Student Handbook TESOL Programs 2023

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Student Handbook

English Language Programs

Emergency Contacts
In an emergency contact:

Police, Fire or Ambulance 000

+61 7 3365 3333

UQ Security (24 hours)
1800 800 123
(Toll free)

OSHC 24-hour emergency helpline for students with

1800 814 781
AllianzCare OHSC

UQ Counselling and Crisis line 1300 851 998

We recommend you save the emergency contacts on your mobile phones

Useful contacts Useful websites

Department of Home Affairs Visit Brisbane

Brisbane Visa and Citizenship Office (events and things to do)
Ground Floor
299 Adelaide Street UQ College
Brisbane QLD 4000
Telephone (English): 13 18 81
Web: The University of Queensland
Allianz Care OSHC
(for students with Allianz Care OSHC only)
Telephone Member Services and General Public Transport
Enquiries: 13 OSHC (13 67 42)
Claims: 1800 651 349
24 Hour Emergency Helpline: 1800 814 781 Google Maps
The Allianz OSHC 24 Hour Emergency
Helpline can assist you with urgent medical
or legal advice. Interpreters are available.
UQ Union

2 UQ College Student Handbook

Emergency Contacts 2
Welcome from the CEO 4
UQ College Student Portal 6
Getting Started 7
Computer & Internet Access 8
Helpful Apps 9
Learning Support 12
Learning Advisers 13
Safety and Security 14
Health and Medical Services 17
OSHC (Health Insurance) 18
Information for under 18s 19
UQC Attendance Policy and Student Visa Requirements 20
International Students Rights and Responsibilities 21
Student Conduct 22
Complaints and Appeals 23
Student Complaints and Appeals Process 24
Legal Assistance 25
Working in Australia 25
Public Transport 26
Mobile Phones 28
Cost of Living in Brisbane 29
UQ College Staff Contact Details 30

UQ College Student Handbook 3

Welcome from the CEO
Welcome to UQ College.
The friendly UQ College staff are eager to Administrative Issues –
make your student experience a positive Please contact UQ College Student
and beneficial one and we trust you will Information.
enjoy learning with us, developing new Email: or
skills and knowledge. telephone: (07) 3346 6770
This Student Handbook is designed to We understand that adjusting to a new
introduce you to UQ College and give culture and environment is exciting, but it
you information on your enrolment with can also be challenging at times. We offer
us. As students you have a responsibility a wide range of support services to help
to ensure all policies and procedures are you at every step of your journey. From
clearly understood and I encourage you free English language support to weekly
to seek clarification of anything that is not social activities, our services are designed
clear. to help you succeed in the classroom and
Policies, procedures and guidelines can beyond.
be found at Studying at an international university is
about/policies-procedures and for any about more than the classroom experience.
updates on what is happening at UQ It is about discovering a new culture,
College go to UQ College Facebook site. meeting new people, establishing an international network and having fun. We
look forward to assisting you to reach your
You can also contact the relevant UQC
staff below for:
• Academic Issues -
Iain Mathieson, UQ College Senior
Academic Manager Julian Wilson - UQ College CEOQuiatur
au or to book an appointment please
(07) 3346 6770.
• To book an appointment with a
teacher (outside of classes), please
go to UQC Student Information, Level
4, Building 14 (Sir Llew Edwards
Building) between 8am and 5pm,
Monday to Friday.

4 UQ College Student Handbook

Orientation 5 Top Tips
Orientation is held prior to for Students
commencing your program and it is
important you attend all sessions.

During orientation you will:

• Meet UQ College staff
1. Show respect to your
• Learn about your program
classmates and teachers
at all times
• Find out about support and services
available at UQ College and UQ
• Go on a campus tour and see the
university facilities
• Discover useful information about
living in Brisbane 2. Come to class on time
and make sure you maintain
First Week of Classes satisfactory attendance

Learning resources
In your first classes your teachers will
advise you about:
• The Learning resources for each 3. If you miss a class for any
course reason, complete an Absence
Form in the UQC Student Portal
• Which textbooks are required
• How to access digital or hard copy

The College and your teachers will
communicate with you through: 4. If you have study or personal
problems, ask for help at UQ
• Emails to your student account
College Student Information
• Blackboard
• Please check both regularly!

Timetable Changes
Please note: Class changes may not be
possible and you will require special 5. Student visa holders must
circumstances for a change to be provide their details within 7
considered. days of their arrival in Australia.

UQ College Student Handbook 5

UQ College Student Portal
When you accepted your offer to study at UQ College, you also received a username and
password access to the UQC Student Portal. The UQC portal gives you easy access to your
enrolment and study information at UQ College.
The main dashboard appears with the following buttons and functions:
Note: the button sequence will change depending on the areas you visit the most.

View or submit applications Make payments or view

View documents
to study at UQC outstanding fees

Applications Documents Finance

View and track your applications Access documents made View your financials, including
available for download invoices & payments

View enrolment, grades, and View your

Submit forms to UQC
attendance information timetable

Courses Timetable Forms

View and manage your courses, View your schedule and access all Access all the forms required for
including progress and attendance your upcoming events your study.

Links to useful websites, including UQ

Update your contact information View your attendance
events and services

Useful links Profile Attendance

Access to sites you may find useful Manage your profile View your attendance

You can click The University of Queensland logo to return to the main dashboard at any time.

6 UQ College Student Handbook

Getting Started
Collect your student ID card
Take your passport and e-CoE (electronic Confirmation of Enrolment)
to Student Central (Building 42), to collect your student ID card (if you
submitted a photo online) or have your photo taken and collect your

Download the UQ SafeZone App

Connect directly with UQ security officers or emergency services
for first aid or assistance in an emergency situation on-campus.

Set up your OSHC app

Download the Allianz Care Cover, My OSHC Assistant App.
With this application you can access your e-membership card,
update your personal details, submit a claim, locate your nearest
direct- billing doctor, contact the 24-hour helpline and access
a medical term translator.
Complete the UQ Academic Integrity Tutorial Modules
Login through the UQ Portal, access and complete the UQ Academic
Tutorial Modules on the edX (Edge) platform.
Set-up Learn.UQ Mobile
Keep up with your study by accessing your course materials whenever
and wherever you want.

UQ Student ID Card
You can use your card to:
• borrow items, print and photocopy at the UQ Library
• buy student tickets for selected cinemas and activities in Brisbane such as the
SouthBank Wheel of Brisbane or the Story Bridge Adventure Climb.
Please note that you cannot use your student card to pay student fares on public

UQ College Student Handbook 7

Computer & Internet Access
Username and Password
Always protect your
You will need your UQ student number
personal information
and password to access all computer and
internet facilities (including wifi) Do not give your personal details
on campus. to strangers or phone callers.
Before you start your program UQ will Do not supply personal
send you an email with an ‘activation’ information in emails to people
button to set your password. you don’t know.
If you did not receive the email, please visit Do not post personal details
UQC Student Information on Level 4. online unless you are sure it is a
safe website.
You must change your password before it
will work with the wifi on your device. To
change your password, go to
https// UQ library computers
UQ College students can use the student
computers in UQ Libraries.

Using wifi on campus UQ Internet Policy

To use wifi on campus: You need to know the UQ Internet policy
1. Click “UQ” on the list of available wifi about acceptable use of the service.
You can find this policy at:
2. Enter your username as follows: au/content/6.20.06-acceptable-
s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (“s”, followed by the
first 7 digits of your 8 digit UQ
student number)
Printing and photocopying
3. Enter the password you set through
the activation email. To use the printers and photocopiers in the
libraries, load print credit onto your Student
Card. For more information visit: https://

Get future ready at UQ

Digital Essentials is a series of online modules for you to quickly build
your digital skills so you can succeed in study and work. If you are new
to UQ, we suggest you begin with the recommended modules:

8 UQ College Student Handbook

Helpful Apps
UQ Maps
Free campus map on your smart phone

UQ SafeZone
Connect directly with UQ security officers or emergency services for first
aid or assistance in an emergency situation on-campus.

Learn.UQ Mobile
Keep up with your study by accessing your course materials whenever
and wherever you want.

Access to real-time bus, train and ferry information to help plan your

A smartphone app which allows you to pay for parking at UQ quickly and

Free wireless internet (wifi) in Brisbane

Brisbane City Council provides free wireless internet
(wifi) access in public spaces across Brisbane.
For details visit:

UQ College Student Handbook 9


Key Dates Week JULY 2022

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 Jul Session 6 commences 1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
2 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10 Aug Public Holiday 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
5 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 Aug Session 7 commences 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
2 29 30 31
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
2 1 2 3 4
3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
4 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
5 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 – 30 Sept Break Break 26 27 28 29 30
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
3 Oct Public Holiday 1 2
4 Oct Session 8 commences 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
3 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
4 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
5 31
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
5 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 Nov Session 9 commences 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
4 28 29 30
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
4 1 2 3 4
5 – 9 Dec BE Exams 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Break 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Break 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26-27 Dec Public Holidays Break 26 27 28 29 30 31

10 UQ College Student Handbook

Key Dates Week JANUARY 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
2 Jan Public Holiday 1
3 Jan Session 1, 2023 commences 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 Jan BE Extension commences 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
3 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
26 Jan Public Holiday 4 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
5 30 31
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
30 Jan – 3 Feb BE Exams 5 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 Feb Session 2 commences 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
3 27 28
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
3 1 2 3 4 5
4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
5 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 Mar Session 3 commences 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
2 27 28 29 30 31
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2
7 and 10 Apr Public Holidays 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
5 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 Apr Session 4 commences 1 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
25 Apr Public Holiday MAY
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 May Public Holiday 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 – 26 May BE Exams 5 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 May – 2 Jun Break Break 29 30 31
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 4
5 Jun Session 5 commences 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 Jun BE Extension commences 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
3 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
4 26 27 28 29 30 1 2
3 – 7 Jul BE Exams 5 3 4 5 6 7

UQ College Student Handbook 11

Learning Support
UQ College is committed to assisting students to achieve their learning
potential. During your program, you will receive feedback on your classroom
participation and tasks.

Students also have a responsibility to Libraries and study spaces

incorporate feedback into their learning. If
there is an area where you are not making There are six libraries on campus. They
satisfactory progress, your teachers and feature computers for students, 24-hour
UQ College Learning Advisers can give you study spaces, quiet areas, and friendly
extra learning support to further develop staff to help you find what you need.
your skills. Workshops and online learning guides
can enhance your studies, develop your
Where a student is identified as needing assignment strategies, and help you
assistance to make satisfactory academic prepare for exams.
progress, the academic manager will
meet the student in order to develop an
individual study plan to assist the student
to meet their learning objectives. UQ Student Support
During Orientation you will be provided Students also have access to all UQ
with information about the requirements student academic support services.
for satisfactory academic progress and the Workshops and online resources are
intervention strategies that can be used to available in:
assist you. • General study skills
• Exam tips
Learning Support
• Assignment writing
Our Learning Advisers are always there
• Group Work
to support you with specific skill areas
such as grammar and vocabulary. From
dedicated workshops to free one-on-one services/student-support/study-skills
tutoring sessions, they offer practical help
in a safe and friendly environment. Make
an appointment to see how they can help
you succeed in your studies.

12 UQ College Student Handbook

Learning Advisers
Talking to an Academic Manager
or Learning Adviser at UQ College

Book an appointment with your Teacher or a Learning Adviser

• Log in to with your UQ student number
and password
• Select ‘Appointments’
• Choose from the list of Advisers
• Book time & date
1. Choose an available time and day that suits you
2. Click ‘View appointment’ and ‘Book Now’
3. Write what you want to talk about in the ‘Add comment’ box.
4. You will receive an email confirming your appointment.

Arrive on time
Arrive for your appointment at the right time and on the right day.
Check your booking or email for details. Don’t be late!

I can’t get on the Student Hub website! What should I do?
Make sure you use your student number with the ‘s’ in front
of it as your login username. It’s also on your student card.
Make sure you are not using Safari in ‘incognito mode’.
If you still can’t get on, see UQC Student Information on Level 4 for help.

The UQC Learning Centre is a collaborative learning space for

UQC students. It’s a great place to study and improve your
English skills, with lots of resources and access to Learning
Advisers who can provide free one-to-one tutoring or supervised
self-study sessions.

Learning General Purpose North Building (#39A), Level 2, Room 235

Opening hours: Monday to Friday - 9:15am to 4:15pm

UQ College Student Handbook 13

Safety and Security

Safety on campus
Download the free UQ Safe Zone app to connect directly with UQ Security for first-
aid support or assistance in an emergency:
Make sure you know how to access the emergency button.
Call 1800 800 123 to ask for a security officer to escort you if you are walking in quiet
areas on campus at night.
You can also use the Unisafe bus to travel around campus late at night.

Look after your valuable items Protect yourself from identity crime
• Keep your wallet, phone, passport, • Never give your personal details to
keys and other valuable items with strangers or phone callers.
you at all times. • Never supply your personal details in
• Do not leave valuable items in UQC emails to people you don’t know.
classrooms during class break times. • Never post personal details online
• UQC recommends that students unless you are sure it is a safe website.
purchase travel insurance for all
valuable items. Beware of callers
• Pretending to be from the police,
UQC Emergency procedures Australian Taxation Office, or the
If the emergency alarm sounds during Department of Home Affairs.
class time: • Threatening you into paying money or
• Follow the instructions of your sharing your personal details.
teacher or UQC staff member. • Offering a cheaper way to pay tuition
• Go to the grassed area opposite the fees, or asking you to transfer money
UQC building. Find your teacher for accommodation before you see
and stay with your class. the property, or for other services.
If the emergency alarm sounds during
Legal advice
break time, leave the building immediately.
If you need help with a legal matter there
are free support services for students.
Contact the UQ Union Legal Service:
Remember: Never use
the elevators during an
emergency evacuation.

14 UQ College Student Handbook

Safety in Brisbane
Swim Safety
Brisbane is a safe and welcoming city.
However, when you are visiting any new Australian beaches can be a fun but
city, it is important to follow a few simple always look for the safe places to
tips to stay safe. swim.
• Try not to go out or travel by yourself, Find the red and
especially at night. Where possible,
stay with your friends.
F yellow flags and swim
between them.
• At night, walk in busy areas with good
Look at, understand
lighting. Keep your bag close to your
body at all times. and obey the safety
• Before you leave home, always check to make sure you Ask a lifeguard or life-
know how to get home and what time
the last bus or train leaves at night. A saver for advice before
you enter the water.
There are limited services during
weeknights in Brisbane.

Never accept a car ride from a stranger.
Use marked pedestrian crossings to
G Get a friend to swim
with you.

ensure your safety when crossing

Stick your hand up, stay
calm and call for help if
• Remember that wearing headphones
you get into trouble.
or using a mobile phone reduces your
personal safety.
Sun safety
In Australia it is very important that you
protect yourself from the sun as it contains
harmful UV rays. To prevent
sun damage:
• Wear clothing that covers as much
Emergency contact numbers skin as possible, a hat that protects
your face, head, neck and ears, and
000 sunglasses.
for emergency or • Use a broad-spectrum, water-
life-threatening situation resistant SPF30+ sunscreen. Put it on
UQ Security 20 minutes before you go outdoors
and every two hours afterwards.
+61 7 3365 3333
• Stay in the shade – especially
for on-campus emergencies between 11am and 3pm.
If you need police to help you • Drink lots of water.
with a situation that is not an
emergency, phone 131 444

UQ College Student Handbook 15

Counselling Safe relationships
Studying in Australia brings lots of At UQ and UQC we want to ensure that
changes and these can affect the way you the campus is a safe and respectful
feel. environment for our students.
If you feel stressed or homesick, or if you Bullying, harassment and sexual
cannot sleep and feel sad, free help is misconduct are not tolerated.
available to you. If someone in a relationship tries to force
UQ offers free private appointments, with you to do something that you don’t want
a professional counsellor which can help to do, remember that it’s not okay.
improve your mental health, or personal If this has happened to you, support is
relationships. available at UQ. The UQ Sexual misconduct
A counsellor will listen to your problems Unit (SMSU) provides confidential
and work with you to identify actions that assistance for students.
are right for you.
Anything that you say will be kept in UQ Sexual Misconduct Support Unit
confidence and will not affect your
+61 7 3443 1000
academic record.
Students do not have to pay a fee for any
services a UQ Counsellor provides.

If you would like help 24/7 help

UQ Counselling and Crisis
Phone +61 7 3365 1704 Line: 1300 851 998
or book online: Lifeline also offers
counselling-services crisis support: 13 11 14

Or you can visit Student 1800RESPECT

Services in Building #21D (1800 737 732)

UQC Student Information on 1800QSTUDY

Level 4 can also assist you (1800 778 839)

16 UQ College Student Handbook

Health and Medical Services
If you are sick during class Only use an ambulance to take you to
If students require basic first aid during hospital for a life-threatening accident or
class they should go to UQC Student illness.
Information. First Aid Officers may be able If you need an ambulance, call 000.
to help with small treatments such as band
aids or bandaging a cut. First Aid Officers
cannot dispense any oral medication, If you are sick at home
including painkillers. Call a local doctor to make an appointment.
If you are sick during the night phone a
If you are sick on campus local doctor. An answering service will tell
Book an appointment online at you how to contact a night-time medical or go to UQC Student service.
Information on Level 4 for assistance with
making an appointment at UQ Health Care After-hours doctors
(UQHC). There are a number of services for after-
UQHC can get very busy. If it is not an hours doctors:
emergency we recommend you visit a • 13SICK: 13 74 25
doctor near your home. • Dial A Home Doctor: 1300 980 980
The UQHC is located at: • Australian After Hours Doctors:
1300 466 337
Level 1, Gordon Greenwood Building (#32),
Union Road • Allianz OSHC holders can also use
Doctors on Demand in the Allianz app.
+61 7 3365 6210
The UQHC is free for students who have
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). Contact details for some local doctors
You must take your card or have the OSHC
Indooroopilly Medical Centre
App to show you have cover. Medicine can
Suite 5, 66 Station Road, Indooroopilly
be bought from the Campus Pharmacy in
T: +61 7 3878 3733
the Union Court.
Myhealth Medical Centre
If you need to go to hospital Toowong Village
9 Sherwood Road, Toowong
Visit your local doctor or medical centre
T: +61 7 3217 8033
for things like minor coughs, flu and
Taringa 7-Day Medical Practice
15 Morrow Street, Taringa
If you are very sick or injured, take a taxi to
T: +61 7 3870 7239
‘Emergency’ at the nearest hospital.
UQ Healthcare Annerley
4/20 Cornwall Street, Woolloongabba
T: +61 7 3346 1122

7 Day CBD Medical Centre

245 Albert Street, Brisbane
T:+61 7 3211 3611

UQ College Student Handbook 17

OSHC (Health Insurance)
If you requested OSHC with your
offer, your OSHC is provided by
Allianz Care.
You will receive an email from Allianz
Contact Allianz Care
OSHC with your policy number before your
program start date. Member Services and
General Enquiries
To access your account you need your
policy number and the email address 13 67 42
you provided on your application. Claims
Use this application to access your 1800 651 349
E-membership card, update your personal 24 Hour Emergency Helpline
details, submit a claim, locate your nearest
1800 814 781
direct-billing doctor, contact the 24-hour
helpline and access a medical translator. Postal Address
Allianz Care OSHC Locked Bag 3001
Help with OSHC provided by Allianz Toowong QLD 4066
An Allianz Care representative is available
on campus most weekdays: Student
Central, Building 42.

For information about your cover.
Download the Allianz OSHCApp:

To activate your account visit

Sonder is a 24/7 safety

for students with
Allianz OSHC

Questions? Please email Sonder at

18 UQ College Student Handbook

Information for under 18s

UQ Supervision Program (ISSP)

This program is for international students
living in Australia who are under 18 years Contact
of age when starting at UQC, and who
are not living with a parent or approved
relative or legal guardian.
The Supervision Program provides a range Coordinator: Danlu Zheng
of services aimed at helping you feel safe, ISSP office in Building 42
settled and supported through your first
weeks and beyond. You will participate in Ph. 0405 766 017
weekly sessions and workshops to support Email
you with your studies. Including:
• Orientation Emergencies and afterhours:
• Academic preparation UQ Security 3365 3333 or
• Study and life skills 1800 800 123
• Individual appointments with the
Supervision Coordinator UQ College afterhours contact:
Neil Marsh
Your Supervision Program Coordinator will Ph. 0428 266 170
keep in regular contact with you to offer
assistance and support. Please contact the
Supervision Program if:
• You have any safety, welfare or
accommodation concerns.
• You experience a medical condition.
Illness or injury.
• You are worried about your course
content or assessments.
• You would like additional support or
advice on any issues.

UQ College Student Handbook 19

UQC Attendance Policy and
Student Visa Requirements
The UQC Attendance Policy requires all students to attend a minimum of 80%
of classes during their English Language Program.

What is my attendance period? What happens if I miss a class?

Attendance is calculated in each program If you are going to be absent for more
for which you have a Confirmation of than two consecutive days, you must get
Enrolment (CoE). You are required to approval from UQC. If you are absent due
maintain a minimum of 80% attendance to illness, please email support@uqcollege.
in your scheduled classes in your English
Language Program. We understand that there are
How is my attendance recorded? circumstances when you are physically
Attendance is marked by your teacher at unable to attend a class due to illness or
the beginning of every class. If you arrive injury. In these cases, medical certificates
more than 10 minutes late to class, or leave provide confirmation of the legitimate
any class for more than 10 minutes you will reason for a student’s absence which may
be marked absent for that class. Any class be used as evidence in further attendance
you miss is counted as an absence, even and enrolment decisions.
when due to illness. You will also need to complete an Absence
Form in the UQC student portal and attach
What happens if my attendance your medical certificate.
is too low?
Please note, providing evidence for
1. If your attendance falls below 85% ongoing absence does not change your
our staff will need to meet you attendance percentage.
and provide you with advice.
2. If you do not achieve 80% attendance Who should I tell about my on-
by the end of your course you may going health condition?
be reported to the Department of If you suffer from a long-term illness or
Home Affairs (DHA) for unsatisfactory injury, including mental health issues, you
attendance. should notify a UQC Student Counsellor at
the start of your enrolment.
Early notification allows UQC staff to
keep this in consideration when making

20 UQ College Student Handbook

International Students
Rights and Responsibilities
• Requests to defer or suspend studies
ESOS and the National Code of will only be approved in limited
Practice circumstances
The provision of education to • Requests to transfer to another
international students is regulated by provider will not be approved until
the Australian Government through you have completed six months of
the Education Services for Overseas your principal UQ Program
Student Act 2000 (ESOS).
• Students under 18 years of age must
The National Code of Practice is have approval from UQC prior to
established under the ESOS Act and changing accommodation or welfare
specifies the standards for courses arrangements
and services that UQ College is
• You must comply with the
required to meet and students can
employment conditions on your visa
expect to be delivered.
If you have to cancel, suspend or defer
In addition UQ College also has
your program, or would like to transfer to
responsibilities that relate to the
another institution, we recommend you
welfare of its students and the staff of
visit our website for our current policies
the College.
and forms
Please visit UQC Student Information
International students also have on Level 4 if you require any further
responsibilities under the National Code: information. An appointment can be
• You must hold a valid visa with study arranged with the Academic Manager if
rights for the duration of your stay in you wish to discuss the circumstances
Australia around your request.
• You must maintain your OSHC for the If your enrolment is cancelled by UQC as a
duration of your stay in Australia result of unsatisfactory academic progress,
• You must inform UQC within 7 days if or unsatisfactory attendance, you are in
your contact details change breach of student condition 8202. This
breach has serious implications for your
• You should complete your study student visa and future study options in
within the duration of your CoE Australia.
• You must maintain satisfactory
academic progress
• You must maintain satisfactory

UQ College Student Handbook 21

Student Conduct
Student Code of Conduct/Charter Diversity and Inclusion
Students are expected to conduct UQ College is committed to providing
themselves in a manner consistent with an environment in which students
the standards of behaviour set out in the and staff should not be subjected to
UQC Student Charter. These standards behaviours, practices or processes
of behaviour are intended to promote that may constitute discrimination,
the highest standards of honesty and harassment, or victimisation. If you have
academic integrity and to promote the any enquiries regarding discrimination or
good order and management of the harassment please contact the UQ College
University and UQ College. Discrimination and Harassment Contact
Students must ensure that they:
• treat other members of UQC and the
University community with respect
and courtesy;
• avoid behaviour which might
be perceived as discrimination,
harassment or bullying;
• respect University property and
• only submit work that is their own or
that correctly acknowledges the ideas
or words of others;
• avoid lending original work to others;
• comply with assessment policies and
rules; The full UQC Student Code of
• understand what is appropriate Conduct/Charter may be found
academic referencing and the here:
consequences of incorrect
• do not collude with fellow students
when completing individual
assessment items;
• Complete the academic integrity
online tutorial within their first week
of study.

UQC Student Charter

22 UQ College Student Handbook

Complaints and Appeals
There may be occasions when you disagree (have a grievance) with a
member of UQC staff, or one of our policies. To help you resolve the issue, if
you have a complaint please see UQC Student Information on level 4.

Step 1: Informal resolution

Where appropriate, students are encouraged to resolve the issue

Step 2: Formal resolution

If the issue cannot be resolved informally, you can submit a Complaints
and Appeals form through the UQC Student Portal or access from the
UQC website.
You will receive a decision in writing within 20 working days.

Step 3: Appeals
If your complaint or appeal remains unresolved after Steps 1 and 2, you
may appeal to the UQC CEO within 10 working days of notification of the
decision. You must explain why you think the decision was incorrect and
provide additional documentation to support your claim.

External appeal
At no cost you may also take your complaint to an external agency for
an independent review.

Full details:
UQC Student Complaints and Appeals Policy

UQ College Student Handbook 23

Student Complaints and
Appeals Process
The flow chart describes the steps you should take to resolve a grievance, or
to appeal a decision.


Complaints and Appeals can be made Will be acknowledged in writing
in person, by email, over the phone, 2 working days.
within 5
in writing, or from the website.

20D !
5D 20D
Assessment appeals must Unless WHS or welfare issues demand, Resolution achieved
be made within 20 days of no action on enrolment will be taken in 20
14 working days
while an investigation is occuring
the assessment decision


PARTIES NOT SATISFIED The outcome will be confirmed in PARTIES SATISFIED
WITH THE OUTCOME writing to all relevant parties WITH THE OUTCOME


APPEAL SOURCES CEO determines the root cause, Securely and confidently
corrective and preventive actions store information

Appealing to an independent external agency
If, after completing the UQC Student Complaints and Appeals process, you remain
dissatisfied with the outcome, you have a further 10 working days in which you may take
your complaint, at no cost to yourself, to an independent external body:
Queensland Ombudsman
The Ombudsman would normally focus on issues of procedural compliance or fairness
in the decision-making process rather than matters concerning academic judgement.
The Ombudsman may decline to investigate complaint if you have not first attempted to
resolve the problem through the UQC Student Complaints and Appeals process.

24 UQ College Student Handbook

Legal Assistance
Need help with a legal matter? Legal Appointments Available
If you are feeling stressed, nervous or
anxious about a legal matter or are
concerned about something and are not legal
sure where to go, UQU Student Advocacy
& Support can help. Our Solicitor can assist
you with a range of legal matters. By accessing this link, you can make an
appointment for one of the following:
• General legal advice/referrals
The service provided is independent,
confidential, free and accessible to all UQ • Criminal & civil disputes
students who are currently enrolled. • Consumer complaints
• Residential tenancy agreements
• Family law matters
• Intellectual property
• Motor vehicle accidents
• Your rights at work

Working in Australia
Can I work on my student visa?
Most international students with a student visa are allowed to work while studying in
Check your visa conditions. For a student visa (subclass 500), you can only work up to a
maximum of 40 hours per fortnight during UQC terms, and full-time during holidays.
To be able to work in Australia you must have a Tax File Number (TFN). You can apply for a
TFN yourself through the Australian Tax Office:

Ph 13 28 61

Please note: if you’re under 21 years of age you are considered a ‘junior employee’. The
Junior Pay Rates are set at a percentage of the relevant adult pay rate, depending on your
age. You can check the Junior Pay Rates on the Fair Work Ombudsman’s website.
Link to: International students fact sheet

UQ College Student Handbook 25

Public Transport
General information Where can I buy and add credit to
Brisbane’s public transport system my go card?
includes buses, trains, City Cats • Selected newsagents (for example,UQ
(river ferries) which you can use to travel Campus News at St Lucia campus).
to the UQ campus and around Brisbane. • 7-Eleven stores.
The average weekly cost for transport is • Train stations where you see the
AU$45.00 and varies according to the ‘top-up’ symbol.
number of zones travelled.
• Translink fare machines at train
It is a good idea to download the MyTrans stations and busway stations.
Link app on your phone when you arrive
• Financial top-up amounts can be
so you can check your bus and train
added to your registered go card
timetables. This app is available from the
online at
App Store and Google Play.
• Visit the following link to find a
retailer close to your accommodation
that sells go cards:
Go card for trains, buses and ferries tickets-and-fares/go-card/buy-and-
• It is recommended that you purchase top-up
a go card when you arrive in Brisbane.
• A translink go card covers Brisbane, How much do I pay?
the Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast Unfortunately UQC students cannot
regions. purchase student tickets for bus, train,
• Ensure you ‘touch on’ and ‘touch off’ or CityCat fares with a UQC student
with your go card (on the bus), trains card. If you make eight (8) paid go card
(on the platforms), CityCat (on the journeys in a week (Monday to Sunday),
CityCat) at the beginning and you will receive 50% off all other trips for
end of your journey. the remainder of the week. This will be
calculated automatically when you ‘touch
on’ and ‘touch off’ the bus, train or ferry.

26 UQ College Student Handbook

More information
For transport information in selected
languages visit Taxis and
or call 13 12 30 to speak
with an interpreter. Rideshare
The Airtrain travels from all downtown
stations* to Brisbane Airport (International Rideshare
and Domestic terminals). Airtrains depart Prices start at $2.50 for the
every 15 minutes during peak times and initial fee, and $0.38 per minute.
every 30 minutes off-peak. Please note that prices will vary
Tickets are available online at according to the service chosen. or from train stations. Shebah is Australia’s first
*Bowen Hills, Roma St, Brunswick St, ride-sharing service created by
Central,South Brisbane, South Bank. women for women. Download the
Shebah app from the Google Play
Store of App store.
Information, ticket prices and timetables:

Taxi options
Fares vary due to distance,
traffic conditions and time,
however, a fare to Brisbane’s CBD
from Brisbane Airport will be
approximately AU$33
plus a AU$3 fee.
More information, timetables and For further information on fares
journey planner and bookings, you can visit the
13 12 30 Black & White Cabs website.
(24 hours a day 7 days a week)

UQ College Student Handbook 27

Mobile Phones
Local SIM card cause you to miss your vehicle transfer.
We suggest you purchase a local SIM If you wish to use a local SIM card to call
card soon after you arrive, so that you your home country, please check the
can communicate with family and friends, international call access and international
and also use in an emergency. A local SIM call rates for the SIM card you intend to
card will also avoid international roaming purchase. You may find the mobile phone
charges. plan comparison website useful for this
Major SIM cards and pricing information purpose: Phones
for phone calls, SMS and data can be
Phone cards
found at some newsagents or at mobile
phone kiosks in most major shopping A large selection of discounted domestic
centres. The major phone companies in and international telephone cards are
Australia are Telstra, Optus, and Vodafone. available from newsagents and retail
Some suppliers also sell SIM cards over the outlets in Brisbane.
If you have requested an airport transfer
please do not purchase your SIM card on
arrival at the Brisbane airport terminal.
Buying and activating a SIM card in
Australia is not a quick process, and may

Mobile Phone Use in Class

Please turn your phone to

silent in class.

It is OK to use your phone as a dictionary in class.

Your teacher may ask you to use your phone as a
learning tool. Your teacher will direct you.

Texting, making calls, and recording lessons

are not acceptable under any circumstances.

28 UQ College Student Handbook

Cost of Living in Brisbane

Rent $2000-$2800* $480-$1760 $1700-$2160

Food included $320-$600 $1045-$1250

included $150-$175** $225-$400
(gas and electricity)

Mobile phone /
$80-$120 $80-$120 $160-$240

Public transport $40 $50-$100 $100-$250

TOTAL $2120-$2960 $1080-$2755 $3230-$4300

* Cost of fully catered accommodation including utilities vary from residential college to
**Many student accommodation providers include electricity, gas and internet costs in
rent; however, check with your provider to be sure. This table should be taken as a guide
For the most accurate cost of living, visit:

UQC students can access the

online Rentals Database. For
more information visit the UQ
Accommodation website at

RENTAL ACCOMODATION Before you sign a lease, take it to UQ Accommodation Services and ask
them to check it for you.

UQ College Student Handbook 29

UQ College Staff Contact Details
Chief Executive Officer Student Administration
Mr Julian Wilson UQC Student Information
+61 7 3346 6700 + 61 7 3346 6770

Academic Staff For assistance

Senior Academic Manager Personal matters, safety and wellbeing
Mr Iain Mathieson Enrolments, fee payments, cancellations
+61 7 3346 6770 and refunds
Academic Manager (Bridging English)
Mr Paul Forster Attendance
+61 7 3346 6770 +61 7 3346 6770
Academic Manager (EAP & GE) Complaints and appeals
Mr Kit Nuttall +61 7 3346 6754
+61 7 3346 6770
Academic Manager (Assessment)
Mr Stephen Walker
+61 7 3346 6770

Queensland students
Queensland students can access a range of support services including free resources
and information, access to student support officers, workshops and events through the
Queensland Student Hub Network, and 24-hour phone support through - Queensland’s
international student support hotline. This is a free service run by the Queensland State
Government and students can contact the hotline for assistance or general enquiries:
1800 778 839

30 UQ College Student Handbook

UQ College Student Handbook 31
Contact us
UQ College

Level 4, Sir Llew Edwards Building

(#14) The University of Queensland
Corner University Drive and Campbell Road
St Lucia 4072 QLD

T: + 61 7 3346 6770
F: + 61 7 3346 6771

Emergencies only
+61 7 3365 3333

UQ CollegeUQ


The registered provider of the ELICOS and

Foundation programs is The University of
Queensland (CRICOS Code 00025B). UQ
College Ltd will deliver the Foundation
and ELICOS programs on behalf of The
University of Queensland pursuant to a
third party agreement notified by the
parties to TEQSA.

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