MLS 113B - Lab Prelims
MLS 113B - Lab Prelims
MLS 113B - Lab Prelims
➔ Increased platelet count
➔ Signals inflammation or trauma
➔ Essential Thrombocythemia: extremely high an
uncontrolled platelet production (life-threatening)
➔ Decreased platelet count
➔ Common consequence of drug treatment (may be
➔ The Neubauer counting chamber is still used when
performing manual platelet count
◆ Note that platelets are crucial in hemostasis and
➔ When performing manual platelet count (direct method),
platelet plug formation in cases of wounds or
count the cells at the 5 small central squares (the same as
injuries. Failure to seal these “openings” in the body
the RBCs)
would result to the introduction of foreign materials
◆ same counting pattern as the manual RBC count
and allow subsequent infections
(Left to right; right to left)
➔ Bruising and hemorrhage are results of the decreased
platelet count
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counted on each side should agree with each other by ± ➔ Count the number of platelets in the 25 small squares in
10. the center square of the grid.
➔ Average the results from two sides of the hemacytometer. ◆ Note that in the tube method, platelets from 25
➔ Calculate the platelet count using the formula. small squares are counted. This means that all of the
platelets found in the whole central square are to be
Platelet count/uL= average # of platelets counted X 200 X
➔ Count on each side of the chamber and the difference
10 X 5
should not be not more than 10%. Get the average count.
Platelets/L= platelets/uL X 10^6
➔ Calculate the platelet count by using the formula:
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Coulter Principle:
➔ Electrical impedance where whole blood is passed
between two electrodes through an aperture so narrow
Reference ranges
that only one cell can pass through at a time.
➔ The impedance changes as a cell passes through. The ➔ Coulter’s normal range study derived the following
change in impedance is proportional to cell volume, reference ranges (below) for the Act diff2 Series Analyzer/
resulting in a cell count and measure of volume. You may use these ranges, or establish your own. If you
use Coulter’s ranges, write “same in the last column of the
following chart.
Specimen Collection and Handling
➔ Handle blood as a potential biohazard capable of
transmitting infection. Always wear protective gloves and
lab coat when processing specimens.
➔ Draw specimen in into a lavender-top Vacutainer tube
containing K2EDTA. Thoroughly mix blood with EDTA
anticoagulant. If hemolysis or small clots are observed,
discard specimen.
➔ Do not test samples that are incorrectly filled or that are
clotted. If hemolysis or small clots are observed, discard
➔ Analyze venous blood samples within 24 hours of
collection. Do not refrigerate samples for platelet and
differential counts.
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Interfering Substances
➔ K2EDTA is the recommended anticoagulant. ➔ Very high WBC count
➔ K3EDTA and Na2EDTA are also acceptable. Use of other ➔ Severe lipemia
anticoagulants can yield misleading results. Hgb ➔ Certain unusual RBC abnormalities that
resist lysing
Interfering Substances ➔ Anything that increases the turbidity of the
sample such as elevated levels of
➔ Certain unusual RBC abnormalities that triglycerides
resist lysing ➔ Very high WBC count
➔ Nucleated RBCs ➔ High concentration of very large platelets
WBC ➔ Fragmented WBCs MCV ➔ Agglutinated RBCs
➔ Any unlysed particles greater than 35 fL ➔ RBC fragments that fall below the 36-fL
➔ Very large or aggregated platelets as when threshold
anticoagulated with oxalate or heparin ➔ Rigid RBCs
➔ Very high WBC count ➔ Very small red blood cells near the upper
RBC ➔ High concentration of very large platelets threshold
➔ Agglutinated RBCs ➔ Cell fragments
➔ RBCs smaller than 36 fL Plt ➔ Clumped platelets as with oxalate or
Result: WBC (falsely decreased) ➔ Platelet fragments or cellular debris near
Causes: the lower platelet threshold
➔ 1. Agglutination of WBCs: WBCs will be too big to be ➔ Known factors that interfere with the
counted as WBCs. Hct parameters used for its computation
➔ 2. Clotted sample: WBCs will be too big to be counted as ◆ RBC
➔ Known factors that interfere with the
Result: WBC (falsely increased) MCH parameters used for its computation
Causes: ◆ Hgb
➔ 1. Aggregation of platelets (sticking to each other): ◆ RBC
Clumped platelets may be big enough to be counted as ➔ Known factors that interfere with the
WBC. parameters used for its computation
➔ 2. Very large platelets: May be counted as WBC MCHC ◆ Hgb
➔ 3. Nucleated RBCs: May be counted as WBC ◆ RBC
➔ 4. Unlysed RBCs: May be counted as WBC ◆ MCV
➔ Known factors that affect the WBC count,
Result: RBC (falsely decreased): LY, MO, GR such as high triglycerides, that can affect
Causes: lysing
➔ 1.Cold agglutinins (make the cells to stick to each other
when sample is refrigerated or in room temp): clumped
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➔ 1. Is INCREASED due to Cold agglutinins (refrigerated
sample) which causes decreased RBC count. Decreased
RBC count leads to increased MCV.
➔ 2. Is INCREASED due to high WBC counts (provided that
there is TRUE decreased RBC count). Analyzers are
sensitive to leukocytosis over 100x10^9/L.
➔ ***take note: Normal WBC count will not affect MCV.
MCV will be affected only by increased or decreased RBC
➔ Remember the formula: MCV= Hct/RBC count x 10 Which
means any changes in hct and rbc count will also cause
changes MCV
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Clinical significance
➔ Thrombocytopenia
➔ Disorders in platelet function
◆ Thrombasthenia
◆ storage pool disease
◆ Bernard –Soulier syndrome
➔ Afibrinogenemia
Prolonged ➔ Severe hypofibrinogenemia
Bleeding ➔ Vascular disorders
Time in ➔ Aspirin
➔ Aplastic anaemia
➔ A/c leukemia
➔ Liver diseases
➔ Von Willebrand disease
➔ Vascular abnormalities (Ehlers-Danlos
➔ Severe deficiency of factor V or XI
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