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--------- beginning of main

03-07 11:15:29.711 7988 7988 E com.mbwhatsapp: Not starting debugger since

process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-07 11:15:29.974 7988 7988 W System.err: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
03-07 11:15:29.978 7988 7988 W System.err: at
java.lang.Runtime.nativeLoad(Native Method)
03-07 11:15:29.978 7988 7988 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:29.978 7988 7988 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:29.978 7988 7988 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:29.978 7988 7988 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:29.978 7988 7988 W System.err: at arm.EpicVm.<clinit>(Unknown
03-07 11:15:29.978 7988 7988 W System.err: at
java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method)
03-07 11:15:29.978 7988 7988 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:29.978 7988 7988 W System.err: at
androidx.core.app.CoreComponentFactory.instantiateApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:15:29.978 7988 7988 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:29.978 7988 7988 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:29.978 7988 7988 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:29.978 7988 7988 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:29.979 7988 7988 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.-$
$Nest$mhandleBindApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:15:29.979 7988 7988 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:29.979 7988 7988 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:29.979 7988 7988 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:29.979 7988 7988 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:29.979 7988 7988 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:29.979 7988 7988 W System.err: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-07 11:15:29.979 7988 7988 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:29.979 7988 7988 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:30.085 7988 7988 E CustomActivityOnCrash: IMPORTANT WARNING! You
already have an UncaughtExceptionHandler, are you sure this is correct? If you use
a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler, you must initialize it AFTER
CustomActivityOnCrash! Installing anyway, but your original handler will not be
03-07 11:15:30.648 8035 8035 E com.mbwhatsapp: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-07 11:15:30.804 8035 8035 W System.err: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at
java.lang.Runtime.nativeLoad(Native Method)
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at arm.EpicVm.<clinit>(Unknown
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at
java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method)
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at
androidx.core.app.CoreComponentFactory.instantiateApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.-$
$Nest$mhandleBindApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:30.805 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:30.862 8035 8035 E CustomActivityOnCrash: IMPORTANT WARNING! You
already have an UncaughtExceptionHandler, are you sure this is correct? If you use
a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler, you must initialize it AFTER
CustomActivityOnCrash! Installing anyway, but your original handler will not be
03-07 11:15:31.133 8035 8035 W com.mbwhatsapp: Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
03-07 11:15:31.134 8035 8035 W com.mbwhatsapp: Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/AbstractConscryptSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q, reflection, denied)
03-07 11:15:31.206 8035 8054 W LibraryVersion: Failed to get app version for
libraryName: firebase-iid
03-07 11:15:32.461 8035 8091 W com.mbwhatsapp: Method void
X.2rL.A03(java.lang.Integer) failed lock verification and will run slower.
03-07 11:15:32.461 8035 8091 W com.mbwhatsapp: Common causes for lock
verification issues are non-optimized dex code
03-07 11:15:32.461 8035 8091 W com.mbwhatsapp: and incorrect proguard
03-07 11:15:32.468 8035 8035 W com.mbwhatsapp: Method void X.0eU.A0h(X.0tK,
boolean) failed lock verification and will run slower.
03-07 11:15:32.950 8035 8035 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:15:32.953 8035 8035 W System.err:
android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x0
03-07 11:15:32.953 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:32.953 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:32.953 8035 8035 W System.err: at X.35t.A0E(Unknown Source:46)
03-07 11:15:32.954 8035 8035 W System.err: at
com.mbwhatsapp.yo.yo.getString(Native Method)
03-07 11:15:32.954 8035 8035 W System.err: at
com.mbwhatsapp.yo.yo.getString(Native Method)
03-07 11:15:32.954 8035 8035 W System.err: at
com.mbwhatsapp.youbasha.task.utils.requestAllFilesAccess14(Native Method)
03-07 11:15:32.954 8035 8035 W System.err: at
com.mbwhatsapp.yo.dep.showStoragePermissionRequest(Native Method)
03-07 11:15:32.954 8035 8035 W System.err: at
com.mbwhatsapp.registration.EULA.onCreate(Unknown Source:248)
03-07 11:15:32.954 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:32.954 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:32.954 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:32.954 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:32.954 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:32.954 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:32.954 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:32.954 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:32.955 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:32.955 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:32.955 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:32.955 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:32.955 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:32.955 8035 8035 W System.err: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-07 11:15:32.955 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:32.955 8035 8035 W System.err: at
03-07 11:15:33.040 8035 8035 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:15:33.112 8035 8139 E RenderScript: Failed loading RS driver: dlopen
failed: library "libRSDriverArm.so" not found
03-07 11:15:33.112 8035 8139 E RenderScript: Failed to load runtime
libRSDriverArm.so, loading default
03-07 11:15:33.234 8035 8035 E ArmVmp : Match on catch block at 0x0a in for
03-07 11:15:34.800 8035 8043 W com.mbwhatsapp: Cleared Reference was only
reachable from finalizer (only reported once)
03-07 11:15:34.900 8035 8035 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:15:34.901 8035 8035 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:15:34.902 8035 8035 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:15:34.902 8035 8035 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:15:34.903 8035 8035 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:15:34.903 8035 8035 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:15:34.903 8035 8035 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:15:34.904 8035 8035 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:15:52.180 8035 8035 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:15:52.180 8035 8035 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:16:19.824 8035 9130 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: Failed to load saved
values from file
targets.xml. Old state removed, new added
03-07 11:16:19.824 8035 9130 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver:
targets.xml: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
03-07 11:16:19.824 8035 9130 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:16:19.824 8035 9130 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:16:19.824 8035 9130 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at X.0nz.run(Unknown
03-07 11:16:19.824 8035 9130 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:16:19.824 8035 9130 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:16:19.824 8035 9130 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:16:19.824 8035 9130 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:16:19.824 8035 9130 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:16:19.824 8035 9130 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
03-07 11:16:19.824 8035 9130 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
libcore.io.Linux.open(Native Method)
03-07 11:16:19.824 8035 9130 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:16:19.824 8035 9130 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:16:19.824 8035 9130 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:16:19.824 8035 9130 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:16:19.824 8035 9130 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:16:19.824 8035 9130 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: ... 7 more
03-07 11:16:19.987 8035 8102 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find
03-07 11:16:20.000 8035 8102 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find
03-07 11:16:20.020 8035 8102 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find
03-07 11:16:36.932 8035 8035 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:16:36.932 8035 8035 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:16:47.641 8035 8035 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:16:48.857 8035 8073 E PlayCore: UID: [10184] PID: [8035]
StandardIntegrity : Phonesky is not installed.
03-07 11:16:48.915 8035 8098 W ziparchive: Unable to open
'/system_ext/framework/org.carconnectivity.android.digitalkey.timesync.dm': No such
file or directory
03-07 11:16:48.915 8035 8098 W ziparchive: Unable to open
'/system_ext/framework/org.carconnectivity.android.digitalkey.timesync.dm': No such
file or directory
03-07 11:16:52.044 8035 8035 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:16:52.044 8035 8035 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:16:53.035 8035 8035 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:17:05.407 8035 8035 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:17:05.411 8035 8035 E ImeBackDispatcher: Ime callback not found.
Ignoring unregisterReceivedCallback. callbackId: 26450158
03-07 11:17:05.464 8035 8035 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:17:05.464 8035 8035 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:17:38.280 8035 8035 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:17:38.280 8035 8035 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:17:38.312 8035 8035 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:17:49.243 8035 8035 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:17:51.255 8035 8035 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:17:51.255 8035 8035 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:17:52.265 8035 8035 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:17:52.265 8035 8035 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:17:52.275 8035 80--------- beginning of main
03-07 11:19:19.827 8035 8035 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:20:13.480 8035 8035 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:20:22.104 8035 8035 W X.0Z6 : Invalid or missing region code
(Venezuela) provided.
03-07 11:20:22.606 8035 8035 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:20:22.606 8035 8035 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:20:48.395 8035 8035 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:20:51.515 8035 8035 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:20:51.515 8035 8035 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:20:52.470 8035 8035 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:20:53.942 8035 8035 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:20:53.942 8035 8035 E ImeBackDispatcher: Ime callback not found.
Ignoring unregisterReceivedCallback. callbackId: 26450158
03-07 11:20:54.172 8035 8035 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:20:54.172 8035 8035 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:20:54.351 8035 8035 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:23:33.063 8035 8035 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:24:13.304 16737 16737 E com.mbwhatsapp: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-07 11:24:13.498 16737 16737 W System.err: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
03-07 11:24:13.504 16737 16737 W System.err: at
java.lang.Runtime.nativeLoad(Native Method)
03-07 11:24:13.504 16737 16737 W System.err: at
03-07 11:24:13.504 16737 16737 W System.err: at
03-07 11:24:13.504 16737 16737 W System.err: at
03-07 11:24:13.504 16737 16737 W System.err: at
03-07 11:24:13.504 16737 16737 W System.err: at arm.EpicVm.<clinit>(Unknown
03-07 11:24:13.504 16737 16737 W System.err: at
java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method)
03-07 11:24:13.504 16737 16737 W System.err: at
03-07 11:24:13.504 16737 16737 W System.err: at
androidx.core.app.CoreComponentFactory.instantiateApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:24:13.504 16737 16737 W System.err: at
03-07 11:24:13.504 16737 16737 W System.err: at
03-07 11:24:13.504 16737 16737 W System.err: at
03-07 11:24:13.504 16737 16737 W System.err: at
03-07 11:24:13.504 16737 16737 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.-$
$Nest$mhandleBindApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:24:13.504 16737 16737 W System.err: at
03-07 11:24:13.504 16737 16737 W System.err: at
03-07 11:24:13.504 16737 16737 W System.err: at
03-07 11:24:13.504 16737 16737 W System.err: at
03-07 11:24:13.504 16737 16737 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityTh---------
beginning of main
03-07 11:24:13.544 16737 16737 E CustomActivityOnCrash: IMPORTANT WARNING! You
already have an UncaughtExceptionHandler, are you sure this is correct? If you use
a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler, you must initialize it AFTER
CustomActivityOnCrash! Installing anyway, but your original handler will not be
03-07 11:24:14.158 16737 16737 W com.mbwhatsapp: Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
03-07 11:24:14.158 16737 16737 W com.mbwhatsapp: Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/AbstractConscryptSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q, reflection, denied)
03-07 11:24:53.625 16737 16737 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:24:57.666 16737 16745 W com.mbwhatsapp: Cleared Reference was only
reachable from finalizer (only reported once)
03-07 11:26:18.091 19575 19575 E com.mbwhatsapp: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-07 11:26:18.384 19575 19575 W System.err: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at
java.lang.Runtime.nativeLoad(Native Method)
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at arm.EpicVm.<clinit>(Unknown
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at
java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method)
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at
androidx.core.app.CoreComponentFactory.instantiateApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.-$
$Nest$mhandleBindApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at
03-07 11:26:18.392 19575 19575 W System.err: at
03-07 11:26:18.481 19575 19575 E CustomActivityOnCrash: IMPORTANT WARNING! You
already have an UncaughtExceptionHandler, are you sure this is correct? If you use
a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler, you must initialize it AFTER
CustomActivityOnCrash! Installing anyway, but your original handler will not be
03-07 11:26:19.111 19575 19575 W com.mbwhatsapp: Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
03-07 11:26:19.111 19575 19575 W com.mbwhatsapp: A--------- beginning of main
03-07 11:43:16.085 2682 2682 E com.mbwhatsapp: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-07 11:43:16.459 2682 2682 W System.err: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
03-07 11:43:16.462 2682 2682 W System.err: at
java.lang.Runtime.nativeLoad(Native Method)
03-07 11:43:16.462 2682 2682 W System.err: at
03-07 11:43:16.462 2682 2682 W System.err: at
03-07 11:43:16.462 2682 2682 W System.err: at
03-07 11:43:16.462 2682 2682 W System.err: at
03-07 11:43:16.462 2682 2682 W System.err: at arm.EpicVm.<clinit>(Unknown
03-07 11:43:16.462 2682 2682 W System.err: at
java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method)
03-07 11:43:16.462 2682 2682 W System.err: at
03-07 11:43:16.462 2682 2682 W System.err: at
androidx.core.app.CoreComponentFactory.instantiateApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:43:16.462 2682 2682 W System.err: at
03-07 11:43:16.462 2682 2682 W System.err: at
03-07 11:43:16.462 2682 2682 W System.err: at
03-07 11:43:16.462 2682 2682 W System.err: at
03-07 11:43:16.463 2682 2682 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.-$
$Nest$mhandleBindApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:43:16.463 2682 2682 W System.err: at
03-07 11:43:16.463 2682 2682 W System.err: at
03-07 11:43:16.463 2682 2682 W System.err: at
03-07 11:43:16.463 2682 2682 W System.err: at
03-07 11:43:16.463 2682 2682 W System.err: at
03-07 11:43:16.463 2682 2682 W System.err: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-07 11:43:16.463 2682 2682 W System.err: at
03-07 11:43:16.463 2682 2682 W System.err: at
03-07 11:43:16.584 2682 2682 E CustomActivityOnCrash: IMPORTANT WARNING! You
already have an UncaughtExceptionHandler, are you sure this is correct? If you use
a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler, you must initialize it AFTER
CustomActivityOnCrash! Installing anyway, but your original handler will not be
03-07 11:43:17.079 2682 2682 W com.mbwhatsapp: Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
03-07 11:43:17.080 2682 2682 W com.mbwhatsapp: Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/AbstractConscryptSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q, reflection, denied)
03-07 11:43:19.518 2682 2847 W com.mbwhatsapp: Method void
X.2rL.A03(java.lang.Integer) failed lock verification and will run slower.
03-07 11:43:19.518 2682 2847 W com.mbwhatsapp: Common causes for lock
verification issues are non-optimized dex code
03-07 11:43:19.518 2682 2847 W com.mbwhatsapp: and incorrect proguard
03-07 11:43:19.526 2682 2682 W com.mbwhatsapp: Method void X.0eU.A0h(X.0tK,
boolean) failed lock verification and will run slower.
03-07 11:43:20.133 2682 2682 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:43:23.167 2682 2682 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:43:23.167 2682 2682 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallbac--------- beginning of main
03-07 11:43:27.735 2682 2692 W com.mbwhatsapp: Cleared Reference was only
reachable from finalizer (only reported once)
03-07 11:43:43.326 2682 2682 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:43:44.175 2682 2947 E PlayCore: UID: [10184] PID: [2682]
StandardIntegrity : Phonesky is not installed.
03-07 11:43:44.254 2682 2762 W ziparchive: Unable to open
'/system_ext/framework/org.carconnectivity.android.digitalkey.timesync.dm': No such
file or directory
03-07 11:43:44.254 2682 2762 W ziparchive: Unable to open
'/system_ext/framework/org.carconnectivity.android.digitalkey.timesync.dm': No such
file or directory
03-07 11:43:46.475 2682 2682 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:43:46.475 2682 2682 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:43:47.149 2682 2682 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:43:48.549 2682 2682 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:43:48.549 2682 2682 E ImeBackDispatcher: Ime callback not found.
Ignoring unregisterReceivedCallback. callbackId: 26450158
03-07 11:43:48.769 2682 2682 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:43:48.769 2682 2682 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:43:48.908 2682 2682 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:44:14.948 4293 4293 E com.mbwhatsapp: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-07 11:44:15.095 4293 4293 W System.err: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
03-07 11:44:15.098 4293 4293 W System.err: at
java.lang.Runtime.nativeLoad(Native Method)
03-07 11:44:15.098 4293 4293 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:15.098 4293 4293 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:15.098 4293 4293 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:15.098 4293 4293 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:15.098 4293 4293 W System.err: at arm.EpicVm.<clinit>(Unknown
03-07 11:44:15.098 4293 4293 W System.err: at
java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method)
03-07 11:44:15.098 4293 4293 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:15.098 4293 4293 W System.err: at
androidx.core.app.CoreComponentFactory.instantiateApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:44:15.098 4293 4293 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:15.098 4293 4293 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:15.098 4293 4293 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:15.098 4293 4293 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:15.098 4293 4293 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.-$
$Nest$mhandleBindApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:44:15.098 4293 4293 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:15.098 4293 4293 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:15.098 4293 4293 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:15.098 4293 4293 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:15.098 4293 4293 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:15.098 4293 --------- beginning of main
03-07 11:44:15.112 4293 4293 E CustomActivityOnCrash: IMPORTANT WARNING! You
already have an UncaughtExceptionHandler, are you sure this is correct? If you use
a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler, you must initialize it AFTER
CustomActivityOnCrash! Installing anyway, but your original handler will not be
03-07 11:44:15.701 4293 4293 W com.mbwhatsapp: Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
03-07 11:44:15.701 4293 4293 W com.mbwhatsapp: Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/AbstractConscryptSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q, reflection, denied)
03-07 11:44:44.322 5045 5045 E com.mbwhatsapp: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-07 11:44:44.720 5045 5045 W System.err: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at
java.lang.Runtime.nativeLoad(Native Method)
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at arm.EpicVm.<clinit>(Unknown
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at
java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method)
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at
androidx.core.app.CoreComponentFactory.instantiateApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.-$
$Nest$mhandleBindApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:44.729 5045 5045 W System.err: at
03-07 11:44:44.857 5045 5045 E CustomActivityOnCrash: IMPORTANT WARNING! You
already have an UncaughtExceptionHandler, are you sure this is correct? If you use
a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler, you must initialize it AFTER
CustomActivityOnCrash! Installing anyway, but your original handler will not be
03-07 11:44:45.302 5045 5045 W com.mbwhatsapp: Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
03-07 11:44:45.302 5045 5045 W com.mbwhatsapp: Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/AbstractConscryptSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q, reflection, denied)
03-07 11:44:47.139 5045 5188 W com.mbwhatsapp: Method void
X.2rL.A03(java.lang.Integer) failed lock verification and will run slower.
03-07 11:44:47.139 5045 5188 W com.mbwhatsapp: Common causes for lock
verification issues are non-optimized dex code
03-07 11:44:47.139 5045 5188 W com.mbwhatsapp: and incorrect proguard
03-07 11:45:02.028 5045 5045 W com.mbwhatsapp: Method void X.0eU.A0h(X.0tK,
boolean) failed lock verification and will run slower.
03-07 11:45:02.459 5045 5045 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:45:04.750 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:45:04.750 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:45:12.483 5045 5045 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:45:13.503 5045 5115 E PlayCore: UID: [10184] PID: [5045]
StandardIntegrity : Phonesky is not installed.
03-07 11:45:13.564 5045 5769 W ziparchive: Unable to open
'/system_ext/framework/org.carconnectivity.android.digitalkey.timesync.dm': No such
file or directory
03-07 11:45:13.564 5045 5769 W ziparchive: Unable to open
'/system_ext/framework/org.carconnectivity.android.digitalkey.timesync.dm': No such
file or directory
03-07 11:45:15.641 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:45:15.641 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:45:16.487 5045 5045 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:45:17.956 5045 5045 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:45:17.956 5045 5045 E ImeBackDispatcher: Ime callback not found.
Ignoring unregisterReceivedCallback. callbackId: 26450158
03-07 11:45:18.130 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:45:18.130 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:45:18.312 5045 5045 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:45:22.610 5045 5045 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:45:27.184 5045 5056 W com.mbwhatsapp: Cleared Reference was only
reachable from finalizer (only reported once)
03-07 11:46:07.141 5045 5045 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:46:08.947 5045 5045 W X.0Z6 : Invalid or missing region code
(Venezuela) provided.
03-07 11:46:09.344 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:46:09.344 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:46:20.481 5045 5045 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:46:22.992 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:46:22.992 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:46:23.622 5045 5045 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:46:24.762 5045 5045 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:46:24.767 5045 5045 E ImeBackDispatcher: Ime callback not found.
Ignoring unregisterReceivedCallback. callbackId: 26450158
03-07 11:46:34.500 5045 5045 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:46:36.221 5045 5045 W X.0Z6 : Invalid or missing region code
(Venezuela) provided.
03-07 11:46:36.629 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:46:36.629 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:46:42.590 5045 5045 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:46:43.805 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:46:43.805 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:46:45.012 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:46:45.012 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:46:45.781 5045 5045 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:46:47.138 5045 5045 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:46:47.139 5045 5045 E ImeBackDispatcher: Ime callback not found.
Ignoring unregisterReceivedCallback. callbackId: 26450158
03-07 11:46:47.254 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:46:47.254 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:46:47.358 5045 5045 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:47:26.756 5045 5045 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:47:28.294 5045 5045 W X.0Z6 : Invalid or missing region code
(Venezuela) provided.
03-07 11:47:28.772 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:47:28.772 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:47:40.000 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:47:40.000 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:47:40.013 5045 5045 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:47:52.410 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:47:52.410 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:48:03.316 5045 5045 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:48:05.998 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:48:05.998 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:48:06.760 5045 5045 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:48:08.228 5045 5045 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:48:08.229 5045 5045 E ImeBackDispatcher: Ime callback not found.
Ignoring unregisterReceivedCallback. callbackId: 26450158
03-07 11:48:08.318 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:48:08.318 5045 5045 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:48:08.426 5045 5045 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:48:25.024 5045 5045 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a t--------- beginning of main
03-07 11:51:41.596 12142 12142 E com.mbwhatsapp: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-07 11:51:41.752 12142 12142 W System.err: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at
java.lang.Runtime.nativeLoad(Native Method)
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at arm.EpicVm.<clinit>(Unknown
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at
java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method)
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at
androidx.core.app.CoreComponentFactory.instantiateApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.-$
$Nest$mhandleBindApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:41.754 12142 12142 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:41.832 12142 12142 E CustomActivityOnCrash: IMPORTANT WARNING! You
already have an UncaughtExceptionHandler, are you sure this is correct? If you use
a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler, you must initialize it AFTER
CustomActivityOnCrash! Installing anyway, but your original handler will not be
03-07 11:51:42.371 12198 12198 E com.mbwhatsapp: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at
java.lang.Runtime.nativeLoad(Native Method)
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at arm.EpicVm.<clinit>(Unknown
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at
java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method)
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at
androidx.core.app.CoreComponentFactory.instantiateApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.-$
$Nest$mhandleBindApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:42.479 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:42.534 12198 12198 E CustomActivityOnCrash: IMPORTANT WARNING! You
already have an UncaughtExceptionHandler, are you sure this is correct? If you use
a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler, you must initialize it AFTER
CustomActivityOnCrash! Installing anyway, but your original handler will not be
03-07 11:51:42.732 12198 12198 W com.mbwhatsapp: Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
03-07 11:51:42.732 12198 12198 W com.mbwhatsapp: Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/AbstractConscryptSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q, reflection, denied)
03-07 11:51:43.021 12198 12221 W LibraryVersion: Failed to get app version for
libraryName: firebase-iid
03-07 11:51:44.739 12198 12317 W com.mbwhatsapp: Method void
X.2rL.A03(java.lang.Integer) failed lock verification and will run slower.
03-07 11:51:44.739 12198 12317 W com.mbwhatsapp: Common causes for lock
verification issues are non-optimized dex code
03-07 11:51:44.739 12198 12317 W com.mbwhatsapp: and incorrect proguard
03-07 11:51:44.766 12198 12198 W com.mbwhatsapp: Method void X.0eU.A0h(X.0tK,
boolean) failed lock verification and will run slower.
03-07 11:51:45.336 12198 12198 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:51:45.338 12198 12198 W System.err:
android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x0
03-07 11:51:45.338 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:45.338 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:45.338 12198 12198 W System.err: at X.35t.A0E(Unknown Source:46)
03-07 11:51:45.339 12198 12198 W System.err: at
com.mbwhatsapp.yo.yo.getString(Native Method)
03-07 11:51:45.339 12198 12198 W System.err: at
com.mbwhatsapp.yo.yo.getString(Native Method)
03-07 11:51:45.339 12198 12198 W System.err: at
com.mbwhatsapp.youbasha.task.utils.requestAllFilesAccess14(Native Method)
03-07 11:51:45.339 12198 12198 W System.err: at
com.mbwhatsapp.yo.dep.showStoragePermissionRequest(Native Method)
03-07 11:51:45.339 12198 12198 W System.err: at
com.mbwhatsapp.registration.EULA.onCreate(Unknown Source:248)
03-07 11:51:45.339 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:45.339 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:45.339 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:45.339 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:45.339 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:45.339 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:45.339 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:45.339 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:45.340 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:45.340 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:45.340 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:45.340 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:45.340 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:45.340 12198 12198 W System.err: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-07 11:51:45.340 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:45.340 12198 12198 W System.err: at
03-07 11:51:45.457 12198 12198 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:51:45.527 12198 12367 E RenderScript: Failed loading RS driver: dlopen
failed: library "libRSDriverArm.so" not found
03-07 11:51:45.527 12198 12367 E RenderScript: Failed to load runtime
libRSDriverArm.so, loading default
03-07 11:51:45.609 12198 12198 E ArmVmp : Match on catch block at 0x0a in for
03-07 11:51:46.877 12198 12207 W com.mbwhatsapp: Cleared Reference was only
reachable from finalizer (only reported once)
03-07 11:51:47.173 12198 12198 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:51:47.175 12198 12198 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:51:47.177 12198 12198 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:51:47.178 12198 12198 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:51:47.179 12198 12198 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:51:47.179 12198 12198 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:51:47.181 12198 12198 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:51:47.181 12198 12198 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:52:13.870 12198 12198 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:52:13.870 12198 12198 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:52:40.929 12198 13139 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: Failed to load saved
values from file
targets.xml. Old state removed, new added
03-07 11:52:40.929 12198 13139 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver:
targets.xml: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
03-07 11:52:40.929 12198 13139 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:52:40.929 12198 13139 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:52:40.929 12198 13139 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at X.0nz.run(Unknown
03-07 11:52:40.929 12198 13139 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:52:40.929 12198 13139 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:52:40.929 12198 13139 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:52:40.929 12198 13139 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:52:40.929 12198 13139 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:52:40.929 12198 13139 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
03-07 11:52:40.929 12198 13139 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
libcore.io.Linux.open(Native Method)
03-07 11:52:40.929 12198 13139 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:52:40.929 12198 13139 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:52:40.929 12198 13139 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:52:40.929 12198 13139 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:52:40.929 12198 13139 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:52:40.929 12198 13139 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: ... 7 more
03-07 11:52:40.984 12198 12328 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find
03-07 11:52:40.992 12198 12328 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find
03-07 11:52:41.013 12198 12328 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find
03-07 11:52:45.916 12198 12198 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:52:45.916 12198 12198 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:52:53.742 12198 12198 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:52:53.742 12198 12198 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:53:01.816 12198 12198 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:53:02.690 12198 12323 E PlayCore: UID: [10190] PID: [12198]
StandardIntegrity : Phonesky is not installed.
03-07 11:53:02.746 12198 12242 W ziparchive: Unable to open
'/system_ext/framework/org.carconnectivity.android.digitalkey.timesync.dm': No such
file or directory
03-07 11:53:02.746 12198 12242 W ziparchive: Unable to open
'/system_ext/framework/org.carconnectivity.android.digitalkey.timesync.dm': No such
file or directory
03-07 11:53:04.843 12198 12198 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:53:04.843 12198 12198 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:53:05.772 12198 12198 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:53:06.917 12198 12198 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:53:06.917 12198 12198 E ImeBackDispatcher: Ime callback not found.
Ignoring unregisterReceivedCallback. callbackId: 26450158
03-07 11:53:07.106 12198 12198 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:53:07.106 12198 12198 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:53:07.231 12198 12198 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:53:26.664 12198 12198 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:54:15.168 12198 12198 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:54:16.776 12198 12198 W X.0Z6 : Invalid or missing region code
(Venezuela) provided.
03-07 11:54:17.738 12198 12198 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:54:17.738 12198 12198 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:54:25.978 12198 12198 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:54:29.602 12198 12198 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:54:29.602 12198 12198 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:54:31.061 12198 12198 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:54:33.204 12198 12198 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:54:33.347 12198 12198 E ImeBackDispatcher: Ime callback not found.
Ignoring unregisterReceivedCallback. callbackId: 26450158
03-07 11:55:04.987 17640 17640 E com.mbwhatsapp: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-07 11:55:05.248 17640 17640 W System.err: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
03-07 11:55:05.250 17640 17640 W System.err: at
java.lang.Runtime.nativeLoad(Native Method)
03-07 11:55:05.250 17640 17640 W System.err: at
03-07 11:55:05.250 17640 17640 W System.err: at
03-07 11:55:05.251 17640 17640 W System.err: at
03-07 11:55:05.251 17640 17640 W System.err: at
03-07 11:55:05.251 17640 17640 W System.err: at arm.EpicVm.<clinit>(Unknown
03-07 11:55:05.251 17640 17640 W System.err: at
java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method)
03-07 11:55:05.251 17640 17640 W System.err: at
03-07 11:55:05.251 17640 17640 W System.err: at
androidx.core.app.CoreComponentFactory.instantiateApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:55:05.251 17640 17640 W System.err: at
03-07 11:55:05.251 17640 17640 W System.err: at
03-07 11:55:05.251 17640 17640 W System.err: at
03-07 11:55:05.251 17640 17640 W System.err: at
03-07 11:55:05.251 17640 17640 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.-$
$Nest$mhandleBindApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:55:05.251 17640 17640 W System.err: at
03-07 11:55:05.251 17640 17640 W System.err: at
03-07 11:55:05.251 17640 17640 W System.err: at
03-07 11:55:05.251 17640 17640 W System.err: at
03-07 11:55:05.251 17640 17640 W System.err: at
03-07 11:55:05.251 17640 17640 W System.err: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-07 11:55:05.251 17640 17640 W System.err: at
03-07 11:55:05.251 17640 17640 W System.err: at
03-07 11:55:05.328 17640 17640 E CustomActivityOnCrash: IMPORTANT WARNING! You
already have an UncaughtExceptionHandler, are you sure this is correct? If you use
a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler, you must initialize it AFTER
CustomActivityOnCrash! Installing anyway, but your original handler will not be
03-07 11:55:05.838 17640 17640 W com.mbwhatsapp: Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
03-07 11:55:05.838 17640 17640 W com.mbwhatsapp: Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/AbstractConscryptSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q, reflection, denied)
03-07 11:55:07.151 17640 17711 W com.mbwhatsapp: Method void
X.2rL.A03(java.lang.Integer) failed lock verification and--------- beginning of
03-07 11:56:24.784 19222 19222 E com.mbwhatsapp: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-07 11:56:25.007 19222 19222 W System.err: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
03-07 11:56:25.013 19222 19222 W System.err: at
java.lang.Runtime.nativeLoad(Native Method)
03-07 11:56:25.013 19222 19222 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.013 19222 19222 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.013 19222 19222 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.013 19222 19222 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.013 19222 19222 W System.err: at arm.EpicVm.<clinit>(Unknown
03-07 11:56:25.013 19222 19222 W System.err: at
java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method)
03-07 11:56:25.013 19222 19222 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.013 19222 19222 W System.err: at
androidx.core.app.CoreComponentFactory.instantiateApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:56:25.013 19222 19222 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.013 19222 19222 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.013 19222 19222 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.013 19222 19222 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.013 19222 19222 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.-$
$Nest$mhandleBindApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:56:25.013 19222 19222 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.013 19222 19222 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.014 19222 19222 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.014 19222 19222 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.014 19222 19222 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.014 19222 19222 W System.err: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-07 11:56:25.014 19222 19222 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.014 19222 19222 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.083 19222 19222 E CustomActivityOnCrash: IMPORTANT WARNING! You
already have an UncaughtExceptionHandler, are you sure this is correct? If you use
a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler, you must initialize it AFTER
CustomActivityOnCrash! Installing anyway, but your original handler will not be
03-07 11:56:25.804 19349 19349 E com.mbwhatsapp: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-07 11:56:25.928 19349 19349 W System.err: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
03-07 11:56:25.928 19349 19349 W System.err: at
java.lang.Runtime.nativeLoad(Native Method)
03-07 11:56:25.928 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.928 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.928 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.928 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.929 19349 19349 W System.err: at arm.EpicVm.<clinit>(Unknown
03-07 11:56:25.929 19349 19349 W System.err: at
java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method)
03-07 11:56:25.929 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.929 19349 19349 W System.err: at
androidx.core.app.CoreComponentFactory.instantiateApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:56:25.929 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.929 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.929 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.929 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.929 19349 19349 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.-$
$Nest$mhandleBindApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:56:25.929 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.929 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.929 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.929 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.929 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.929 19349 19349 W System.err: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-07 11:56:25.929 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.929 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:25.989 19349 19349 E CustomActivityOnCrash: IMPORTANT WARNING! You
already have an UncaughtExceptionHandler, are you sure this is correct? If you use
a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler, you must initialize it AFTER
CustomActivityOnCrash! Installing anyway, but your original handler will not be
03-07 11:56:26.194 19349 19349 W com.mbwhatsapp: Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
03-07 11:56:26.194 19349 19349 W com.mbwhatsapp: Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/AbstractConscryptSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q, reflection, denied)
03-07 11:56:27.036 19349 19386 W LibraryVersion: Failed to get app version for
libraryName: firebase-iid
03-07 11:56:27.555 19349 19511 W com.mbwhatsapp: Method void
X.2rL.A03(java.lang.Integer) failed lock verification and will run slower.
03-07 11:56:27.555 19349 19511 W com.mbwhatsapp: Common causes for lock
verification issues are non-optimized dex code
03-07 11:56:27.555 19349 19511 W com.mbwhatsapp: and incorrect proguard
03-07 11:56:27.565 19349 19349 W com.mbwhatsapp: Method void X.0eU.A0h(X.0tK,
boolean) failed lock verification and will run slower.
03-07 11:56:27.950 19349 19349 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:56:27.951 19349 19349 W System.err:
android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x0
03-07 11:56:27.952 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:27.952 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:27.952 19349 19349 W System.err: at X.35t.A0E(Unknown Source:46)
03-07 11:56:27.952 19349 19349 W System.err: at
com.mbwhatsapp.yo.yo.getString(Native Method)
03-07 11:56:27.952 19349 19349 W System.err: at
com.mbwhatsapp.yo.yo.getString(Native Method)
03-07 11:56:27.952 19349 19349 W System.err: at
com.mbwhatsapp.youbasha.task.utils.requestAllFilesAccess14(Native Method)
03-07 11:56:27.953 19349 19349 W System.err: at
com.mbwhatsapp.yo.dep.showStoragePermissionRequest(Native Method)
03-07 11:56:27.953 19349 19349 W System.err: at
com.mbwhatsapp.registration.EULA.onCreate(Unknown Source:248)
03-07 11:56:27.953 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:27.953 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:27.953 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:27.953 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:27.953 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:27.953 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:27.953 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:27.953 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:27.953 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:27.954 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:27.954 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:27.954 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:27.954 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:27.954 19349 19349 W System.err: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-07 11:56:27.954 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:27.954 19349 19349 W System.err: at
03-07 11:56:28.047 19349 19349 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:56:28.130 19349 19560 E RenderScript: Failed loading RS driver: dlopen
failed: library "libRSDriverArm.so" not found
03-07 11:56:28.130 19349 19560 E RenderScript: Failed to load runtime
libRSDriverArm.so, loading default
03-07 11:56:28.205 19349 19349 E ArmVmp : Match on catch block at 0x0a in for
03-07 11:56:29.387 19349 19358 W com.mbwhatsapp: Cleared Reference was only
reachable from finalizer (only reported once)
03-07 11:56:29.539 19349 19349 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:56:29.540 19349 19349 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:56:29.541 19349 19349 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:56:29.542 19349 19349 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:56:29.542 19349 19349 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:56:29.543 19349 19349 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:56:29.543 19349 19349 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:56:29.544 19349 19349 E com.mbwhatsapp: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
03-07 11:56:36.751 19349 19349 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:56:36.752 19349 19349 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:56:39.900 19349 19833 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: Failed to load saved
values from file
targets.xml. Old state removed, new added
03-07 11:56:39.900 19349 19833 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver:
targets.xml: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
03-07 11:56:39.900 19349 19833 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:56:39.900 19349 19833 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:56:39.900 19349 19833 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at X.0nz.run(Unknown
03-07 11:56:39.900 19349 19833 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:56:39.900 19349 19833 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:56:39.900 19349 19833 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:56:39.900 19349 19833 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:56:39.900 19349 19833 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:56:39.900 19349 19833 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
03-07 11:56:39.900 19349 19833 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
libcore.io.Linux.open(Native Method)
03-07 11:56:39.900 19349 19833 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:56:39.900 19349 19833 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:56:39.900 19349 19833 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:56:39.900 19349 19833 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:56:39.900 19349 19833 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
03-07 11:56:39.900 19349 19833 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: ... 7 more
03-07 11:56:40.001 19349 19525 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find
03-07 11:56:40.019 19349 19525 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find
03-07 11:56:40.027 19349 19525 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find
03-07 11:56:43.869 19349 19349 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:56:43.869 19349 19349 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:56:49.883 19349 19349 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:56:50.630 19349 19519 E PlayCore: UID: [10495] PID: [19349]
StandardIntegrity : Phonesky is not installed.
03-07 11:56:50.670 19349 19407 W ziparchive: Unable to open
'/system_ext/framework/org.carconnectivity.android.digitalkey.timesync.dm': No such
file or directory
03-07 11:56:50.670 19349 19407 W ziparchive: Unable to open
'/system_ext/framework/org.carconnectivity.android.digitalkey.timesync.dm': No such
file or directory
03-07 11:56:51.891 19349 19349 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:56:51.891 19349 19349 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:56:53.222 19349 19349 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:56:53.222 19349 19349 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:56:54.131 19349 19349 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:56:55.690 19349 19349 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:56:55.691 19349 19349 E ImeBackDispatcher: Ime callback not found.
Ignoring unregisterReceivedCallback. callbackId: 26450158
03-07 11:56:55.828 19349 19349 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:56:55.911 19349 19349 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:56:55.911 19349 19349 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:56:56.012 19349 19349 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:56:58.966 19349 19349 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:57:02.071 19349 19349 W X.0Z6 : Invalid or missing region code
(Venezuela) provided.
03-07 11:57:02.458 19349 19349 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:57:02.458 19349 19349 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:57:08.259 19349 19349 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:57:10.659 19349 19349 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:57:10.659 19349 19349 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:57:11.187 19349 19349 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:57:12.636 19349 19349 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:57:12.641 19349 19349 E ImeBackDispatcher: Ime callback not found.
Ignoring unregisterReceivedCallback. callbackId: 26450158
03-07 11:57:40.046 20735 20735 E com.mbwhatsapp: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-07 11:57:40.382 20735 20735 W System.err: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
03-07 11:57:40.383 20735 20735 W System.err: at
java.lang.Runtime.nativeLoad(Native Method)
03-07 11:57:40.383 20735 20735 W System.err: at
03-07 11:57:40.384 20735 20735 W System.err: at
03-07 11:57:40.384 20735 20735 W System.err: at
03-07 11:57:40.384 20735 20735 W System.err: at
03-07 11:57:40.384 20735 20735 W System.err: at arm.EpicVm.<clinit>(Unknown
03-07 11:57:40.384 20735 20735 W System.err: at
java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method)
03-07 11:57:40.384 20735 20735 W System.err: at
03-07 11:57:40.384 20735 20735 W System.err: at
androidx.core.app.CoreComponentFactory.instantiateApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:57:40.384 20735 20735 W System.err: at
03-07 11:57:40.384 20735 20735 W System.err: at
03-07 11:57:40.384 20735 20735 W System.err: at
03-07 11:57:40.384 20735 20735 W System.err: at
03-07 11:57:40.384 20735 20735 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.-$
$Nest$mhandleBindApplication(Unknown Source:0)
03-07 11:57:40.384 20735 20735 W System.err: at
03-07 11:57:40.384 20735 20735 W System.err: at
03-07 11:57:40.384 20735 20735 W System.err: at
03-07 11:57:40.384 20735 20735 W System.err: at
03-07 11:57:40.384 20735 20735 W System.err: at
03-07 11:57:40.384 20735 20735 W System.err: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-07 11:57:40.384 20735 20735 W System.err: at
03-07 11:57:40.384 20735 20735 W System.err: at
03-07 11:57:40.481 20735 20735 E CustomActivityOnCrash: IMPORTANT WARNING! You
already have an UncaughtExceptionHandler, are you sure this is correct? If you use
a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler, you must initialize it AFTER
CustomActivityOnCrash! Installing anyway, but your original handler will not be
03-07 11:57:40.794 20735 20735 W com.mbwhatsapp: Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
03-07 11:57:40.794 20735 20735 W com.mbwhatsapp: Accessing hidden method
Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/AbstractConscryptSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (max-
target-q, reflection, denied)
03-07 11:57:42.645 20735 20839 W com.mbwhatsapp: Method void
X.2rL.A03(java.lang.Integer) failed lock verification and will run slower.
03-07 11:57:42.645 20735 20839 W com.mbwhatsapp: Common causes for lock
verification issues are non-optimized dex code
03-07 11:57:42.645 20735 20839 W com.mbwhatsapp: and incorrect proguard
03-07 11:57:42.663 20735 20735 W com.mbwhatsapp: Method void X.0eU.A0h(X.0tK,
boolean) failed lock verification and will run slower.
03-07 11:57:43.097 20735 20735 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:57:45.493 20735 20735 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:57:45.493 20735 20735 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:57:50.389 20735 20746 W com.mbwhatsapp: Cleared Reference was only
reachable from finalizer (only reported once)
03-07 11:57:55.098 20735 20735 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:57:56.074 20735 20778 E PlayCore: UID: [10495] PID: [20735]
StandardIntegrity : Phonesky is not installed.
03-07 11:57:56.115 20735 20779 W ziparchive: Unable to open
'/system_ext/framework/org.carconnectivity.android.digitalkey.timesync.dm': No such
file or directory
03-07 11:57:56.115 20735 20779 W ziparchive: Unable to open
'/system_ext/framework/org.carconnectivity.android.digitalkey.timesync.dm': No such
file or directory
03-07 11:57:58.441 20735 20735 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:57:58.441 20735 20735 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:57:59.370 20735 20735 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:58:00.924 20735 20735 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:58:00.925 20735 20735 E ImeBackDispatcher: Ime callback not found.
Ignoring unregisterReceivedCallback. callbackId: 26450158
03-07 11:58:01.089 20735 20735 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:58:01.089 20735 20735 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:58:01.214 20735 20735 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:58:46.567 20735 20735 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 11:58:51.852 20735 20735 W X.0Z6 : Invalid or missing region code
(Venezuela) provided.
03-07 11:58:52.270 20735 20735 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:58:52.270 20735 20735 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:58:58.221 20735 20735 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:59:00.844 20735 20735 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for the application.
03-07 11:59:00.844 20735 20735 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set
'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
03-07 11:59:01.387 20735 20735 W Settings: Setting show_button_background has moved
from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
03-07 11:59:02.811 20735 20735 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo
on inactive InputConnection
03-07 11:59:02.826 20735 20735 E ImeBackDispatcher: Ime callback not found.
Ignoring unregisterReceivedCallback. callbackId: 26450158
03-07 12:03:15.770 20735 20735 W Activity: Can request only one set of permissions
at a time
03-07 12:03:18.004 20735 20735 W X.0Z6 : Invalid or missing region code
(Venezuela) provided.
03-07 12:03:19.423 20735 20735 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is
not enabled for t

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