TI No. 141-Indices For 10C-CC
TI No. 141-Indices For 10C-CC
TI No. 141-Indices For 10C-CC
s. \34'{1Cfdcm~~3ij4ra..-r~~~~~~carRif-w:rr~ 1
Sub: Calculation of Monthly Price Index for Civil Components, E&M Components
and Material percentage details to be filled in Schedule-F for Price adjustment
under Clause .. lOCCreg.
1. Formula for Price adjustment for works under Clause -10CC has been modified and
circulated vide Technical I nstruction No. 138 dated 25.10.2023.
2. CMo 1 CMt(Price Index for Civil Components for other construction materials) of the
formula mentioned in above Clause-lOCC shall be worked out as per Annexure.. lA for
building works & 18 for pavement works. Similarly, EMo 1 EMt(Price Index for E&M
Componentsof construction materials) shall be worked out as per Annexure-lC for all
(building/Pavement) works, based on the Whole Sale Price Index published by the office
of Economic Advisor, Ministry ofIndustry & Commerce.
3. Percentage of the components of(i) Cement (ii) Reinforcement steel bars/ TMT bars/
Structural steel (including strands and cables) (iii) Bitumen (iv) POL (Diesel) (v) Labour
(vi) Civil component of other construction materials (vii) E&M Component (Electrical and
Mechanical i/c IT & Airport system) to be filled in Schedule-F (Item rate tenders)/
Schedule.. z(EPC tenders) by the NIT approving authority shall be worked out as per
4. For EPC Tenders percentage of Cement and Reinforcement steel bars/ TMT bars/
Structural steel (including strands and cables) shall be 5.50% and 26% of Civil cost
5. The above contents may be brought to the notice of all the concerned for strict compliance.
6. All Technical Instructions{fechnical Circulars issued are available at AAI website under
following path:
www.aai.aero/en => Emp. Login =>Circular & Orders =>Dept. (Engineering)
=>Circular Types {Technical Instructions)= > Search
Encl.: As above
o-r . o~ . ~l..+.
(Dr. Sharad Kumar)
Member (Ops/Pig)
Distribution: As per standard list
* In case of change in base year, the monthly Price Index shall be adjusted w ith applicable multiplying factor.
For the Month of ………………
Calculation of monthly Price Indices for Civil components of other construction materials
based on All India Wholesale Price Index - For Pavement Works
S.No. Description of Commodity name as Commodity %age of *Index Weightage
construction materials published by Economic code individual/ based on index of
for civil works Advisor group items 2011-12= individual/
(Say) 100 group
* In case of change in base year, the monthly Price Index shall be adjusted with applicable multiplying factor.
For the Month of ..................
For Calculation of monthly Price Indices for Electrical, AS & IT components of construction
materials based on All India Wholesale Price lndexas published by Economic Advisor -
For all ( Building/Pavement) Works
S.No. Description of construction Commodity % age of *Index Weightage Index of
materials code Weightage of based on individual/ group
published by material for 2011-12:::: items
Economic individual/ 100
Advisor group items
.. 1317050000 8.93
vii. M anufacture of w1rmg devices
electric lighting & display equipment
viii. Galvanized iron pipe 1314080001 6.10
Total 100
Price index fo r Electrical, AS & IT construction materials for the month of ......... = Total of Column (6l
*In case of change in base year, the monthly Price Index shall be adjusted with applicable multiplying factor.
Percentage of Materials Component/ Labour for price adjustment under Clause- lOCC to be filled in
Schedule-F {For Item rate tenders)/ Schedule-Z {For EPC tenders) by the NIT
approving authority
S.No. Relevant %age of For Item rate tenders For EPC tenders
component of total
material/labour for value of
prices escalation work
i Component of ...... It sha ll be the %age cost of total 5.50% of %age Civil Cost.
Cement quantity of Cement, which shall be
worked out on the basis of
AOR I MRfor all items, multiplied by
rate considered in the Approved
Technical Sanction/Detailed
Estimate in respect to the cost of
Civil works.
iii Civil component of ...... It shall be the % age cost of Civil It shall be the % age cost of Civil
other construction works after deduction of Labour, works after deduction of Labour,
material Cement, Steel, POL, Bitumen Cement, Steel, POL, Bitumen
components as per the approved components as per the approved
Technical Sanction Estimate. Technical Sanction Estimate.
iv Electrical & ...... It sha ll be th e % age cost of Electrical It shall be the % age cost of Electrical
Mechanical (E&M) & Mechanical (E&M) i/c IT & AS & Mechanical (E&M) i/c IT & AS
i/c IT & AS works after deduction of Labour works after deduction of Labour
component of components as per the approved components as per the approved
construction Technical Sanction Estimate. Technical Sanction Estimate.
v Component of POL ...... 5.00 % for pavement works and Nil 5.00% for pavement works and Nil
for building works for building works
vi *Reinforcement ······ It shall be the %age cost of total 26.0% of %age Civil Cost.
steel bars I TMT quantity of Steei(TMT bars/
bars/ Structural Structural Steel) worked out as per
Steel (i/c strands and the Approved Technical Sanction/
cables) Detailed Estimatein respect to the
cost of Civil works.
vii Component of ...... It shall be the % age cost of total It shall be the %age cost of total
Bitumen quantity of Bitumen, which shall be quantity of Bitumen, which shall be
worked out on th e basis of wor ked out on t he basis of
I MR of all items multiply by rate I MR of all items m ult iply by rate
considered in the approved considered in the approved
Te chnical Sanction/ Detailed Technical Sanction/ Detailed
Estimate, in respect to cost of Civil Estimate, in respect t o cost of Civil
wor ks. works.
Total 100%
ii Civil component of ······ It shall be% age cost of Civil works after deduction of Labour and Bitumen
other construction component s as per the approved Mai nt enance Estimated cost.
materia l
iii Electrical & ...... It shall be the % age cost of Elect rical & M echanical (E& M) i/c IT & AS works
Mechanical (E&M) after deduction of the Labour component as per the approved
i/c IT & AS maint enance Estim at ed cost.
component of
const ruction
iv Component of ....... It shall be the % age cost of t otal quantity of Bit umen, which shall be
Bitum en worked out basis on COEFFICIENTS FOR BITUMEN CONSUMPTION as per
CPWD DAR / MaRTH /Airfield Pavement AOR/ MR of all items multiply by
rate considered in t he approved Technical Sanction/ Detailed Estimated
cost in respect of Civil w orks.
Total I
Calculation Example is given at APPENDIX-A
To be filled in Schedule-F- For Maintenance Period total value of
As part as per Note -3 of para-3 of TC
- 06/2023
i Labour component
For Other Maintenancework/ ITC
works 70.00%
Bitumen component (For 0.00% of Civil cost i.e.O% of
ii Pavement work component) 10%= 0.00/100x 10 0.00
Civil Component of other
Construction Materials after
deduction of Bitumen and
Labour Components = 10-(0.00+ 70.00) /lOOxlO 3 .00%
Component of Electrical i/c AS&IT
iv Works after deduction of Labour =90-(0 .00+70.00) / 100x90
Component 27.00%
Total 100.00%
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22 Cfil44ti'!Cfi ~fcf;. (~ l'a<filli.'lli1 cr ~ -(Jffo"Crn"o), Mfofito>lfo , ~ ~~
23 Cfii4%'1Cfi ~~ill. (3fR <fr tr <!_ & 'Q'"q; .3lW <p. mofctowo, ~ ~~
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30 Cfil441i'!Cfi ~!Cf; (~. :1-lTofctomo, ~ ~I
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32 Cfil441i'!Cfi ~~ill (3Wl>}, :1-lTofcto'no, ~ ~I
33 ifil441i'!Cfi ~!Cf; (~~. mofcto'no, f.ta'TPt:r ~I
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36 Cfil441i'lifi ~Jq; (~) . :lifofctoWo, ~ ~~
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40 Cfil441i'lifi ~lil> (~. 3fl'ofcto>ifo, ~ ~I
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42 ~ (<fr tr tT <fr}, ~I
43 ~lil>, (~.tr.tr), 3ifofctowo, ~I
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47 ~ (~, 3ifofctot;rro, ~ ~~
48 ~ (~. a«ofctowo , ~~I
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50 "'1i\ISl~tiCfi (~ fclcl;m" trCfiifi), 3ifofctot;rro, ~~I
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82 ~ (~ ~. ~q;e;<;;i•r ~ ~~
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