Student Handbook TESOL Programs 2023
Student Handbook TESOL Programs 2023
Student Handbook TESOL Programs 2023
Learning resources
In your first classes your teachers will
advise you about:
• The Learning resources for each 3. If you miss a class for any
course reason, complete an Absence
Form in the UQC Student Portal
• Which textbooks are required
• How to access digital or hard copy
The College and your teachers will
communicate with you through: 4. If you have study or personal
problems, ask for help at UQ
• Emails to your student account
College Student Information
• Blackboard
• Please check both regularly!
Timetable Changes
Please note: Class changes may not be
possible and you will require special 5. Student visa holders must
circumstances for a change to be provide their details within 7
considered. days of their arrival in Australia.
View and track your applications Access documents made View your financials, including
available for download invoices & payments
View and manage your courses, View your schedule and access all Access all the forms required for
including progress and attendance your upcoming events your study.
Access to sites you may find useful Manage your profile View your attendance
You can click The University of Queensland logo to return to the main dashboard at any time.
UQ Student ID Card
You can use your card to:
• borrow items, print and photocopy at the UQ Library
• buy student tickets for selected cinemas and activities in Brisbane such as the
SouthBank Wheel of Brisbane or the Story Bridge Adventure Climb.
Please note that you cannot use your student card to pay student fares on public
UQ SafeZone
Connect directly with UQ security officers or emergency services for first
aid or assistance in an emergency situation on-campus.
Learn.UQ Mobile
Keep up with your study by accessing your course materials whenever
and wherever you want.
Access to real-time bus, train and ferry information to help plan your
A smartphone app which allows you to pay for parking at UQ quickly and
Arrive on time
Arrive for your appointment at the right time and on the right day.
Check your booking or email for details. Don’t be late!
I can’t get on the Student Hub website! What should I do?
Make sure you use your student number with the ‘s’ in front
of it as your login username. It’s also on your student card.
Make sure you are not using Safari in ‘incognito mode’.
If you still can’t get on, see UQC Student Information on Level 4 for help.
Safety on campus
Download the free UQ Safe Zone app to connect directly with UQ Security for first-
aid support or assistance in an emergency:
Make sure you know how to access the emergency button.
Call 1800 800 123 to ask for a security officer to escort you if you are walking in quiet
areas on campus at night.
You can also use the Unisafe bus to travel around campus late at night.
Look after your valuable items Protect yourself from identity crime
• Keep your wallet, phone, passport, • Never give your personal details to
keys and other valuable items with strangers or phone callers.
you at all times. • Never supply your personal details in
• Do not leave valuable items in UQC emails to people you don’t know.
classrooms during class break times. • Never post personal details online
• UQC recommends that students unless you are sure it is a safe website.
purchase travel insurance for all
valuable items. Beware of callers
• Pretending to be from the police,
UQC Emergency procedures Australian Taxation Office, or the
If the emergency alarm sounds during Department of Home Affairs.
class time: • Threatening you into paying money or
• Follow the instructions of your sharing your personal details.
teacher or UQC staff member. • Offering a cheaper way to pay tuition
• Go to the grassed area opposite the fees, or asking you to transfer money
UQC building. Find your teacher for accommodation before you see
and stay with your class. the property, or for other services.
If the emergency alarm sounds during
Legal advice
break time, leave the building immediately.
If you need help with a legal matter there
are free support services for students.
Contact the UQ Union Legal Service:
Remember: Never use
the elevators during an
emergency evacuation.
For information about your cover.
Download the Allianz OSHCApp:
Step 3: Appeals
If your complaint or appeal remains unresolved after Steps 1 and 2, you
may appeal to the UQC CEO within 10 working days of notification of the
decision. You must explain why you think the decision was incorrect and
provide additional documentation to support your claim.
External appeal
At no cost you may also take your complaint to an external agency for
an independent review.
Full details:
UQC Student Complaints and Appeals Policy
20D !
5D 20D
Assessment appeals must Unless WHS or welfare issues demand, Resolution achieved
be made within 20 days of no action on enrolment will be taken in 20
14 working days
while an investigation is occuring
the assessment decision
PARTIES NOT SATISFIED The outcome will be confirmed in PARTIES SATISFIED
WITH THE OUTCOME writing to all relevant parties WITH THE OUTCOME
Appealing to an independent external agency
If, after completing the UQC Student Complaints and Appeals process, you remain
dissatisfied with the outcome, you have a further 10 working days in which you may take
your complaint, at no cost to yourself, to an independent external body:
Queensland Ombudsman
The Ombudsman would normally focus on issues of procedural compliance or fairness
in the decision-making process rather than matters concerning academic judgement.
The Ombudsman may decline to investigate complaint if you have not first attempted to
resolve the problem through the UQC Student Complaints and Appeals process.
Working in Australia
Can I work on my student visa?
Most international students with a student visa are allowed to work while studying in
Check your visa conditions. For a student visa (subclass 500), you can only work up to a
maximum of 40 hours per fortnight during UQC terms, and full-time during holidays.
To be able to work in Australia you must have a Tax File Number (TFN). You can apply for a
TFN yourself through the Australian Tax Office:
Ph 13 28 61
Please note: if you’re under 21 years of age you are considered a ‘junior employee’. The
Junior Pay Rates are set at a percentage of the relevant adult pay rate, depending on your
age. You can check the Junior Pay Rates on the Fair Work Ombudsman’s website.
Link to: International students fact sheet
Taxi options
Fares vary due to distance,
traffic conditions and time,
however, a fare to Brisbane’s CBD
from Brisbane Airport will be
approximately AU$33
plus a AU$3 fee.
More information, timetables and For further information on fares
journey planner and bookings, you can visit the
13 12 30 Black & White Cabs website.
(24 hours a day 7 days a week)
included $150-$175** $225-$400
(gas and electricity)
Mobile phone /
$80-$120 $80-$120 $160-$240
* Cost of fully catered accommodation including utilities vary from residential college to
**Many student accommodation providers include electricity, gas and internet costs in
rent; however, check with your provider to be sure. This table should be taken as a guide
For the most accurate cost of living, visit:
Queensland students
Queensland students can access a range of support services including free resources
and information, access to student support officers, workshops and events through the
Queensland Student Hub Network, and 24-hour phone support through - Queensland’s
international student support hotline. This is a free service run by the Queensland State
Government and students can contact the hotline for assistance or general enquiries:
1800 778 839
T: + 61 7 3346 6770
F: + 61 7 3346 6771
Emergencies only
+61 7 3365 3333
UQ CollegeUQ