DoctoralSchool Handbook 2021
DoctoralSchool Handbook 2021
DoctoralSchool Handbook 2021
What if I’m not getting on with What if I can’t find housing?
my supervisor?
I’m new to London. How can I meet
What is a thesis? people?
What is a PhD? What are the main How do I find a doctor (GP)?
Answers to all these queries
milestones? What do I have to do?
and more can be found on our Where can I find mental health support?
Doctoral School FAQs webpage. I don’t know what’s expected of me in
What if I get sick?
my programme.
What if I get pregnant?
I don’t have a desk. Where can I work
on campus? What if I need to pause my studies?
How do I open a bank account if I’m Where can I find career support,
not British? especially if I don’t want to stay in
How do I get paid my stipend? academia?
Welcome to UCL and to the Doctoral School Handbook. The Handbook outlines the support available to you as a
research student on one of our PhD, professional doctorate, MD(Res) or MRes programmes at UCL. We at UCL are
committed to ensuring that the quality of your research training is of the highest level. We believe that a high quality
research environment informs high quality education and we are proud to have been judged to be one of the leading
research universities in the world.
The world has been changed by the The Doctoral School is here to ensure that I would like to wish you the best for your
Covid-19 pandemic. This has had an your time at UCL fulfils your needs and research at UCL and encourage you to
impact on research with some of the expectations, equips you for leadership make the most of the rich and diverse
changes proving beneficial and we will be roles in the research world and elsewhere, research training environment at UCL.
making these permanent. Our research and enables you to make the most of the
I look forward to meeting you at some of
and research training has continued during excitement of research. We look after your
our forthcoming events.
the crisis using on-line communications interests through a Code of Practice for
even when buildings, labs and archives Research Degrees which sets out clearly
were closed albeit with inevitable changes. the standards you can expect from UCL.
We are now working in different ways while
The Doctoral School online Research
maintaining the safety and well being of all
Student Log provides a means to manage
our community.
your project and to track your research
Currently UCL has around 6,000 research career at UCL. It gives a focus to help you
students and over 6,000 academic and develop skills which you can apply to both
research staff involved in your supervision the academic and non-academic worlds
spread across our 11 faculties. to set you up for your future career.
UCL academic staff have some of the
Through courses, inter-disciplinary
strongest backgrounds in their specialist
programmes and scholarships we
fields in the world. UCL is a centre of
encourage students to look beyond the
innovative cross-disciplinary research and
boundaries of their chosen discipline, as
across the College the research students
well as sharing and broadening knowledge
play a vital part in this stimulating research
across disciplines through societies and
environment. Welcome to this community.
competitions. Professor David Bogle FREng
We want you to become ‘creative, critical, Pro-Vice-Provost of the
In this Handbook you will find details of
autonomous intellectual risk takers’ through Doctoral School
activities and events to support you during
your research degree at UCL. These
your time here, and how you can benefit
characteristics are also sought in leadership
from them. More information and resources
roles in many areas beyond research and
can be found on our regularly updated
we hope to give you the opportunity to find
website –
out more about these too during your time
here. Research is an international business The strategy for doctoral education at UCL
so it is important that you gain experience can also be found on the Doctoral School’s
communicating and defending your work website at:
nationally and internationally. strategy
As a member of UCL we expect you to We in the Doctoral School are here to give
strive for the highest standards of integrity advice particularly on issues you may wish
in your work and I encourage you to read to discuss outside your department that
the information, including UCL’s Statement may arise during your time at UCL – to
on Research Integrity, on UCL’s research help when things go wrong, as well as
integrity web pages: to celebrate your successes.
What is Research?
You have just embarked on a transformative journey as a research degree student – congratulations! But what do
we mean by research in this ‘research- intensive’ environment? Research involves exploring fundamental questions
through rigorous investigation and analysis. These questions can be about almost anything: natural phenomena,
cultural understanding, the way people organise and operate, the ways we design new processes and procedures,
about our understanding of who and what we are and how this defines the human condition, and so on.
Dafni Gyftaki
Division of Medicine
Karolina Dziemidowicz
UCL School of Pharmacy
“Exploring your field, learning about its territory and methods and how
these interconnect with other disciplines is all part of the excitement of
research and a formative part of becoming a researcher as you develop
your own approach.”
Research Integrity
UCL is committed to ensuring the highest standards of integrity in all aspect of its research activities and expects
that all those involved with research at UCL maintain a similar commitment. As a researcher you are expected to
read and abide by the UCL Statement on Research Integrity, which sets out the standards expected of those involved
in research at UCL, including adherence to the UCL Principles of Integrity: honesty, rigour, transparency and open
communication, care and respect, and personal responsibility.
As a researcher it is important to ensure It is your responsibility to be proactive in Further information on UCL’s Research
your research is conducted, and the seeking advice and support as well as Governance Framework and the Code of
results of your research disseminated, keeping up to date with the latest standards Conduct can be found at:
honestly, accurately and in accordance and changes in guidance and legislation srs/governance-and-committees/
with professional standards. Research relating to your discipline area/s throughout resgov
integrity extends to your personal behaviour your research career. These are not simple
Your supervisory team and other specialists
and how you conduct yourself in working issues, but such concerns are an essential
at UCL will help you to gain the knowledge
collaboratively with others, during peer part of the rigours of academic research.
and confidence you need for your particular
review, in declaring potential conflicts of
The Research Integrity website (www.ucl. project and staff across UCL are available
interest, and in showing care and respect acts as UCL’s to advise and support you.
for other researchers and disciplines,
living Framework for Research Integrity,
research participants and their data, and Referring and adhering to the Research
and draws together information on all
the research record. Integrity Training Framework will assist you
elements of research integrity, including
in identifying and fulfilling your knowledge
Acting professionally in your research ethical funding, research ethics and the
and training needs in these areas:
covers a range of professional knowledge relevant policies and guidelines, such as
and behaviours including awareness of: research data management, open access
and conflicts of interest. It also provides
• methodology and analysis guidance on areas such as research You may also find this paper prepared by
• good data management; collaboration, overseas research, peer the American National Academies useful.
review, publication and authorship, and
• respect and confidentiality; Most of the discussion is relevant to
mentoring. There are also relevant training researchers in all disciplines even though
• research ethics and approval opportunities such the Introduction to the title is “On Being a Scientist”:
processes; Research Support and Integrity Workshop –
• legal requirements; conditions of an introductory session relevant for all those
funding; intending to undertake research at UCL
and applicable to all disciplines.
• health and safety;
• declaring conflicts of interest; as You should also read the UCL Code of
well as a thorough knowledge of the Conduct for Research which sets out
principles of professional conduct and the general principles of conduct as well
appropriate practice in your discipline; as signposting relevant associated UCL
policies, for example the student IPR Policy,
• appropriate attribution of credit and
and Guidance for the Storage and Disposal
of Data and Samples. It is designed to
• citation/referencing and the avoidance be read in conjunction with the Research
of plagiarism; Councils UK Policy and Guidelines on
• IPR and copyright; Governance of Good Research Conduct
that sets out the expectations of our key
• respect for equality and diversity;
funders and partners on research integrity:
• public engagement and global “Excellence and integrity
citizenship; standards/research-integrity
• principles of responsible innovation.
are inextricably linked.”
Foreword to the Concordat to support
research integrity 2012
• the promotion of excellent research research and pledging to conduct their It is the responsibility of the Head of
practice and to maintaining the highest research in an ethical way). This allows Department as outlined in the Academic
standards of rigour and integrity in all UCL to preserve the rights, health and Manual: Duties and Responsibilities of
aspects of our research; safety, and privacy of all involved. Heads Of Department to ensure that
staff and students of the Department
• developing our research staff and The aim of ethical review is to protect are apprised of UCL’s arrangements for
students to be ethical researchers; participants and/or their data. They are a research governance and the associated
• establishing a culture where integrity valuable part of the research process and procedures, the main components
underpins all our research activities. not merely a means of accessing data of which include UCL’s Statement for
and we need to treat them and all their Research Integrity and associated research
information with due respect. However,
All research raises ethical issues and integrity website as well as the UCL REC:
ethical review also helps to protect you as
these will vary across research areas constitution, terms of reference and
the researcher. In addition to and recognition
and discipline. It is very important guidelines.
by funding and publishing bodies, obtaining
that researchers consider the ethical
ethical approval demonstrates that you are Ethical approval must be obtained prior to
implications of their research ‘early’ in
undertaking a legitimate research study. commencement of a study; retrospective
the research planning process.
Careful consideration of research ethics approval will not be granted. You need to
principles and potential risks may help be certain if your research requires ethical
Stop and Think! inform your research methods or increase approvals prior to commencement as:
All research raises ethical issues. participant recruitment, and as a result,
Consider the ethical implications of • Funders often require this as part of
enhance the quality of your research.
your research ‘early’ in the research their conditions of award;
planning process. Research that does not involve human • Publishers may require proof of
participants and/or their data also has approval for publication;
Keep in Mind the potential to raise ethical issues i.e.
All research involving humans • Not obtaining the appropriate
environmental studies that have the
carries some degree of risk. permissions could be classed as
potential to impact on or change the
Sometimes the risk might be very potential research misconduct under
environment, archaeological excavations in
small or even negligible but you UCL’s Procedure for investigating and
disputed territories, studies involving access
always need to consider if the resolving allegations of misconduct in
to sacred sites or the analysis of sacred
research you are doing might raise academic research (2017) and may
cultural objects where access is restricted
issues related to privacy, equality, lead to disciplinary action;
or where there are particular modern
diversity, health and safety. sensitivities or issues. • Not receiving approval could impact on
a research participant’s settlement in
Protecting You
Ethical Approval ensures that you How do I know if I need to apply the event of a claim and could damage
Public Engagement: UCL has one of Public Policy: UCL Public Policy connects Impact: All doctoral theses at UCL now
the most established and largest Public UCL researchers, staff and students with include a requirement to write an impact
Engagement teams in the country. The policy professionals to inform policy with statement. This will allow you to gain some
UCL Public Engagement Unit is situated evidence. experience in writing about the potential
within UCL Culture and provides advice, impact of your work and convincing others
Volunteering: The Volunteering Services
training, funding, resources and activities of its importance – a vital skill in many areas
Unit is based in the Students’ Union UCL
to help UCL researchers listen to and of future work, not just academic careers.
and funded directly by UCL. It is one of the
engage with communities and to embed There is a course on how to write impact
biggest volunteering departments in the UK
public engagement within all stages of the statements available via the Doctoral Skills
and aims to help you get involved in exciting
research cycle: programme.
community volunteering opportunities
across London:
Innovation: UCL Innovation and Enterprise content/volunteering
is a team based at BaseKX in King’s Cross
who offer students training and support
to encourage creative and entrepreneurial
ideas and mindsets.
Principles and Practices Key to making open science the norm Research Data Support
within the research environment is Advice and training on best practice in
Open Science is about increased
engagement with early career research, managing research data and optimising
transparency, re-use, participation, co-
as a result an active (and growing) for storage: including the creation of data
operation, accountability and reproducibility
programme of training and development management plans and advising on funder
for research. It aims to improve the quality
opportunities is delivered via the Doctoral requirements. For more information, visit
and reliability of research through principles
School Development Programme and UCL their website:
like inclusion, fairness, equity, and sharing,
Organisational Development. Alongside this research-support/research-data
which extend across all disciplines.
are a number of support services that are
Bibliometric Support
Open Science introduces different provided collaboratively by Library Services,
Guidance and support for UCL authors
approaches to the way research is done– Research IT Services, and the Office of
and colleagues on how to use and interpret
including opening access to research the Vice-Provost Research (OVPR); these
bibliometric measures effectively and
publications, data-sharing, open notebooks, offer support and advice and training to
responsibly. For more information, visit
transparency in research evaluation, researchers at all levels on aspects of
their website:
ensuring the reproducibility of research open science.
(where possible), transparency in research
Services supporting researchers
methods, open source code, software and UCL Press
provided by UCL Library Services
infrastructure, citizen science and open UCL Press is the first fully open access
educational resources. university press in the UK. It publishes high-
Open Access Support quality scholarly monographs, textbooks
A commitment to openness is a
Advice and assistance on all aspects and journals, and makes them freely
fundamental attribute of UCL’s culture
of making research publications openly available online through UCL Discovery
and much is done within the institution
available, including use of the UCL and other open access platforms.
to support open approaches to all
Research Publication Service (RPS) and For more information, visit their website:
academic endeavours. Within the research
UCL Discovery (our institutional repository),
environment significant progress has
advice on funder requirements and APC
already been made to embed open Open Access Student Journals
(article processing charge) payments.
principles and practices in our research UCL Press also supports open access
For more information, visit their website:
culture, open access to research student journal publishing by providing an
publications being a prime example. online platform for students to set up, run,
Other areas such as open data, open UCL Research Data Repository and publish their own journals using Open
software, citizen science and open An online repository where you can deposit Journal Software: For
education are actively supported by data you collect in the course of your more information, about running a journal
the institution and are embedded in the research, as well as other research outputs on the platform, or to find out more about
research practices of numerous disciplines. like software or code. It also enables you what is involved in running a journal, visit
Recognizing the will to drive forward to find data resources published by others the website:
the Open Science agenda, UCL’s Open at UCL. The repository supports open student-journals
Science Policy Platform (a senior grouping access and enables you to make your
of UCL academics, researchers and data formally citable by means of a Digital
support service owners) have oversight Object Identifier. For more information,
of and drive forward the innovations and visit their website:
developments necessary to foster a culture library/research-support/research-
of open science. data-management/ucl-research-data-
Access the repository:
The wealth of information and opportunities UCL Academic Manual The Doctoral School Website
can be somewhat overwhelming however, The UCL Academic Manual brings together
particularly when you are just starting out. in one location the academic regulations,
This page lists the four key documents and The Doctoral School website is the place
policies and procedures for UCL research
tools for all UCL research students to assist to find out about all the support provided
students. It details the regulations for
you in the successful management and for you as doctoral students. It is updated
our research degrees from admission
completion of your programme. regularly.
to the final completion of the degree
together with the formal processes and • Essential Information
requirements at each stage. Here you will
Code of Practice for Graduate • Strategy, Governance and Policy
Research Degrees also find full details of the requirements of
your final thesis – its length, writing and • Support & Advice
The Code of Practice sets out what you presentational conventions, but also the • Funding & Scholarships
as a research student can expect from criteria by which it will be judged.
your supervisory team and from UCL, and • Events & Competitions
what your supervisors and others in UCL The Academic Manual is available online • Networks & Societies
can expect from you. The Code provides via the Doctoral School’s Essential
• Representation & Surveys
an invaluable and user-friendly map of the Information webpage:
landscape of your research degree, together docschool/essinfo • Postgraduate Teaching Assistants
with signposts to key policies, procedures • International Study
and the roles of key personnel such as
Supervisors, Departmental Graduate Research Student Log
Contact Details for the Doctoral School
Tutors and Faculty Graduate Tutors. The Research Student Log is an online
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7679 1422
project management tool designed to
It is important that you read this document Email:
assist you throughout your degree
carefully at the outset of your time at programme at UCL. Its use is mandatory
UCL and keep it for reference. You will for all UCL research degree students and
receive a hard copy of the Code from it provides a framework for planning and
your department, and it is also available recording your research progress and
online on the Doctoral School’s Essential scheduled supervisory meetings, together
Information webpage: with help in analysing, planning and
docschool/essinfo charting evidence of your academic and
generic skills development. See page 19
for further details on the Log.
“The Code of Practice sets out what you as a research student can expect
from your supervisory team and from UCL, and what your supervisors and
others in UCL can expect from you.”
The UCL Graduate Scholarships Programme has been developed to support If granted, funding begins at the start of the
graduate students who can demonstrate the potential of their research. next academic session.
Other details/criteria:
Candidates cannot apply directly for a
fellowship. They must be nominated for
support by their Head of Department.
Full details are available via: www.ucl.
support/doctoral-school-fellowship Other sources of support: Student funding advice and guidance
UCL also offers help with living costs is also available via:
through its Financial Assistance Fund: students/funding/financial-support/ welfare-adviser
Further funding opportunities for research
students, including information on ‘doctoral
Funded students may also be entitled loans’, can be found here:
to parental or sick leave. See further scholarships/
information on the Research Services
Rohit Pradeep Lahoti
Bartlett Development Planning Unit
UCL research students also have the Training Requirements Each training activity is assigned a number
opportunity to take skills development of points: a point is worth approximately
All research students at UCL are expected
courses at other institutions in the ½ day of training. Ten days of training is
to take full advantage of the training on
Bloomsbury area as part of the Bloomsbury therefore equivalent to 20 points per year.
offer and should be aiming to complete a
Postgraduate Research Network (BPSN). minimum of 10 days per year for full time Research students are expected to identify
students, or 6 days per year for part-time
UCL Doc Skills is mapped to Vitae’s their training needs in discussion with their
Researcher Development Framework supervisors.
(RDF), the national professional All Research Council funded research Figure below: Vitae’s Researcher
development framework that describes students are required by their funding Development Framework (RDF)
the knowledge, behaviours and attributes bodies to participate in skills development
of successful researchers. training to a degree equivalent to two
weeks per year of their funded studentship
UCL Doc Skills offers comprehensive
(i.e. 3 years for 3-year MPhil/PhDs and 4
coverage of the RDF and each offering is
years for 4-year PhDs, EngDs etc).
mapped to the individual domains of the
At UCL there are a number of opportunities Yale UCL Collaborative Student Here is what a couple of our previous
for students to develop their research Exchange Programme exchange participants have said:
internationally. This includes support for Yale and UCL have entered into a “I am extremely grateful for the help of
attendance at conferences, as well as unique partnership called the Yale UCL UCL in making the most of an opportunity
opportunities to study/research abroad, Collaborative. to study at Yale for a term and I cannot
allowing you to spend time at a laboratory,
recommend it highly enough to anybody
archive or site off campus. While funding is This is an exchange scheme for doctoral
else who might be interested. Everybody at
always an issue, there are sources available students giving you the chance to apply for
Yale was very friendly and helpful and they
within UCL and outside, which could help the opportunity to have a period of research
provided the perfect environment for me to
you develop an aspect of your research at study at Yale under the supervision of an
do some excellent work.”
another location. You could really gain a identified Yale Supervisor.
stimulating new outlook on your research “My exchange at Yale University was a
Places are limited and offered on a
and the world of research in another culture. great experience I would not have wanted
competitive basis: as ambassadors
to miss. I gained new knowledge, was
You should enquire with your local for UCL, exchange participants will be
able to be a part of another academic
administrators or supervisors as to what expected to make the most of their time at
environment, meet new people and get new
conference funds are available to you. Yale by engaging as fully as possible with
ideas for my project and my future career.
Some examples are: Yale’s research community. Exchanges will
I am very thankful that I have been given
normally be for a period of three months,
• Bartlett Conference Fund this opportunity.”
and it is hoped that the experience will allow
• SLMS Graduate Conference Fund: UCL’s doctoral students to forge enduring
for all research students who are in a links between the two institutions and
department within SLMS within their research areas.
Bogue Fellowships
Generous fellowships to support
postgraduate research students and post-
doctoral researchers working in the Life
and Biomedical Sciences to visit North
Vasilios Mavroudis
Computer Science
We believe that to solve some of the Should doctoral students then want to take raised £1.3 million in investment in a seed
most pressing scientific, societal and their entrepreneurial journey further, we funding round led by European venture
technological challenges requires offer our 8-week ‘Explore’ and ‘Launch’ capital firm Balderton Capital.
researchers at all levels to explore the programmes, open to all UCL students.
potential of their ideas. That’s why UCL Over eight evening sessions, participants While studying for her PhD in Neuroscience,
Innovation & Enterprise offers a wide either ‘Explore’ a business idea, or get Rebecca McKelvey had an idea to
range of interactive programmes designed ready to ‘Launch’ their enterprise. The combine her prior experience as a
to enrich your time at UCL and prepare programmes culminate with the opportunity secondary school science teacher, and her
you for the world beyond. These include to pitch for substantial cash prizes. role as a research scientist, to give young
dedicated doctoral workshops, challenges people from low income backgrounds
Find out more at opportunities in STEM. Rebecca entered
and competitions, networking events,
Follow us on twitter: @UCLEnterprise the UCL Bright Ideas Award competition
boot camps, one-to-one business advice
Like us on Facebook: @UCLEnterprise (now the ‘Launch a business startup
and the opportunity to join our free startup
Connect with us on LinkedIn: programme’) and won a £10,000 prize.
incubator space at BaseKX, our thriving
entrepreneurial community in the heart of UCL Innovation & Enterprise Gaining space at UCL’s business incubator
the Knowledge Quarter. for startups and new enterprises – and
with other support from UCL Innovation
We run entrepreneurship training specifically Doctoral Entrepreneurs & Enterprise, she was able to turn her
for doctoral students in order to help you Two very different ventures founded by ideas into reality by launching a non-profit
think like an entrepreneur and develop skills doctoral students at UCL – a technology organisation, in2scienceUK.
such as spotting opportunities, maximising startup and transformative social enterprise
resources, generating ideas and improving – have benefitted from the support received In2ScienceUK provides mentors from
universities, arranging science placements,
personal effectiveness. You can also learn from UCL Innovation & Enterprise.
and giving careers guidance to more
how to set up your own business.
As a PhD student in UCL’s Department of than 1000 young people. In October
The training courses tend to run in three
Computing, Leo Wossnig was exposed 2019, In2ScienceUK launched a
stages, from introductory to advanced,
to a range of different technologies and partnership with the Royal Society to pilot a
with workshops over one or two days.
techniques – including quantum computing work placement scheme for disadvantaged
In the introductory workshop the aim is to algorithms. Leo was inspired to come and underrepresented groups.
help you better develop projects and ideas up with a new approach to quantum
“UCL’s support and guidance has
using a new “enterprising lens”, highlighting computing, by incorporating machine
enabled me to create something that has
how this approach can be beneficial both learning. He saw the potential of this
a transformative effect on young lives.”
within, and outside of, academia. The skills, approach in solving problems in industry
Rebecca says.
attributes and behaviours engendered from such as the design of future batteries,
this training contribute to your overarching advanced materials and therapeutic
development and employability as a UCL drugs. He created the startup, Rahko,
doctoral student. which was officially incorporated in 2018
at UCL’s startup incubator space – where
More advanced workshops meanwhile, they received advice and mentoring on
delve deeper into business language and everything from recruitment to contracts.
entrepreneurial thinking. You’ll learn about
key concepts for early-stage enterprise Since then, the company has attracted
creation, including ideation, prototyping, significant interest and has partnered with
testing, building networks, sales, marketing some major players in the field including
and raising finance. Microsoft, Nvidia and IBM. In 2019 Rahko
Some departments offer Teaching Arena One begins with an introductory PGTAs with a substantive teaching role are
Assistantships, whose holders are paid Gateway Workshop, which is designed strongly encouraged to attend TAP.
a stipend and have a responsibility to to prepare you as a new teacher for your
Further information can be found on the
undertake a limited amount of teaching teaching responsibilities, introduce you to
UCL Arena website:
as well as research for a PhD. Other methods in and approaches to teaching
arena/one and through the Doctoral Skills
departments will employ you to undertake and learning, and provide an opportunity to
Development Programme.
some paid teaching work as and when meet Arena Centre staff and fellow PGTAs
necessary. Your related duties (including as you enter the postgraduate teaching Here is what some of our previous TAP
teaching, preparation and training) must community at UCL. Attendance at this participants have said about the course:
not compromise the time you can commit session is required for all postgraduates
to your core research activities. Your with responsibility for any teaching and / “It has been nice to see I am not the only
department will provide guidance on what or assessment at UCL. If you have already one with certain worries when teaching, like
is expected from you in your particular attended a similar introductory training, not knowing the answer to some questions
teaching activities and clear workload please contact us at or giving proper feedback to the student.”
allocation to ensure you are not overloaded. to find out whether you still need to attend
“It was insightful to hear about different
a Gateway Workshop.
All PGTAs must undertake appropriate styles of teaching and has challenged me to
development activities to support their PGTAs also have the option of attending think about my own future teaching.”
teaching practice. an extended course, the UCL Arena One
“It has helped me to reflect about the
Teaching Associate Programme (TAP),
UCL’s Arena Centre for Research-based teaching I have done so far but mostly I feel
and then submitting an application for the
Education offers a scheme for such training more confident in planning and assessing
nationally recognised Associate Fellowship
and development of PGTAs, called UCL future teaching.”
of the Higher Education Academy /
Arena One. Advance HE. Daniel Hewitt | Chemistry
Qiyu Wang | Bartlett School of Architecture Ana Sofia Garcia | Biochemical Engineering
Researcher Communities,
Networks and Collaboration
As a researcher, you will be a member of a number of communities beyond your supervisory team or immediate
working environment: a research group, a department, a seminar group or journal club, a professional society
perhaps (many of which are headquartered or hold meetings in London), and international communities. Researcher
Communities and Networks are in essence groups of people that interact with each other. They can involve a rich
menu of support, advice, events, projects, collaboration, outputs and publications – and are constituted and operate
in many different ways both face-to-face and/or online.
Conferences, meetings, fairs, journals and UCL Research Domains and their UCL Academic Research
books are still central to the dissemination Early Career Networks Networks, Societies and Groups
of research results and for engaging UCL’s Research Domains are large, cross- There is a wide range of academic and
with others, but the development of disciplinary research communities (staff research networks, from the small to the
information technology and social media is and students) that span UCL and our large at UCL, reflecting the breadth of our
changing the way research is conducted partner organisations, fostering interaction research. A small number are listed below,
and communicated, and the way we and collaboration. Each Research Domain the majority student-led, to give you a flavour
interact with others. Established scholarly includes a number of more specific of some of the exciting groups out there.
networks and societies have created research Themes which are of strategic
virtual communities for their members, Your department, Supervisor and fellow
importance to the Domain and UCL.
and new academic virtual communities are students will have detailed information on
now important vehicles for researchers to In general, the Domains and Themes aim what is organised within your department/
interact. Engagement with research and to bring together researchers from across faculty and particularly useful in your field.
with researchers is increasingly through UCL to share experience and perspectives,
There is a wide range of academic and
educational and research email discussion increase the impact of their research and
research networks and societies at UCL,
lists (for example JISCMail), and academic explore the exciting range of opportunities
reflecting the breadth of our research
oriented social networks (like Mendeley, available within and beyond UCL. They
community. The majority are student-led.
Research Gate, but also provide much vital information on events
See a list of our networks and societies on
blogs, vlogs, tweets etc. You will need to and seminars, and key mailing lists and
the Doc School pages: www.grad.ucl.
explore what tools are appropriate for your newsletters to get plugged into the latest
aims and in what way you might use even developments.
familiar tools such as Facebook, WhatsApp,
The current UCL Research Domains are
Linkedin or Twitter in a research context.
listed below, and additional Domains will UCL Public Engagement Networks
We’ve gathered together on these pages be coming in the future: A combination of regular meetings and
only a small selection of what is available monthly newsletter, the UCL Public
• Neuroscience
to you at UCL as a starting point: your Engagement Network brings together
colleagues and peers are the best way • Personalised Medicine UCL staff and students interested in public
to find out more, particularly of what is engagement whether they are an old hand
• Populations & Lifelong Health
available in your department and in your of a complete novice:
• Cancer
field. Get in contact with the existing culture/projects/public-engagement-
areas that interest you, explore your own • Environment network
discipline and other cognate ones. If there • eResearch Organised by the UCL Public Engagement
is no group or network in an area that
• Collaborative Social Science Unit, Volunteering Services and one or
interests you, then think about setting it
more partner organisations, Creating
up yourself. This is part of you forging the • Food, Metabolism and Society
Connections is a regular networking
future of your discipline and your career, • Space event that brings UCL staff and postgrads
and of finding the right support for you and
• Microbiology together with social enterprises, residents’
your work.
groups, charities and other community
For more information, please see:
There may even be some funding available organisations. The aim is very simple –
from the Doctoral School, OVPR, your to explore ways of working together with
Name | Department
Department/s, or the Students’ Union to mutual benefit:
help you do so. projects/creating-connection
UCL is considered a sector-leader on We take great efforts to ensure that UCL RaceMatters@UCL is a forum on race
equality, diversity and inclusion, as provides a welcoming environment for all equality at UCL.
evidenced by the number of external who study, work and socialise here. We are
GEN is a UCL virtual network that allows
charter marks we have gained such as the putting in place an ambitious new Equality,
any member of our community who is
Race Equality Charter (bronze), Athena Diversity and Inclusion plan in time for the
interested in gender equality to find out
SWAN (silver), and the Stonewall Workplace academic year 2020-21.
Index (Top 100, 2018). We are proud to
Key objectives are focused on ensuring
celebrate the diversity of our community. Out@UCL has developed network to give
all students feel a sense of belonging at
Key to UCL’s success are the talents, LGBTQ+ staff, students and visitors an
UCL, that we develop inclusive curricula
experiences and contributions of our inclusive environment.
that better speaks to the diversity of our
diverse population.
community and that our academic and
Six percent of UCL postgraduate research staff profile is more representative
students identify as disabled and those of the diverse profile of our student body.
studying at the University are drawn
UCL has a number of staff and student
from 150 Countries, representing a rich
networks, both face-to-face and virtual,
and widespread international heritage.
offering opportunities for those with
The University Council has agreed to
shared identities to socialise and work
take positive action measures, where
collaboratively. For more information
appropriate, to redress historic patterns
about these please visit
of discrimination in tackling barriers
experienced by women, the LGBTQ+,
disabled, Black, Asian and minority ethnic
(BAME) communities.
While everything we do at the Union is As a Union of more than 40,000 students,
open to all students, we do understand we give you the power to shape the
that the needs of postgraduate students elements of the university that affect you.
are different to other students and therefore We believe that having your voice heard
require more specific representation, within your faculty and department is the
which is why we have a dedicated elected key to improving the quality of education
Postgraduate Students’ Officer, Jim and research at UCL. You can have a
Onyemenam, and a Faculty Representative say in the decisions that will affect your
in each faculty specifically representing the time here by becoming research student
interests of research students. representative.
Many students, particularly those focusing It’s not just the university you can change.
on research, say it can be difficult to The Union is for students and led by
meet their peers and feel a part of the students and you can get involved with
UCL community. We work hard to bridge making it as good as it can possibly be.
the gap between your academic and Twice a year we elect the students who will
non-academic life. Conferences, events, run the organisation, and you will always
sports, arts and society activities, and have the chance to stand to be one of
volunteering opportunities in London are those leaders or vote for the students you
all organised by us. We also find ways for want to do the job for you. The first round is
you to share your work with your peers in October, so keep an eye out for it.
from a range of disciplines; look out for
There’s more to the Union that we can
the 3 Minute Thesis competition. We also
cover here, so keep in touch with us via our
have a strand of activities under our Project
fortnightly PG email (you’re automatically
Active programme which are specifically for
signed up) or any of our social media
postgraduate students, check these out
on our website to stay active during your Ana Margarida Neves
time at UCL. Cancer Institute
It’s important that your voices help shape Postgraduate Research actions. The Doctoral School uses the
and influence the work of departments, Experience Survey (PRES) information gained to consider how to
faculties, and UCL as a whole. make improvements at UCL, and also to
Every two years UCL takes part in
inform our work for the wider research
the national Postgraduate Research
There are many ways of letting us know student community through national bodies
Experience Survey (PRES) usually from
your views, for example by speaking to like Vitae, or LERU (the League of European
early March until May. PRES is a national
your supervisory team and members of Research Universities).
survey, co-ordinated by the national body
your department and faculty staff, for
for improving teaching and learning in
example your local Administrators or The next PRES will be held in 2021. You will
Universities, Advance HE. The survey is a
Departmental Graduate Tutors. There are be emailed a link directly so that you can
crucial opportunity for our research student
also structured and formal ways of feeding participate and let us know what you think.
community to tell us about their experience;
in your views to the way UCL works and
it asks questions about key areas such as: Please see the Doctoral School survey
supports research students.
supervision; resources; research skills and pages for the results and action plans.
professional development.
Research Student Academic
Representatives The results are published on the Doctoral
School’s website and discussed by the
Student academic representation at UCL is key UCL committee looking after the
conducted in partnership with our Students’ standards of research degree provision,
Union. Each department and faculty Research Degrees Committee, and with
appoints Research Student Representatives the various stakeholders (for example
to ensure all views across the research UCL’s faculties, the UCL Student Union)
student community are represented. to make sure we identify and implement Matthew Crowe | Mathematics
The Doctoral School runs competitions each year, offering you the chance to share your research and win some
generous prizes. These include: the Research Images as Art/Art Images as Research Competition, the Research
Poster Competition and the UCL Three Minute Thesis.
Research Images As Art/Art Research Poster Competition UCL Three Minute Thesis (3MT®)
Images As Research Competition
The Doctoral School organises an annual Your PhD thesis will be tens of thousands of
The Doctoral School runs a competition Research Poster Competition for all UCL words long when you submit it. Could you
for researchers and artists, both students research students. explain it in three minutes?
and staff, who are invited to submit images
Students are invited to display their posters The Doctoral School and Students’ Union
associated with their work, which have an
centrally in College and these are then UCL run a Three Minute Thesis competition
aesthetic appeal. Selected images are used
judged by a panel of UCL academics. at UCL in the summer term, the winner of
to illustrate this handbook and other UCL
Prizes are awarded for the best posters. which is eligible to enter the national semi-
finals, and hopefully the finals.
The posters exhibited should convey the
An exhibition of the images is held centrally
essence of a student’s research to an Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) celebrates
in College and assessed by a panel of
audience of both colleagues and non- the exciting research conducted by
judges. Pictures are selected by the panel
specialists. research students. Originally developed
on the basis of their aesthetic appeal, the
by the University of Queensland, the
nature of their subject matter and technical The exhibition attracts interest among UCL competition focuses on students’ academic,
quality. The panel is particularly interested staff, students and visitors. The competing presentation, and research communication
in images that effect a transformation students have in the past found it a valuable skills. The competition supports students’
in the eye of the viewer in translating or way of focusing on their own research, and capacity to effectively explain their research in
communicating the subject that they learning about the research of others. three minutes, in a language appropriate to a
portray and which have the potential to alter
non-specialist audience – it is also great fun.
the way that we view the world. Prizes are
awarded for the best images and all the Further information on all our events and
images are presented in an online gallery competitions can be found on our website
on the Doctoral School website. at:
Malgorzata Dawidek
Slade School of Fine Art
Student Centre (A) Research Grid in the Science Senate House Hub
The new Student Centre is designed from
Library (C) The Hub includes 160 quiet and social
the ground up with student needs and the This study suite located on the 4th spaces, PCs, Print@UCL and four student
student experience at its heart. The Student floor of the Science Library provides a bookable meeting/training rooms.
Enquiries Centre is located on floor 1 and contemporary 74-seat space to study
Please see our Library Study Spaces
has 1,000 new study spaces, radically either collaboratively or in private.
page for full information on availability of
improving the way you move and learn
these spaces throughout the coronavirus
on campus.
Graduate Hub emergency. You can also book study
spaces here:
A space for graduates to meet on central
Science Library Postgraduate campus, comprising a seminar room for libraries-and-study-spaces
Cluster Room (B) group discussion and presentations, a
A PC cluster exclusively for graduates breakout space with integrated kitchenette,
situated in the Science Library (DMS 9 individual study carrels and a common
Watson Building) alongside other clusters. room with Desktop PCs and comfortable
seating. The room is located in the South
Wing basement opposite the Print
Room Café.
A (top), B (below) C
2 Taviton