DCS Su 30
DCS Su 30
DCS Su 30
2 Steel Almirah (Small) Over all size shall be 760mm long, 440 mm wide and 1270 mm high. Two numbers base channel of 100 FD-1032 Nos 40 10,217.00 408,680.00 AFRL 22-23
mm height made of mild steel sheet shall be welded at 50mm from each end of 760 mm length. Steel sheet Appx 'A' S/No.
shall be 1 mm thick. Top, sides, back, bottom and front of almirah shall be of 1mm thick mild steel sheet. 2
Three shelves equally spaced making for compartments shall be provided and shall be of 1mm thick mild
steel sheet. Front shulters shall have two leaves. A steel chromium plated handle shall be provided to the
shulter Handle shall be 100mm long. A three way locking device shall be provided to front shulters. Each
leaf of front shulter shall be hinged with two numbers butt hinges 75mm long and shutters shall be side
hung. All joints and welding fixing shall be done in accordance with standard workmanship. All steel surface
shall be painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved shade over a coat of primer. Rest all
as per drg.
3 Compactor The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. TP Nos 7 117,300.00 821,100.00 RA Att
Compactor open operartion by steering complete with installation Make: Methodex Model No. Optimizer
Plus- 1-Bay; 4 Bodies (2130H x 915W x 457D) or Godrej - Optmizer (1 Bay PP - 1200W, 400D,1980H) - 4
bodies or equivalent model in Featherlite.
NOTE: The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user requirement.
Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
4 Steel chest with Over all size shall be 840mm long 310 mm wide and 1675 mm high. All sheet shall be 1 mm thick mild steel Nos 40 7,466.00 298,640.00 AFRL 22-23
glass door Book sheet. Glass pane shall be 3mm thick irrespective of what is shown in drg. Book case shall be provided with FD-1028 Appx 'A' S/No.
case glazed four compartments of equal space. All exposed steel surface shall be painted with two coats of synthetic 10
steel1675x840x310) enamel paint of approved shade over a coat of primer. Rest all as per drg.
5 Steel chest with Over all size shall be 920mm long, 485 mm wide and 1985 mm high. Two numbers base channel of 100 FD-104 Nos 6 13,325.00 79,950.00 AFRL 22-23
glass door (Almirah mm height made of mild steel sheet shall be welded at 50mm from each end of 920 mm length. Steel sheet (M) Appx 'A' S/No.
Glazed Large Steel) shall be 1 mm thick. Four adjustable shelves making five compartments shall be provided. Glazed Shutters 06
shall be provided with three way locking system. All exposed steel surface shall be painted with two coats of
synthetic enamel paint of approved shade over a coat of primer. Rest all as per drg.
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6 Pigeon rack fixed Overall size shall be 915mm long, 450mm deep, and 1905mm high. Irrespective of what is shown in drg four FD- Nos 12 11,752.00 141,024.00 AFRL 22-23
type with min pigeon angles of 40mmx40mmx3mm shall be provided at four corners. All sheet in the Rack Pigeon Hole shall be 106(M) Appx 'A' S/No.
size 1.5'x1.5' provided with 1mm thick mild steel sheet and welded with spot welding as directed by Engr-in Charge. 07
Workmanship shall be of best quality so that no gaps between two plates are visible. Four angle corners
brackets of 150mmx150mmx1mm mild steel sheet shall be provided on friont, top and bottom corners. All
steel and iron surfaces shall be painted with two coats of enamel paint over a coat of primer after
preparation of surfaces as directed by Engr-in-Charge to obtain smooth finish. Rest all as shown in drawing.
7 Locker to store The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. 6 unit TP Nos 13 22,440.00 291,720.00 RA Att
aircraft components locker each unit measuring 455x455x430 with separate lockable shutter. Make - Mehtodex Model Industrial
locker six door with pad lock or equivalent model in Godrej/ Featherlite. The items shall be rendered
delivered only after the items are installed as per user requirement. Completion report of same issued by
user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
8 Steel Rack Large Six Overall size shall be 915mm long,610mm wide and 1905mm hogh. The rack shall be covered on thre sides. FD-1038 Nos 30 12,700.00 381,000.00 AFRL 22-23
Tiers (Coverd) Four verticle angles of 40mmx40mmx4mm shall be provided at four corners. Top, bottom, sides, back, Appx 'A' S/No.
shelves shall be of 1mm thick mild stell sheet. The bottom sheet shall be at 100mm from bottom. Five 08
shelves equally spaced to make six equal compartements shall be provided of 1mm thick mild steel sheet.
Four 75mmx75mmx3mm flat iron cut to shape to from angular brakets shall be provided on front side as
shown on drawing. All steel surfaces exposed to veiw when placed in position shall be given two coats of
enamel paint over a coat of primer with spray machine after preparation of steel surfaces. Reast all as
shown in drawing.
9 Extremely Heavy The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Model: TP Nos 4 70,138.59 280,554.35
Duty Racks Godrej Model:Mild Steel Long Span Shelving (2700W x 1200D x 3000H) No. of Level-5; Load 500 KG
(Size (2700W x UDLor equivalent model in methodex/ Featherlite. It should be a manual picking shelving system suitable
1200D x 3000H)) for storing medium to heavy loads. This storage system should be for manual picking of products, following
“man-to-goods” principle. i.e. goods which should be easily handled & lifted by man are stored in these
systems. All basic structural components of the system such as frame (Assembly of upright, bracing and
base plate), beam & decking panel should be designed to a code of practices as recommended by
European Racking Norms (EN/FEM/SEMA). Load bearing members of the system should be made out of
high strength HR steel should be having properties equivalent to grades specified by IS 5986:2002 / IS
2062:2006. In addition to high strength, the raw material used for structural load bearing members, should
posses adequate ductility, to ensure toughness. The material should also have the necessary impact
strength for cold room applications up to -30 deg C. All fasteners used should be of grade 8.8.These should
be with galvanized finish to suit industrial atmosphere. For long life and protection from corrosion, All
Powder coated components are given a thorough anti-rust treatment. The shelving system should
completely knock down construction. The racks should be grouted on the floor using expansion bolts. No
welding would be carried out at site. Upright should be roll formed construction made in single piece without
welding. The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user requirement.
Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
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10 Racks for keeping The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Model: TP Nos 30 53,468.73 1,604,061.79
rotables/ spares with Godrej Model No. Steel Rack (1800W x 1200D x 2200H) No. of Level-5; Load 500 KG UDL or equivalent
large sleeves (Size model in Methodex/ Featherlite. It should be a manual picking shelving system suitable for storing medium
1800W x 1200D x to heavy loads. This storage system should be for manual picking of products, following “man-to-goods”
2200H) rack principle. i.e. goods which should be easily handled & lifted by man are stored in these systems. All basic
structural components of the system such as frame (Assembly of upright, bracing and base plate), beam &
decking panel should be designed to a code of practices as recommended by European Racking Norms
(EN/FEM/SEMA). Load bearing members of the system should be made out of high strength HR steel
should be having properties equivalent to grades specified by IS 5986:2002 / IS 2062:2006. In addition to
high strength, the raw material used for structural load bearing members, should posses adequate ductility,
to ensure toughness. The material should also have the necessary impact strength for cold room
applications up to -30 deg C. All fasteners used should be of grade 8.8.These should be with galvanized
finish to suit industrial atmosphereThe items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installed as
per user requirement. Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
11 Racks for books and The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: TP Nos 4 49,712.76 198,851.04
CDs 6ft ht 8 cube Godrej Model Meraki or Methodex Model: Riva GCW 20300 OR equiv in Durain. Overall Size : Width :
book shelf 60cm Depth : 46.8cm Height : 192cmMaterial : All carcass panel should be made of 18 mm prelaminated
particle board with edge banding 1.5 mm thickness. Bottom doors should be of 18 mm thick MDF in PU on
front. Upper doors should be made of 4 mm thick toughened glass with PU paint in black .All doors should
be fitted with push to open fittings .Levellers should be provided on vertical panels at back to rest the unit
properly against the wall . Hardware : Hettich .Construction : Knock down. Finish : All 18 mm prelaminated
particle board panels should be Noce Versaillies with walnut edge band .PU lamination should be of high
gloss in Ecru shade .The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installed as per user
requirement. Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
12 Side Rack four Over all size shall be 1120mm long 355 mm wide and 810 mm high. 04 Nos mild steel angle iron of size FD-1023 Nos 7 4,299.00 30,093.00 AFRL 22-23
spaces steel 40mm x 40 mm x 3mm shall be provided as legs and shall be 810 mm high. Top shelf shall have 4 Appx 'A' S/No.
compartments equally spaced with 50 mm high partition and back covering with mild steel sheet of 1 mm 39
thick. All exposed steel surface shall be painted witn two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved shade
over a coat of primer. Rest all as per drg.
13 Steel Racks to store The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Heavy TP Nos 5 52,513.07 262,565.34 RA Att
AC Tyres Display duty racking system of size: 3150Hx1200Dx2700L. 3 tier of Load bearing capacity of 100 kg. Level made up
Racks of mild steel which should be powder coated and galvenised.Make: Godrej/ Nilkamal/or equiv TP model.
The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installed as per user requirement. Completion
report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
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14 Book shelves with The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Model: TP Nos 7 37,312.80 261,189.63 RA Att
glass door and multi Godrej Model No. Meraki Bookcase (1920H x 470D x 600W) or equiv in Durian or Methodex. All carcass
rack panel should be made of 18 mm prelaminated particle board with edge banding 1.5 mm thickness. Bottom
doors should be of 18 mm thick MDF in PU on front. Upper doors should be made of 4 mm thick toughened
glass with PU paint in black .All doors should be fitted with push to open fittings .Levellers should be
provided on vertical panels at back to rest the unit properly against the wall . Hardware :
Hettich .Construction : Knock down. Finish : All 18 mm prelaminated particle board panels should be Noce
Versaillies with walnut edge band .PU lamination should be of high gloss in Ecru shade .The items shall be
rendered delivered only after the items are installed as per user requirement. Completion report of same
issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.The items shall be rendered delivered only after the
items are installed as per user requirement. Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE
as confirmation.
15 White Board White The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. TP Nos 10 7,336.00 73,360.00 RA Att
glazed sunmica Make:ALKOSIGN Model; ATRP 90120 or Equiv TP Models in Kores or Classmate or Methodex. The items
display board 4'x3' shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user requirement. Completion report of
same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
16 White BoardWhite The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. TP Nos 6 9,161.60 54,969.60 RA Att
glazed sunmica Make:ALKOSIGN Model; ATRP 90150 or Equiv TP Models in Kores or Classmate or Methodex. The items
display board 5'x3' shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user requirement. Completion report of
same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
17 White Board The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. TP Nos 5 5,510.40 27,552.00 RA Att
Branded Display ALKOSIGN ATRP 9090 or equiv TP Models in Kores or Classmate or Methodex.The items shall be
Board 3'X3' rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user requirement. Completion report of same
issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
18 White Board Good The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. TP Nos 2 11,911.20 23,822.40 RA Att
quality branded ALKOSIGN ATRP 120150 or Equiv TP Models in Kores or Classmate or Methodex. The items shall be
display board rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user requirement. Completion report of same
4'(w)x5'(h) issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
19 White Board The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. TP Nos 14 14,604.80 204,467.20 RA Att
Branded Display ALKOSIGN ATRP 120180 or Equiv TP Models in Kores or Classmate or Methodex. The items shall be
Board 6'X4' rendered delivered only after the items are installed as per user requirement. Completion report of same
issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
20 White board The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. TP Nos 13 3,780.00 49,140.00 RA Att
Branded display ALKOSIGN ATRP 6090 or Equiv TP Models in Kores or Classmate or Methodex. The items shall be
boards 3'x2' rendered delivered only after the items are installed as per user requirement. Completion report of same
issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
21 White board with The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. TP Nos 10 27,938.40 279,384.00 RA Att
mobile stand ALKOSIGN Board: ATRP 120180 Mobile Stand: AWBSF 180120 or Equiv TP Models in Kores or
Branded Display Classmate or Methodex. The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installed as per user
Board with Mobile requirement. Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
Stand 4'X6'
22 Magnetic board The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. TP Nos 9 16,296.00 146,664.00 RA Att
Magnetic Display ALKOSIGN AGBO 90120 or Equiv TP Models in Kores or Classmate or Methodex. The items shall be
Board 4'X3' rendered delivered only after the items are installed as per user requirement. Completion report of same
issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
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23 Notice Board The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. TP Nos 10 19,241.60 192,416.00 RA Att
Branded Display ALKOSIGN NBFC/DD 90150 or Equiv TP Models in Kores or Classmate or Methodex. The items shall be
Board 5'X3' with rendered delivered only after the items are installed as per user requirement. Completion report of same
acrylic door issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
24 Solid Wood frame The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. TP Nos 4 10,007.20 40,028.80 RA Att
Bulletin Board ALKOSIGN ATRNBF 120180 or Equiv TP Models in Kores or Classmate or Methodex. The items shall be
Branded Display rendered delivered only after the items are installed as per user requirement. Completion report of same
Board 4'x6' without issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
25 5 drawer mobile tool The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make:Taparia TP Nos 10 33,376.00 333,760.00 RA Att
magmt trolley Model: TTB5 or equiv model in Stanley or JCb or Fulcrum. The item shall have the following qualities; Reinforced
Taparia 5 drawer double wall frame with single piece casting to enable high strength and long life.High quality ball bearing slides to
tool trolley enable smooth drawer opening. Rear locking system that to avoids opening of the drawers when the Tools trolley is
being moved. The Castors to be smooth, strong and chemical resistant and have a load capacity of up to 240 kgs.
Superior Powder coating on the cabinets to gives extra rust protection and good looks.The items shall be rendered
delivered only after the items are installled as per user requirement. Completion report of same issued by user to be
produced to GE as confirmation.
26 300 kg heavy duty The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Model: SK TP Nos 10 9,161.60 91,616.00 RA Att
folding platform truck Engineering 300 kgs Heavy Duty Folding platform truck trolley SK02-SK Engineering or equivalent model in
trolley Branded Fulcrum or stanley. The items shall be L916 xW616x863 in size made up of metal and plastic. The item
Material MGmt shall be rendered delivered only after Completion report of same issued by user is produced to GE as
Trolley of min 4' confirmation.
27 Centre Table /coffee The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Model: TP Nos 17 20,021.89 340,372.06 RA Att
table Godrej Model:Alice pro coffee table or equiv model in Methodex or Durian. Overall size of the table shall be
100 x 45 x 65 (cm). The 10mm thick tempered glass top should be built to hold up to 40 kgs of weight.
The table's storage should neatly tuck away all essentials tit-bits like magazines and board games and
should maintain the aesthetic of the room while also should having it all in a convenient range. With its
smooth and neat finish, the Coffee Table facilitates easy cleaning and maintenance. The UV cured stainless
steel disc should hold the top and understructure together should ensures a clean, durable bond; should
giving the table that doesn't topple easily.
The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user
requirement. Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
28 Teapoy Over all size shall be 600mm long 450 mm wide and 540 mm high. Leg shall be 60mm x30mm in section. FD-278/ Nos 5 2,595.00 12,975.00 AFRL 22-23
5mm x 5mm in section, groove shall be provided at the visible portion of top of legs. H type stiffener of size FD-382 Appx 'B' S/No.
20 mm x 50mm shall be provided even if not shown on drg. All wood shall be teak wood. Irrespective of 78
what is shown on drawing the top of table shall be provided with exterior grade pre-laminated MDF board of
18mm thickness of approved shade and make with PVC edging al-round the top of table. Hard rubber/PVC
toes shall be provided to the legs. All wood surfaces exposed to view when placed in position shall be
French polished with high gloss finish. Hard rubber / PVC shoes shall be provided to bottom of all legs.
Rest all as per drg.
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29 Computer Table The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: TP Nos 25 12,986.84 324,671.10 RA Att
Godrej Model No: Companion C2 Computer Table (1200 x 600 x 750)" or Mehodex model -Legend 11 or
equivalent in Durian. The overall size of the table shall be Overall Size (Width X Depth X Height). mm
Length: 1200 mm Width 600 mm Height: 750 mm. It shall be made up of 18mm thick Pre-laminated board
and mental parts.The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installed as per user
requirement. Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
30 Single person The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: TP Nos 35 40,267.56 1,409,364.60 RA Att
workstation with Methodex Model No: PB WS-2 (55mm thick) Single Person Linear Workstation (1200W X 600D) with Metal
pedestal Linear KBPT & Mobile Pedestals (646H x 390W x 435D), key board tray and CPC tyolley or equiv model in Godrej
(three side closed) or Durian complete with installation. Modular Workstations of 54mm thickness with extruded aluminum end
Single person post of size 60x23mm. Top trim must be of aluminum section of size 60x19.5mm and snap fitted on its base
workstation with of size 60 x 29.5mm. The aluminum framework must be supported on lower and upper partition
pedestal, key board block.Bottom Block must be made up of 9mm pre-laminated particle board of desired shade which is pasted
tray and CPC trolley on thick particle board batten frame, which must be properly screwed to end post and bottom electrical race
way.Upper block must be fixed above the table top and made up of particle battens fixed with 12 mm thick
pin board and cloth of desired shade, Option of White Board to be provided instead of pin board or as per
customer requirement must be given. Raceway- one bottom raceway is provided as standard for drawing
wires along the width of panel, additional raceways can be added in the middle of the partition and both
above and below the table top.The raceway is covered with 100 mm wide aluminum extruded plates from
both sides and snaps fitted with aluminum extruded raceway clip of size 86x 49.8mm.Connectors- complete
system is interconnected with panels in desired layout with the help of 2-way, 3-way, 4-way fittings and
aluminum covers. TABLE TOPS- table tops to be made up of 25mm thick pre-laminated particle board.
Exposed edges are covered with 2mm thick PVC edging applied on automatic machine with hot melt
glue .The tops are supported on partition with the help of metal brackets. GABLE END- gable end is made
up of 18mm pre-laminated particleboard of desired shade and screwed to top with help of metal L brackets.
DRAWER UNIT- drawer unit to be made up of 18mm thick pre-laminated particle board for outer
Frame .Internal 3 drawers to be made up of 18mm thick pre-laminated particle board with 9mm pre-
laminated bottom. Drawer will run on bottom-mounted channels. All 3 drawers are locked with center lock.
KEY BOARD TRAY-The keyboard trays are made out of 18mm PLPB under the worktop with sliding
channels. Trays are also available in CRCA. CPU TROLLY - The CPU Trolleys are made out of powder
coated MS sheet with adjustable width, front & back open & provided with front 2 lockable castors to ease
out the wire accessibility from the CPU.
The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installed as per user requirement. Completion
report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
31 2 person workstation The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: TP Nos 9 74,270.28 668,432.52 RA Att
with pedestal Linear Methodex Model No: PB WS-2 (55mm thick) Cluster of two side by side Linear Workstation (1200W X
Double person 600D) with Metal KBPT & mobile Pedestals (646H x 390W x 435D), key board tray and CPC tyolley or
workstation with equiv model in Godrej or Durian complete with installation. All as per item No 30 here-in-above but cluster of
pedestal, key board two work stations for 02 person. The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installed as
tray and CPC trolley per user requirement. Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
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32 3 person workstation The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: TP Nos 3 108,164.88 324,494.64 RA Att
with pedestal Linear Methodex Model No: PB WS-2 (55mm thick) Cluster of three side by side Linear Workstation (1200W X
triple person 600D) with Metal KBPT & mobile Pedestals (646H x 390W x 435D), key board tray and CPC tyolley
workstation with complete with installation 0r equv models in Durian/Godrej. All as per item No 30 here-in-above but cluster
portable pedestal, of two work stations for 03 person. The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installed
key board tray and as per user requirement. Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
CPC trolley
33 Office Table General All as shown on drawing. Overall size shall be 1200mm long 610mm wide and 760mm high. Steel frame of FD-1004 Nos 74 6,895.00 510,230.00 AFRL 22-23
overall size shall be 1160mm long, 570mm wide and 742mm high. Four legs of 25mm mild steel tube of Appx 'A' S/No.
1.6mm wall thickness long and short sides. Two short stiffeners of 25mm square mild steel tube of 1.6mm 49
wall thickness shall be provided at 130mm from bottom of legs. One long stiffener of 25mm square mild
steel tube of 1.6mm wall thickness shall be provided to the middle of short stiffeners joining short stiffeners.
Three drawers of equal size shall be provided on the right hand side above the stiffeners at 130mm high
with overall size of 350mm wide and 430mm high and 410mm deep. Irrespective of what is shown on
drawing ans specified in note 7 of the drawing, the top of table shall be provided with exterior grade pre-
laminated MDF board of 18mm thickness of approved shade and make with PVC edging al-round the top of
table. Hard rubber/PVC toes shall be provided to the legs. Locking device shall be provided to drawers. All
exposed steel surface shall be painted witn two coat of synthetic enamel paint of approved shade over a
coat of primer. Rest all as per drg.
34 Table Officer Good The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Methodex Model : TP Nos 9 57,336.24 516,026.16 RA Att
quality EB 2000+EBM 21 with Side cabinet or Godrej Model No. Aristo- Main Table with ERU attached Pedestal (2100W x
2250D x 750H) Or equiv model in Durian. Overall Size 2000WX1000DX770H , Top made up of 43mm thick PLPB
with 2mm thick pvc edge bending , Vertical made up of 25mm thick PLPB with 2mm thick pvc edge bending ,
Modesty panel made up of 18mm thick PLPB with 2mm thick pvc edge bending , on front panel Lehnerite Cushion
panel at centre & metal strip , All Wooden Panels , Gables & modesty Fix Joints With Minifix Dowels , minifix &
Other Fitting Equipment , All Wooden Panels Prime Quality Board With ISI Marked . Mobile Padestral of Overall
Size 450WX600DX675H , Top made up of 25mm thick PLPB with 2mm thick pvc edge bending , under structure
made up of 18mm thick PLPB with 2mm thick pvc edge bending , back panel made up of 12mm thick PLPB , 4
number of caster wheel provide on bottom , 3 number of S.S handle & one number of lock. Side Cabinets of Overall
Size 1200WX450DX740H , Top made up of 43mm thick PLPB with 2mm thick pvc edge bending , Top size
1200WX450DX43mm , under structure made up of 18mm thick PLPB with 2mm thick pvc edge bending , Shelve
made up of 18mm thick PLPB with 2mm thick pvc edge bending , two number of sliding shutter made up of 18mm
thick PLPB with 2mm thick PVC edge bending and front on side metal strip , back panel made up of 12mm thick
PLPB , two number of skirting provided on bottom , All Wooden Panels , Gables & modesty Fix Joints With Minifix
Dowels , minifix & Other Fitting Equipment , All Wooden Panels Prime Quality Board With ISI Marked .The items
shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installed as per user requirement. Completion report of same issued
by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
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35 Solid Wood table The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to drawing provided by the user. Wooden TP Nos 5 78,000.00 390,000.00 RA Att
with top covered with Table shall be of size 2500mmX1500mmX1000mm as per drawing enclosed. The top of the table shall be
sunmica sheet made upmof 60mm thick wooden plank over which 1mm thick sunmica sheet of approved shade and make
Wooden Table of shall be provided. Legs shall be 06 in number made of hard wood having section 75X75mm. Top rails and
size 2.5mX1.5mX1m stiffeners connection the legs at the top and bottom having section 70X50mm shall be provided as show in
drg. The items Rest all as per drg and as directed. Completion report of same issued by user to be
produced to GE as confirmation.
36 Solid Wood table The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to drawing provided by the user. Wooden TP Nos 5 91,000.00 455,000.00 RA Att
with top covered with Table shall be of size 2500mmX1500mmX1000mm as per drawing enclosed. The top of the table shall be
rubber sheet made up of 60mm thick wooden plank over which 4mm thick rubber sheet of approved shade and make
Wooden Table of shall be provided. Legs shall be 06 in number made of hard wood having section 75X75mm. Top rails and
size 2.5mX1.5mX1m stiffeners connection the legs at the top and bottom having section 70X50mm shall be provided as show in
drg. The items Rest all as per drg and as directed. Completion report of same issued by user to be
produced to GE as confirmation.
37 Lab Table with The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: TP Nos 6 406,904.52 2,441,427.12 RA Att
modular storage rack Methodex Model: Innovate 01 or equiv model in Godrej or durian or other equiv TP model.
above, laminated TABLE: Overall size:- 2000W±10X1000D±10X1000 H ±10mm , Top made up of 19±2mm thick granite fixed
with sunmica of solid with frame with the help of Neoprene , edges profile should be shaped & polished properly, Storage should
color 2mx1mx1m be below the table top , Storage made up of 1 mm thick CRCA and complete body will be in 0.8mm thick
(Green-2, Red-2, CRCA Sheet duly Powder Coated, Under structure:-Top should be connected with stiffener pipe bottom of
White-2) color the top made up of CRCA 50X25X1.4mm thick CRCA Pipe between each storages , under structure
2mx1mx1m modesty panel made up of 0.8mm thick CRCA sheet duly powder coated , 38mm round metal powder
coated legs with leveller given below the storage , Vertical leg made up of CRCA 50X25X1.4mm , cover with
0.8mm thick CRCA sheet , complete structure should be supply in knock-down condition , assembly should
be done with suitable nut & bolt and required fastener , all welding should be used CO2 MIG welding to
minimise rusting on welding area , complete structure should be free from all welding defects such as sharp
edges , burr etc , all metal components should be pre-treated with zinc phosphating in minimum 7 tank
process and the powder coated with epoxy polyester with approved shade , thickness of coating should be
minimum 50 Microns .
OVERHEAD Overall Size 2000WX300DX600H mm , Overhead body made up of 0.8mm thick and shutter
made up in 1mm thick CRCA sheet powder coated , shutter with 3 to 4mm thick glass, hanging on wall
with the help of hole fasteners ,all metal components should be pre-treated with zinc phosphating in
minimum 7 tank process and the powder coated with epoxy polyester with approved shade , thickness of
coating should be minimum 50 Microns .
The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installed as per user requirement. Completion
report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
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38 Single dark colour The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Model: TP Nos 1 219,926.28 219,926.28 RA Att
Conference Table to Methodex Model No: strategy-04 (25 seaters) or equiv model in Godrej or Durain. Conference Table Overall
accommodate 25 Size shall be 10200L X 2100W X 750H in a U-Shape. Table Top made of 25mm thick Particle board Round
people Post form top with 2mm thick PVC Edge bended finish with Laminate Shade of approved shade,
Connection Top of conference table made of MDF Board of size 600W x 600D x 25mm Round postform
Pasted With 0.4mm thick black PVC Membrane on Board, Gable - Ends of the table Made Of 18mm thick
PLPB twin Board designed with similar to the photograph, Modesty Panel Prime Quality 18mm thick 718mm
High PLPB Board Supported To Top & Gable ends, 7mm High PVC Buffers Screw With Gable-end, PVC
Wire manager to be provide on top, 18mm thick PLPB cable tray should be provided below top, All Wooden
Panels , Gables & Modesty Fix Joints With Minifix Dowels & Other Fitting Equipment, All Wooden Panels
Prime Quality Board With ISI Marked. IS:12823:1990.Completion report of same issued by user to be
produced to GE as confirmation.
39 Table dining 8 seater Over all size of the Table shall be 1800x900x750mm. All wood shall be teak wood. The legs and top rails FD/MAP- SET 8 12,192.00 97,536.00 AFRL 22-23
with chairs shall be 90x45mm in section. Stiffeners having section 90x25 two in number shall be provided joining the II/03 Appx 'D' S/No.
long rails. 100x100x35mm thick teak wood bracket shall at all the four corners joining the shot and long rails (dining 20 & 07
at the top. Top of table shall be of 18/19 mm thick prelaminated MDF board exterior grade with decorative Table)
choice lamination on one side and balancing white on the other side with PVC edging all around the top of FD/MAP-
table irrespective of what is shown and specified on drg. The top shall flush with the rails and legs as shown II/05
in drg. PVC/hard rubber toes shall be provided to the bottom of legs. All wooden surfaces exposed to view (Dining
when placed in position shall be french polished with high gloss finish. over all size of chair dining shall be chair)
450 mm long 450 mm wide and 950 mm high. All wood shall be seasoned teak wood. Seat of chair shall be
square in shape 450mmx450mm of 12mm thick BWR plywood with 75mm thick 40 density foam
upholstered with fabric. The chair shall have curved back with 30x15mm section vertical teakwood strips
made to shape connected to 25x45mm back rest at the top and 25X90 Teak wood back rail at the bottom as
shown in drg. Rest all as per Drg and directed by Engr - in - charge.All wooden surfaces exposed to view
when placed in position shall be french polished with high gloss finish- 8 seater dinning table with chairs for
64 airwarriors. Rest all as per drg.
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40 Laminar work table The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: TP Nos 10 153,109.14 1,531,091.40 RA Att
Methedox Model: Innovate 14 or equiv model in godrej or Durain or equiv TP Model.
Overall size:- 1800WX750DX850 H. Top to be made up of 18mm Black/White Granite duly polished.
Storage should be below the table top , Storage Shutter made up of 1 mm thick CRCA and complete body
will be in 0.8mm thick CRCA Sheet duly Powder Coated,
Under structure:-Top should be connected with stiffener pipe bottom of the top made up of CRCA
50X25X1.4mm thick between each storages , under structure modesty panel made up of 0.8mm thick
CRCA sheet duly powder coated , Vertical leg made up of CRCA 50X25X1.4mm, cover with 0.8mm thick
CRCA sheet , complete structure should be supply in knock-down condition , assembly should be done with
suitable nut & bolt and required fastener , complete structure should be free from all welding defects such
as sharp edges , burr etc , all metal components should be pre-treated with zinc phosphating then powder
coated with epoxy polyester with approved shade , thickness of coating should be minimum 50 Microns .
REAGENT RACK: - Reagent Rack single side 2 tier Structure Side Panel Made Of CRCA 25x25x1.2mm
Square Metal Pipe Welded With 0.8mm Thick Metal Sheet & Shelve Are Made By Metal Sheet With Added
pegboard acrylic of Height indicates of in H2 .Under structure Vertical made up of hollow CRCA Pipe
50X25X1.2mm thick , vertical frame should be moulded with 0.8mm thick CRCA sheet and leveller provided
to adjust the height according to floor, Vertical should be connected with stiffener pipe bottom of the top
made up of CRCA 40X40X1.2mm thick CRCA , under structure modesty panel made up of 0.8mm thick
CRCA sheet duly powder coated , Metal powder coated legs with leveller given below the storage, complete
structure should be supply in knock-down condition , assembly should be done with suitable nut & bolt and
required fastener , all welding should be used CO2 MIG welding to minimise rusting on welding area ,
complete structure should be free from all welding defects such as sharp edges , burr etc , all metal
components should be pre-treated with zinc phosphating in minimum 7 tank process and the powder coated
with epoxy polyester with approved shade , thickness of coating should be minimum 50 Microns.
NOTE: The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user requirement.
Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
41 Chair for Conference The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Godrej TP Nos 150 7,582.68 1,137,402.00 RA Att
rooms Leatherate Model:Shally Chair or Methodex Model:Grandeur or equiv model in Durian. Flexible mesh backrest should
Revolving Chair ensure back support in every posture. The chair should offer ample support to elbow and forearms while
working on laptop. Attached to the backrest, it should offer stability and durability. The chair should also
support lower back in preferred sitting postures and should provide sufficient space behind the knees
(popliteal region), and should allowing one to lean back in comfort. The chair should come with Center tilt
mechanism with upright position locking and should offer maximum comfort and safety for the user.
The metal parts to be pre treated with 6 steps of Degreasing, Water Rinse, Phosphating
and Passivation and the Powder coating to be done following 9 Tank spray phosphating system followed by
Oven drying at 140º C EMT after Pretreatment Camel Hump Oven for baking powder at 180º C and in-built
cooling loop after Oven baking. The manufactures should have in house quality checking, steel processing
and powder coating unit. Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
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42 Conference Chair The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: TP Nos 37 15,810.00 584,970.00 RA Att
Methodex Model: Vogue MB or Godrej Model: Aero or equiv model in Durian. Medium Back leatherite
chair having Max. Height 1110mm , Min. Height 1025 mm Depth 650 mm, Base Seat Width 510 mm
Depth 420mm, Thickness 100 mm, Seat Height from Ground 525mm, Back seat Width 520 mm, Height
620 mm, Thickness 100 mm, Arm Rest Height from seat 220 mm, Handle In 460mm, Handle Out 560
mm, Frame 40X 20 mm flat side tube (16 Guage ),Pedestal Dia. 650 (With Castor) & 600 (W/o Castor),
Castor Wheel Dia. 50mm). Material to be used Plywood of 13.5 mm single ‘L’ ply(hot pressed),
Upholstery in Leatherette, Base Seat Foam of moulded PU Foam , D -32 kg/m3 , H-20, Back Seat Foam
of Moulded PU Foam , D -28 kg/m3 , H-20, Arm Rest soft cushioning on plastic Handle over chrome plated
on round tube., Understructure /Base Revolving Pedestal - Chrome Plated Steel base with 3 piece bellow.
Beading chrome plated, Mechanism Torsion Bar - Single point control. Providing maximum adjustability and
scope for comfort. Seat & Back moves in same direction.1 position locking with anti shock feature.
Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
43 Good Quality Office The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. make: Godrej Model TP Nos 34 14,605.69 496,593.32 RA Att
Chair No. Aero High Back Chair with Headrest or Methodex Model: Vogue HB or equiv model in Durian. The seat should
be made up of 12mm thick hot pressed plywood. The back should be made up of injection moulded glass filled nylon
and upholstered using Mesh fabric with high tenacity yarn. The HR Polyurathane foam should be moulded with
density = 45 kg/m3 and hardness 16 kgf as per IS: 7888 for 25% compression. The adjustable armrest should have an
up/dn adjustment. Height adjustable armrest structure which is chrome plated & fitted with an armrest top. The fixed
armrest top should be PU moulded over metal insert. The lumber support should consists of Polypropylene pad with
moulded Polyurathane foam & covered with Polyester fabric. The height of lumber pad should be adjusted through
two projecting knobs provided on the rear side of the pads. Lumber pad should have an adjustment of 8.0 in height.
The adjustable tilt mechanism should be designed with the following features:-
• 360 deg revolving type.
• Single point control.
• Front pivot for tilt with feet resting on ground ensuring more comfort.
• Tilt tention adjustment.
• 4 position locking with anti-shock features.
• Seat/Back tilting ratio of 1:2.
The neckrest assembly should consist of Polypropylene pad with Polyurathane foam covered with Polyester fabric.
Neckrest should be fixed with Back assembly through neck connector. Neckrest assembly should have height
adjustment of 4.2 and rotation adjustment of overall 76 deg The complete neckrest assembly should be retro fit to the
main chair. The penumatic height adjustment should have an adjustment stroke of 10. The pedestal should be injection
moulded in black 30% glass filled Nylon and fitted with 5 Nos. of twin wheel castors. The pedestal pitch centre Dia
should be 66.1 . The twin wheel castors should be injection moulded in Black Nylon. The Coat hanger should be made
up of injection moulded glass filled nylon. The coat hanger should be retro fit and should be fixed to the back
assembly. The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user requirement.
Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
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44 General chair Good The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: Methodex TP Nos 50 4,020.84 201,042.00 RA Att
quality cushioned Model No- V31or equiv model in Durian or Godrej. Fixed padded Cantilever fabric chair having Height 890 , Depth
chairs airwarriors in 590, Base Seat Width 470, Depth 470, Thickness 60, Seat Height from Ground 470, Back seat Width 450, Height
classroom 460 , Thickness 70, Arm Rest Height from seat 180 , Handle In 460, Handle Out 560, Spine Bkt Length 460.00 ,
Width 65.00 Thickness 2.00, Frame of 32x 13mm Capsule Pipe (16 Guage), Material to be used Plywood of 12 mm
(hot pressed), Upholstery in Fabric, Base Seat Foam of moulded PU Foam , D -40 kg/m3 , Back Seat Foam of
Moulded PU Foam , D -45 kg/m3 , Arm Rest preferable PU, Understructure: Fixed Type: Flat side capsule pipe,
Black powder coated. TCompletion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
45 Visitor Chair Good The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make:Methdox TP Nos 50 11,138.40 556,920.00 RA Att
Quality Office Model: Vogue Vi or equiv model in Durian or Godrej. Visitor leatherite chair having Max. Height 990, Depth 720,
Cushioned Chairs Base Seat Width 500, Depth 440, Thickness 100, Seat Height from Ground 470, Back seat Width 530, Height 630,
Thickness 100, Arm Rest Height from seat 190, Handle In 51, Handle Out 600, Frame 40X 20 mm flat side tube
(14 Guage, Material to be used Plywood of 13.5 mm single ‘L’ ply (hot pressed), Upholstery in Leatherette, Base
Seat Foam of moulded PU Foam , D -32 kg/m3 , Back Seat Foam of Moulded PU Foam , D -28 kg/m3, Arm Rest
soft cushioning on plastic Handle over chrome plated tube., Understructure /Base Fixed Type and Beading chrome
plated. Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
46 Soft Cushion The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: TP Nos 30 6,018.00 180,540.00 RA Att
Chairs with Foldable Methedox Model No.CL-02 or equiv model in Durian or Godrej. Fixed Paded Training Chair having height
writing boards 870 , Depth 730 Base Seat Width 470, Base Seat Depth 430, Seat Height from ground 500 mm , Back
attached to them rest width 430 mm, Backrest Height 435 mm, Backrest Thickness 60 mm, Arm Rest Height from seat 220,
Handle In 445, Handle Out 545, Frame 25mm Round Pipe (16 Guage) Writing Desk Thickness 18 mm,
height from the seat 200, width 560,depth 295, Surface Textured finish. matching with conference tabl.
Book Shelves Thickness CRCA Sheet (18 Guage),Height from the ground 200, Width 500, Depth 455,
Type of wood used in chair : hot pressed board, Material of Upholstery -leatherette Cover. Thickness of
plywood used in seat 12 mm, Frame material MS 16 Guage tubular pipe ) Upholstery in Black
Leatherette, Base Seat Foam of moulded PU Foam , D -42 kg/m3, Back Seat Foam of Moulded PU
Foam , D -42 kg/m3 , Arm Rest material of PU., Understructure /Base Fixed Type: Round CRCA
Pipe.Writing Desk Pre Laminated Particle Board with 0.8 mm thick PVC Lipping.The items shall be
rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user requirement. Completion report of same
issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
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47 3 seater sofa Good The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: Godrej Model TP Nos 12 48,364.26 580,371.11 RA Att
Quality Office No. Pisa- 3-Seater Sofa or Methodex- Ms sofa 507-3 or equiv in Durian. The seat should be made up of PU foam in
Furniture Density 28kg/cu. mtr. with an additional top layer of supersoft PU foam of Density 32 kg/cu., should be upholstered
with fabric or leatherite. The back should be made up of PU foam in Density 28 kg/cu mtr. with an additional top layer
of supersoft foam of Density 32kg/cu., should be upholstered with fabric or leatherite. Understructure should be made
up of 1.2 cm thick hot pressed plywood (moisture resistance and termite proof as per IS:303) & pinewood of cross
sections should devoid of major knots & surface defects. 6 nos per seat & 3.8mm Dia zigzag spring assembly should
be mounted over understructure for cushioning purpose. The leg assembly should be a welded assembly made in
Stainless steel (grade SS 202) tube and plate with plastic endcap.
The metal parts to be pre treated with 6 steps of Degreasing, Water Rinse, Phosphating and Passivation and the
Powder coating to be done following 9 Tank spray phosphating system followed by Oven drying at 140º C EMT after
Pretreatment Camel Hump Oven for baking powder at 180º C and in-built cooling loop after Oven baking. The
manufactures should have in house quality checking, steel processing and powder coating unit. Completion report of
same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
48 Moulded chairs with The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: Nilkamal TP Nos 5 3,136.00 15,680.00 RA Att
Cushion Model Signature or make :Supreme Model: Ornate or equiv in National/Cello. The items shall be rendered delivered
only after the items are installled as per user requirement. Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to
GE as confirmation.
49 Adjustable height The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. TP Nos 17 5,987.40 101,785.80 RA Att
cushioned stool Make:Methedox Model No. LC-5 or equiv model in Durian or Godrej. Lab Stool in round shape of seat with
low back rest of lethaerette material with seat size of 405 X 405 mm , Height Adjustment in 200 mm,
Padestal diameter- 550 mm, seat height at lowest position 550 mm . Thickness of Polyurethane Foam
Used in Seat 35 mm,Density of Polyurethane Foam Used in Seat (32 Kg/Cub M). Height Adjustment With
Hydraulic,Frame and support made of CHROME PLATED MS TUBES,Chair Type Revolving, The items
shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user requirement. Completion report of
same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
50 Working Stools The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. TP Nos 25 268.80 6,720.00 RA Att
Plastic 1' high Make:Nilkamal Model: STL-5 or equiv in Supreme or National or other TP models. Completion report of
same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
51 Working Stools The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. TP Nos 25 952.00 23,800.00 RA Att
Plastic 2' Make:Nilkamal Model: STL-31 OR equiv in Supreme or National or other TP models.
52 Hard Bed- plywood Over all size shall be 2050x900x800mm. The long rails shall be of 65x25mmx18 gauge rectangular MS FD/6/ Nos 4 5,990.00 23,960.00 AFRL 22-23
with provision for Tube, while the frame for head board and foot board along with legs shall be of 38mmx38mmx 18 gauge MAP/08 Appx 'D' S/No.
tying mosquito net square MS Tube. Four stiffeners of 25x25mmx18 gauge shall be provided joining the two long rails. The (R) 03
extreme stiffiners shall be 150mm away from the head and foot board respectively. All steel surfaces shall
be given two coats of black synthetic enamel paint over a coat of primer. 18mm thick Pre-laminated MDF
board, exterior grade, both side laminate with PVC edging all around shall be provided on head and foot
board as shown in drg. 12mm thick BWR grade plywood top shall be provided. Rest all as specified and as
directed by engr-in-charge.
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53 4 drawer vertical The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: TP Nos 26 27,569.66 716,811.20 RA Att
filing cabinet Godrej; Model No. 4 Drawer Filing Cabinets (1320H x 470W x 620D) Or Methodex Model: 4 drawer filing
cabinet Or Equiv in featherlite or equiv TP Model. Size of 4 Drawer VFC should be 1320mm(H) X
470mm(W) X 620mm(D). All the components should be made of CRCA . It should have 1 Point Locking
Mechanism and a Rigid Knock Down Construction. The Top, Side & Drawer Front thickness should be
0.7mm. The Frames, Drawer-inside cover and Side Back Side thickness should be 0.6mm. The Back,
Bottom and Drawer thickness should be 0.5mm. Easy to grip Full length Recess Handle shall be integrated
into Metal Drawer for easy pull out convenience. There should be a Snap on type plastic label holder on
Drawer Fronts. In addition, 28 ‘Ezee’ / ‘Visa’ files (Foolscap) from front to back of thickness 20mm per
drawer can be hanged in VFC. The Centralized locking System should be provided along with Shooting Bolt
Mechanism and 10 Lever Cam Lock. The VFC should have anti-tipping arrangement which ensures that
when one drawer should be open for use, it does not allow other drawers to be opened. The High Quality
Precision Ball Slide should be provided with Drawer Load capacity of max 40 kg and UDL for 75,000 cycles
(BS). Plain Triangular plate pop should be riveted at the bottom corners for rigidity. Optional Accessories
like Drawer Partition and Cradle for hanging A4 file folders front to back should also be available. The
finishing should include Epoxy powder coated to the thickness of 50 microns. Completion report of same
issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
54 Hat stand with mirror Over all size shall be 1000 mm long and 710 mm high. 4mm thick teakface plywood of size 100mmx 710 FD- 233 Nos 21 3,429.00 72,009.00 AFRL Appx
mm shall be provided in front and 4 mm thick commercial ply of same size shall be provided to the back of 'B' Ser No 29
frame. 5 mm thick mirror of size 300mm x 440 mm shall be provided. Brass pegs of size 120mm x 75mm
shall be fixed with screw. All wood work shall be teak wood. All exposed surface shall be french polished.
Rest all as per drg.
55 Personal locker with The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Steel TP Nos 6 45,323.97 271,943.79 RA Att
number pad locker for pilots (height 84 inch, width 18 inch , helmet box compartment of size 18 inch on the top) Make:
Godrej; Model No: one door personal locker unit(PLU) (height 84 inch, width 18 inch , helmet box size 18
inch). One set shall have 03 unit of such PLU to accommodate18 pilot requirement or Methodex Model No.
Personal locker or equivalent model in durian. The product size should be 1125(W) x 470(D) x 1950(H).
The height should be including the leveler. The height of the leveler should be 50 mm and adjustment
possible should be 15 mm. The construction should be aesthetically appealing and should be a completely
knock down construction. The legs should be fitted with screw type of leveler. The add on units should be
stackwise to form a row of locker. The legs should be fitted with screw type of leveler. The construction
should be made with the combination CRCA metal of 'D' Grade as per IS: 513 with Top Panel (0.5mm
CRCA), side panel (0.5mm CRCA), bottom panel (0.5mm CRCA), back panel (0.5mm CRCA), Top bottom
stiffner (1.2mm CRCA) and End cover (0.5mm CRCA). The Door should be made from 0.6mm Thick CRCA
(D- Grade, IS: 513) with soft closing Hinge. The Door size should be 373(W) x 18(T) x 942(H). The shelving
should be a 10 bend Panel made of 0.5mm thick CRCA (D- Grade, IS: 513). The load bearing capacity of
each shelf should be uniformly 20 kgs. The lock option should be a Cam lock system with oval knob that
should be function as a handle with single shelf and one hanging rod. The mechanism should be a click
action mechanism and the key should be removed both in locking and unlocking position. The housing of
the lock should be a Die cast Zinc alloy. The overall finish should be an Epoxy powder coated to the
thickness of 50 microns (+/- 10 Microns). The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items
are installled as per user requirement. Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as
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56 Pigeon hole type The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Personal TP Nos 12 22,440.00 269,280.00 RA Att
personnel lockers lockers for 30 personnel to keep personal belongings. Make: Mehtodex ;
Model- Industrial locker six door with pad lock or Equiv in Godrej or Featherlite. Six unit locker of having
each unit size of 455x455x420 with handle and provision for hangine pad lock shall be provided. The Locker
shall be made of CRCA having 1mm thickness. all metal components should be pre-treated with zinc
phosphating in minimum 7 tank process and the powder coated with epoxy polyester with approved shade ,
thickness of coating should be minimum 50 Microns. it shall be The items shall be rendered delivered only
after the items are installled as per user requirement. Completion report of same issued by user to be
produced to GE as confirmation.
57 Rostrum electronic The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Rostrum TP Nos 2 228,000.00 456,000.00 RA Att
shall be an Electronic Lectern: Processor Based Motorized for Up & down, Type of Chassis/ Frame :
Metallic Display: Display Type: LED Display 21.5 inch Screen Resolution (Pixels): 1920×1080 Stylus: Yes
Stylus Type : Battery/ Power Operated Brightness (NITS) Minimum : 250 Goose Neck MIC, & Wireless mike
& receiver Operating System (Pre-loaded) : Windows 10 Storage/HDD (GB): I5, 4GB Ram 1TB Amplifier:
120 watt, 30 watt (2 pcs) Speakers Control Panel with VGA & HDMI port On site OEM Warranty in years: 1
years Make:Advance tech India Model: Electronic Lectern: or Equiv TP Model in EAPL/Vantage Avcom. The
items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user requirement. Completion
report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
58 Rostrum The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Wooden TP Nos 2 43,505.04 87,010.08 RA Att
Podium of size 1200 x 500 x410 Make: Methodex Model :Podium H1200xW 500 xD 410 or equiv TP Model
in Godjej/Durian. The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user
requirement. Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
59 Shoe Cabinet for 06 The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: TP Nos 6 10,113.85 60,683.10 RA Att
pairs Godrej; Model No. " 202M Individual Shoe Cabinet (800W x 395D x 467H)" or equivalent model in Zuari or
Durain. Overall Size :Width : 80cm Depth : 39.6cm Height :46.7cm METAL MATERIALS : (18gauge +/-
TYPE):Material(PVC/PU) :pvc , puMELAMINE , PVC , Color : WALNUT
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60 Shoe Rack for 10 The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: TP Nos 1 13,686.14 13,686.14 RA Att
personnel Godrej Model No. 203M Individual Shoe Cabinet (1200W x 395D x 467H) or equivalent model in Zuari or
Durain. Fiber-boards (Particle Boards, MDF) of highest quality imported from Malaysia/Thailand. Smooth
surface finish, excellent abrasion resistance, scratch resistance, long-lasting durability. High abrasion
resistance, high scratch resistance – no lamination peel off for many years – longevity of product. Neatly
filleted edge bands to ensure smooth edges to prevent any injuries from accidentally brushing against the
product. Dimensions W x H x D (cm) 120 x 45.5 x 39.6
62 Sofa 5 seater The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue.Make : TP Set 3 107,712.00 323,136.00 RA Att
(3+1+1) Durain Model: WINDSOR/3+1+1 EXCUTIVE TYPE SOFA or equiv model in Godrej or Methodex. The sofa
shall be five seater with 01 three seater and 02 one seater sofa. the over all size of three seater sofa shall
be 1650mm (W) X 750mm (D) X 710m (H). while the single seater shall be (W) 850mm X (D) 750mm X (H)
710mm. Seating height to be 410mm arm height to ne 610mm seat depth to be 545 and back height to be
290mm above seat level. The material shall be premium leatherette alternative to luxurious leather.
Breathable, non-sticky and thicker to touch, iand non-toxic material with anti-peel and easy to clean
property. Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
63 Sofa 1 seater The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. TP Nos 10 23,990.40 239,904.00 RA Att
Make:Godrej Model No. "PARTOPLUS 1Str Sofa Slthr or METHODEX Model No. " SENATE SERIES 01
SEATER or /Durian black or equivalent. Overall Size : Width : 92cm Depth : 87cm Height : 76cm Seating
Height : 39.5cm Stitching: Thread : Poly Proplin. LEATHER/Fabric of 575 GSM 0.9 mm thickness. The
metal parts to be pre treated with 6 steps of Degreasing, Water Rinse, Phosphating and Passivation and the
Powder coating to be done following 9 Tank spray phosphating system followed by Oven drying at 140º C
EMT after Pretreatment Camel Hump Oven for baking powder at 180º C and in-built cooling loop after Oven
baking. The manufactures should have in house quality checking, steel processing and powder coating
unit.The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user requirement.
Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
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64 Sofa 2 seater The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. TP Nos 2 31,849.20 63,698.40 RA Att
Make:Godrej Model No. "PARTOPLUS 2Str Sofa Slthr black or METHODEX Model No. " SENATE SERIES
02 SEATER or equivalent model in Durian. Overall Size : Width : 134cm Depth : 87cm Height : 76cm
Seating Height : 39.5cm. Stitching: Thread : Poly Proplin. LEATHER/Fabric of 575 GSM 0.9 mm thickness.
The metal parts to be pre treated with 6 steps of Degreasing, Water Rinse, Phosphating and Passivation
and the Powder coating to be done following 9 Tank spray phosphating system followed by Oven drying at
140º C EMT after Pretreatment Camel Hump Oven for baking powder at 180º C and in-built cooling loop
after Oven baking. The manufactures should have in house quality checking, steel processing and powder
coating unit.The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user
requirement. Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation. Completion
report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
65 Sofa 7 seater The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. TP Set 1 109,980.15 109,980.15 RA Att
(3+3+1) Make :Godrej Model No. "PARTOPLUS 3 Str Sofa Slthr black 3+3+1 or METHODEX , Model No. SENATE
SERIES 3+3+1 or equivalent model in Durian. 3 seater sofa: Overall Size : Width : 175cm Depth : 87cm
Height : 76cm Seating Height : 39.5cmStitching: Thread : Poly Proplin. LEATHER/Fabric of 575 GSM 0.9
mm thickness. The metal parts to be pre treated with 6 steps of Degreasing, Water Rinse, Phosphating and
Passivation and the Powder coating to be done following 9 Tank spray phosphating system followed by
Oven drying at 140º C EMT after Pretreatment Camel Hump Oven for baking powder at 180º C and in-built
cooling loop after Oven baking. The manufactures should have in house quality checking, steel processing
and powder coating unit.The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user
requirement. Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation. Completion
report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
66 Rifle rack for 10 AK- The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Rifle Rack TP Nos 1 23,552.00 23,552.00 RA Att
103 rifles with for 10 AK 103 rifles Make : Riflok or Singhal or RDS or Equiv. The items shall be rendered delivered only
ammunition box after the items are installled as per user requirement. Completion report of same issued by user to be
produced to GE as confirmation.
67 Solid table with The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: TP Nos 20 76,618.32 1,532,366.40 RA Att
granite top Methedox; Model: Innovate-12 or equiv TP model in Godrej/Durian. Overall size:- 1200MM (W)X750mm
(D)X850mm (H). Top made up of 18mm Black/White Granite polished, Storage should be below the table
top , Storage Shutter made up of 1 mm thick CRCA and complete body will be in 0.8mm thick CRCA Sheet
duly Powder Coated, Under structure:-Top should be connected with stiffener pipe bottom of the top made
up of CRCA 50X25X1.4mm thick between each storages , under structure modesty panel made up of
0.8mm thick CRCA sheet duly powder coated , Vertical leg made up of CRCA 50X25X1.4mm , cover with
0.8mm thick CRCA sheet , complete structure should be supply in knock-down condition , assembly should
be done with suitable nut & bolt and required fastener , all welding should be used CO2 MIG welding to
minimise rusting on welding area , complete structure should be free from all welding defects such as sharp
edges , burr etc , all metal components should be pre-treated with zinc phosphating in minimum 7 tank
process and the powder coated with epoxy polyester with approved shade , thickness of coating should be
minimum 50 Microns . Electrical fittings( raceway and switch sockets). The items shall be rendered
delivered only after the items are installled as per user requirement. Completion report of same issued by
user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
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1 2 5 4 6 7 8 9 10
68 Cupboard for The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: TP Nos 1 64,330.01 64,330.01 RA Att
personal clothing Godrej Model No. " Slimline Blend Royal Ivory / Russet" or equivalent model in Methodex or Featherlite or
equiv TP model. The item shall be a three door wardrobe have over all size of 134.9x195x50.7. The entire
wardrobe shall be made up of CRCA. Rest all as per the specification.The items shall be rendered delivered
only after the items are installled as per user requirement. Completion report of same issued by user to be
produced to GE as confirmation.
69 Wardrobe with The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Steel TP Nos 1 45,323.97 45,323.97 RA Att
facility for 03 Guards locker for pilots (height 84 inch, width 18 inch , helmet box compartment of size 18 inch on the top) Make:
Godrej; Model No: one door personal locker unit(PLU) (height 84 inch, width 18 inch , helmet box size 18
inch). One set shall have 03 unit of such PLU to accommodate18 pilot requirement or Methodex Model No.
Personal locker or equivalent model in durian. The product size should be 1125(W) x 470(D) x 1950(H).
The height should be including the leveler. The height of the leveler should be 50 mm and adjustment
possible should be 15 mm. The construction should be aesthetically appealing and should be a completely
knock down construction. The legs should be fitted with screw type of leveler. The add on units should be
stackwise to form a row of locker. The legs should be fitted with screw type of leveler. The construction
should be made with the combination CRCA metal of 'D' Grade as per IS: 513 with Top Panel (0.5mm
CRCA), side panel (0.5mm CRCA), bottom panel (0.5mm CRCA), back panel (0.5mm CRCA), Top bottom
stiffner (1.2mm CRCA) and End cover (0.5mm CRCA). The Door should be made from 0.6mm Thick CRCA
(D- Grade, IS: 513) with soft closing Hinge. The Door size should be 373(W) x 18(T) x 942(H). The shelving
should be a 10 bend Panel made of 0.5mm thick CRCA (D- Grade, IS: 513). The load bearing capacity of
each shelf should be uniformly 20 kgs. The lock option should be a Cam lock system with oval knob that
should be function as a handle with single shelf and one hanging rod. The mechanism should be a click
action mechanism and the key should be removed both in locking and unlocking position. The housing of
the lock should be a Die cast Zinc alloy. The overall finish should be an Epoxy powder coated to the
thickness of 50 microns (+/- 10 Microns). The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items
are installled as per user requirement. Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as
70 Wardrobe with The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: TP Nos 8 45,323.97 362,591.72 RA Att
facility to hang Godrej Model No: one door personal locker unit(PLU) (height 84 inch, width 18 inch , helmet box size 18 Catered for
uniforms/ overalls for inch) of 03 units or equivalent in Methodex or Featherlite or equiv TP model in Durian. Specification as per only 24
60 personnel (one the item at SlNo. 69The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user personnel
door personal locker requirement. Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation. instead of 60
with add on personnel
provision) (8x3 =24)
71 Wardrobe with The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: TP Nos 10 45,323.97 453,239.65 RA Att
facility to hang Godrej Model No: one door personal locker unit(PLU) (height 84 inch, width 18 inch , helmet box size 18 Catered for
uniforms/ overalls for inch) of 03 units or equivalent in Methodex or Featherlite or equiv TP model. All as per item No 70 here-in- only 30
60 personnel (one aboveThe items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user requirement. personnel
doorPLUwith add on Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation. instead of 60
provision) personnel
(10x3 =30)
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1 2 5 4 6 7 8 9 10
72 Wardrobe with The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: TP Nos 8 45,323.97 362,591.72 RA Att
facility to hang Godrej Model No: one door personal locker unit(PLU) (height 84 inch, width 18 inch , helmet box size 18 Catered for
uniforms/ overalls for inch) of 03 units or equivalent in Methodex or Featherlite or equiv TP model. All as per item No 70 here-in- only 24
60 personnel (one aboveThe items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user requirement. personnel
door PLU) Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation. instead of 60
(8x3 =24)
73 Wardrobe with The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: TP Nos 7 45,323.97 317,267.76 RA Att
facility to hang Godrej Model No: one door personal locker unit(PLU) (height 84 inch, width 18 inch , helmet box size 18 Catered for
uniforms/ overalls for inch) of 03 units or equivalent in Methodex or Featherlite or equiv TP model. All as per item No 70 here-in- only 21
40 personnel (one aboveThe items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user requirement. personnel
door PLU with add Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation. instead of 40
on provision) personnel
(7x3 =21)
74 Newspaper stands The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: TP Nos 4 12,682.00 50,728.00 AFRL-23-23
Godrej - All Steel Periodic Display Rack (1830H X 900W X 450D or Make:Methedox Model: News paper Appx 'C' S/No
stand or equivalent model in r featherlite or equiv TP model. Overall Dimensions of All Steel Periodical 138
Display Rack should be 900mm(W)x450mm(D)x1830mm(H). The construction should be a Rigid
Knockdown construction ,Panels should be made from CRCA 0.6 mm thick and front frame should be made
from CRCA 0.8 mm thick of CRCA D grade as per IS 513 . There should be 5 level racks , Display tray
should be suitable for fullscape size magazines, periodicals, aesthetically appealing metal tray should be at
an angle for easy viewing . Receding facility should be to access the storage from behind and should be
sliding on plastic rollers . Behind storage shelving each of 5 level should have a storage shelf . Uniformly
Distributed Load capacity per each shelf should be 40 kg . Leveler should be screw type with hex plastic
base and finish should be epoxy polyester powder coated to the thickness of 50 microns. The metal parts to
be pre treated with 6 steps of Degreasing, Water Rinse, Phosphating and Passivation and the Powder
coating to be done following 9 Tank spray phosphating system followed by Oven drying at 140º C EMT after
Pretreatment Camel Hump Oven for baking powder at 180º C and in-built cooling loop after Oven baking.
The manufactures should have in house quality checking, steel processing and powder coating unit.The
items shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user requirement. Completion
report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
75 Plastic waste Bins to The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. TP Nos 30 2,652.00 79,560.00 RA Att
accommodate waste Make:NILKAMAL Model:RWB 120Ltrs (green, red & blue) or equiv model in Supreme or Cello. The items
with cover(3ft shall be rendered delivered only after the items are installled as per user requirement. Completion report of
Height) same issued by user to be produced to GE as confirmation.
76 Tool Storage Bin of The item shall be of Trade Pattern with specification conforming to the manufacturer's catalogue. Make: TP Nos 1 24,571.19 24,571.19 RA Att
size 12", 15", 18" Nilkamal or Alkon or equiv in Neelkamal/Aristo. The items shall be rendered delivered only after the items
with 20 number each are installled as per user requirement. Completion report of same issued by user to be produced to GE as
in one mobile stand confirmation.
Set of 60bins with
metal stand
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