1 M Quality-Manual-for-Juarez-Site
1 M Quality-Manual-for-Juarez-Site
1 M Quality-Manual-for-Juarez-Site
Quality Manual
ISO 9001:2015
Quality Management System
Document Control
Table of Contents
APPROVALS: ............................................................................................................................ 6
SCOPE ...................................................................................................................................... 7
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Quality Manual
OPTRON de Mexico S.A de C.V. hereafter OPTRON Management maintains the latest version
of this manual for the Quality Management System and for OPTRON employees’ use in Q-Pulse
system (QP).
Requests for changes should be submitted to Management. Updates of the manual are issued
as required. The online version of this quality manual is available to all employees via computers.
The online version is to be considered the most current and takes precedence over any printed
It is the responsibility of the Department Heads to ensure that employees are familiar with the
manual’s content related to their work and responsibilities, and that they are kept informed of
any changes and updates.
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fiber optic data communication applications. Sensors can be standard product or custom made
to customer’s specification.
This quality manual describes the Quality Management System of OPTRON. Its purpose is:
• for internal use, to communicate to employees the company’s Quality Policy and quality
objectives, to make the employees familiar with the method of compliance with ISO 9001
requirements, to facilitate the implementation and maintenance of the Quality Management
System and to ensure its continuity and required updates during changing circumstances, to
provide effective communication and control of quality related activities and a documented base
for quality system audits.
• for external use, to inform OPTRON customers and other interested external partners about
OPTRON Quality Policy, OPTRON implemented Quality Management System, and measures
of compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001.
This Quality Management System described hereafter complies with all the requirements of ISO
9001, is focused on the enhancement of customer satisfaction through continual improvement
of processes and products and demonstrates compliance with customer and regulatory
The scope of the Quality Management System covers the design and new product introduction
process in E. Plano Parkway, Suite 200, Plano TX. and manufacturing of sensor systems, the
manufacture of custom-made piece parts and final product at OPTRON manufacturing site.
OPTRON de Mexico Quality Management System meets all requirements of ISO 9001.
Exclusions / Justifications:
Exclusions as applied to the OPTRON manufacturing site are all those as related to the Product
Design Functions, such functions are based at OPTRON Technology Plano Texas site where
the company headquarters are located. The processes about New Product Introduction are
initiated and controlled from OPTRON’s Plano Texas facility. Appropriate communication
channels exist between the Design site and the Manufacturing site for product documentation,
product validation and product change approvals. Ultimate approval of product changes remains
at the Design Product Engineering Function out of OPTRON.
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Applicable Standards
The content and application of this quality manual makes reference to the following publications
and related documents:
• ISO 9001:2015
• ISO/IEC 80079-34
The quality manual includes the scope of the Quality Management System and makes reference
to applicable operating procedures and other pertinent documents. JRZ.MAP-2 Process
Map#057 is a description of the Quality Management System interaction of processes.
Referenced specific procedures or MAP’s may vary from site to site.
Management Structure
The management at OPTRON is led by the Sensors and Specialist Components Division
leadership which consist of VP Operations and General Manager. Reporting directly to the
VP/GM are VP Engineering, Global Sales Director, VP Quality, Strategic Sourcing Director,
and Site Directors. Reporting dotted line to VP/GM are VP Human Resources and VP
Corporate Responsibility
TT Electronics maintains corporate responsibility policies and periodically communicates to
• TT Electronics Statement of Values and Business Ethics Code
• Anti-Bribery & Corruption (ABC)
• TT Bribery Act Group Policy
Process Owners
Process owners are responsible for management of the organization processes and related
outputs, process owners understand their roles and are competent to perform those roles.
Process owners are assigned to functional department heads for Top Management,
Maintenance, Production, Control, Purchasing, Logistics, Continuous Improvement, Process
Engineering, Human Resources, Finance, Quality, Information Technology, HS&E Sales, and
Customer Service.
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1 Management Processes
b) It is the responsibility of the Management and Department Heads to ensure that the
sequence and interaction of processes or activities of this Quality Management System
are determined in a suitable manner, utilizing tools such as process maps, quality plans,
flow charts, operating procedures, etc.
d) It is the responsibility of the division EVP, Management, and the Department Heads to
ensure that the necessary human and material resources, as well as the necessary
information, are available to ensure the effective operation and control of the processes
of the Quality Management System.
f) It is the responsibility of the Management and Department Heads to ensure that the
processes / activities which are part of the Quality Management System are monitored,
measured, and analyzed regarding their achievement of planned results.
g) As required, the Management and Department Heads ensure that action is taken to
obtain expected results of processes/activities, as well as the continual improvement of
these processes/activities.
h) In the event that processes, which affect product conformity, are outsourced,
purchasing via Supplier Quality establishes and implements the necessary controls for
approval processes to ensure conformance to specified requirements. These
implemented controls however do not absolve OPTRON from the responsibility of
supplying products that meet customer requirements.
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1) The Quality Manual, describing the Quality Management System of OPTRON and its
compliance with ISO 9001
In addition, records are created as required by ISO 9001, as well as records necessary
to meet other internal and external requirements.
It is the responsibility of Management to ensure the availability of corporate documents
of the Quality Management System.
It is the responsibility of the Department Heads to ensure the development and availability
of documented procedures, work instructions, operating instructions and any other
documents related to their departments, that are necessary to ensure the effective
implementation, control and functioning of the Quality Management System and its
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Stewart Partridge
Vice President / General Manager
The output of these planning activities includes the identification of required resources.
As appropriate, results from audits of the Quality Management System are considered.
Planning activities are documented and are consistent with other requirements of the
Quality Management System.
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Note: The Quality Planning Team under the responsibility of the Manufacturing
Department performs Quality planning for manufacturing process activities.
Each Department Head develops and maintains a process map, flow chart, quality plan
or operating procedure, etc. as required for his/her department, showing the workflow of
the department as well as evidence of compliance with the requirements of the quality
Planning of the quality system includes the risks and opportunities that need to be
addressed to:
a) Give assurance that the quality management system can achieve the intended results.
b) Enhance desirable effects.
c) Prevent or reduce un-desirable effects.
d) Achieve improvements.
e) Integrate and implement actions into the quality management system processes.
f) Evaluate the effectiveness of the actions.
Risk analysis
Risk analysis includes lessons learned from product recalls, product audits, filed returns
and repairs, complaints, scrap and rework as applicable.
If necessary, the Department Head can transfer the nonconformity to the Quality
Planning Team for review and action.
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In the event of nonconformity in production, all personnel are responsible for product
quality and have the authority to stop production in order to correct any quality
problems. It is ensured that an employee responsible for quality is present at all times
during production.
Management ensures that production operations on all shifts are staffed with
personnel in charge of or, delegated responsibility for insuring conformity to product
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Product Engineering:
• Recommendations for corporate quality objectives, including quality objectives
for other departments
• Quality planning activities
• Product design and development
• Communication with customers on technical issues
• Customer prototype support
• Selection of Special Characteristics
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• Recommendations for corporate quality objectives, including quality objectives
for other departments
• Special training requirements for production
• Production resources planning
• Issues related to customer supplied product
• Ensures customer requirements are met.
• Recommendations for corporate quality objectives, including quality objectives
for other departments
• Quality planning activities
• Communication with sales task force or customer service of on corrective
• Corrective and preventive action
• Customer score cards
• Authority to stop shipments and stop production to correct correction of quality
Process Engineering:
• Recommendations for corporate quality objectives, including quality objectives
for other departments
• Quality planning activities
• Communication with quality, sales task force and customer service on technical
• Customer prototype support
• Selection of Special Characteristics
• Capacity analysis
Human Resources:
• Provides training needed to achieve quality objectives
• Logistics information (outgoing)
• Logistics information (incoming)
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Consideration is given to capability and constraints of internal resources and what needs
to be obtained from external providers.
Employees are made aware of the importance and the impact of their work in relation
to product quality, the quality policy, to the achievement of quality objectives and
customer satisfaction and how their contribution affects the performance and
effectiveness of the quality system and the benefits of improved performance, and the
implications of not conforming to the quality management system requirements.
Records of employees’ education, experience and other qualifications are maintained.
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Management establishes and maintains the documented procedure JRZ.PRO-577
(245-0015-M01) for identifying training needs and for providing required training to
employees who are performing activities affecting product quality. The procedure
includes training for the fulfillment of specific customer requirements. The HR
Representative provides training for safety and the handling of hazardous materials.
HR prepares annual training plans thru prioritization and according to budget to
address training needs as identified by department heads including awareness and
achieving competence of all personnel performing activities affecting conformity to
product and process requirements.
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Records for providing evidence that manufacturing processes, and manufactured product
meet requirements are defined and specified. Confidentiality
Confidentiality of information and data about customer-contracted products/projects is
ensured JRZ.MAP-9 (Process Map #065).
The management review ensures the continuing suitability, adequacy, effectiveness, and
alignment with the strategic direction of the organization.
This review covers all clauses of the Quality Management System. As required,
Department Heads and employees are invited to attend the meeting when issues of
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his/her area of responsibility are discussed. The person(s) responsible for the
ATEX/IECEx quality systems, as defined in 99-00726-088, shall participate in the review.
Management prepares the agenda of upcoming meetings, ensures that the required data
and documents are available for management review, writes the minutes of the meeting,
and informs results to the Department Heads and individuals concerned and follows-up
on required actions resulting from these meetings. Management is kept informed on the
status of follow-up activities. Records of management reviews are maintained.
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Established quality objectives are consistent with the Quality Policy, are measurable, take
into account applicable requirements, be relevant to conformity of products and services,
enhance customer satisfaction, are monitored, are communicated, are updated as
appropriate include - as appropriate - objectives to meet product-customer requirements
(see 1.1.10), and are defined in such a way that their degree of achievement and results
can be measured.
Determination is made about what will are done, what resources are required, who is
responsible, when will they be completed, how the results will be evaluated.
Quality objectives for Manufacturing and Quality are related to the performance of
The completion and achievement of yearly quality objectives included in the business
plan and departmental quality objectives are reviewed during management review
regarding their level of achievement.
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The translation from a Corporate Quality Initiative to a measurable index for demonstrating
results and continual improvement is demonstrated in the following example:
The end result of this process is to clearly tie the business plan into operational
terms that have meaning to front line personnel at all levels within the organization.
Our business objectives are our Quality Objectives.
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Based on internal and external audit results and statistics issued by Management
JRZ.MAP-7(Process Map #069), these quality initiatives are reviewed during
management reviews regarding their continuing suitability.
Key metrics are defined from such subjects as Safety, Quality, Delivery, Cost, and
Inventory. Tier meetings are set for continual monitoring of performance to key metrics,
and the identification of actions where appropriate thru the PDCA cycle.
New processes are evaluated thru process capability studies on key special
characteristics to verify process capability and provide additional input to process
Process flows or product routings, PFMEA’s and control plans are implemented by
product or by product families as applicable. Significant process events such as tool
change or machine repair are recorded.
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In addition, trends in quality and operational performance are compared with progress
toward objectives and lead to action to support: the development of priorities to resolve
customer-related problems, to determine customer related trends and correlation for
status review, decision making and longer-term planning, and an information system for
reporting of product information related to usage.
It is the responsibility of Management to form and implement a Quality Planning Team for
the handling of assigned activities related to the Quality Management System. Members
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should be from Quality, Manufacturing, Engineering, Sales, Purchasing and any other
additional members deemed necessary.
The purpose of the Quality Planning Team is to review, analyze and make final decisions
on Corrective Action Requests JRZ.PRO-587 (245-0024-M01) and Quality Improvement
Proposals, to make recommendations for preventive actions and quality improvements,
to coordinate and implement preventive actions and quality improvement projects,
monitor results, and to provide a forum for any quality issue which requires a cross-
functional approach. Nonconformities and deficiencies are analyzed, root causes are
determined and required action is taken or recommended as appropriate.
The objectives of the corporate Quality Policy are taken into consideration for planning of
improvement. During Management Reviews, its outputs, and the effectiveness of
continual improvement for the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the quality
management system is reviewed and opportunities for improvement are identified.
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1.3 Communication
Internal and external communication related to the planning of products and processes
JRZ.MAP-9 (Process Map #065) is defined by Engineering and/or Sales and/or the quality
planning team, as applicable.
Written and verbal communications are made in the language agreed with the customer.
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Internal audits take into consideration the importance of the processes concerned,
changes affecting the organization and the results of previous audits.
Internal audits are prioritized based on risk, internal and external performance trends, and
criticality of the processes. Where applicable, software development capability
assessments are included in the internal audit program.
Management selects the auditors and ensures that they have required experience and
knowledge to perform auditing activities.
Audits are scheduled based on the importance of the activity to be audited. Audit activities
are assigned to personnel not responsible for the area or activity to be audited. Frequency
of audits is reviewed, and where appropriate adjusted based on occurrence of process
changes, internal or external nonconformities, and/or customer complaints. The
effectiveness of the audit program is reviewed as part of management review.
Audit results are recorded, and corrective action is taken as required. Where applicable,
follow-up audits are conducted to ensure that corrective action was implemented and is
The entire quality system processes are audited on a three-year calendar period
according to an annual program using the process approach. Integrated to these audits
are samples of customer specific quality management system requirements for effective
Internal auditors are competent and consider customer requirements. Quality system
auditors, manufacturing process auditors and product auditors have competence on:
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Second party audits (where applicable) are conducted by competent, qualified internal
Quality System auditors.
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Corrective actions are appropriate to the importance and impact of the addressed
It is the responsibility of the Department Heads to inform the Sales/ Customer Service
department of all customer complaints JRZ.MAP-8 (Process Map#068) and related
corrective actions.
Customer specific prescribed processes, tools and systems for problem solving will
be applied where applicable and specifically required by customers. Error-Proofing
As appropriate, error-proofing methods are applied in the corrective action process
to prevent recurrence of the problem. And as part of the preventive action process
thru FMEAS. Challenge parts a
re identified, controlled, and verified.
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Department Heads analyze and evaluate data of statistics and perform periodic reviews
of procedures JRZ.MAP-4 (Process Map #061) to detect deficiencies and problems and
to take preventive action as required.
PFMEA’s are used as a tool for preventive actions, daily monitors of the Manufacturing
factors allow for identification of conditions that may potentially create a non-conformity.
2 Realization Processes:
Potential new or modification to standard products will be reviewed per the New or
Modified Standard Product Selection Procedure (99-00726-086) prior to the design and
implementation into manufacturing.
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Based on sales forecast and/or other special requirements documented by the Sales
department, Manufacturing prepares production schedules and material requirement
reports to ensure availability of product for the fulfillment of customer orders.
Waiving the requirement for a formal review requires customer approval. Manufacturing
feasibility is analyzed, and a risk analysis is performed, confirmed, and documented (217-
0020-001). The results of reviews and required actions are documented.
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If there is a need for a design and /or development of a new standard product or for a
change of the design or manufacturing process of a new standard product, the New or
Modified Standard Product Selection Procedure (99-00726-086) will be followed.
Design and development activities focus on error prevention rather than error detection.
It is the responsibility of the Project Team Leader to ensure the effective communication
and distribution of information between the team members and other functions
participating in the planning process.
As the planning process develops, planning output is updated as appropriate, and thru
the gate review process of New Product Introduction.
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includes product design output data, targets for productivity, capability, cost, and
customer requirements, as applicable (Design Control Handbook).
Progress and end results of design and development planning (such as effectiveness,
costs, lead time) are recorded at defined stages of the planning and are submitted to
Management for input to management reviews.
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2.3 Purchasing
Depending on the effect of the purchased product on the final product or production
processes, the type of control applied to the supplier and the method used for verification
of purchased product are identified and established by Engineering and/or Quality.
Production materials, products and services are only purchased from approved suppliers.
Suppliers are evaluated and selected according to defined selection criteria and their
ability to supply product that meets specified requirements. Records of evaluation and
selection of suppliers as well as related actions are maintained by Supplier Quality
Engineering (SQE) and/or Supplier Quality Development (SQD).
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In the event that OPTRON or one of OPTRON’s customers wants to verify purchased
product at the supplier’s premises, these verification requirements and/or the method of
product release are requested and defined by either Engineering, Quality or Sales, and
are specified either in the purchase order and/or part specification. Verification activities
at the supplier’s premises are coordinated through the Purchasing and/or Quality
department. Verification at supplier’s site does not exclude subsequent rejection after
receipt at OPTRON or OPTRON’s customer.
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2.4.1 Infrastructure
The required infrastructure and resources for manufacturing activities are identified
during quality planning JRZ,MAP-9 (Process Map #065). As applicable, this includes
building facilities, necessary workspace, and utilities as well as needed equipment and
services such as maintenance, warehousing and transportation, information, and
communication technologies.
• Human factors
• Operator and line balance
• Availability of supplies
• Use of automation
• Work plans
• Capacity planning
• Lean manufacturing
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The HR Representative forms the Health and Safety Committee that includes
representatives of applicable areas. Any issues or concerns regarding health and
safety of processes are reported to the departmental representative.
Product safety is addressed during the design and development process under the
responsibility of Engineering.
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The responsible Department Head ensures that customer owned product is identified,
stored, used, handled, and shipped in an appropriate manner to ensure its suitable
condition for use.
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If monitoring and measuring devices are found out of calibration, previous measuring
results are reviewed regarding their validity. Corrective action on the measuring device
or product affected is taken, including recall of nonconforming product, if required.
Prior to the use of computer software for monitoring and measuring activities, it is
verified and confirmed that the software produces defined results. Records of these
verifications are maintained
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It is also the responsibility of the Manufacturing department to ensure that the work
environment is appropriate for the work being performed and meets statutory
requirements. The HR Representative is responsible for compliance with regulatory
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• The methods used for monitoring applied controls over special characteristics
(customer/OPTEK Technology Inc./OPTRON)
• Customer-required information
• The reaction plan to be initiated when the process becomes unstable or not
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Quarterly, the inventory turnover rate is calculated, and corrective action is taken in
case that the turnover rate is below the established minimum.
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The quality planning team establishes procedures for the review, approval, and
requirements of these processes, including - as applicable: criteria for review and
approval, approval of equipment and qualified personnel, the use of methods and
procedures, required records, and re-validation in case that expected results are not
Attention is given to special processes where the results cannot be verified through
measurement or testing, where deficiencies become apparent when the product is
already in use.
2.5.6 Preservation
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The inventory turnover rate is periodically reviewed, and corrective action is taken in
the event that the turnover rate is below the established minimum.
When processing shipping orders (217-0014-001), the staff in Warehousing ensures
that FIFO is applied.
Control plans and process flow diagrams are implemented, including adherence to
specified measurement techniques, sampling plans, acceptance criteria and reaction
Important events that are occurring during production, such as down times are
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Product is not released until all specified requirements have been met, unless
otherwise approved by an authorized function - and where applicable by the customer.
The warehouse staff performs a visual inspection of outgoing product to ensure that
the product and packaging is in good condition and that marking and labeling
requirements are met.
In the event that purchased product is released for urgent production prior to
inspection and acceptance by Quality, the product is recorded and controlled in order
to permit recall and replacement in case of nonconformity of the product.
Product that does not meet specified requirements is rejected and quarantined per
established documented procedure.
Inspection results are recorded, and records are maintained. These inspection records
document acceptance criteria, inspection results, whether the product was accepted
or rejected and the inspection authority responsible for the product release.
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If the acceptance with or without repair requires the concession of the customer or the
approval or permit of a regulatory body or other authority, Manufacturing ensures that
the required concession is received prior to initiation of the repair.
As appropriate and required, the customer is notified by Sales of the proposed use or
repair of nonconforming product. Where applicable, Manufacturing ensures that the
reworked product is identified with the actual condition of the product, including the
customer’s release authorization.
In the event that nonconforming product is detected after the product was shipped to
the customer, or after its use in production or service, the Engineering department
with Manufacturing & Quality and Sales department analyze the impact of the
nonconformity and take appropriate action. As required, the customer is informed, and
the nonconforming product is recalled.
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35, 44 051689 A 2007/May/3 Added prototype process maps #015, #016 to M.T.
section .
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Resource Management
Provision of Resources 1.1.8
Human Resources 1.1.9
Competence, awareness & training
Product design skills
Training on the job
Employee motivation & empowerment
Infrastructure 2.4.1
Plant, facility & equipment planning
Contingency plans
Work Environment
Personnel safety to achieve product quality
Cleanliness of premises
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Product Realization
Planning of Product Realization 1.1.10
Planning of product realization - supplemental
Acceptance criteria
Change Control
Determination of Requirements 2.1.1
Customer designated special characteristics 2.1.1
Review of Requirements related to the product 2.1.2
Review of Requirements related to the product - Suppl. 2.1.2
Organization manufacturing feasibility 2.1.2
Customer Communication 1.3.2
Design & Development 2.2.1
Product Safety 2.2.13
Purchasing 2.3.1
Control of Production Provision 2.5.3
Validation of Processes 2.5.4
Identification & Traceability 2.5.5
Customer Property 2.4.3
Preservation 2.5.6
Control of Monitoring & Measurement Devices 2.4.4
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