Mark Scheme (Results) October 2018

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Mark Scheme (Results)

October 2018

Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level

Biology (WBI02) Paper 01
Development, Plants and the Environment
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October 2018
Publications Code WBI02_01_1810_MS*
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General Marking Guidance

 All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the first
candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the last.

 Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded for what
they have shown they can do rather than penalised for omissions.

 Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to their
perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.

 There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should be used

 All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners should
always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the mark scheme.
Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if the candidate’s response is
not worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.

 Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the principles by
which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be limited.

 When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme to a
candidate’s response, the team leader must be consulted.

 Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it with and
alternative response.
Using the Mark Scheme
Examiners should look for qualities to reward rather than faults to penalise. This does NOT mean giving credit for incorrect
or inadequate answers, but it does mean allowing candidates to be rewarded for answers showing correct application of
principles and knowledge. Examiners should therefore read carefully and consider every response: even if it is not what
is expected it may be worthy of credit.

The mark scheme gives examiners:

 an idea of the types of response expected
 how individual marks are to be awarded
 the total mark for each question
 examples of responses that should NOT receive credit.

/ means that the responses are alternatives and either answer should receive full credit.
( ) means that a phrase/word is not essential for the award of the mark, but helps the examiner to get the sense of the
expected answer.
Phrases/words in bold indicate that the meaning of the phrase or the actual word is essential to the answer.
ecf (error carried forward) means that a wrong answer given in an earlier part of a question is used correctly in answer to
a later part of the same question.

Candidates must make their meaning clear to the examiner to gain the mark. Make sure that the answer makes sense.
Do not give credit for correct words/phrases which are put together in a meaningless manner. Answers must be in the
correct context.

Quality of Written Communication

Questions which involve the writing of continuous prose will expect candidates to:
 write legibly, with accurate use of spelling, grammar and punctuation in order to make the meaning clear
 select and use a form and style of writing appropriate to purpose and to complex subject matter
 organise information clearly and coherently, using specialist vocabulary when appropriate.
Full marks will be awarded if the candidate has demonstrated the above abilities. Questions where QWC is likely to be
particularly important are indicated (QWC) in the mark scheme, but this does not preclude others.
Question Answer Mark
1(a)(i) The only correct answer is c – 660 minutes

A is incorrect because G1 lasts just under half of 23 hours which is 11x60 = 660 minutes
B is incorrect because G1 lasts just under half of 23 hours which is 11x60 = 660 minutes
D is incorrect because G1 lasts just under half of 23 hours which is 11x60 = 660 minutes (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

1(a)(ii) ACCEPT equivalent wording for mark
points 1 and 2

1. one of two (DNA) molecules that make up a 1.ACCEPT each chromatid contains
chromosome / eq ; one DNA molecule
1.IGNORE strand

2. Idea that DNA replicates (in S phase) / eq ;


Question Answer Mark

The only correct answer is c –

A is incorrect because the cell is in metaphase

B is incorrect because the cell is in anaphase
D is incorrect because the cell is in interphase (1)
Question Answer Mark
1(b)(i) The only correct answer is A – 1, 5, 6, 4, 3, 2

B is incorrect because the coverslip has to be put on before the cells are squashed
C is incorrect because the cells cannot be teased apart before adding acid
D is incorrect because the cells cannot be teased apart before adding acid (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

1(b)(ii) ACCEPT phonetic spellings

(acetic/ethanoic/propionic) orcein / Feulgen’s (stain)/ toluidine DO NOT ACCEPT iodine

(blue) / (aceto)carmine / methylene blue / Schiff’s (reagent) ;

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
2(a) ACCEPT plural names
ACCEPT phonetic spellings
DO NOT ACCEPT when more
than one answer is given in
one part of the diagram if
one of these answers is
incorrect for the cell type
Animal cells only:

centriole ; ACCEPT centrosome/cortical


Animal and plant cells:

(cell) membrane / cytoplasm / Golgi (apparatus) /

mitochondrion / endoplasmic reticulum / lysosome /nucleus / ACCEPT correctly qualified
nucleolus / ribosome ; answers
e.g plasma membrane /
rough ER /smooth ER / 80S
IGNORE vacuole
Plant cells only:

chloroplast / cell wall / amyloplast / tonoplast / plasmodesma / (3)

{large / permanent / sap/ eq} vacuole ; ACCEPT pits / middle lamella
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
2(b) DO NOT ACCEPT flagellum,
glycogen granules,
cytoplasm, membrane,
ribosomes, 80S ribosomes
1. peptidoglycan cell wall ; 1.ACCEPT murein cell wall

2. loop of DNA / nucleoid ; 2.ACCEPT circular DNA

3. plasmids ;

4. pili ;
4. ACCEPT fimbriae

5. (slime) capsule ; 5. ACCEPT slime layer

6. 70 S ribosomes 6. IGNORE small ribosomes (3)

7. ACCEPT mesosome
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
2(c) IGNORE references to
natural selection
1. idea that classification was based on {anatomy /
morphology /physical structure / eq};

2. idea of use or availability of {improved / electron} 2. and 3. named equipment

microscopes ; or methods must be given

3.ACCEPT a name or
3. use of molecular phylogeny; description of chemical
e.g. proteomics / DNA
profiling / DNA analysis

4. idea that {more / new} species {have been / will be} 4. DO NOT ACCEPT new
discovered ; organisms
4. IGNORE references to
speciation, this has to be in
context of discovery or
identification of species

5. e.g. improved technology /

5. idea that in the future, technology will continue to chemical analysis / DNA
develop ; analysis (in the future)

Question Answer Mark
3(a)(i) The only correct answer is C – 46 23

A is incorrect because mitosis does not halve the number of chromosomes

B is incorrect because mitosis does not halve the number of chromosomes but meiosis does
D is incorrect because meiosis halves the number of chromosomes (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

3(a)(ii) 1. to increase the number of primary spermatocytes; 1. the cells must be named

2. idea that large numbers of sperm cells are produced ; 2. ACCEPT many more (2)
sperm are produced

2. ACCEPT increase the

number of sperm

Question Answer Mark

3(b)(i) The only correct answer is A – P

B is incorrect because the acrosome is in the front of the head

C is incorrect because the acrosome is in the front of the head
D is incorrect because the acrosome is in the head (1)
Question Answer Mark
3(b)(ii) The only correct answer is C – S

A is incorrect because the mitochondrion is located in the neck

B is incorrect because the mitochondrion is located in the neck
D is incorrect because the mitochondrion is located in the neck (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

3(b)(iii) 1. (L=) 0.6 × 5 / 3 (µm) ; Correct answer alone
gains three marks
2. (M=) 10 × 5 / 50 (µm) ;

3. (total length =) 58 (µm) ; (3)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
any two dominant alleles e.g. p p Qq Rr

only one dominant allele e.g. p p qq Rr

pp qq rr; (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

4(b)(i) 1. idea that one {characteristic / phenotype / eq} determined by 1. ACCEPT trait, feature,
more than one gene ; physical appearance,
external appearance as eq to
1.DO NOT award mp1 if
answer is in context of genes
at the same loci
1.DO NOT award in the
context of alleles

2. skin colour determined by {three genes / P, Q and R} ; 2. ACCEPT PP QQ RR unless (2)

answer is in context of alleles
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
4(b)(ii) 1. {observable / expressed / eq} {characteristic / feature / eq} ;

2. skin colour ; (2)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

4(b)(iii) 1. idea that there is a range of {phenotypes / characteristics / 1. ACCEPT normal
traits /eq} ; distribution

2. credit list of {skin colours / numerical values} ;

2. More than two should be (2)
stated or listed

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

4(c)(i) ACCEPT converse
as one variable / factor increases the other decreases ACCEPT lighter the skin the
greater the risk of developing
skin cancer
ACCEPT skin colour
increases / numerical value
increases as eq to darker
ACCEPT inverse relationship
that state a causal
relationship (1)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
1. idea that skin colour is genetic and (exposure to) ultraviolet 1.Piece together if necessary
light is environmental ; 1.ACCEPT melanin production
is genetic
1.ACCEPT genotype as eq to

2. ultraviolet (light / radiation) is known to {cause mutations / 2.IGNORE radiation

be a mutagen} ;

3 e.g. DNA repair mechanisms

3. credit example of result of mutation (at gene level) ; decrease, formation of
oncogene, tumour suppressor
gene affected

4. idea that control of cell cycle is lost ;

4 e.g. cell growth cannot be (3)
controlled, cell division cannot
be controlled, no Hayflick limit
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

cellulose and lignin ; (ignore pectin)
absent / eq ;
absent / eq ;
Any two from: CARE two correct functions
must be stated to gain the
transport of water one available mark
transport of mineral (ions)
support / eq ; (4)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
5(b) 1. (starch) contains {large numbers of glucose molecules / 1. ACCEPT starch can store
polymer of glucose molecules} ; a large amount of energy

2. ACCEPT broken down

2. branched so that it can be {hydrolysed / release energy} 2. ACCEPT readily
easily / eq ; hydrolysed
2. ACCEPT if amylopectin
stated rather than starch

3. compact so that {more/ a lot of} glucose can fit into a 3.ACCEPT if amylose /
particular space / eq ; amylopectin is stated rather
than starch

4. insoluble so no osmotic effect / eq ; (3)

4. ACCEPT insoluble so is not
lost from the cell / storage

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

5(c) 1. supplies water {for photosynthesis / to keep cells turgid} / eq 1. to 5. ACCEPT answers in
; context of (parenchyma) cells
need these materials
2. supplies magnesium (ions) for synthesis of chlorophyll / eq ;

3. supplies nitrate for synthesis of {amino acids / protein / DNA /

eq} ; 3. DO NOT ACCEPT nitrogen

4. supplies calcium (ions) for cell wall structure / eq ;

5. supplies phosphate for synthesis of {ATP /DNA /eq} ;

6. supports the leaves so they are exposed to sunlight ; phosphorus
6.IGNORE supports the plant
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
6(a) 1. the {number / variety / range} of species ; 1. DO NOT ACCEPT
1. ACCEPT amount
2. in a habitat / eq ; 1. ACCEPT species richness

OR 2. ACCEPT area / region /

1. the {variety / types} of alleles ;

2. in a {gene pool / population / species} ; (2)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
*6(b)(i) QWC focusing on logical

1. idea of testing {different / named} parts of each plant ; 1.Do not award if context is
using whole plant

2. idea of grinding the plant material up ; 2.ACCEPT make / use an


3. idea of preparing a lawn of bacteria ; 3.ACCEPT add bacteria to

agar / broth /eq

4. credit description of how extract will be added to culture ; 4. e.g. adding extract to
wells, soaking discs in extract

5. incubating bacteria at temperature in range 20 º to 35 ºC

and stated time in range 1 to 7 days;

6. ACCEPT measuring the

6. idea of measuring {diameter / area} of zones of inhibition ; clarity of broth

7. indication of using aseptic technique ; 7. e.g. using sterile


8. repeat experiment and calculating a mean ;

8.ACCEPT taking several (5)
diameter measurements and
calculating mean
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
6(b)(ii) 1. testing which bacteria were affected ;

2. determining the concentration to use ; 2. ACCEPT dosage

3. animal testing ; 3. ACCEPT cell toxicity or

tissue culture
4. testing on (small group of) healthy people ;

5. testing on a small group of patients / eq ; 5. ACCEPT 100-300 if no

written description

6. idea of testing on a large group of patients / eq ; 6. ACCEPT ≥ 1000 if no (4)

written description
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
6(c) If two methods are described
1. store seeds ; credit the one that yields the
higher mark
2. in a seed bank ; 2. ACCEPT at low
temperature and low
OR humidity

3. take cuttings ; 3. ACCEPT take explants

4. and grow them in {greenhouses / eq} ; 4. ACCEPT growing in tissue


5. make certain areas of the rainforest into protected areas ;

6. so that they cannot be used for {deforestation / housing /
eq} ;
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
7(a) Piece together answers if

1. both {divide indefinitely / are unspecialised / eq} ; 1.ACCEPT undifferentiated

1.ACCEPT no Hayflick limit

2. idea that totipotent stem cells can become all cell types but 2. ACCEPT totipotent can
pluripotent stem cells can become {many / most} cell give rise to all cells,
types ; pluripotent cannot give rise
to placental / extraembryonic
cells (2)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
*7(b) QWC focus on clarity
of expression
1. mitosis to increase number of cells / eq ;

2. idea of responding to {chemical / environmental} stimulus ; 2.ACCEPT hormone /

external stimulus

3. reference to differential gene expression ;

4. credit example from question of genes switched on ; 4. e.g. gene for

production of insulin
switched on in pancreatic
5. credit example from question of genes switched off ;
5. e.g. gene for
production of insulin
switched off in nerve cells
6. idea of {transcription / mRNA produced} at active genes ; / muscle cells / heart
muscle cells
7. {proteins / polypeptides / eq} produced (from this mRNA) ;

8. idea that this protein (permanently) modifies cell 7. ACCEPT mRNA is


idea that this protein determines {cell structure / function } ;

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
7(c) 1. idea they {monitor research / ensure research is 1. ACCEPT to ensure
necessary} ; experiments are not
unnecessarily repeated

2. idea that they issue licences (for stem cell research) ; 2.ACCEPT idea of giving
permission for the research
2.ACCEPT idea that
guidelines are adhered to

3. idea they monitor sources of stem cells ;

4. ensure that only early stage embryos are used (as sources of 4. in the UK this is up to 14
stem days
cells) ; 4. ACCEPT to determine the
maximum age of embryos
that can be used

5. prevent unethical use of stem cells ; 5. e.g. human cloning,

genetic manipulation
5.IGNORE designer babies,
playing God, right to life
Question Answer Mark
8(a)(i) The only correct answer is B – behavioural anatomical

A is incorrect because wading is behavioural

C is incorrect because possessing feathers in anatomical
D is incorrect because wading is behavioural (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

8(a)(ii) Piece together answer if
1. (the birds) occupy different niches ; necessary

2. they have different length of beak / eq;

3. idea they have different sources of food / eq;

3.ACCEPT idea of their food is at
different depths
3.ACCEPT they have different food
4. to avoid competition with each other / eq ; (3)
4.ACCEPT less competition
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
8(b)(i) 1. idea of water supplying the food ; 1.ACCEPT nutrients

2. idea of water containing oxygen ;

3. {gills / large surface area} for the uptake of oxygen ; 3. IGNORE gas exchange

4. idea of being protected from predators ;

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

8(b)(ii) ACCEPT converse for
summer throughout

1. The range is the same in winter and summer ; 1. ACCEPT the range is
30mm in both
2. tunnels are deeper in the winter / eq ;

3. more tunnels in winter ; 3.IGNORE comments about

one specific depth

4. greater variation in the number in winter / eq ; (2)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

1. there is not enough food ; 1.ACCEPT not enough


2. (so) there is competition for {food / lugworms} ;

2. ACCEPT between godwits
or with other species
3. credit explanation of how competition is avoided ;
3. e.g. move to where
the lugworms are not
buried so deeply,
move to where there are

e.g. change to another food

source, feed on species still
available, feed on species
nearer the surface

IGNORE change their diet (3)

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