AE 9-Activity 5-Measures of Dispersion and Shape
AE 9-Activity 5-Measures of Dispersion and Shape
AE 9-Activity 5-Measures of Dispersion and Shape
I. Introduction
When comparing two or more different data sets using measure of central tendency or
averages, same results are obtained. In making complete information about a certain data,
measures of central tendency are not adequate and the comparison between the data becomes
difficult. Therefore, additional information for comparison regarding how the data is dispersed
about the average. This can be accomplished by measuring the dispersion. These measures help
to understand how stretched the given data is.
Measures of Dispersion
Measures of dispersion aims to represent the variability in data. In describing the extent to
which data is scattered, a statistical term called dispersion or scatter is used.
a. Range
b. Standard Deviation
c. Quartile Deviation
a. Coefficient of Range
b. Coefficient of Standard Deviation
c. Coefficient of Quartile Deviation
Absolute Measure of Dispersion
The difference between the largest and the smallest value in a set of data is called range. In
continuous grouped data the difference between the upper class boundary of the highest class and
lower class boundary of the lowest class is called range.
Standard Deviation
It is a measure of how far away items in a data set are from the mean. The square root of the
variance gives the standard deviation. Thus, the standard deviation also measures the variation of the
data about the mean.
Quartile Deviation
Defined as half of the difference between the third quartile and the first quartile in a given data
A relative measure of dispersion compares the variability of two or more data that are
independent of the units of measurement. In other word, a relative measure of dispersion expresses the
absolute measure of dispersion relative to the relevant average and multiplied by 100 many times.
Coefficient of Range
It is the ratio of the difference between the highest and lowest value in a data set to the sum of
the highest and lowest value.
The coefficient of variation is the ratio between the standard deviation and the mean. The
higher the coefficient of variation, the higher the standard deviation of a sample relative to the mean.
It is the ration of the difference between the third quartile and the first quartile to the sum of
the third and first quartiles.
III. Formulas and Examples
Formula: Range = H – S
The yields (kg per plot) of a cotton variety from five plots are 8, 9, 8, 10 and 11. Find the range.
Solution: H = 11, S = 8.
Range = H – S
= 11- 8 = 3
Number: 5 18 42 27 8
Solution: H= Upper boundary of the highest class = 75 S = Lower boundary of the lowest class = 60
Range = H – S
=75 – 60 = 15
Standard Deviation
Example 1: (Ungrouped Data)
The weights of 5 ear-heads of sorghum are 100, 102,118,124,126 gms. Find the standard
The frequency distributions of seed yield of 50 seasamum plants are given below. Find the
standard deviation.
Quartile Deviation
Calculate quartile deviation and coefficient of quartile deviation for ungrouped data. The marks
obtained by 9 students are given below.
Coefficient of Range
CV = s / x
CV = 9.25 / 19.29
CV = 0.48
Calculate quartile deviation and coefficient of quartile deviation for ungrouped data. The marks
obtained by 9 students are given below.
Topic 2
I. Introduction
The measure of central tendency and measure of dispersion can describe the distribution but
they are not sufficient to describe the nature of the distribution. For this purpose, two statistical
measures were used to compare the shape to the normal curve called “Skewness” and “Kurtosis”.
Skewness and Kurtosis are the two important characteristics of distribution in statistics.
For example, the symmetrical and skewed distributions are shown by curves as:
A statistical number that tells us if a distribution is taller or shorter than a normal distribution. If
a distribution is similar to the normal distribution, the Kurtosis value is 0. If Kurtosis is greater than 0,
then it has a higher peak compared to the normal distribution. If Kurtosis is less than 0, then it is flatter
than a normal distribution.