BTC Whitepaper DKT FTUs Gateways EN 2-0 Web
BTC Whitepaper DKT FTUs Gateways EN 2-0 Web
BTC Whitepaper DKT FTUs Gateways EN 2-0 Web
Version 2.0
The most flexible FTU in the industry
The most flexible FTU in the industry
Flexibility by deploying a 2-box solution
As demarcation point for As demarcation point for As demarcation point for As demarcation point for Active Ethernet/
optical nodes/RFoG third-party FO gateway CATV-only GPON/XGSPON (Layer 2 “2 Box” approach)
• Short installation time; only one-time access to the customer’s premises • Neutral demarcation point with maximum flexibility and lifetime
needed using pre-install-kits supporting customer DIY concepts
• Ease of installation as no in-field splicing is required • Durable and very small
• Robust and future-proof due to the technology-independent approach
which can grow with the operators future technology upgrades All of this ensures a significant saving in OPEX & CAPEX
• Decreased truck-roll frequency and easy maintenance
Why is a 2-box-approach THE future-
proof solution?
10G Gateway
with large FTU
Do you have questions concerning our products or want to place an order?
We look forward to your call!
+49 511 757086
Subject to technical changes!