Impaired Skin Integrity

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Jessa Mae G.


Name of Patient: Argallon, Maria Gopinath Araneta Rm 336B Age: 44 yrs old

Assessment Nursing Expected Nursing Interventions Rationale Evaluation

Diagnosis Outcomes

Subjective: Impaired Within 8 hours of Independent:

Skin Integrity nursing - Conduct a - To monitor
“Nakuyawan man r/t decreased interventions, patient thorough skin particular areas
ko aning aking tissue will be able to assessment with wound and to
samad basin perfusion maintain intact skin prevent further
mugrabe ni ba secondary to integrity as worsening of the
tungod sa DM type 2 evidenced by: condition
- No signs of - Assess skin - To monitor for any
Objective: infection turgor decrease tissue
noted perfusion
- Open - Demonstratio
wound on n of effective - Assess mobility - To provide
the upper wound care status of the appropriate
and lower - Verbalize patient activities to prevent
extremitie signs and further skin
s with symptoms of breakdown caused
yellowish infection and by pressure and
discharge necrosis shearing
and foul - Verbalize
smell proper - Monitor patient’s - Diabetes may
- Redness nutrition for blood glucose increase chances
around wound of infection and
wound healing contribute to severe
site - Timely complications by
- Itchiness healing of slowing down
around wounds healing process
wound without - Position the - To prevent or
site complication patient relieve pressure
- Skin warm s comfortably
to touch
- Poor skin - Keep the skin - Monitor discharge
turgor >3 clean and dry from wound and
secs change linens and
diaper to avoid
Laboratory irritation of the skin
Results due to secretions

RBS: 125 mg/dL - Encourage proper - To contribute to a

nutrition much faster healing
Gram Stain: process. Protein
PMN/Pus Cells: intake, vitamins A,
Many C and E and zinc
Epithelial: Few support wound
Rare Gram: (+) healing
- Educate on - To prevent
Albumin serum: diabetic unnoticed wounds
1.90 neuropathy and that may lead to
importance of infection
Vital signs daily check
T: 36.1
B/P: 120/65 - Educate about - To monitor wound
mmHg the signs and and prevent further
O2 sat: 97% symptoms of infection
RR: 18 cpm infection
PR: 70 bpm
- Educate about - To promote
proper wound independence and
care reduce risk of
- Administer - To prevent/treat
antibiotics as infection
prescribed by the

- Provide wound - To promote wound

dressing as healing and monitor
ordered by the for any signs of
doctor infection

- Collaborate with - To promote health
the dietitian about nutrition and
the appropriate facilitate hydration
diet for a faster healing

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