January 2015 MS - Paper 1B Edexcel Biology IGCSE

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Mark Scheme (Results)

January 2015

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE

in Biology (4BI0) Paper 1B

Pearson Edexcel Certificate GCSE

in Biology (KBI0) Paper 1B

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January 2015
Publications CodeUG04039
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2015

General Marking Guidance

 All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must

mark the first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the last.
 Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be
rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather than penalised
for omissions.
 Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to
their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.
 There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme
should be used appropriately.
 All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded.
Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the
answer matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared
to award zero marks if the candidate’s response is not worthy of credit
according to the mark scheme.
 Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the
principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be
 When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark
scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader must be consulted.
 Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has
replaced it with an alternative response.

Question number Answer Notes Marks

1 (a) 5

Effect Name of Source


converts (insulin) (pancreas)

glucose to

secondary testosterone; (testis)

of the ADH; hypothalamus
collecting / pituitary;

repairs uterus oestrogen; ovary;


Allow reasonable

Question number Answer Notes Marks

(b) 1. soluble / dissolves; Ignore small 2

2. osmotic effect / eq;

(c) X; 1

Total 8 marks

Answer Notes Marks
2 (a) easier to see / no need to stain / contrast / 1
cytoplasm is red / eq;

(b) (i) 1. movement of water;

2. from dilute to more concentrated solution /

3. through partially permeable membrane /


(ii) (in distilled water)

1. water into cells;
2. outside solution/distilled water more dilute
/ down concentration gradient / eq;
3. cell membrane against cell wall / eq;
4. turgid;

(allow converse in salt solution for each


1. water leaves cell;

2. outside solution/distilled water less
concentrated / eq;
3. cell membrane shrinks away from cell wall
4. plasmolysed / flaccid;

(c) 1. water into red blood cell / eq;

2. cells burst / haemolysis / eq;
3. no cell wall; 2
Total 9 marks

Answer Notes Marks
3(a) (i) safety glasses / wear gloves ; Ignore lab coat / tie 1
hair back / eq

(ii) 11/ eleven; 1

(b) (i) remove starch / solution from surface of Ignore get into 1
syringe / eq; syringe

(ii) mix contents / mix amylase and starch / eq; Mix alone = 0 1
Allow enzyme and

(iii) keep at correct temperature /

keep temperature constant / eq; Ignore fair test

(c) (i) 1. volume / concentration of amylase; Allow amount only 2

2. volume / concentration of starch; once
3. volume / concentration of iodine /
drops of iodine;
4. volume / concentration of mixture;

(ii) temperature; Ignore time 1

(d) 1. 6 minutes / between 5 and 6 minutes / eq; Reject 6-7 mins 3

2. iodine stays yellow / orange / brown /

iodine stays same colour / colourless /
not blue black;

3. no starch present;

4. digested/broken down ;

Answer Notes Marks
(e)(i) 1. fewer wells with blue black colour / 2
more wells yellow / orange / brown /
colourless / eq;
2. starch digested sooner / quicker /
reaction completed sooner / eq;

(ii) 1. enzymes work faster at 400C / Ignore ref to denature 2

ref to optimum / eq;
2. more (kinetic) energy /
molecules move faster / eq;
3. more collisions /
more enzyme substrate complexes /eq;

Total 15 marks

Answer Notes Marks
44 1. narrower lumen / eq; Ignore 2
( (a) 2. thicker wall; blood flow
(a) 3. more muscle / stronger muscle / eq;
4. more elastic; Allow
5. no valves; converse

(b)(i) 4

Name of blood vessel Letter

vena cava L or N

aorta C;

pulmonary vein B; Reject B

and D and
hepatic artery D;
B or D
renal vein I;

(b)(ii) 3
Contents of blood vessel Letter of
blood vessel

contains the most glucose after a meal J;

contains the least urea I;

contains the least oxygen M;

Total 9

Answer Notes Marks
5 1. high humidity decreases rate; One mark for 5
condition and change
2. reduced concentration in transpiration
gradient / eq; second mark for
explanation of change
3. high wind increases rate ;
Allow converse
4. increased concentration throughout
gradient / eq;

5. high temperature increases rate ;

6. more (kinetic) energy /

more evaporation / eq;

7. high light increases rate ;

8. stomata open / eq;

Total 5 marks

Answer Notes Marks

6 1. lower production / fewer fruit / less growth / eq; 3

(a) 2. (fewer) chloroplasts / less chlorophyll;
3. (less) photosynthesis;
4. (less) carbohydrate / glucose / starch;

(b) (i) 1. variation; 4

2. mutation;
3. rare / random:
4. survive / not killed;
5. reproduce / mates; 4. Ignore resist
6. pass on gene / allele / eq;
6. Ignore

inside leaf / not reach all parts / eq;

(ii) 1

(c) biological; 1

(d) 1. no sperm / less reproduction / less breeding / eq; 2

2. fewer eggs/females fertilised / fewer larvae;

3. sterile male compete for resources / mates;


Notes Marks
number Answer

(e) C plus pheromone/smell and minus 6

pheromone/smell / traps in field / no traps / eq;

O same species of insect/males (trapped) /

same species/size of crop / eq;

R several traps / repeat / many fields;

M1 count number trapped / measure damage /

measure yield / eq;

M2 time period stated;

S1 and S2 same temperature / light / water /

time of year / location/size of field /
number of plants / size of trap / eq;;

Total 17 marks

Answer Notes Marks

7(a) 1. broken down / digested; Ignore eaten 2

2. bacteria / fungi / microorganisms / saphrophytes / eq;

(b) 1. (dead) plants / humus then earthworms then birds; Earthworms in middle =1 2

2. arrows correct;

(c) (i) 20; 1

(ii) C; 1

(iii) (yes) not enough repeats / may be anomalous / eq; Ignore not enough soil 1

Total 7 marks

Answer Notes Marks

8 (a) 5

Large food Enzyme Small food

molecule involved in molecule
digestion produced

starch amylase glucose / Ignore simple sugars


protein; protease amino acids /

polypeptides /

lipid lipase; fatty acids /


(b) 1. large surface area / microvilli; Ignore many villi / long 3

2. thin / short diffusion distance / eq;

3. blood / capillaries / eq;

4. permeable;

5. lacteal;

Total 8 marks

Answer Notes Marks

9(a) 1. water; 2

2. minerals / ions / salts / named mineral ion / eq; Ignore nutrients

Allow 2 marks for 2

named minerals;

(b) 1. shape; Palisade cell labelled = 5

max 4

Then max 4 from:

2. cell wall;

3. cell membrane;

4. cytoplasm;

5. nucleus;

6. vacuole;

Total 7 marks

Answer Notes Marks

10(a) (i) 47; 1

(ii) male; 1

(b) 1. has more than 46 / has extra chromosome / trisomy; Ignore 47 alone 2

2. (which is) sex chromosome / Y / eq; Has an extra sex

chromosome =2

(c) (i) meiosis; 1

(ii) 1. failure of chromosomes to separate / eq; 2

2. (gamete) has an extra chromosome / YY;

3. normal egg/gamete fertilised by abnormal sperm/gamete;

Total 7 marks

Question number Answer Notes Marks

11(a) P mm Mm; 4

G m M m; G. Clear separation of
O Mm mm;
Ph. Allow half Marfan and
Ph Marfan / eq unaffected; half unaffected even if
not linked to genotypes

Allow max from Punnett


Allow 3 max for TE

Allow other symbols

(b) (i) some people do not have obvious symptoms / some people with 1
symtoms/long fingers/tall do not have condition / heart
problems/eyesight problems may have other causes / eq;

(ii) 1. look at parents / family history;

2. genetic test / analyse DNA / eq;

3. Allow any 2 symptoms
3. look for combination of symptoms / look for
tall and eyesight / eq;

Question Answer Notes Marks

(c) 1. condition present in offspring but not in parents; 3

2. it skips generations / eq;

3. carriers (present);

Total 10 marks

Answer Notes Marks

12 environment; 8




random / different;

average / mean;


anomalous / unusual / odd ;

Total 8 marks

Answer Notes Marks

13(a) 1. explants; Max 5

2. small pieces of tissue / small pieces of plant / eq;

3. agar / jelly;

4. contains nutrients / amino acids / glucose;

5. plant hormones / named hormone / eq;

6. minerals / named mineral;

7. sterile;

8. control light;

9. control humidity;

(b) 1. quick / eq; Allow converse Max 2

2. many produced;

3. any time of year;

4. no genetic variation / genetically identical / produce clones;

Total 7 marks

Answer Notes Marks

14 3

Structure Organism If no X s and all  in

correct places allow Max
bacteria viruses
fungi 2

cell wall   ;

nucleus   ;

chloroplast ()  ;

Total 3 marks

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