Impaired Skin Integrity
Impaired Skin Integrity
Impaired Skin Integrity
S> “Nagsakit dayta buo The nursing diagnosis is STO: After 8 hours of Dx: STO: Goal met, After 8
nga kannigid nga sakak Impaired Skin Integrity nursing intervention, the >Assess the site of impaired >Redness, swelling, pain, hours of nursing
tissue integrity and its burning, and itching are
pirmi ta nalaplap na” since our skin is our first patient will report altered condition indications of inflammation and
intervention patient
line of defense against pain at the site of tissue the body's immune system reports a pain scale of
O> Facial Grimace noted threats from the external impairment and a pain response to localized tissue 1/10.
> Local pain, having a pain environment. A break in scale of less than 5/10. trauma or impaired tissue
scale of 5/10 tissue integrity is usually integrity.
>Assess changes in body >Fever is a systemic
> Tenderness on the burn repaired by the body very temperature and the patient’s manifestation of inflammation
site well. However, there are level of pain and may indicate the presence
> Guarding behavior on circumstances that it of infection. Pain is part of the
the burn site doesn't repair it at all and normal inflammatory process.
> Exposed skin, red in replaces the damaged Thx:
color tissue with connective >Perform sterile dressing >To avoid the spread of
> Vital signs are as tissue. When tissue technique during wound care infection on the affected site.
follows: integrity is left untreated, >Apply wet dressing first, and >Saturating dressings will ease
BP – 140/80 mmHg it could cause local or dry dressing after the removal by loosening
BT – 36.9°C systemic infection. adherents and decreasing pain,
especially with burns.
PR – 81 bpm Dep:
RR – 20 cpm > Administer antibiotics as per >To treat or prevent some
SPO2 – 95% doctor’s order types of bacterial infection.
They work by killing bacteria or
preventing them from
reproducing and spreading.
NURSING DIAGNOSIS: > Monitor proper regulation of >To ensure that there is
Impaired Skin Integrity IV fluid adequate fluid for the patient
related to tissue trauma to avoid dehydration
LTO: Upon discharge, Ed: LTO: Goal met, upon
injured site will decrease >Instruct and educate the >To avoid complications of the discharge, the injured part
patient to always perform injury and avoid the spread of
in size and will increase proper hygiene and hand infection
totally healed and
granulation tissue, and washing technique decreased in size, and the
patient will be able to patient demonstrates
demonstrate >Educate the patient regarding >To have enough knowledge preparation plans for
understanding of plan to the tissue healing processes for the patient to prevent safety and does have
and to have planning for safety further injuries and to learn
heal tissue and prevent and risks that might happen. about tissue healing and proper knowledge about his
injury. wound care injury on how it will heal.