Certification Program
Certification Policy
Version 1.0
June 2018
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1.4 Fees
The Certification Authority charges fees for the certification of professionals. These fees are published on
the Certification Authority’s website.
Accredited Certification Program A certification program, operated by a group of people under the leadership of
(ACP) a Certification Program Manager, that has successfully completed the
accreditation process and for which the organization has been notified in
writing by the Certification Authority that accreditation has been achieved.
Depending on context, the term is also used to mean the company or
organizational unit that operates an Accredited Certification Program.
Board Member A Certified Professional who agrees to participate in Peer Review Boards at the
request of the Certification Authority.
Board Members must have been certified unanimously by their Peer Review
Boards, and their Peer Review Boards must have unanimously recommended
that they be invited to become Board Members.
Certificate The credential made available to Candidates who have successfully completed
the certification process and whose details have been entered into the Register
of Certified Professionals.
Certification Agreement The agreement between the Candidate and the Certification Authority that
defines the certification service to be provided and contains the legal
commitment by the Candidate to the conditions of the Program.
Certification Badge The digital credential issued to a Candidate that demonstrates successful
achievement of certification within a Profession.
Certification Logo The logo or other trademarks as designated from time to time by The Open
Group for use by Certified Professionals in accordance with the terms of the
Trademark License Agreement.
Certification Package The detailed description of the evidence for the skill levels and experience
attained that provides the Certification Authority or Accredited Certification
Program with sufficient information to determine whether the Candidate meets
the Conformance Requirements. The Certification Package is never made
The Certification Package is assembled by the Certification Authority or the
Accredited Certification Program after all Milestone Application Forms and the
Experience Application Form have been approved and is then submitted to a
Peer Review Board for review.
Certification Record The information identifying the Candidate, including contact details, and
identifying the Profession in which the person is certified, together with a
description of the way in which the Candidate meets the Conformance
Requirements, including the Candidate’s level(s) of certification, and their
The Certification Record of a Certified Professional is made available by the
Certification Authority at the discretion of the Certified Professional.
Certification System Deficiency An agreed error in the certification system, which is inhibiting the certification
(CSD) process. A Certification System Deficiency is one possible outcome of a
Problem Report.
Certified Professional A person who has been notified in writing by the Certification Authority that
they have successfully completed the process to achieve certification in the
Program and such certification has not lapsed or been revoked.
Direct Certification Direct Certification is achieved by applying directly to The Open Group, or to a
third party operating the Program on behalf of The Open Group, and
successfully completing the certification process.
Direct Certification is open to any Candidate, regardless of who they work for,
or where in the world they live and work.
Evaluation Process The documented process by which the Certification Authority and Peer Review
Board together determine whether a Candidate meets the Conformance
Evaluation Process Deficiency An agreed error in the Evaluation Process that is inhibiting the certification
(EPD) process. An Evaluation Process Deficiency is one possible outcome of a
Problem Report.
Experience Application Form The Experience Application Form is a template document provided by the
Certification Authority to allow Candidates to describe how their experience
meets the Profession’s Experience Requirements.
Experience Requirements The Experience Requirements for each Profession define the amount of
experience a Candidate must have as a practitioner in their chosen
Discipline/Stream/Specialization to achieve certification.
Interpretation (INT) Decision made by the Specification Authority that elaborates or refines the
meaning of the Conformance Requirements, Certification Policy, Accreditation
Policy, Accreditation Requirements, or a standard or best practice referenced
therein. An Interpretation is one possible outcome of a Problem Report.
Milestone Application Form A Milestone Application Form is a template document provided by the
Certification Authority to allow Candidates to describe how their experience
meets the Profession’s Conformance Requirements required for a Milestone, as
defined in the Profession’s Configuration Document. For each Profession, there
are different Milestone Application Forms for each different type of Milestone.
Milestone Badge The digital credential issued to a Candidate who has reached a Milestone.
Register of Certified The official list of all Certified Professionals, which is maintained by the
Professionals Certification Authority and made publicly available on the Certification
Authority’s website.
Specification Authority (SA) The Open Group working group(s) responsible for developing, maintaining,
and interpreting the Certification Policy, Conformance Requirements,
Configuration Documents, Accreditation Policy, and Accreditation
Requirements of the Program and each of the Professions within it..
Trademark License Agreement The agreement between the Certified Professional and The Open Group that
(TMLA) contains the legal commitment to the conditions for use of the Certification
Figure 2
Figure 4
Figure 5
When ready to do so, the Candidate may upload the completed Experience Application Form to the
Certification Authority’s website.
The Candidate’s Experience Application Form will not be made public.
Figure 6
The Peer Review Board will evaluate each certification application and make a written recommendation
to the Certification Authority regarding certification. At least two (2) of the three members of the Peer
Review Board assigned to an application must concur with the recommendation to certify. Should an
application be assessed as non-conforming, the Peer Review Board will state the reasons in writing and
provide a written description of the deficiencies for the Certification Authority to pass to the Candidate to
facilitate future enhancement to the Candidate’s compliance to the Conformance Requirements.
5.2 Visibility
A Certified Professional may at any time specify whether their Certification Record is displayed in the
public Register of Certified Professionals or kept private and how much of their information is visible
publicly, unless the professional is associated with an Accredited Certification Program that places
specific requirements on a Certified Professional’s visibility. By default, entries in the Register are listed
with minimal contact information, though a Certified Professional may choose to make additional contact
information visible.
A Certified Professional may choose to keep some or all of their certification information private.
Customers and prospective customers of a Certified Professional or their employer must be able to verify
that someone they have been sent, or whose services they have been offered, is indeed certified.
Therefore, a Certified Professional may specify credentials that they can provide to such individuals to
allow them to query the web-based Register of Certification Professionals and view select private
information in the Certification Record.
Accredited Certification Programs may elect to have their Certified Professionals not listed publicly in the
Register or to have the basic information of the Certified Professional made public. Accredited
Certification Programs may also elect to prevent the Certified Professionals they employ altering the
visibility of their Certification Records.
The Certification Authority will not disclose any information about a Certified Professional without their
A Candidate’s Milestone Application Form, Experience Application Form, and Certification Package will
not be made public by the Certification Authority, or by an Accredited Certification Program.