Suma Mogali, Evaluation of M2 for yield
527 wad Dr. Gurupad Balol attributes and MYMV resistance Mungbean S 2023 New UAS
a Bhat T in mungbean

Dhar GPB GPB UAS Dr. O. Sridevi Evaluation of M2 for yield

wad Sumangal attributes and determinate
528 RicebeanbeanS 2023 New UAS
a Bhat T growth habit in ricebean

Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Initial Hybrid Trial (Late) Pearl millet Kharif 2010 Cont AICRP
529 apur pearl millet B.K d
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Initial Hybrid Trial (Medium) Pearl millet Kharif 2010 Cont AICRP
apur pearl millet B.K d
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Pearl millet Kharif 2010 Cont AICRP
531 apur pearl millet B.K Initial/Advanced Population d
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Pearl millet Kharif 2010 Cont AICRP
apur pearl millet B.K Released Hybrid Varietal Trial d

Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Advanced Hybrid Trial Pearl millet Kharif 2010 Cont AICRP
533 apur pearl millet B.K (Medium) d
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Advanced Hybrid Trial (Late) Pearl millet Kharif 2010 Cont AICRP
534 apur pearl millet B.K d
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Development of mapping Pearl millet Kharif 2020 Cont AICRP
535 apur pearl millet B.K population for blast diseases d
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Development of mapping Pearl millet Kharif 2020 Cont AICRP
536 apur pearl millet B.K population for rust diseases d
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Deveopent of potential R lines Pearl millet Kharif 2020 Cont AICRP
537 apur pearl millet B.K d
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Entomology trial (ICAR) Pearl millet Kharif 2020 Cont AICRP
538 apur pearl millet B.K PMET-2 d

Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Interinstitutional Collaberative Pearl millet Kharif 2010 Cont AICRP/
apur pearl millet B.K Research ICAR/ICRISAT d ICRISA
Trials T
R Line Trial
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Interinstitutional Collaberative Pearl millet Kharif 2010 Cont AICRP/
apur pearl millet B.K Research ICAR/ICRISAT d ICRISA
Trial T
B Line Trial
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Interinstitutional Collaberative Pearl millet Kharif 2010 Cont AICRP/
apur pearl millet B.K Research ICAR/ICRISAT /summer d ICRISA
Trial T
High forage population trial
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Station Preliminary Hybrid Pearl millet Kharif 2013 Cont UAS
542 apur pearl millet B.K Trial Set I d
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Station Preliminary Hybrid Pearl millet Kharif 2013 Cont UAS
apur pearl millet B.K Trial-Set II d
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Station Preliminary Hybrid Pearl millet Kharif 2013 Cont UAS
544 apur pearl millet B.K Trial-Set III d
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Station Advanced hybrid trial Pearl millet Kharif 2013 Cont UAS
apur pearl millet B.K d
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Station advanced population Pearl millet Kharif 2013 Cont UAS
546 apur pearl millet B.K trial d
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Station Preliminary B Line Trial Pearl millet Kharif 2013 Cont UAS
547 apur pearl millet B.K d

Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Station Preliminary R Line Trial Pearl millet Kharif 2013 Cont UAS
548 apur pearl millet B.K d
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Station Preliminary Fodder Pearl millet Kharif/Sum 2013 Cont UAS
549 apur pearl millet B.K Population trial mer d
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Station Advanced Fodder Pearl millet Kharif/Sum 2013 Cont UAS
550 apur pearl millet B.K Population trial mer d
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Station Preliminary population Pearl millet Kharif 2013 Cont UAS
551 apur pearl millet B.K Trial d
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Evaluation and identification of Pearl millet Kharif 2013 Cont UAS
552 apur pearl millet B.K suitable genotypes for late sown d
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Multilocation Trial Pearl millet Kharif 2015 Cont UAS
apur pearl millet B.K Basamma,.Yogesh i.MLT on Pearlmillet (7 Fodder Pearl d
N.L.,Arun locations),RARS millet
Satareddy.,Talwar Vijayapur,ARS Annigeri, KVK
A,M, Sheela Bagalkot , ARS Mudhol, ARS
Duddagi., Vikas Malnoor,ARS Kalburgi, MARS
Kulkarni, Raichur
A.H.Biradar ii. MLT on Forage Pearl millet
(4 locations)
RARS,Vijayapur, ARS Mudhol
, ARS Madharkhandi, ARS
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Hybrid Breeding Pearl millet Kharif/ 2011 Cont UAS
554 apur pearl millet B.K Development of new Summer d
experimental hybrids

Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma population Breeding Pearl millet Kharif/ 2011 Cont UAS
555 apur pearl millet B.K Development of composites Summer d

Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Maintainance Breeding Pearl millet Kharif/Sum 2010 Cont UAS
556 apur pearl millet B.K Evaluation and Maintainance of mer d
germplasms (A/B/R lines)
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Maintainance Breeding Pearl millet Kharif/Sum 2010 Cont UAS
557 apur pearl millet B.K Evaluation and maintainance of mer d
mini core collections

Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Maintainance Breeding Pearl millet Kharif/Sum 2010 Cont UAS
558 apur pearl millet B.K Evaluation and maintainance of mer d
Blast resistant lines
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Maintainance Breeding Pearl millet Kharif/Sum 2010 Cont UAS
559 apur pearl millet B.K Evaluation and maintainance of mer d
Rust resistant lines

Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Development of new parental Pearl millet Kharif/Sum 2010 Cont UAS
560 apur pearl millet B.K lines A line mer d
conversion programme

Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Development of new parental Pearl millet Kharif/Sum 2010 Cont UAS
561 apur pearl millet B.K lines B line mer d
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Development of new parental Pearl millet Kharif/Sum 2010 Cont UAS
562 apur pearl millet B.K lines R line mer d

Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Development of new parental Pearl millet Kharif/Sum 2010 Cont UAS
563 apur pearl millet B.K lines Fe&Zn rich mer d
Inbred Line development

Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Development of new parental Pearl millet Kharif/Sum 2010 Cont UAS
564 apur pearl millet B.K lines Development mer d
of blast resistant B and R lines
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Development of new parental Pearl millet Kharif/Sum 2010 Cont UAS
apur pearl millet B.K lines mer d
Devlopment of rust resistant
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Development of new parental Pearl millet Kharif/Sum 2010 Cont UAS
apur pearl millet B.K lines mer d
Evaluation of advanced
breeding lines
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Nucleus seed production of Pearl millet Kharif/Sum 2010 Cont UAS
567 apur pearl millet B.K peal millet variety ICMV-221 mer d

Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Nucleus seed production of Pearl millet Kharif/Sum 2010 Cont UAS
568 apur pearl millet B.K peal millet variety ICTP-8203 mer d

Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Nucleus seed production of Pearl millet Kharif/Sum 2021 Cont UAS
569 apur pearl millet B.K peal millet variety VPMV- mer d
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Nucleus seed production of Pearl millet Kharif/Sum 2010 Cont UAS
apur pearl millet B.K A/B/R lines of GHB-558 and mer d
Hybrid seed production of
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Nucleus seed production of Pearl millet Kharif/Sum 2019 Cont UAS
apur pearl millet B.K A/B/R lines of VPMH-7 and mer d
Hybrid seed production of
Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Kumari Basamma Seed production of A/B/R lines Pearl millet Kharif/Sum 2022 Cont UAS
572 apur pearl millet B.K of VPMH-14 and Hybrid seed mer d
production of VPMH -14

Vijay RARS GPB AICRP Athoni, R Pearl millet private hybrid Pearl millet Kharif 2022 Cont UAS
573 apur pearl millet B.K Testing trial d

Dhar Seed GPB AICRP on Vijayaku R G K Naidu , B S Nucleus Seed production (Stage Soybean & Kharif 2019 Long C AICRP
574 wad Unit Seed mar A G Patil Kumar 1 to Stage2) Bengalgram term
Dhar Seed GPB AICRP on Vijayaku R Kumar C J Breeder seed production & Soybean & Kharif & rabi 2018 Long C AICRP
575 wad Unit Seed mar A G monitoring Pulse crops term
Dhar Seed GPB AICRP on Vijayaku R Malik Rehan Foundation Seed Production Soybean & Kharif & rabi 2018 Long C AICRP
576 wad Unit Seed mar A G Pulse crops term
Dhar Seed GPB AICRP on Vijayaku R Mahantesh Certified Seed Production Soybean & Kharif & rabi 2019 Long C AICRP
wad Unit Seed mar A G Mudenoor Pulse crops term
Dhar Seed GPB AICRP on Vijayaku R AICRP Voluntary center trials Sunflower Kharif 2021 Long C AICRP
578 wad Unit Seed mar A G of Sunflower- IHT & AHT term
Dhar Seed GPB AICRP on Vijayaku R Vijayakumar A G Generation of breeding material Sunflower Kharif 2013 Long C UAS
579 wad Unit Seed mar A G term
Dhar Seed GPB AICRP on Vijayaku R - IVT/AVT Mothbean Kharif 2016 Long C AICRP
580 wad Unit Seed mar A G term
Dhar Seed GPB AICRP on Vijayaku R - IVT/AVT Horsegram Kharif 2017 Long C AICRP
581 wad Unit Seed mar A G term
Dhar Seed GPB AICRP on Vijayaku R Vijayakumar A G ICVT Desi and Kabuli Chickpea Rabi 2020 Long C UASD
582 wad Unit Seed mar A G term ICRISA

Dhar Seed GPB AICRP on Vijayaku R Development & evaluation of Chickpea Rabi 2013 Long C UAS
583 wad Unit Seed mar A G chickpea lines suitable for term
mechanical harvesting
Dhar Cont
584 ACD GPB GPB B.R.Patil T - RIL evaluation Cotton Kharif 2021-22 2022 UAS,D
wad d.
Dhar Cont
585 ACD GPB GPB B.R.Patil T - F1 evaluation Cotton Kharif 2021-22 2022 UAS,D
wad d.
Dhar Cont
586 ACD GPB GPB B.R.Patil T - Testing trial Maize Kharif 2021-22 2022 UAS,D
wad d.
Dhar Cont
587 ACD GPB GPB B.R.Patil T - IVT of early mustard Mustard Rabi 2022-23 2023 AICRP
wad d.
Dwr, S.B.Patil.Subhash
588 Sanke ACD GPB GPB B.R.Patil T MLT Mustard Rabi 2022-23 2024 New UAS,D
Mund Anuraj
god,S Surendra Bharat
589 irsi,M ACD GPB GPB B.R.Patil T MLT Mustard Rabi 2022-23 2024 New UAS,D
Dhar Cont
590 ACD GPB GPB B.R.Patil T - Crossing Mustard Rabi 2022-23 2023 AICRP
wad d.
Dhar Cont
591 ACD GPB GPB B.R.Patil T - Testing trial Maize Rabi 2022-23 2023 UAS,D
wad d.
592 ACD GPB GPB B.R.Patil T - Crossing Cotton Summer 2022-23 2023 Cont. UAS,D
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R IVT_Grain Sorghum Sorghum Kharif 2016-17 - Cont AICRP
593 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R AVT_Grain Sorghum Sorghum Kharif 2016-17 - Cont AICRP
594 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R IHT_Grain Sorghum Sorghum Kharif 2016-17 - Cont AICRP
595 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R AHT_Grain Sorghum Sorghum Kharif 2016-17 - Cont AICRP
596 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R IVT (Red grain & Specialty) Sorghum Kharif 2018-19 - Cont AICRP
597 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R IIHT (early)_Grain Sorghum Sorghum Kharif 2018-19 - Cont AICRP
598 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.

Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R SVT-I Sorghum Kharif 2018-19 - Cont AICRP
599 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R PVT-I Sorghum Kharif 2017-18 - Cont AICRP
600 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R SHT-I Sorghum Kharif 2018-19 - Cont AICRP
601 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R SHT-II Sorghum Kharif 2017-18 - Cont AICRP
602 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R MLVT Sorghum Kharif 2018-19 - Cont AICRP
603 wad S Sorghum tti NG KandkurNooli d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R MLHT Sorghum Kharif 2018-19 - Cont AICRP
604 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R Maintaince of A/B/R lines Sorghum Kharif 2015-16 - Cont AICRP
605 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R Eva. of early gen. breeding Sorghum Kharif 2015-16 - Cont AICRP
606 wad S Sorghum tti NG material d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R Eva.adv. gen. breeding material Sorghum Kharif 2015-16 - Cont AICRP
607 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R Testing of private Sorghum Sorghum Kharif 2018-19 - Cont UAS
608 wad S Sorghum tti NG hybrids d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R AVHT_GS Sorghum Rabi 2018-19 - Cont AICRP
609 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R IVHT_GS Sorghum Rabi 2018-19 - Cont AICRP
610 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R IAVT(Specialty) Sorghum Rabi 2018-19 - Cont AICRP
611 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R SVT-I Sorghum Rabi 2018-19 - Cont AICRP
612 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R SVT-II Sorghum Rabi 2018-19 - Cont AICRP
613 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R SHT Sorghum Rabi 2018-19 - Cont AICRP
614 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R Sajjanar GM MLVT Sorghum Rabi 2018-19 - Cont AICRP
615 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R A/B/R lines Sorghum Rabi 2015-16 - Cont AICRP
616 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R Characterizing Genetic stocks of Sorghum Rabi 2015-16 - Cont AICRP
617 wad S Sorghum tti NG rabi sorghum d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R Eva.of early gen. breeding Sorghum Rabi 2015-16 - Cont AICRP
618 wad S Sorghum tti NG material d.

Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R Eva.adv. gen. breeding material Sorghum Rabi 2015-16 - Cont AICRP
619 wad S Sorghum tti NG d.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R Maintainceof kharif/rabi Sorghum Rabi 2015-16 - Cont AICRP
620 wad S Sorghum tti NG varieties (DSV-6, CS-37, CSV- d.
42, SPV-2217 & DSV-4)
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R Hariprasanna, IIMR Evaluation of selected Sorghum Rabi 2018-19 - Cont AICRP
621 wad S Sorghum tti NG germplasm for grain Iron and d.
Zinc content.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R Sajjanar GM Identification of sorghum Sorghum Rabi 2022-23 - Cont AICRP
622 wad S Sorghum tti NG hybrids for protective irrigation d.
condition during Rabi season.
Dhar MAR GPB AICRP Hanamara R Identification of sorghum Sorghum Summer 2022-23 - Cont AICRP
623 wad S Sorghum tti NG hybrids for summer season with d.
Evaluation of germplasm Sesame Kharif 2021-22 - contd SRP
Paramesh collection and advanced
624 wad UAS GPB DoR warappa R - breeding lines for yield and
SG yield attributes in Sesame
Paramesh Evaluation of Maize hybrids for Maize Kharif 2020-21 - contd SRP
625 UAS GPB DoR warappa R - yield and its attributes.
Paramesh Heterosis and Combining abilic Sesame Kharif 2021-22 - contd PGR
626 UAS GPB DoR warappa R - studies for yield and yield
SG attributes in Sesame
Genetic diversity studies for Sesame Kharif 2023-24 - New PGR
Paramesh marphological and qualilate
627 wad UAS GPB DoR warappa R - character in advanced breeding
SG lines of Sesame
Paramesh Genetics variability studies for Groundnut Kharif 2023-24 - New PGR
628 UAS GPB DoR warappa R - quality and quantitative
SG characters in Groundnut.
Analyasis of gene effective and Maize Kharif 2021-22 - contd PGR
Paramesh interaction for tursican leaf
629 wad UAS GPB DoR warappa R - blight resistance in maize
Dhar ACD GPB ACD O. Sridevi T Introgression of ToLCV Tomato K 2010 202 C UAS
630 wad resistant genes from different 4
Dhar ACD GPB ACD O. Sridevi T Sumangala Bhat, Identification of molecular Tomato K 2016 202 C UAS
wad M.S. Patil markers linked to tomato leaf 4
631 curl virus resistance and
transfer of resistance to ToLCV
through backcrossing

Dhar ACD GPB ACD O. Sridevi T Validation of molecular markers Tomato K/R 2017 202 -do- UAS
632 wad linked tomato leaf curl virus 4
Dhar ACD GPB ACD O. Sridevi T Development of hybrids Tomato K 2013 202 -do- UAS
633 wad resistant to ToLCV resistance 4
Dhar ACD GPB ACD O. Sridevi T Identification of genotypes K 2017 202 -do- UAS
634 wad resistant to thrips and mites 4
Dhar ACD GPB ACD O. Sridevi T Transfer of resistance to thrips K 2017 202 -do- UAS
635 wad through back crossing 4
Dhar ACD GPB ACD O. Sridevi T Development of inbred lines Tomato 2015 202 -do- UAS
636 wad from segregating population. 4
Dhar ACD GPB ACD O. Sridevi T Evaluation of inbred lines Tomato 2015 202 -do- UAS
637 wad develped from segregating 4
populations R
Dhar ACD GPB ACD O. Sridevi T Development of double cross Tomato 2015 202 -do- UAS
638 wad hybrids 4
Dhar ACD GPB ACD O. Sridevi T Development of inbred lines Chilli 2015 202 -do- UAS
wad from segregating population. K 4
Dhar ACD GPB ACD O. Sridevi T Evaluation of inbred lines okra 2015 202 -do- UAS
640 wad develped from segregating 4
Dhar ACD GPB ACD O. Sridevi T Development of double cross Tomato 2015 202 -do- UAS
641 wad hybrids 4
Dhar ACD GPB ACD O. Sridevi T Development of heterotic pools Tomato 2020 202 -do- UAS
642 wad in tomato 4
Dhar ACD GPB ACD O. Sridevi T Development of heterotic pools Tomato 2020 202 -do- UAS
643 wad in chilli 4
Dhar ACD GPB ACD O. Sridevi T Testing trial on maize Maize 2022 -do- UAS
wad K/R


Sl. Year Year Conti

SCHE TRE CRO Seaso Type of
ME A P n project
. start close New
1 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP- Dr.T.T.BAND R No Evaluation of pre-released kharif Kharif 2022 2022 New AICR
Sorghu IWADDAR grain sorghum hybrids and varities Sorgh P Trial
m for their productivity under rainfed um
2 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP- Dr.T.T.BAND R No Performance of pre-released sweet Kharif 2022 2022 New AICR
Sorghu IWADDAR sorghum genotypes under rainfed P Trial
m environment.
3 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP- Dr.T.T.BAND R No Identification of morpho- Kharif 2022 2022 New AICR
Sorghu IWADDAR physiological traits of germplasm / P Trial
m varieties suitable for high density
planting in kharif under protective
irrigated conditions
4 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP- Dr.T.T.BAND R No Quantifying the response of pre- Rabi 2022- 2022 New AICR
Sorghu IWADDAR released rabi sorghum genotypes to Sorgh 23 -23 P Trial
m different fertilizer levels under um
receding soil moisture environment
5 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP- Dr.T.T.BAND R Dr.Shaila H.M Organic rabi sorghum production Rabi 2022- 2027 New AICR
Sorghu IWADDAR and Sorgh 23 -28 P Trial
m Dr.S.S.Anjum um

6 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP- Dr.T.T.BAND R No Foliar nutrition for boosting of rabi Rabi 2022- 2022 New AICR
Sorghu IWADDAR sorghum productivity 23 -23 P Trial
7 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP- Dr.T.T.BAND R No Boron nutrition of rabi grain Rabi 2022- 2022 Contd AICR
Sorghu IWADDAR sorghum 23 -23 . P Trial
8 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP- Dr.T.T.BAND R No Rabi sorghum productivity as Rabi 2022- 2022 Contd AICR
Sorghu IWADDAR influenced by irrigation and 23 -23 . P Trial
m fertilization
Year Year
Sl. TRE Seaso Projec
Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist Co-PI Expt Title Crop of of New
No A n t type
Start close

9 Dharwad Resear Agronomy AICRP S.R.Salakinko R Long term trial on integrated Kharif 2018 Long Cont. AICR
ch (Maize) p nutrient management in maize- and term P
chickpea cropping system Maize rabi

10 Dharwad Resear Agronomy AICRP S.R.Salakinko R Performance of pre release late Kharif 2010 Long Cont. AICR
ch (Maize) p maturity maize genotypes under term P
varying planting density and Maize
nutrient levels
11 Dharwad Resear Agronomy AICRP S.R.Salakinko R Performance of pre release AICRP Kharif 2018 Long Cont. AICR
ch (Maize) p baby corn genotypes under varying Maize term P
planting density and nutrient levels
12 Dharwad Resear Agronomy AICRP S.R.Salakinko R Crop residue management in Kharif 2021 Long Cont. AICR
ch (Maize) p maize-chickpea cropping system Maize and term P
13 Dharwad Resear Agronomy AICRP S.R.Salakinko R Efficacy of nano urea in maize- Kharif 2022 2022 New AICR
ch (Maize) p chickpea systems Maize and P
14 Dharwad Resear Agronomy AICRP S.R.Salakinko R Performance of pre release station Kharif 2022 2022 New Statio
ch (Maize) p baby corn genotypes under varying Maize n
planting density and nutrient levels
15 Dharwad Resear Agronomy AICRP S.R.Salakinko R Dr.S.C.Talekar Validation of CleanRise in maize Kharif 2022 2022 New Projec
ch (Maize) p Maize t/Testi
ng fee
16 Dharwad Resear Agronom AICRP S.R.Salakinko R Evaluation of Mesotrione 2.27% Kharif 2022 2022 New Projec
ch y (Maize) p w/w + Atrazine 22.72% w/w t/Testi
combination to control Diverse ng fee
weed Flora in Maize
Year Year
Sl. TRE Seaso Projec
Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist Co-PI Expt Title Crop of of New
No A n t type
Start close
17 Dharwad Resear Agronom AICRP S.R.Salakinko R Performance of pre release late rabi 2021 Long Cont. AICR
ch y (Maize) p maturity maize genotypes under term P
varying planting density and Maize
nutrient levels

18 Dharwad Resear Agronom AICRP S.R.Salakinko R Dr.S.C.Taleka Validation of CleanRise in maize rabi 2022 2022 Cont. Projec
ch y (Maize) p Maize t/Testi
ng fee
Sl. TRE Year Year Contd Proj.
Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist Co-PI Experiment title Crop Season
No A of of or Type

. Start Close New

19 Vijayapu RARS Agron AICRP Babar Sadhana R Kumari Moisture conservation through Kharif 2020 - Contd AICRP
r pearl R. Basamma polymers and crop residues under Pearl
millet rainfed conditions (PMAT 2) millet

20 Vijayapu RARS Agron AICRP Babar Sadhana R Kumari Effect of tillage and nutrient Kharif 2020 - Contd AICRP
r pearl R. Basamma management systems on pearl Pearl
millet millet yield and soil properties millet
(PMAT 5)
21 Vijayapu RARS Agron AICRP Babar Sadhana R Kumari Enhancing biofortified/non- Kharif 2021 - Contd AICRP
r pearl R. Basamma biofortified pearl millet hybrids
millet productivity and quality through
micronutrients under irrigated
situation (PMAT 3)
22 Vijayapu RARS Agron AICRP Babar Sadhana R Kumari Contribution of production factors Kharif 2021 - Contd AICRP
r pearl R. Basamma to the yield and economics of pearl
millet millet (PMAT 4)
23 Vijayapu RARS Agron AICRP Babar Sadhana R Kumari Response of pearl millet to split Kharif 2021 - Contd AICRP
r pearl R. Basamma application of nitrogen at different Pearl
millet growth stages under irrigated millet
condition (PMAT 6)
24 Vijayapu RARS Agron AICRP Babar Sadhana R B. K. Athoni Response of pearl millet to split Kharif 2021 - Contd UAS
r pearl R. and Kumari application of urea at different Pearl
millet Basamma growth stages under rainfed millet
25 Vijayapu RARS Agron AICRP Babar Sadhana R R B Jolli, Evaluation of organic and Kharif 2021- - Contd UAS
r pearl R. Karbhatnal S S inorganic nutrient management and 22
millet and Basamma practices in different cropping Rabi
Kumbhar systems

26 Vijayapu RAR Agron AICRP Babar Sadhana R Karbhatnal S Evaluation of parching sorghum Rabi 2021- - Contd AICR
r S pearl R. S, Gouramma (Hurda/Ponk) genotypes for crop 22 P
millet Sajjanur and diversification
Latha H C

27 Vijayapu RAR Agron AICRP Babar Sadhana R B. K. Athoni Frontline demonstrations in pearl Kharif Old - Contd AICR
r S pearl R. and Kumari millet (10 ha area) P
millet Basamma

28 Vijayapu RAR Agron AICRP Babar Sadhana R B. K. Athoni Trible Sub Plan (TSP) on pearl Kharif 2020 - Contd AICR
r S pearl R. and Kumari millet P
millet Basamma
29 Vijayapu RAR Agron AICRP Babar Sadhana R Kumari Productivity of pearl millet Kharif 2022 - New AICR
r S pearl R. Basamma [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br. P
millet Emend. Stuntz]-Mustard/ Chickpea Pearl
cropping sequence as influenced by millet
organic and natural farming
(PMAT 7)
Year Contd
Sl. Year
TRE Seaso of . Proj.
No Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist Co-PI Experiment title Crop of
A n Clos or Type
. Start
e New
30 Dharwad MAR Agonom Wheat Dr. Kumar D. Rese Dr. Gurudatt Performance of new wheat Rabi 2021 2023 Contin AICR
S, y Lamani arch Hegde, Dr genotypes at different dates of ued P
Dhar Suma Biradar, sowing under irrigated conditions
wad Dr Uday G.
31 Dharwad MAR Agonom Wheat Dr. Kumar D. Rese Dr. Gurudatt Performance of new wheat Rabi 2021 2023 Contin AICR
S, y Lamani arch Hegde, Dr genotypes under restricted ued P
Dhar Suma Biradar, irrigation conditions wheat
wad Dr Uday G.
32 Dharwad MAR Agonom Wheat Dr. Kumar D. Rese Dr. Gurudatt Efficacy of herbicides against Rabi 2021 2023 Contin AICR
S, y Lamani arch Hegde, Dr diverse weed flora of wheat ued P
Dhar Suma Biradar,
wad Dr Uday G.
33 Dharwad MAR Agonom Wheat Dr. Kumar D. Rese Dr. Gurudatt Effect of nano urea on increasing N Rabi 2021 2023 Contin AICR
S, y Lamani arch Hegde, Dr use efficiency and productivity of ued P
Dhar Suma Biradar, wheat under irrigated condition
wad Dr Uday G.
34 Mudhol AEE Agonom Wheat Dr. Kumar D. Rese Dr. Gurudatt System of Wheat Intensification Rabi 2020 2023 Contin Farm
Bagalkot C y Lamani arch Hegde, Dr (SWI) ued Trial
Belgaum KVK Suma Biradar, wheat
Tukkana JDA Dr Uday G.
35 Mudhol AEE Agonom Wheat Dr. Kumar D. Rese Dr. Gurudatt Lodging management for Rabi 2020 2023 Contin Farm
Bagalkot C y Lamani arch Hegde, Dr enhancing yield in dicoccum wheat ued Trial
Belgaum KVK Suma Biradar, using potential plant growth wheat
Tukkana JDA Dr Uday G. regulator (SPL-5)

36 Dharwad MAR Agonom Wheat Dr. Kumar D. Rese Dr. Gurudatt Evaluation of Bio-efficacy & Rabi 2022 2024 New Testin
S, y Lamani arch Hegde, Dr Phytotoxicity of Biostimulant - g Trial
Dhar Suma Biradar, Seaweed extract (Indolizer /
wad Dr Uday G. Mailizer Granules on Growth &
Yield attribution parameters of
37 Dharwad MAR Agonom Wheat Dr. Kumar D. Rese Dr. Gurudatt Evaluation of hebicide AC02 (5.1% Rabi 2022 2024 New Testin
S, y Lamani arch Hegde, Dr EC) for the control of weeds in g Trial
Dhar Suma Biradar, Wheat and its effect on succeding wheat
wad Dr Uday G. crop (Rabi 2022)

No ME CRO n of of nued / project
. P start close New
38 Hanuma KVK, AGRON KVK Dr. Ashoka P E Priya, P. and Performane of teff (Eragrostic Kharif 2020- 2022 PG UAS
namatti Hanu Rajkumar G R spp) under different planting 21 -23 experi
mana methods and nutrient management Teff ment
matti contin
39 Hanuma KVK, Agronom KVK Ashoka, P. E Priya, P and Response of Brown top millet Kharif 2020- 2022 Conti UAS
namatti Hanu y Rajkumar G R (Brachiaria ramosa L .) to plant Brown 21 -23 nued
mana spacing and nutrient mangement top
matti millet

No ME CRO n of of nued / project
. P start close New
40 Dharwad MARS AGRON Fodder R. B. Negalur R one Breeder Evaluation of Promising fodder Rabi 2022- 2024 New UASD
oat genotypes to different sowing 23 -25
window for their biomass
41 Dharwad MARS AGRON Fodder R. B. Negalur R Nil Assessment of fodder potential of Rabi 2022- 2024 New UASD
sweet corn after the harvest of Sweet 23 -25
cobs at different sowing windows corn

Sl Year Year Contd

TRE Seaso Proj.
No Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist Co-PI Experiment title Crop of of . or
A n Type
. Start Close New

42 Dharwad MARS Agron AICRP Ganajaxi Math R Dr. Iramma Evaluation of post emergence Kharif 2021 2023 Contin AICR
MULLa Goudar herbicides in mungbean ued P
43 Dharwad MARS Agron AICRP Ganajaxi Math R Dr. Iramma Evaluation of post emergence Kharif 2021 2022 Contin AICR
MULLa Goudar herbicides in urdbean ued P
44 Dharwad MARS Agron AICRP Ganajaxi Math R Dr. Gurupad M3: Effect of seed inoculation, Kharif 2022 2023 New AICR
MULLa Balol and Dr. weed management and foliar Mung P
RP Iramma nutrition on mungbean for higher bean
Goudar productivity
45 Dharwad MARS Agron AICRP Ganajaxi Math R Dr. Gurupad U3: Effect of seed inoculation, Kharif 2022 2023 New AICR
MULLa Balol and Dr. weed management and foliar Urdbe P
RP Iramma nutrition on urdbean for higher an
Goudar productivity
46 Dharwad MARS Agron AICRP Ganajaxi Math R Dr. Gurupad Evaluation of Flufenacet 24% + Kharif 2022 2022 New UAS
MULLa Balol and Dr. Metribuzin 17.5% WG (Agrist) in Soyba
RP Iramma Soybean and its effect on n
Goudar succeeding crop
47 Dharwad MARS Agron AICRP Ganajaxi Math R Dr. Suma Agronomic investigations for the Kharif 2022 2023 New UAS
MULLa Mogli and Dr. new greengram variety DGGV-21
RP Gurupad Balol
48 Dharwad MARS Agron AICRP Ganajaxi Math R Dr. M.P. Pigeonpea productivity as Kharif 2022 2022 New UAS
MULLa Potdar Influenced by Organic Manures Pigeon
RP and Foliar Nutrition Under Rainfed pea
and Irrigated Situations
Sl. Year Year Contd
TRE Seaso Proj.
No Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist Co-PI Experiment title Crop of of . or
A n Type
. Start Close New
49 Dharwad MARS Agron AICRP Ganajaxi Math R Dr. Suma Agronomic evaluation of AVT2 Rabi 2021 2023 Contin AICR
MULLa Mogli and Dr. Rabi mungbean genotypes under mungb ued P
RP Gurupad Balol varied dates of sowing ean
50 Dharwad MARS Agron AICRP Ganajaxi Math R Dr. A.G. Response of chickpea genotypes Rabi 2021 2022 Contin UAS
MULLa Vijaykumar under various irrigation schedules ued
RP and Dr. and antitranspirants

51 Dharwad MARS Agron AICRP Ganajaxi Math R Dr. A.G. Response of chickpea genotypes to Rabi 2021 2022 Contin UAS
MULLa Vijaykumar nutrient mixtures under rainfed and ued
RP and Dr. irrigated conditions
52 Dharwad MARS Agron AICRP Ganajaxi Math R Dr. Suma Agronomic investigations for the Kharif 2022 2023 New UAS
MULLa Mogli and Dr. new greengram variety DGGV-21
RP Gurupad Balol
Sl. Year Year Contd
TRE Seaso Proj.
No Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist Co-PI Experimental title Crop of of . or
A n Type
. Start close New
53 Dharwad MARS Agronomy AICRP Dr. G. R Dr. Shalini Sustainable soybean production Kharif 2015 Long Contd. AICR
on Somanagouda Huilgol Dr. through crop diversification and term P
Soybean R. tillage system.
54 Dharwad MARS Agronomy AICRP Dr. G. R Dr. Shalini Evaluation of novel bio Kharif 2022 - contd AICR
on Somanagouda Huilgol Dr. formulations for yield enhancement P
Soybean R. in soybean
55 Dharwad MARS Agronomy AICRP Dr. G. R Dr. Shalini Organic farming for soybean-based Kharif 2022 - New AICR
on Somanagouda Huilgol Dr. cropping systems P
Soybean R. Soybe
Channakeshav an
a Dr. Harshiya
56 Dharwad MARS Agronomy AICRP Dr. G. R Dr. Shalini Drought alleviation in soybean Kharif 2020 - contd AICR
on Somanagouda Huilgol Dr. through foliar application of thio P
Soybean R. urea Soybe
Channakeshav an
a Dr. Harshiya
57 Dharwad MARS Agronomy AICRP Dr. G. R Dr. Shalini Effect of phytotron’s Biostumilant Kharif 2022 - New AICR
on Somanagouda Huilgol Dr. on P
Soybean R. Soybean Soybe
Channakeshav an
a Dr. Harshiya

58 Dharwad MARS Agronomy AICRP Dr. G. R Dr. Shalini Effect of different planting time on Rabi 2022 - New UASD
on Somanagouda Huilgol Dr. growth and yield of soybean
Soybean R. Soybe
Channakeshav an
a Dr. Harshiya
59 Dharwad MARS Agronomy AICRP Dr. G. R Dr. Shalini Effect of different planting time on summe 2023 - New UASD
on Somanagouda Huilgol Dr. growth and yield of soybean r
Soybean R. Soybe
Channakeshav an
a Dr. Harshiya
No ME CRO n of of nued / of
. P start close New projec
60 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP BASAVARAJ R Nil Field survey of Agronomic prtices Kharif 2022- 2024 Regul AICR
S. YENAGI in the for of SWOT analysis( Groun 23 -25 P
Kharif season) dnut
61 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP BASAVARAJ R Dr. S. S. Nooli Application of nitogen using nano Kharif 2022- 2024 New UASD
S. YENAGI Dr. S. T. urea in Kharif groundnut 23 -25
Hundekar Groun
Dr. Roopa, U dnut
Dr. Kumar, C.
62 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP BASAVARAJ R Dr. S. T. Response of groundnut(Arachis MARS 2022- AGR New AICR
S. YENAGI Hundekar hypogaea) to foliar application of Groun 23 ON P
Dr. Kumar, C. nano urea and urea phosphate dnut
63 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP BASAVARAJ R Dr. Jhones Evaluation of rhizobia for MARS 2022- AGR New AICR
S. YENAGI Nimrmlanath enhancing BNF and yield of kharif 23 ON P
Dr. S. T. groundnut Groun
Hundekar dnut
Dr. Kumar, C.
64 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP BASAVARAJ R Dr. Jhones Organic farming experiment on MARS 2022- AGR New AICR
S. YENAGI Nimrmlanath permanent basis in prominent 23 ON P
Dr. S. T. cropping system of the respective Groun
Hundekar region dnut
Dr. Kumar, C.

65 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP BASAVARAJ R Testing trial on Soybean Soybea MARS 2022- AGR New UASD
66 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP BASAVARAJ R Dr. Laxmi C. Foliar Nutrition through Nano Urea Kharif 2020- 2021 New UASD
S. YENAGI Patil in kharif Sesame 21 -22
Vanishree Sesam
Dr. e
M. G. Dr.
Kumar, C. J.
67 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP BASAVARAJ R Dr. B. N. AVT on new groundnut variety Kharif 2020- 2021 New UASD
S. YENAGI Motagi 21 -22
Dr. Rohini
Dr. P. Ngaraju
68 AGRON AICRP BASAVARAJ R Ms.Tebogo Response of groundnut(Arachis MARS 2022- AGR Conti UASD
S. YENAGI Mokenti hypogaea) to foliar application of 23 ON nued
Dr. Bidari. B. nano urea and urea phosphate PG
I. Exper
Dr. D. P. iment
Dr. Roopa, U
Dr. Kumar,
C. J.
69 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP BASAVARAJ R Dr. Rohini Intensification of rain-fed Kharif 2020- 2022 Conti AICR
S. YENAGI Sugandhi groundnut production Groun 21 -23 nued P
dnut TRIA
70 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP BASAVARAJ R Nil Sustainable groundnut production Kharif 2021- 2023 Conti AICR
S. YENAGI through crop diversification and Groun 22 -24 nued P
tillage systems dnut TRIA
71 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP BASAVARAJ R Dr.P .Jones Integrated weed management in Kharif 2021- 2023 Conti AICR
S. YENAGI Nirmalnath kharif groundnut with Diclosulam Groun 22 -24 nued P
dnut TRIA
72 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP BASAVARAJ R Nil Field survey of Agronomic prtices Rabi/s 2021- 2021 New AICR
S. YENAGI in the for of SWOT analysis(Rabi Groun umme 22 -22 P
Sesaon) dnut r TRIA

73 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP BASAVARAJ R Nil Response of groundnut to limited Rabi/s 2020- 2022 Conti AICR
S. YENAGI irrigation during post rainy/summer Groun umme 21 -23 nued P
season dnut r TRIA
74 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP BASAVARAJ R Dr.P .Jones Alleviation of salinity stress in Rabi/s 2019- 2019 Conti AICR
S. YENAGI Nirmalnath groundnut by application of Groun umme 20 -20 nued P
Dr. B. I. Bidari endophytic microorganisms dnut r TRIA
75 Dharwad MARS AGRON AICRP BASAVARAJ R Dr.P .Jones Alleviation of salinity stress in Rabi/s 2019- 2019 Conti AICR
S. YENAGI Nirmalnath groundnut by application of Groun umme 20 -20 nued P
Dr. B. I. Bidari endophytic microorganisms dnut r TRIA
Sl. Year Year Conti
SCHE CRO Seaso Type of
ME P n project
. start close New
76 Annigeri ARS AGRON AICRP Sangshetty R Dr. Evaluation of AVHT-II entries Rabi 2022- 2022 New AICR
Nagabhushan under different fertilizer levels 23 -23 P
K Nayidu and under rainfed conditions
77 Annigeri ARS AGRON AICRP Sangshetty R Dr. Productivity of safflower with Rabi 2022- 2020 Conti AICRP
Nagabhushan system based best management 23 -21 nued
K Nayidu and practices in comparison to farmer’s
Prabhavathi practice
78 Annigeri ARS AGRON AICRP Sangshetty R Dr. Nitrogen management in safflower Rabi 2022- 2021 Conti AICRP
Nagabhushan through nano-urea to improve 23 -22 nued
K Nayidu and productivity and nitrogen use
Prabhavathi efficiency
79 Annigeri ARS AGRON AICRP Sangshetty R Dr. Integrated weed management in Rabi 2022- 2022 New AICRP
Nagabhushan cropping systems involving 23 -23
K Nayidu and safflower (from kharif 2022-23)
80 Annigeri ARS AGRON AICRP Sangshetty R Dr. Site specific nutrient management Rabi 2022- 2022 New AICRP
Nagabhushan in safflower based cropping 23 -23
K Nayidu and systems (from kharif 2022-23)

81 Annigeri ARS AGRON AICRP Sangshetty FLD' Dr. 25 FLDs as per IIOR program Rabi 2022- 2022 New AICRP
s Nagabhushan 23 -23
K Nayidu and
82 Annigeri ARS AGRON AICRP Sangshetty R Dr. Bioefficacy, Phytotocicity of GPH Rabi/s 2020- 2021 Conti UASD
Nagabhushan 1821 against weed flora of onion umme 21 -22 nued
K Nayidu and and its effect on succeeding crop Onion r
83 Annigeri ARS AGRON AICRP Sangshetty R Dr. Bio efficacy of crop Kharif 2020- 2022 New UASD
Nagabhushan specific blended fertilizer in Cotton 21 -23
K Nayidu and Cotton
Sl. Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist TRE Co-PI Experiment title Seaso Year Year Contd Proj.
No A n of of . or Type
Start Clos New
84 Sankesh ARS AGRON. AICRP S.S.NOOLI R S.B. Patil, Agronomic performance of elite Annua 2022 2023 New AICRP
war (S) Sourabh sugarcane genotypes l
Munnoli and Sugarc
Nilesh ane
85 Sankesh ARS AGRON. AICRP S.S.NOOLI R S.B. Patil, Evaluation of sugarcane varieties Annua 2022 2023 New AICRP
war (S) Sourabh for drought tolerance l
Munnoli and
86 Sankesh ARS AGRON. AICRP S.S.NOOLI R Sourabh Evaluation of liquid nano urea for Annua 2022 2023 New AICRP
war (S) Munnoli and its efficacy in enhancing N use Sugarc l
Nilesh efficiency and sugarcane growth ane
Shiragavi and yield
87 Sankesh ARS AGRON. AICRP S.S.NOOLI R Sourabh Evaluating efficacy of consortium Annua 2022 2023 New AICRP
war (S) Munnoli and of agricultural beneficial l
Nilesh microorganisms as soil health and
Shiragavi plant health products on yield and
quality of sugarcane

88 Sankesh ARS AGRON. AICRP S.S.NOOLI R Sourabh Evaluation of new herbicide Annua 2022 2023 New AICRP
war (S) Munnoli and molecules for weed management in Sugarc l
Nilesh sugarcane plant crop ane
89 Sankesh ARS AGRON. AICRP S.S.NOOLI R Sourabh Precision nutrient management Annua 2020 2023 Contd. AICRP
war (S) Munnoli and through rescheduling time of Sugarc l
Nilesh application for widely spaced ane
Shiragavi sugarcane plant - ratoon system
90 Sankesh ARS AGRON. AICRP S.S.NOOLI R Sourabh Evaluation of liquid nano urea for Annua 2020 2023 Contd AICRP
war (S) Munnoli and its efficacy in enhancing N use Sugarc l
Nilesh efficiency and ratoon sugarcane ane
Shiragavi growth and yield
91 Sankesh ARS AGRON. AICRP S.S.NOOLI R Sourabh Evaluating efficacy of PSAP for Annua 2021 2023 Contd. AICRP
war (S) Munnoli and enhancement of ratoon sugarcane Sugarc l
Nilesh growth, yield and quality ane
92 Sankesh ARS AGRON. Station S.S.NOOLI R Sourabh Effect of nutrient levels on yield Annua 2022 2023 New Station
war Munnoli and quality of pre-seasonal Sugarc l
sugarcane grown on medium deep ane
93 Sankesh ARS AGRON. Station S.S.NOOLI R Sourabh Yield target based nutrient Annua 2022 2023 New Station
war Munnoli management for pre seasonal early l
mid-late and late sugarcane
varieties grown on medium deep
94 Hukkeri ARS AGRON. Station S.S.NOOLI R Sourabh Response of sugarcane to drip with Sugarc Annua 2022 2023 New Station
Munnoli fertigation in pre seasonal planting ane l
95 Sankesh ARS AGRON. Testing S.S.NOOLI R Sourabh Response of sugarcane to Annua 2022 2023 New UAS
war Munnoli and application of smartek 09:24:24 Sugarc l
Nilesh complex fertilizer ane
96 Sankesh ARS AGRON. Testing S.S.NOOLI R Sourabh Evaluation of Crop Specific Annua 2022 2023 New UAS
war Munnoli and Blended Fertilizers on Sugarcane Sugarc l
Nilesh ane
97 Hukkeri ARS AGRON. Testing S.S.NOOLI R Sourabh Mesotrione 2.27% w/w + Atrazine Annua 2022 2023 New UAS
Munnoli 22.7% w/w SC for weed control in l

98 Hukkeri ARS AGRON. Testing S.S.NOOLI R Sourabh Bio-efficacy and Phytotoxicity Annua 2021 2022 New UAS
Munnoli analysis of WCPL 405 in l
Sugarcane Crop
99 Hukkeri ARS AGRON. Testing S.S.NOOLI R Sourabh Bio-efficacy and Phytotoxicity Annua 2021 2022 New UAS
Munnoli analysis of AMETRYNE 80% Sugarc l
WDG in Sugarcane Crop ane

10 Hukkeri ARS AGRON. Testing S.S.NOOLI R Sourabh Effect of Humic acid (VSI- Annua 2022 2023 New UAS
0 Munnoli HUMIC) with chemical fertilizer l
on yield and quality of sugarcane
101 Hukkeri ARS AGRON. Testing S.S.NOOLI R Sourabh Irradiated Chitosan Bioefficasy Sugarc Annua 2022 2023 New UAS
Munnoli trial on Sugarcane ane l
102 Hukkeri ARS AGRON. PG S.S.NOOLI R Rahul Nitrogen management in sugracne Sugarc Annua 2022 2023 New PG
Student through nano urea ane l exp
103 Hukkeri ARS GPB UAS Dr. Naidu R S.S.NOOLI MLVT- Summer soybean Soybe Summ 2022 2022 New UAS
an er
104 Hukkeri ARS GPB UAS Dr. Naidu R S.S.NOOLI MLVT-Safflower Saffflo Rabi 2022 2022 New UAS
105 Hukkeri ARS GPB UAS Dr. M.D. Patil R S.S.NOOLI MLT-MH- Chikpea Chick Rabi 2022 2022 New UAS
106 Hukkeri ARS GPB UAS Dr. M.D. Patil R S.S.NOOLI MLT kabuli- Chikpea Chick Rabi 2022 2022 New UAS
107 Hukkeri ARS GPB UAS Dr. M.D. Patil R S.S.NOOLI MLT-Desi- Chikpea Chick Rabi 2022 2022 New UAS
108 Hukkeri ARS GPB UAS Dr. G.M. R S.S.NOOLI MLVT- Rabi sorghum Sorgh Rabi 2022 2022 New UAS
Sajjanar um
109 Hukkeri ARS AGRON. Station S.S.NOOLI R Soursbh Response of sugarcane to drip in Sugarc Annual 2020 2022 New Statio
Munnoli pre seasonal planting ane n
110 Hukkeri ARS AGRON. Testing S.S.NOOLI R Soursbh Efficacy evalutation of Aclonifen + Sugarc Annual 2022 2023 New UAS
Munnoli Diflufenical SC in sugarcane crop ane
111 Hukkeri ARS AGRON. Testing S.S.NOOLI R Soursbh Bio-efficacy and Phytotoxicity of Annual 2022 2023 New Adhoc
Munnoli 2,4D Sodium salt 44 %
+Metribuzine 35
%+Pyrazosulfuron ethyl 1.0 %
WDG against weeds in Sugarcane
112 Hukkeri ARS AGRON. Testing S.S.NOOLI R Sourabh Mesotrione 2.27% w/w + Atrazine Annual 2022 2023 New Adhoc
Munnoli 22.7% w/w SC for weed control in

Sl. Year Year Contd
No Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist TRE CO-PI Experiment title Crop Season of of . or
. Start Close New
113 ARS, ARS AGRON AICRP S.A R S.S. Hallikeri Standardization of geometry for Bt K/R New G 2022 Contd. AICRP
Dharwad Gaddanakeri variety (HDPS)( CICR Bt 23) Cotton every
114 ARS, ARS AGRON AICRP S.A R S.S. Hallikeri Agronomic requirements of pre K/R New G 2022 Contd. AICRP
Dharwad Gaddanakeri released G. arboreum genotype ( Cotton every
NDLA 3104-4) yr
115 ARS, ARS AGRON AICRP S.A R S.S. Hallikeri Agronomic requirements of pre K/R New G 2022 Contd. AICRP
Dharwad Gaddanakeri released Bt Hybrids (G1: SS 246 Cotton every
BG II, G2: 60 SS 66 BG II) yr
116 ARS, ARS AGRON AICRP S.A R S.S. Hallikeri Agronomic requirements of pre K/R New G 2022 Contd. AICRP
Dharwad Gaddanakeri released G. hirsutum colour cotton every
genotypes (G1: DHCC1901, Cotton yr
G2: CCHC 19-1, G3: CCHC 19-2)
117 ARS, ARS AGRON AICRP S.A R S.S. Hallikeri Effect of land configuration and K/R 2022 2024 New AICRP
Dharwad Gaddanakeri plant growth regulator on
drought/water logging management
in cotton
118 ARS, ARS AGRON AICRP S.A R S.S. Hallikeri Multi-tier cropping system to K/R 2019 2022 Contd. AICRP
Dharwad Gaddanakeri enhance resource utilization,
profitability and sustainability of Bt Cotton
cotton (Gossypium hirsutum)
production system
119 ARS, ARS AGRON UAS S.S. Hallikeri R S.A Modification to Basal fertilizer K/R 2022 2024 New UAS
Dharwad Gaddanakeri application pattern in cotton Cotton
120 ARS, ARS AGRON UAS S.S. Hallikeri R S.A Foliar fertilization of Nano- urea in K/R 2022 2024 New UAS
Dharwad Gaddanakeri cotton
121 ARS, ARS AGRON UAS S.S. Hallikeri R S.A Agronomic requirements of pre K/R 2022 2023 New UAS
Dharwad Gaddanakeri released Bt variety (DH Bt 2251) Cotton
under rainfed conditions.
122 ARS, ARS AGRON UAS S.S. Hallikeri R S.A Bioefficacy of crop specific K/R 2022 2022 New Testing
Dharwad Gaddanakeri blended fertilizer in cotton
123 ARS, ARS AGRON UAS S.S. Hallikeri R S.A Evaluation of cellulosic K/R 2021 2022 New Testing
Dharwad Gaddanakeri superabsorbent polymer cotton
124 ARS, ARS AGRON UAS S.A R S.S. Hallikeri Evaluation of Thiencarbazone- K/R 2022 2023 New Testing
Dharwad Gaddanakeri Methyl 68% G/L+Tembotrione Maize
345G/L in Maize & its effect on

succeeding crop

Year Year Contd

Sl. TRE Seaso Proj.
Place Est. Dept. Scheme Scientist Co-PI Experiment title Crop of of . or
No. A n Type
start close New
125 Nipani ARS AGRON AICRP Matiwade P.S. R Arunkumar B. Evaluation of pre and post Kharif 2019- 2021 Contd. AICRP
& Geeta emergent herbicides molecules / Rabi 20 -22
Dandin against weeds in tobacco
126 Nipani ARS AGRON AICRP Matiwade P.S. R Arunkumar B. Doubling of the farmer's income by Kharif 2021- 2024 Contd. AICRP
& Geeta tobacco based cropping system / Rabi 22 -25
Dandin under mulches
127 Nipani ARS AGRON AICRP Matiwade P.S. R Arunkumar B. Integrated management of Kharif 2021- 2023 Contd. AICRP
& Geeta Orobanche in different tobacco / Rabi 22 -24
Dandin types

Sl.N Place Est Dept Scheme Scientist TRE Co-PI Experiment title Crop/ Seaso Year Year Contd Projec
o Cropp n of of . Or t Type
ing Start close New
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
128 COF Resea Agronom AICRP Dr. R ⁻ OFR-1, Sugarcan kharif- 2022- 2027 new AICR
SIRSI rch y on IFS – Chandrashekar On–Farm crop response to plant e and Rabi 23 -28 P on
On- a C. P. nutrients in predominant cropping / Soybean IFS -
Farm farming systems OF UTTARA - Hybrid OFR
Researc KANNADA. (INPUTS TO BE cropping
village of
d taluk

129 COF Resea Agronom AICRP Dr. R ⁻ OFR-1, Sugarc kharif- 2022- 2027 new AICR
SIRSI rch y on IFS – Chandrashekar On–Farm crop response to plant ane Rabi 23 -28 P on
On- a C. P. nutrients in predominant cropping / and IFS -
Farm farming systems OF UTTARA Soybe OFR
ber of
n 4).
130 COF Resea Agronom AICRP Dr. R ⁻ OFR-1, Paddy kharif- 2022- 2027 new AICR
SIRSI rch y on IFS – Chandrashekar On–Farm crop response to plant and Rabi 23 -28 P on
On- a C. P. nutrients in predominant cropping / sugarc IFS -
Farm farming systems OF UTTARA ane OFR
Researc KANNADA. (INPUTS TO BE system
ber of
n 4).

131 COF Resea Agronom AICRP Dr. R ⁻ OFR-1, Paddy kharif- 2022- 2027 new AICR
SIRSI rch y on IFS – Chandrashekar On–Farm crop response to plant and Rabi 23 -28 P on
On- a C. P. nutrients in predominant cropping / sugarc IFS -
Farm farming systems OF UTTARA ane OFR
Researc KANNADA. (INPUTS TO BE system
ber of
n 4).

132 COF Resea Agrono AICRP Dr. R ⁻ OFR-2 Mundagod Taluk ( NUMBER OF kharif 2022 2027 new AICR
SIRSI rch my on IFS Chandrasheka Diversificati LOCATION =4+4=8) -Rabi -23 -28 P on
– On- ra C. P. on of M0: Bench mark: The survey will be IFS -
Farm existing conducted & inventory of farm resources OFR
Researc farming will be prepared for individual farmers /
h systems house holds including GPS location.
under M1: Cropping System diversification
marginal (1). Maize -maize (Existing cropping
household system).
conditions - (2) Maize - soybean cropping system
- INPUTS (Diversified system)
ARE TO Constraints:
BE (1) Non use of recommended varieties /
SUPPLIED hybrids.
FROM (2) Imbalance nutrients application
THE including micronutrient
SCHEME. (3) Non application of bio fertilizer &
(1) Use of recommended varieties /
(2) Application of recommended nutrients
along with micronutrients.

(3) Use of bio fertilizers / herbicides
M2: Live stock diversification:
(1)Promoting goatery
(2) Promotion of green fodder/ multicut
perennial grass
(3) Supply of mineral mixture and salt
(4) Vaccination / de worming
(5) Azolla as cattle feed
M3: Product diversification:
Preparation of value added products and
bio composting
(1) Nutrition kitchen garden
(2) Boundary plantation with trees
M4 : Capacity building (Training of farm
house hold on farming systems including
post harvest and value addition and
assessing its impact.
Haliyal Taluk ( NUMBER OF
LOCATION =4+4=8) M0: Bench mark:
The survey will be conducted & inventory
of farm resources will be prepared for
individual farmers / house holds including
GPS location.
M1: Cropping System diversification
(1). Paddy- fallow and sugarcane
(Existing cropping system).
(2). Paddy - Black green gram or pulse AICR
cropping system (Diversified system) 2022 2027 P on
133 new
Sugarcane -23 -28 IFS -
Constraints: OFR
(1) Non use of recommended varieties /
(2) Imbalance nutrients application
including micronutrient
(3) Non application of bio fertilizer &
(1) Use of recommended varieties / hybrids
(2) Application of recommended nutrients

along with micronutrient.
(3) Use of bio fertilizers / herbicides
M2: Live stock diversification:
(1) Promoting goatery
(2) Promotion of green fodder / multicut
perennial grass
(3) Supply of mineral mixture and salt
(4) Vaccination / deworming
(5) Azolla as cattle feed
M3: Product diversification:
Preparation of value added products and
bio composting
(1) Nutrition kitchen garden
(2) Boundary plantation with trees
M4 : Capacity building (Training of farm
house hold on farming systems including
post harvest and value addition and
assessing its impact.
M0: Bench mark: The survey will be
conducted & inventory of farm resources
OFR-3, will be prepared for individual farmers /
On-farm households including GPS location.
evaluation M1: Cropping Systems : MUNDAGOD
of farming taluk--PADDY -FALLOW MAIZE-
system MAIZE; HALIYAL taluk--PADDY
Dr. modules for (kharif) - FALLOW / AND
COF Resea Agrono – On- kharif 2022 2027 P on
134 Chandrasheka R ⁻ improving SUGARCANE new
SIRSI rch my Farm -Rabi -23 -28 IFS -
ra C. P. profitability (1) Existing cropping system (FP : Farmers
Researc OFR
and Practice)
livelihood (2) Existing cropping system with
of small and recommended practices for higher yield
marginal (RPP)
farmers --- Constraints:
(1) Non use of recommended varieties /
(2) Imbalance nutrients application,
including micronutrients

(3) Nonapplication of biofertilizers &
Interventions :
(1) Use of recommended varieties / hybrids
(2) Application of recommended nutrients
along with micronutrients.
(3) Use of biofertilizers / herbicides
M2 : Live stock
(1) Promotion of green fodder / multicut
perennial grass
(2) Supply of mineral mixture and salt
(3) Vaccination / deworming
(4) Azolla as cattle feed
M3: Value addition
(1) Preparation of milk products such as
butter making,
(2) Biocomposting
M4 : Optional :
(1) Nutrition kitchen garden
(2) Boundary plantation with trees
AICRP farming in
on IFS small and Natural farming practices in suitable crops AICR
COF Resea Agrono – On- marginal will be conducted in 10 guntas in each of kharif 2022 2027 P on
135 Chandrasheka R ⁻ new
SIRSI rch my Farm farmers of the farmers field at 4 villages of mundgod -Rabi -23 -28 IFS -
ra C. P.
Researc mundagod and Haliyal taluka OFR
h and Haliyal

Year Year Contd

Sl. TRE Co- Experiment Seaso Proj.
Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist Crop of of or
No. A PI title n Type
Start Close New

136 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP SB Patil R RA Developme R 2018 2022 C AICR
ura S for nt of -19 -23 P
Dryland MS microbial
Agricult Shira consortia for
ure hatti drought
BH Rabi sorghum
tolerance in
ara rainfed
PS crops

137 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP SB Patil R RA Nandagavi Evaluation of drought tolerant Ajwan, R 2019 2023 C NICR
ura S for MS Shirahatti varieties of rabi crops under Rabi -20 -24 A
Dryland BH Kumara real time rainfall situations. sorghum &
Agricul PS Kannanavar Chickpea
138 Vijayap RAR AGRON ture
AICRP SB Patil R RA Nandagavi Developing IFS Pigeonpea, K/R 2018 2023 C OFR-
ura S for MS Shirahatti module/strengthening Greengram, -19 -24 RIFS
Dryland BH Kumara traditional rainfed IFS for Goundnut,
Agricul PS Kannanavar small farm holdings (OFR) Onion,Rabi
ture sorghum,
Chickpea, etc
139 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP SB Patil R RA Nandagavi National Initiative on Climate Pigeonpea, K/R 2017 2023 C NICR
ura S for MS Shirahatti Resilient Agriculture (on-farm Greengram, -18 -24 A
Dryland BH Kumara demonstrations) Rabi
Agricul PS Kannanavar sorghum
ture PS Pattar Chickpea
140 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP SB Patil R BH Kumara Effect of foliar application of R 2021 2022 C Adho
ura S for different nanofertilizers on -22 -23 c
Dryland nutrient use efficiency,
Agricul productivity and economics of
ture rabi sorghum
141 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP SB Patil R BO Kiran Evaluation of Isabion for use R/S 2021 2022 C Adho
ura S for in Grapes for fruit retention, -22 -23 c
Dryland yield increase and better fruit Grape
Agricul quality.

142 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP SB Patil R BO Kiran Evaluation of Isabion for use R/S 2021 2022 C Adho
ura S for in Pomegranate for fruit -22 -23 c
Dryland retention, yield increase and Pomegranate
Agricul better fruit quality.
143 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP SB Patil R RA Nandagavi Response of rabi sorghum to R 2022 2023 N UAS
ura S for MS Shirahatti abiotic stresses and projected -23 -24
Dryland BH Kumara climates of NIK using crop
Agricul PS Kannanavar simulation modeling.
144 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP SB Patil R MD Patil Agronomic evaluation of R 2022 2023 N AICR
ura S on AVT2 (kabuli + extra large -23 -24 P
Chickp seeded kabuli) Chickpea

145 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP SB Patil R MD Patil Agronomic evaluation of R 2022 2023 N AICR
ura S on AVT2 DTIL (drought -23 -24 P
Chickp tolerance introgression lines)
Sl.N Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist TRE Co-PI Experiment title Seaso Year Year Contd Proj.
o. A n of of or Type
Start Clos New
146 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP Patil, S.B. R Nandagavi, Ber based agri-horti systems K 2019 LT C AICR
ura S for R.A., for shallow soils Bajra, -20 P
Dryland Shirahatti, M.S., Pigeonpea,
Agricul Kumara, B.H. Foxtail millet
ture Momin, U.M.
147 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP Patil, S.B. R Shirahatti, M.S., National Initiative on Climate Pigeonpea, K/R 2017 LT C NICR
ura S for Nandagavi, Resilient Agriculture (NICRA Greengram, -18 A
Dryland R.A., on-farm activities) Rabi
Agricul Kumara, B.H. sorghum,
ture Momin, U.M. Safflower,
148 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP Patil, S.B. R Nandagavi, Evaluation of suitable crops K/R 2020 2022 C NICR
ura S for R.A., and varieties under delayed Pigeonpea, -21 -23 A
Dryland Shirahatti, M.S., onset of monsoon Rabi
Agricul Kumara, B.H. sorghum &
ture Momin, U.M. Chickpea

149 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP Patil, S.B. R Shirahatti, M.S., Developing IFS K/R 2018 LT C ORP
ura S for Nandagavi, module/strengthening -19
Dryland R.A., traditional rainfed IFS for
Agricul Kumara, B.H. small farm holdings (on-farm
Onion, Rabi
ture Momin, U.M. research activities)
Chickpea, etc
150 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP Patil, S.B. R Nandagavi, Agronomic biofortification of K 2022 2023 N UAS
ura S for R.A., pearl millet with zinc using -23 -24
Dryland Kumara, B.H. nano and non-nano fertilizers Pearl millet
Agricul Shirahatti, M.S.,
151 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP Patil, S.B. R Kiran, B.O., Evaluation of Isabion for use K/R 2021 2022 N Adho
ura S for Nandagavi, in Grapes for fruit retention, -22 -23 c
Dryland R.A., yield increase and better fruit Grape
Agricul Shirahatti, M.S., quality
152 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP Patil, S.B. R Kiran, B.O., Evaluation of Isabion for use K/R 2021 2022 N Adho
ura S for Nandagavi, in Pomegranate for fruit -22 -23 c
Dryland R.A., retention, yield increase and Pomegranate
Agricul Shirahatti, M.S., better fruit quality
Sl. Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist TRE Co-PI Experiment title Season Year Year Cont Proj.
No. A Crop of of d or Type
Start Close New
153 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP Nandagavi, R. R Patil, S.B., Real time monitoring and K 2018 2023 C AICR
ura S for A. Pattar, P. S., management of agricultural -19 -24 P
Dryland Shirahatti, M.S., drought in major rainfed crops Pigeonpea
Agricul Kumara, B.H.,
ture Momin, U.M.
154 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP Nandagavi, R. R Patil, S.B., Optimization of pigeonpea K 2021 2024 C AICR
ura S for A. Shirahatti, M.S., productivity and profitability -22 -25 P
Dryland Kumara, B.H., under different land Pigeonpea
Agricul Momin, U.M. management units in Kavalagi
ture watershed.
155 Anniger RAR AGRON AICRP Nandagavi, R. R Patil, S.B., Response of chilli to land K 2019 2022 C AICR
i S for A. Shirahatti, M.S., configuration and crop -20 -23 P
Dryland Balkunde,S.G., geometry Chilli
Agricul Kumara, B.H.
ture Momin, U.M.

156 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP Nandagavi, R. R Patil, S.B., Agronomic investigation on K 2021 2023 C UAS
ura S for A. Shirahatti, M.S., transplanted pigeonpea for -22 -24
Dryland Kumara, B.H., contingent crop planning Pigeonpea
Agricul Momin, U.M.
157 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP Nandagavi, R. R Patil, S.B., Response of pigeonpea K 2019 2022 C UAS
ura S for A. Shirahatti, M.S., genotypes to land -20 -23
Dryland Kumara, B.H., configuration Pigeonpea
Agricul Momin, U.M.
158 Vijayap RAR AGRON AICRP Nandagavi, R. R Patil, S.B., Response of Ajwain K/R 2022 2024 N AICR
ura S for A. Shirahatti, M.S., (Trachyspermum -23 -25 P
Dryland Pattar, P. S., ammi)genotypes to different Ajwain
Agricul Kumara, B.H., planting time under rainfed
ture Momin, U.M. conditions
Sl. Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist TRE Co-PI Experiment title Seaso Year Year Cont Proj.
No. A Crop n of of d or Type
Start Close New
159 Dharwad RARS AGRON AICRP P. S. Pattar R Patil R. H. Crop weather relation studies K 2017- Long C AICR
AM in soyabean Soyabean 18 term P
160 Vijayap RARS AGRON AICRP P. S. Pattar R Nandagavi, R. Crop weather relation studies R 2018- Long C AICR
ura AM A. Patil S. B. in chickpea Chickpea 19 term P
161 Vijayap RARS AGRON AICRP P. S. Pattar R Karbanthnal, S. Pest weather relation studies in R 2019- Long C AICR
ura AM S. Basamma, chickpea Chickpea 20 term P

162 Vijayap RARS AGRON AICRP P. S. Pattar R Nandagavi, R. Agroclimatic characterisation K/R 2022- 2023 N AICR
ura AM A. Patil S. B. of North Karnataka Rainfall 23 -24 P

163 Vijayap RARS AGRON AICRP P. S. Pattar R Lavanya, P. Agromet Advisory Services K/R/S .. Lon C AICR
ura AM .. g P
Sl. Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist TR Co-PI Experimental Title Seaso Year Yea Cont Proje
No. EA Crop n of r of d. ct
K/R/S Start Close Contd Type
164 Dharwa AI- AGRON ICAR Somangouda R V.S. Kubasad Geo-tagged characterization of Organic and Summ 2020 Ever Conti AI-
d NPO G and U. K. organic and natural farming er -21 y nued Network
District F Shanwad farmers year program
farming me on
farmers Organic

165 Experim AI- AGRON ICAR Somangouda RR V.S. Kubasad, Evaluation of organic, Five cropping Kharif 2019 2023 Conti AI-
ental NPO G and U. K. Shekharappa, inorganic and integrated systems and -20 -24 nued Networ
Block F Shanwad S. T. Hundekar, production system including Rabi k
E121 C.R.Patil and Pigeonpea + progra
mme on
MARS, Gurudatta Hegde Greengram, Organic
UAS, Pigeonpea + farming
Dharwad Soybean,Pige (AI-
onpea + NPOF)
Cotton +
and Cotton +
166 Experim AI- AGRON ICAR Somangouda R V.S. Kubasad, Evaluation of response of Kharif 2021 Ever Conti AI-
ental NPO G and U. K. Shekharappa, different varieties of groundnut and -22 y nued Networ
Block F Shanwad S. T. Hundekar, - sorghum for organic farming Rabi year k
Groundnut progra
E122 Gurudatta situation
and Sorghum mme on
MARS, Hegde, N. G. Organic
UAS, Hanamaratti and farming
Dharwad B. S. Yenagi (AI-
167 Experim AI- AGRON ICAR Somangouda R V.S. Kubasad, Evaluation of response of Rabi 2014 Ever Conti AI-
ental NPO G Shekharappa, S. different varieties of soybean - -15 y nued Networ
Block F T. Hundekar, wheat for organic farming year k
E122 Gurudatt Hegde during rabi season under progra
Chickpea mme on
MARS, and Suma rainfed farming situation
genotypes Organic
UAS, Biradar farming
Dharwad (AI-

168 Experim AI- AGRON ICAR Somangouda R V.S. Kubasad, Evaluation of response of Rabi 2014 Ever Conti AI-
ental NPO G and U. K. Shekharappa, different varieties of wheat for -15 y nued Networ
Block F Shanwad S. T. Hundekar, organic farming during rabi year k
E122 Gurudatt Hegde season under rainfed farming progra
mme on
MARS, and Suma situation genotypes Organic
UAS, Biradar farming
Dharwad (AI-

169 Experim AI- AGRON ICAR Somangouda R V.S. Kubasad, Evaluation of Natural farming Kharif 2020 2021 New AI-
ental NPO G and U. K. Shekharappa, practices in cotton +greengram -Rabi -21 -22 Conti Networ
Block F Shanwad S. T. Hundekar, -sorghum+ chickpea in cotton nued k
E122 Gurudatt Hegde Northern transition zone of +greengram as part progra
followed by mme on
MARS, and Suma Karantaka of Organic
UAS, Biradar rabi Ph.D.
sorghum+ farming
Dharwad experi (AI-
chickpea ment NPOF)

170 IOF IOF, AGRON ICAR V.S. Kubasad R Somangouda G Evaluation of performance of 1. Crops and Kharif 2021 2025 New Statio
Blocks UAS, and Shanwad, , different farming systems of cropping systems -Rabi- -22 -26 n
C,D&E Dhar U.K Shekharappa, Bio-Resource farm in Institute 2. Horticulture Summ Trial
MARS, wad S. T. of Organic Farming, UAS, systems er
UAS, Hundekara, Dharwad 3. Fodder crop
Dharwad C.R.Patil and 4. Tree
Gurudatta components
Hegde 5. Animal
5. Animal
6. Vermicompost
7. Compost Units
8. Azolla Unit
9. Bio-digester
10. Poly house
11. Shade house
12. Farm ponds
Year Year Cont
Sl. TRE Proj.
Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist Co-PI Experiment title Crop Season of of d. or
No. A Type
Start Close New
171 Belavat ARS Agron IWMR Kubsad V. R Vijayakumar Studies on the effect of drip Kharif 2022 2024 N AICR
agi C S. and Momin fertigation levels on growth /Rabi -23 -25 P
Farooq and yield of chilli in Chilli
Malaprabha Command Area

172 Belavat ARS Agron IWMR Kubsad V. R Vijayakumar Studies on the effect of drip Kharif 2022 2024 N AICR
agi C S. and Momin fertigation levels on growth /Rabi -23 -25 P
Farooq and yield of bhendi in Bhendi
Malaprabha Command Area

Year Year Cont

Sl. TRE Proj.
Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist Co-PI Experiment title Crop Season of of d. or
No. A Type
Start Close New
173 MAR Agrono Natural Dr. S.A.
S my farming Gaddanakeri
ORP Dr. Yenagi
Project Dr. M. Hebbar
Channakeshava spons
Dr. C. P. Dr. Shekarappa Validation of different farming ered
MARS Green gram- Kharif 2019 2022 Cont
CHANDRAS T Dr. Sripad practices in Green gram- rabi NF
Dharwad rabi Sorghum /Rabi -20 -23 d
HEKARA Kulakarni Sorghum cropping system ORP
Dr. Ballal Gurupad PROJ
Dr. C.R. Patil ECT
Dr. Mrs. Goudar
Dr. S. T. Hundekar
Dr. R.A. Yeledalli
174 MARS Agrono Natural GOK
my farming spons
ORP Dr. C. P. Validation of different farming ered
MARS maize-chick Kharif 2018 2022 Cont
Project CHANDRAS T -do- practices in maize-chick pea NF
Dharwad pea /Rabi -19 -23 d
HEKARA cropping system ORP

175 MARS Agrono Natural GOK

Dr. C. P. Validation of different
MARS my farming - Soybean- Kharif 2019 2022 Cont sponsered
CHANDRAS T farming practices in Soybean-
Dharwad ORP do- wheat /Rabi -20 -23 d NF ORP
HEKARA wheat cropping system
176 MARS Agrono Natural Validation of different soybean + GOK
my farming Dr. C. P.
MARS - farming practices in maize - Kharif 2019 2022 Cont sponsered
Dharwad do- maize+soybean - Chickpea + Chickpea + /Rabi -20 -23 d NF ORP
Project HEKARA
linseed cropping system linseed PROJECT

177 MARS Agrono Natural Validation of different GOK
Dr. C. P. Cotton+
MARS my farming - farming practices in Cotton+ Kharif 2018 2022 Cont sponsered
CHANDRAS T ground nut-
Dharwad ORP do- ground nut- Green gram /Rabi -19 -23 d NF ORP
HEKARA Green gram
Project system PROJECT
178 MARS Agrono Natural Validation of different GOK
Dr. C. P. Cotton+
MARS my farming - farming practices in Cotton+ Kharif 2019 2022 Cont sponsered
CHANDRAS T ground nut-
Dharwad ORP do- ground nut- Black gram /Rabi -20 -23 d NF ORP
HEKARA Black gram
Project system PROJECT
179 MARS Agrono Natural Validation of different GOK
Dr. C. P. Cotton
MARS my farming - farming practices in Cotton + Kharif 2019 2022 Cont sponsered
Dharwad ORP do- Green gram Inter cropping /Rabi -20 -23 d NF ORP
Project system PROJECT
180 MARS Agrono Natural Validation of different Kharif
my farming Dr. C. P. farming practices in Maize + /Rabi
MARS - Maize + 2018 2022 Cont sponsered
ORP CHANDRAS T Redgram- intercropping &
Dharwad do- Redgram -19 -23 d NF ORP
Project HEKARA system summe
181 MARS Agrono Natural Validation of different Kharif
my farming Dr. C. P. farming practices in Soybean /Rabi
MARS - Soybean + 2019 2022 Cont sponsered
ORP CHANDRAS T + Redgram- intercropping &
Dharwad do- Redgram -20 -23 d NF ORP
Project HEKARA system summe
182 MARS Agrono Natural GOK
Dr. C. P. Validation of different
MARS my farming - Black Kharif 2019 2022 Cont sponsered
CHANDRAS T farming practices in Black
Dharwad ORP do- gram-wheat /Rabi -20 -23 d NF ORP
HEKARA gram-wheat cropping system
183 MARS Agrono Natural Validation of different Redgram,
my farming Dr. C. P. farming system in Redgram Soybean,
MARS - Kharif 2019 2022 Cont sponsered
ORP CHANDRAS T based inter cropping system Black gram
Dharwad do- /Rabi -20 -23 d NF ORP
Project HEKARA (Soybean, Black gram and and ground
ground nut) nut
184 ACH Agrono Natural Dr. P. Validation of different
my farming Dr. C. P. Priya, Dr. farming system in ground nut Ground nut
Hanamana Kharif 2019 2022 Cont sponsered
ORP CHANDRAS T Prabhu S. + Finger millet intercropping + Finger
matti /Rabi -20 -23 d NF ORP
Project HEKARA T. Dr. Ravi system millet
185 ACH Agrono Natural Dr. P. Validation of different
my farming Dr. C. P. Priya, Dr. farming system in ground nut Ground nut
Hanamana Kharif 2019 2022 Cont sponsered
ORP CHANDRAS T Prabhu S. + Brown top millet + Brown
matti /Rabi -20 -23 d NF ORP
Project HEKARA T. Dr. Ravi intercropping system top millet

186 ACH Agrono Natural Dr. P. Validation of different
my farming Dr. C. P. Priya, Dr. farming system in ground nut Ground nut
Hanamana Kharif 2019 2022 Cont sponsered
ORP CHANDRAS T Prabhu S. + Kodo millet intercropping + Kodo
matti /Rabi -20 -23 d NF ORP
Project HEKARA T. Dr. Ravi system millet
187 ACH Agrono Natural Dr. P. Validation of different
my farming Dr. C. P. Priya, Dr. farming system in Redgram Ground nut
Hanamana Kharif 2019 2022 Cont sponsered
ORP CHANDRAS T Prabhu S. + Barn Yard millet + Barn
matti /Rabi -20 -23 d NF ORP
Project HEKARA T. Dr. Ravi intercropping system Yard millet
188 ACH Agrono Natural Dr. P. Validation of different
my farming Dr. C. P. Priya, Dr. farming system in Redgram Ground nut
Hanamana Kharif 2019 2022 Cont sponsered
ORP CHANDRAS T Prabhu S. + Finger millet intercropping + Finger
matti /Rabi -20 -23 d NF ORP
Project HEKARA T. Dr. Ravi system millet
189 ACH Agrono Natural Dr. P. Validation of different GOK
my farming Dr. C. P. Priya, Dr. farming system in Redgram Ground nut sponsered
Hanamana Kharif 2019 2022 Cont
ORP CHANDRAS T Prabhu S. + Fox tail millet + Fox tail NF ORP
matti /Rabi -20 -23 d
Project HEKARA T. Dr. Ravi intercropping system millet PROJEC
kumar T


Sl. Year Year Contd

Dept TR Projec
No Place Est. Scheme Scientist Co-PI Experimental Title Crop Season of of . Or
. EA t type
. start close New
Dr. B. R. Land Resource Inventorization
P. L. Patil Jagadeesh, in selected micro-watersheds of
Dharwa Ad- 2021 2022
1 ACD SAC V. B. T S. S. Gundlur, Belagavi, Dharwad, Gadag, - K/R C 4
d hoc -22 -23
Kuligod G. R. Rajkumar, Haveri and Uttara Kannada
S. T. Hundekar, districts
DC. Vijaykumar,
P. T. Goroji
Rejuvenating watersheds for
P.L. Patil LRI and
agricultural resilience through 2022 WB-
Dharwa REW Manjunatha V.B. Kuligod Hydrolog 2022
2 ACD SAC T innovative development. Micro K/R - C WDD
d ARD Hebbara M.V. Manjunatha y -23
watersheds of Dharwad, 2027 (GoK)
and others activities
Belagavi and Haveri districts
Hanuma Jagadeesh Relative Use of Nano Zinc
3 ACD SAC T Rajakumar G.R. Paddy K 2021 2023 C
namatti B.R. fertilizer in Paddy
Influence of cropping systems
C.P.Chandrasekha Guava,
Dharwa MA S.T.Hundeka under organic agriculture on C- 2018 2022 UAS /
4 SAC IOF R r pasture K/R/S C
d RS r sequestration and nature of soil -19 -23 IOF
C.R.Patil and
organic matter
Standardization of Nutrient SRP-
Heena M.S.,
Requirement of Dragon fruit SCP/T
KV &Syeda Samina Dragon 2020 2024
5 Indi SAC Savitha B. E Varieties under Vijayapura K C SP,
K Anjum, fruit -21 -25
Condition UAS,
Hanuma Rajkumar Ashoka P.
6 ACD SAC T Use of Nano Nitrogen in Maize Maize K 2021 2023 C
namatti G.R. Jagadeesh B.R.
Micronutrient Management in
G .S .Yadahalli,
Vjayapu Vidyavathi Mothbean in shallow Bback
7 ACV SAC T Somangouda. B Mothbean K 2021 2023 C
ra G.Y. soil under dryland condition of

Standardization and promotion
R. B. Negalur,
of drip- irrigation and
Heena M. S.,
fertigation technology for
KVK, KV Sadhana R Babar, 2021 2022
8 SAC Adhoc Savita B E maximised productivity in acid Acid lime K C
Indi K Syeda Samina -22 -23 RKVY
lime (Citrus aurantifolia
Swingle) under Northern Dry
Zone of Karnataka
Studies on nitrogen,
Belavat AICR phosphorus and potassium 2023 AICR
9 AR SAC Punitha B.C. R li Onion K 2021 C
agi PIWM splits through fertigation in in -24 P
RP o ShivanandHonnal Studies on the effect of drip
10 n SAC Punitha B.C. R li fertigation levels on growth and Marigold K 2025 C
Belavat P -23 P
IW P.S.Kanannavar yield of marigold
A.D. Kadlag,
Vrushali Nutrient requirement of sweet
Deshmukh, sorghum by co-joint use of
Agricultu KIA KIAA Vrushali Sweet 2022 2023
11 SAC B.Y. FYM and chemical fertilizers K C
ral ARS RS Deshmukh sorghum --23 -24
Kongawad, based on targeted yield
Vijaykumar approach on Inceptisol
Effect of biochar on soil
KIAAR KIA KIAA Vrushali fertility, yield and quality of Sugarcan 2022 2023
12 SAC Deshmukh, K C
S ARS RS Deshmukh sugarcane grown on low carbon e --23 -24
A.D. Kadlag,
GPS-GIS based soil fertility
KIAAR KIA KIAA adVrushali Vrushali 2022 2023
13 SAC mapping of Rabkavi-Banahatti C
S ARS RS Deshmukh, Deshmukh --23 -24
tehsil of Bagalkot district


Sl. Place Est Dept Scheme Scientist TREA Co-PI Experiment title Crop Season Year Year Contd Project
No. of of or type
start close New
Developement and utilization of
Immuno RapiDot kit for early
1 DWD ACD BTH Dept. N. Moger T G Balol Papaya all 2018 Contd DBT
detection of Diseases for Effective
Management in Crops
2 Dept. N. Moger T RS Bhat and Expression and functional study of Rice all 2020 Contd RKVY
BR Patil ectABC genes for salt tolerance.
Dr. Babu
Mapping for heat tolerance in
Spurthi Motagi Dr.
T4 DWD ACD BTH Dept. T groundnut using recombinant inbred Groundnut PR & R 2018 Contd UASD
NN Ramesh
Spurthi Dr. Babu Association mapping for nutrients in
5 DWD ACD BTH Dept. T Groundnut PR & R 2019 Contd UASD
NN Motagi the minicore collection of groundnut
Dr. Babu
Spurthi Motagi Dr. Molecular breeding for aflatoxin
6 DWD ACD BTH Dept. T Groundnut PR & R 2021 Contd UASD
NN Prashanthi resistance in groundnut
Dr. Babu Growth
Motagi Dr. chamber/
Spurthi Prashanthi Dissecting the mechanism of heat glass
7 DWD ACD BTH Dept. T Groundnut 2017 Contd UASD
NN S.K. Dr. tolerance in groundnut house
Dr. I. S.
Use of CRISPR-Cas9 technology to
Basavaraj Katageri,
8 DWD ACD BTH Dept. T control Chilli leaf curl virus associated Chilli - 2018 2022 Contd. Ad hoc
Bagewadi Dr. Uday
with murda complex disease
Dr. I. S.
Evaluation of rabi sorghum lines with
enhanced terminal moisture stress
Basavaraj Dr.
9 DWD ACD BTH Dept. T tolerance for Northern Dry and Sorghum Rabi 2020 2022 Contd. RKVY
Bagewadi B.D.Biradar,
Northern Transitional Zones of
Dr. Kiran,
Karnataka with farmers participation

Dr. N. Maintenance and multiplication of Bt-
Moger, Dr. chickpea transgenic events in
10 DWD ACD BTH Dept. T M. D. Patil, greenhouse for biosafety assessment Chickpea Rabi 2022 2023 New UASD
Dr. R. R.
Hypergravity as a novel tool to
11 DWD ACD BTH Dept. T enhance germination and seedling 2022 Contd Ad hoc
vigour in selected crops
Green synthesis of metal nanoparticles
12 DWD ACD BTH Dept. T and their bio-efficacy against insect 2022 Contd UASD
Hypergravity-induced wheat root
R. Dr. Uday
13 DWD ACD BTH Dept. T phenotyping and elucidation of 2021 Contd UASD
Hosamani Reddy
associated molecular changes
14 T molecular breeding for high oleate and Groundnut PR & R 2013 Contd
DWD DoE P.C Dr. B. N. resistance to late leaf spot and rust in
RS Bhat Motagi groundnut
T Dr. B. N. Imparting R programming skill for Groundnut PR & R 2022 Contd
15 DoE P.C
RS Bhat Motagi augmenting research capabilities
Understanding groundnut genome to
16 DWD DoE P. C T K. Sirasawa develop genomic resources for All PR & R 2022 Contd
RS Bhat molecular breeding


Sl. Year Contd
Plac Schem TR Seaso r of Proj.
No Est Dept. Scientist Co-PI Experiment title Crop of . or
e e EA n Star Type
. Close New
Development of mating disruption
Dhar Entom Dr. S.S. Dr. Ravikumar
1 ACD - T formulation for pink bollworm Cotton K 2023 2025 N UAS
wad ology Udikeri Hosamani
management in cotton
AC Dr. Evaluation of combi product for the
H.M Entom 2021 2022- Testi
2 Hmat - Guruprasad E - management of sucking pests in Cotton K C
atti ology -22 23 ng
ti G.S. cotton
Management of Pink bollworm
AC Dr.
H.M Entom (Pectinophora gossypiella 2021 2022- Testi
3 Hmat - Guruprasad E - Cotton K/S C
atti ology (Saunders) through a new mating -22 23 ng
ti G.S.
disruption tool
AC Dr. Monitoring of insecticide resistance
H.M Entom 2021 Long
4 Hmat - Guruprasad E Dr. S.S. Udikeri against Fall army worm (Spdoptera Maize K C UAS
atti ology -22 -term
ti G.S. frugiperda)
AC Dr. Dr. K.P. MLT on protection of cereal crops Sorgh
H.M Entom 2021 2022-
5 Hmat - Guruprasad E Gundannavar Dr. against Sitophilus oryzae on Maize, um K C UAS
atti ology -22 23
ti G.S. Subhash Kandakoor Sorghum and Wheat and
Dr.Shalini N. Seasonal incidence of insect pests
Dhar MAR Entom Huilgol Dr. G. and their bio-control agents Soybe Long AIC
6 on Channakeshav R K 1995 C
wad S ology Somanagouda Dr. a) Fixed plot survey b) Production an -term RP
Soybean a
Harshiya Banu oriented survey
Dr.Shalini N.
AICRP Dr. R. Huilgol Dr. G.
Dhar MAR Entom Field screening of AVT-I entries for Soybe Long AIC
7 on Channakeshav R Somanagouda Dr. K 1995 C
wad S ology resistance to major insect pests. an -term RP
Soybean a G.K. Naidu
Dr. Harshiya Banu
Dr.Shalini N.
AICRP Dr. R. Huilgol Dr. G.
Dhar MAR Entom Field screening of AVT-II entries Soybe Long AIC
8 on Channakeshav R Somanagouda Dr. K 1995 C
wad S ology for resistance to major insect pests. an -term RP
Soybean a G.K. Naidu
Dr. Harshiya Banu

Dr.Shalini N.
AICRP Dr. R. Huilgol Dr. G.
Dhar MAR Entom Field screening of IVT entries for Soybe Long AIC
9 on Channakeshav R Somanagouda Dr. K 1995 C
wad S ology resistance to major insect pests. an -term RP
Soybean a G.K. Naidu
Dr. Harshiya Banu
Dr.Shalini N.
AICRP Dr. R. Huilgol Dr. G. Evaluation of germplasm lines at
Dhar MAR Entom Soybe Long AIC
10 on Channakeshav R Somanagouda hot spots for resistance against K 2018 C
wad S ology an -term RP
Soybean a Dr. G.K. Naidu major insect-pests
Dr. Harshiya Banu
AICRP Dr. R. Dr.Shalini N. Management of major defoliators of
Dhar MAR Entom Soybe AIC
11 on Channakeshav R Huilgol Dr. G. soybean through intercropping with K 2021 2024 C
wad S ology an RP
Soybean a Somanagouda suva, Anethum graveolens
Dr. G.K. Naidu
AICRP Dr. R. Dr.Shalini N.
Dhar MAR Entom Evaluation of MLT entries for Soybe Long
12 on Channakeshav R Huilgol Dr. G. K 1995 C UAS
wad S ology resistance to major insect pests. an -term
Soybean a Somanagouda
Dr. Harshiya Banu
Dr. G.K. Naidu
AICRP Dr. R. Dr.Shalini N.
Dhar MAR Entom Screening of germ plasm lines Soybe Long
13 on Channakeshav R Huilgol Dr. G. K 1995 C UAS
wad S ology against Cydia ptychora an -term
Soybean a Somanagouda
Dr. Harshiya Banu
AICRP Dr. R. Dr. C.M. Rafee
Dhar MAR Entom Management of Apion amplum in Green
14 on Channakeshav R Dr. Subhash K 2023 2024 N UAS
wad S ology greengram gram
Soybean a Kandakoor
AICRP Dr. R. Dr. C.M. Rafee
Dhar MAR Entom Management of Apion amplum in Black
15 on Channakeshav R Dr. Subhash K 2023 2024 N UAS
wad S ology blackgram gram
Soybean a Kandakoor
Dr. R. Labor
Dhar MAR Entom Production of Biopesticides, Long
16 IOF Channakeshav R - atory K/R/S 2021 C UAS
wad S ology Earthworms and vermicompost range
a study
Evaluation of insect pests and their
Dr. R.
Dhar MAR Entom natural enemies in organic, Major Long ICA
17 IOF Channakeshav R - K/R 2021 C
wad S ology inorganic and integrated production crops range R
Dr. R. Soybe
Dhar MAR Entom Evaluation of response of soybean - Long ICA
18 IOF Channakeshav R - an- K/R 2021 C
wad S ology wheat cultivars to organic farming. range R
a Wheat

Dr. R. Evaluation of response of dnut -
Dhar MAR Entom Long ICA
19 IOF Channakeshav R - groundnut – rabi sorghum cultivars Rabi K/R 2021 C
wad S ology range R
a to organic farming. sorghu
Bio efficacy of Metarhizium
Dr. R.
Dhar MAR Entom anisopliae IOF UAS,Dharwad Sugar
20 IOF Channakeshav R - K/R/S 2021 2023 C UAS
wad S ology strain against root grub in cane
Dr. Nagaraju, P.
Dhar MAR Entom AICRP Dr. Rohini Dr.B.S.Yenagi Report on insect-pests situation on Groun 1995 Long AIC
21 R K C
wad S ology (G’nut) Sugandi Dr. B.N.Motagi kharif groundnut dnut -96 run RP
Kallesh, D.T.
Dhar MAR Entom AICRP Dr. Rohini Recording incidence of natural Groun 1995 Long AIC
22 R - K C
wad S ology (G’nut) Sugandi enemies on Kharif groundnut dnut -96 run RP
Monitoring of S.litura Helicoverpa,
Dhar MAR Entom AICRP Dr. Rohini Groun 1995 Long AIC
23 R Kallesh, D.T. leafminer and sucking insect pests K C
wad S ology (G’nut) Sugandi dnut -96 run RP
of groundnut using traps
Dhar MAR Entom AICRP Dr. Rohini Management of root grubs in Groun AIC
24 R Subhash kandakoor K 2022 2024 C
wad S ology (G’nut) Sugandi groundnut (II year) dnut RP
Dr. Nagaraju, P.
Dhar MAR Entom AICRP Dr. Rohini Dr.B.S.Yenagi Report on insect-pests situation on Groun 1995 Long AIC
25 R R/S C
wad S ology (G’nut) Sugandi Dr. B.N.Motagi groundnut crop. dnut -96 run RP
Kallesh, D.T.
Dhar MAR Entom AICRP Dr. Rohini Recording incidence of natural Groun 1995 Long AIC
26 R - R/S C
wad S ology (G’nut) Sugandi enemies on groundnut crop dnut -97 run RP
Monitoring of Sodoptera,
Dhar MAR Entom AICRP Dr. Rohini Groun 1995 Long AIC
27 R Kallesh, D.T. Helicoverpa, leaf miner and sucking R/S C
wad S ology (G’nut) Sugandi dnut -98 run RP
pests with traps
Dhar MAR Entom AICRP Dr. Rohini Screening of peanut germplasm/ Groun AIC
28 R - K 2023 2024 N
wad S ology (G’nut) Sugandi genotypes for major insect pests dnut RP
Screening of IVT-I, IVT-II, AVT,
Dhar MAR Entom AICRP Dr. B.N. Dr. Rohini Sugandi Groun
29 R LSVT entries against major insect K 2023 2024 N UAS
wad S ology (G’nut) Motagi Kallesh, D.T. dnut
pests reaction on groundnut crop.
Screening of MLT entries against
Dhar MAR Entom AICRP Dr. B.N. Dr. Rohini Sugandi Groun
30 R major insect pests reaction on K 2023 2024 N UAS
wad S ology (G’nut) Motagi Kallesh, D.T. dnut
groundnut crop.

MAR Entom Dr. Shaila. Survey and surveillance for major Sorgh 2010 Long AIC
S ology H.M pests for kharif sorghum um -11 range SIP
Monitoring of Shoot fly species
Dhar MAR Entom Dr. Shaila. Sorgh 2021 Long AIC
32 AICSIP R - complex of sorghum across K C
wad S ology H.M um -22 range SIP
locations (Kharif 2022)- IInd year

Evaluation of AVHT-GS (early

Dhar MAR Entom Dr. Shaila. Sorgh 2010 Long AIC
33 AICSIP R - sown) for resistance to major pests K C
wad S ology H.M um -11 range SIP
of sorghum

Dhar MAR Entom Dr. Shaila. Evaluation of AHT-GS for Sorgh 2010 Long AIC
34 AICSIP R - resistance to major pests of K C
wad S ology H.M um -11 range SIP
Evaluation of AVT-GS for
Dhar MAR Entom Dr. Shaila. Sorgh 2010 Long AIC
35 AICSIP R - resistance to major pests of K C
wad S ology H.M um -11 range SIP
Dhar MAR Entom Dr. Shaila. Evaluation of IHT-GS for resistance Sorgh 2010 Long AIC
wad S ology H.M to major pests of sorghum um -11 range SIP

Dhar MAR Entom AICSI Dr. Shaila. Evaluation of IVT-GS for resistance Sorgh 2010 Long AIC
37 R - K C
wad S ology P H.M to major pests of sorghum um -11 range SIP

Dhar MAR Entom AICSI Dr. Shaila. Evaluation of shoot pest nursery in Sorgh 2010 Long AIC
38 R - K C
wad S ology P H.M sorghum um -11 range SIP
Management of Fall army worm
Dhar MAR Entom AICSI Dr.Shaila Sorgh 2022 2024- AIC
39 R - with entomofungal pathogens K N
wad S ology P H.M. um -23 25 SIP
(Kharif, Rabi 2022-23) - First year
Dhar MAR Entom AICSI Dr.Shaila Multilocational varietal trial Sorgh 2021 Long
40 R Dr.N.G.Hanamaratti K C UAS
wad S ology P H.M. (Station Trials) um -22 range
Dhar MAR Entom AICSI Dr.Shaila Multilocational Hybrid trial Sorgh 2010 Long
41 R Dr.N.G.Hanamaratti K C UAS
wad S ology P H.M. (Station Trials) um -11 range
AICRP Monitoring of Aphids, Whiteflies,
Dhar MAR Entom Dr. Shaila. Dr. T.R. Shashidhar Long AIC
42 on R Thrips, Hoppers and Mites in Potato K 2021 C
wad S ology H.M Dr. Sunitha Johri range RP
Potato unsprayed crop
AICRP Evaluation of knockdown
Dhar MAR Entom Dr. Shaila. Dr. T.R. Shashidhar Long AIC
43 on R insecticides for the management of Potato K 2021 C
wad S ology H.M Dr. Sunitha Johri range RP
Potato aphids

Evaluation of soil incorporated
Dhar MAR Entom Dr. Shaila. Dr. T.R. Shashidhar insecticides as replacement of Long AIC
44 on R Potato K 2021 C
wad S ology H.M Dr. Sunitha Johri phorate 10 g for the management of range RP
sucking pests.
AICRP Evaluation of effective chemicals
Dhar MAR Entom Dr. Shaila. Dr. T.R. Shashidhar Long AIC
45 on R against shoot borer (Leucinodes Potato K 2021 C
wad S ology H.M Dr. Sunitha Johri range RP
Potato orbonalis) in potato
Dhar Screening of AICRP National trails
Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima Long AIC
46 wad ARS R - Br. 24b (2231-2246) for resistance Cotton KR 1977 C
ology (Cotton) V. Matti term RP
Farm to insect pests.
Dhar Screening of AICRP National trails
Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima Long AIC
47 wad ARS R - Br. 04(b) (2221-2226) for resistance Cotton KR 1977 C
ology (Cotton) V. Matti term RP
Farm to insect pests..
Dhar Advanced screening of promising
Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima Long AIC
48 wad ARS R - entries for development of Cotton KR 2011 C
ology (Cotton) V. Matti term RP
Farm repository for sucking pests.
Dhar Seasonal dynamics of key pests of
Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima Long AIC
49 wad ARS R - cotton to develop suitable Cotton KR 1977 C
ology (Cotton) V. Matti term RP
Farm forecasting model.
Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima Combined Evaluation trial of Long AIC
50 wad ARS R - Cotton KR 2019 C
ology (Cotton) V. Matti Interspecific H X B Hybrids term RP
Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima Initial Evaluation Trial of Intra- Long AIC
51 wad ARS R - Cotton KR 2019 C
ology (Cotton) V. Matti Hirsutum Hybrids – Rainfed term RP
Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima Advanced Evaluation Trial of Intra- Long AIC
52 wad ARS R - Cotton KR 2019 C
ology (Cotton) V. Matti hirsutum Hybrids-I – Rainfed term RP
Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima Advanced Evaluation Trial of Intra- Long AIC
53 wad ARS R - Cotton KR 2019 C
ology (Cotton) V. Matti hirsutum Hybrids- II – Rainfed term RP
Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima Initial Evaluation Trial of Compact Long AIC
54 wad ARS R - Cotton KR 2019 C
ology (Cotton) V. Matti Intra-Hirsutum Hybrids – Rainfed term RP
Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima Advanced Evaluation Trial of Long AIC
55 wad ARS R - Cotton KR 2019 C
ology (Cotton) V. Matti Hirsutum Varieties - I – Rainfed term RP

Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima Initial Evaluation Trial of Hirsutum Long AIC
56 wad ARS R - Cotton KR 2019 C
ology (Cotton) V. Matti Varieties – Rainfed term RP
Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima Advanced Evaluation Trial of Long AIC
57 wad ARS R - Cotton KR 2019 C
ology (Cotton) V. Matti Hirsutum Varieties - I – Rainfed term RP
Dhar Survey of key and emerging pest in
Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima Long AIC
58 wad ARS R - cotton in farmer’s field for weekly Cotton KR 2019 C
ology (Cotton) V. Matti term RP
Farm advisory.
Dhar Evaluation of Refugia in bag and
Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima Long AIC
59 wad ARS R - structured refugia against bollworm Cotton KR 2019 C
ology (Cotton) V. Matti term RP
Farm complex in cotton
Dhar Evaluation of prominent
Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima Long AIC
60 wad ARS R - insecticides against bollworm Cotton KR 2014 C
ology (Cotton) V. Matti term RP
Farm complex (2021-22)
Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima Integrated Pest management in AIC
61 wad ARS R - Cotton KR 2021 2023 C
ology (Cotton) V. Matti cotton RP
Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima Microbial based volatiles for suking AIC
62 wad ARS R - Cotton KR 2022 2024 C
ology (Cotton) V. Matti pest management in Bt cotton RP
Dhar Stati
Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima Sequential spray schedule for the
63 wad ARS R - Cotton KR 2022 2024 N on
ology (Cotton) V. Matti management of PBW in Bt Cotton
Farm Trial
Dhar Sequential spray schedule for the Stati
Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima
64 wad ARS R - management of Mirid bug in Bt Cotton KR 2022 2024 N on
ology (Cotton) V. Matti
Farm Cotton Trial
Dhar Stati
Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima Management of shoot weevil in Bt
65 wad ARS R - Cotton KR 2022 2024 N on
ology (Cotton) V. Matti cotton
Farm Trial
Dhar Study on jassid resistance in G Testi
Entom AICRP Dr. Rajesh Dr. Poornima V.
66 wad ARS R hirsutum lines - involving exotic Cotton KR 2022 2024 N ng
ology (Cotton) Patil Matti
Farm germplasm, URT Trial
Entom AICRP Dr. Poornima Bioefficacy of Spinosad 45%SC
67 wad ARS R - Cotton K&R 2022 2024 C UAS
ology (Cotton) V. Matti against major pests of Cotton

Bio efficacy of Chlorantaniliprole
Vijay Entom Dr. Prakash 35% WG in tomato against fruit Tomat Testi
68 ACV ACV T - Kharif 2022 2023 N
apura ology H.T. borers (Helicoverpa armigera) (I o ng
Evaluation of Cynatranilprole
Vijay Entom Dr. Prakash Testi
69 ACV ACV T - 10.26% OD on grapes against thrips Grape Rabi 2022 2023 N
apura ology H.T. ng
and flea beetle
Entom AICRP Dr. S. V. Screening of IVT breeding Sugar Annua 2021 AIC
70 eshw ARS R Dr. Sanjay .B.Patil 2024 C
ology (S) Hugar materials against pests of Sugarcane cane l -22 RP
Sank Screening of AVT - E+ML PC-I
Entom AICRP Dr. S. V. Sugar Annua 2020 AIC
71 eshw ARS R Dr. Sanjay .B.Patil breeding materials against pests of 2024 C
ology (S) Hugar cane l -21 RP
ar Sugarcane
Sank Screening of AVT - E+ML PC-II
Entom Dr. S. V. Sugar Annua 2020 AIC
72 eshw ARS ARS R Dr. Sanjay .B.Patil breeding materials against pests of 2024 C
ology Hugar cane l -21 RP
ar Sugarcane
Entom Dr. S. V. Survey and surveillance of Sugar 2003 Long AIC
73 eshw ARS ARS R - R C
ology Hugar sugarcane insect-pests cane -04 term RP
Sank Monitoring of insect-pests and bio-
Entom Dr. S. V. Sugar 2006 Long AIC
74 eshw ARS ARS R - agents in sugarcane agro-ecosystem R C
ology Hugar cane -07 term RP
ar under changing climate scenario
Entom Dr. S. V. Integrated approach to manage Sugar 2019 Long AIC
75 eshw ARS ARS R - R C
ology Hugar white grubs in sugarcane cane -20 term RP
Assessment of yield losses for
Entom Dr. S. V. important regional pests Sugar 2019 Long AIC
76 eshw ARS ARS R - R C
ology Hugar of sugarcane under changing cane -21 term RP
climate scenario
Management of root borer,
Sank Polyocha depressella Swinhoe
Entom Dr. S. V. Sugar Annua 2022
77 eshw ARS ARS R Dr. Sanjay .B.Patil [=Emmalocera depressella 2024 N UAS
ology Hugar cane l -23
ar (Swinhoe)] (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
in Sugarcane
Entom Dr. S.V. Hugar Evaluation of fungicides against Sugar Annua 2022
78 eshw ARS ARS Dr. P.V. Patil R 2024 N UAS
ology Dr. Sanjay B.Patil foliar diseases of sugarcane cane l -23
H.M AC Entom Dr. R Long
79 - T - Survey and Surveillance crop pests Horti K/R/S 2015 C UAS
atti Hmatti ology .Veeranna crops Term

AC Agri&
H.M Entom Dr. R Monitoring of Key pests using light Long
80 Hmat - T - Horti K/R/S 2015 C UAS
atti ology .Veeranna trap Term
ti crops
Establsihment of bio control lab at
H.M Entom KVK Hanumanamatti under 2014 Long Adh
81 Hmat - - T Dr. R.Veeranna - K/R/S C
atti ology THC,MM II (DAC,GOI, New -15 Term oc
Bioefficacy and phytotoxicity of
H.M Entom Dr. R BAS 4500 07 ISC against diamond Horti. 2022 Testi
82 Hmat - T - K 2024 C
atti ology .Veeranna black month and spodoptera pests Crops -23 ng
in Cabbage
Evaluation of Bioefficacy and
Bail ARS,
ARS Entom Dr. Subhash phytotoxicity of Afidopyrofin 50 g/l Black Testi
83 hong Bailho R - K 2020 2023 C
B ology Kandakoor DC against whitefly pest in gram ng
al ngal
blackgram (Season II)
Evaluation of Bioefficacy and
Bail ARS, phytotoxicity of BASF 450 07 I 300
ARS Entom Dr. Subhash Green Testi
84 hong Bailho R - SC against spotted pod borer, gram K 2020 2023 C
B ology Kandakoor gram ng
al ngal pod borer and spodoptera on
greengram (Season II)
Evaluation of bio-efficacy of
Bail ARS,
ARS Entom Dr. Subhash Fenazaquin 10 EC + Bifenthrin 4 Testi
85 hong Bailho R - Cotton K 2020 2023 C
B ology Kandakoor EC against white fly and mites in ng
al ngal
cotton (II Season)
Bail ARS, Bio-efficacy & Phytotoxicity of
ARS Entom Dr. Subhash Brinja 2021 Testi
86 hong Bailho R - Spinosad 45% SC against Pod borer R 2023 C
B ology Kandakoor l -22 ng
al ngal in Brinjal crop
Survey and surveillance of major
Entom Dr.Roopa S. All Long
87 Sirsi KVK - E - pests of field and horticulture crops K/R/S 2011 C UAS
ology Patil crops term
of Uttara Kannada district
Entom Dr. Roopa S. Network project on conservation of insects 2018 2022-
88 Sirsi KVK - E Dr. Javaregowda and host
ology Patil lac insect genetic resources -19 24 Ranchi
Studies on monitoring of red palm
Entom Dr. Roopa S. Areca
89 Sirsi KVK - E - weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus K/R/S 2020 2023 C UAS
ology Patil nut
Oliver in Arecanut

Dr. Management of leaf folder and
Entom Dr. Roopa S.
90 Sirsi KVK - E Shivashenkaramurth yellow stem borer in paddy through Paddy K 2022 2024 C UAS
ology Patil
y M. new molecules

Validation and promotion of Paddy

Entom Dr. Roopa S. Integrated Pest Management in Rice NRCIP
91 Sirsi KVK - E - Areca K/R/S 2021 2023 C M New
ology Patil and Horticultural Crops in TSP based
region of India Delhi

Evaluation of PDP 60 insecticide

Entom Dr. Roopa S. Testi
92 Sirsi KVK - E - product on Paddy against BPH, Paddy K/R/S 2022 2023 C
ology Patil ng
GLH and WBPH for two seasons
Bioefficacy Evaluation of IKI-3106
AEEC, 100DC on sugarcane against early
Mud AEE Entom Dr.A.H.Birad Sugar Testi
93 Mudho E - shoot borer (Chilo infuscutellus) K 2020 2023 C
hol C ology ar cane ng
l and top shoot borer (Scirpophaga
AEEC, Bio-efficacy and phytotoxicity of
Mud AEE Entom Dr.A.H.Birad Grape Testi
94 Mudho E - Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG R 2021 2023 C
hol C ology ar s ng
l against Thrips in Grape (Season I)

AEEC, Bio-efficacy trial of Indoxacarb

Mud AEE Entom Dr.A.H.Birad Chick Testi
95 Mudho E - 12%+Chlorantraniliprole 12% SC R 2021 2023 C
hol C ology ar pea ng
l against pod borer in chickpea

ARS, Evaluation of “Lambda 1.5 % +

Akki Entom Dr.A.H.Birad Adh
96 ARS Akkial E - Emamectin 1.25 % + Bifenthrin 4.5 Paddy S 2023 2024 N
alur ology ar oc
ur % EC” insecticide on rice (paddy)

Dr. R.
Dr. C.M. Channakeshava Dr.
Management of sucking insect pests
Bela ARS, Rafee Subhash Kandakoor
Entom and viral disease in Green gram Green
97 vatag ARS Belavat Dr. E Dr. K 2023 2024 N UAS
ology with seed treatment & foliar sprays gram
i ai Prabhavathi S.S.Karabhantanal
during kharif season
Rao Dr. Gurupad Balol
Dr. S.M. Vastrad


Year Year Contd.

Sl. Sea Proj.
Place Est. Dept. Scheme Scientist TRE Co-PI Experiment title Crop of of or
No. son Type
Start Close New
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. R Dr. J. Deewan Screening of lines for rice blast Paddy K 2020 Long Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) MULLaRP Gurupada diseases term
2 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. R Dr. J .Deewan Screening of lines rice diseases Paddy K 2020 Long Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) MULLaRP Gurupada (NHSN) term
3 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. R Dr. J .Deewan Screening of lines rice diseases Paddy K 2020 Long Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) MULLaRP Gurupada (DSN) term
4 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. R Dr. J. Deewan Screening of Paddy MLT for major Paddy K 2020 Long Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) MULLaRP Gurupada diseases. term
5 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. R Dr. J. Deewan Screening of Paddy NRRI lines for Paddy K 2020 Long Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) MULLaRP Gurupada major diseases. term
6 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP Dr. Prema R Dr.R.M. Survey and surveillance of maize Maize K/R 2022 Long Contd. AICRP
Maize G. U. Kachapur diseases term
Dr. S.C.Talekar
Dr. S.R.
7 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP Dr. Prema R Dr.R.M. Disease screening of Early maturity Maize K 2022 Long Contd. AICRP
Maize G. U. Kachapur maize genotypes (NIVT, AVT ) term
Dr. S.C.Talekar
8 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP Dr. Prema R Dr.R.M. Disease screening of Medium Maize K 2022 Long Contd. AICRP
Maize G. U. Kachapur maturity maize genotypes (NIVT, term
Dr. S.C.Talekar AVT )
Dr. S.R.
9 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP Dr. Prema R Dr.R.M. Disease screening of Late maturity Maize K 2022 Long Contd. AICRP
Maize G. U. Kachapur maize genotypes (NIVT, AVT ) term
Dr. S.C.Talekar
Dr. S.R.
10 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP Dr. Prema R Dr.R.M. Disease screening of QPM, Maize K 2022 Long Contd. AICRP

Maize G. U. Kachapur specialty corn, OPV and Rainfed term
Dr. S.C.Talekar (AVTs only)
Dr. S.R.
11 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP Dr. Prema R Dr.R.M. Maize disease trap nursery trial Maize K 2022 Long Contd. AICRP
Maize G. U. Kachapur term
Dr. S.C.Talekar
Dr. S.R.
12 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP Dr. Prema R Dr.R.M. Evaluation of bioefficacy and Maize K 2022 Long Contd. AICRP
Maize G. U. Kachapur phytotoxicity of new fungicides term
Dr. S.C.Talekar against foliar diseases of maize
Dr. S.R.
13 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP Dr. Prema R Dr.R.M. Studies on Racial pattern for TLB Maize K 2022 Long Contd. AICRP
Maize G. U. Kachapur of Maize term
Dr. S.C.Talekar
Dr. S.R.
14 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. Syeda R Dr. N.G Management of grain molds in Sorghum K 2023 2024 New Station trial
Sorghum Samina Hanamaratti Sorghum
15 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. Syeda R Dr. N.G evaluation of Breeding lines for Sorghum K 2020 Long Contd. Station trial
Sorghum Samina Hanamaratti major sorghum diseases term
16 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. Syeda R Dr. N.G Survey of kharif sorghum diseases Sorghum K Long Contd. AICRP
Sorghum Samina Hanamaratti in northern Karnataka term
17 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. Syeda R Dr. N.G Varietal screening against major Sorghum K 2015 Long Contd. AICRP
Sorghum Samina Hanamaratti diseases (AVHT-GS) term
18 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. Syeda R Dr. N.G Varietal screening against major Sorghum K 2015 Long Contd. AICRP
Sorghum Samina Hanamaratti diseases (IHT-GS) term
19 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. Syeda R Dr. N.G Varietal screening against major Sorghum K 2015 Long Contd. AICRP
Sorghum Samina Hanamaratti diseases (IVT-GS) term
20 Dharwad MARS Patholgy AICRP on Dr. Syeda R Dr. N.G Varietal screening against major Sorghum K 2015 Long Contd. AICRP
Sorghum Samina Hanamaratti diseases (IAVHT-MC) term

21 Dharwad MARS Patholgy AICRP on Dr. Syeda R Dr. N.G Varietal screening against major Sorghum K 2015 Long Contd. AICRP
Sorghum Samina Hanamaratti diseases (AVHT-SC) term
22 Dharwad MARS Patholgy AICRP on Dr. Syeda R Dr. N.G Varietal screening against major Sorghum K 2015 Long Contd. AICRP
Sorghum Samina Hanamaratti diseases (IVHT-SC) term
23 Dharwad MARS Patholgy AICRP on Dr. Syeda R Dr. N.G Varietal screening against major Sorghum K 2015 Long Contd. AICRP
Sorghum Samina Hanamaratti diseases (IAVHT-SS) term
24 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. Syeda R Dr. N.G Varietal screening against major Sorghum K 2015 Long Contd. AICRP
Sorghum Samina Hanamaratti diseases (IAVHT-BMR) term
25 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. Syeda R Dr. N.G Evaluation of MLT entries for Sorghum K Long Contd. Station trial
Sorghum Samina Hanamaratti resistant to major disease term
26 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. Shalini R Survey of soybean diseases in Soy bean K/R 1995 Long Contd. AICRP
& Ugar- Soybean N. Huilgol northern Karnataka and survival of term
khurd rust pathogen in off season
(Zone 8
& 3)
27 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. Shalini R Dr. G K Evaluation of Trap nursery trial Soybean K 1995 Long Contd. AICRP
Soybean N. Huilgol Naidu against major diseases term
28 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. Shalini R Dr. G K Varietal screening against major Soybean K 1995 Long Contd. AICRP
& Ugar Soybean N. Huilgol Naidu diseases (IVT & AVT I &II, MLT term
khurd Mr. R.D. Patil Yield trial material)
29 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. Shalini R Dr. G K Evaluation of previous year rust Soybean K 2006 Long Contd. AICRP
& Ugar Soybean N. Huilgol Naidu resistant entries. term
30 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. Shalini R Dr. G K Screening of germplasm lines for Soybean K 2013 Long Contd. AICRP
Soybean N. Huilgol Naidu multiple disease resistance term
31 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. Shalini R Dr. G K Estimation of avoidable losses Soybean K 2023 2024 ModifiedStation trial
Soybean N. Huilgol Naidu soybean diseases New
32 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. Shalini R Dr. G K Biological Management of major Soybean K 2020 2022 Contd. AICRP
Soybean N. Huilgol Naidu diseases of soybean
33 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. Shalini R Dr. G K Development of Forewarning Soybean K 2020 Long Contd. AICRP
Soybean N. Huilgol Naidu systems against major diseases of term

34 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. Shalini R Dr. G K Evaluation of MLT entries for Soybean K 1995 Long Contd. Station trial
Soybean N. Huilgol Naidu resistant to major disease term
35 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. Shalini R Dr. G K Screening for genotypes for rust Soybean K 1995 Long Contd. Station trial
Soybean N. Huilgol Naidu resistance term
36 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. Shalini R - Bioefficacy and evaluation of Titan Soybean K 2022 2023 Contd. Testing trial
Soybean N. Huilgol on Soybean
37 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. M.S.L. R NIL Survey for major groundnut Ground nut K Regular Long Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) Groundnut Rao diseases of groundnut. term
38 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. M.S.L. R Dr.B.N. Screening of IVT-I & II, AVT and Ground nut K Regular Long Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) Groundnut Rao Motagi other co-ordinated trial materials term
for resistance/tolerance to major
diseases of groundnut
39 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. M.S.L. R Dr.B.N. Screening of peanut Ground nut K 2020 2023 Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) Groundnut Rao Motagi & Dr. genotypes/differentials for major
Rohini diseases and pests
40 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. M.S.L. R - Influence of climate variability on Ground nut K 2021 2024 Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) Groundnut Rao occurrence of foliar diseases of
41 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. M.S.L. R Dr. Rohini Estimation of yield losses for major Ground nut K 2021 2024 Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) Groundnut Rao Sugandhi diseases and pests in hot spot
42 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. M.S.L. R Dr.Rohini Validation of storage bags against Ground nut K 2020 2024 Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) Groundnut Rao Sugandhi peanut storage pests and aflatoxin
43 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. M.S.L. R Dr.Rohini Bio-intensive integrated Ground nut K 2021 2024 Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) Groundnut Rao Sugandhi management of pest and diseases of
44 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. M.S.L. R Dr.P.Nagaraju Integrated management of stem rot Ground nut K 2022 2025 Contd. Station
(Zone 8) Groundnut Rao of groundnut
45 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. M.G. R - Survey for sesame diseases Sesamum K 2020 - Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) Sesamum Palakshappa
& Niger
46 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. M.G. R Dr. Lakshmi Uniform disease nursery for Sesamum K 2020 - Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) Sesamum Palakshappa Patil Macrophomina, Cercospora,
& Niger Alternaria, Powdery mildew,
Bacterial leaf spot

47 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. M.G. R Dr. Lakshmi Screening of sesame germplasm for Sesamum K 2020 - Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) Sesamum Palakshappa Patil foliar diseases
& Niger
48 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. M.G. R Dr. Lakshmi Disease assessment in coordinated Sesamum K 2020 - Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) Sesamum Palakshappa Patil trials of other disciplines
& Niger
49 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. M.G. R - Biological management of sesame Sesamum K 2020 - Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) Sesamum Palakshappa diseases through organics
& Niger
50 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. M.G. R - Influence of climate change and Sesamum K 2020 - Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) Sesamum Palakshappa development of spray schedule for
& Niger treatment of sesame diseases
51 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. M.G. R - Survey for Niger disease Niger K 2020 - Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) Sesamum Palakshappa
& Niger
52 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. M.G. R Dr. Lakshmi Uniform disease nursery for Niger K 2020 - Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) Sesamum Palakshappa Patil Cercospora, Alternaria and
& Niger powdery mildew
53 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. M.G. R Dr. Lakshmi Screening of germplasm for disease Niger K 2020 - Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) Sesamum Palakshappa Patil of Niger
& Niger
54 Dharwad MARSPathology IOF, Dr. S. A. R --- Effect of liquid formulations of Groundnut K 2023 2024 New UAS
(Zone 8) Dharwad Ashtaputre Pseudomonas fluorescens on foliar
diseases of groundnut (‘S’ var. JL-
24 & MR var. Dh-256) (Early and
late leaf spots and rust)
55 Dharwad MARSPathology IOF, Dr. S. A. R ---- Effect of liquid formulations of Groundnut K 2023 2024 New UAS
(Zone 8) Dharwad Ashtaputre Pseudomonas fluorescens on foliar
diseases of Soybean (S var. JS 335
& MR var.DSb-21)
56 Dharwad MARSPathology IOF, Dr. S. A. R Dr. Gurudatt Effect of liquid formulations of Green gram K 2022 2023 Contd. UAS
(Zone 8) Dharwad Ashtaputre M. Hegde Pseudomonas fluorescens on foliar
diseases of Greengram
57 Dharwad MARSPathology IOF, Dr. S. A. R Dr. Gurudatt Effect of liquid formulations of Black gram K 2022 2023 Contd. UAS
(Zone 8) Dharwad Ashtaputre M. Hegde Pseudomonas fluorescens on foliar
diseases of Blackgram
58 Vijayapur RARS Pathology AICRP Dr. R Dr.M. D. Patil Evaluation of Pigeonpea entries for Pigeonpea K 2022 Cont. Contd. AICRP
Chickpea Basamma Sterility Mosaic Disease (SMD)

59 Vijayapur RARS Pathology AICRP Dr. R Dr.M. D. Patil Management of Pigeonpea Sterility Pigeonpea K 2022 Cont. Contd. AICRP
Chickpea Basamma Mosaic disease
60 Vijayapur RARS Pathology AICRP Dr. R Dr.M. D. Patil Pigeonpea wilt and SMD nursery Pigeonpea K 2022 Cont. Contd. AICRP
Chickpea Basamma (PWSMDN)
61 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. R Dr. Suma Evaluation of AVT entries (IVT Mung bean, K 2015 Long Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) MULLaRP Gurupada Mogali and AVT I and II) against major term
Balol diseases of Mungbean
62 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. R Dr. Suma Evaluation of AVT entries (IVT Urd bean K 2015 Long Contd. AICRP
(Zone 8) MULLaRP Gurupada Mogali and AVT I and II) against major term
Balol diseases of Urdbean
63 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. R Dr. Suma Screening of greengram MLT for Mung bean K 2018 Long Contd. UAS
(Zone 8) MULLaRP Gurupada Mogali multiple disease resistance term
64 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. R Dr. Suma Screening of blackgram MLT for Urd bean K 2018 Long Contd. UAS
(Zone 8) MULLaRP Gurupada Mogali multiple disease resistance term
65 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. R Dr. Suma Screening of advanced breeding Mung bean K 2018 Long Contd. UAS
(Zone 8) MULLaRP Gurupada Mogali lines for disease resistance : term
Balol Greengram
66 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. R Dr. Suma Screening of advanced breeding Urd bean K 2018 Long Contd. UAS
(Zone 8) MULLaRP Gurupada Mogali lines for disease resistance : term
Balol Blackgram
67 Dharwad MARSPathology AICRP on Dr. R Dr. Suma Influence of date of sowing on Mung bean K 2021 Long Contd. UAS
(Zone 8) MULLaRP Gurupada Mogali incidence of multiple diseases in term
Balol greengram
68 Dharwad ARS Path AICRP V.R.Kulkarni R Path-1 (a) Observations on the Cotton K 1977 Long Contd. AICRP
-- occurrence of the diseases in term
farmer's fields and research stations
69 Dharwad ARS Path AICRP V.R.Kulkarni R Path - 1(b) Progress of cotton foliar Cotton K 1996 Long Contd. AICRP
-- diseases in relation to weather term
70 Dharwad ARS Path AICRP V.R.Kulkarni R Path-1(c) Studies on the variability Cotton K 2011 Long Contd. AICRP
-- of Alternaria leaf spot term
71 Dharwad ARS Path AICRP V.R.Kulkarni R Path -2 (b) Confirmation and Cotton K 1977 Long Contd. AICRP
-- maintenance of Disease resistant term
72 Dharwad ARS Path AICRP V.R.Kulkarni R Cotton K 2020 2023 Contd. AICRP
-- Management of boll rot and foliar
diseases of Cotton through

CIB&RC recommended new
chemical pesticides and their
73 Dharwad ARS Path AICRP V.R.Kulkarni R Cotton K 1977 Long Contd. AICRP
-- Evaluation of G. hirsutum varieties term
(Rainfed) (Br 4b)
74 Dharwad ARS Path AICRP V.R.Kulkarni R Cotton K 1977 Long Contd. AICRP
-- term
CVT of G. barbadense (Br14a)
75 Dharwad ARS Path AICRP V.R.Kulkarni R Cotton K 1977 Long Contd. AICRP
-- CVT of G. arboreum – Long Linted term
76 Dharwad ARS Path AICRP V.R.Kulkarni R Cotton K 2018 Long Contd. AICRP
-- term
AET (1)-HXH- Rainfed
77 Dharwad ARS Path AICRP V.R.Kulkarni R Cotton K 2018 Long Contd. AICRP
AET(2)-HXH- Rainfed term
78 Dharwad ARS Path AICRP V.R.Kulkarni R Cotton K 2018 Long Contd. AICRP
IET-HXH - Rainfed term
79 Dharwad ARS Path AICRP V.R.Kulkarni R Cotton K 2018 Long Contd. AICRP
IET-Compact HXH -Rainfed term
80 Dharwad ARS Path AICRP V.R.Kulkarni R Cotton K 2018 Long Contd. AICRP
AET(1)- Hirsutum-Rainfed term
81 Dharwad ARS Path AICRP V.R.Kulkarni R Cotton K 2018 Long Contd. AICRP
AET (2)- Hirsutum-Rainfed term
82 Dharwad ARS Path AICRP V.R.Kulkarni R Cotton K 2018 Long Contd. AICRP
IET- Hirsutum-Rainfed term
83 Dharwad ARS Path AICRP V.R.Kulkarni R Cotton K 2018 Long Contd. AICRP
CET HXB Irrigated term
84 Dharwad ARS Path AICRP V.R.Kulkarni R Cotton K 2018 Long Contd. AICRP
-- AET(1)- Hirsutum- Rainfed
(Closer spacing)
85 Dharwad ARS Path AICRP V.R.Kulkarni R Cotton K 2018 Long Contd. AICRP
-- AET (2) -Hirsutum- Rainfed
(Closer spacing)
86 Dharwad ARS Path AICRP V.R.Kulkarni R Cotton K 2022 2024 Contd. Station
-- Management of Bacterial blight of
Bt Cotton
87 Dharwad ARS Path AICRP V.R.Kulkarni R Field evaluation (Rhizospheric Cotton K 2022 2024 Contd. AICRP
-- fungi & chemicals etc.) for seed
and soil borne disease management


Year Year
Sl. TRE Contd.
Place EST Dept. Scheme Scientist Co-PI Experiment title Crop Season of of Proj. Type
No. A /New
Start Close
1 Dharwad ACD Micro Adhoc Krishnaraj, P.U. T Dr. Prashanthi Exploration and conservation NA NS 2020 2023 C DBT
of antimicrobial metabolites
producing Actinobacteria
prevalent in protected forest
ecosystems of North East
India to develop an
antimicrobial metabolites
producing actinobacterial
database (AMPAD) for
utilization against human and
microbial pathogens, agro-
protection and production
2 Dharwad ACD Micro Adhoc Krishnaraj, P.U. T Dr. O Sridevi DBT-BUILDER (Level III) Chilli NS 2023 2028 N DBT
Dr. Prashanthi System based approach to
Dr. Kambrekar enhance plant growth and soil
Dr. Jahgirdar health, reduce the disease
Dr. N Moger complex in chilli, through
rhizosphere and phyllosphere
3 Dharwad ACD Agril. AICRP on Dr. P.Jones T Dr J A Hosmath Maize/chickpea C AICRP on
Microbiol Weed Nirmalnath Weed management in maize- Weed
K/R 2022 2024
ogy Mnagement chickpea cropping system Mnagemen
4 Dharwad ACD Agril. AICRP on Dr. P.Jones T Dr J A Hosmath Soybean C AICRP on
Microbiol Weed Nirmalnath Weed management in soybean Weed
K 2022 2024
ogy Mnagement Mnagemen
5 Dharwad ACD Agril. AICRP on Dr. P.Jones T Dr P.S. Matiwade Tomato C AICRP on
Microbiol Weed Nirmalnath Management of Orobanche in Weed
2022 2024
ogy Mnagement brinjal and tomato Mnagemen
6 Dharwad ACD Agril. AICRP on Dr. P.Jones T Dr Dr. S. S. Sugarcane C AICRP on
Management of Striga in
Microbiol Weed Nirmalnath Nooli 2022 2024 Weed
ogy Mnagement Mnagemen


7 Dharwad ACD Agril. AICRP on Dr. P.Jones T Dr P.S. Matiwade Effect of arbuscular tomato C In house
Microbiol Weed Nirmalnath mycorrhizal fungi in the and Tobacco
ogy Mnagement management of Orobanche: a K/R 2022 2023
parasitic weed in tomato and
8 Dharwad ACD Agril. AICRP on Dr. P.Jones T Response of N-fixing rhizobia soybean K 2021 2022 C AICRP on
Microbiol Soybean Nirmalnath and P solubiling bacteria with Soybean
ogy RDF/farmers practice and with
Dr. Somanagouda reduction of fertilization on
Dr. Shalini N latest release variety of
Huligol soybean of a zone
(Ludhiana, Delhi, Pantnagar,
Indore, Sehore, Raipur and
9 Dharwad ACD Agril. AICRP on Dr. P.Jones T Assessing the compatibility of soybean K 2021 2022 C AICRP on
Microbiol Soybean Nirmalnath pre and post emergence Soybean
Dr Somanagouda
ogy herbicides nodulation in
unsterilized microcosms
10 Dharwad MARS Ag. Mic. IOF Patil.C.R R Dr. P. Jones Sugarcane K&R 2019 2022 C In house
Nirmalnath Field evaluation of PGPR for
Dr. S. S. Nooli growth promotion in Striga
infested sugarcane.
11 Dharwad MARS Ag. Mic. IOF Patil.C.R. R Dr. Shekharappa Evaluation of metabolite Soybean K 2020 2022 C In house
extracts of actinobacteria
against insect pests and
12 Dharwad MARS Ag. Mic. IOF Patil.C.R. R Dr. Shekharappa Assessing the contribution of Soybean K 2020 2022 C In house
Dr Gurudatta microbial technologies towards
M.Hegde saving chemical fertilizers in
different crops
13 Ugar and R Ag.Mic IOF Patil C R S. S. Nooli Studies on impact of long term K/R 2022 2023 C External
Dharwad S.T.Hundekar application of treated sugar funding
factory effluent on soil, water,
plant and microbial activity in
soils around Ugar Sugar

14 Dharwad MARS Ag. Mic. IOF Patil.C.R. R Developing a model Organic - 2022 C GoK,
Farm at the Institute of
Organic Farming, UAS
Dharwad- 50 Lakhs
15 Dharwad MARS Ag. Mic. IOF Patil.C.R. R Organic Seed production 2022 C Dharwad
programme at IoF- 10 L
16 Dharwad ACD Agril. - Dr. Geeta D. T Dr. Jones Evaluation of Rhizobial Cowpea K 2023 2025 N In house
Microbiol Goudar Nirmalnath. isolates for nodulation and
ogy Dr. Ganajaxi growth of cowpea (Vigna
Math unguiculata L. Walp.)
17 Dwd MARS, Ag Mic AICRP Dr. Shubha S. R Dr. Santhosh Bioethanol production from - - 2023 2024 C AICRP on
Dwd G.P. Arecanut husk EAAI

18 Dwd MARS, Ag Mic AICRP Dr. Shubha S. R Dr. Santhosh Utilization of agricultural - K/R 2023 2024 N AICRP on
Dwd G.P. residue for lipase enzyme EAAI
19 Dharwad ACD Agril. - Dr Vithal Navi T Dr.C R Patil Evaluation of desiccant Maize K 2021 2022 C In House
Microbiol tolerant Azospirillum isolates
ogy on growth of maize under
moisture stress conditions
20 Dharwad ACD Agril. Dr Vithal Navi T Dr. P. Jones Evaluation of Azospirillum Maize K 2022 2023 C In House
Microbiol Nirmalnath isolate on growth of maize
ogy under different levels of
nitrogen fertilization
21 Dharwad ACD Agril. Dr Vithal Navi T Dr Priya Evaluation of Azospirillum Foxtail Millet K 2022 2023 C In House
Microbiol Dr. P. Jones isolate on growth of foxtail
ogy Nirmalnath millet under different levels of
Dr. Noor Nawaz nitrogen fertilization
22 Vijayapur AC,V Microbiol Dr.G.Sreenivasul T Dr.Geeta Goudar Field evaluation of Rhizobium Pigeon pea K 2022 2024 C In House
a ogy u Dr. P. S. Pattar strain AMVPR 98 in Pigeon
pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Mill
23 Vijayapur AC,V Microbiol Dr.G.Sreenivasul T Dr.S.B.Patil,Agro Effect of native rhizobacteria Sorghum R 2023 2024 N In House
a ogy u nomist,RARS,Vij on growth promotion and yield
ayapura in sorghum

24 Dharwad ACD Micro - Dr. Ashwini M T Dr. Archana Development of millet based - NS 2023 2024 N In House
Lamdande functional yoghurt
Dr. Anil Kumar
25 Dharwad ACD Micro - Dr. Ashwini M T Dr.Ashok Sajjan Development of biocomposite - NS 2023 2024 N In House
Dr.Bhanapurmath membranes from fruit and
Dr. Archana vegetable wastes for packaging
Lamdande application
26 Dwd MARS, Ag Mic AICRP Dr. Santhosh G.P. R Dr. Shubha S. Development of biopolymer - - 2023 2024 N AICRP on
Dwd membranes for pervaporation EAAI
of bioethanol
27 Dwd MARS, Ag Mic AICRP Dr. Santhosh G.P. R Dr. Shubha S. Production of bacterial - - 2023 2024 N AICRP on
Dwd cellulose from agricultural EAAI
residues for use as packaging
28 H’matti AC H Agril. Others Dr. Noor Nawaz R Dr. Vithal Navi Isolation, screening and Various cereals -K 2022- 2024- C In house
Micro A.S characterization of 23 25
Azotobacter spp. from
rhizosphere soils of different
cereals of Haveri District.
29 ACH Agril. - Noor Nawaz, R Dr.Ravikumar , Interactive effect of . Chilli R 2023 2026 N In house
Microbiol A.S M. R UASDAMF consortium and
H’matti ogy fungal biocontrol agents on
Fusarium wilt incidence in

Year Year Contd
Sl. TRE Project
Place Est Dept Scheme Scientist Co-PI Experiment title Crop Season of of or
No. A type
start close New
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Effect of environment on crop
AICRP Dr. S. R. Dr. K. N. phenology development, yield and Long
1 Dharwad ARS CPH R Cotton Kharif 2021 Contd AICRP
on Cotton Kareekatti Pawar fiber development in cotton term
genotypes. (Climatic changes)
AICRP Dr. S. R. Dr. K. N. Canopy management in HDPS Cotton Long
2 Dharwad ARS CPH R Cotton Kharif 2021 Contd AICRP
on Cotton Kareekatti Pawar under high fertility condition term
AICRP Dr. S. R. Dr. K. N. Stress management through use of Long
3 Dharwad ARS CPH R Cotton Kharif 2021 Contd AICRP
on Cotton Kareekatti Pawar different Osmo-protectants term
AICRP Dr. S. R. Dr. K. N. Effect of bio stimulant on growth and Long
4 Dharwad ARS CPH R Cotton Kharif 2021 Contd AICRP
on Cotton Kareekatti Pawar development of cotton term
Preparing for climate change for
AICRP Dr. S. R. Dr. K. N. growth and development of Long
5 Dharwad ARS CPH R Cotton Kharif 2021 Contd AICRP
on Cotton Kareekatti Pawar arboretum cotton in response to term
growth regulation.
Dr. S. R. Dr. K. N. Use of post emergent herbicide in Long
6 Dharwad ARS CPH on R Cotton Kharif 2021 Contd AICRP
Kareekatti Pawar cotton term
farm Cotton
AICRP Dr. K. N. Dr. S. R. Physiological efficiency in newly Long
7 Dharwad ARS CPH R Cotton Kharif 2021 Contd AICRP
on Cotton Pawar Kareekatti released Bt cotton term
AICRP Dr. S R Dr. K. N. Use of PGR’s and Nutrients to 2022-
8 Dharwad ARS CPH R Cotton Rabi 2021 Contd University
on Cotton Kareekatti Pawar enhance Cotton Productivity 23
AICRP Dr. S. R. Dr. K. N. Use of PGR’s and Nutrients to 2022-
9 Dharwad ARS CPH R Soyabean Kharif 2021 Contd University
on Cotton Kareekatti Pawar enhance Soyabean Productivity 23
Chlorosis tolerance in F5 groundnut
Dr. R. V
10 Dharwad ACD CPH Adhoc Dr. Nethra P. T population and their molecular Groundnut Kharif 2021 2023 Contd Adhoc
Impact of 5-aminolevulinic Acid (5-
Dr. C. M. Dr. U. V.
11 Dharwad ACD CPH UASD T ALA) for inducing drought tolerance Chickpea Rabi 2021 2023 Contd UASD
Nawalagatti Mummigatti
in chickpea


Season Year Year Contd Proj.

Sl. Scientist of of or Type
Place Est Dept Scheme TREA Co-PI Experiment Title Crop
No. name Start Close New
1 Dharwad ARS Ag.For. AICRP HY Patil R Hundekar S. T., Provenance trial on Neem P 1991 2030 C 2
Forestry Chavan R.L. neem (Azadirachta
Ghatantti S. M. indica)
2 Dharwad ARS Ag.For. AICRP HY Patil R Hundekar S. T., Collection & Tamarind P 1999 2030 C 2
Forestry Chavan R.L. Evaluation of
Ghatantti S. M. promising tamarind
selections in
agroforestry systems
3 Dharwad ARS Ag.For. AICRP HY Patil R Hundekar S. T., Evaluation of Pongamia P 2006 2025 C 2
Forestry Chavan R.L. Pongamia pinnata
Ghatantti S. M. Provenances for
Productivity under
4 Dharwad ARS Ag.For. AICRP HY Patil R Hundekar S. T., Evaluation of Calliandra calothryus, P 2013 2025 C 2
Forestry Chavan R.L. different fodder tree Albizzia lebbeck,
Ghatantti S. M. species under Leucaena leucocephala,
agroforestry system Sesbanea grandiflora,
Gliricidia sepium,
Moringa olifera, Bauhinia
5 Dharwad ARS Ag.For. AICRP HY Patil R Hundekar S. T., Carbon Stocking in Eucalyptus, Teak, P 2015 2025 C 2
Forestry Chavan R.L. Silvi - Horti System Acasia auriculiformis,
Ghatantti S. M. of ARS, Lagestromia lanceolata,
Prabhunagar, UAS, Dalbergia latifolia
6 Dharwad ARS Ag.For. AICRP Raju L. R Patil HY., Effect of integrated Red Sanders P 2020 2030 C 2
Forestry Chavan Hundekar S. T., nutrient
Ghatantti S. M. management and
spacing on growth
and productivity of
santalinus (Red

7 Dharwad ARS Ag.For. AICRP Raju L. R Patil HY., Studies on Santalum album P 2020 2030 C 2
Forestry Chavan Hundekar S. T., establishment and
Ghatantti S. M. growth performance
of Santalum album
in different fodder
8 Dharwad ARS Ag.For. AICRP Raju L. R Patil HY., studies on growth Sapindus trifoliatus) P 2022 2030 C 2
Forestry Chavan Hundekar S. T., performance and
Ghatantti S. M. Interactions of
provenance of
Soapnut (Sapindus
trifoliatus) in
Agroforestry system
9 Dharwad ARS Ag.For. AICRP Hundekar, R Patil HY., Investigations of Tamarind P 2002 2030 C 2
Forestry S. T. Chavan R.L., tamarind clones in
Ghatantti S. M. silvihorticulture
10 Dharwad ARS Ag.For. AICRP Hundekar, R Patil HY., Evaluation of Simarouba glauca P 2004 2025 C 2
Forestry S. T. Chavan R.L., Simarouba glaua
Ghatantti S. M. under Agroforestry
system in
transitional tract of
11 Dharwad ARS Ag.For. AICRP Hundekar, R Patil HY., Carbon Stocking in Natural forest P 2015 2025 C 2
Forestry S. T. Chavan R.L., Natural Forest of
Ghatantti S. M. ARS, Prabhunagar,
12 Dharwad ARS Ag.For. AICRP Hundekar, R Patil HY., Uniform and Multi MTP-1, MTP-2, P 2016 2025 C 2
Forestry S. T. Chavan R.L., Location Trial on Holenarsipura (HN)
Ghatantti S. M. Clonal Evaluation of
Melia dubia based
Agroforestry System
13 Dharwad ARS Ag.For. AICRP Hundekar, R Patil HY., Multi Location Trial Sesbania grandiflora, P 2016 2025 C 2
Forestry S. T. Chavan R.L., on Evaluation of Gliricidia speium,
Ghatantti S. M. Tree Fodder Species Moringa olifera,
Calliandra calothyrsus,
Leucaena lucocephala
14 Dharwad ARS Ag.For. AICRP Hundekar, R Patil HY., Multi Location Trial RAK-1, RAK-2, RAK- P 2016 2025 C 2
Forestry S. T. Chavan R.L., on Provenances of 3, RAK-4, RAK-6,
Ghatantti S. M. Pongamia pinnata RAK-7, RAK-8, RAK-
9, RAK-10, DPS-1

15 Dharwad ARS Ag.For. AICRP Ghatanatti R Patil HY., Collection and Carissa carondas P 2016 2025 C 2
Forestry S.M. Hundekar S.T. Evaluation of
and Chavan Carissa carandas
R.L., for Agroforestry
16 Dharwad ARS Ag.For. AICRP HY Patil R Hundekar S. T., Establishment and Dendrocalamus stocksii P 2017 2025 C 2
Forestry Chavan R.L. multiplication of
Ghatantti S. M. Dendrocalamus
stocksii under
degraded lands
17 Dharwad ARS Ag.For. AICRP HY Patil R Hundekar S. T., Evaluation of tree Pongamia Simarouba P 2013 2025 C 2
Forestry Chavan R.L. borne oil seeds Surahonne,AmuraNeem,
Ghatantti S. M. under agroforestry Mahua
18 Dharwad ARS Crop Forestry Sunil R Chavan R.L., Allelopathic effect Malbar neem P 2022 2025 C 2
Physiology Kareekatti Hundekar S.T. of Prosopis jukiflora
and Rathod on Melia dubia seed
R.S., germination
19 Dharwad ARS Ag.For. AICRP HY Patil R Hundekar S.T. Collection and Woodapple P 2023 2030 N 1
Forestry and Ghatanatti Evaluation of
SM Limonia acidissima
(Wood Apple)
clonal propagules
under Transitional
Zone of Karnataka


Year Year
Sl. Contd. or Proj.
Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist TRE Co-PI Experiment title Crop Season of of
No. New Type
Start Close
1 Dharwad UASD SWE REWARD Dr. M. V. R Dr. M.S. Hydrological assessment - - 2023 2026 N
Manjunatha Shirahatti and of watersheds in Haveri 2
Dr. C.B.Meti district under REWARD
2 Vijayapura RARS SWE REWARD Er. U M R Dr. M. V. Hydrological assessment - - 2023 2026 N
Momin Manjunatha, of watersheds in Belagavi
Dr. M.S. district under REWARD
3 Vijayapura RARS SWE REWARD Dr. M.S. R Dr. M. V. Hydrological assessment - - 2023 2026 N
Shirahatti, Manjunatha and of watersheds in Vijaypur
Er. Umar district under REWARD
4 Dharwad College SWE REWARD Dr. C.B. Meti T Dr. M. V. Hydrological assessment - - 2023 2026 N
Manjunatha, of watersheds in Dharwad
Dr. district under REWARD
5 Belvatagi ARS SWE REWARD Dr. R Dr. M. V. Hydrological assessment - - 2023 2026 N
P.S.Kanannavar Manjunatha and of watersheds in Gadag 2
Dr. C.B.Meti district under REWARD
6 Vijayapura College FMP Others Dr. Ramesh Dr. M.B.Patil Comprehensive stydy of - - 2023 2028 N 2
Beerge and Dr. V. S. Agrivolanic farming
Devaranavadagi system for sustainable
food and energy
T production
7 Vijayapura College FMP Others Dr. Ramesh Dr. Prakash Feasibility of study of - - 2023 2027 N 2
Beerge H.T. and UAV in agriculture
T M.B.Patil
Technical Programme of Division of Agricultural Engineering , UAS Dharwad for the year 2023-24 (Continued)
Year Year
Sl. Contd. or Proj.
Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist TRE Co-PI Experiment title Crop Season of of
No. New Type
Start Close
1 Dharwad College SWE Others Dr. Meti, C.B. T Manjunatha Impact Assessment of - A 2021 2026 C
M.V., rain water harvesting
Kannanavar P S structures constructed at
main campus UAS


2 Vijayapura RARS SWE AICRP Dr. M.S. R U M Momin, R. Catchment storage and - K+R 2007 Long C
Shirahatti A. Nandagavi, command area term
S. B. Patil, relationship for increasing 2
Kumara B. H. water productivity in
micro watersheds.
3 Vijayapura RARS SWE AICRP Dr. M.S. R U M Momin, P. Evaluation of - K/R 2015 2023 C
Shirahatti S. Pattar, R. A. performance of solar
Nandagavi, S. pump for lifting farm 2
B. Patil, pond water
Kumara B. H.
4 Vijayapura College SWE Adhoc Dr. M. S. R U M Momin, Evaluation of broad bed - K/R 2021 2024 C
Shirahatti R. A. and furrow (BBF) planter
Nandagavi, in the pigeon pea for the 2
S. B. Patil, moisture conservation and
Kumara B. H. higher yield
5 Vijayapura College SWE Adhoc Dr. M. S. R U M Momin, Determination of K/R 2021 2024 C
Shirahatti R. A. Conservation Practice
Nandagavi, factor P in the USLE for 2
S. B. Patil, the vertisols of Semi-arid
Kumara B. H. region
6 Vijayapura College SWE Other Er. Shweta G. E M S Shirahatti Study of water level .- A 2021 2023 C
fluctuation and quality of
ground water in tube 2
wells of Vijayapur
7 Vijayapura College FMP Other Dr. Ramesh T Kiran B O, Design and development - A 2019 2023 C
Beerge Gouri Sajjanar of tender jowar treshing 2
8 Vijayapura College FMP Other Dr. Ramesh T Desai SR, M S - A 2018 2024 C
Beerge Shirahatti M S Design and development 2
U M Momin of low cost egg incubator
9 Belvatagi ARS SWE AICRP Dr. P.S. R Dr. S.N. Investigations on the - K+R 2018 2024 C
Kanannavar Honnali and Dr. effect of Laser Land
B.C.Punitha Levelling on Water use
efficiencies of crops

10 Belvatagi ARS SWE AICRP Dr. P.S. R Dr. S.N. Assessment of influence - A 2020 2025 C
Kanannavar Honnali and Dr. of gound water recharge
B.C.Punitha on ground water quality,
yield and fluctuations
11 Vijayapura RARS SWE AICRP Er. U M R M.S. Shirahatti, Studies on reducing - - 2022 2024 Disconti
Momin Kumar B H, evaporation losses using nued due
R. A. stearyl alcohol to increase to
Nandagavi, water availability in the deputation
S. B. Patil farm pond for higher
P. S. Pattar studies
12 Vijayapura RARS SWE Other Er. Shwetha G T U M Mommin, Studies on Economic - - 2022 2024 Disconti
B R Jamkandi Feasibility of Farm Pond nued due
in Improving Water to
Productivity at RARS, deputation
Vijayapura for higher


Sl. Year of Contd or Project
Place Est Dept Scheme Scientist TREA Co-PI Experiment title Crop Season of
No. close New type
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
AICRP on Potato Crop Improvement Trial
AICRP Contd…..wi
MARS, Research, Horticult Dr.T.R. 1.Evaluation Of AICR
1. on R Dr.Sunita Johri Potato Kharif 2021 2021 th different
Dharwad MARS ure Shashidhar Germplasm P
Potato vaieties
Horticult R Dr.Sunita Johri Varietal Trial (Ivt &
AICRP Contd…..wi
MARS, Research, ure Dr.T.R. Avt) With Medium AICR
2. on Potato Kharif 2021 2021 th different
Dharwad MARS Shashidhar Maturing Clones P
Potato vaieties
Horticult AICRP R Dr.Sunita Johri Varietal Trial (Ivt & Contd…..wi
MARS, Research, ure Dr.T.R. AICR
3. on Avt) With Early Potato Kharif 2021 2021 th different
Dharwad MARS Shashidhar P
Potato Maturing Clones vaieties
Research, Horticult R Dr.T.R. Varietal Trial (Ivt &
AICRP Contd…..wi
MARS, MARS ure Dr.Sunita Shashidhar Avt) With Red AICR
4. on Potato Kharif 2021 2021 th different
Dharwad Johri Skinned Medium P
Potato vaieties
Maturing Clones
Research, Horticult R . Varietal Trial (Ivt &
AICRP Contd…..wi
MARS, MARS ure Dr.Sunita Dr.T.R. Avt) With AICR
5. on Potato Kharif 2021 2021 th different
Dharwad Johri Shashidhar Nutritionally Superior P
Potato vaieties
Research, Horticult AICRP R . Trial With Hill & Contd…..wi
MARS, MARS ure Dr.Sunita Dr.T.R. AICR
6. on Kharif Potato Clones Potato Kharif 2021 2021 th different
Dharwad Johri Shashidhar P
Potato (1st Year) vaieties
Research, Horticult AICRP R Varietal Trial (Ivt& Contd…..wi
MARS, MARS ure Dr.Sunita Dr.T.R. AICR
7. on Avt) With Processing Potato Kharif 2021 2021 th different
Dharwad Johri Shashidhar P
Potato Clones vaieties
Research, Horticult AICRP R Contd…..wi
MARS, MARS ure Dr.T.R. Trial For Heat AICR
8. on Dr.Sunita Johri Potato Kharif 2021 2021 th different
Dharwad Shashidhar Tolerance P
Potato vaieties

Research, Horticult AICRP Dr.Sunita Evaluation Trial For
MARS, MARS ure Johri Dr.T.R. AICR
9. on Baby Potatoes Potato Kharif 2023 - NEW
Dharwad Shashidhar P
Potato (Without Control)

Crop Production Trial

Research, Horticult Dr.Sunita R Standardising Macro-

MARS, MARS ure Johri Dr.T.R. Nutrient Requirement AICR
10 on Potato Kharif 2021 2021 NEW
Dharwad Shashidhar Of Newly Released P
Research, Horticult AICRP R Parametrization/Valida
11 MARS, MARS ure Dr.T.R. AICR
on Dr.Sunita Johri tion Of Quefts Model Potato Kharif 2021 2021 Contd..
. Dharwad Shashidhar P
Potato In Potato

Crop Protection (Pathology)

R Surveillance Of
12 MARS, Research, Horticult Dr.T.R. Important Potato Pests AICR
on Dr.Sunita Johri Potato Kharif 2021 2021 Contd…
. Dharwad MARS ure Shashidhar In The Region (Pest P
Capture Plots)
R Dr.T.R. Monitoring Of Aphids,
13 MARS, Research, Horticult Dr.Sunita Shashidhar Whiteflies, Thrips, AICR
on Potato Kharif 2021 2021 Contd…
. Dharwad MARS ure Johri Hoppers And Mites In P
Unsprayed Crop
Research, R Dr.T.R. Evaluation Of New
MARS, MARS Horticult Dr.Sunita Shashidhar Molecules For The AICR
14 on Potato Kharif 2021 2021 New
Dharwad ure Johri Management Of P
Research, R Evaluation Of
MARS Granular Insecticdes
MARS, Horticult Dr.T.R. As Replacement Of AICR
15 on Dr.Sunita Johri Potato Kharif 2021 2021 New
Dharwad ure Shashidhar Phorate 10g For The P
Management Of
Sucking Pests
Research, R Evaluation Of
MARS AICRP Chemicals Against
MARS, Horticult Dr.T.R. AICR
16 on Dr.Sunita Johri Shoot Borer Potato Kharif 2021 2021 New
Dharwad ure Shashidhar P
Potato (Leucinodesorbonalis)
In Potato

Sl. Yea Year Proje
Schem Seaso Contd or
N Place Est Dept Scientist TREA Co-PI Experiment title Crop r of of ct
e n New
o. start close type
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
AINRP OG Crop Improvement Trial
Dr. M. G. 1.Red Onion IET
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Dr.S.M. Hegde & kharif varietal trial for AINR
17 Research, R Onion Kharif 2022 2023 different
Dharwad ure OG Hiremath Dr. Shripad Short day POG
Horticult Dr.S.M. R Dr. M. G. 2. Red Onion IET late
Seed unit ure AINRP Hegde & kharif varietal trial for Late AINR
18 Research, Onion 2022 2023 different
Dharwad OG Hiremath Dr. Shripad Short day Kharif POG
Dr. M. G.
3. Red onion IET Rabi Contd.with
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Dr.S.M. Hegde & AINR
19 Research, R varietal trial for Short Onion Rabi 2022 2023 different
Dharwad ure OG Hiremath Dr. Shripad POG
day varieties
Dr. M. G.
4. Red onion AVT – I Contd.with
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Dr.S.M. Hegde & AINR
20 Research, R Rabi varietal trial for Onion Rabi 2022 2023 different
Dharwad ure OG Hiremath Dr. Shripad POG
Short day varieties
Dr. M. G.
5. Red onion AVT – II Contd.with
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Dr.S.M. Hegde & AINR
21 Research, R Rabi varietal trial for Onion Rabi 2022 2023 different
Dharwad ure OG Hiremath Dr. Shripad POG
Short day varieties
Dr. M. G.
6. Red onion IET Rabi Contd.with
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Dr.S.M. Hegde & AINR
22 Research, R hybrid trial for short Onion Rabi 2022 2023 different
Dharwad ure OG Hiremath Dr. Shripad POG
day varieties
Dr. M. G.
7. Red onion AVT – I Contd.with
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Dr.S.M. Hegde & AINR
23 Research, R Rabi hybrid trial for Onion Rabi 2022 2023 different
Dharwad ure OG Hiremath Dr. Shripad POG
Short day varieties
Dr. M. G.
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Dr.S.M. Hegde & 8. Garlic IET Rabi AINR
24 Research, R Garlic Rabi 2022 2023 th different
Dharwad ure OG Hiremath Dr. Shripad short day trial POG

Dr. M. G.
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Dr.S.M. Hegde & 9. Garlic AVT-I Rabi AINR
25 Research, R Garlic Rabi 2022 2023 th different
Dharwad ure OG Hiremath Dr. Shripad short day trial POG
Dr. M. G. Rabi
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Dr.S.M. Hegde & 10. Garlic AVT-II AINR
26 Research, R Garlic 2022 2023 th different
Dharwad ure OG Hiremath Dr. Shripad Rabi short day trial POG

Dr. M. G. onion AINR

1. Fertilizer scheduling
Hegde & POG
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Dr. S.M. through drip irrigation
27 Research, R Dr. Shripad Rabi 2022 2023 Comtd.
Dharwad ure OG Hiremath system in onion seed
Dr. M. G. onion Rabi AINR
2. Weed management
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Dr.S.M. Hegde & POG
28 Research, R studies in onion seed 2022 2023 Comtd.
Dharwad ure OG Hiremath Dr. Shripad
3. Foliar nutrition of onion Kharif AINR
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Dr.S.M. B. S. Yenagi & POG
29 Research, R Nitrogen through 2022 2024 Comtd.
Dharwad ure OG Hiremath Dr. K.K. Math) Rabi
Nano urea in onion
Dr. .Rajkumar 4 Foliar nutrition of Garlic Kharif UAS
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Dr.S.M. Nitrogen through &
30 Research, R Dr. Praveen T. 2022 2024 Comtd.
Dharwad ure OG Hiremath Rabi
Goroji Nano urea in garlic
Dr. .Rajkumar 5. Effect of onion Kharif UAS
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Dr.S.M. &
31 Research, R G micronutrients on 2023 2025 New
Dharwad ure OG Hiremath
onion Rabi
Dr. E Dr. M. G. 1. Survey and Onion Comtd. AINR
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Shripad Hegde monitoring of major & Kharif POG
32 Research, 2022 2023
Dharwad ure OG Kulkarni Dr.S.M. diseases of onion and Garlic Rabi
Hiremath garlic
Dr. E Dr. M. G. 2. Screening of onion Onion Comtd. AINR
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Shripad Hegde & garlic varieties/ & Kharif POG
33 Research, 2022 2023
Dharwad ure OG Kulkarni Dr.S.M. lines for disease Garlic Rabi
Hiremath resistance.

Dr. Dr. M. G. 3. Integrated Onion New AINR
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Shripad Hegde management of POG
34 Research, E Rabi 2022 2023
Dharwad ure OG Kulkarni Dr.S.M. anthracnose & twister
Hiremath disease in onion.
Dr. Shripad 1.Management of pests Garlic Comtd.
Dr. M. G.
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Kulkarni and diseases in garlic AINR
35 Research, Hegde T Rabi 2022 2023
Dharwad ure OG Dr.S.M. POG
Dr. Shripad 2. Survey and Onion Comtd.
Dr. M. G.
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Kulkarni monitoring of insect & AINR
36 Research, Hegde T Rabi 2022 2023
Dharwad ure OG Dr.S.M. pests of onion and Garlic POG
Hiremath garlic
Dr. Shripad 3. Screening of onion Onion Kharif AINR
Dr. M. G. Contd…..wi
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Kulkarni & garlic varieties / & . Rabi POG
37 Research, Hegde T 2022 2023 th different
Dharwad ure OG Dr.S.M. lines for thrips Garlic
Hiremath resistance..
Dr. Shripad 4. Evaluation 0f Onion Kharif AINR
Dr. M. G.
Seed Unit Horticult AINRP Kulkarni insecticide /miticides & . Rabi POG
38 Research, Hegde T 2022 2023 Contd…..
Dharwad ure OG Dr.S.M. against sucking pests Garlic
Hiremath and mites of garlic
AC Horticult Dr. R. V. Dr. S. G. Crop improvement in
39 Teaching College T Guava K/R/S 2012 2025 UAS
Dharwad ure Hegde Angadi Guava

Collection and Medici Contd… UAS

AC Horticult Dr. C.K. maintenance of nal and
40 Teaching College T - K/R/S 2005 -
Dharwad ure Venugopal Medicinal & Aromatic aromati
Plants c plants
Optimization of 2023 Contd… UAS
Dr. R. V. planting geometry and Turme
Dr. M. S. shade for turmeric and
MARS, Research, Horticult Hegde ric and
41 MARS Biradar R pole bean K 2021
Dharwad MARS ure Dr. S. R. pole
Salakinkop intercropping system bean
in net house condition
Yield and economic 2023 Contd… UAS
Dr. R. V.
Dr. M. S. assessment of
MARS, Research, Horticult Hegde Veget
42 MARS Biradar R vegetable cropping K 2021
Dharwad MARS ure Dr. S. R. ables
systems under pandal
method of cultivation


Sl. Institut Zon Exp Yr. of Yr. of Cont./N Type of

Dept. TRE Title of the Expt Location Season Scientists involved
No e e No Start Close ew Project
1. COFS 1.17 T 9 1 Bamboo species trial Uttara Kharif/ Dr. R. Vasudeva PI
Kannada Rabi 2022 2024 Contd Staff
2. COFS 1.17 T 9 4 Establishment of Central Log istics Uttara Kharif/ Dr. R. Vasudeva, PI
Information Systems and Digital Linking for Kannada Rabi Dr.Hanumantha, Co-PI 2020 2023 Cont.. Adhoc
Rapid Marketing of Nursery Stocks and Dr.Ramesh Rathod, Co-PI (45 lakh)
Value Added Products from Rural Areas
3. COFS 1.17 T 9 4 Development of Artificial Inteligence based Uttara Kharif/ Dr. R. Vasudeva, PI
smart phone app for the identifi cation of Kannada Rabi Dr.Hanumantha, Co-PI Cont.. Adhoc
commercially important timbers of the Dr. Vinayak Upadya, Co-PI 2021 2023 (80 lakh)
Central Western Ghats through deep
4. COFS 1.17 T 9 2 Epidemiology and Development of Uttara Kharif/ Dr. Suryanarayana V., PI
Integrated Management Package for root rot Kannada Rabi 2018 2023 Cont.. Adhoc
and heart rot associated mortality of (5 Lakhs)
Terminalia alata and its associated species
in Yellapur division of Canara Circle”
5 .COFS 1.17 T 9 3 Studies on Farmer monkey conflicts in Uttara Kharif/ Sri. Shridhar D Bhat PI
Uttara Kannada District Kannada Rabi Dr. R. Vasudeva, Co-PI 2022 2024 Contd Staff


Sl. Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist TR Co-PI Experiment title Crop Season Year Year Cont Proj.
No. EA of of d. or Type
Start Close New
1 KVK Exte Agril DAMU, Dr. E Dr. Impact of agromet advisory Multi- Kharif 2023- 2024- New DAMU,
Haveri nsion Meteoro KVK Guruprasa Shantaveerayya services of DAMU on the crop & Rabi 24 25 KVK
logy d GS farmers of Haveri district Haveri
2 AMGU/ T& Agril AMFU / Dr. R. H T& Mr. Adoption level and Non-crop, All 2023- 2024- New AMFU/
DAMU E Meteoro DAMU Patil E Sabjeevkumar Performance of AAS among weather seasons 24 25 DAMU
Centres logy centres Yaledhalli, Mr. the farmers of a select block of forecast funded
C. B. Kabadagi, na chosen district based
Miss. Lavanya P., work
Mr. Basavaraj
3 Dharwa T Agril GKMS / Dr. R. H T Dr. S. R. Performance evaluation of Maize Kharif 2023- 2024- New GKMS /
d Meteoro FASAL Patil Salakinkop maize-chickpea cropping and and 24 25 FASAL
logy project sequence under current and Chickpe Rabi funded
projected climatese across a
NIK using DSSAT model
4 Dharwa T Agril College Dr. T Mr. C. B. Impact of climate change on Non- All 2023- 2023- New No
d Meteoro Sumesh Kabadagi the inter-annual variations of crop seasons 24 24 funding
logy KG CO2 gas concentations over
5 Dharwa T Agril College Dr. T Mr. C. B. Impact of climate change on Non- All 2023- 2023- New No
d Meteoro Sumesh Kabadagi the inter-annual variations of crop seasons 24 24 funding
logy KG CH4 gas concentations over
6 Dharwa T Agricult GKMS Dr. T Dr. R. H. Patil Analysis of the meteorological Climate Round 2019- 2020- Contd Academi
d ural Sumesh Dry spells and Drought events based the 2020 2021 c
Meteoro G.K. over Northern Karnataka study year
7 Dharwa T/R/ Agricult NA Dr. TR Dr. R. H. Patil, Influence of temperature on weather Work 2021- 2023- Contd Academi
d E ural Sumesh E Mr. C. B. SPI over Karnataka in the past related with 22 24 c
Meteoro K.G. Kabadagi climate scenarios work past
logy weathe
r data

8 Dharwa T/R/ Agricult NA Dr. TR Dr. R. H. Patil, Influence of temperature on weather Work 2021- 2023- Contd Academi
d E ural Sumesh E Mr. C. B. SPI over Karnataka in related with 22 24 c
Meteoro K.G. Kabadagi theprojected climate scenarios work past
logy weathe
r data
9 Dharwa T/R/ Agricult NA Dr. TR Dr. R. H. Patil, Crop water requirement and weather round 2021- 2023- Contd Academi
d E ural Sumesh E Mr. C. B. irrigation requirement for related the 22 24 c
Meteoro K.G. Kabadagi some selected vegetable crops work year
logy in the Dharwad district in the
future climate
10 Dharwa T/R/ Agricult NA Dr. TR Dr. S. S. Angadi Analysis of weather data weather round 2021- 2023- Contd Academi
d E ural Sumesh E Dr. B. S. Yenagi received from the Flux tower related the 22 24 c
Meteoro K.G. in MARS, Dharwad station work year
11 Hmatti E KVK NA Dr. R. H. E Dr. Crop weather calender for weather- round 2021- 2023- Contd DAMU,
Hmatti Patil Shantaveerayya maize crop crop the 22 24 KVK
related year Haveri
work funded


Titale of the Experiment Year Year

Sl. Season/s Type of
Place Est Dept Scientist TREA Co PI Crops of of New
No (K/R/S) project
start close

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 Dharwad ACD Animal PI: Dr. T Co-PI: Dr. Development of protocol for 14.07 NA 2023- 2024- New UAS
Science Anilkumar G Ashwini M., preparation of silage using 24 25 Project
K Dr. Bhageerathi maize stover (Maize
Pugashetti., & strawlage)
Dr. Nagappa.
2 Uttara KVK Animal PI: Dr. E _ Integrated technological Poultry NA 2023- 2023- New ICAR-
kannada science Ranganath, G. interventions to enhance 24 24 NIVEDI
J livelihood and economic
status of SC families of
Uttara Kannada
3 Uttara Animal PI: Dr. E _ Rural women dairy farmers Dairy NA 2023- 2023- New NCW,
kannada KVK Science Ranganath, G. empowerment through up- 24 24 New delhi
J gradation of skills in modern
and improved dairy farming
4 Indi KVK Animal PI : Dr E Co PI : Dr Evaluating of different - K/R/S 2023- 2023- NEW UASD-
Science Santosh Anilkumar G. treatment regimen for 24 24 Innovative
Shinde, K management of Lumpy Skin project
Disease (LSD) in cattles
5 Dharwad ACD Animal PI: Dr. A. S. T Dr B. K. Strengthening Of The 14.01 NA 2023- 2024- New RKVY
science Patil Pugashetti., Dr Livestock Health Care 14.02 24 25 Subject to
Anilkumar G. Services At Veterinary funding
K & Dr Teaching And Clinical
Jayashree Pattar Complex, UAS - Dharwad
Through Establishment Of
Hitech Imaging And Disease
Diagnostic Centre
6 Uttara Animal PI: Dr. E _ Enriched egg and meat based poultry NA 2023 2027 New NLM
kannada science Ranganath, G. co-operative backyard Subject to
J poultry farming to enhance funding
livelihood and economic

Sl. Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist- PI TREA Co-PI Experiment title Crop Season Year Year Contd. / Type of
No of of New Project
Start Close
1 DWD ACD Animal UAS Dr. Anil Kumar, T Dr. Use of Neem - Coated Urea ACD NA 2019 2023 Contd UAS/SR
Science G. K. Bhageerathi as a source of Non-Protein- -20 -24 P
Pugashetti Nitrogen (NPN) in lactating
dairy cow diets
2 DWD Animal UAS Dr. Anil Kumar, T Dr. Effect of supplementation of ACD NA 2019 2023 Contd UAS/SR
ACD Science G. K. Bhageerathi Potassium buffer on -20 -24 P
Pugashetti. lactation performance of
Dr. A.S. Patil dairy animals in field
and conditions
Dr. Jayashree
3 DWD Animal UAS Dr. Anil Kumar, T Dr. Comparison of Neem coated ACD NA 2020 2023 Contd UAS/SR
ACD Science G. K. Bhageerathi Urea and Slow Release -21 -24 P
Pugashetti. Nitroen Product in Dairy
Cow diets
4 DWD ACD Animal UAS Dr. Anil Kumar, T Dr. Effect of supplementation of ACD NA 2020 24- Contd UAS/SR
Science G. K. Bhageerathi Morigna leaves on the -21 25 P
Pugashetti., Dr. growh performance of
A.S. Patil lambs
Dr. Jayashree
5 DWD ACD Animal UAS Dr. Anil Kumar, T Dr. Nagappa, Nutritive valuation of dry ACD NA 2021 2023 Contd UAS/SR
Science G. K. Dr. fodder of different millet -22 -24 P
Bhageerathi crops
Dr. A.S. Patil
Dr. Jayashree
6 DWD ACD Animal UAS Dr. Anil Kumar, T Dr. Upgradation of small ACD NA 2020 2023 Contd RKVY
Science G. K. Bhageerathi ruminant farm infrastructure -21 -24
Pugashetti. at university of agricultural
Dr. A.S. Patil sciences, Dharwad and to
and evaluate the growth and
Dr. Jayashree breeding performance of
Pattar. Kenguri sheep breed in

intensive vs semi intensive
management conditions”
7 DWD ACD Animal UAS Dr. Anil Kumar, T Dr. Nutritive evaluation of the ACD NA 2022 2023 Contd UAS
Science G. K. Bhageerathi silage prepared from seed- -23 -24 Project
Pugashetti harvested sorghum crop
Dr. T.T. (Sorghum strawlage)
Dr. N.G.
8 DWD ACD Animal UAS Dr. A. S. Patil Dr Anilkumar Comparative Evaluation Of 1 4 .0 1 NA 2020 2023 Contd UAS
Science T G. K Dr V Surgical Techniques For And -21 -24 Project
Balaganur And Management Of Obstructive 1 4 .0 2
Dr B. K. Urolithiasis In Cattle
9 DWD ACD Animal UAS Dr. A. S. Patil T Dr Anilkumar Comparative Evaluation Of 1 4 .0 3 NA 2020 2023 Contd UAS
Science G. K Dr V Surgical Techniques For And -21 -24 Project
Balaganur And Management Of Obstructive 1 4 .0 4
Dr B. K. Urolithiasis In Rams and
Pugashetti Bucks

10 DWD ACD Animal UAS Dr. A. S. Patil T Dr Anilkumar Comparative studies on 1 4 .0 1 NA 2021 2023 Contd UAS
Science G. K Dr V different protocols for -22 -24 Project
Balaganur And treatment of squamous cell
Dr B. K. carcinoma of eye in cattle.
11 DWD ACD Animal UAS Dr. A. S. Patil T Dr B. K. Characterization Of Lesser 1 4 .0 7 NA 2022 2023 Contd UAS
Science Pugashetti Known North Karnataka -23 -24 Project
Dr Anilkumar Shepherd Terrier Dog Breed
G. K Dr - An Unexplored Canine
Jayashree Genetic Resource Of India.
Dr. V.
12 DWD KVK Animal KVK Dr Jayashree E Co-PIs: Dr Studying the effect of all all 2021 2023 Contd UASD
Science Pattar Bhageerathi, P; season on hatchability and -22 -24
Dr. A.S. Patil , growth performance of
Dr Anil Kumar, improved poultry breeds
G. K. Dr.
Jadhav and Dr.
Mahesh Kadagi

13 DWD KVK Animal KVK Dr Jayashree E Co-PIs: Dr. Development and validation all all 2021 2023 Contd UASD
Science Pattar Anil Kumar of incubation cum hatchery -24
G.K, Dr. unit for poultry production
Shubha S,
14 Animal KVK PI: Dr Venkanna E Co – PI : Dr V. Characterization Of Dairy NA 2022 2024 Continued UAS
Science Balaganur S. Kulkarni, “Guddada Dana” Cattle Of -23 -25 Project
KVK Dr. Anil Patil, North Karnataka
Pugashetty, Dr
G. K., Dr.
Ranganath G.J.
and Dr.
Santosh Shinde
15 Vijayapur ACDV Animal UAS Dr S.Y.Mukartal T Dr. Sangeeta Development of in-house ACD NS 2017 2023 Contd UASD
Science jadhav ELISA for detection of -18 -24
Mycobacterium avium
subspecies paratuberculosis
infection in animals”
Sl. Year Year
Scientist Seaso Project
No Place Est Dept Scheme TREA Co-PI Experiment title Crop of of Cnld
PI n type
. start close
1 Dharwad Poultr Animal KVK Dr. Jayashree Dharw Co-PI: Anil Dietary supplementation of Poult NA 2021 2022 Yes SRP
y Sciences Pattar ad Kumar, G. K. Azolla, Lucerne and ry -23
Moringa leaves as source of
carotenoid to poultry diet for
enhancing egg quality
2 Vijaypur Poultr Animal KVK Dr.Sangeeta.R. E Co-PI: Dr. Livelihood Enhancement Of Poult NA 2020 2022 Yes UASD,
y Sciences Jadhav Prema Patil Rural Women Through Low ry -21 -23 SCP
Cost Hatchery Unit
3 Indi ACD Animal KVK Dr. Santosh E - Evaluation of combined Goat NA 2021 2022 Yes SRP
science Shinde Azolla and Chaya Leaf meal ery -23
(CLM) as ingredients in
Goat Feed: its effect on
productive performance in
Osmanabadi Goats


Crop Season Year of Year Contd. Project

Place Est Dept. Scheme Scientist TREA Co-PI Experiment title Start of or Type
Close New
New Research Projects(Submitted for External Funding)
1. Promotion of sustainable K/R Submitted New DST
nutrition through value for
addition of underutilized funding
1. Dharwad CCSc FN DST Dr. Ravi R Dr. Jagadeesh
fruits and vegetables for rural
women in Uttar Kannada
District, Karnataka state
Mrs. Kavitha C., K/R Submitted New -
2. Screening of paddy
Dr. Jayteerth for
Dr. Hemalatha genotypes for low glycemic
2. Dharwad CCSc FPT - T Divan., funding
S index
Er. Mansurkhan
K/R Submitted New AICRP
3. Optimization of Instant
Dr. Uma N. Dr. Hemalatha S. for on
3. Dharwad CCSc FN - T Buckwheat Upma Mix
Kulkarni Dr. Suma Biradar funding potential
4. Empowering women SHG’s K/R Submitted New UASD
on millet and fruit value for
Dr, Kashibai
4. Vijayapur CCSc FN UASD T Dr.M.Y.Teggi addition for Enhancing funding

Dr. Archana G. K/R Submitted New -

Mrs.Chaitanya 5. Development of millet-based
5. Dharwad CCSc FN - T Lamdande for
Itagi sandwich spread
Mrs. Kavitha C funding
Dr. Hemalatha S. 6. Up scaling and quality K/R Submitted New -
Dr Nagappa
6. Dharwad CCSc FPT - T Dr. Archana G. evaluation of value-added for
Lamdande foxtail millet products funding
K/R Submitted New -
Dr. Archana Dr. Hemalatha S. 7. Development of Finger
7. Dharwad CCSc FPT - T for
G. Lamdande Dr. Ashwini M Millet Soup mix
K/R Submitted New -
Dr. Archana Dr. Hemalatha S. 8. Storage studies of Vegetable
8. Dharwad CCSc FPT - T for
G. Lamdande Dr. Ashwini M Beverages

PC, KVK, Indi K/R 2022 2026 Cont -
Dr. Hemalatha -
S., Establishment of lime and dry -
Dr. Sarojani K. land fruits and millet flakes -
CCSc Dr. Kashibai Dr. Uma NK, processing incubation facility -
9 Vijayapur FN - T
Khydagi Dr. Archana GL. and training center under
Dr. Ramya HG., PMFME scheme at KVK, Indi,
Mrs. Harshitha Vijayapur”
T., Mrs. Kavitha
Co PI K/R Cont
Protein isolates from
Dr. Hemalatha Dr. Archana
10 Dharwad CCSc FPT - T underutilized foods and UASD
S Lamdande,
applications in novel foods
Dr. Ramya HG
K/R Cont
Dr. Uma N. Physico- chemical composition
11 Dharwad CCSc FN - T Dr Ashok S UASD
Kulkarni of brown top millet varieties


Year Year
Sl. Contd Project
Place Est Dept Scheme Scientist TREA Co-PI Experiment title Crop Season of of
No. or New type
start close
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Dr. Rajeshwari N
Professor and Head
Dept. of ECM, CCS. Promotion of
D.A.Nithya Dr. Geeta Tamgale Technologies
Shree Assistant Professor among
1 Dharwad Teaching ECM - T Chickpea rabi 2023 2024 New SRP
Professor Dept. of ECM, CCS. Chickpea
Dept. of farmers through
ECM, CCS Dr.Ganajakshi Math WhattsApp
Principal Scientist Groups
MARS, Dharwad

Year Year Contd
Sl. Project
Place Est Dept Scheme Scientist TREA Co-PI Experiment title Crop Season of of or
No. type
start close New
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 DWD CCSc. TAD - Sadhana D. T Dr. Jyoti Vastrad Composites from non – spinnable flax fibre - - 2021 2024 Cont. UAS
Kullolli Dr. Iramma staff
Dr. Suma Mogali
Dr. Praphakar
Dr. Shivkumar
2 DWD CCSc. TAD - Sadhana D. T Dr. Ashwini. M Optimization of themodynamic properties in - - 2022 2024 Contd UAS
Kullolli dyeing cotton & silk fabric with onion peel Staff
3 DWD CCSc. TAD - Jyoti V. T - Augmentation of colourfastness of natural - - 2019 2025 Cont. UAS
Vastrad gums, binders & thickeners in textile printing staff
4 DWD CCSc. TAD - Jyoti V. T Kamrekar D. N Waste paper recycling: Quality assessment - - 2020 2025 Cont. UAS
Vastrad and product development staff
3. Dharwad CCSc TAD AICRP- Sannapapamma R PI Project Title: Value Chain Management of 2021 2024 Conti RKVY
CT KJ Banana pseudo stem and Areca nut Husk for nued
Textile application – An empowerment of
SC/ST farm families through capacity
Expt 1:Optimization of fibre extraction 2021 2024 RKVY
methods for banana pseudo stem and arecanut
Expt 2: Spinnability studies of yarn making 2021 2024 RKVY
using banana and arecanut fibre
Expt 3:Design and development of blended 2021 2024 RKVY
and union fabrics from banana yarn
Expt 4:Designing and development of
variegated fashion accessories from banana 2021 2024 RKVY
and areca yarn
Expt 5: Physical and functional properties of 2021 2024 RKVY
banana and areca non-woven
Expt 6: Optimization and characterization of
banana pseudo stem sap nano particles for 2021 2024 RKVY
textile finishing


Sl. Place Est De Scheme Scientists TR Co-PI Experimental Title Cr Sea Year Year Cont/ Type
No. pt EA op son of of New
start close
Nutri smart village programme - - Nov 2026 Cont. AICRP
Exp: 1 Modification and evaluation of - - 2023 2024 New AICRP
developed PRO-mix to
AICRP address/overcome anaemia among farm
AICRP- Channal
1. DWD MARS, - R - women and school children.
WIA Dr.Vinutha
UASD Exp: 2 Implementing nutri sensitive
agriculture through nutri garden and
Dr. Rajeshwari
nutri farming
Exp: 3 Promoting nutritional
Dr. Ravi Y
awareness and education through ICT.
Shree Anna Gram Programme – A - - Marc 2026 New AICRP
New Vista for Nutritional Security h
and Women Empowerment 2023
Obj 1: Assessment of nutritional status
Dr. of farm families in adopted villages
Sannapapamma Obj 2: Need based participatory
K.J interventions for promotion of millet
Dr.Geeta production
AICRP- Channal Obj 3: Reduction of drudgery of farm
2. DWD MARS, - R -
WIA Dr.Vinutha women in production and post harvest
Muktamath processing to enhance their income and
Dr. Rajeshwari social status
Desai Obj 4: Millet based nutritional
Dr. Ravi Y awareness and education through ICT
Obj 5:Development of Multi-
stakeholders millet value Chain
Obj 6: Impact Assessment of millet
intervention programmes
Co PI: Programme 1: Create, characterize, - - 2022 2026 AICRP
Dr. classify and maintain the repository of
Sannapap database to analyse the dynamics and
3. DWD MARS, Channal
amma K.J role of women in different sectors of
Dr.Vinuth agriculture in different agro-ecological
a regions

Muktamat Project 1: Development of repository - - 2023 2025 New AICRP
h of database to Analyze the Dynamics
Dr. and Role of Women in forestry
Rajeshwar Expt 1. Physical participation of
i Desai women and their magnitude of
Dr. Ravi involvement in forestry and major
Y allied activity of the zone.
Expt 2. Documentation of socio
economic profile of farm women
involved in forestry
Expt 3. Participation of women in
supervision of forestry activities and
major allied activity of the zone
Expt 4. Participation of women in
decision making related to forestry and
major allied activity of the zone.
Expt 5. Attitude of farm women
towards forestry sector.
Project II: Development of repository - - 2023 2025 New AICRP
of database to Analyze the Dynamics
and Role of Women in fisheries

Expt 1. Physical participation of

women and their magnitude of
involvement in fisheries of the zone.
Expt 2. Documentation of socio
economic profile of farm women
involved in fishery.
Expt 3. Participation of women in
supervision of fisheries of the zone
Expt 4. Participation of women in
decision making related to fisheries of
the zone.
Expt 5. Attitude of farm women
towards fishery
Co PI: Programme 2: Standardization of - - 2022 2026 AICRP
Dr.Geeta Techniques For Livelihood Analysis
AICRP- PI: Dr. Channal and Women Empowerment in
4. DWD MARS, - R
WIA Sannapapamma Dr.Vinuth different Agro-Ecological Zones
K. J. a Objective-2: To refine and standardize - - 2023 2024 New AICRP
Muktamat methodologies for enhancement of

h livelihood of farm women
Dr. Expt. 1: Standardize methodology for
Rajeshwar enhancement of livelihood of farm
i Desai women
Dr. Ravi Expt. 2: Assessment of capital indices
Y Expt. 3:Iidentification of appropriate
interventions through livelihood
Progarmme 3: Community-based - - 2022 2026 AICRP
technological interventions for food,
nutrition, livelihood securities &
entrepreneurship development for
farm women
Objective-2: To develop need based - - 2023 2024 New AICRP
and demand driven entrepreneurial
avenues integrating potential
technologies for entrepreneurship
Co PI: Dr. development
Expt-1: Determination of the
amma K.J
nutritional status and dietary intake of
farm women
AICRP Expt-2: Elicitation and identification of
AICRP- PI: Dr. Ravi Y. Dr.Vinuth
5. DWD MARS, - R the existing information on small scale
UASD demand driven entrepreneurial
activities among farm women
Expt-3: Promotion and upscaling of
small scale processing and value
addition entrepreneurship among farm
i Desai
Expt-4: Impart capacity building
programmes using innovative extension
methods for entrepreneurship
development of FWIGs
Expt-5: Establishment of the market
network for developed products by
developing standardized
entrepreneurship modules
PI: Dr. Co PI: Programme 4: Vulnerability - - 2022 2025 AICRP
AICRP- Rajeshwari Dr. Framework and Drudgery Reduction
6. DWD MARS, - R
WIA Desai Sannapap for Women in Agriculture
amma K.J Objective 1: To assess the vulnerability - - 2022 - Cont. AICRP

Dr.Geeta indices for Climate change and
Channal occupational drudgery of farm women
Dr.Vinuth in various agro-climatic regions to
a identify gender gaps.
Muktamat Expt.1. Assessment of vulnerability of - - 2023 2024 New AICRP
h the farm families in terms of livelihood,
Dr. Ravi health, psycho-socio-emotional,
Y education and economic factors.
(vulnerability conceptual framework)
Expt.2. Collection of Anthropometric
and grip strength data of farm women
Expt.3.Study on gender participation
and identification of drudgery prone
women exclusive activity in agri/horti
production system

Expt.4. An ergonomic study and

drudgery analysis of existing method of
drudgery prone women exclusive
activity in agri/horti production system

Objective 2: To study two farm tools - - 2023 2024 New AICRP

developed and validated by AICRP and
identify the gaps for drudgery reduction
Expt.1. Study the physiological
workload of farm women while
performing transplanting activity in
existing and improved method
Expt.2. Assessment of drudgery
experienced by the farm women while
performing transplanting activity in
existing method and improved method
Expt.3. Find out the physiological
workload of farm women while
performing harvest/post harvest activity
in existing and improved method

Expt.4. Assessment of drudgery

experienced by the farm women while

performing harvest/post harvest activity
in existing method and improved

Programme 5:Assessment, - - 2022 2025 AICRP

refinement and popularization of
gender friendly technologies and skill
enhancement of farm women
Objective-2:To refine/test and optimize - - 2023 2024 New AICRP
the gender friendly models for skill
Co PI: enhancement
Dr. Expt 1: Refinement/testing and
Sannapap optimizing the gender based
amma K.J technologies emphasizing clean and
AICRP PI: Dr.Vinutha Dr.Geeta green initiatives.
7. DWD MARS, - Muktamath R Channal Expt 2: Refining/testing and
UASD Dr. optimizing the gender based
Rajeshwar technologies emphasizing agri and
i Desai allied sectors.
Dr. Ravi Expt 3: Refining/testing and
Y optimizing the gender based
technologies emphasizing secondary
Expt 4: Refining/testing and
optimizing the gender based modules to
enhance family income to support
family systems.


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