NOTE: Form to be completed based on data and documents available to the Public Water System and submitted to the
DEP district or DOH county office which has jurisdiction of the water system as soon as practical, but no later than 30
days after learning that the PWS has triggered this Level 2 Assessment. Failure to conduct the Assessment and
complete corrective actions within these 30 days may result in monthly monitoring. A Level 2 Assessment is triggered
if there is an E. coli MCL violation or a second Level 1 trigger in a rolling 12-month period. For systems on
annual monitoring, a Level 1 trigger in 2 consecutive years triggers a Level 2.
Phone: _________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________
Level 2 Triggers:
✔ E. coli MCL violation Note: Refer to Exhibit 1
Section A: Review and evaluate elements 1-6. Check any potential causes of contamination identified. Each section
requires a response. Please provide additional explanations in Issue Description. Use that space to provide
additional information on potential causes of contamination identified during your assessment. Include corresponding
dates with your findings such as dates of sample collection, low pressure events, extreme weather, etc.
Issues Identified: ✔ No If yes, please check below and add additional information in Issue Description.
Unclean/unsuitable sample tap Change in conditions at sample site
Unapproved sample site POE/POU site identified
Cross connections around sample site Hot water intrusion
Other: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Issue Description:
Readily observable elements of SP #38 appear to be appropriately installed and well-suited for its use as a routine RTCR
monitoring location. The area was free of visible conditions, indicating a potential sanitary hazard that requires
corrective measures. Consequently, no permanent condition was observed that would indicate an increased vulnerability
to contamination of the sampling site. Refer to Exhibit 2 for details.
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Issues Identified: No If yes, please check below and add additional information in Issue Description.
✔ Sampling error Lab indicates possible lab error Auto sensing faucet/swivel-type faucet
Change in sample collector Aerator not removed from tap Improper hold time/storage temperature
✔ Inadequate tap flushing Improper sample container/preservative
Tap disinfected/flamed Seasonal system start-up procedure problems
Other: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Issue Description:
While there were no definitive indicators of sampling protocol contributing to the TC+ result at SP #38 on
June 6th, 2023, this is an area that presents opportunities for contamination that can lead to false positives.
Particularly in light of the review of system hydraulics, negative TC results from nearby/upstream samples
and follow-up monitoring of SP #38 that were negative - all of which suggest a highly localized source of
contamination, it's reasonable to deductively conclude that sampling protocols may have played a role in
producing the TC+ result. The potential issues identified above represent presumptive findings and not
definitive conclusions. RBUSD has made comprehensive updates to its Sampling Plan, which is currently
under review by USEPA and will be submitted to FDOH for review and approval. As a result of the site visit to
SP #38, a few refinement opportunities were identified for further investigation. Refer to Exhibit 3 for details.
Issues Identified: ✔ No If yes, please check below and add additional information in Issue Description.
O & M procedures not followed Unprotected by-pass in treatment process Inadequate disinfection
Turbidity measurements out of range Filter/media contamination Raw water changes
Treatment added/changed Interruption in treatment/power loss Recent installation/repair
Backwashing increase (algae) Coagulant added during filtration Vandalism/Tampering
Change in flow rates/dosages/coagulants
Other: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Issue Description:
The collective findings of this assessment indicate treatment operations did not have an impact on the TC+
event at SP #38 on June 6th, 2023. While a direct or indirect connection was not established, effective
treatment performance is essential to mitigating microbial risks that may arise from source water
contamination. Consequently, Brown and Caldwell conducted a site visit to the WTP and interviewed staff
with the goal of assessing opportunities to improve the effectiveness of key treatment barriers that can impact
the microbial characteristics of the finished water. The assessment also considered the findings of the
October 2023 USEPA Inspection Report and built upon those findings to assess practices that could impact
the effectiveness of treatment barriers in place. As a result of the WTP assessment, a number of deficiencies
were identified that require corrective measures. Areas for further investigation were also identified. The
identified issues and recommended corrective measures are discussed in further detail in Exhibit 4.
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Issues Identified: ✔ No If yes, please check below and add additional information in Issue Description.
Illegal use of hydrants Leaks Operation of isolation valves resulting in breakage
Improper surge control Low flow Flushing of fire hydrants/blow-offs
Low disinfectant residual Main breaks Improper operation of air-relief/air-vacuum valves
Known bio-film accumulation Power loss Installation of new mains/construction activity
Unprotected cross-connection Flow reversal Fire-fighting event/sheared hydrant
Improper operation of gate valves Dead end Standing water/debris in valve vault
Booster pump failure/repair Valves exercised to direct flow
Backflow maintenance Low pressure/loss of pressure (<20 psi)
Other: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Issue Description:
Based on the collective findings of the review of system hydraulics and other monitoring data, distribution
system activities are not believed to have played a contributing role in the TC+ result at SP #38 on June 6th,
2023. It is noted, however, that related improvement opportunities have been identified for further
investigation or corrective actions in Exhibit 2 (Sampling Point) and Exhibit 6 (Storage Tanks). Refer to
Exhibit 5 for further details.
Issues Identified: ✔ No If yes, please check below and add additional information in Issue Description.
Low disinfectant residual Water age/inadequate turnover
Lack of maintenance/cleaning/inspection Unaddressed inspection findings
Standing water/debris in control vault Recent work on tank
Tank design issues (overflow, vent, hatch, screen size, etc.) Hatch not sealed
Unauthorized access/signs of vandalism Tank(s) out of service
Evidence of contamination from animals/insects Power loss
High flows through tank (main break/fire event) Compliant mesh screen properly installed
Sample taken when tank at low-level mark
Incorrect operation of level control valves/altitude valves/related appurtenances
Deterioration, rust, holes, or other breaches in vent, overflow pipe, access hatch, screens, ladders, etc.
Refer to Exhibit 6 for a summary of observations and recommended corrective measures
Other: ______________________________________________________________________________________
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Draft 8/2017
Issue Description:
Of the three remote storage tanks operated by RBUSD, the avenue U tank was determined to be the only one
that could potentially have an impact on water quality delivered to the vicinity of SP #38 under normal
operating conditions. Furthermore, based on the collective findings of the review of system hydraulics and TC
monitoring data, the Avenue U storage tank operation is not believed to have played a contributing role in the
TC+ result at SP #38 on June 6th, 2023. While a direct or indirect impact on the TC+ result at SP #38 is not
indicated, a site visit was conducted to review the condition and operational configuration of this facility.
During this inspection, manual sampling and testing indicated favorable chlorine residuals were being
maintained. However, a number of operational deficiencies were identified that require corrective measures.
Refer to Exhibit 6 for details of the observations and recommended corrective measures.
Issues Identified: ✔ No If yes, please check below and add additional information in Issue Description.
Damaged pitless adaptor Defective/damaged/missing well cap/well seal Damaged well casing
Well flooded/run-off inundation Damaged/missing/unscreened vent Unapproved source(s)
Missing/damaged grout seal Source(s) added/removed Change in source(s)
Unprotected opening in pump/pump assembly
Recent work on well pump Algal blooms
Low disinfectant residual from supplier
Ground slopes towards well Well pump-to-waste
Improper development/poorly maintained spring box
Recent heavy rainfall Unprotected Cross
Used for backup/emergency Well pit with standing water/evidence of flooding
Unauthorized access/
Evidence of animals near source Disturbances near well (sewer/source water spill) vandalism
Water quality issue with supplier Source water system E. coli positive
Other: _________________________________________________________________
Issue Description:
A site visit was conducted to Well #14 to inspect the well for visible potential sanitary defects and to review
well isolation protocols. No readily visible defects were noted. Refer to Exhibit 7 for pertinent details and a
summary of well isolation protocols.
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Draft 8/2017
Section B – Corrective Action Taken or to be Taken: For any possible issues not already being addressed, use this space
to describe corrective actions completed at the time of this assessment, a proposed timetable for any corrective actions not
already completed, and any interim measures the Public Water System plans to implement prior to the completion of any
corrective actions, including specific milestone dates.
Check if PWS did not find any causes for the contamination.
The assessment did not identify a direct or indirect cause of the RTCR MCL violation. However, based on the collective
findings of all data reviewed, it was deduced that contamination during the sampling of SP #38 is the most likely cause.
While a direct/indirect contributing cause was not identified, several conditions were observed that require corrective
measures. Considerations for supplemental investigations were also identified to assess the feasibility of further
enhancing protocols and operational performance. Recommended corrective measures, together with implementation
timeframes, are identified in Exhibits 2 to 6 for the respective areas of the assessment.
Section C – Unaddressed Significant Deficiencies: Are there any unaddressed significant deficiencies? If so, describe:
The assessment did not identify a direct or indirect cause of the RTCR MCL violation. However, based on the collective
findings of all data reviewed, it was deduced that contamination during the sampling of SP #38 is the most likely cause.
While a direct/indirect contributing cause was not identified, several conditions were observed that require corrective
measures. Considerations for supplemental investigations were also identified to assess the feasibility of further
enhancing protocols and operational performance. Recommended corrective measures, together with implementation
timeframes, are identified in Exhibits 2 to 6 for the respective areas of the assessment.
Certification: I, the owner or responsible party for the public water system named above, hereby certify that all
statements provided above are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
NOTE: Form to be completed based on data and documents available to the Public Water System and submitted to the
DEP district or DOH county office which has jurisdiction of the water system as soon as practical, but no later than 30
days after learning that the PWS has triggered this Level 2 Assessment. Failure to conduct the Assessment and
complete corrective actions within these 30 days may result in monthly monitoring. A Level 2 Assessment is triggered
if there is an E. coli MCL violation or a second Level 1 trigger in a rolling 12-month period. For systems on
annual monitoring, a Level 1 trigger in 2 consecutive years triggers a Level 2.
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RBUSD Level 2 Assessment March 2024
Exhibit 1. Introduction
Exhibit 1 - RTCR MCL Violation Background
On July 24th, 2023, Riviera Beach Utility Special District (RBUSD) received notification from the Florida
Department of Health (FDOH) informing them of possible Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) related
violations, including an Escherichia coli (E. coli or EC). Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) violation.
The scope of the violations includes the failures of RBUSD to follow the regulatory protocols required
by the RTCR. This Level 2 Assessment reviews potential factors that may have contributed to those
violations and provides recommended corrective measures to reduce the risk of recurrence. The
triggering conditions for the violations involve activities associated with RBUSD’s response to the
following compliance events:
1. Sample Point #38 (SP #38, located near 4822 Caribbean Blvd) — actions associated with
RBUSD's response to a total coliform positive test (TC+) result for a routine distribution system
sample collected on June 6th, 2023.
2. Raw Water Well #14 — actions associated with RBUSD’s response and clearance protocols
associated with the triggered monitoring TC+ test result for the sample collected on June 27th,
A summary of the triggering conditions, along with the findings and recommendations of the Level 2
Assessment, are provided below and in attached Exhibits 2 to 7.
The RTCR requires the preparation of a Level 2 Assessment in response to an MCL violation to
investigate contributing factors and recommend corrective measures. The focus of the Level 2
Assessment is on the elements of the system that are directly pertinent to the noted violations and
are not intended to represent a comprehensive performance review of the water supply, treatment,
and transmission system. Consequently, the focus of this assessment centers on factors that could
have a bearing on the SP #38 and Well #14 violations. The RTCR Level 2 Assessment Florida
Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Form was employed and has been augmented with
supporting exhibits where noted.
Sample Point #38 – near 4822 Caribbean Blvd.
On June 6, 2023, RBUSD collected eight (8) routine distribution samples, one of which was taken from
SP #38. The following day, on June 7, 2023, the lab notified the RBUSD that SP #38 had tested positive
for total coliforms (TC+) and (EC+).
RTCR Mandatory Response
Under the RTCR, in response to a TC+ result from a routine distribution system monitoring site, the
RBUSD is required to:
1. Notify FDOH within 24 hours of receiving notification of the TC+ result.
2. Collect three (3) repeat samples from SP #38, as well as two (2) repeat monitoring samples
located within five (5) service connections upstream and downstream (i.e., one sample each)
of SP #38.
3. Conduct triggered source water monitoring, as required under the Groundwater Rule (GWR) of
each raw water well in service when the TC+ sample was collected.
Exhibit 1
RBUSD Response and Area of Uncertain Water Quality
RBUSD re-sampled all eight (8) routine monitoring locations (including SP#38) on June 8th, 2023
(within 24 hours of the lab notifying them of the TC+ result at SP#38). However, the required upstream
and downstream repeat samples within five (5) service connections were not collected, FDOH was not
notified, and triggered raw water monitoring required under the GWR was not conducted.
Although all eight (8) re-sampled sites yielded negative TC results, the failure to conduct repeat
samples upstream and downstream, as required under the RTCR, constituted an MCL violation that is
subject to Tier 1 Public Notice (PN), which includes a system-wide Boil Water Order (BWO), within 24
hrs. The mandatory Tier 1 PN was not issued by RBUSD until January 19th, 2024. The other noted
procedural missteps resulted in additional violations that underscore the need to improve procedures,
systems, communication, and training to minimize the likelihood of future recurrence.
Figure 1 below summarizes the monitoring results conducted on June 6th, 2023, and a general
characterization of the system hydraulics that indicate the likely area of uncertain water quality due to
TC+ at SP#38. This figure, which was excerpted from supplemental information submitted to FDOH on
February 14th, 2024, demonstrates that the zone of uncertain water quality resulting from the failure
of RBUSD to collect repeat samples from the appropriate locations is limited to the homes highlighted
in the figure.
Figure 1. Directional flow of water at the southwestern part of RBUSD’s distribution system. The highlighted area represents
the predicted impacted area of the contamination event.
Additional considerations based on hydraulic modeling indicate that other areas in the system would
not have been affected due to water flow directions (see Figure 1). Furthermore, the other seven (7)
sites within the distribution system collected on the same day (June 6th, 2023) tested negative for TC
and EC. Upon re-sampling on June 8th, 2023, they continued to show negative results, indicating that
the impacted area was contained within SP #38 (near 4822 Caribbean Blvd). Ultimately, RBUSD failed
to take the necessary steps to alert FDOH and adhere to the required testing protocols that follow a
positive TC and EC sample. As a result, RBUSD incurred violations, necessitating a Tier 1 PN.
Exhibit 1
Well #14
Well #14 is located south of Blue Heron Blvd and west of Avenue ‘H’ W. (see Figure 2). On June 27th,
2023, lab samples collected from Well #14 tested positive for TC and EC.
RBUSD was required to take the following steps in response to the TC+ result for Well #14:
1. Notify FDOH of the test result within 24 hours of being notified of the TC+ result and solicit
their guidance regarding the necessary steps as well as the scope and timing of public
notification that may be required.
2. Remove and isolate the well from operation while inspecting it to identify potential sanitary
3. Implement corrective measures to address identified defects.
4. Bacteriologically clear the well by purging the developed flow to waste while conducting repeat
sampling that produces five (5) negative TC test results within 24 hours.
Upon notification, RBUSD took steps to shut down Well #14 immediately and removed it from service,
conducted an inspection to identify potential defects, and retained the services of a well drilling
contractor to implement corrective measures. Maintenance work was conducted from July 20th,2023,
and completed by July 25th, 2023. To clear the well for service, staff collected seven (7) water samples
over a four-day (4) day period on August 8th, 2023, which yielded negative results for TC and EC,
leading to the reinstatement of Well #14 into service on August 23rd, 2023. While aggressive steps
were taken initially to remove the well from service, inspect for potential sanitary defects, and take
corrective measures, RBUSD failed to comply with the following requirements:
1. Notifying FDOH within 24 hours of initially becoming aware of TC+ and taking action to issue
public notification based on guidance received.
2. Collecting clearance samples within the required 24-hour period.
Exhibit 1
RBUSD Level 2 Assessment March 2024
A site visit to inspect SP #38 (near 4822 Caribbean Blvd) was conducted on February 22nd, 2024, to
perform the associated component of the Level 2 Assessment. The following individuals participated
in the site visit:
During the site visit, SP #39 was also inspected due to similarities in configuration and its hydraulic
location, which is more distal relative to SP #38. Both sites are among the routinely monitored
distribution system’s microbial sample collection sites under the RTCR. Refer to Figure 1 below for SP
#38 and SP #39 locations relative to the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and all other monitoring sites.
Other routine monitoring sites that were also sampled on June 6th, 2023 (the date SP #38 tested
positive for total coliforms) are also highlighted in Figure 1. SP #38 is located at the southwesternmost
extremity of the water distribution system, specifically within Grammercy Park, an unincorporated part
of Palm Beach County.
As noted in the introductory background of this Level 2 Assessment, SP #38 is located within a
residential subdivision at a hydraulic extremity of the system and is supplied by two transmission
mains. The configuration of these mains serves to increase water age further as it travels from the
transmission mains to the area near SP #38. Figure 2 shows the average flow directions from the
Exhibit 2
transmission corridors leading into the vicinity of SP #38. Flushing may be used as a method of
increasing the turnover of water in this area. However, RBUSD staff noted that flushing can be
challenging due to inadequate stormwater drainage in the area.
The inspection involved a review of field conditions, site-specific factors that could impact water
quality, and sample collection protocols. The water sampling sites are located in locked boxes to
protect the smooth-nosed spigot from environmental and human/animal contact. RBUSD staff noted
that ants and small insects sometimes enter the boxes, prompting sampling staff to inspect sampling
stations to detect and remove insects prior to collecting samples. During the visit to the site, a dog
approached the area and attempted to interact with the water flowing from the spigot while the lab
tech was demonstrating its operation. Staff quickly intervened to remove the dog and close the
protective box around the spigot, recognizing the potential contamination risk posed by the dog’s
interaction with the water. Sampling demonstration procedures continued once the dog was safely
removed. The laboratory technician confirmed that such an encounter was not uncommon. The staff
is aware of animals that may approach them during testing, and they follow proper procedures to
remove any potential contamination risk promptly. Testing only proceeds once the risk, such as the
presence of animals, is effectively mitigated. Refer to Figure 3 for a photo of SP #38 with the protective
box opened.
Exhibit 2
Figure 3. Photo of SP #38
SP #38 is situated within approximately 20 feet of a fire hydrant (refer to Figure 4) and is reportedly
tapped directly into the distribution water main via a 2-inch tap that's reduced to a 1-inch feed line to
the SP. Subsequent to the site visit, RBUSD furnished a GIS map to the consultant’s team to assess
the connection points to SP #38. However, the map did not depict SP #38 to be positioned where it
was observed in the field, and water main connection details were unavailable from the GIS maps.
Specifically, RBUSD compliance staff indicated that the water main is believed to be in the roadway;
however, the GIS map indicated that the water main is located in the unpaved shoulder. Furthermore,
no pavement cuts were observed in the roadway at locations that would be expected for a recently
installed connection to the water main.
Exhibit 2
Figure 4. Proximity of SP #38 to Fire Hydrant
During the June 6th, 2023 monitoring event, the observed chlorine residual collected from SP #38 was
lower than samples collected from nearby routinely monitored sites supplied from the same
transmission mains. It was recommended that the actual connection of the SP to the water main be
verified. RBUSD took immediate action to uncover the sample line and confirmed that it was
appropriately installed on the water main (note – the sample line for SP #39 was also uncovered and
verified to be appropriately installed on the water main).
Exhibit 2
Findings and Recommendations
Readily observable elements of SP #38 appear to be appropriately installed and well-suited for its use
as a routine RTCR monitoring location. The area was free of visible conditions, indicating a potential
sanitary hazard that requires corrective measures. Consequently, no permanent condition was
observed that would indicate an increased vulnerability to contamination of the sampling site. Since
the inspection was conducted over eight (8) months after the TC+ sampling event on June 6th, 2023,
observed conditions may not represent the field conditions that existed at the time. However, the site
visit identified the following areas for additional investigation:
1. Update the GIS record to align with actual field conditions (within 60 days).
2. Further assess the need for and approach to periodically flushing the area, with the goal of
improving the water turnover in the area (within 60 days).
3. Conduct limited sampling for typical nitrification indicators (nitrite, nitrate, pH, alkalinity, and
free ammonia) near SP #38 to determine if nitrifying activity could impact residual levels
(within 60 days).
Exhibit 2
RBUSD Level 2 Assessment March 2024
The USEPA Region 4 conducted an inspection of the RBUSD water system during a site visit that was
conducted between October 16th and 17th, 2023. As a result of the inspection, an important RTCR
deficiency noted was the lack of a written sampling plan that addressed the varied requirements of
the rule. The inspection findings were documented in an Inspection Report that was provided on
November 21st, 2023. Since then, RBUSD has prepared a draft Sampling Plan that addresses sample
collection, schedule, repeat sampling, chain of custody, communication enhancements, public
notification requirements, triggered monitoring, Level 1/Level 2 assessments, other pertinent decision
diagrams, and other relevant elements to align with utility best practices. A draft of the updated
standard operating procedures (SOPs) was submitted to USEPA on February 29th, 2024, as part of a
mandatory response to the findings of the Inspection Report. In its USEPA submittal, RBUSD noted
that the draft report will be finalized once the suitability of the proposed locations of repeat sampling
sites is confirmed. Upon receiving comments from the EPA, the updated Sampling Plan will be
submitted to FDOH for review and comment, following which approval is anticipated once comments
are appropriately addressed.
Brown and Caldwell did not conduct a formal review of the draft Sampling Plan but focused on
observing the typical protocols employed by RBUSD staff involved with sample collection. The site visit
during which the sampling protocols were discussed and observed was conducted on February 22nd,
2024. The findings and recommendations summarized below are intended to build upon and
complement the SP #38 inspection findings presented previously in Exhibit 2 (see for the list of
attendees). It is noted that the RBUSD staff member who collected the sample from SP #38 on June
6th, 2023, is no longer employed with RBUSD, so an opportunity did not exist to interview or observe
the practices of the staff involved at the time. Additionally, the site visit did not align with a routine
sampling event, so the reported protocol was based on a combination of feedback received from the
sampling tech in response to questions and visual observations of various elements of the typical
sampling method employed.
Generally, the routine RTCR sample collection protocol involves inspection of the locked sampling
station and smooth-nosed spigot for visible signs of potential contamination, followed by swabbing the
exterior of the spigot, and flushing the spigot for approximately 2 to 3 minutes, after which the flow
rate is reduced to a steady/uniform stream prior to sample collection. The sampling tech utilized
gloved hands and exercised due care in sample collection efforts. There were no observed deficiencies
that would indicate any systemic vulnerability to contamination due to the sampling methods
employed. However, due to natural variability in environmental and human factors, there is always a
risk that a TC+ result is due to contamination, either during sample collection or subsequent handling
in the laboratory. Particularly, when considered in light of hydraulic factors, other upstream routine
monitoring sites in reasonably close proximity to SP #38 (though not within the required five
connections upstream and downstream) and repeat sampling of SP #38 – all of which produced
negative TC results – it is reasonable to conclude that localized contamination during or subsequent
to collecting the sample on June 6th, 2023 may have been a potential factor for TC+ at SP #38.
While typical sampling protocols appeared to be generally aligned with appropriate practices, the
following refinements were identified to help optimize the sampling protocols to site-specific factors:
Exhibit 3
1. Confirm Adequacy of Flushing Duration (within 14 days) - to gauge the adequacy of the typical
2 to 3-minute spigot flushing duration, monitor and record the water temperature at 1-minute
intervals until the temperature stabilizes for two to three minutes. The period beyond which
the water temperature ceases to change should be used as the minimum flushing duration for
future sampling events. This test may only be conducted once to confirm/establish the
adequacy of the required minimum flushing duration. Note that this duration may be
somewhat different for each site.
2. In situations where visual indicators of potential localized contamination are observed, use a
double-gloved approach that allows outer gloves to be removed prior to sample collection
3. For sites with a history of low chlorine residuals, consider establishing a second tier of repeat
sampling sites to allow for expanded repeat sampling, if necessary.
4. Implement improvements resulting from follow-up recommendations presented in Exhibit 2 –
Sample Sites.
Exhibit 3
RBUSD Level 2 Assessment March 2024
The USEPA Region 4 conducted an inspection of the RBUSD water system during a site visit conducted
between October 16th and 17th, 2023. The inspection conducted by the USEPA is most proximate to
the incidents in June 2023 that triggered the RTCR-related violations. The USEPA inspection (Sanitary
Survey) covered the full scope of treatment operations, the findings of which were presented in the
Inspection Report that was provided to RBUSD on November 21st, 2023. In response, RBUSD initiated
corrective measures and issued a formal response summarizing the completion status of corrective
measures on February 29th, 2023. By reference, RBUSD’s response (prepared by the RBUSD staff) to
the USEPA Inspection Report is incorporated herein and supplemented by a targeted review conducted
by Brown and Caldwell.
As part of the Level 2 Assessment, Brown and Caldwell conducted a site visit to the WTP on February
28th, 2024. During the visit, elements of the treatment process that could impact the efficacy and
resilience of microbial protective treatment barriers were reviewed. The review focused primarily on
the RBUSD’s chloramination practices and turbidity removal performance. The RBUSD’s WTP Manager
participated in the site visit.
Under the 2006 USEPA Groundwater Rule (GWR), groundwater systems like RBUSD are given the
option of implementing process improvements to achieve a 4-log reduction of virus (which translates
to at least 99.99% reduction), which is typically achieved through a combination of filtration (2-log
removal) and chemical disinfection (2-log inactivation). With this optional capability in place, triggered
monitoring of raw water wells in response to TC+ distribution system results is eliminated because
treatment is assumed to be capable of achieving a satisfactory microbial barrier. Since the passage of
the GWR, South Florida utilities have been gradually implementing a 4-log disinfection capability. At
present, RBUSD’s WTP is not permitted under FDEP to achieve 4-log virus reduction capabilities and
is therefore subject to triggered source water monitoring in response to any TC+ routine sample
collected in compliance with RTCR.
Because the typical benchmarks for assessing the effectiveness of microbial barriers center on
disinfection and filtration performance, those related capabilities and performance were the focus of
this Level 2 Assessment. It is noted that since the WTP is not permitted for primary disinfection (i.e.,
4-log virus reduction), the review was limited to documenting the consistency of secondary disinfectant
residuals maintained at the point of entry, opportunities to improve overall practices, combined filtered
water turbidity levels, and the results of finished water TC monitoring in the distribution system for
June 2023 – the period when the violations occurred,
The RBUSD recently completed significant improvements (over $12 million) in the WTP that included
the following major improvements:
1. Installation of a new sodium hypochlorite feed system to replace the old gaseous chlorine feed
2. Replacement of the ammonia feed system components, inclusive of feeders, piping, valves,
and controls.
3. Installation of new online monitors to continuously monitor and record chlorine, ammonia
residuals, and turbidity.
Exhibit 4
4. Comprehensive rehabilitation of eight (8) filters, including replacement of underdrains, media,
controls, and, where needed, troughs, valves, and other appurtenances.
5. Installation of a new lime storage and slaker feed system intended to replace the old and
functionally constrained existing units.
6. Installation of a new carbon dioxide feed system to enhance post-softening pH control.
7. Installation of a new dry polymer feed system.
8. Installation of new flow meters on the raw water influents to the lime softening process.
9. Other improvements aimed at addressing select deferred needs, including high service
pumping, lime softening rehabilitation, and structural demolition of an unstable north chemical
This Level 2 Assessment did not contemplate a functional or performance review of all recent process
improvements beyond the limited scope indicated. It is recommended that RBUSD conduct a
comprehensive performance review to assess whether the improvements are being operated in a
manner that aligns with their functional intent and to identify opportunities for improvement.
The analysis previously presented in Exhibit 1 demonstrated that there is no indication that the
performance of the WTP had an impact on the TC+ result from SP #38 that occurred on June 6th, 2023.
The following combined facts support this finding, which is illustrated in Figure 1:
Figure 1. RBUSD’s June 2023 Distribution System Microbial Sample Collection Results
Exhibit 4
Finished Water Quality
Figure 2 presents a plot of finished water total chlorine residual and turbidity, as well as distribution
system TC levels in the distribution system, is provided for the month of June 2023. The chlorine
residual and turbidity data plotted represent daily averages. Box and whisker plots are also provided,
showing the statistical distribution of the turbidity and chlorine residual data sets evaluated for the
review period.
Figure 2. RBUSD’s June 2023 Daily Average Finished Water Turbidity and Total Chlorine Levels
1. The total chlorine residual levels leaving the plant remained fairly consistent, averaging
approximately 4 mg/L. This residual level is favorable for maintaining a secondary disinfectant
residual in the system. Note that to protect the system from contamination, a minimum
combined chlorine residual of 0.6 mg/L is required to be maintained at the extremities of the
2. Turbidity levels showed more variability than chlorine residual, with a spike and increasing
trend noted towards the end of the review period. Turbidity produced in lime softening plants
is generally due to calcium carbonate particles generated in the softening process and
subsequently breaking through the filtration process. While turbidity levels were generally
within the typical range for much of the review period, further assessment of the potential
cause of performance instability should be investigated further, and appropriate
improvements should be implemented. It should also be noted that historically, elevated
turbidity levels in the filtered water have resulted in an accumulation of calcium carbonate
Exhibit 4
deposits in the system, which has been the source of customer complaints and can impair the
hydraulic capacity of the transmission system.
In Figure 3, the distribution TC monitoring results are overlaid on the finished water turbidity and
chlorine residual results to graphically relate the key plant operating parameters to the observed
microbial water quality in the distribution system. On June 6th, the date SP #38 produced a TC+ result,
seven (7) other distribution sites were monitored, including the location near the WTP, and all system
locations yielded negative TC results.
Figure 3. RBUSD’s June 2023 Daily Average Finished Water Turbidity and Total Chlorine Levels with the Distribution System
Microbial Sample Collection Results
The WTP is equipped to apply sodium hypochlorite (chlorine) and anhydrous ammonia (ammonia) at
the following locations throughout the treatment process:
1. Raw water (chlorine) – intended to be used only for periodic maintenance purposes.
2. Raw water post air stripping (chlorine and ammonia) – intended to be an optional primary
application to establish a chloramine residual through the lime softening and filtration
3. Post-filtration clearwell (chlorine and ammonia) – intended to be a secondary dosing point to
provide the RBUSD with the flexibility to adjust chlorine and ammonia applications in response
to upstream process instability. However, this location is not well suited for long-term
continuous use due to mixing challenges associated with the clearwell operation and
connected high service pumping wetwell.
Exhibit 4
4. Miscellaneous chlorine trim locations (chlorine only) – supplemental dosing locations not
intended to be normally used, but are available to give the RBUSD flexibility to adjust chlorine
application points to respond to unanticipated changes.
During the site visit, the chloramination application point in use was the raw water post air stripping
location. Effective chlorine and ammonia dose control practices were in place, as evidenced by the
consistent total chlorine residuals maintained in the finished water. Applied chemical dosages are
paced to deliver a setpoint dose based on metered raw water flows. Post injection residual is
monitored manually on a typical 4-hour cycle. It is noted that online residual analyzers are available
but were not functional at the time of the site visit. While the performance is effective in consistently
producing the desired residual leaving the plant, operating without real-time continuous monitoring of
dosing effectiveness gives the plant operating staff little time to detect and respond to a potential
temporary interruption in chlorine and ammonia application before increasing the risk of unchlorinated
water being released to the system. A review of the plant's daily operating records did not indicate the
occurrence of such an incident. The manual monitoring on a 4-hour cycle of chlorine residual post
application does not provide effective and timely feedback to detect and respond to excursions. This
approach could result in unchlorinated water being produced for several hours before an operator
detects the excursion and implements corrective measures. To mitigate this vulnerability, the following
alternative approaches are recommended:
1. Maintain the functionality of post injection online residual monitors. These monitors should
continuously report residuals to SCADA, trend results, detect excursions, and automatically
notify operators of identified excursions. This is the preferred approach that is consistent with
the design intent of the system. Manual sampling and testing should continue in tandem with
continuous online monitoring.
2. If any element of the preferred approach is not achieved, plant staff should manually monitor
residuals at the post injection locations no less frequently than every 30 minutes until
functionality of the online instrumentation is restored.
3. Repair and return to service all online continuous residual analyzers to monitor real-time
performance of chlorine and ammonia dosing performance. The system should be configured
to report to SCADA, archive performance, and provide automatic operator notification of
4. The post-filtration application point should be maintained in an operationally ready state in the
event post treatment chlorine trim is required. Given the potential challenges associated with
the use of the post-filtration chlorine and ammonia application points, consideration should
be given to a limited demonstration assessment with the goal of establishing guidelines for its
temporary use should future conditions necessitate.
With these operating configuration and monitoring improvements, any unanticipated interruption of a
chlorine and ammonia dosing point or performance excursion will: 1) reduce the risk of unchlorinated
water being released to the system with operational interruption of a single dosing point and 2)
significantly shorten the time to respond and make up any residual shortfall. The re-balancing of
chlorine application between two dosing points could also potentially reduce overall chlorine demand
and the formation of disinfection byproducts that are regulated under the USEPA Stage 2
Disinfectant/Disinfection Byproduct Rule.
Exhibit 4
General Observations
1. The monitoring of finished water chlorine residual and turbidity levels is conducted manually
by an operator who periodically collects a sample from a spigot for analysis with results logged
on daily sheets with handwritten records. The capabilities exist to continuously monitor and
record finished water chlorine residual and turbidity data; however the available instruments
were reportedly inoperable.
2. The use of handwritten records for important water quality data is inefficient and ineffective in
that the data is not readily accessible, it is not available for routine trend analysis, timely
detection of excursions, and is more prone to operator error. The use of manual sampling and
analysis is a useful complement and back check for online monitoring capabilities.
3. A review of Monthly Operating Reports indicates daily volumes of backwash waste that are
inconsistent with expectations and widely variable cumulative filter run times that are
indicative of inconsistent filtration operations. Operations staff indicate that the inconsistent
run times often result from limitations in available raw water supplies or receiving backwash
water basin capacity. It was reported that a standardized filtration run time of 72 hours has
been recently instituted in the plant.
4. An online finished water turbidity meter was observed to produce a result inconsistent with
expectations, and the manually sampled data (see Figure 4). It is noted that this instrument is
not relied upon for reporting purposes; however, if functioning as intended, it can provide
useful early notification of turbidity excursion, performance trending, and an independent
backcheck of manually recorded data.
To mitigate these limitations, it is recommended that RBUSD assess the impediments to maintaining
the operability of available monitoring equipment and implement required training, procedural, and
Exhibit 4
system improvements to achieve reliable and continuous monitoring, analysis, and archiving of key
process parameters.
Based on the limited review of treatment operations, the following supplemental investigations and
corrective measures are recommended:
Supplemental Investigations
1. Assess and demonstrate a split dosing approach that would support the development of
operating protocols for applying chlorine and ammonia post softening, to be used in scenarios
where interruption in the primary dosing location occurs. Where feasible, identify specific
improvements to address identified limitations (120 days).
2. Review the filtration process with the goal of further assessing operational performance,
constraints, and operational measures to mitigate with the goal of further stabilizing treatment
induced turbidity breakthrough (90 days).
3. Conduct a process-wide performance review to assess whether the recent improvements are
being operated in a manner that aligns with their functional intent and identify opportunities
for improvement.
Recommended Improvements
1. Monitoring Instruments
a. Restore the functionality of all chlorine analyzers and turbidity meters (30 days).
b. Assess and address maintenance challenges that have impacted the reliability of
monitors and implement corrective measures that may include training, material
resources, staffing accountability, and other measures) (60 days).
2. Establish automated trending, excursion detection, and operator notification capabilities for
all online chlorine residual and turbidity monitors.
3. Manually sample and record post injection chlorine and ammonia application on 30-minute
cycles in situations when online residuals are not appropriately functional and calibrated.
Exhibit 4
RBUSD Level 2 Assessment March 2024
An analysis of distribution system hydraulics and TC monitoring results was presented in Exhibit 1,
which indicates a limited zone of uncertain water quality in the immediate vicinity of SP #38. To
complement the prior analysis, the Distribution System Manager was also interviewed as part of this
Level 2 Assessment to determine whether any unusual events that occurred within the distribution
system, on or immediately prior to June 6th, 2023, could potentially have a contributing role in the TC
positive result at SP #38. The following summarizes the key points discussed:
1. Water Main Failure—There were no known water main breaks in the vicinity of SP #38.
2. Flushing Activities – There were no non-routine flushing activities conducted by RBUSD in June
2023. However, it is noted that this area is a part of unincorporated Palm Beach County and
RBUSD Distribution Manager reported that the County Fire Department occasionally conducts
fire hydrant testing in the area and does not coordinate with RBUSD. Consequently, the
possibility of flushing activities that RBUSD was unaware of exists.
3. Leakage Repairs – There were no service line repair activities in the month of June 2023. The
only reported service line leakage repair activity in the area occurred in October 2023.
While there is no direct link between system activities and the RTCR MCL violation at SP #38, a number
of related improvement opportunities were identified in other exhibits that could impact distribution
system operations. This includes;
• Exhibit 2 (Sampling Sites) - further assess flushing needs in the area and conduct nitrification
testing to determine the potential cause of depressed residuals in the vicinity of SP #38,
• Exhibit 5 (Storage Tanks) - improve the monitoring of chlorine residuals and control of booster
chloramination dosing activities.
Resources to archive and retrieve system operation and maintenance data and work activities were
found to be generally lacking and in need of improvement. RBUSD is in the process of implementing
a GIS based system called iWater. This is a software tool that can integrate work order/maintenance
activities, customer complaints, water quality and other spatial data into a single platform that can
handle archiving, reporting, work order and data management. Once implemented, it is anticipated
that the RBUSD’s asset management capabilities and its ability to quickly determine the operational
status of its system will be significantly upgraded.
Exhibit 5
RBUSD Level 2 Assessment March 2024
RBUSD owns and operates the following three distribution system storage and repump stations: 1)
Avenue C Storage and Repump Station (1.0 mgal capacity); 2) Singer Island Storage and Repump
Station (1.0 mgal capacity); and 3) Avenue U Storage and Repump Station (1.0 mgal capacity). A map
of the distribution system showing the location of each storage facility relative to SP #38 and the WTP
is shown below in Figure 1.
Based on the configuration of the water distribution system, the only storage/repump facility capable
of directly impacting the quality of water delivered to SP #38 is the Avenue U storage/repump facility.
Consequently, this facility is the focus of this component of the Level 2 Assessment. Brown and
Caldwell conducted a site visit on February 22nd, 2024 to inspect the facility. The inspection was
limited to readily observable conditions that could be viewed from ground level without climbing
structures, entering confined spaces, opening electrical cabinets, or activating equipment. Key
findings from the site visit are summarized below:
1. Ground Storage Tank – the tank appeared to be in reasonably good condition, showing no
visible signs of deterioration. Each overflow was fitted with screens – one readily visible coarse
screen and an interior mounted (not visible) 24 mesh fine screen. The tank is fitted with an
internal mixing system designed to prevent thermal stratification and promote uniform water
quality throughout the stored volume. A water sample was collected from the discharge of the
tank and tested for total chlorine residual, which was found to be 4.4 mg/L.
2. Booster Chloramination System – the chemical feed systems for boosting chloramine residual
levels were reviewed. The system is designed to apply chlorine and ammonia (delivered as
Exhibit 6
aqueous solutions) into metered inflow to the ground storage tank. Instrumentation is in place
to monitor total/monochloramine residuals, as well as ammonia residuals. During the site visit,
the residual monitoring equipment was inoperable, and the flow meter reading did not change
throughout the duration of the visit and did not reflect the rate or units that would be
reasonably expected. Furthermore, both chlorine and ammonia metering pumps were
operating in manual mode and set to deliver low chemical feed rates. The observed conditions
and operating modes indicate the need for corrective measures to establish an appropriate
level of monitoring and controls required to maintain consistent performance.
3. Discharge Flow Meter – the discharge from the high service pumps is fitted with a venturi
meter intended to monitor and report flows discharged from the Avenue U facility. The flow
meter and associated instrumentation were observed to be inoperable and did not appear to
have been maintained for a long time. Attempts by RBUSD staff to vent the sensor line (which
is under system pressure) failed to produce any fluid flow, which indicates the line may be
4. Miscellaneous Observations – excessive vegetation growth was observed in the tank drain
vault (used to receive various water streams intended to be discharged to waste) during the
site visit. Chase water used for the operation of the residual analyzers represents a steady and
continuous discharge into the tank drain vault that should be metered or otherwise estimated
for proper accounting of authorized unmetered water demands that must be reported as part
of RBUSD’s Water Use Permit (WUP).
Exhibit 6
The following photographs were captured on February 22nd, 2024, during the site visit to Avenue U.
Exhibit 6
Figure 3. Fill and Flow Meter Vault
Exhibit 6
Figure 4. 12” Ductile Iron Pipe Watermain. Note: The water sample for total chlorine residual (4.4 mg/L) was collected from
the discharge of the tank here.
Exhibit 6
Figure 5. Ammonia Sulfate Metering Pumping Skid
Exhibit 6
Figure 6. Chlorine Room with Hypo Pumping Skid and Hypo Tank
Exhibit 6
Figure 7. GridBee Tank Mixers Control Panel System
Exhibit 6
Figure 8. Vegetation Growth in the Tank Drain Vault
Exhibit 6
Figure 9. High Service Pumping Area
Exhibit 6
Figure 10. High Service Pump Discharge Pressure
Exhibit 6
RBUSD Level 2 Assessment March 2024
Exhibit 7. Sources
Exhibit 7 - Well #14 Isolation Configuration
An inspection of Well #14 was conducted by Brown and Caldwell on February 22nd, 2024, during which
the sanitary condition of the well was observed, together with the protocols for isolating the well when
offline for inspection and bacteriological clearance. It is noted that the USEPA conducted an Inspection
of Well #14 during facility inspections that occurred between October 16th and 17th, 2023 during which
the only identified sanitary hazard for Well #14 was a hole in the well screen. This hole has since been
repaired by RBUSD, as documented in a status report on corrective actions that was submitted to
USEPA on February 29th, 2024. During Brown and Caldwell’s subsequent inspection on February 28th,
2024, there were no observable conditions that are indicative of an ongoing potential sanitary defect.
It is also noted that the violations associated with the well and other incidents are due in large part to
the failure of RBUSD to adhere to appropriate protocols in response to routine or triggered monitoring
events. All procedural modifications are being addressed by RBUSD in an updated Sampling Plan that
is currently under review by the USEPA and will be subsequently submitted to FDOH for review and
approval. Consequently, a recommendation of this assessment is to conduct a downhole inspection
of the well to determine whether any conditions exist that will increase the risk of contamination.
An important focus of this site visit was to review the well isolation protocols and identify opportunities
for improvement. The RBUSD standard practice is to isolate any raw water supply well from the
transmission system whenever a well sample tests positive for total coliforms. Other conditions that
may trigger well isolation include removal from service for maintenance, bacteriological clearance, or
other conditions requiring extended standby durations. A site visit to Well #14 was conducted on
February 22nd, 2024, during which the isolation protocol was reviewed with WTP Operations Manager
(Melvin Pinkney). The photographs below show the general configuration of Well #14 at the time of
the site visit.
Exhibit 7
The protocols and illustrations provided below are based on the feedback and observations received
during the site visit. These steps were reported to be a typical protocol for all wells subject to isolation.
The City’s routine practice upon receiving confirmation of a TC+ collected from a well sample is to
isolate the well, inspect it for signs of potential sanitary defects, implement required
maintenance/corrective measures, and then subject the well to approved protocols to bacteriologically
clear it for return to service. The results of the observed sanitary defect on Well #14 and corrective
measures taken were reported to FDOH and are not repeated herein.
The protocols used to isolate Well #14 from the raw water transmission system are summarized below.
Refer to Figure 2 to visualize the well isolation steps indicated below.
1. Shutoff and lock out the well pump.
2. Close the main well isolation valve (refer to Figure 2).
3. Open the blow-off valve to allow horizontal alignment of well discharge piping to drain
(evidenced by no discharge from blow off). Cessation of water discharge from blow off is used
as an indicator of a tight seal in the closed well isolation valve (against a back pressure of
approximately 20 psi in the raw water transmission main). During the inspection, isolation of
Well #14 was demonstrated to be successfully achieved using this standard.
4. If isolation is not successfully demonstrated, the piping wye fitting and spool piece connecting
the well to the transmission system may be removed, and the transmission end capped during
well clearance protocols. This approach was not observed during the site visit.
5. Upon successfully isolating the well from the raw water transmission system, the well pump is
activated, and all produced water is continuously discharged through the blow off connection.
6. Samples required for bacteriological clearance are collected from a sampling spigot located
immediately downstream from the wellhead.
Exhibit 7
Isolation Improvement Considerations
Additional steps that may be taken to demonstrate and establish a record of well isolation
effectiveness include the following:
1. Establish a written isolation protocol for each active raw water supply well. Submit to FDOH for
review and comment (60 days).
2. Train staff involved in wellfield operations/maintenance in approved isolation protocols and
required documentation (90 days).
3. Install a pressure gauge downstream of the transmission main isolation valve and document
that the elevation corrected pressure upstream of the valve is consistently less than the
downstream pressure during isolation (30 days).
Because the inspection of the surface features of Well #14 did not indicate a probable cause of the
TC+, it is recommended that further investigation be conducted to ascertain the condition of the well.
To that end, it is recommended that a downhole investigation be conducted to assess the downhole
condition and potential factors that may increase the risk of contamination. The investigation should
include an initial video inspection, brushing the casing, purging, follow-up video survey while
discharging pumped flow to waste, disinfection, and clearance. Upon reviewing the inspection findings,
a determination may be made of whether any sanitary defects exist that require further remedial
measures. Duration (60 days)
Exhibit 7