Analisa X-Ray Fraktur Pada Tulang Belakang
Analisa X-Ray Fraktur Pada Tulang Belakang
Analisa X-Ray Fraktur Pada Tulang Belakang
Neurologic deficit
Spinal midline tenderness
Altered mental status
Distraction injury
Posisi lateral dgn traksi kedua lengan
Swimmers view
Open mouth (odontoid) view
Struktur Anatomis
Better demonstration of the C-7, T-1, and T-2 vertebrae, which on the
standard lateral or oblique projection are obscured by the overlapping
clavicle and soft tissues of the shoulder girdle.
The patient is placed prone on the table with the left arm abducted 180° and
the right arm by the side, as if swimming the crawl.
The central beam is directed horizontally toward the left axilla. The
radiographic cassette is against the right side of the neck, as for the standard
cross-table lateral view.
Plain x-rays, if they show complete lateral visualization of the cervical spine
and include an open mouth view, are fairly sensitive in identifying cervical
spine fractures.
Interpretation of x-rays has limitations. Knowledge of anatomy and clinical
experience are important for accurate interpretation of x-rays.
Landmarks for measurements can be difficult to identify.
A systematic approach to reading cervical x-rays can help reduce the chances
of missing an important injury.