The Wrist
The Wrist
The Wrist
2 horizontal rows
The carpals are classified as short bones and are composed largely of
cancellous tissue with an outer layer of compact bony tissue
The proximal row of carpals: scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform
The distal row of carpals: trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
Bennet fracture- fracture at the base of the 1st metacarpal
Boxer fracture- fracture of metacarpal neck
Colles fracture- fracture of distal radius with posterior (dorsal)
Smith fracture- fracture of distal radius with anterior (palmer) displacement
Torus or buckle fracture- impacted fracture with bulging of periosteum
AP projection of wrist
o Structures shown: the Carpal Interspaces are better shown in the AP
image than in the PA image. Because of the oblique direction of the
interspaces they are more closely parallel with the divergence of the
x-ray beam
Lateral projection of wrist
o Have the patient rest the arm and forearm on the table to ensure the
upper extremity is aligned in the same plane
o Have the patient flex the elbow 90o to rotate the ulna to the lateral
o Center the IR to the wrist (radiocarpal) joint
o Adjust the forearm and hand, placing the humeral epicondyles and
styloid processes superimposed and perpendicular to the IR so that
the wrist is in a true lateral position
o CR: perpendicular to the wrist joint
o Collimation: adjust radiation field to 2.5 inches proximal and distal to
the wrist joint and 1 inch on the palmar and dorsal surfaces
o Structures shown: a lateral projection of the proximal metacarpals,
carpals, and distal radius and ulna. Can also show anterior or
posterior displacement of fractures
o Evaluation Criteria:
distal radius and ulna, carpals, and proximal half of
superimposed radius and ulna
superimposed metacarpals
o Fiolle was the first to describe a small bone growth occurring on the
dorsal surface of the 3rd CMC joint. He termed the condition carpe
bossu {carpal boss} and found that it is shown best in a lateral
position with the wrist in palmer flexion
PA oblique projection of wrist
o Rest the palmer surface of the wrist on the IR
o Adjust the IR so that the center point is under the scaphoid when the
wrist is rotated from the pronated position
o From the pronated position, rotate the wrist laterally (externally)
until the coronal plane forms and angle of approximately 45o with
the plane of the IR
o Extend the wrist slightly, and if the digits do not touch the table,
support them in place
o When the scaphoid is under examination, adjust the wrist in ulnar
deviation. Place a sandbag across forearm
o CR: perpendicular to the midcarpal area; it enters just distal to the
o Collimation: adjust radiation field to 2.5 inches proximal and distal to
the wrist joint and 1 inch on the sides
o Structures shown: the carpals on the lateral side of the wrist
particularly the trapezium and the scaphoid. The scaphoid is
superimposed on itself in the direct PA projection
o Evaluation Criteria:
Distal radius and ulna, carpals, and proximal half of
45o rotation of anatomy
Slight interosseous space between the 3rd, 4th, and 5th
metacarpal bodies
Slight overlap of the distal radius and ulna
Carpals on lateral side of wrist
Open trapezoitrapezoid and scaphotrapezial joint space
AP oblique projection of wrist
o Have the patient rest the forearm on the table in the supine position
o Place the IR under the wrist and center it at the dorsal surface of the
o Rotate the wrist medially (internally) until the coronal plane forms an
angle of approximately 45o to the plane of the IR
o CR: perpendicular to the midcarpal area; it enters the anterior
surface of the wrist midway between its medial and lateral borders
o Collimation: adjust radiation field to 2.5 inches proximal and distal to
the wrist joint and 1 inch on the sides
o Structure Shown: this position separates the pisiform from adjacent
carpal bones. It also provides a more distinct radiograph of the
triquetrum and hamate
o Evaluation Criteria:
Distal radius and ulna, carpals, and proximal half of
Carpals on medial side of wrist
Triquetrum, hook of hamate, and pisiform free of
superimposition and in profile
PA Projection ulnar deviation
o CR: perpendicular to the scaphoid
o Structures Shown: this position reduces foreshortening of the
scaphoid, which occurs with a perpendicular CR. It also opens the
spaces between adjacent carpals
PA projection radial deviation
o CR: perpendicular to midcarpal area
o Structures shown: radial deviation opens the interspaces between
the carpals on the medial side of the wrist