Modern Information Retrieval Systems: Bs (Lis)
Modern Information Retrieval Systems: Bs (Lis)
Modern Information Retrieval Systems: Bs (Lis)
Quantity.............................................. 1000
Compiled by:
Dr. Munazza Jabeen
Reviewed by:
Dr.Muhammad Arif
Dr. Pervaiz Ahmad
Dr. Muhammad Arif
Dr. Munazza Jabeen
Dr. Amjad Khan
Muhammad Jawwad
Department of Library and Information Sciences was established in 1985 under the
flagship of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities intending to produce
trained professional manpower. The department is currently offering seven
programs from certificate course to PhD level for fresh and/or continuing students.
The department is supporting the mission of AIOU keeping in view the
philosophies of distance and online education. The primary focus of its programs
is to provide a quality education through targeting the educational needs of the
masses at their doorstep across the country.
This new program has a well-defined level of LIS knowledge and includes courses
of general education. The students are expected to advance beyond their higher
secondary level and mature and deepen their competencies in communication,
mathematics, languages, ICT, general science, and array of topics social science
through analytical and intellectual scholarship. Moreover, the salient features of
this program include practice-based learning to provide students with a platform of
practical knowledge of the environment and context, they will face in their
professional life.
Special thanks to the Academic Planning and Course Production and Editing Cell
of AIOU for their valued input to improve the quality of this study guide. We also
thank the Print Production Unit of the University for the formatting of the
manuscript and final production. We also appreciate the efforts of ICT officials, the
staff of the central library, and the LIS department to accomplish this academic
task. In the end, we also appreciate the extended cooperation of the course team in
this academic task.
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Unit-7: Hypertext and Markup Language and Web Information Retrieval ... 91
Unit 1 has expressed not only the conceptual framework but also the perspectives
of information retrieval. It has provided insight on from print to web information
resources. Unit 2 has provided discussions on some bibliographic formats in favor
of new sections on the MARC machine-readable cataloguing) format. Unit 3
significantly discussed the recent developments in online public access catalogues,
and new topics, such as cataloguing of internet resources and functional
requirements for bibliographic records (FRBR). Moreover, it discusses the issues
of vocabulary control in information retrieval. Unit 4 deals with basic concepts of
the information search process along with various information retrieval models. It
identified a wide range of search strategies as well. It has included some discussions
of extensible markup language (XML) retrieval. Unit 5 covers the issues related to
information users and the various approaches to user studies like user-centered
information retrieval models. Unit 6 discusses the possibilities of online and CD-
ROM information retrieval. Furthermore, it has elaborated the new features of
online database search services. Unit 7 discussed markup languages in the context
of information retrieval. Unit 8 concentrates on natural language processing in an
information retrieval system. Unit 9 discusses various aspects of information
retrieval in digital libraries; it has provided extensive updates on recent
developments and examples such as sophisticated information retrieval
applications in databases and search engines, and social information retrieval.
After studying this course, modern information retrieval systems, you should be
able to comprehend the following concepts:
• Information retrieval systems
• Concepts about online cataloging and metadata
• Indexing and abstracting
• User interfaces
• Evaluation of information retrieval systems
• Hypertext and markup language and web information retrieval
• Information retrieval in digital libraries
• Trends in information retrieval
Objectives ......................................................................................................... 4
1. Features of An Information Retrieval System ......................................... 5
1.2 Elements of An Information Retrieval System ........................................ 5
1.3 Purpose..................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Functions .................................................................................................. 6
1.5 Components ............................................................................................. 6
1.6 Kinds of Information Retrieval Systems ...................................................... 6
1.7 Design Issues ........................................................................................... 6
1.8 Discussion ................................................................................................ 7
1.9 Data .......................................................................................................... 7
The Database ............................................................................................ 7
Records and Fields ................................................................................... 7
Properties of Database ............................................................................. 8
Kinds of Databases: ................................................................................. 8
Database Technology ............................................................................... 8
The Development of Database in An Information Retrieval Environment 8
Basic Considerations ................................................................................ 8
Database Design....................................................................................... 9
Database Indexing .................................................................................... 9
Data Entry Form/Worksheet .................................................................... 9
Output Format .......................................................................................... 9
Data Entry, Searching, and Printing ........................................................ 10
1.10 Discussion ................................................................................................ 10
1.11 Bibliographic Records ............................................................................. 10
1.12 Bibliographic Formats ............................................................................. 10
1.13 Activities .................................................................................................. 11
1.14 Self-Assessment Questions ...................................................................... 11
1.15 References ................................................................................................ 12
Basic concepts of database systems, their growth, and recent trends in database
technology are discussed in this unit. Our primary concern is with bibliographic or
text databases which form the basis of information retrieval systems. Different
kinds of bibliographic/text databases are mentioned by way of examples. Finally,
measures to be taken to develop databases in an information retrieval environment
are briefly discussed.
An information retrieval system should create and maintain one or more databases
containing records pertaining to the requirements of the user community. In any
organization, different kinds of information may be required. A large proportion of
information required is factual: the contents of the database — the records, contain
various facts such as the features of a particular chemical element or compound, a
metal, a tool, a piece of equipment, an automobile, a spare part, a drug, a patient, a
plant, a forest, an agrochemical, a national park, and so on. The creation and
maintenance of such a factual information retrieval system require background
knowledge of (i) the subject field and (ii) the actual and potential users and their
activities vis-a-vis their information requirements and interests. Such a database
system is usually developed for use by people within an organization/institution or
in a group of organizations/institutions, but the data are not expected to be
accessible to everyone as happens in the case of library databases. Decisions
relating to the database structure, format, and data exchange mechanism are
governed in such cases by several factors, such as the chosen database management
software, the database design principle, and moreover the needs and access rights
of the user community.
Figure 1.1 shows that an information retrieval system for social sciences has one or
more different types of documents and can contain text as well as multimedia
information. All the documents are processed to create an index, which is searched
for retrieval of information.
organize information in one or more subject areas to provide it to users as soon as
they ask for it. Belkin4 describes how information retrieval systems are used.
It is evident from the above discussion that on the one side of an information
retrieval system there are the documents or sources of information and on the other
there are the users’ queries. These two sides are linked through a series of tasks.
Lancaster mentions that an information retrieval system comprises six major
➢ the document subsystem
➢ the indexing subsystem R the vocabulary subsystem R the searching
➢ the user-system interface
➢ the matching subsystem.
Information retrieval systems can be categorized in several ways. For example, one
can group them into two categories: in-house and online. In-house information
retrieval systems are set up by a particular library or information center to serve
mainly the users within the organization. One in-house database is the library
catalogue. OPACs provide facilities for library users to carry out online catalog
searches and to then check the availability of the item required.
1.9 DATA
The word ‘data’ refers to a set of given facts. Information in a form that can be
processed by a computer is called data. Data has for a long time been used to refer
to scientific measurements, but words constitute data just as numbers do. A list of
names is data, a set of keywords is data, a doctor’s record of their patients is data,
and figures relating to temperature, humidity, and so forth, or sales of a company,
are data.
The Database
A database can be conceived as a system whose base, whose key concept, is simply
a particular way of handling data. In other words, a database is nothing more than
a computer-based record-keeping system. The overall objective of a database is to
record and maintain information. The Macmillan Dictionary of Information
Technology defines a database as a collection of interrelated data stored so that it
may be accessed by users with simple user-friendly dialogues’. The Chambers
Science and Technology Dictionary provides a simpler definition of a database: ‘a
collection of structured data independent of any particular application’.
Properties of Database
A database is designed to avoid duplication of data as well as to permit retrieval of
information to satisfy a wide variety of user information needs. Major properties of
a database can be summarized as follows:
➢ it is integrated with provisions for different applications
➢ it eliminates or reduces data duplication
➢ it enhances data independence by permitting application programs to be
insensitive to changes in the database
Kinds of Databases
In discussing databases, it is sometimes useful to classify them by the type of data
record contained and sometimes by subject coverage. The two major divisions are
reference databases and source databases. Reference databases lead the users to the
source of the information: a document, person, or organization. They can be divided
into three categories:
➢ The bibliographic databases, which include citations or bibliographic
references, and sometimes abstracts of literature
➢ The catalog databases, which show the catalogue of a given library or a group
of libraries in a network, and
➢ The referral databases, which offer references to information such as the name,
address and specialization of persons, institutions, information systems, and so
Database Technology
The historical development of database technology has been closely related to the
development of computer hardware and software. With respect to hardware
development, it is now common to talk about ‘computer generations’, and in a
similar way several ‘database system generations’ can be distinguished.
Basic Considerations
In most general terms, to run an information retrieval system we need the following:
➢ a software (text retrieval) package
➢ a processor to execute the programs
➢ memory to hold intermediate working
➢ disk storage to hold the data files
➢ devices for archiving data files to recover from accidental damage or
loss of data
➢ printer(s) to produce hard copy for different purposes, and
➢ terminals for data input and for controlling the whole process.
Database Indexing
This is an important step in any text retrieval system because it will generate the
index file on which searches can be performed. Most text retrieval systems create
an inverted index file. Software packages have different mechanisms to indicate
which of the fields should be indexed and how this should be done, and a database
designer must follow those steps. In some software packages, the index file is
generated and updated as soon as new records are added or existing records are
deleted, while in others, the creation and update dating index file have to be done
by a batch modes again this process is software dependent.
Data Entry, Searching, and Printing
The job of database design ends with the tasks mentioned above. The next job is
the creation of records. This involves entering data elements in the appropriate
columns in the worksheet or form for data entry. This can be done in one of two
ways. Records can be created by keying in the data elements in each field and
subfield in the data entry form/worksheet or a number of records can be
downloaded from other, already existing, databases.
In the previous section, the various steps that one has to follow to develop a
database using text retrieval software were described. The specific steps and
measures prescribed for each operation differ from program to program, but some
points may be generalized. With these basic considerations in mind, one must
follow the specific prescriptions of the chosen software. The major issues involved
here are:
➢ design of the database structure
➢ decisions regarding the generation of the index file
➢ decisions regarding the format of data display
➢ design of the worksheet or form for data entry
➢ creation of records
➢ generation of the index file
➢ searching the database, and
➢ displaying, sorting, and printing records.
The term ‘bibliographic record’ is relatively new, having entered the information
vocabulary mainly as a result of automation. It has been defined as ‘the sum of all
the area and elements which may be used to describe, identify or retrieve any
physical item (publication, document) of information content.
conform in respect of all the three components: the structure, the content
designators, and the data element definitions.
1. Investigate the conceptual view of an information retrieval system to retrieve
documents you want to implement for your IRS assignment?
2. Search the availability of information retrieval systems in your area? How
will you generate an index for minimizing response time in searching the
documents for your IRS project?
3. Evaluate various database categories to classify the reference or source of
the information. Which solution is more suitable for your IRS project? Hint:
compare the objectives of your IRS with the pros and cons of bibliographic,
catalog, and referral databases.
4. Design your information retrieval system. Which options will work best for
your system in terms of displaying, sorting, and printing records?
Belkin, N. J. (1980). Anomalous states of knowledge as a basis for information
retrieval. Canadian journal of information science, 5(1), 133-143.
Boyce, B. R., Boyce, B. R., Meadow, C. T., Kraft, D. H., Kraft, D. H., & Meadow,
C. T. (2017). Text information retrieval systems. Elsevier.
Kent, A. (1971). Information Analysis and Retrieval. New York: Becker and
Hayes. Inc., l97l.
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Introduction ....................................................................................................... 15
Objectives ......................................................................................................... 15
For centuries libraries have been organizing reading materials on shelves for easy
access. Researchers have found evidence of some form of cataloging activities for
records held in the library of Alexandria in ancient Egypt around 300 BC. However,
as far as modern cataloging and its objectives and principles are concerned, its
history goes back just over two centuries. The first catalog code at the national level
was the French Code of 1791. In Britain, cataloging rules were developed by Sir
Anthony Panizzi for the British Museum library during the first half of the 19th
century, and they were published in 1841.
However, systematic methods that have been widely adopted for the organization of
library materials and their recording for use by readers came into being little more than
a century ago. In 1876 Melville Dewey developed a systematic scheme of library
classification, which became a unique tool for organizing library materials on the
shelves, and in the same year Charles A. Cutter brought out Rules for a Dictionary
Catalog, which enabled librarians to record systematically the library holdings in the
form of catalog entries that could be consulted easily by the user community. Since
then, several schemes of library classification and catalog codes have been developed
to aid the process of organizing library materials systematically.
After reading this unit, you would be able to:
i. Know about the information and its basic principles of cataloguing with
guidelines related to the cataloguing of internet resources.
ii. Learn essential metadata standards for internet resources, museum objects,
government documents and archival records.
iii. Understand the primary criteria for selecting effective software for
iv. Identify essential elements of metadata for cataloguing resources.
v. Understand the vital metadata management practices
Harrod’s Librarian’s Glossary defines a catalog as “A list of books, maps, and other
items, arranged in some definite order”. It records, describes, and indexes (usually
completely) the resources of a collection, a library, or a group of libraries. A library
catalog is said to be the key to a library’s collection as each catalog entry, containing
the bibliographic details of a particular document, informs the user about the
holdings of the library. The art of preparing catalogs is cataloging. Systems thinking
was introduced into the discipline of information organization in 1876 by Cutter
who was the first to recognize the importance of stating formal objectives for a
Why Cataloging?
The following major objectives of a catalog have been identified in the literature:
➢ to enable a person to find a book by:
▪ author
▪ title
▪ subject
➢ to show what the library has:
▪ by a given author
▪ on a given subject
▪ in a given literature
➢ to assist in the choice of a book:
▪ by edition
▪ by character
available — access to a large collection in one go (through licensing agreement, for
example) instead of a gradual growth in number; and the need for regular
management and maintenance due to their changing nature (including changes in
location and terms of availability).
Subject experts have developed, or are engaged in developing, various metadata
formats for materials in specific domains, or for materials of specific kinds and
formats, for example, metadata for internet resources, museum objects, government
documents and archival records. There are two distinct schools of thought that
influence the development of metadata standards:
➢ the minimalists camp whose point of view reflects a strong commitment to
the notion of the simplicity of metadata for creation by authors and for the
use of the metadata by tools
➢ the structuralists camp whose members emphasize the greater flexibility of
a formal means of extending or qualifying elements so that they can be made
more useful for the needs of a particular community.
In addition to instantly generating some of the Dublin Core tags for a given web
page, the DC Dot service also provides an editor for the users to edit tags or add or
edit contents, which can then be resubmitted to create metadata. Table 2.1 shows
the Dublin Core metadata for a sample web page. Dublin Core standard has the
following characteristics:
➢ The core set can be extended with further elements, as necessary, for a
particular domain.
➢ All elements are optional.
➢ All elements are repeatable.
➢ Any element can be modified by a qualifier.
Metadata can be embedded within the information resources, as is the case with
web resources, or held separately in a database. Although metadata plays a big role
in the resource discovery process, end-users don’t see, and in most cases don’t need
to see, metadata for information resources that they are looking for. Metadata is
mostly seen and used by information professionals who are involved in the
organization and processing of information and is used by computer programs for
several purposes such as resource identification, sharing, and interoperability.
Although cataloging remains highly relevant in the modem information retrieval
environment, many parts of the catalog codes specifying rules for several activities
have become redundant in the context of OPACs. AACR2 was not specifically
designed to handle internet resources, and additional measures are required to
catalog them. Nevertheless, AACR2 has played a key role in standardizing
information retrieval activities (especially for OPACs) throughout the world for
over four decades.
1) Prepare a chart of important elements of the Dublin Core metadata standard
to describe resources of specific kinds and formats in your project.
2) Visit a university library cataloging section. Conduct an interview with a
cataloging librarian about how he/she narrates the importance of cataloging.
3) Transcribe the discussion and present it in your class for feedback from your
class tutor.
4) Visit an automated university library and do practice on the cataloging
interface to record and find some internet resources, observe if it appeals to
you? Make your own experience instead of circulation employees and
determine the ease of use, functionality, and appearance. Evaluate the
cataloging software using the checklist provided in Section 2.3.
3. How can metadata creation help mitigate the potential problems to the
resource discovery process? What features of the discovery process should
be included in the evaluation of good standards?
Salton, G. (1989). Automatic text processing: The transformation, analysis, and
retrieval of. Reading: Addison-Wesley, 169.
Lancaster, F. W. (1968). Information retrieval systems; characteristics, testing, and
evaluation.Ranganathan, S. R. and Gopinath, M. A., Colon Classification,
7th edn, Bangalore,
Foskett, A. C. (1996). The subject approach to information. Facet Publishing.
Mcilwaine, I., & Buxton, A. B. (2000). The Universal Decimal Classification: a
guide to its use. The Hague: UDC consortium.
Chowdhury, G. G., & Chowdhury, S. (1999). Digital library research: major
issues and trends. Journal of documentation.
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Introduction ....................................................................................................... 23
Objectives ......................................................................................................... 24
i. Learn the manual indexing process to automatic indexing in the era of Big
Data and Open Data.
ii. Make a difference between direct & sequential access to peripheral devices
required for an automated library system.
iii. Understand the essential criteria for binary search and binary search trees.
iv. Learn the role of vocabulary control for an effective information retrieval
system, and what are the practical vocabulary control tools?
v. Understand the essential criteria for a subject heading list to represent the
subject content of an information resource
Before going into much detail of the process, we should try first to understand the
advantages of automatic indexing. Salton mentions the following:
➢ level of consistency in indexing can be maintained
➢ index entries can be produced at a lower cost in the long run
➢ indexing time can be reduced, and
➢ better retrieval effectiveness can be achieved.
Harter points out that automatic analysis by means of word frequency analysis can
be viewed as a two-tiered problem." In the first stage, the problem relates to the
identification of a technical vocabulary characteristic of a given subject field. Once
the vocabulary or index terms have been chosen, the second problem arises, which
relates to the representation of the document with the help of keywords.
Document No. 2 Author: Tharp, A.
Title: File organization and processing Publisher J oh n WileyYearr: 1988
Keywords: File structure; File organization
Document No. 4
Author: C harnHarnic; McDe rmott, D. Title. Introduction to artificial
intelligence PPublisher Ad diso n-Wesley
Year: 1985
Keywords: Artificial intelligence; Expert systems
The field tag is used to denote the field where the given term/phrase occurs. This
information is used in field-specific searches. Similarly, the position information is
used for proximity or adjacency searching. Other types of information may also be
stored along with each entry, and each such item of information facilitates a
particular type of search. Nevertheless, the more such information is added to each
entry, the bulkier the inverted file becomes, therefore taking up more storage space
and needing more processing time. In this example, a user looking for the phrase
‘expert systems will retrieve two records, document numbers 3 and 4 from the
database, while another user looking for a book written by ‘Tharp, A.’ will retrieve
book number 2. A complex query with search terms combined with Boolean
operators will follow the same path. For example, a user with a query ‘expert
systems OR file organization’ will retrieve all four document records, while the
query ‘artificial intelligence AND knowledge-based systems will retrieve
document record number 3. In the first example, as the search terms are joined by
the logical operator ‘OR’, the system will consult the inverted file for each term
and will then merge the document numbers retrieved in each case; while in the
second, because the terms are joined by the logical operator ‘AND’, the retrieved
document numbers for both terms will be matched to locate the common document
numbers, i.e. the ones where both terms are present.
Figure 3.1 shows that each term may occur in a few documents (for example, Term
l occurs in Docl and Doc5), and in each case we need to store information on the
number of occurrences (O), field of occurrence (F), position information (P), and
so on. Thus, for many terms, the index file may be quite large and complex. To
avoid this, in the inverted file organization, information about index terms is stored
in two different files. Let us take a simple example: suppose, we have a file of
10,000 documents for which there are 1000 index terms. Two different files can be
created to store information about the index terms. The first file may be quite short,
containing only 1000 entries, each entry having only three fields: where field 1
contains the index term, field 2 contains the frequency of occurrence (this
information is used for several purposes in a search), and field 3 contains the
address of the block containing the addresses of documents whose document
profiles include the descriptor from field 1. Such an index file can easily fit into the
primary storage where a fast search for a required search term can be performed.
The second file consists of several blocks were.
Each block contains the addresses and other associated information of those
documents where the given search term occurs. The second file may be quite large
because each index term may have occurred in a number of records, and therefore,
some blocks may contain several lists of addresses. This is handled by linked lists
and pointers. Figure 3.2 shows such an index file.
Figure 3.2 shows that for Term49, we need to store only the address for the first
record where it occurs, which in this case is 105. Thus, a pointer from the first file
points to an address block where the document and the associated information is
stored. Here, after the information about the first document, there is another pointer
leading to address block 612, another pointing to address block 911, and finally a
null pointer (/\ ) indicating that it is the end of the list. Thus, we need only one
address for each descriptor in the index file. This is the address of the first block
containing the address of document indexed by the given descriptor, which may
lead to the subsequent address blocks each containing the document number and
other associated information.
The user may pose a single key query or a multiple key query. In the former case,
the value of a single search key (say the name of the author) is used as the retrieval
criterion, whereas in a multiple key search a number of search keys (say the name
of the author, subject name, date of publication, and so on, as in the query ‘papers
written by Salton on information retrieval systems between 1980 and 1990’). For
single key searches, the whole file can be maintained in an order according to the
value of the given single set of keys. In a telephone directory, for example, users
search through the names of subscribers and therefore the names of subscribers are
arranged in alphabetical order. File access in multi-key searches is complicated by
the fact that it is not possible to order the file simultaneously in accordance with
the values of the different search keys. For example, a users’ file in a library can be
arranged according to the name of the user, occupation or specialization, address or
department, and so on, and in each case the resulting arrangement of the records
within one field will be different from the other.
In the case of a multi-key search, a principal key is to be identified and the file can
be ordered in accordance with the values of that key. When the principal key is used
as part of a search statement, the subsection of the file corresponding to the given
principal key value can then be isolated and subjected to a separate search based on
the values of any secondary keys also included in the search query. A catalogue of
a library can be considered as a multi-key file, where the keys are the author, title,
publisher, subject and so on. In such a file, the principal key is usually the author:
the file is ordered in accordance with the name (surname) of the authors. From each
record in the main file there may be a number of pointers giving access to secondary
keys, such as publisher and title. A simple file of authors and publishers can be
ordered according to the author’s name as the principal key, with a sparse index
giving access to a chain of pointers for each publisher name. Documents published
by a given publisher can be found by following the pointer chain. Pointer chains
can be provided for all secondary keys in addition to the primary keys attached to
the records; each given record can be traced through the pointer chain for any of
the keys. This type of record organization is known as a multi-list.
However, the time taken for a sequential search depends on two factors:
1. The key value of the sought key, because the placement of the key will be
based on its key value, and
2. The length of the index file.
One way to reduce the number of search probes in an ordered sequential file
organization is to use an alphabetic chain. What is an alphabetic chain? Let’s take
a simple example. What do we do when we look for a term in a dictionary? Let’s
suppose that we are looking for the term ‘psychology’. We don’t start from the
beginning of the dictionary but rather from the letter ‘p’, thereby skipping the other
letters. Within ‘p’ we skip terms beginning ‘pa’, ‘pb’, and so forth, and start with
the words beginning ‘ps’, then search for the word sequentially. In the same way,
when we use an index we skip some part of the index file so as to reduce the number
of words to be searched.
Figure 3.3 Simple binary search tree
In fact, the maximum number of key comparisons needed to conduct a binary tree
search is equal to the longest path from the root to a leaf of the tree.
The insertion of a new term other than in a leaf node (that is a blank space suitable
for an insertion) and deletion of a term from the tree sometimes requires a major
reshuffle of the tree. In fact, node deletion in a binary tree is more complicated than
node searching or node addition because the proper tree structure must be preserved
when a node is deleted. To insert a key in a binary tree, first an unsuccessful search
is conducted and then the node is inserted at the empty node where the search had
terminated. Deletion of a node in a binary tree is quite a cumbersome job. Salton
suggests the following steps for the deletion of a node from a binary tree:
1. If the node to be deleted is the leaf of the tree, then the corresponding node
is simply deleted.
2. If the node to be deleted has only one child, that is either the left or the right
node of this is empty, then the node to be deleted may be replaced by the
only available child node.
3. If the deleted node has two children, then the deleted node information is
replaced by the node with the smallest key value in the right subtree.
A balanced tree (B-tree), in contrast with a binary tree, is a multi-way search tree.
A binary tree has a branching factor of two, whereas a balanced tree does not have
a theoretical limit to branching factors. A binary tree grows downwards as new
terms are added, whereas a B-tree grows upwards with an increase in size.
Table 3.1 The four eras of debate on controlled vs. natural language indexing
No. Eras of debate
1 Controlled vocabulary
2 Comparisons of natural and controlled language: major experimental
studies noted that natural language can perform as well as controlled
vocabulary, but other factors, such as the number of access points, are also
3 Many case studies of limited generalizability. Searching online
databases was considered. It was noted that the best performance can be
achieved by a combination of controlled and natural language; the number
of access points was reaffirmed to have a significant effect; full-text and
bibliographic databases were noted to have produced different results.
4 New advances in user-based systems including OPACs. The value of
controlled vocabulary in the context of user-friendly interfaces and the
development of knowledge bases were noted.
and demerits of controlled and natural language. However, practice and tested
research have suggested that controlled language and natural language should be
used in conjunction with one another.
form of the books and serials in the Library of Congress collection, with the
objective of providing subject access points to the bibliographic records contained
in the library’s catalogues. It is now most widely used for assigning subject
headings to bibliographic information resources.
Abstract by Writer
Abstracts may be written by authors, by subject experts or by professional
abstractors. Thus, we may categorize them as: author-prepared abstracts, expert-
prepared abstracts and professional-prepared abstracts.
may sometimes be expensive. Professional abstractors abstract for a living, and may
be employed to handle work in more than one language.
Abstracts by Purpose
Abstracts are written with certain purposes in mind, and therefore there may be
different sorts of abstracts to serve different purposes. Borko and Bemier have
identified four different types: the indicative abstract, informative abstract, critical
abstract and special purpose abstract.
An indicative abstract simply indicates what the parent document is all about. They are
also called descriptive abstracts, because they usually describe what can be found in
the original document. Indicative abstracts may contain information on purpose, scope
or methodology, but not on results, conclusions or recommendations.
Some abstracts may have been written to serve a special purpose or with a specific
category of users in mind. Such abstracts are called special-purpose or slanted
abstracts. Depending on the nature of the target user group, an abstractor may stress
some part of the abstract (with more emphasis on in formativeness) at the expense
of some other part(s) (leading to an indicative abstract for that part). Some abstracts
may have a slant towards some part of the subject dealt with in the original
document; these are particularly useful for mission-oriented works rather than in
discipline-oriented works.
Lancasters and Borko and Berniee suggest that another category of abstract can be
identified in this group, called the modular abstract. Here an abstractor is expected
to prepare different kinds of abstracts — indicative, informative, critical, and so on
— any one of which may be used depending on the requirement of the abstracting
agency. In fact, the abstractor writes various modules of abstract at the same time.
Modular abstracts are intended as full content descriptions of current documents in
five parts: a citation, an annotation, an indicative abstract, an informative abstract
and a critical abstract. The prime purpose of modular abstracts is to eliminate the
duplication and waste of intellectual effort in the independent abstracting of the
same documents by several services, without any attempt to force ‘standardized’
abstracts on services whose requirements may vary considerably as to form and
subject slant.
Qualities of Abstracts
An abstract must be brief and accurate, and it must be presented in a format
designed to facilitate the skimming of a large number of abstracts in a search for
relevant material. Guinchat and Menou suggest that an abstract should possess the
following qualities; it should be:
▪ concise: whilst it should not be done at the expense of precision, however
long the abstract is, care should be taken to avoid expressions or
circumlocutions that can be replaced by single words
▪ precise: one should use expressions that are as exact and specific as possible
without exceeding the abstract’s requested length
▪ self-sufficient: the description of the document should be complete in itself
and fully understandable without reference to any other document
▪ objective: there must not be any personal interpretation or value judgement
on the part of the abstractor (obviously this does not apply to critical
▪ Borko and Bernier give the following basic qualities of abstracts:
▪ Brevity. one of the essential characteristics of abstracts is their brevity: they
are much shorter than the documents from which they are derived. Brevity
saves the user’s time, and it lowers the cost of producing abstracts. However,
it must be remembered that, while redundancy is to be avoided, there should
not be any loss of novelty when trying to achieve brevity.
▪ Accuracy: abstracts should be accurate, and errors avoided as far as is
practicable. Errors may occur at many stages in the production of abstracts:
in understanding the document’s content and presentation, in the citation,
and in typing, printing, and so on.
▪ Clarity: while an abstract should be brief and accurate, it must also be clearly
written, avoiding all sorts of ambiguities.
▪ A good abstract should also have the following qualities: 9
▪ be a self-contained unit, a complete report in a miniature form; it should be
intelligible without reference to the original document
▪ enable its users to (a) identify the basic contents of work quickly and
accurately, (b) determine its relevance to their interests, and (c) decide
whether or not to read the original document in its entirety
▪ be capable of being used as a secondary source of information R be
▪ not take a critical form (except for critical abstracts) R be as up to date as
▪ be able to be used as a retrieval aid in an automated information retrieval
▪ not repeat the information that is obvious from the title or that is well known
to the user
▪ avoid redundancy and repetition
▪ be written in a clear and natural language and should avoid using
▪ Borko and Bemier comment that without surrogates, such as abstracts,
searching through the accumulated literature would be an impossible task. In
fact, there are a number of uses of abstracts, and that is why abstracting
journals (in hard copy and/or on CD-ROM) have existed in almost all subject
fields all over the world. Guinchat and Menou identify three major functions
of abstracts.
1) Identify which indexing method will best suit your documents of the
collection through research, investigation, and a close examination of your
search needs in terms of word frequency calculation, total collection
frequency, or frequency distribution across the documents of the collection.
2) Consider your library has decided to enable a controlled vocabulary for
representing the subject and form of the books and serials in the library
collection. What kind of measures you will take to enable it with the
objective of providing subject access points to the bibliographic records
contained in the library’s catalogs?
3) Consider yourself an editor of a professional journal? How will you see the
pros and cons of author-prepared, expert-prepared, and professional-
prepared abstracts? Which method would you prefer for abstracting, and
1. Why articles in professional journals are usually accompanied by author-
prepared abstracts?
2. Why the indexes to classification scheme could not be an effective option to
serve the role of vocabulary control?
3. Why expert abstractors are usually the choice of abstracting journals?
Pao, M. L., Concepts of Information Retrieval, Englewood, CO, Libraries
Atherton, P., Handbaok of Information Systems and Services, Paris, Unesco, 1977.
Belkin, N. J., Oddy, R. N. and Brooks, H. M., ASK for Information Retrieval, Part-1,
background and theory, Journal of Documentation, 38 (2), 1982, 61–71.
Page #
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 41
Objectives ................................................................................................................... 42
4.11 Activites........................................................................................................... 57
Users interact with an information retrieval system through an interface and several
activities are performed: users’ queries are received and interpreted, appropriate
search statements are formulated, and the actual search (matching queries with the
document profile or database) is conducted with a view to retrieving the required
information. All these tasks can be performed manually, as used to be done in the
earlier systems, or can be automated. The development of cheaper direct-access
mass storage devices, magnetic disks and drums, the associated software, and
advancements in electronic communication systems brought about the possibility
of more dynamic searching via online methods. The concept of online searching
has occupied a large and significant area in the study and research of modern
information retrieval. However, a user often faces difficulties in approaching an
online search system, especially in formulating an appropriate search statement.
The cost of searching a database, whether in-house or external, can be reduced
significantly if an appropriate strategy for searching is followed. The search
strategy helps the user select the optimum path for searching a file or a database.
This involves several measures that are to be taken before and during a search. This
unit discusses the basic concepts of the search strategy and describes the actual
searching process in the context of information retrieval systems. Features of online
searching are discussed later.
The user is the focal point of all information retrieval systems because the sole
objective of any information storage and retrieval system is to transfer information
from the source (the database) to the user. The characteristics and specific needs of
users determine the nature of the information to be collected by the system, the
nature and level of analysis to be made to store the information, and the nature of
the user interface to be designed so that users can interact with the system easily to
search and retrieve the required information. Thus, an understanding of the nature
and number of users, their activities vis-a-vis information requirements,
information-seeking behavior, and so forth, will help an information manager
develop an appropriate information retrieval system.
Information search can be broadly divided into the following major categories:
1. Known item search: The searcher knows about the existence of a certain
piece of information and wants to find it in a specific collection. In the
context of an online public access catalogue, this can be a search for a book
written by a specific author, with a specific title, and so on. In the context of
the web, this can be the search for the web page of a specific department or
faculty. These searches are usually not complicated and can be accomplished
relatively easily and quickly.
2. Search for specific information or a fact: Users may often search for a certain
piece of information such as who is the current Secretary-General of the
United Nations, or what the population of India is. Such information may be
obtained from a variety of sources, typically from reference books or
reference databases and websites, and often the user can find the required
information either directly as an answer or through a reference to a text that
contains the information.
3. Search for information related to a problem or issue: This is the most
difficult type of information search, for various reasons: the user may not
know exactly what they want; the information may be available from a
variety of information channels and sources; the information may need to be
gathered and aggregated or synthesized, or the user’s information need may
change on receipt of some information (the user may find that what they were
looking for in the first instance was not quite what they wanted). The nature
of the user’s problem, knowledge, or subject background may have a
significant influence on the search process and relevance judgment. These
searches are often demanding in time and expertise required.
4. Exploratory search: This type of search may be rather undirected apart from
the fact that the searcher wants to know about the content of a database or a
website. This kind of search may often help the user find some useful
information that may not have been asked for specifically; and this may also
lead to an accidental discovery of information, called serendipity.
5. Search to keep up to date in a specific field: Specialist users often want to
stay up to date in their field, and that’s why they regularly search or scan
various journals and databases. Traditionally this kind of search service has
been offered through what is known as current awareness services (CAS), or
selective dissemination of information (SDI) services. Nowadays, several
special programs are available that automatically search for users in chosen
subjects and topics, specific databases, and websites.
The search strategy may be defined as a plan for conducting a search for
information, and therefore should include a search objective and a plan of
operation. It encompasses several steps and levels of work in information retrieval.
Meadow and Cochrane mention that the search strategy includes at least three
decision points that a searcher has to reach. There are many issues that need to be
considered while formulating an appropriate search statement:
The concepts or facets to be searched and their order
The term(s) that appropriately represent(s) the search concept
The feature(s) of the retrieval system concerned
1. Decide the words that might be used by the authors of the relevant
2. Decide which database(s) is/are to be searched.
3. A Use the thesaurus of the chosen database to translate the query terms in
the appropriate way.
4. Guess which of the chosen terms (or concepts) might have been used by the
database indexer.
5. Co-ordinate the terms (often using Boolean operators) to formulate the
search statement.
6. Input the search statement.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until a desirable output is obtained or the search fails
8. Identify the actual relevant items from among those retrieved.
One major task in the searching process relates to the coordination of terms
(step 5 above) to formulate the actual search statement. The result of the
search depends largely on how adequately the search terms are combined.
Boolean search techniques have been used widely since the beginning of
mechanized information retrieval.
which compares Boolean query statements with the term set used to represent
document contents; the probabilistic retrieval model, which is based on the
computation of relevance probabilities for the documents of a collection; and the
vector processing model, which represents both documents and queries by term sets
and compares global similarities between queries and documents. Several models
have been developed based on the classical information retrieval models, not all of
which have been discussed in this book, but appropriate references have been
provided for interested readers. While classical retrieval models are based on
logical and mathematical principles, some alternative models of information
retrieval have also been developed over the past few years. Two prominent
alternative types of retrieval model.
therefore, attempt to estimate or calculate, in some way, the probability that a
document will be relevant for a particular user. Several models based on
probabilistic approaches have been advocated; here we shall briefly look into three
such models.
implemented very efficiently using an inverted file searching technique. The user
in a best match search environment can put the query in simple natural language,
in the form of a sentence, say. The terms representing the query, or a document are
then identified, and measures are taken to overcome the variations due to spelling,
synonyms, antonyms, and so forth. There is thus the need for a conflation algorithm,
a computational procedure that reduces the variants of a word to a single form for
retrieval purposes. The most common automatic conflation procedure uses a
stemming algorithm, which reduces all the words with the same route to a single
form by stripping the root of its derivational and inflectional affixes in most cases
only suffixes are stripped.
➢ Atherton mentions that three important groups of users of a scientific and
technical information system are distinguishable according to the kind of
activity in which they are engaged:
➢ Researchers, in basic and applied sciences
➢ Practitioners and technicians engaged in developmental and/or operational
activities in the various fields of technology and industry, agriculture,
medicine, industrial production, communication, and so on.
➢ R managers, planners, and decision-makers.
These user groups are very broadly defined; the categorization is by no means
exhaustive. The list does not include some other user groups, such as students and
teachers. There is a lot of cross-classification of users too. For example, a researcher
may be at the same time a manager, planner or policy maker.
Guinchat and Menu have employed two objective criteria to define users:
Objective criteria, such as the socio-professional category, specialist field, nature
of the activity for which information is sought, and reason for using the information
system K social and psychological criteria, such as the users’ attitudes and values
in regard to information in general and their relation with information units in
particular, the reasons behind their particular information-seeking, and their
professional and social behavior.
Guinchat and Menou also identified the following broad categories of user based
on the two criteria mentioned above:
➢ Users not yet engaged in active work life, such as students
➢ Users with a job and whose information needs are related to their work; these
users may be classified by the nature of their activity, such as management,
research, development, production, or services, by activities in a branch
and/or specialist field, such as the civil service, agriculture, or industry, and
by level of education and responsibility, such as professional, technical, etc.
➢ The ordinary citizen requiring general information for social purposes.
➢ Information needs vary from person to person, from job to job, subject to
subject, organization to organization, and so on.
People’s information needs are largely dependent on the environment; for
example, the information needs of those in an academic environment are
different from those in an industrial, business, government or administrative
environment measuring (quantifying) information need is difficult
information need often remains unexpressed or poorly expressed
information need often changes upon receipt of some information.
Taylor in the context of library search identifies four major types of information
need that lead the user from the state of a purely conceptual need to one that is
formally expressed and constrained (by the environment):
Visceral need -+ Conscious need -+ Formalized need —• Compromised need
Visceral need is the unconscious need Conscious need: conscious by undefined
need Formalized need: formally expressed need
Compromised need: expressed need influenced by internal and external constraints
Xie suggests that Taylor’s work has formed the foundation of several research
studies in interactive information seeking and retrieval, including those of Belkin,
Kuhlthau, and Ingwersen.
We have already seen that information retrieval system need not be limited to the
four walls of any library. There could be information retrieval systems designed to
serve a group of users engaged in a specific kind of activity or mission; such
information systems are often called information support systems or mission-
ooriented information systems. Users of such systems could be students,
academics, researchers, planners, policymakers, administrators, and so on, the
common thread being that all of them are engaged in a specific area of study or
activity or are joined to accomplish a particular mission. They could be part of any
organization or institution. For example, in a government information system users
may broadly be categorized in accordance with the nature or area of activity, such
as education, energy, trade and commerce, and so on. In an industrial environment,
users may be corporate, industrialists, or professionals such as engineers, managers,
accountants, and so on. The same is true for business and commercial information
systems. These information systems may have their own home-grown databases as
well as access to one or more CD-ROM and/or online resources.
Thus, we can see that the concept of the user depends on the context in which the
information retrieval system is viewed. For instance, in the context of a library
environment, we have an idea of the nature and category of users, although their
nature, number, nature of activities, and consequently the nature of their
information requirements constantly change. The design of information retrieval
systems to support users engaged in a specific area of study or activity can be much
more challenging. While much of the information content of the databases
contained in a library environment will be bibliographic or reference or textual in
nature, in the context of an information support system the information content is
factual in nature. Factual data are significantly different from bibliographic data.
For example, doctors working in a hospital may need information on patients
(related to disease, treatment, tests, medication, and so forth), scientists or
policymakers working in a pollution control environment may need data related to
the level of pollution by area, by pollutants, by amount and frequency of emission,
and so on; the list may go on and on. In their day-to-day activities, scientists,
engineers, doctors, administrators, planners, and so forth need information that is
factual (not necessarily of a bibliographic or textual type), and when they meet
difficulties in carrying out a job, in solving a problem, in taking a decision, and so
on, they turn to other kinds of databases containing different kinds of information
sources — bibliographic, personal, institutional, and so on.
Some of the most important questions in developing an information retrieval
system for supporting users in a specific field of activity, therefore, relate to the
identification of actual and potential users of the proposed information retrieval
system, the nature of their activities, information requirements, and so on. A user
survey can help the information manager to gather information on all these and
related points.
An understanding of their users’ nature, information needs, information-seeking
patterns, and so forth assists an information manager at different levels. At the
macro level this knowledge helps such a manager:
▪ To decide whether to establish an information system, and if so, why, how,
and so on.
▪ To evaluate an existing information retrieval system when:
▪ Starting a new service.
▪ Increasing or decreasing emphasis on one or more existing services.
▪ Optimizing a service.
▪ Marketing a service, and so on.
At the micro-level this knowledge will help an information manager to:
▪ Determine who are the users of an existing or proposed information retrieval
▪ R determine the information needs of each category of users.
▪ H assess how far the existing system can meet the needs of the user H identify
what information sources are to be possessed by the system.
▪ R determine how the information sources are to be analyzed and recorded.
▪ Determine the hardware and software requirements, nature and format of the
database(s), approach to database design (centralized or distributed),
networking requirements, standards, protocols, and so on.
▪ Determine the communication pattern, user interface and so on
▪ R determine the output format(s) required, the requirement for repackaging
of information and so on.
▪ R determine the marketing strategies — information products, distribution,
pricing and so on.
▪ R determine the level of staff training, user orientation, training and so on.
Atherton identified seven different stages in scientific and technical research and
the corresponding information need:
Overall familiarization with the problem and problem statement: This stage
requires a general acquaintance with the subject for drawing up a plan and
provisional terms for the solutions of the problems of primary and secondary
importance. Users need general information on the chosen subject in order to build
up an overall idea.
▪ Gathering scientific knowledge about the subject of study: At this stage the
user is engaged in the retrospective searching of the broadest possible scope
of the literature without any pronounced critical approach.
▪ Coordination and interpretation of scientific data: Here the user attempts to
make a critical evaluation of the ideas and hypotheses of different authors.
The relevance criteria for the information needed are specified at this stage
and the volume of information is reduced.
▪ Formulation of the problem: Statement of the hypothesis and choice of the
problem are one of the most important stages in a piece of research. As to
the need for information, this is characterized by in-depth analysis rather than
broad coverage.
▪ Proving the working hypothesis: Information requirements at this stage
depend on the specifics of the research. The researcher may need a lot of
factual data at this stage.
▪ Statement of conclusions and recommendations: At this stage the user may
need to conclude based on their findings and on those available in the
literature. The user may need a good amount of consolidated information at
this stage to shed light on precedence and priority aspects.
▪ Description of the research results: At this stage the user requires information
on scientific reporting and documentation. Users may need to check each
document consulted for bibliographic and other details for the purpose of
Formulating objectives of the enterprise Formulating major strategies and policies
to meet specific objectives preparing long-range plans Reporting to the
stockholders or to the board of management about the results of the enterprise’s
Informing employees about the status and performance of the enterprise providing
bases and background so that decisions can be made about specific matters as they
arise Providing bases for giving pre-action approval Building the background for
outside contacts, such as legislators, competitors, and governments Taking
decisions about taxes and so forth Keeping abreast of current operations and
developments in the business concerned being aware of possible troubles and
problems ahead allocating capital resources optimally exercising control over day-
to-day operations training staff improving personnel management and public
Information needs of persons working on different aspects of product design,
development, and production vary, and this must be borne in mind during the
development of an information retrieval system. Neelameghan identifies the
information needs of persons concerned with product planning and development,
and their respective roles and functions in an enterprise, as follows:
Neelameghan provides a detailed account of the different kinds of information
required in the process of community development planning." the following are the
main points from neelameghan’s account.
The major categories of information that might be required are:
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has recommended some basic
items of information that may be needed in community development planning.
These relate to information on the following points:
▪ Agricultural (cultivated or harvested) land
▪ Agricultural area improved by drainage, irrigation, terracing and so on as a
percentage of the total agricultural land
▪ Production and yield rate of crops
▪ The intensity of cropping
▪ The number of livestock species and/or units per economically active person
in agriculture.
▪ Institutional and non-institutional loans per household.
▪ The percentage of the economically active population in agriculture.
▪ The percentage of the economically inactive population in agriculture.
▪ The percentage of areas covered by the size of groups of agricultural
holdings or holders.
▪ Agricultural laborer as percentage of population economically active in
▪ The average wage rate of agricultural laborer.
▪ The percentage of community heads without land.
▪ The percentage of households who own their houses (or sites).
▪ The percentage of households in dwellings which are in good condition.
▪ The percentage of households with specified facilities, e.g. piped water,
sanitation, electricity.
▪ The primary school enrolment ratio.
▪ The primary school attendance ratio R the total adult literacy rate.
▪ The percentage of adult rural population participating in designing,
monitoring, and evaluating agricultural and rural development programmes.
Neelameghan has discussed the information needs in several specialized
activities, for example, community development planning, government and
administration, and socio-economic development.
▪ Their general attitude towards people and organizations.
▪ How friendly, knowledgeable, and efficient the members of the information
unit are the various products and services of the information unit how the
user formulates their queries.
▪ How they make use of the information they obtain how user-friendly the
information system is.
▪ How effective the marketing policy of the information unit is.
▪ How effective the unit’s ‘user education’, ‘user sensitization’, ‘user
orientation’, and ‘user assistance’ programs are?
1. Identify which information search method will best suit your objective, and
a plan of operation, and based on terms that appropriately represent the
search concept, and features of the retrieval system concerned.
2. Make a complete strategy for the user searching a database that has
controlled index languages.
3. Consider you have decided to adopt a model-based approach for information
retrieval. Discus the pros and cons of user-centered/cognitive models and
system-centered models in the view of your situation.
Pao, M. L., Concepts of Information Retrieval, Englewood, CO, Libraries
Atherton, P., Handbaok of Information Systems and Services, Paris, Unesco, 1977.
Guinchat, C. and Menou, M., General Introduction to the Techniques oflnformation
and Documentation Work, Paris, Unesco, 1983.
Taylor, R., Question-negotiation and Information Seeking, College & Research
Libraries, 29 (3), 1968, 178—94.
Xie, I., Interactive Information Retrieval in Digital Environments, Hershey, IGI
Publishing, 2008.
Belkin, N. J., Oddy, R. N. and Brooks, H. M., ASK for Information Retrieval, Part
1, background and theory, Journal of Documentation, 38 (2), 1982, 61—71.
Page #
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 61
Objectives ................................................................................................................... 61
Action……... ......................................................................................… 62
Review Of Results .................................................................................. 62
Refinement .......................................................................................….. 62
5.2 Information Seeking And User Interfaces ....................................................... 63
The user interface forms an important component of an information retrieval
system since it connects the users to the organized information resources. User
interfaces perform two major functions: they allow users to search or browse an
information collection and they display the results of a search. They also often
allow users to perform further tasks, such as sorting, saving and/or printing search
results, modifying a search query, and so on. The user interface is therefore the
most important component of an information retrieval system that a user can see
and interact with. The success of an information retrieval system depends
significantly on the design and usefulness of the user interface. Hence a significant
amount of research has taken place in the past few decades on the design, use and
evaluation of user interfaces to various kinds of information retrieval systems.
After reading this unit you would be able to:
i. Acquire information about the framework for interface design and how the
user interface forms an essential component of an information retrieval
ii. Know to get the correct visualization technique of the user interfaces by
precisely facilitating rapid and uncomplicated communication
iii. Comprehend the essential criteria of user interfaces for browsing and
iv. Understand key evaluation criteria of user-centred design of interfaces
Information searching is a complex process. It involves several stages and at each
stage a number of actions are taken, and decisions are made. The information
retrieval system and the user interface may provide support in performing these
actions and in making appropriate decisions. Shneiderman, Byrd and Croft divide
the major activities in an information search process into four major phases:
formulation, action, review of results and refinement. They propose that this four-
phase framework for interface design will provide common structure and
terminology for information searching while preserving the distinct features of
individual digital library collections and search mechanisms.
Usually, a search button needs to be pressed to conduct a search. In some cases, the
user just needs to press <CR> to activate the search process. Once the search begins,
the user is usually expected to wait until the search process is completed.
Sometimes this may take a long time and thus may be quite frustrating. In some
cases, the interface prompts the user that the search is being processed; it may also
tell the user about the progress of the search. A very appealing method of
information searching uses ‘dynamic queries’ where there is no search button; the
result set is continuously displayed and updated as phases of the search are
Information retrieval interfaces usually offer various choices to the user for viewing
results by seeking the size of the display, the display format, and the sequencing of
the retrieved items (sorted by author, date, and so on). Some interfaces use different
visualization techniques for the display of search results. Some interfaces also use
helpful messages to explain the results, for example, commentary on the degree of
relevance. Some search results screens show the format of the different retrieved
items. Many systems display search results that are sorted in order of relevance, but
also provide an additional option(s) for sorting the results by other criteria, for
example, alphabetically.
Search interfaces provide different facilities for modifying and refining queries. In
some cases, users need to reformulate the search statement and conduct a new
search, while in other users can refine a search and conduct a new search on the
retrieved set. For example, in Dialog search, each search is automatically given a
set number, and the user can call any search set and refine the search statement to
conduct a search on the previously retrieved set of results. Some information
retrieval systems provide a thesaurus interface to help users formulate or modify
Interface design is pivotal to the effective use of an information system, and the
application environment of information retrieval systems has its own distinctive
needs and characteristics, which need to be understood and addressed in design.
Hearst comments that a user interface designer must make decisions about how to
arrange various kinds of information on the screen and how to structure the possible
sequences of user-system interactions.
Marchionini provides a description of the essential features of interfaces to support
end-user information. seeking and suggests five information seeking functions:
problem definition, source selection, problem articulation, result exam- ination and
information extraction. He argues that much of the interface work has focused on
problem articulation (including query formulation) and that other functions need to
be investigated in designing information-seeking interfaces. Marchionini and
Komlodi discuss the evolution of interfaces and trace research and development in
three areas: information seeking, interface design and computer technology. They
provide a brief review of interfaces to online information retrieval systems as well
as to the online public access catalogues. They also discuss the new generation of
user interfaces influenced by the emergence of the web. They conclude that
interface design has become more user-centered, and the trend is toward more
mature interfaces that support a range of information-seeking strategies.
▪ perspective wall: resembles a grey wall folded into three parts and provides
a sort of fish-eye view; the center panel provides a detailed view and the two
wings provide a contextual view; suitable for information that has a linear
▪ cone tree: provides a fish-eye view by displaying the closer nodes larger and
brighter than the farther nodes; suitable for information that has a
hierarchical structure
▪ document lenses: used to focus on one page in a document
▪ Hyperbolic tree browser: used to show the hierarchical structure of a
collection as a hyperbolic tree (for a demonstration from the Universal
Library site see )
▪ brushing and linking: connects two or more views of the same data such that
a change to the representation of one view affects the representation of the
▪ panning and zooming: mimics the actions of a movie camera, which can scan
sideways across a scene, called panning, and can move in for a close-up or
back away to get a more distant view, called zooming
▪ focus plus context: one portion of the collection is made the focus of attention
by making it larger while shrinking the surrounding objects that form the
2. relate: consult with peers and mentors
3. create: explore, compose, and evaluate possible solutions
4. disseminate the results and contribute to the digital libraries.
1. The need for measures with which to make merit comparisons within a single
test situation. In other words, evaluation studies are conducted to compare
the merits (or demerits) of two or more systems
2. The need for measures with which to make comparisons between results
obtained in different test situations, and
3. The need for assessing the merit of a real-life system.
Swanson states that evaluation studies have one or more of the following
▪ to assess a set of goals, a program plan, or a design prior to
implementation R to determine whether and how well goals or
performance expectations are being fulfilled
▪ to determine specific reasons for successes and failures
▪ to uncover principles underlying a successful program
▪ to explore techniques for increasing program effectiveness
▪ to establish a foundation of further research on the reasons for the
relative success of alternative techniques, and
▪ to improve the means employed for attaining objectives or to redefine
sub-goals or goals in view of research findings.
▪ To what extent does the system meet both the expressed and latent needs of
its users’ community?
▪ What are the reasons for the failure of the system to meet the users’ needs?
▪ What is the cost-effectiveness of the searches made by the users themselves
as against those made by the intermediaries?
▪ What basic changes are required to improve the output?
▪ Can the costs be reduced while maintaining the same level of performance?
▪ What would be the possible effect if some new services were introduced, or
an existing service were withdrawn?
As with any other system, we expect the best possible performance at the least cost
from an information retrieval system. We can thus identify two major factors:
performance and cost. Now, if we try to determine how we measure the
performance of an information retrieval system we have to go back to the question
of its basic objective. We know that the system is intended to retrieve all those
documents in a collection that are relevant to a given query while holding back all
those documents that are not relevant. The system, therefore, should retrieve — and
only retrieve relevant items. The question of relevance thus becomes an important
factor. We shall come to this issue shortly. We also want to assess how
economically a system performs. The calculation of costs of an information
retrieval system is not easy, as it involves several indirect methods of cost
Lancaster lists the following major factors to be taken into consideration for cost
and multidimensional relevance.’ In 1966 Claverdon identified six criteria for the
evaluation of an information retrieval system:
1. Recall: the ability of the system to present all the relevant items
2. Time lag: the average interval between the time that the search request is
made and when an answer is provided
3. Effort, intellectual as well as physical, required from the user in obtaining
answers to the search requests
4. Form of presentation of the search output, which affects the user’s ability to
make use of the retrieved items, and
5. Coverage of the collection: the extent to which the system includes relevant
Vickery identifies six criteria, grouped into two sets:
Set 1:
▪ Coverage: the proportion of the total potentially useful literature that
has been analyzed
▪ Recall: the proportion of such references that are retrieved in a
▪ Response time: the average time needed to obtain a response from
the system.
These three criteria are related to the availability of information, while the
following three are related to the selectivity of output:
Set 2:
▪ Precision: the ability of the system to screen out irrelevant references
▪ Usability: the value of the references retrieved, in terms of such factors
▪ As their reliability, comprehensibility, and currency
▪ Presentation: the form in which search results are presented to the user.
In other words, an attempt is made to find out the different parameters and their
interrelations with a view to assessing their contribution to the overall performance
of the system. The first step of an evaluation study entails the preparation of a set
of objectives that the given study is going to meet. The purpose and scope of the
whole evaluation programme are set at this step. How the evaluation study will be
conducted is also considered — in a laboratory-type set-up or in a real-life situation,
at what level it will be evaluated — macro evaluation or micro evaluation, and so
on. The probable constraints — in terms of cost, staff time, and so on, are also
mentioned at this stage. In fact, a detailed plan is chalked out at this stage that forms
the basis of the rest of the programme.
Step 2 Once the basic objectives are set and the proposed plans are outlined, the
designer goes on to identify the points on which data are to be collected. At this
step the parameters on which data are to be collected are determined, and the
methodology is proposed. A detailed plan of action is to be prepared which is to be
followed for the collection of data. It is also necessary to draw up a plan for the
proposed manipulation of data for reaching a conclusion. It may be noted that while
conducting an evaluatprogramamme, the designer might need to control some of
the parameters of the system. It is therefore necessary that, while preparing the
detailed plan of action, the designer points out which parameters are to be held
constant during the study and how this is to be done. In most cases, the detailed
design of an evaluation programme is prepared by supervisory staff and systems
analysts, while the actual evaluation study is executed by other staff members. It is
therefore required that the design should be clear at all points. The design should
also mark the major caution points where more care is needed to avoid faults.
Step 4 The whole fate of the evaluation programme rests upon the method of
interpretation of results and its accuracy. On the one hand the evaluator has a set of
objectives of the evaluation programme, and on the other the observations — the
data collected on different parameters. Although the methodology for manipulation
of the data is determined at the design stage, the evaluator might need to make some
changes to arrive at a better conclusion. Once the data have been manipulated in a
suitable way, the evaluator gets a set of results that is to be interpreted in the light
of the set of objectives. The evaluator might need to conduct a failure analysis to
justify the results and also suggest improvements. Lancaster mentions that the joint
use of performance figures and failure analysis should answer most of the questions
identified in the objectives of the evaluation.
Step 5 Finally, the retrieval system is modified, if necessary, considering the results
of the evaluation study.
While the classical information retrieval parameters, such as recall and precision,
have been used in information retrieval experiments for over four decades, applying
them — especially recall — in the modern-day online information retrieval
evaluation, is a difficult task. Hence researchers have proposed, and experimented
on, new retrieval parameters such as relative recall. These are discussed in the
following unit.
1. Identify four- phase framework for your interface design that should provide
common structure and terminology for information searching while
preserving the distinct features of individual digital library collections.
2. Make a complete strategy for designing a user-interface for your information
retrieval system in the view of Shneiderman’s guiding principles for the
design of user interfaces.
3. Configure the salient features of icons, color highlighting, windows and
boxes for the effective visualization of your interface.
Lancaster, F. W., The Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Information Retrieval and
Dissemination Systems, Journal of the American Society for Information
Science, 22 (1), 1971, 12-27.
Keen, E. M., Evaluation Parameters. In Salton, G. (ed.), The SMART Retrieval
System: experiments in automatic document processing. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1971, 7W111.
Swanson, R. W., Performing Evaluation Studies in Information Science. In King
D. W. (ed.), Key Papers in Design and Evaluation of Retrieval Systems, New
York, Knowledge Industry, 1978, 58-74.
Cleverdon, C. W., User Evaluation of Information Retrieval Systems. In King, D.
W. (ed.), Key Papers in Design and Evaluation of Retrieval Systems, New
York, Knowledge Industry, 1978, 15W165.
Lancaster, F. W., Information Retrieval Systems. characteristics, testing and
evaluation, New York, John Wiley, 1979.
Roberts, S. A. (ed.), Costing and Economics of Library and Information Services,
London, Aslib, 1984.
Saracevic, T., Relevance: a review of and a framework for the thinking of the notion
in information science. In King, D. W. (ed.), Key Papers in Design and
Evaluation of Retrieval Systems, New York, Knowledge Industry, 1978,
Mizzaro, S., Relevance: the whole history, Journal of the American Society for
Information Science, 48 (9), 1997, 81£r-32.
Vickery, B. C., Techniques of Information Retrieval, London, Butterworth, 1970.
Salton, G. and McGill, M. J., Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval, New
York, McGraw-Hill, 1983.
Fugmann, R., Subject Analysis and Indexing.- theoretical foundation and practical
advice, Frankfurt, Indeks Verlag, 1993.
Page #
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 75
Objectives ................................................................................................................... 75
6.1 Online Searching ............................................................................................. 76
6.2 Development of online Searching ................................................................... 76
6.3 Online Search Services .................................................................................... 77
6.4 Basic Steps In An online Search...................................................................... 78
6.5 Features of An online Search Service: Dialog Web ........................................ 79
6.6 Steps in A Dialog web Search ........................................................................ 80
6.6.1 Guided Search ...................................................................................... 80
6.6.2 Choose A Search option and Carry out Search .................................... 80
6.6.3 Display Search Results ......................................................................... 81
6.7 Command Search............................................................................................. 82
6.8 Dialog Search operators .................................................................................. 84
6.9 Cd-Rom Databases .......................................................................................... 84
6.10 Cd-Rom Technology ....................................................................................... 85
6.11 Accepted Standards ......................................................................................... 85
6.12 Cd-Rom Vs online Databases .......................................................................... 86
6.13 Common Search Features Available In Cd-Rom Databases ........................... 86
6.14 Multimedia information Retrieval ................................................................... 87
6.14.1 Audio Information Retrieval .............................................................. 87
6.14.2 Speech Retrieval ................................................................................. 87
6.14.3 Music Retrieval .................................................................................. 87
6.14.4 Image Retrieval .................................................................................. 88
6.14.5 Image Retrieval Queries ..................................................................... 89
6.15 Discussion ....................................................................................................... 89
6.16 Activities ......................................................................................................... 89
6.17 Self Assessment Questions .............................................................................. 89
6.18 References ....................................................................................................... 90
Online information retrieval involves searching remotely located databases through
interactive communication with the help of computers and communication
channels. The database can be accessed by the user directly or via a vendor (supplier
of online services), in each case through the computer and communication network.
The term ‘online retrieval’ can thus be used to indicate the information retrieval
services available from producers of databases, or vendors of these databases.
Although online information retrieval systems have existed for more than three
decades, recent developments in the internet and World Wide Web have brought
significant changes and improvements in the online information retrieval
environment. This unit discusses the basic concepts of online information retrieval.
Computers have traditionally been used to process numeric as well as textual
information. However, although text (including numeric figures, tables, and so on)
has been the most used medium, information can be communicated by sound, by
picture (graphics), and moving images. Human beings have been communicating
information in textual form for centuries and libraries and information centers have
been engaged in making this kind of information available to the user community.'
There are many fields of work that require access to non-textual information. For
example, medical professionals need access to X-rays, architects to building plans,
ornithologists to bird calls, estate agents to property photographs, and car engineers
(and buyers) to photographs and sounds of car engines. In these and in many other
fields non-textual is at least equally as important as textual information. With the
recent advances in quality and reductions in the price of display and storage
technology, computers are being used more regularly for storage and handling of
moving images, animation, and sound, in addition to text and numerals.
After reading this unit you would be able to:
1. Understand the online information retrieval systems and their use and how
they can be used to indicate the information retrieval services available from
producers of databases?
2. Learn to develop online searching services using the basic steps in an online
3. Understand the differences between CD-ROM VS online databases
4. Learn multimedia information retrieval and how audio can be used for
information retrieval
The phrase ‘online searching’ was originally used to describe the process of directly
interrogating computer systems to resolve requests for information. Now the phrase
is used to denote searches that are conducted by means of a local computer that
communicates with a remote computer system containing databases. Users can
access the database(s) via an online search service provider (also called vendor).
The search process is interactive, and the user can conduct the search iteratively
until a satisfactory result is obtained.
With the advent of the internet and World Wide Web, the connotation of online
searching has changed. Now we can conduct online searches through the
worldwide. Web on information sources that are distributed all over the world. For
searching these information sources through the web, we can go straight to the web
page of the service provider so long as we know the URL ( Alternatively, we can try to locate the information
source(s) by searching through the web search engines (the retrieval programs that
help us search the web) such as AltaVista and InfoSeek, or through subject
directories or gateways (subject directories that can be navigated to reach a
particular information source or a group of similar sources) such as Yahoo! and
This unit discusses the former type of online service, the traditional online service
characterized by a remote online database search service offered commercially by
a search service provider or vendor. One major advantage of this kind of online
searching is that it is designed to be pay-as-you-go, and therefore each search
session can be costed. Another advantage of online searching is its speed and the
currency of the data retrieved. Originally online search services were very
expensive and could be complex, and therefore intermediaries were needed to help
end-users conduct an effective and efficient online search. However, over the year
online search services have become less expensive and more user-friendly. As a
result, they can now be used by end-users themselves.
mere bibliographic references. These databases are either full text, where the full
texts of documents (including graphics and pictures) are available or databanks that
contain machine-readable numerical (often combined with textual and graphical)
Rowley identifies three generations of online searching:
➢ The first generation, from the beginning to 1981, was characterized by dumb
terminals, slow transmission speeds, and mostly bibliographic databases
➢ The second generation, which lasted through the 1980s, was characterized by
PCs as workstations, medium transmission speeds, bibliographic as well as
full-text databases, and interfaces directed at the end-users
➢ The third generation, which started at the beginning of the 1990s, is
characterized by multimedia PCs, higher transmission speeds, bibliographic
as well as full-text databases, and improved user interfaces, help and tutorial
To this we can add a new, fourth, generation, which started at the end of the 1990s
with web access to online search services. Nowadays, users can go directly to the
web address of an online service provider whereby they will discover a screen to
log in to the service. Web-based online search services, such as Dialog Web, OVID
Online, OCLC First Search, provide fast and easy access to online databases with
several search and retrieval facilities. The qualities of online search services
coupled with the advantages of the world wide web have brought significant
developments to online search systems and have made online searching more
directed towards end-users.
The growth in the database industry can be interpreted in terms of the number of
vendors or service providers, database producers, databases, database records and
online searches. There are several publications that regularly record the growth of
online information retrieval, the most prominent publication in this field now being
the Gale Directory of Databases (2002) and the most prominent author being
Martha Williams.
Online search services, or vendors, are those organizations that provide value-
added processing to the databases and offer search services. The following
are some examples of online search services:
▪ Dialog ( A pioneer in online search services, Dialog
provides online access to over 800 million records in 900 databases in
different disciplines.
▪ OCLC First Search ( This provides library users
with instant online access to more than 72 databases, including these
valuable OCLC databases: OCLC World Cat, OCLC First Search Electronic
Collections Online.
several activities, the first being the selection of appropriate terms and/or
phrases. This may require the user to consult dictionaries and thesauri. Once
the appropriate search terms and/or phrases are chosen, the search expression
must be formulated. At this stage, the user should understand the nature,
content, and structure of the chosen database(s) and know which fields are
indexed and therefore can be searched. The user also needs to know what
search facilities are available, such as Boolean search, truncation, field-
specific search, proximity search, and so on, and the appropriate operators.
The search operators and syntax for formulating search expressions vary
from one search service to the other. Many search service providers have
different interfaces for novice and expert users. If the users want to use the
expert search interface, which may be command-driven, they have to possess
a knowledge of the various search commands and their order of execution.
7. Select the appropriate format for display. Online search services allow users
8. Select an appropriate format, from several predefined formats, to display the
retrieved records. However, there may be charges for the records displayed.
For example, when searching Dialog, charges incurred include output and
search time costs, as well as internet charges; prices also vary by database.
9. Therefore, one must be very careful in deciding which record(s) to display
and in which format to display them. If the option for the display of the full
record(s) is chosen, the process may take some time, depending on the
network traffic. However, each online search service provides an option for
a brief display, which shows the brief details of the output records, and users
may select records from this list for a full display.
▪ social science and humanities including education, information science,
psychology, sociology, and science, from public opinion, news, and leading
scholarly and popular publications
▪ general reference information — people, books, consumer news and travel.
Users can search and retrieve information from all these different types of
information sources using:
▪ Guided Search mode, which does not require knowledge of the Dialog
command language
▪ Command Search mode, which allows experienced users to use the Dialog
command language
▪ database selection tools, which help users pinpoint the right database for a
▪ integrated database descriptions, pricing information, and other search
▪ easy to use forms to create and modify Alerts (current awareness updates).
Dialog search results are available in HTML or text formats. Users have a
choice of displaying records or sending search results via e-mail, fax, or
postal delivery.
ready-made search form with databases pre-assigned to the form.
1. Dynamic Search, which is available in all the subject categories. The
Dynamic Search form is generated based on the category or database that is
2. Dynamic Search has access to many more databases in comparison to the
Targeted Search and is more flexible.
3. Targeted Search is the easiest type of search to perform. The user can enter
the search word or phrase as ‘Words in Title’ or as the ‘Main Subject’.
4. Dynamic Search is available at various points in the search category
selection process or when a user chooses the Quick Functions option in New
Search and enters a specific database number. The Dynamic Search
capability is available no matter what category or database is picked. In a
category with many databases assigned to it, a user can search:
▪ all the databases together
▪ a group of similarly designed databases together
▪ one of the assigned databases individually
If a user has chosen the Dynamic Search option and has decided to conduct
the search on all the 12 databases under the ‘Library and Information
Science’ category, the ‘Dynamic Search’ screen is shown. The Dynamic
Search forms also offer the following options:
▪ Navigation: The search category selections display at the top of the form. To
return to a category or option, the user clicks the search category or option
▪ Run Saved Strategy: If a user has already saved a search strategy, it can be
run against the selected databases by clicking Run Saved Strategy.
A list of the databases used in the search is displayed at the bottom of the form. The
info (i) icon gives more information about the database content and pricing. In the
Dynamic Search screen, users can enter a search term or phrase and conduct the
search on the subject, author, and descriptor or title field. A search can also be
restricted by the year of publication, and the user can browse the list of items by
author or year of publication.
▪ view the prices for all format options
▪ save the strategy for future use
▪ create an Alert for automatic updates on the search topic.
After the search has finished processing, the Picklist page will appear. Users can
choose to view results by selecting one or more items by checking the boxes and
then selecting the display button or can display any one record just by clicking on
the hyperlinked title. The format for display is chosen from the ‘Format’ box and
the records are sorted according to a sort criterion chosen from the ‘Sort by’ box.
The search expression can be refined by clicking the ‘Back to Search’ button, which
allows users to edit, add or delete information from the search form.
database(s) to search by entering the file numbers and even changing their
search strategy in the command line.
STEP 2 Choose a search option to carry out search: Once the databases are
chosen, the Dialog Command Search page appears. It can also appear:
➢ after log-in if it is set as the default
➢ when the Command Search link from the main Guided Search page is clicked
R when the Begin Databases button from Databases is clicked for browsing.
The appropriate BEGIN or ‘b’ command is inserted in the command line
automatically when a search has been made in Databases and one or more
databases have been selected. Users can add the CURRENT command to
their BEGIN statement by typing in ‘current’ after the command. This allows
them to search the current year and one year earlier and narrows the search
results at the beginning. Then they click the Submit button or press the
ENTER key on the keyboard to start the search.
command, in order to search more than one database.
Select Steps or SS internet and Creates a set for each search term/phrase and one
ss information for the entire search. This is useful when a multi-
word search term is given; later on, you can just
call the set with any constituent term to conduct
another search
Oft Sort s1/all/au,ti Sorts the results of a search set (set1 for the given
example) by one or more sort keys (here author
and title). Each database has a list of sort keys that
can be used. You can click on the ‘Sort’ button to
get a list of sort keys for a given database
Rank Rank de,id Conducts a statistical analysis on the existing
search set. Dialog extracts the specified fields
from the record and lists them in a ranked order
Technology, which made it capable of storing textual data. CD-ROMs and audio
CDs are both mass-produced using the same physical mastering and replication
processes the main difference between them is that additional error detection and
correction features are required for accurate retrieval and representation of data on
a computer screen.
Optical storage devices were developed in several parallel tracks geared for
different sectors of the market. The range of optical media may be divided into
three major functional groups:
➢ read-only optical media
➢ write-once optical media
➢ erasable/rewritable optical media.
➢ the software that writes the data in that format (the origination software)
➢ the software that reads and translates the logical format for use (the
destination software).
The logical format of the CD-ROM is concerned with determining where to put the
identifying data on the disc, where to find the subdirectories or directories of files
on the disc, how the directory is structured, whether subdirectories are supported,
how many files can be stored on a CD-ROM, the performance cost of storing a
large number of files, how large an individual file can be, whether files can span
multiple volumes and whether files must consist of sequential consecutive sectors.
The logical format is broken into two distinct structures: the volume table of
contents (VTOC) and the directory structure. The VTOC contains information
about the disc, including the location of the disc directory. When the file- manager
begins reading a disc, it reads the VTOC before anything else. The directory
structure specifies the exact locations of the files on the disc.
A number of groups have been involved in the formation of a CD-ROM logical
standard, including:
Multimedia systems use information and communication technologies for the
integrated storage and retrieval of information in the form of numbers, text, images,
audio and video. Multimedia information has some specific characteristics that
makes it distinct from textual information; thus, multimedia information retrieval
systems differ from conventional text retrieval systems. Early works on image
retrieval, which were based on the textual annotation of multimedia documents,
began in the late 1970s, more advanced multimedia information retrieval research.
Music information consists of seven facets:
• pitch: a quality of sound that is related to the frequency
• tempo: information concerning the duration of a musical event
• harmony: related to the attribute of music; a harmony occurs when two or
more pitches sound at the same time
• timbre: an attribute related to the tone, which brings about the aural
distinction between a note played by two different instruments
• editing: related to the performance instructions such as fingering,
ornamentation, and articulation
• text: related to the lyrics, symphonies, and so on
• bibliography: information about the composer, performer, title of the piece,
publisher, and so on.
Downie identifies two major types of MIR systems:
➢ Analytic or production systems, which are intended for musicologists, music
theorists, music composers and music engravers; these systems focus on a
number of facets of music
➢ Locating MIR systems, which are concerned with access to musical works;
in addition to the bibliographic keys, these retrieval systems use timbre and
harmonic features of music.
Query-based music retrieval relies on similarity matching between the query and
the stored music. Archives of MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) files,
which are score-like representations of music, are used for music retrieval. Most
MIR systems, such as those provided by the search engines, use text-based retrieval
techniques. For example, AltaVista music search allows users to search by the name
of the artist, title of the song, and also by file types, such as MP3 (Moving Picture
Experts Group Layer 3 Audio), WAV (Windows Wave), Windows Media, Real or
other file types. Some digital libraries provide access to digital music. One
prominent example is the New Zealand Digital Library (NZDL). Users can search
for music in the NZDL that allows music retrieval by particular notes and keyword
and title. Users can search for particular notes and/or words that appear in the music
document from the search page. Music may be monophonic, when only one note
sounds at a time, or polyphonic.
Image retrieval can be based on metadata (such as the creator, date, or location),
associated text including the human-assigned descriptors, or image characteristics
such as colour, texture and shape. User queries about images may vary depending
on the nature and need of the user as well as the nature and content of the image
collections they are searching. Some of these queries may be based on one or more
attributes of the images, for example, ‘show me the images of Sept 11’ or ‘find
images of F-16 fighter planes built 1990 onwards’, while other queries may
describe the content of the images in some detail, for example:
➢ display illustrations that may or may not be described properly in words, for
example, ‘show me all the images of butterflies with a particular [described]
texture of colour on the wings’ or ‘show me a picture of sunset on a golden
beach [of Malaysia, say] where the sky is appears to take a particular colour
[golden, say]’
➢ display all the images of a particular characteristic, for example, ‘show all
the radiology images of patients with a particular [named] disease’
Multimedia information retrieval has a tremendous potential in different areas.
However multimedia information retrieval, especially content-based retrieval, is a
very complex area, and compared with the history of text retrieval, multimedia
information retrieval is relatively new. Most current research in this area is
cconcerned with many multimedia retrieval systems are now available some of
which were born as an outcome of research projects, while others came out of
commercial interests. Users can now search for large collections of audio, images
and video through the web and digital libraries. More complex and sophisticated
applications of multimedia, especially image and video retrieval, can be seen in the
security and surveillance applications.
1. Identify the traditional online service characterized by a remote online
database search service offered commercially by a search service provider or
2. Your organization has decided to move from CD-ROM databases to ON-
LINE databases. Prepare complete strategy to accomplish the job.
Walker, G. and Janes, J., Online Retrieval. a dialogue of theory and practice,
Libraries Unlimited, 1993.
Rowley, J., The Electronic Library, 4th edn, London, Library Association
Publishing, 1999.
Gale Directory ofDatabases, Vol. 1. Online databases 2003, Vol 2: CD-ROM,
disketle, magnetic tape, handheld and batch access database products 2003,
Gale, 2002.
Forrester, W. H. and Rowlands, J. L., The Online Searcher’s Companion, London,
Library Association Publishing, 1999.
Large, A., Tedd, L. A. and Hartley, R. J., Information Seeking in the Online Age.
principles and practice, London, Bowker-Saur, 1999.
Chowdhury, G. G. and Chowdhury, S., Searching CD-ROM and Online
Information Sources, London, Library Association Publishing, 2001.
Hendley, T., An Introduction to the Range of Optical Storage Media. In
Oppenheim, C. (ed.), CD-ROM: fundamentals to applications, London,
Butterworths, 1988, 1-38.
Hanson, T. and Day, 1. (eds), CD-ROM in Libraries.’ management issues, London,
Bowker, 1994.
Dunlop, M. D. and van Rijsbergen, C. J., Hypermedia and Free Text
Retrieval,Information Processing and Management, 29 (3), 1993, 287-98.
Long, F. L, Zhang, H. and Feng, D. D., Fundamentals of Content-based Image
Retrieval. In Feng, D. D., Wan-Chi, S. and Zhang, H. (eds), Multimedia
Information Retrieval and Management. technological fundamentals and
applications, Springer, 2003, 1-26.
Bertino, E., Catania, B. and Ferrari, C., Multimedia IR: models and languages. In
Baeza-Yates, R. and Ribeiro-Neto, B. (eds), Modern Information Retrieval,
New York, ACM, 1999, 325—43.
Foote, J., An Overview of Audio Information Retrieval, Multimedia Systems, 7,
Olivetti: Video Mail Retrieval Using Voice,
Kassler, M., Toward Musical Information Retrieval, Perspectives of New Music, 4
(2), 1966, 59-67.
Kassler, M., MIR — a simple programming language for musical information
retrieval. In Lincoln, H. B. (ed.), fire Computer and Music, Ithaca, NY,
Cornell University Press, 1970, 299-327.
Page #
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 93
Objectives ................................................................................................................... 93
7.1 Hypertext ......................................................................................................... 94
7.1.1 The History Of Hypertext ..................................................................... 94
7.1.2 Hypertext: Definition And Meaning..................................................... 94
7.1.3 Components Of Hypertext .................................................................... 94
7.1.4 Hypertext Reference Model.................................................................. 95
7.1.5 Hypermedia Systems ............................................................................ 95
7.1.6 Open Hypertext And Hypermedia Systems.......................................... 96
7.2 Markup Languages .......................................................................................... 96
7.2.1 SGML ................................................................................................... 96
7.2.2 XML ..................................................................................................... 97
7.2.3 XHTML ................................................................................................ 97
7.3 Web Information Retrieval .............................................................................. 97
7.3.1 Traditional Vs Web Information Retrieval ........................................... 97
7.3.2 Web Information: Volume And Growth .............................................. 99
7.3.3 Web Information Retrieval: Issues And Challenges ............................ 99
7.3.4 Access To Information On The Web: The Tools ................................. 100
7.3.5 Web Information Retrieval: Evaluation Studies ................................... 100
7.3.6 Information Seeking On The Web........................................................ 100
7.4 Discussion ....................................................................................................... 101
7.5 Activities ......................................................................................................... 101
7.6 Self Assessment Questions .............................................................................. 101
7.7 References ....................................................................................................... 101
In either situation, the user may be referred to one or more places for further
information about the term (its origin, application, and so on). It is very possible
that the inquisitive user may soon lose track of the path that has been traversed and
will be lost in the ‘jungle of information’. These problems typically occur due to
the linear structure of documents, which does not allow users to navigate freely
through different parts of the same or different documents. A non-linear
documents/text structure allows the user to jump from one place in the text to
another: this non-linear arrangement of textual material is called hypertext, where
the term hyper means ‘extension into other dimensions’ converting text into a
‘multidimensional space’.
The introduction and growth of the World Wide Web (WWW or simply the web)
have brought significant changes in the way we access information. Simply
speaking, the web is a massive collection of web pages stored on the millions of
computers across the world that are linked by the internet.' The development of the
web began in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee and his colleagues at CERN (European
Laboratory for Particle Physics in Geneva). They created a protocol, called the
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which standardized communication
between servers and clients. Their text- based web browser was made available for
general release in January 1992. The web gained rapid acceptance with the creation
of a web browser called Mosaic, which was developed in the USA at the National
Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois and was
released in September 1993
After reading this unit you would be able to:
1. Understand the hypertext reference models and hypermedia systems
2. Determine open hypertext and hypermedia system services for the world
wide web.
3. Understand various markup languages for moving from traditional to web
information retrieval.
4. Comprehend to evaluate Web information retrieval
Since the mid-1980s, there has been an explosion in interest in hypertext, along
with the development of many hypertext systems. Indeed, within a span of ten years
or so hypertext (and hypermedia) has brought tremendous changes in the handling
and dissemination of information. However, the concept of hypertext has not been
with us for much longer than 15 years.
The origin of the basic concept of hypertext and hypermedia goes back more than
50 years. In 1945 Vannevar Bush proposed a non-linear structuring of text that
would correspond to the associative nature of the human mind. Although he did not
use the term ‘hypertext’, he described a machine, which he referred to as ‘Memex’
that could be used to browse and make notes in a voluminous online text and
graphics system. Memex would contain a large library of documents, photographs,
and sketches. The idea was that Memex would have several screens and a facility
for establishing a labelled link between any two points (or nodes) in the library.
➢ A document retrieval system may be identified as a hypertext system if its
components include the following:
➢ structural component, consisting of a database of document representations
in which the relationships between documents are explicitly represented,
such that the document representations and relationships between them
together form a network structure
➢ functional component consisting of a retrieval mechanism of a type that is:
➢ navigational — it allows users to make decisions at each stage of the retrieval
process as to the object(s) that should be retrieved next
➢ browsing-based — it allows users to search for information without their
having to specify a definite target.
➢ the flexible linking together of similar or different types of information.
The hallmark of any hypermedia system is its capability to link together related
forms of information in a flexible and easily adaptable manner.
There are four ways of working with hypermedia systems:
➢ hypermedia as a system
➢ hypermedia as an interface
7.2.1 SGML
SGML was accepted as a standard in 1986 (ISO 8879:198614). This standard was
created to provide a set of rules that describe the structure of an electronic document
so that it may be interchanged across various computer platforms. SGML also
allows users to:
➢ link files together to form composite documents
➢ identify where illustrations are to be incorporated into text files
➢ create different versions of a document in a single file
➢ add editorial comments to a file
➢ provide information to supporting programs.
7.2.2 XML
While SGML is too complex and resource-intensive to encode and cannot be
processed as it is by the web browsers, and HTML is too simple and only tells the
browser how to present an element or how to link to another item, XML aims to
offer the best of both worlds. XML is a simple and flexible text format derived from
SGML (ISO 8879). Originally designed to meet the challenges of large-scale
electronic publishing, XML is also playing an increasingly important role in the
exchange of a wide variety of data on the web and elsewhere. It contains a set of
rules for designing text formats that let users structure their data.
Development of XML started in 1996 and has been a W3C Recommendation since
February 1998. The designers of XML simply took the best parts of SGML, guided
by the experience with HTML, and produced something that is powerful and vastly
more regular and simpler to use.
7.2.3 XHTML
During 1999 HTML 4 was recast in XML and the resulting XHTML 1.0 became a
W3C Recommendation in January 2000. XHTML is the successor of HTML, and
a series of specifications has been developed for XHTML. The XHTML family
document types are all XML-based and ultimately are designed to work in
conjunction with XML-based user agents.
➢ XHTML 1.0 is specified in three ‘flavors’ (
➢ XHTML 1.0 Strict — to be used to get a clean structural markup, free of any
markup associated with the layout; this can be used together with W3C’s CSS to
get the font, color and layout effects desired
1. Distributed nature of the web: Web resources are distributed all over the
world, so complex measures are required to locate, index, and retrieve them.
The fact that the computers that are interconnected have different
architecture, and the information resources are created using different
platforms, software, and standards makes the matter more complex. Most
text retrieval systems deal with a set of information resources that is several
times smaller in volume than the web. In addition, text retrieval systems
usually deal with a set of documents that have been created using a set of
standards — hardware, software, and processing standards. When OPACs
retrieve distributed information, they use several standards to process it, such
as the MARC formats, and to index it, such as Z39.50. No such uniform
standard is used for the creation and processing of web information
2. Size and growth of the web: The growth of the web has become more and
more rapid. The processes of identifying, indexing, and retrieving
information become more complex as the size of the web, and hence the
volume of information on the web, increases. Conventional text retrieval
systems have to be tested and modified to make them suitable for handling
the large volume of data on the web.
3. Deep vs. the surface web: Information resources on the web can be accessed
at two different levels. While millions of web information resources can be
accessed by anyone a lot of information is accessible either through
authorized access (information that is password-protected, say) or can be
generated only by activating an appropriate program. Researchers call the
former ‘the surface web’ and the latter ‘the deep web’, with a note that the
deep web is several times larger than the surface web
4. Type and format of the documents: Text retrieval systems deal with textual
information only; the web contains a much wider variety, from simple text
to multimedia information, and a variety of data and documents. Again, these
information resources appear in a variety of formats thereby making the task
of indexing and retrieval more complex.
5. Quality of information: Since anyone can publish almost anything on the
web, it is very difficult to assess the quality of information resources. As
opposed to conventional text retrieval systems, which deal with published
information resources that have some quality control, web information
retrieval systems must deal with many uncontrolled information resources.
6. Frequency of changes: Web pages change quite frequently. This is in sharp
contrast with the input of conventional text retrieval systems, which deal
with relatively static information. Once an information resource is added to
a text retrieval system it does not change its content; at the most the entire
document is removed from the system. Keeping track of the changes in the
millions of web pages and making necessary changes in the information
retrieval system
7. Is a major challenge. Another major problem with the web is that the
resources (web pages) often move. This information needs to be tracked by
the retrieval system to facilitate proper retrieval.
8. Ownership: Information resources that are accessible through the web have
different access requirements: some information can be accessed and used
freely; others require specific permission or access rights, often through
payment of fees. Identifying the rights to access is a major challenge for web
information retrieval.
9. Distributed users: Most text retrieval systems are designed to meet the
information needs of a specific user community. Hence text retrieval systems
usually have an idea of the nature, characteristics, information needs, search
behavior, and so on of the target user community. Web information is in
sharp contrast with this. Ideally the users of an information resource on the
web may be anyone, located anywhere in the world. This imposes a
significant challenge since the designer of a web information retrieval system
will have no idea about the target users, their nature, characteristics, location,
information search behavior, and so on.
10. Multiple languages: Since the web is distributed all over the world, the
language of information resources as well as users varies significantly. An
ideal web information retrieval system should be able to retrieve the required
information irrespective of the language of the query or the source
information. This diversity of language poses a tremendous challenge for
web information retrieval.
11. Resource requirements: A massive number of resources are required to build
and run an effective and efficient web information retrieval system. The
matter is worsened by the fact that there is no single body that would fund
for these resources, and yet everyone wants a good information retrieval
system for access to web information resources.
anyone from anywhere can publish virtually any information, in any language or
format. In other words, information published on the web may be peer-reviewed,
Over the past few years, the web has grown rapidly, and has influenced all sections
of society; most importantly it has brought a paradigm shift in the ways we publish,
organize, seek, and retrieve information. Consequently, web information retrieval
has become a major area of research and business, and there is rapid growth and
huge competition among the various web search tools. Google is the biggest player
in the search engine market and holds almost three-quarters of the marker share in
web searching, although there are many other big and small players in the market.
The web has brought several new challenges in information retrieval, and
companies are investing huge amounts of resources in developing new tools,
technologies, and standards for building improved and more sophisticated web
search tools. As well as the computational and algorithmic approaches developed
and adopted by web search engines, a new group of web search tools has appeared
over the past few years, known as social search engines or social search tools. These
take many forms, ‘ranging from simple shared bookmarks or tagging of content
with descriptive labels to more sophisticated approaches that combine human
intelligence with computer algorithms.
1. Identify the distributed nature of services that you observe in a library that
you think require moving from traditional text retrieval systems to WEB-
based information retrieval.
2. Examine the information retrieval through a search engine. What criteria
were used to produce and rank the results?
Chowdhury, G. and Chowdhury, S., Information Sources and Searching on the
Wide Web, London, Library Association Publishing, 2001.
Poulter, A., Hiom, D. and Tseng, G, The Library and Information Professionals’
Guide to the Internet, 3rd edu, Library Association Publishing, 2000.
Bharat, K. and Henzinger, M. R., Improved Algorithms for Topic Distillation in a
Hyperlinked Environment. In Croft, W. B., Moffat, A., Rijsbergen, C. J.,
Wilkinson, R. and Zobel, J. (eds), Proceedings of the 21st Annual
International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in
Information Retrieval (SIGIR’98), ACM, New York, 1998, 10W111.
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Where could intelligence be manifest in an information retrieval system? The
inclusion of the user in the IR system, and the incorporation of interaction as a
major process in IR, have some significant implications for how we might consider
what would constitute intelligence in an IR system. For instance, under this view,
the idea of the ‘intelligent agent’ seems untenable, at least in its most
straightforward sense. That is, a program which takes a query as input, and returns
documents as output, without affording the opportunity for judgment, modification
and especially interaction with text, or with the program, is one which would not
qualify as an IR system at all. Such a program would fail to know about the user’s
information problem (relying only upon the query, some poor representation of that
problem), and would fail to incorporate that one process which is known to improve
retrieval performance significantly, interaction (especially, but not exclusively,
through relevance feedback). So, although we might say that the representation and
comparison processes might be performed well, and even ‘intelligently’, the system
would not perform intelligently (if by that, we mean well, or effectively).
Another point which this view of the IR system raises is that there are some
processes in the IR system which cannot be performed by any other component
than the user. Interaction is a joint process of user with the other components (also
of the other components with one another), and judgment is a process that can only
be performed by the user. Furthermore, although modification is something that can
be done by the other components of the system with reference to modifying query
or text representation, modification of understanding of the information problem is
something that can realistically be done only by the user. Thus, the idea of the
‘intelligent intermediary’ as being the basis of intelligent IR, although perhaps
necessary, is not sufficient to characterize the complete intelligent IR system.
Similarly, the idea of good IR as being effective IR fails if all the intelligence is
concentrated in only the built system since it thereby excludes the most significant
aspect of effectiveness, the user’s judgment of the comparison performance.
After reading this unit you would be able to:
1. Understand cross language information retrieval
2. Learn machine translation through question-answering systems on web
3. Learn text mining for information extraction on Web
4. Identify information extraction methods
documents in English and then translates those answers into French. CLIR is often
used interchangeably with terms such as ‘cross-lingual information retrieval’,
‘trans- lingual information retrieval’, ‘bilingual information retrieval’ and
‘multilingual information retrieval’.
systems return an actual answer, rather than a ranked list of documents, in response
to a question’ ( However, although it is called a
question answering system, a user does not necessarily have to put a query to the
system exactly in the form of a question. In fact, QA systems aim to deal with a
wide range of question types such as definition and meaning; fact-finding
questions; what, how, and why types of questions; and so on.
1- Identify the processes of recognition, manipulation, and display of multiple
languages in a machine translation.
2- Visit START ( ) the world’s first QA system? Enlist
the various features that make it an intelligent information retrieval system.
Blair, D. C., Language and Representation in Information Retrieval, New York,
Elsevier, 1990.
Grosz, B. J., Weber, B. L. and Sparck Jones, K. (eds.), Readings in Natural
Language Processing, New York, Morgan Kaufmann, 1986.
Obermeier, K. W, Natural Language Processing: an introductory look at some of
the technology used in this area of artificial intelligence, Byte, 12, 1987,
Jacobs, P. S. and Rau, L. F., Natural Language Techniques for Intelligent
Information Retrieval. In Eleventh International Conference on Research
and Development in Information Retrieval, New York, ACM, 1988, 85-99.
Chowdhury, G. G., Natural Language processing. In Cronin, B. (ed.), Annual
Review of Information Science and Technology, 37, Medford, NJ,
Information Today Inc., 2003, 51-89.
Haas, .S. W., Natural Language Processing: toward large-scale robust systems. In
Williams, M. E. (ed.), Annual Review of Information Science and
Technology, 31, Medford, NJ, Learned Information Inc. for the American
Society for Information Science, 1996, 83-119.
Grishman, R., Natural Language Processing, Journal of the American Society for
Information Science, 35, 1984, 291—6.
Warner, A. J., Natural Language Processing. In Williams, M. E. (ed.), Annual
Review of Information Science and Technology, 22, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. for the American Society for
Information Science, 1987
Page #
There are several definitions of digital libraries, many formulated during digital
library research projects. Consequently, these definitions have been influenced by
the people involved in the projects, by their understanding of the concept of
libraries vis-a-vis electronic databases and by the nature of the research project.
Borgman analyses several definitions of digital libraries and concludes that there
are two major classes of definitions: those coming from digital library researchers
— who in the US context are mostly computer scientists and engineers — and those
coming from library and information professionals. The most comprehensive
definition of a digital library, which emphasizes both the technical and the service
aspects of digital libraries, was given during the March 1994 Workshop.
As we have already noted through the preceding units, information retrieval covers
a vast area of study, and it is therefore difficult to keep track of the latest
developments and consequently the trends in research in this field. Moreover,
recent developments in web and digital libraries have brought a major revolution
in information retrieval as many people encounter the web every day. On one hand
information retrieval breaks down barriers of distance, users’ characteristics, and
the nature of digital content; on the other it is now a part of the everyday life of a
much higher proportion of the population than in the past. The web has also raised
people’s expectations; many now expect that every bit of information can be
obtained through the web easily and usually with no cost.
After reading this unit you would be able to:
1. Identify information resources in a digital library through learning common
features of digital libraries
2. Configure the basic design of a digital library
3. Learn the concepts of interoperable systems and its importance for digital
4. Recognize new trends in information retrieval
Digital libraries provide access to different types of information sources in a variety
of formats. For example, a digital library may contain simple metadata or
catalogues of information resources, such as OPACs, or may contain the full text
of documents, images, audio and video materials. The information resources may
be available in different formats, and they may have been produced by using
different types of hardware and software. For example, the text may be in MS
Word, PDF or HTML format; images may be available in GIF or JPEG file formats;
and so on. These information resources may reside on several different servers —
local as well as remote — and they may have been indexed differently. All these
issues make the information retrieval process very complex.
more challenging, and several technical issues need to be considered in order to
build this model.
y library
Digital library
One of the major problems facing digital libraries is the issue of interoperability —
how to get a wide variety of computing systems to work together and/or talk to one
another for access to, and retrieval of, information. Interoperability and
standardization are the most important considerations for digital library designers.
There are different types of interoperability, such as systems interoperability,
software interoperability or portability, semantic interoperability, linguistic
interoperability, and so on. Interoperability among digital library systems can be
achieved by several means, such as through adopting:
➢ common user interfaces
➢ uniform naming and identification systems
➢ standard formats for information resources
➢ standard metadata formats
➢ standard network protocols
➢ standard information retrieval protocols
➢ standard measures for authentication and security, and so on.
➢ Meyyappan, Chowdhury and Foo reviewed the general features and
Chowdhury, and Chowdhury reviewed the information retrieval features of
some selected digital libraries. These are their main observations:
➢ Users can access the collections of a digital library by either browsing or
➢ Although most digital libraries allow users to search the local digital library
collections, some digital libraries provide facilities for federated search or
search across several digital libraries.
• Boolean, proximity, and truncation search facilities are commonly available
search options in digital libraries, although the operators vary. Some digital
libraries provide options such as ‘must also contain’, ‘or may contain’, ‘but
not contain’, ‘should contain’ and ‘must contain’ to activate a Boolean
➢ Keyword and phrase searches are common facilities of digital libraries,
although the techniques for conducting a phrase search differ.
• Right truncation and wild card search facilities are common in many digital
libraries, and a variety of operators, such as ‘%’, ‘*’, ‘@’ and ‘?’, are used
for the purpose.
• Many digital libraries support proximity search differently. One of the
options is to use proximity operators, but the operators vary, for instance
‘Near’, ‘Nearby’, ‘Sentence’, ‘Paragraph’ and so on.
• Most digital libraries allow users to conduct a search on specific fields.
Although most digital libraries allow users to specify the maximum number
of hits, the output is not always ranked, except in a few cases.
• In some cases, users can sort the results of a search using chosen keys.
Usually, the system comes up with a brief output that can lead to the full
records. However, in many cases an output format can be chosen by the user.
Type 2: digital libraries that provide access to some specific type of data, e.g.,
Music Australia, which provides access to music information, or PubMed, which
provides access to health and related information.
Type 3: digital libraries that provide access to a variety of information resources,
one at a time through a specific search interface, e.g., New Zealand Digital Library
Type 4: digital libraries that provide access to only one type of material, but allow
a single or a multiple-site (federated) search, e.g. the Networked Digital Library of
Theses and Dissertations
Type 5: digital libraries that provide access to all the different types of publications
from a given publisher, e.g. ACM Portal.
as ‘Who is the prime minister of Japan? and ‘when’ questions like ‘When did the
Jurassic period end?’ The experimental systems work well as long as the query
types recognized by the system have broad coverage, and the system can classify
questions reasonably accurately. In TREC-the first QA track of TREC, the most
accurate QA systems could answer more than two-thirds of the questions correctly.
In the second QA track (TREC-9), the best performing QA system, the Falcon
system from Southern Methodist University, was able to answer 65% of the
questions. These results are quite impressive in a domain-independent question-
answering environment. However, the questions were still simple in the first two
QA tracks. In the future more complex questions requiring answers to be obtained
from more than one documents will be handled by QA track researchers.
Information retrieval is one of the most fascinating, and yet challenging, areas in
digital libraries. While years of research in text information retrieval are available
to the researchers, the problems are multiplied by the volume, variety, format, and
language of information resources coupled with the problems of the widely varying
nature and requirements of users, and of information producers. Users of digital
libraries should be familiar with the basics of information search techniques as well
as with the information retrieval features of those systems that are accessible
through the modern digital libraries. A number of working digital libraries provide
reasonably good information retrieval features, especially for textual information
retrieval. Results of experimental studies on multimedia and multilingual
information retrieval are promising, and one can expect to see their applications in
the future digital libraries.
1. Suppose your library needs to providing access to a variety of information
resources residing on different computer systems in several parts of the
world to a number of users differing natures and needs. What are the major
considerations and design steps to you make as a digital library designer?
2. Visit the National Science Digital Library (NSDL; in the
USA. Describe its vital components in terms a digital library. How you think
technologically this approach is more challenging and several technical
issues need to be considered?