EDU 316 Study Guide by A-Media
EDU 316 Study Guide by A-Media
EDU 316 Study Guide by A-Media
EDU 316
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Concept of research
Case studies method
Survey research
Longitudinal studies
Correctional studies
Casual comparative studies
Cross-sectional studies
Historical research
Students` test
Chi-square test
Educational Research
There are probably as many meanings of research as there are researchers. These
definitions underscore certain common characteristics. A few examples are given here
J.W. Best: That activity which is directed towards the development of the science of
behavior in educational situations to provide knowledge that will permits educators to
achieve their goals by the most effective method.
Lazarsfeld and Sieber: All effort carried out by the public/private bodies in order to
improve educational methods and educational activity in general, whether involving
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scientific research at a high level or more modern experiments concerning the school
system and educational methods.
Monroe: The final purpose of educational research is to ascertain principles and
development procedure in the field of education.
Extra: the above are the various definitions of Educational Research and the meaning of
the concept in summary is as below;
• It is a systematic manner of understanding educational processes and system properly in
order to improve, make it more effective and grow.
• It is the use of the scientific methods to study education issues, variables and processes.
Re- search means search again/ find out again. It is a search for knowledge. It is a
systematic process of collecting and analyzing information in order to increase our
understanding of the concerned phenomenon. Research is primarily meant to advance
knowledge on an investigated issue/phenomenon.
Educational research is the formal, systematic application of the scientific method to the
study of educational problems, so as to explain, predict and/or control educational
Types of Research
We have the types based on purpose and Method.
Research Types based on purpose
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1. Fundamental or Basic Research is concern with studies that focus on the foundation of
a theory. It discovers broad general principles. It’s aimed at making generalization. It has
no immediate or planned application. It supplies information that has a broad base of
applications. It adds to the already exiting organized body of scientific knowledge. It is
conducted for the purpose of theory development.
2. Applied Research aims at finding solutions to an immediate societal problem. Its
propose is to improve/increase a product or a process (profession practice). It adapts the
theories developed through fundamental research to solve problems.
3. Action Research is a form of applied research whose primary purpose is to increase the
quantity, impact and justice of education for professional practice.It focuses on immediate
application. It places emphasis on a problem in a local setting. It aims at solving immediate
classroom problem or achieving a goal in practice and uses convenient sample which is
immediately available. It uses convenient sample which is immediately available. It focuses
on collection of raw data
Developmental research is a type of research of non-experimental research that can be
used to study age-related changes in behaviour.
It is involved in the collection of 2 sets of data, one of which will be retrospective, which
will be determining the relationship between them. It is a quantitative method of research
in which two or more quantitative variables from the same group of subjects are determine
to find out if there is a relationship between them.
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Bivariate Data
Person product moment correlation coefficient (PPMCC) - Karl Pearson
Spearman rank order correlation - Charles spearman
Multivariate Data
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Multiple regression
Coefficient of pative correlation
PPMCC is used when continuous data are involved and are calculated from active score or
values rather than ordinary position.
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It seeks to find relationship between the independent and the dependent variables after an
action or event has already occurred. It investigates possible cause-and-effect relationships
by observing existing condition. It is ex-post facto because both the effect and the alleged
cause have already occurred and must be studied as past facts. It is a non-experimental
research design in which pre-existing groups are compared searching back plausible causal
It test possible antecedents of events that have happened and cannot be controlled, or
manipulated by the investigations. When it is not possible to manipulate an independent
variable, it is advisable employ casual comparative study.
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In contrast to longitudinal studies that look at a group of people over a long period of time,
things happening at the moment are the concern of cross- sectional studies.
Historical Research is an attempt of examining past events or combination of events to
arrive at an account of what has happened in the past. It is a process of systematically
examining past educational events to make us to learn from the past experience and what
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kinds of solutions we have used in the past, how it can be transformed for the future
decisions in the field of education.
It shows perpetual structure that occurred in the past and over a period of time.It involves
no manipulation and no control of variables like there is in experimental research. It may
be concerned with an individual, a group, an idea, a movement or an institution.
The method comprises of the use of historical sources such as manuscripts, autobiographic
newspapers, records, corporate documents, correspondence, diaries, photographs,
artefacts, patterns, building, artworks, crafts, e.t.c The various historical guidelines
commonly used in the study are external criticism, internal criticism and synthesis.
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6. Interpretive Historical Research: Focuses on culture, tries to see through the eyes
of those being studied, reconstructs the lives of the people studied, and examines
particular individual or groups.
subjects are not assign to group equally). Hence differences in post test may be due to
the initial group differences.
2. Non-equivalent Group Pre Test, Post Test Only Design: This involve the use of
intact groups that is assumed to be equivalent on all variables, which may affect the
dependent hence subjects were not randomly assigned to experimental and control
groups. Pre test is conducted for the two groups to determine initial differences and
the threats to internal validity to the barest minimal.
3. Time Series Design: The selected subjects will be measured on dependent variable
over a periods of time using the same test. It involve taking a series of measurement
before and after the introduction of same treatment condition. This design take effect
when it is difficult to include control group in an experiment.
Experimental Research Design is a process that provides a systematic and logical
procedure of identifying and evaluating the relationship between variables that create a
particular state of affairs under controlled condition. It involves manipulation of one or
more causal factor while keeping all other possible causal factors constant.
The purpose is to determine whether the manipulated factor has an effect on the
phenomenon being studied. In essence experimental research take place when a researcher
attempts to determine a cause-and –effect relationship.
One-Shot Case Design: here, a single experimental group is exposed to a treatment and
observations are made after the measure of that treatment. No randomization and
control group.
One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design: where only the experimental group is selected as
the study subjects.
1) Pre test- post test control Group Design: An experimental group and a control group
are carefully selected through appropriate randomization procedures.
The experimental group is observed (pre test), subjected to the experimental treatment
and observed once again. The control group is isolated from any influences of the
experimental treatment, it is simply observed both at the beginning and at the end of the
experiment. This design solve two major problems:
We can determine whether change takes place after the treatment
We can eliminate other possible explanations in terms of confounding variables and
why the change has taken place.
2) Solomon Four- Group Design: This design involves the following steps:
Random assignment of subjects to four groups: one experimental group and three control
The first group receives the pre test, treatment and post test. The second group receives
the pre test and post test, but not the experimental treatment. The third group receives the
experimental treatment and the post test, but not the pre test. The fourth group receives
only the post test
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This design is very strong in that the demand for comparison is well satisfied. The groups
are statistically equivalent since subjects are assigned at random. Extreneous variables
such as history, maturation, or regression are controlled. The main setback of this design is
that it requires a rather large sample and much researcher effort.
3) Post Test Only Control Group Design: In this design, a group of subjects is randomly
assigned to experimental and the control groups. The experimental group receives the
treatment while the control group receives no treatment. The two groups are then post
tested and the scores of both groups on dependent variable are compared. The design
is recommended when it is not possible to locate a suitable pre-test or when there is a
possibility that the pre-test may have an effect on the experimental treatment. The
design relies primarily on random assignment to equate the experimental and the
control group.
History: Specific events other than the independent variable that occur between the
first and second measurement of the dependent variables.
Maturation: Refers to changes in internal conditions of the individuals that occur as a
result of passage of time (such changes include age, learning, fatigue, boredom e.t.c).
Testing: If the pre-test and post-test are similar, subject may show an improvement
simply as an effect of their experience with the pre-test (i.e becoming test-wise) .
Instrumentation: A learning gain may be observed from pre-test to post-test because
the nature of the measuring instrument has changed.
Experimental mortality (Attrition): Refers to the differential loss or subject drop out
from various comparison groups after the research is underway and which may affect
the findings of the investigation.
Selection-maturation interaction: When the experimental and control groups have
the same pre-test score, some other differences between them may cause one of them
to get higher post-test scores rather than the experimental treatment.
Expectancy: Human research involves an interaction between an experimenter and
subject, each of which brings some expectation into the experiment which may affect
the actual outcome of the study.
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Sequencing Effect: Occurs when participation in one condition affects the response
the subject will make in a subsequent treatment condition.
Differential Selection: A selection bias exist when a differential selection procedure is
used for placing subjects in the various comparison groups or when intact classes are
employed as experimental or control groups.
Statistical regression: Refers to a phenomenon when extreme scores in a particular
distribution tend to move or regress towards the mean of the distribution as a result of
repeated testing.
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A brief comment can be made at the end of each review indicating how it agrees or
disagrees with earlier studies and highlighting the pitfalls and strength of the study.
Materials should be organised chronologically i.e earlier work stated before later dates.
Paraphrase the review reports in the past tense.
Enclose the short quotation with quotation marks but for large quotations (more than
40 words) should be indent without quotation marks .
There should be appraisal of review literature.(Gap identification)
This is the list of all the sources that were made use of in conducting the study.
It consist of all documents, including journal articles, books magazines, newspaper and
unpublished works mentioned in the text.
Reference section should not be confused with a bibliography.
Bibliography contains everything in the reference section plus other useful publication
not cited in the manuscripts.
Citation Styles includes American Psychological Association (APA), Modern Language
Association (MLA), American Medical Association (AMA) etc
References should be written consistently in the APA format.
It should be arranged in alphabetical order by the last names (Surname) and initials of
the authors.
Each reference should be written in single spacing format and a double space should be
left between references.
List of reference should not be numbered.
Statistics is divided into two; Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive
statistics include; percent, means, standard deviation. While inferential include z-score, t-
test, chisquare etc.
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Statistics is the empirical calculated sample result from data collected. It varies from one
sample to another. In order to make inference, hypothesis is formulated about theoretical
or population parameter and tested on the basis of the obtained sample statistic.
Hypothesis is a tentative statement that can only be accepted or rejected when tested it
Sample is a portion of population selected that actually have the characteristics of all
the needed information.
Decision Rule
a. If the calculated value is greater than the table value, hypothesis will be REJECTED, but
b. If the calculated value is less than the table value, hypothesis will be NOT REJECTED.
a.DO NOT REJECT the null hypothesis if the calculated significant value (p-value) is greater
than 0.05
b.REJECT the null hypothesis if the calculated significant value (p-value) is less than 0.05
The T-Test can only analyse two groups; the T-Test/T-Distribution. It was named after a
statistician called William S. Gosset but with appellation “STUDENT”. It is a parametric
statistical test that compares two sample means It tries to find out the probability that the
difference between the means is a real (dependable)difference or a chance (undependable)
Sample of data must be randomly and independently selected from the chosen
population; Data obtained or to be used must be in a continuous form; and
Data must be normally distributed in the targeted population
Types of T-test
Basically there are two types of t- tests:
1). One sample t-test; and
2). Two sample t-test: This type is sub-divided into
a. Independent/uncorrelated t-test
b. b.Non-independent/correlated/paired/repeated t- test
Chi-square is a statistical computation with categorical variable. It requires no assumptions
about the shape of the population distribution from which a sample is drawn. This method
does not have any dependence on the population of interest and can therefore be referred
to as distribution free or non-parametric method.
Assumptions of Chi-Square
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Observations are randomly selected from a large population else generalizing the
result should be done with caution
Independence of observations which ensures that each observation should be
generated by a different subject and no subject is counted twice
The number of expected observation in any given category should be large with at least
five (5) observations in each category in any given analysis
Types of chi-square
1. Chi square goodness of fit test is appropriate when a researcher attempts to fit a
statistical model to the observed data if he/she wants to determine how close are the
observed values to those which would be expected under the fitted model. It is
commonly used to test association of variables in a two way tables where the assumed
model of independence is evaluated against the observed data
2. Chi-square Test of Independence is used when there are two categorical variables. It
is useful for testing whether variables are dependent or Independent of each other i.e.
the absence of association between two cross-tabulated variables. It is used to test if
the percentage distributions of the dependent variable within each category of the
independent variable are identical.
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