Joel Amato
Executive Director NUMBER 1
Michael Pischke
Assistant Executive Director - Administrative
Gary Scribner
Assistant Executive Director - Technical
Wendy White
Communications Director
Brandon Sofsky
Design Manager
Rob Troutt
John Burpee
1st Vice Chair ON THE COVER:
Milton Washington
2nd Vice Chair
The BULLETIN turns 80.
Eben Creaser
Member at Large
Donnie LeSage
Member at Large
Matthew Sansone
Member at Large
Rick Sturm
Member at Large
Phillip Cole
Representing authorized inspection agencies
(insurance companies)
Michael Quisenberry
Representing National Board stamp holders
13 No Hot Showers
The National Board BULLETIN is
published three times a year by The
National Board of Boiler and Pressure
Ve s s e l I n s p e c t o r s , 1 0 5 5 C r u p p e r
s we navigate our way through these ever-changing times, I have found a method
that works very well when considering new ideas, creating new ideas, and updat-
ing old and outdated processes. It’s called “Yes” space.
I would like to take credit for this idea, but it comes from a book that I read: “The Im-
provisation Edge,” by Karen Hough. She talks about creating “Yes” space. This promotes
employees to bring their ideas forward and empowers employees to be part of the team.
Encouraging people to bring new ideas forward can spark some very interesting conver-
sations! This does not mean that we must use every idea, but just by listening, we can
find new and better ways of doing things. Many of these ideas have helped us improve
efficiency and save National Board dollars. Some ideas. . .well, let’s just say they might be
fun, but they may not be appropriate. For instance, installing a margarita machine at work
sounds like a great idea, but may be counterproductive.
The great part about using this process is that you get the perspective of the company
processes from the employees’ point of view. We have had many suggestions for how to
improve our day-to-day operations from our employees, and we have implemented many
of them. This has resulted in improved morale, time savings, and money savings.
One great example of utilizing user input is the creation of JRS, built by the industry for
the industry. When we decided to create the JRS Inspection software, we formed a task
group of industry users. We then solicited their input on what they believed would make
a superior product. They provided us with the key requirements needed to build the soft-
ware that will benefit all users.
Our cover story this edition celebrates the 80th anniversary of the BULLETIN. Coming up
with content each year can be challenging, but this is where the “Yes” space has served
the publication well. Each year our Communications Department leads an annual editorial
meeting with staff writers and other employees to brainstorm story ideas and topics for
the next several editions. Some of our best articles have been the result of ideas gener-
ated in this meeting. It could be easy to go into these meetings and reject ideas that are
outside of the norm of what we write about, but by listening to one another and sharing
in discussion, we create a “Yes” space where our technical staff are encouraged to bring
fresh topics forward, which helps us continue to evolve the BULLETIN into an effective
and informative publication.
Another great thing about “Yes” space is that it works well with family, friends, and even
your kids! It seems these days that no matter what I suggest, my 14-year-old son feels
the need to disagree with me. So, to help prevent arguments, we just create a little “Yes”
space. I’ve learned that at 14 he does not need to be told how to shovel snow – he just
needs to do it his own way. I’m always there to provide guidance when asked, and what-
ever methods he uses are in his control. If the result is the same, we both win. Whether it
is shoveling snow, washing dishes, or walking the dog, kids have their own ideas for how
to do it. And if it is legal and safe, why not let them try it?
“The role of a leader is not to come up with all of the great ideas. The role of a leader is
to create an environment in which great ideas can happen.” Simon Sinek.
Arizona X
Arkansas X X
California X
Colorado X
Georgia X X
Illinois X X
Iowa X X X X X X X X X X
Kansas X X
Montana X X
North Carolina X X X X X X X X
Oregon X
Virginia X
Manitoba X X X X X X X X X X
Ontario X X
Puerto Rico X
Spokane X
wouldn’t say the 21st century is permanent fix – removal and replacement of the corroded
particularly superstitious. Even so, lower shell and bottom head – no such remedy followed. The
the idea of ghosts, invisible and SCR had dropped from view once more.
occasionally threatening holdovers
going back to ancient lore, continues In the winter 2020 BULLETIN, I wrote about shortcuts and
as strong as ever. short circuits. Shortcuts that come and go are different beasts
from long-running, rogue equipment like the SCR.
Over time, the word “ghost” has grown from just a noun to an
adjective too – think of ghost towns out West – and now it’s It’s easy for outsiders to understand why many unpermitted
a verb as well. If we want to cut off people we’ve left behind, shortcuts aren’t picked up by inspectors before a disaster.
we ghost them by blocking their text messages and ignoring Heat-of-the-moment kludge fixes, such as jumper wires
anything else they send or retweet. installed on an elevator to make it operate after a string of
safety alarms, can wreak their havoc between scheduled
The spooky apparitions featured in our campfire tales aren’t inspections. Short cuts can be ephemeral, even if the conse-
hurting anyone, but modern-day ghosts can be deadly. Ghost quences of such heedlessness live on, in death counts and
doctors – medical assistants performing cosmetic surgery in shattered lives.
South Korea that is only legal for certified surgeons – have
killed patients, according to the government. Navigation Maintenance records for the SCR? Thoroughly invisible, includ-
hackers can make pedestrians vanish from a self-driving car’s ing after the SCR’s secret existence was revealed. According
visual field, turning people into ghosts and preventing the to the owners, there had been a logbook describing the SCR’s
car from giving right of way. Ghost nets, abandoned drift periodic care and keeping, but it was in the same room and
nets that roam the oceans for years, pointlessly kill thou- the boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE) had
sands of fish and sea turtles. Ghost guns – unregistered, blown every bit to smithereens. That left investigators with no
home-assembled firearms – join in urban shootouts. Oakland, electronic records, and no offsite paper copies either.
California’s unpermitted, uninspected “Ghost Ship,” a ware-
house-turned-dwelling for artists and performers, caught fire The owners offered up the same BLEVE-ate-my-homework
and killed 36 people in 2016. explanation when the CSB asked for a copy of the stan-
dard procedures the employees were to follow in ensuring
Invisibility is something that fictional ghosts are good at. mechanical integrity. Said the company, “any records related
Today’s real-life ghosts can drop from sight as well. to the steam generation system were destroyed in the explo-
sion.” Gone, all gone. Invisible, one could say.
Take, for example, the semi-closed receiver (SCR) at the Loy-
Lange Box Co, the focus of a recently published final report by That meant investigators couldn’t determine, for example,
the Chemical Safety Board (CSB). This 17-foot-long pressure whether Loy-Lange had taken any actions to remedy the
vessel managed a vanishing act for nearly all of its 20 years. alarming water-chemistry measurements or authorized any
The company knew it was there in 1997, since it paid for steps to address corrosion of the bottom-head steel, as indi-
installation. But later, the SCR tended to vanish from Loy- cated by persistent leaks down there.
Lange’s sight whenever the company was told of expensive
fixes ahead. And there were plenty of actions to take. Somebody could
have checked that the temperature in the make-up tank was
Loy-Lange knew it was there in 2004, when Clayton Industries high enough to drive out oxygen. Somebody could have guar-
repeatedly advised that it carry out a detailed inspection to anteed the water-treatment company was using enough oxy-
check for corrosion inside the bottom head. No such inspec- gen-scavenging chemicals. Somebody could have checked on
tion is on record. whether outside oxygen was sneaking into the SCR’s stored
water through the vessel’s atmospheric vent, whenever the
Loy-Lange knew the SCR was there when it had to pay for a heating system was offline.
cut-and-weld repair of a portion of the SCR’s bottom head
in November 2012. But when the repair service suggested The CSB conducted interviews with those working at the plant
a month later that Loy-Lange needed to pay out more for a and heard the same rationalization. The equipment feeding
water to the boilers leaked so often it was hard to get worried exploded at the Doremus Laundry Co. in downtown Chicago,
about what those jets of spray might mean: “It wasn’t an killing nine in a blast heard a mile away, experts at the inquiry
emergency shutdown situation for us,” said one, “because we noted that the device had fallen out of regulatory oversight
had dealt through many leaks before that.” for the past five years, ever since being relocated from the
Chicago Board of Trade. “It appears from the inspector’s
But the fragments left at Loy-Lange and three impact zones records that its existence was unknown to that department,”
had their own story to tell, and it had to be embarrassing to according to a report in Steam Engineering, “since there is no
the defendants during settlement discussions. One of those record of it whatever.”
items was the SCR’s pressure relief valve, which was found to
be set 50 psi over the SCR’s maximum pressure rating. Corro- An editorial later that month in the Minneapolis Journal
sion of the original bottom head steel had thinned from the summarized the results of the city’s lax inspection regime
original quarter-inch thickness to little more than a hundredth this way: “A boiler under a heavy steam pressure cannot be
of an inch where it joined the 2012 patch job. fooled with. When the time comes to leave, it does not stop
to apologize, nor does it back out of the establishment, hat in
The SCR was, for all practical purposes, never visible to the hand. It just goes out through the top or side of the building,
city of St. Louis. Despite permitting requirements of the city’s as it happens to feel, and the hands get a few days off to bury
mechanical code covering such equipment, the city had their friends.”
no record of the SCR: nothing about installation, repair, or
inspections. The same can be said of boilers and pressure vessels today.
Functionally invisible for years, its late-in-life warning signals
The city did have a record of the twin steam generators, ignored by all those with power to act, the Loy-Lange SCR
which had been installed according to permits. Over two took only 10 seconds – the interval between breaching the
decades the city’s inspector did stop by to check those units. box-factory’s roof to fatal touchdown – to make up for that
Not annually, as the code required; rather, intermittently. The lack of attention. Four deaths and $47 million in awarded
city, feeling other hazards deserved more of the scarce staff damages will do that.
resources, made only four visits to check Loy-Lange’s steam
generators in twenty years. I understand that not all such invisible-hazard cases
come down to malign neglect. All of us can find ourselves
Still, even occasional stops at Loy-Lange offered an excel- excessively focused on a vexing problem of business or
lent opportunity for the inspector to notice the SCR’s rogue mechanical misbehavior. And we push other things aside.
existence, since the SCR was in the same room and within But remember this: the more considerate and empathetic
arm’s reach of the steam generators. The SCR had no tag or person you consider yourself, the more devastating it will be
seal indicating it had ever been permitted and inspected. And to your lifelong peace of mind if disaster comes and inves-
slapping the SCR with a stop-work seal wouldn’t have been tigators find that you held a link in the chain of causation.
overreaching by a nosy inspector. And did nothing.
The problem of ghost boilers and pressure vessels isn’t And after a blast like the one at Loy-Lange, that fatal chain will
new. When in March 1901 a large horizontal tubular boiler be very visible indeed.
he thickness of pressure-retaining items is a very important parameter in ASME Code calculations and needs to be
understood by Authorized and Inservice Inspectors alike. For this reason, it is important to review how to handle pipe
nominal thickness when determining the required wall thickness of components under pressure.
Before looking at the ASME Code requirements for addressing the thickness of piping, it makes sense to look at piping man-
ufacturing in general. As indicated in ASME B31.1, piping is manufactured in different forms, including furnace butt welded,
electric fusion welded, electric flash welded, double submerged arc welded, and seamless.
One example of a method for the manufacture of seamless pipe has pipe extruded using a hydraulic extrusion press from hol-
low or round forgings. The cylinder is placed in a cylindrical die, followed by a punch at the end of an extrusion plunger which
penetrates the form. Once penetrated, the extrusion plunger forces the contained billet between the cylindrical die and the
punch (now acting as a mandrel) to form the pipe. It can be difficult to keep the extrusion plunger centered with respect to the
cylindrical die. For that reason, the tolerance on wall thickness is generally much larger than that on the outside diameter.
No matter which of the above methods are used, the piping is manufactured to nominal dimensions (such as outside diameter)
and the wall thickness for different pipe schedules, which are spelled out in ASME B36.10M, Table 1, and ASME B36.19, Table 1.
Using values from ASME B36.10M, Table 1 reveals pertinent information found for NPS 4 pipe.
Table 1: NPS 4 Pipe Dimensions
Size Schedule and/or Outside Diameter Nominal Wall Thickness
Identification (in.) (in.)
NPS 4 5 4.5 0.083
NPS 4 10 4.5 0.120
NPS 4 30 4.5 0.188
NPS 4 STD/40 4.5 0.237
NPS 4 XS/80 4.5 0.337
NPS 4 120 4.5 0.438
NPS 4 160 4.5 0.531
NPS 4 XXS 4.5 0.674
Table 1 provides information needed to determine the nominal thickness or outside diameter, but it fails to provide the actu-
al thickness of the pipe. Recall that to determine that thickness, one needs to go to ASME Section II, Part A, and look at the
material specification for the pipe. For instance, for SA-106 seamless carbon steel pipe, the following paragraph in the SA-106
specification under Paragraph 16: “Dimensions, Mass, and Permissible Variations” for thickness states the following:
Permissible Variations in Outside Diameter
Over Under
NPS [DN Designator] In. mm In. mm
⅛ to 1½ [6 to 40], incl 1/64 (0.015) 0.4 1/64 (0.015) 0.4
Over 1½ to 4 [40 to 100], Incl 1/32 (0.031) 0.8 1/32 (0.031) 0.8
Over 4 to 8 [100 to 200], Incl 1/16 (0.062) 1.6 1/32 (0.031) 0.8
Over 8 to 18 [200 to 450], Incl 3/32 (0.093) 2.4 1/32 (0.031) 0.8
Over 18 to 26 [450 to 650], Incl 1/8 (0.125) 3.2 1/32 (0.031) 0.8
Over 26 to 34 [650 to 850], Incl 5/32 (0.156) 4.0 1/32 (0.031) 0.8
Over 34 to 48 [850 to 1200], Incl 3/16 (0.187) 4.8 1/32 (0.031) 0.8
What does all this mean for the calculation of design pressure for a pressure-retaining item?
Looking at Figure 2, one can see that the 12.5% variance in thickness means that there is a thin spot and a thick spot in the
pipe wall. When the tolerance of 12.5% is taken into account, the actual minimum thickness is ta = (1- 0.125)tn , or alternately,
0.875tn where tn is the nominal thickness. So, the range in wall thickness is from 0.875tn to 1.125tn.
For example, suppose one wishes to figure out the actual minimum wall thickness of NPS 4, XXS pipe. The nominal thickness is
tn = 0.674. Multiplying 0.875 by 0.674 results in 0.590 inches. This figure would be used in the equation to compute the maxi-
mum allowable pressure for the pressure-retaining item.
tn +12.5%
tn -12.5%
As pressure is increased in any pipe, a point will come at which the piping wall’s tensile stress or hoop stress exceeds the ASME
Code allowable tensile stress and eventually exceeds the yield strength causing the pipe to rupture. Since stress is force per
area, and the cross-sectional area of the wall at the thin spot is the least of any point in the pipe, that is where the highest
stress is located and that is where the pipe will rupture.
Each of the construction codes, except Section IV, contain wording that directs the designer to account for the pipe thickness
tolerance. These are listed in Table 2 below. Accounting for the thickness tolerance amounts to inserting the actual minimum
thickness (ta) value into the equation for design pressure.
Note that Section IV compensates for not addressing the pipe tolerance by specifying higher design margins and fixed minimum
design pressures (such as 30 psi for heating boilers and 100 psi for potable water heaters).
Also note that just as Section VIII specifically states, when determining the amount of reinforcement or compensation in a noz-
zle wall, the pipe tolerance is not taken into account. The reason for this is that when calculating the amount of reinforcement
necessary to replace the area removed for the opening, any pipe wall material missing due to undertolerance will be balanced
with the extra material in the overtolerance. Ultimately, the same material volume is present in the opening whether the hole
is centered perfectly or not. Remember the outside diameter and inside diameter are essentially fixed: the outside by the die
configuration and the inside by the size of the extrusion plunger.
Section VIII states in part, “if pipe or tubing is ordered by its nominal wall thickness”. If ordered by minimum wall, then one
does not have to account for the undertolerance because the actual minimum wall thickness is known. Also, if one knows the
actual minimum wall thickness, through measurement for example, then there is no need for accounting for undertolerance.
For cases where the actual pressure is known and the proper schedule of pipe is required, the appropriate ASME Code equation
is solved for the design thickness (t). Then going to B36.10M or a similar list of piping dimensional data shows the pipe sched-
ule with the nominal thickness greater than the determined design thickness. The nominal thickness is multiplied by 0.875 to
determine the actual thickness. If it is above required thickness, then that pipe schedule is the one that should be selected.
For example, suppose for an NPS 4 pipe the calculated required design thickness (t) is 0.41 inches. One would look for a sched-
ule pipe with a nominal thickness greater than the design thickness. From Table 1, one can see that schedule 120 has a nominal
thickness of 0.438 inches. The actual thickness corresponding to that schedule is 0.438(0.875) or 0.383 inches which is insuffi-
cient. The next higher piping schedule, i.e., NPS 4 schedule 160, should work because 0.530(0.875) = 0.464 inches.
Whether an Inspector is verifying calculations of maximum allowable pressure in a pressure-retaining item or trying to deter-
mine if the proper schedule of pipe was chosen for a repair, understanding the piping undertolerance concept and how to apply
it will help ensure that the items they inspect will meet ASME Code requirements and be safe to operate.
No Hot Showers
ohn, a seasoned inspector, and “I think we need to talk to the owner or “After a lot of back-and-forth discussion, I
Rick, his trainee, were perform- installer about this set up,” John said. saw that I was getting nowhere with him,
ing an initial inspection of a new “Drip pan elbows are for use on steam so I suggested that we start the boiler and
high-temperature hot water supply systems.” bring it to about three-fourths capacity
boiler. Everything they had inspected and then test the safety while he was
thus far had met the ASME Code and As the two men headed for the owner’s standing in the playground under the
jurisdictional requirements, and now office, John began to reminisce. “This discharge. I told him the point where he
the two men were looking at the safety reminds me of a similar situation in a stops running would be where he should
valves. factory a few years back. A new power relocate the playground fence.
boiler rated for 300 psi had just been
John took a quick look at the safety installed at one end of their facility. As “He shook his head and grimaced at first,
valves and their installation and then I recall, everything appeared to be per but then grinned sheepishly when he said
turned to Rick and asked, “What do ASME Code until I started looking at the he would extend the piping to a safe loca-
you think of how the safety valves are safety valve discharge piping. The piping tion pointing away from the playground,
installed?” was hard piped from the valves to and and at the same time make sure that it
through a wall, and I was very curious to did not add too much additional back
Rick glanced at the valves. “I see there know what was on the other side, so I pressure to the valve.”
are two safety valves, each having asked the owner. He told me there was
an attached drip pan elbow with an nothing since it was an outside wall. Turning to Rick, John addressed the issue
installed vent pipe penetrating the at hand. “And now for this safety valve
roof.” He looked at John quizzically. “Well, he and I walked out the near- situation. We need to explain to the
est exit and around the corner of the owner what might happen if he runs the
John folded his arms. “Okay, walk me building to examine the piping outlet. boiler with the current safety valve pipe
through what happens when this high The piping extended horizontally about configuration. If he gives us any push-
temperature hot water boiler has a a foot from the building wall about 20 back, we’ll suggest that he fire up the
pressure excursion and the safeties lift,” feet above ground level. The fenced-in boiler and let him pull the valve try lever
he said. lot on that side of the building belonged while he stands at the valve. He wouldn’t
to a daycare and contained playground stand there very long, but I don’t think it
Rick thought for a minute. “Well, the equipment obviously used for outside will come to that. My guess is that once
water will come out of the valve. . .” playtime. he understands what will happen, he
His voice trailed off. John saw a slight will choose instead to modify the safety
frown appeared on Rick’s face before “I told him that having a safety valve valve piping. We want him to understand
he hesitantly completed the sentence, discharge spewing a 400° F steam and that the NBIC paragraph is designed to
“. . . along with a lot of flashing steam.” hot water mixture over the heads of protect the people around the boiler, as
He was obviously troubled with his own preschoolers was not acceptable. I quot- well as protect the boiler, and it’s our job
answer. ed NBIC Part I, 2.9.6 h) which states that to make sure that the paragraphs in the
all pressure relief valves should be piped NBIC, like Part 1, 2.9.6 h), are complied
John rubbed his chin and asked, “Will to a safe point of discharge. At this point with.”
water come out of the vent pipe and the installer started to argue that it was
back into the room?” safe, saying the kids would run from the The two men had arrived at the owner’s
noise and that it wouldn’t be that hot by office door. They each took a breath,
“Yes, I believe it will,” Rick replied, but the time it reached them. I disagreed, looked at each other, and confidently
he seemed even more troubled. but he still looked unconvinced. entered the office to inform the owner.
The BULLETIN has been a longstanding, recognizable symbol of The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Inspectors, serving as a consistent way to communicate industry-relevant news, share technical articles, human interest stories,
and upcoming events. While the publication has evolved over the past 80 years, the purpose has remained consistent: to inform
and connect with the boiler and pressure vessel industry at large.
During the early years of the publication, readers would also see more anecdotal pieces, providing a glimpse into the family
dynamic that the National Board and its membership shared as they pioneered their way through promoting and establishing
the importance of boiler safety. To ensure the intent of the publication was understood, an “Objectives of The National Board
BULLETIN” article was published in the third issue in January 1944. Here is an excerpt that set the tone for what the BULLETIN
would provide for its readership.
“In general, the purpose of this periodical will be to further promote the objects of the National Board as outlined in the
Constitution, namely, uniformity in boiler laws and rules, uniform approval of specific designs, uniform inspections and
stampings, and the gathering of official statistics and data. These objectives will be most effectively accomplished by publishing
recommendations, decisions, and rulings of the Board upon any phases of these subjects in which uniformity among the
states appears desirable. It is the belief of the officers that this will influence maximum cooperation and they visualize a far
better understanding on all Code and inspection problems when approved statistics and data can thus be readily and regularly
distributed. The functions of the BULLETIN can thus be outlined as follows:
1. Uniformity in Boiler Laws and Rules
2. Uniform Approval of Specific Designs
3. Uniform Inspections and Stamping
4. Statistics and Data
5. Information Service
6. Educational Service
7. Personal Information
These objectives will require the hearty cooperation of the members, all the time. Remember- the BULLETIN is for the industry- it
is your project, and it requires your interest and support.”
As the publication gained traction and popularity, the BULLETIN has now reached a global audience and continues to be a
trusted and valuable resource in the industry.
er 197
Editor’s Note: The following anonymous verse was handed to On one of a mother’s busiest days, her small son,
Secretary Myers by W.P. Gerhart, member of the Boiler Code who had been playing outside, came in with his
Committee, who considers it worthy of publication in the
pants torn. His mother said to him: “You go right in,
BULLETIN. This may prove a consolation to those following
boiler inspection as an avocation. take off your pants and mend them.”
Don’t swear at the inspectors Sometime later she went to see how he was
They’re really very wise, getting along. She found the torn pants lying on a
They stand and watch while others chair and the door to the cellar, usually closed, was
work open. She called down loudly and sternly: “Are you
And get paid to criticize. running around down there without your pants
When death comes to inspectors on?”
No one sheds a single tear,
But everyone for miles around A voice answered: “No Madam, I am inspecting
Gets roaring drunk on beer. your boiler for your insurance.”
When inspectors knock on the Pearly
Gates October 1947 BULLETIN.
And act like they’re expected,
Saint Peter pins on them a slip
That simply says “Rejected.”
Inspector’s Answer
National Board Fishing Party, and tell us your favorite
Miami Beach, Florida. BULLETIN issue or what
topics/articles you’d like to
Photo taken during the 23rd see in future issues.
General Meeting in Miami Beach,
Florida, May 18-20, 1954
henever this question is posed to Upon reading U-2(a), one could take the posi-
multiple industry experts and the tion that for a specific vessel to be constructed
responses are wide ranging and that any requirement mandated in the user
sometimes contradictory, we know we have design requirements (UDR) (see Nonmandatory
found fertile ground for discussion in the BUL- Appendix KK of Section VIII, Division 1) is funda-
LETIN. Several manufacturers, users, inspectors, mentally an ASME Code requirement. Should a
and jurisdictions have given responses to the specific requirement beyond the code rules be
question above ranging from “absolutely yes” considered a code rule because it is specified
to “absolutely no” and everything in between, in the UDR? For example, if the UDR mandates
including the classic “Always, Sometimes, May- “An Off-Shore Three Coat Paint System” to
be, Except” or “ASME” for short. Unlike most ensure corrosion prevention, is this now a code
BULLETIN articles that try to answer a common requirement? Although this may be a critical
question with a definitive answer, we don’t service requirement, is a non-strength coating
intend to provide a definitive answer. We want requirement part of the ASME design? Properly
User design to ask some difficult questions for all of us in implementing such a requirement to ensure sat-
requirements can the industry to ponder. Perhaps it will help us isfactory longevity or performance may be just
be a source of consider how we might address specific appli- as important as a code requirement like “cor-
cations, requirements, and Interpretations that rosion thickness”. Are all the people involved
good information will help increase clarity for all affected parties. in the process, from the engineer specifying
and design the procedure, to the painter and inspector,
Paragraph U-2(a) in Section VIII, Division 1 required to be qualified and competent? If so, to
insight if properly of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code what standard? Is the Authorized Inspector qual-
prepared by a establishes the responsibilities of the user for ified or required to verify compliance with such
knowledgeable establishing and communicating design require- requirements? If a requirement is important
ments for the manufacture and certification enough to be included in a UDR, then verifica-
individual. of unfired pressure vessels. It states: “The user tion requirements must be included as well. This
or his designated agent (see Nonmandatory principle is supported in U-2(a)(1)(-f) when NDE
Appendix NN) shall establish the design require- is to be performed beyond the requirements of
ments for pressure vessels, taking into consider- the code.
ation factors associated with normal operation,
such other conditions as startup and shutdown, We can attempt to evaluate the intent of the
and abnormal conditions which may become a code words by deconstructing them a bit. The
governing design consideration.” “user or his designated agent” is defined in Non-
mandatory Appendix NN, paragraph NN-2(a)(1)
The user of the vessel should have the best as “… an entity that defines the design conditions
understanding of its intended use and the and parameters of the pressure vessel under con-
various aspects of design and construction to sideration and communicates these conditions
consider when creating a vessel that ensure and parameters to the Manufacturer.” The word
it will operate safely and provide acceptable “shall” is defined in Codes and Standards Proce-
performance. Additional detailed guidance for dures (CSP), CSP-64 as “denoting a requirement.”
the user in Nonmandatory Appendix NN can be In this context, “establish” is defined by Webster
instructive. as “to institute or bring into existence.”
The phrase “design requirements” means these pressure vessel. These factors include “such
are project specific requirements identified by other conditions as startup and shutdown, and
the user that the Manufacturer must imple- abnormal conditions, which may become a
ment when preparing the design and planning governing design consideration.” The user, as
the fabrication of the vessel. Therefore, the the operator of a pressure vessel, should know
user’s design requirements for the project carry and understand the design conditions for the
the same weight as any other code require- pressure vessel. However, in many cases, the
ments to which the Manufacturer must comply. user may not fully understand those condi-
This does not automatically make them code tions or have sufficient knowledge to provide
requirements. In fact, it might be better to call this information. One real life example was a
them “design considerations”, but not all of the chemical manufacturer that wanted to remedy
information is design related. Some information the problem of having to replace their carbon
is more like “manufacturing specifications”. steel sulfuric acid tanks every eight to ten years
Nonmandatory Appendix KK provides a very due to corrosion. To do this, they specified
detailed suggested form, Form U-DR-1, suggest- stainless steel replacement tanks from the tank
ing details of information provided as the user’s Manufacturer. Unfortunately, this resulted in
design requirements. Some users may be intim- tanks that were corroded to dangerous levels
idated by the level of detail indicated by the in less than a year of installation. The ultimate
form, but not all of these details are applicable solution was simply thicker carbon steel tanks.
to all vessel designs. Paragraph U-2(a)(2)(-a) The Manufacturer must make a careful review
lists conditions where the user must provide of the design requirements for not just accura-
this information rather than it being suggested cy and code compliance, but “good engineer-
or optional. ing” before proceeding with the design and
fabrication of the vessel. An extended conver-
The words of U-2(a) charge the user with sation between the user and the Manufactur-
“taking into consideration” a number of “fac- er may be necessary to establish the actual
tors associated with normal operation” of the design conditions.
Get ready for a rock-n-roll kick off REBOOKED! Armed with only their Located “center Strip,” Harrah’s is
to the 91st General Meeting! Mark wits, Whose Line is it Anyway? stars perfect for mid-sized meetings with
Schulman is a world-class drummer Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood its 25,000-square-foot conference
who has performed for sold-out will take the stage as the featured level that offers state of the art
audiences all over the globe with entertainment at the 91st General technology and functional meeting
some of the greatest artists of all time, Meeting Wednesday Evening space – all conveniently located in
including P!nk, Foreigner, Billy Idol, Banquet. one area.
and Cher.
Prepare to laugh yourself senseless In 2020, the hotel completed a $200
Mark unlocks the true rockstar as these improv comedy master- million investment which included
attitude by incorporating his high- minds make up original scenes, 2,542 redesigned guestrooms, a
energy speaking style and strategic songs, and more from audience complete casino floor remodel,
business expertise into a cutting edge suggestions. Their performance is a and new LED marquees. Harrah’s
keynote that targets how to overcome hilarious comedic high wire act: just is a short ride from LAS Airport
obstacles, drive performance, and like a live version of Whose Line! and features four bars/lounges, six
energize both work and personal life: restaurants, a pool, and is home
think Tony Robbins meets Bono meets to Donny Osmond’s first ever solo
Ringo Starr! He inspires audiences residency.
to elevate to a new level of peak
If ever there was a guest tour not to miss, this is the one! The Lip Smacking Foodie Tour
has been awarded the “BEST TOUR” by Las Vegas Review-Journal for six years in a row
– and for very delicious reasons. Take a break from the casinos and trEAT yourself to the
exclusive services of this award-winning food tour. Highlights include three stops at top
Vegas restaurants, VIP service, immediate seating, and pre-selected signature cocktails and
dishes at each venue. Spots are limited. Register online at nbbi.org.
Guests will meet at 12:30 p.m. outside the main entrance in the Porte Cochere and will walk as a group to
the Venetian Hotel. This outing requires a considerable amount of leisurely walking. Comfortable shoes and
attire (elastic waistbands!) are recommended – and bring your appetite!
Eat. Drink. Rock. Roll. That’s Brooklyn Bowl’s motto and what guests can expect at this
pin-splitting all-group outing on Wednesday afternoon.
Located in the Linq Promenade within walking distance from Harrah’s, Brooklyn Bowl is an
elevated bowling alley, a concert venue for headlining bands, and an upscale restaurant fea-
turing cuisine by the world-renowned Bromberg Brothers’ Blue Ribbon Restaurants (including their
iconic fried chicken celebrated on Food Network’s “The Best Thing I Ever Ate”) – all under one roof!
Guests will get rolling at one of 16 hardwood Brunswick lanes equipped high-def screens and automatic scoring
systems. Bowling not up your alley? We’ve got you covered! Watch the action from leather Chesterfield sofas,
explore the venue for other fun enhancements, and maybe even take center stage to entertain your peers at this
premier concert venue! It’s Vegas, baby! So grab a ball, keep ‘em out of the gutters, and give Brooklyn Bowl a
spin. Once you try it, we’re sure you’ll strike it!
Group will meet outside of the main entrance in the Porte Cochere area promptly at 9:30 a.m. and depart for the
venue on foot (an approximate 12 minute walk). Guests are encouraged to dress casually and comfortably.
• The National Board asks that attendees adhere to the hotel, city, and state’s COVID-19 requirements, if
• National Board on-site registration is located on Level 2 in the Corporate Convention Center in Elko & Ely.
Sunday, May 14: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Monday, May 15: 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
• ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code meetings will be held across the street at Caesars Palace. Check ASME.
org for detailed information.
• Recommended attire is business casual for all hotel events except the Wednesday banquet, where ties and
jackets will be the evening attire.
• General Meeting registration is required to receive the special $164 room rate at Harrah’s Las Vegas.
($139 room rate + $25 resort fee + current occupancy room tax – visit nbbi.org for resort fee details.)
• Hotel reservations are the responsibility of attendees. Rooms at Harrah’s Las Vegas can be reserved
by visiting nbbi.org to access the passkey web address for online hotel registration. To receive the
$164 nightly room rate, reference group name: National Board. Group rate hotel reservations must be
received by Thursday, April 20 at 5:00 p.m. ET.
• Rates are good for three days prior to and three days following this event, based on availability of
hree years after we held our first virtual class due to impossible. Students can use the chat feature to ask if anyone
pandemic restrictions, virtual training is now a regular would be interested in studying after class. How? Anyone can
part of our training schedule. In fact, we recently com- set up a free 40-minute session on Zoom. Get creative!
pleted building a permanent space to host our virtual classes
instead of the temporary set-ups we were utilizing. Now, what should you do between enrolling and the first day
of class to best prepare?
So, how does enrolling in virtual training differ from in-person
classes? For the training staff, it is constantly exploring new Training materials such as manuals, homework assignments,
ways to deliver material without the benefit of personal inter- support materials, etc., are shipped to each student. Six
action or walking around our inspection room for workshops weeks out from the start of class we contact students to con-
or activities. For students, it means you may need to work a firm the address we have is where you’d like the materials to
little harder to engage because everything is on a screen and be sent. Please take the time to confirm the address because
not within reach. Let’s explore this for a moment. . . once it is shipped, we cannot modify the delivery address.
To start, set yourself up in a comfortable and usable space Once you receive the materials, open the box and familiarize
with as few distractions as possible. Often we see a pet walk yourself with what is included. We place everything in the
across a desk or people in the background. This is not just box in the order in which you will need so it is as easy as
a distraction for you but also for other students who just possible. There is a lot included so do not automatically think
watched it happen. if you do not see something the first time it is missing – 99%
of the time it is there.
While we are discussing distractions, let’s review the audio/
video component of attending a virtual class. Attendance is The most common question from virtual students is, “How
required. We know you are attending when the camera is do I take the exam?” and we understand why that is so
trained on your face. Not your chin, the top of your head, or important. All the information on virtual class exams is at the
the ceiling – we have watched many ceiling fans spin around top of the classroom catalog and available before enroll-
(another huge distraction). Cameras are required to be on for ment. We also discuss everything you need to know about
the entirety of the training. Not having it on is the same as the exam at the end of each class, and recently added a very
leaving the classroom. brief mention about exams at the start of each class. So,
what are the options?
Next – engage! The instructors are used to having students
in front of them, so it is easy to see a hand raised with a Examinations are available for administration at 1) partici-
question. This is much harder in a virtual classroom, so do not pating National Board jurisdictions the first Wednesday of
be afraid to speak up when you have a question. In the virtual March, June, September, and December; 2) Prometric, our
world they will hear you sooner than seeing you click the partner for on-demand computer-based exams; and 3) the
“raise hand” button. That includes participating in answering National Board campus. Keep in mind, for most courses,
questions when one is asked or contributing to a conversation students must complete the training before being eligible to
by sharing your experience. The instructors would prefer to sit for the associated exam. When students are registering to
interact with you than to talk “at” you all day! take exams, we do confirm their training has been completed
before we will process any exam requests.
Third – do the work. Part of the materials we ship to each virtu-
al student includes homework packets loaded with questions. The enrollment window closes sooner for virtual classes
When students attend in-person classes they often create due to the shipping of materials, and class dates and seats
their own study groups in the evenings. Study groups benefit are limited, so enrolling as early as possible is encouraged.
students since each person has their own strengths to offer Course descriptions and dates are located under the Educa-
the group. This is clearly more difficult in a virtual class, but not tion Center on the National Board Business Center.
Member Updates
Timothy Bagrowski is the newest member representing the commonwealth of Virginia.
Mr. Bagrowski has been involved in the boiler industry for 22 years and has worked as a station-
ary engineer, deputy boiler inspector, and most recently, as a senior compliance inspector for
the commonwealth of Virginia. He is a graduate of Essex Community College with a degree in
data processing, and holds a National Board IS Commission with the R Endorsement and serves
Timothy Bagrowski
as a National Board Review Team Leader.
Mr. Carter has worked in the boiler industry for the past 28 years and has worked as a sales
manager, outside sales consultant, and most recently, as a deputy boiler inspector for the state.
He also served in the US Army, where he was a radar repairman. Mr. Carter holds a National
Board IS Commission with the R Endorsement.
Levi Nelson is the newest member representing the state of Nebraska. Mr. Nelson worked as a
plumber and most recently as a wastewater treatment plant operator for Union Pacific Railroad
before he joined the boiler and pressure vessel industry. He is a graduate of Brady High School Thomas Carter
in Brady, Nebraska and is a member of the Brady Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department. He
also holds a National Board IS Commission.
Diehl began her career in 1981 as a switchboard operator. Over the years she worked in the data
reports department and training department before finding a long-term home in accounting, where
she finished out her career as the HR Generalist/Benefits Manager. Julie Diehl
Check out the National Board’s online
Career Opportunities page at
Here you’ll find job postings for open positions at the
National Board and with NBBI Member Jurisdictions.
he January 2023 NBIC Committee meetings
were held at the Francis Marion Hotel in
Charleston, South Carolina, January 9-12.
Over 150 people, made up of committee members,
visitors, and National Board staff attended the
meetings in-person and virtually. In total, 13
committee meetings were conducted:
In addition to addressing business items, two officer elections were held for Subcommittee Pressure Relief Devices (PRD).
Here are the results of the elections:
If you are interested in attending the NBIC meetings and being involved in its development process, contact the NBIC
Secretary at NBICSecretary@nationalboard.org. For the latest news on the NBIC and committee meetings, visit the
Inspection Code tab at NBBI.org.
Testing Laboratory
7437 Pingue Drive
Worthington, Ohio 43085-1715
Phone 614.888.8320
Fax 614.848.3474